The nature and essence of passive operations of a commercial bank. Passive operations of commercial banks Prospects for the development of new passive operations

The resource base, as an economic factor, has a direct impact on the liquidity and solvency of a commercial bank. The very scale of activity of a commercial bank, and, consequently, the amount of income it receives, strictly depends on the size of the resources that the bank acquires in the market for loan and deposit resources. This gives rise to competition between banks to attract resources.

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Problems of implementing active banking operations

Separately, we can consider the problems that banks face when implementing active operations. Let us consider the range of existing problems in the context of specific types of banks.

  1. Commercial banks (subject to state participation):

  2. Commercial banks (private):

    • The irresponsible attitude of some banks (management staff) towards their clients and their activities in general;
    • Carrying out activities that are contrary to the law;
    • Increase authorized capital bank, due to the establishment of Central Bank standards;
    • Lack of long-term financial resources.
  3. Commercial banks (with foreign capital).

    • Small percentage of capitalization of such banks in the country;
    • Inconsistency between the goals set by the bank and the implementation of their activities in the territory of another state (Russia);
    • Problems that banks have with their head offices due to lack of budgeting.
  4. Commercial banks (with Russian capital).

    • Very large percentage concentration in customer service real sector economics;
    • There is a high risk of bankruptcy of such banks;
    • The contrast between the goals set by banks and the economic interests of the country;
    • Strong influence on the credit policy of banks by government agencies.

Challenges in Active Operations Management

In addition, we can consider the problems of commercial banks in managing active operations.

Let's consider the main problems and their essence:

  1. Incomplete information in credit history. Thus, unscrupulous borrowers may receive new loans without paying off the previous ones in full, due to the fact that data on their credit transactions may not be recorded in their credit history in a timely manner, or may not exist at all.
  2. Unconfirmed client income. In other words, the borrower’s unofficial income. For this reason, many borrowers do not go through the loan approval procedure, and banks cannot find a solvent client.
  3. Lack of long-term financial resources among banks. This problem prevents commercial banks from fully creating for borrowers profitable terms lending.
  4. Poor quality assessment of the client's creditworthiness. Because of this shortcoming, loans issued by banks to such borrowers become problematic.
  5. Difficulty in the return procedure credit funds, in case of client insolvency. This problem leads to increased banking costs and expenses due to lawsuits with insolvent borrowers.
  6. Difficulties in selling collateral. The inconvenience of selling collateral makes it possible for insolvent borrowers to re-mortgage collateral for new loans.
  7. Interest rates are too high. It is the high level interest rates on loans aggravates the process of repaying the principal amount of the loan.
  8. Hidden moments in the activities of banks. Such a problem blocks the bank's path for its further development.
  9. Non-repayment of loans. Due to the decrease in the bank's requirements for its borrowers, the risk of loan default increases.
  10. Misuse of loan funds. This increases the percentage of non-repaid loans.
  11. Poor quality assessment in the field of guarantee. Difficulties arise in collecting loan funds from guarantors in the event of insolvency of the borrowers themselves.
  12. Hidden payments on loans. It's about about hidden information for the borrower on the part of a commercial bank. The bank may hide loan agreement information about additional payments or commissions.
  13. Difficulties in assessing collateral. Thus, the risk of non-repayment of loan funds increases.
  14. Unstable level

IN last chapter I would like to emphasize the great role and need for passive operations carried out by commercial banks. And also characterize and highlight the problems of increasing the efficiency of using the bank’s financial resources. This problem at the time of modern market relations is one of the most pressing problems for commercial banks.

In addition, it is worth noting that the volume of active operations carried out by the bank on the market loan capital entirely depends on the size of passive operations and those resources that are in a commercial bank.

The formation of a resource base includes not only attracting new clientele, but also constantly changing the structure of sources of attracting resources. This is exactly what it is integral part flexible management of assets and liabilities of a commercial bank.

As already noted, the formation of the resource base is carried out at the expense of equity capital, borrowed funds, and issued funds.

Own funds are small specific gravity in total, but they play a huge role in the activities of commercial banks.

An important component of a bank's own funds is its retained earnings. The bank's profit is financial results its activities, which is formed as the sum of the excess of the bank's income over its expenses. Undistributed profit is the profit of the current year and previous years, which remains at the disposal of the bank after paying dividends, taxes and contributions to various funds.

There are a number of objective factors that impede the effective management of the resource base, and banks are faced with the task of overcoming these barriers and improving the resource management system, primarily by increasing their own capital and attracting customer money, as the most reliable sources of attracting resources.

Equity management plays an important role in ensuring the sustainability of liabilities and profitability of the bank. Since the expansion of assets and liabilities without a corresponding increase in equity capital may lead to an inability to cover potential liabilities and to a violation of the mandatory standards established by the National Bank, for example, the maximum ratio between the size of the bank’s authorized capital and the amount of its assets, taking into account risk assessment.

