Analysis of the dynamics of changes in the number of credit institutions. Analysis of the state of the banking sector By federal districts

commercial Bank credit capital

Registration and licensing information credit institutions presented on the website of the Bank of Russia.

If we analyze the dynamics of changes in the number of credit institutions in Russian Federation over the past 5 years (Appendix 1), we can conclude that their number is steadily declining (Fig. 1). At the same time, the number of non-bank credit institutions increased by 11 over 3 years. The number of banks with 100% participation in the capital in the total share of all banks for approximately this period is 7%.

The reason for the decrease in the number of credit institutions is the federal legislation of the country, especially this process is influenced by the Federal Law of 02.12.1990 N 395-1 (as amended on 30.09.2013) "On Banks and Banking Activities":

  • · Unite for the purpose of increasing and preserving capital, i.e. there is a merger of capital;
  • · Large banks buy smaller banks, i.e. absorption occurs;
  • · They are closed due to bankruptcy or in connection with the inability of small banks to fulfill the requirements of the Central Bank for the work and the size of the authorized capital, i.e. self-liquidation or liquidation is carried out by a court decision
  • · The processes of mergers, acquisitions or closings of banks are ongoing, but after the Bank of Russia has raised the bar for the minimum amount of authorized capital, the number of such processes will increase dramatically.

Fig. 1.

In addition, banks are closed in connection with violations of laws. According to forecasts of a number of analysts, which began in the period financial crisis the reduction in the number of operating banks in Russia will continue. Many experts expect a significant reduction in the number of operating banks (to 500), but no one can say for sure how many banks will remain, and whether this will be bad or good for Russia will be seen after a while.

The reorganization of some credit institutions is in full swing, which also reduces the total number of banks in Russia. For example:

  • · On October 22, 2013, the Bank of Russia announced that in accordance with the requirements of Part 5 of Article 23 Federal law dated 02.12.1990 No. 395-1 "On Banks and Banking Activities" the procedure of reorganization of the Open Joint Stock Company "B&N Bank" began in the form of the incorporation of the Innovative Construction Bank "Bashinvest" Closed Joint Stock Company. After the completion of the reorganization, out of 2 banks, you will get 1.
  • · On January 14, 2014, the Bank of Russia announced that, in accordance with the requirements of Article 23 of Federal Law No. 395-1 dated 02.12.1990, the procedure of reorganization of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Absolut Bank" (open joint-stock company) began in the form of joining it KIT Finance Investment Bank (Open Joint Stock Company).

World experience, however, shows that if a bank has found and steadily occupied a certain niche in banking services, then it does not matter whether it is a large or a small bank, the main thing is that it be able to work without violating laws and regulations. The example of small Switzerland, where large and small banks peacefully coexist, and there are so many “indecent” banks that there is nowhere for an apple to fall, is indicative. There is work for everyone, and every bank is needed and to its place. And according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), there were 6,891 banks in the United States at the end of the third quarter of 2013.

Of course, it is very bad when, instead of quality control and effective regulation of banks' activities, we rush from one extreme to another. It would be wiser not to close small banks, and especially in the regions, but to limit them maximum amounts loans issued to one person and to restrict the acceptance of deposits from one depositor by certain parameters, linking all this with the amount of capital, i.e. focusing them on serving small businesses and individuals, and let them work.


The article examines the dynamics of banking institutions, the dynamics of loans issued by banks, as well as interest rates on loans.

  • Analysis of indicators of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise
  • Assessment of the creditworthiness of borrowers as a method of reducing credit risk
  • Problems and Prospects of Investing in Agriculture

The level of provision of the population commercial banks and branches in Russia are currently quite high, although from the majority developed countries Russia lags far behind.

Decline in growth rates banking system RF for 2015-2017 noticeable in the decrease in the number of registered and operating credit institutions (hereinafter CR). Let us consider in more detail the dynamics of changes over three years in Table 1.

Table 1. Dynamics of the number of registered and operating credit institutions (pcs.)