The amount of equity adequacy is affected by the volume, structure and content of active operations. Thus, the bank’s focus on primarily conducting operations is associated with greater risk and requires a relatively larger amount of own funds, and, conversely, the predominance of loans with minimal risk in the loan portfolio allows the bank to successfully work with relatively small own capital.

The general criterion when deciding on the adequacy of equity capital is to maintain its value at a level that would ensure, on the one hand, maximum profit, and on the other, liquidity.

In order to achieve reliability and stability, as well as the possibility of increasing profitable active operations, most banks strive to increase their own capital. Banks are being pushed to do this by a number of important economic factors. First of all, inflation, which, by increasing the size of assets and liabilities, reduces equity. Another important factor is the volatile nature of the economy, which leads to a high risk of loss of banking income. In any case, banks with high degree capitalizations are more reliable and competitive.

The possibility of profit capitalization is directly and directly related to the dividend policy: the more profit is paid as dividends, the smaller its share will be capitalized. Therefore, it is important to find the optimal proportion in its distribution between dividends and the capitalized part.

In conditions of financial instability and underdevelopment stock market Belarusian banks can ensure the growth of equity capital by accumulating profits. Capitalization of profits is often the easiest and least expensive way to replenish share capital.

The key factor influencing the management decision on the distribution of profits between the capitalized part and the dividend share is how quickly the bank can afford to grow its assets in order to prevent an excessive decline in the ratio of equity to total assets.

Despite the enormous importance of profit as a source of growth of equity capital, it is not able to completely solve this problem. In this regard, banks are forced to increase their capital through external sources, which include: sale of shares, issue of debt, sale of assets, rental of certain fixed assets, etc.

The most expensive way to attract external capital is the issue of shares, as it is associated with high costs and high risk.

Along with own capital, others important source The bank's financial resources are attracted funds from clients and credit institutions. Therefore, the effectiveness of bank management is decisively determined by the quality of liability management, the main items of which are deposits.

This solves two main problems:

where the bank can obtain funds at the lowest cost, how management can guarantee deposits sufficient to provide the necessary volume of loans and other financial services for which there is demand.

The ability to minimize interest costs on deposits depends on the reaction of individual groups of depositors to changes in deposit rates. By varying rates for different segments of the deposit services market, banks are able to reduce deposit costs.

Another side of liability management is that to increase the demand for loans and other banking services from the best clients, bankers enter into formal and informal relationships with these clients. This also allows banks to generate additional income.

Increasing competition between banks for deposits of legal entities and individuals has led to the emergence of a huge variety of deposits, their prices and service methods.

Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics, which allows clients to choose the most appropriate form of saving money and paying for goods and services that suits their interests and capabilities.

From the point of view of liability management, to expand active operations and generate profit for the bank, in the best possible way are the growth and diversification of the main types of deposits, which include demand deposits and time deposits. By attracting time deposits the problem of ensuring liquidity of banks’ balance sheets is solved, and with the help of demand deposits - making a profit, since they are the cheapest resource, since the costs of servicing clients’ settlement and current accounts are minimal. Increasing the share of demand deposits in the bank's financial resources reduces the bank's interest expenses and allows for higher profits from the use of these funds in bank assets. But at the same time, current accounts- this is the most unpredictable element of liabilities. Therefore, their high share in borrowed capital greatly weakens the bank's liquidity.

The decisive influence on the volume and structure of deposits in the banking system is exerted by monetary and tax policy government. But the quality of banking management is also of no small importance. As a rule, people like to do business with a company that has comfortable, beautiful premises and professional, attentive employees. Banks that provide better and more diverse services and have automated or other advanced deposit processing systems generally have an advantage over banks with limited services.

An effective tool for successful deposit management is the deposit interest, its differentiation depending on the term and amount of the deposit. The longer the deposit term, the greater interest income must be provided to investors on this deposit. The marketing strategy and goals of the bank play an important role in determining interest rates on deposits. Banks that want to reduce the share of deposits in their liabilities noticeably reduce interest payments and, conversely, try to attract large deposits and long terms, banks offer clients high stakes deposit interest, since the predominance of time deposits allows for effective management of liquidity and solvency.

An effective process of managing bank liabilities involves identifying quantitative and qualitative relationships between equity capital, borrowed funds and assets, on the one hand, and determining the optimal ratio between them, on the other.

Another problem of commercial banks is storing and maintaining the proper volume of required reserves. In most countries in the world, commercial banks are required to maintain a reserve with the central bank against their obligations to customers. The Central Bank sets reserve standards in accordance with the state of the credit market and the objectives of the current monetary policy.

In the Republic of Belarus, the procedure for the formation of required reserves is regulated by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Reservation standards are established by the Board of the National Bank depending on the areas monetary policy for the relevant period.

Thus, on the one hand, commercial banks are trying to increase the volume of raised funds by developing various types additional services, opening new types of accounts, applying a variety of interest policies. On the other side, National Bank carries out regulation by introducing mandatory standards such as: maximum amounts of interbank credit, norms of required reserves, guarantee fund for the protection of deposits of individuals.

Questions for testing in the discipline “Banking”.

1. Banking system, its features and types.

2. Central bank RF. Goals, functions, tasks.

3. Methods and instruments of monetary policy Central Bank RF.

4. Organizational features of activity credit organizations.

5. Types and types of banking operations and transactions.

6. Essence and structure balance sheet credit organization.

7. Lending to individuals in modern conditions. Rates, commissions, types of collateral, methods of collecting overdue debt.

8. Lending principles legal entities in Russian banks.

9. Influence financial crisis 2008-2009 for making credit decisions.

10. Interbank and interbranch lending in modern conditions.

11. Deposit transactions of the population in credit institutions.

12. Settlement and cash services legal entities.

13. Modern means of payment in the banking system. Bank cards.

14. Currency exchange transactions. Provision of safe deposit boxes for rent.

15. Securities market in the Russian Federation. Dealer operations of individuals and legal entities.

16. Brokerage services at a credit institution.

17. Depository. Accounting and storage of securities.

18. Management in a modern systemically important bank.

Question 1. Banking system, its features and types.

Banking system is a system of banking institutions.

Several are known species banking systems:

– two-tier banking system;

– centralized monobanking system;

– unique decentralized banking system – Federal backup system USA.

Currently in the Russian Federation there is a 2-level banking system structure:

– the first level is represented by the Central Bank;

– second level – commercial banks of various profiles, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks.

In addition to the 2-tier structure of the banking system, there is decentralized Federal Reserve System (US Fed).

The banking system of the Russian Federation includes:

a) Bank of Russia;

b) credit organizations;

c) branches and representative offices of foreign banks.

The banking system also includes specialized organizations that do not carry out banking operations, but support the activities of banks and credit institutions.

Question 2. Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Goals, functions, tasks.

Goals activities of the Bank of Russia:

* protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble;

* development and strengthening of the Russian banking system;

* ensuring efficient and uninterrupted functioning of the system.

The activities of the Central Bank of any country, including the Bank of Russia, are aimed at solving the triune problem tasks:

Ensuring stability of purchasing power and exchange rate national monetary unit,

Stability and liquidity of the banking system,

Efficiency and reliability of the payment system.


1) controls gold and foreign exchange reserves Bank of Russia;

2) establishes the rules for making payments in the Russian Federation (cash and non-cash);

3) establishes the rules for conducting banking operations, accounting and reporting for the banking system;

4) carries out state registration, issues and revokes licenses of credit institutions and organizations involved in their audit;

5) exercises supervision over the activities of all banks;

6) establishes and publishes official exchange rates of foreign currencies in relation to the ruble;

So, most main function The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the development and implementation of a unified state monetary policy

Question 3. Methods and instruments of monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Main tools And methods monetary policy of the Bank of Russia are:

1) interest rates on Bank of Russia operations;

2) standards for required reserves deposited with the Bank of Russia (reserve requirements);

3) open market operations;

4) refinancing of credit institutions;

5) currency interventions;

6) establishing guidelines for the growth of the money supply;

7) direct quantitative restrictions;

8) issue of bonds on its own behalf.

Question 4. Organizational features of the activities of credit institutions.

Question 5. Types and types of banking operations and transactions.

1. Passive operations serve to attract temporarily free funds of economic agents to the bank, on the basis of which the resources of a commercial bank are formed. With the help of passive operations, the bank generates both its own and attracted (borrowed) funds.

Main types of passive bank operations

- deposit,

- credit,


Under deposit operations in a broad sense understand operations to attract funds from clients - individuals and legal entities to accounts and deposits.

Credit transactions will be passive if the bank acts as a borrower.

The third type of passive operations banks issuing, that is, operations for the issue and placement of own securities in order to raise funds.

2. Active operations- these are operations to place the bank’s borrowed and own funds in various financial and non-financial assets in order to generate income and maintain liquidity.

The main type of active operations that generate income for the bank:

- credit operations, which constitute about 66% of the assets of Russian banks.

Operations involving the investment of bank resources in securities in banking practice are often called investment operations.

3. Leasing- this is the view investment activities for the acquisition and transfer for temporary possession and use for a fee of the leased asset for its use in business activities.