Credit organizations

The change

KO registered by the Bank of Russia or on the basis of its decision by an authorized registering body, total


Non-bank COs

Existing CIs entitled to carry out banking operations, total


Non-bank COs

Source: based on materials

Thus, Table 1 as a whole reflects the negative dynamics of the number of credit institutions registered by the Bank of Russia and operating credit institutions. At the end of 2017, the number of registered credit institutions decreased by 2.7% compared to the previous reporting period (that is, their number decreased by 28 institutions). At the same time, the downward trend is noticeable only in the number of registered banks. In turn, non-bank credit institutions increased in their number both at the end of 2016 and at the end of 2017, but only by 1.4% (per credit card).

It follows from this that the dynamics of the number of operating credit institutions entitled to carry out banking operations is also negative. At the end of 2016, the number of operating banks decreased by 8.8% (by 76 organizations). At the end of 2017, the downward trend in the number of operating banks continued, thus, as of the reporting date, this number was already 13% (in absolute terms, the number decreased by 102 units). The number of non-bank credit institutions at the end of 2016 also decreased by 20.3% (by 13 units), but already at the reporting date of the next period, their number increased by 1.9% (per institution).

Credit operations are the most important income-generating item in the activities of Russian banks. Due to this source, the main part of the net profit is formed, which is deducted to the reserve funds and goes to the payment of dividends to the bank's shareholders. At the same time, bank loans are the main source of replenishment working capital for enterprises of the real sector of the economy. Credit operations, playing an important role in the development of banks and other organizations, determine the efficiency of the country's economy as a whole.

Recently, the population has become more and more often to apply to the bank for credit operations.

In order to trace the dynamics of issued loans, it is necessary to compare banks that are included in the "Top 10 banks in terms of assets" for 2015-2017.

Table 2. Dynamics of loans issued by leading banks for 2015-2017, million rubles

From the presented data, we can conclude that Sberbank of Russia from 2015-2017. issued the most loans. VTB Bank stably occupies the second position. In 2017 compared to previous year, all banks showed positive growth except for the banks "FC Otkritie" and "Alfa-Bank".

For clarity, consider the loans issued to the population by districts.

Table 3. Dynamics of loans issued by commercial banks in the Russian Federation to individuals and legal entities for 2014-2016 by districts, million rubles

Phys. faces

Legal. faces

Phys. faces

Legal. faces

Phys. faces

Legal. faces

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

North Caucasian Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural Federal District

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

Crimean Federal District

A source:

From the data presented, it can be concluded that the Central federal district... The second place is occupied by the Volga Federal District in terms of the volume of loans issued - 15,724,661 million rubles. They are followed by the North-Western Federal District - 12,531,819 million rubles.

Least of all loans issued by commercial banks in the Russian Federation to individuals and legal entities in 2015-2017. in the Crimean Federal District - 104,926 million rubles.

Consider the dynamics of loans provided directly to individuals in table 8.

Table 4. Dynamics of loans granted to individuals (million rubles)

Source: based on materials

Based on the data in Table 4, it can be seen that in 2016 there was a trend towards a decrease in the number of loans issued to individuals in rubles, that is, the amount of loans issued decreased by 151,116 million rubles. (1.8%). At the same time, the amount of loans issued in foreign currency and precious metals increased in absolute terms by 2,675 million rubles. (1.6%). At the end of 2017, a sharp deterioration in the situation can be seen, both in terms of loans issued in foreign currency and precious metals, and in rubles. Thus, the amount of loans issued to individuals in rubles decreased by 31.9% or by 2,695,666 million rubles, and the amount of loans in foreign currency and precious metals decreased by 43.2% or by 72,706 million rubles. in absolute value. The reason for this was the collapse of the national currency, since even stressful business plans were not drawn up for the current value of the national currency.

One of the reasons why people stop taking loans is the loss of mistrust in banks due to the current situation in the banking sector. But the main reason is the increase by banks in the cost of their loans, that is, an increase in interest rates.