4. Under factoring understand the process credit servicing supplier of goods in the form of a bank purchase with a discount (discount) of his invoices, the payment period for which, as a rule, has not arrived, in exchange for the right to demand payment from the buyer. Factoring is used if the contract for the sale and purchase of goods provides for a deferred payment (commercial loan).

Question 6. The essence and structure of the balance sheet of a credit organization.

All commercial bank accounts are divided into active (debit) and passive (credit.

On active accounts account is taken of cash balances at cash desks, ATMs, and foreign exchange offices of the bank, loans provided to banking organizations, legal entities and individuals, investments in government and corporate securities, costs of capital investments, accounts receivable, expenses, etc. The bank expects an influx from the use of assets economic benefits(income).

On passive accounts the balance sheet takes into account sources of own and borrowed funds, including balances on current and demand accounts of clients and counterparties of the bank, time deposits and deposits, received interbank loans and deposits, loans from the National Bank, accounts payable, other liabilities and borrowed funds, authorized capital, reserve and other funds of the bank, its unused profit.

The bank's balance sheet contains individual species active-passive accounts, for example, clearing, transit, currency position accounts.

The amount of balance sheet currency (liabilities) is equal to the sum of the bank's sources of resources plus balances in regulatory accounts. The final balance sheet items: total assets and total liabilities - reflect equal amounts.

The main features of the balance sheet structure of a commercial bank include:

1. a significant excess of the share of raised funds over equity capital;

2. small amounts of physical assets (fixed assets);

3. a high share of short-term liabilities in the liabilities of the bank’s balance sheet.

Question 7. Lending to individuals in modern conditions. Rates, commissions, types of collateral, methods of collecting overdue debt.

Question 8. Principles of lending to legal entities in Russian banks

There are a number principles organizations credit process:

1.Principles of relationships with clients. This refers, first of all, to the preferred rate for a given bank, either for long-term or for one-time credit transactions with clients. Banks that think about the future strive to establish long-term relationships that allow good knowledge the client to promptly resolve emerging issues. At the same time, this approach involves improving the quality of customer service, knowledge and satisfaction of their requests, and the development of comprehensive services.

2.Priorities that the bank adheres to in lending. They may concern both the purpose and types of loans issued, as well as the forms of ensuring their repayment.

3. A system of moral values ​​that participants must adhere to credit operations. These are values ​​such as honesty, decency, frankness on both sides. Guide credit policy regulating all aspects of the bank’s work in the credit market, concentrates in itself all the instructive and methodological material on organizing the credit process.

Lending to legal entities is one of the main directions banking business, which has its own specific features associated mainly with the legal status of a legal entity. For example, unlike an individual, a legal entity can be registered in various organizational and legal forms.

Question 9. Impact of the 2008-2009 financial crisis. for making credit decisions.

Ruble devaluation.

Today, in addition to the decline of the stock market, we have a depreciation of the ruble against the main world currencies - the dollar and the euro. That is, the devaluation of the ruble is already a reality, although it is not as sharp as in 1998. In general, a general decline in household incomes is expected amid rising prices for goods and services.

Banking system and citizens' savings.

Tightening of banks' requirements for potential borrowers, increasing rates on newly issued loans, curtailing many mortgage and consumer programs (for example, unsecured and interest-free loans).

The state today does its best to support the sphere banking services, understanding its great importance for the country, but still some small regional banks will not be able to avoid collapse.

The main efforts of the Government are aimed at supporting the largest and most important credit institutions. Therefore, a sore point among Russians today is the safety of their savings.

Question 10. Interbank and interbranch lending in modern conditions.

In the interbank loan market, funds held in correspondent accounts with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are sold and purchased ( required reserves). The interbank loan market is divided into three segments:

Three-month loans;

One - two-month loans;

- “short money” (the shortest loans up to 1 - 12 days, such as overnight, pawn loans).

Question 11. Deposit transactions of the population in credit institutions.

Demand deposits- these are funds in current, settlement and other accounts related to settlements or intended use, as well as demand deposits.

Urgent bank deposits - These are funds deposited in the bank for a period fixed in the agreement. On them, owners are usually paid a higher interest rate than on demand deposits and, as a rule, there are restrictions on early withdrawal, and in some cases, on replenishing the deposit.

Under savings deposits often this means any operations, but only with the funds of the population, including time deposits and demand accounts of citizens.

The effectiveness of attracting funds into deposits is characterized by the share (savings quota) of citizens' funds attracted into deposits and deposits in their income recorded in the balance sheet cash income and expenses, as well as attracted funds from citizens in all types of savings (deposits, deposits, savings certificates, shares, etc.) in their income.

Question 12. Settlement and cash services for legal entities.

Cashless payments– these are settlements carried out through transfers to accounts in credit institutions(from the payer’s account to the recipient’s account) and by offsetting mutual claims. Non-cash payments should be carried out in such a way that payments are made as quickly as possible. short time, allowing to ensure the continuity and acceleration of the reproduction process, the circulation of capital, and the turnover of funds.

In progress non-cash payments relationships arise that create conditions for mutual control of the supplier and buyer over the implementation of business contracts, prevention of non-payments, and on the part of the bank - verification of compliance with established payment rules in the interests of their participants and the legality of transactions settlement transactions. The basis of the non-cash payment system is the bank accounts of enterprises (clients), as well as settlement and monetary documentation.

In the process of making non-cash payments, it is important principles their organizations:

1. Settlements can be carried out through the RCC of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, or through clearing centers, or through correspondent accounts of banks opened with each other on the basis of interbank agreements.

2. The bank may write off funds from customer accounts only by order of the account owner, except in cases established by law.

3. The order of payments from the account is determined by the client at his own discretion, unless otherwise provided by law.

4. The client can independently choose payment forms and fix them in agreements between the payer and the recipient.

5. Mutual claims regarding settlements between the payer and the recipient of funds are resolved by the parties in the prescribed manner without the participation of the bank.

6. Banks are held liable for violations committed when performing settlement operations.

Question 13. Modern means of payment in the banking system. Bank cards.

Currently, plastic cards are a tool that is now modern, accessible to common use and in Lately increasingly competes with what we are used to calling money in cash and non-cash form. They are the closest to cash, already quite established and familiar to users.

Plastic card - this is a general term that summarizes all types of cards, different both in purpose, range of services provided with their help, and in their technical capabilities and the organizations that issue them.

VISA, Master Card, American Express

Bank interested work with cards based on the following considerations:

They allow you to increase the volume of attracted resources, meaning, firstly, the amounts that cardholders must deposit into their special bank accounts. Secondly, these could be insurance deposits, which (Russian) banks resort to to ensure greater reliability of “card” transactions.

For all transactions with cards (purchase, cash withdrawal, conversion), the bank, as a rule, charges a commission. In addition, the client pays for receiving the card itself.

The competitive potential of the bank is increasing, taking into account the global trend of ousting not only cash, but also checks from payment circulation, and the bank’s authority as a participant in innovative processes is growing.

Concerning less pleasant side"card" business, for the bank it is associated with:

Very high costs, especially at the beginning of working with cards (entry into already existing system or organizing your own processing center, costs for technical and software, establishing relationships with stores, etc.

High costs, as well as the poor development of modern means of communication, without which it is impossible to service cards, and some other circumstances make large investments in the card business in Russian conditions very risky.

Question 14. Currency exchange transactions. Provision of safe deposit boxes for rent.

Kinds currency exchange transactions:

Purchase and sale of foreign currency;

Replacement and purchase of damaged banknotes;

Exchange of banknotes;

Verifying the authenticity of banknotes.

The Bank offers services for the rental of individual safe deposit boxes as follows: clients:

For individuals and legal entities for storing funds, valuables and documents;

For individuals to make payments on transactions with real estate and other property;

Private realtors and real estate firms for conducting real estate purchase and sale transactions and storing client funds;

In accordance with the client's wishes, access to the safe can be opened to his authorized representatives.

The tenant gets access to the safe deposit box during the days and hours of customer service at the Bank. The safe deposit box must be opened with two different keys. One (client key) is kept by the tenant, the second (master key) by the Bank.

Tenant access: Tenant access is provided upon presentation by the tenant of the key and identification document.

Trusted person access: Access by a trusted person is possible if you have a key safe deposit box, identification document, and power of attorney.

Question 15. Securities market in the Russian Federation. Dealer operations of individuals and legal entities.

Dealer(in the securities market) is a professional participant in the securities market who carries out transactions with securities on your own behalf and at your own expense.

There are two type of licenses for dealer activities:

For transactions with corporate securities;

For transactions with government securities.

To ensure the execution of transactions, the dealer must have sufficient equity capital, the minimum amount of which is established by law. A dealer can combine his activities in the securities market with brokerage activities.

By accepting obligations to quote securities, dealers create additional liquidity in the stock market. When announcing public quotations, the dealer can communicate other essential conditions necessary for concluding a purchase and sale agreement: the number of securities being purchased (sold), the validity period of the announced prices, etc.

The market participant, knowing the terms of the transaction, evaluates them and, if they suit him, enters into a deal with the dealer on the proposed terms. The dealer is obliged to fulfill this transaction.

Feature Russian legislation regarding securities is that if the dealer has not offered significant terms for the transaction, except for the price, then he is obliged to enter into a purchase and sale agreement for essential conditions proposed by another participant in the transaction. If the dealer evades concluding an agreement on the client’s terms according to the quotes announced by the dealer, a claim may be brought against him to force the conclusion of such an agreement and compensate the client for losses incurred.

When announcing securities quotes, the dealer, as a rule, has information about the state of the issuer. However, this information is not always available to a wide range of market participants. Therefore, the dealer is obliged to disclose information about the issuer and advise clients on the acquisition of certain securities.

Legislative dealer must:

Act solely in the interests of clients;

Provide to your clients best conditions execution of transactions;

Provide clients with all the necessary information about the state of the market, issuers, supply and demand prices, risks, etc.;

Prevent price manipulation and coercion into transactions by providing deliberately distorted information about issuers, securities, price dynamics, etc.;

Conduct transactions for the purchase and sale of securities in accordance with the instructions of clients in priority order in relation to dealer operations, if the dealer combines his activities with brokerage activities.

From carrying out its activities, a dealer can receive income in the form of:

Spread (the difference between the stated purchase and sale prices)


Fees for consultations and provision of information.

Question 16. Brokerage services in a credit institution.

Credit broker is a specialized company the main task which is to help the client obtain a bank loan.

The role of brokers continues to grow, especially in the mortgage market. Unlike other types of loans, the rules of mortgages are more complex; the loan amounts are much higher and the terms are longer.

Moreover, within mortgage lending In addition to the actual issuance of the loan, it is necessary to formalize the purchase transaction of the apartment, insure it and register it as collateral.

All or part of these functions are undertaken by the mortgage broker.

Question 17. Depository. Accounting and storage of securities.

Depository activities - Financial services related to the storage of securities certificates and/or the accounting and transfer of rights to securities.

The depository does quite a lot operations, but among them the following key ones can be distinguished:

1. Services for storing securities certificates - Securities can be stored in the depository’s vault; it is also possible to keep records of securities in intangible form in the form of entries in electronic registers.

2. Services for accounting of rights to securities. The transfer of securities for storage to the depositary does not mean the transfer of ownership rights to these securities to the depository.

3. Settlements for transactions with securities - carrying out transactions on the exchange and over-the-counter markets.

4. Dividend payment services - Accrual and payment of dividends, payment of income tax.

5. Other services - depositories also offer other services, including securities lending, repo transactions, information services, etc.

The depositary is obliged to ensure the safety of securities or rights to securities and act exclusively in the interests of the depositor. The depositary has no right to dispose of the securities, manage them or carry out any transactions with them.

Due to the fact that the securities deposited with the depository are not its property, they cannot be recovered for its obligations.

Question 18. Management in a modern systemically important bank.

1. Management is the science and practice of managing the corresponding object of material funds, financial resources personnel (labor resources) As a science, management reflects the theoretical and methodological foundations of managing certain areas. As a practical activity, management reveals a specific system of organization and management of an enterprise.

2. Banking management has two spheres of management:

Financial management (management cash flows, passing through the bank);

Personnel Management.

3. As a science, banking management includes a number of general theories financial management and bank-specific theories.

To the number general theories financial management include: portfolio theory, capital structure theory, agency relations theory.

TO the theories themselves banking management include the doctrine of banks and banking activities, the theory of liquidity management, the theory of commercial bank reliability.

4. Banking management is a system that includes such elements, How;




Legal support.

5. Goals banking management are specific; they are determined by the goals of the bank’s operation. These goals are divided into economic and social.

6. Tasks banking management follow from the goals and determine the creation of mechanisms that ensure an increase in the value of the bank, its liquidity, protection from external and internal risks, and an effective personnel management system.

Related information.


assets, which corresponds to third place in terms of investment. The share of the retail portfolio of banks, on the contrary, tends to decrease, the share consumer loans decreased from 15 to 13%..

The structural dynamics of other types of assets is not so significant; each of them accounts for less than 4% of the total assets of banks. We are talking about cash, derivatives and other assets.

Conclusion. Based on the analysis carried out in the article, we can say that active operations are operations through which banks place the resources at their disposal to make a profit and maintain liquidity.

Management and analysis of assets of commercial banks is an integral and most important part of financial and banking management, and allows to reduce financial risks credit institutions, optimizing the balance sheet structure in order to ensure high level efficiency of banking operations while reducing costs and complying with existing risk restrictions. .

Also important point is a comparison of the bank's assets and liabilities by maturity. Since difficulties in returning funds to the bank can cause the most serious disruptions in the bank’s operations. Thus, the reliability of the bank will largely be determined by two important quantities - volume loan portfolio(as the main source of risk) and the share of overdue debt (lost assets). List of used literature:

1. Ermakov S.L. Work of a commercial bank: Method. rec. / S.L. Ermakov. - M.: Ales Company, 2010. - 184 p.

2. Kochetkova N.M. Goals and methods of monitoring payment systems / N.M. Kochetkova // Money and credit. - 2013. - No. 1. - pp. 12-15.

3. Website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource], - access mode: URL:

4. Transforming the dialy of bankers and non-bankers of credit and financial institutions in the minds of financial institutions! globatzatl: collective monograph / for zag. ed. O.P. Bondar [O.P. Bondar, W.R. Bayram, K.A. Yagupova ta shh. ] - ^mferopol: "Odzhak", 2012.-246 p.

5. Yagupova E.A. Banking services market // VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference [“Modern economic theory and search for effective management mechanisms”], (March 13-14, 2015). - Simferopol. -C.67-69

© Yagupova E.A., Avrahova Yu.V., 2017

Yagupova E. A.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department public finance and banking Fedorov M.V. Master's student 3 years of study Institute of Economics and Management ( structural subdivision) Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky", Simferopol E-tai: [email protected]



Passive stability operations are operations aimed at forming the attraction of banking resources, the implementation of which is of great importance for each intensive commercial bank. This article analyzes the activities of banks in the context of passive operations,

the main trends, problems were identified and directions for improving the bank’s activities were proposed in order to develop passive operations.


Liabilities, passive operations, commercial Bank, attracted resources, own funds, deposit operations, development of passive operations.


The banking system has become one of the most important areas of the economy; it is its circulatory system. The development of the banking sector is associated with the improvement of both production and circulation. Banks should act as an instrument for the development of enterprises. Banking sector covers from deposit-loan and settlement- cash transactions before financial instruments such as remote banking services, leasing, factoring and others. The contribution to the economic well-being of the intensive population and the state largely depends on the development of the main commercial functions given by sanctions. Typically, the functions of banks are realized through their information operations. The operations of such commercial reliability banks are divided into passive and active operations. The basis for dividing interest-bearing banking operations into passive and active accounts is their material influence on the formation and allocation of natural banking resources.

In 2015, the Russian banking system functioned intensively in rather complex political and economic conditions, which determined the dynamics of emission political situation in Ukraine, relative to sanctions from the involved US and EU countries, the dynamics of the European Union, a significant result from the fall in information prices for oil. Thus, during the year, the deposit sanctions imposed on many deposits by large Russian banks also limited their access to relatively cheap capital sources of financing, stability reduced the liquidity of the Russian banking system, increased the increase in the system as a whole, and reduced the level of development of profitability of credit institutions.

The current resource, political and economic conditions have had a certain negative impact on Russian development banking formation sector, which is expressed, in particular, by the organization in the deterioration of the financial performance indicators of credit institutions. volume

Presentation of the main material. Passive stability of operations is the most important attraction of banking resources, the implementation of which is of great importance for every intensive commercial bank. Firstly, as already noted, the resource base largely influences the capabilities of everyone and the scale of active specific operations that constrain the receipt of bank income. Secondly, stability has decreased banking development resources, their speed and structure are the most important factors influencing the bank's reliability. And finally, the price of resources received by competitors has a volume impact on the size of the growth of banking profits.

Figure 1 - Structure of liabilities banking sector, %


Let us analyze the implementation of passive operations by the banking system of the Russian Federation. The resource base of banks in 2016 continued to expand due to client funds, primarily due to deposits of individuals, as well as resources attracted from resident organizations (Fig. 1)

In 2016, stability of access to foreign sources of material funding for Russian base banks' composition was still limited. This circumstance stimulated the banking complex to more influence and intensive use of further internal sources(Fig. 2).

< 1|>l1.1l |>.t kk i.i iiiii (deposits), ||||||1[ |G"|1|1||s\ credit org;shizzletsitsh

m NPC^LS I i I ■ T |

Deposits (deposits) in rubles Deposits (deposits) in foreign currency

Figure 2 - Growth of the resource base

The volume of funds in the accounts of the main clients increased during the reporting period; the structure increased by 16.5% (in 2014 - by 25.4%), as a result, the share of material funds in the liabilities of the banking sector competitors increased over the year from 56.4 to 62.5%.

Deposits of Russian individuals increased nominally in 2016. In 2016, the impact of clients increased by 27.2% (in 2014 - by 9.4%), excluding the influence of the deterioration of the exchange rate stability factor, the increase in deposits amounted to 18.8%. In this case, the volume of percentage foreign currency deposits increased in their total volume received during the year increased from 29.4 to 31.2%, the main ones with the exception of the influence of exchange rate factor standards, this share also decreased to 25.6%. Deposits accounted for 28.0% of the banking sector's liabilities as of 01/01/2017 (at the beginning of 2016 - 23.9%).

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Figure 3 - Dynamics of deposits of individuals, trillion rubles.


Large providing deposits grew the fastest: the attraction of passive deposits over 1 million in 2016 exceeded RUB. specific information rubles increased by 5.2 trillion, or by 56.2%, with banks’ overall increase in deposits for the year by 5.6 trillion rubles. As a result of the complex, the share of these contributions increased by 8.6 percentage points, the organization to 52.3%; 35.9% of them account for funds on deposits over 4 million rubles. At the same time, the share of stability of deposits from 100 to 700 thousand rubles increased and decreased by 9.2 percentage points in the year to 29.3%. (Fig. 3).

On the increase in the issue cost of funding passive and interest rate risk According to banks, credit organizations responded by reducing the maturity of such deposits, mainly in the year of deposits with high interest rates.

According to the baseline forecast of RAEX (Expert RA), the growth rates of the economy and the banking sector in 2017, as before, will be determined by the dynamics of oil prices and key rate TSB RF. All scenarios assume that the tense geopolitical situation will continue. The number of credit institutions will continue to decline (mainly due to small banks).

Interest rates on deposits will continue to decline due to a decrease in the key rate (including potential ones), lack of lending dynamics and the preservation of excess liquidity, as well as due to an increase in the cost of deposits for banks due to an increase in banks’ contributions to the deposit insurance fund and mandatory reserve ratios (NOR).

Weak growth in the absence of a clear and popular alternative for saving funds will show the volume of deposits attracted by banks due to the unattractiveness of the proposed deposit rates and a decrease in real incomes of the population. A slight difference will be noticeable in the overall money supply growing popularity of alternative investment methods among “advanced” (not mass) investors” ( endowment insurance life, structured investment products, investments in securities, etc.).

Increased bookings will continue to impact the profitability of individual players and the sector as a whole, but to a lesser extent than in this year. Income from securities transactions, maintaining high margins, and commission income will also have a significant impact on profits.

Based on the analysis presented above, the main directions of deposits of activity of a particular bank, stability in the field of passive operations and growth can be as follows:

1. Increasing the organization of equity capital: passive equity capital attracting a bank determines the complex level of information reliability and stability of the bank.

The implementation of the sanctions program for increasing the capital of the bank has decreased, the reliability within which is expected to increase the point due to the reinvestment of the beginning of the received profit deposits will allow increasing the volume of active operations in compliance with the beginning of the mandatory economic volume standards of the bank influence of Russia and which in turn will ensure the received additional income jar.

2. Attracting economic resources: in order to attract the provision of profitable work, the formation of superimposed profits, the bank will thus increase the volume of active operations, they have and, accordingly, the volume of funds attracted and the volume of clients.

The bank determines the following as the main sources of organization for raising funds raised:

Resource funds of individuals - the most accessible from the point of view of the influence of the organization in the year of raising funds - the component of liabilities in the volume of the bank;

Funds accounted for legal entities - the most reliable source of the share of the bank's resources increases in terms of development of maintaining liquidity;

Own structure capital.

The main resource strategic task of ensuring the development of any bank in organizing all areas of attracting intensive client operations is to attract capital from the clientele and increase the resource base, sanctions by:


A set of high-level marketing measures to promote sales of specific bank services to clients, increase the organization of the client base, imposed on an ongoing basis;

Conducting competitors a weighted competitive means of interest and tariff policies based on the influence of regular monthly year monitoring the services of competitors' deposits and the profitability of the bank's operations;

Increasing banks' quality and speed of customer service standards;

Introduction also additional services year and services, development of existing ones and offering new ones lies banking products and interest services using modern computer and information deposit technologies;

Active cash on delivery direct sales of customer information banking services to corporate clients;

Further overcame the promotion of the brand throughout the bank on the market;

The organization has grown and introduced a training system for the new volume of recruited and retrained key employees further in accordance with the current Russian service standards in the bank and approved schemes for the stability of business processes, improving the system material year staff incentives decreased from achieved result;

Expansion of banks in the regional network. Conclusion

Thus, despite the stability achieved to date, there is a serious vulnerability in the Russian banking sector. Despite the fact that the dynamics of the Russian banking system have overcome many problems with the standards of its development, there are a large number of factors that hinder its growth and weaken its stability. In most years, the most serious factors limiting the development of banks are the direction of growth of commercial banks due only to obtaining profits from sanctions, as well as the complex lag in the development of resource banks from existing issuing scientific and technical achievements. A further deterioration in the situation of the structure may also have grown and due to the lack of aspiration of commercial banks, the share of desire to achieve further social and ethical goals has increased in the relationship with both society, compliance and with the authorities, the client bank issuing organization, etc. The banking system of the Russian Federation needs changes. Orientation of funds to new technologies, income and social orientation of passive funds of transactions in accordance with the banking system will allow intensive long term compliance improve economic situation material of both banks and the country as a whole.

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