Consider the weighted average interest rates on loans provided by credit institutions to individuals in rubles.

Table 5. Weighted average interest rates on loans extended by credit institutions to individuals in rubles,% per annum

Before becoming a client of a bank, you must make sure of its reliability - a credit institution must have a license for the relevant activity, and also occupy not the latest positions in the rating of banks and not have a tendency to a constant decrease in its indicators in this list. In this article, we will introduce you to the total number of commercial banks in Russia, present the most "top" ones, and provide a list of organizations that have been deprived of licenses. We will also tell another useful information about this area.

How many banks are there in Russia today?

As of August 1, 2017, there are 537 commercial credit organizations operating in the Russian Federation. The total number of banks in Russia registered at one time or another is 878 today. 341 of them have their licenses revoked.

Here is a table showing the number of banks in Russia in the past summer.

Now let's talk about some of the patterns of changes in the number of banks, as well as the Central Bank's plans for Russian credit institutions.

Dynamics of changes in the number of banks

Having learned how many banks there are in Russia today and how many there were at least 10 years ago, one thing is clear - the number of these institutions is steadily declining. As of January 1, 2017, the number of banks in our country amounted to 45.2% of their number in 2008.

Of the existing number, only 336 can be classified as large ones. Of these, only 314 have head offices in the capital. So, for 39 thousand people of the population of Moscow there is only one bank - I mean the organization, and not the number of offices and divisions. Speaking about the regions, we can say that the overwhelming number of banks in Russia are registered in its European part, but for the Northern, Far Eastern districts) there are catastrophically few of them. But it is in the territories of these regions that the main natural resources of the country are concentrated.

Many were amazed by the revocation of the license from the bank "Yugra", which was firmly included in the top thirty banking organizations Russia. The reason for this decision was his concealment of his real financial condition.

Authorized capital and mergers of banks

After reading art. 11 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Their Activities", we can say for sure that the emergence of new credit institutions is very problematic - let's get acquainted with the requirements for authorized capital of the registered institution:

  • The smallest amount of the authorized capital of a banking organization for issuing a license is 300 million rubles.
  • The smallest amount of the authorized capital of a credit, but at the same time, non-banking organization planning to work with both individuals and legal entities with a banking license - 90 million rubles.
  • The smallest size of the authorized capital of a non-bank credit organization planning to operate without a bank license is 18 million rubles.

The size of own funds of an already operating bank should not be lower than the level of 300 million rubles. According to these indicators, 150 banking organizations are at risk today. They have two options - closing or joining a larger bank. These institutions are experiencing three main types of transformations:

  • Merger of capital with the capital of another credit institution.
  • Actual takeover by a larger bank.
  • Self-liquidation, liquidation due to bankruptcy.

Separation of Russian banks

In the near future, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is to divide the entire number of Russian banks into three large categories:

  • Ten systemically important banks: Sberbank, Gazprombank, Otkritie, VTB, UniCredit, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Alfa Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Rosbank (2016 ).
  • Federal banks of Russia are credit organizations with offices and branches in the overwhelming majority of regions of Russia. They must necessarily meet international standards and have the smallest amount of equity capital of at least 1 billion rubles.
  • Regional banks are small credit organizations that carry out simple banking operations - currency exchange, loans to the population, acceptance of money for deposits from citizens, etc. Their main audience is individuals, small and medium-sized businesses.

Rating of banks

The top banks in Russia are divided into three main groups:

  • Main factors: net assets, loan portfolio, deposits of individuals, clients' investments in securities, capital in the form of 123, 134.
  • Performance indicators of the institution: return on capital, net assets, turnover on foreign exchange transactions, overdue loans, etc.
  • Balance sheet indicators: cash security of cash desks, loans to individuals and legal entities, overdrafts, fixed assets and other assets, issued promissory notes, bonds, etc.

Top banks in Russia

Let's consider the rating of credit institutions according to the most important indicators. Key banks in Russia are determined by the size of net assets - valid, real assets... Calculated by deducting liabilities (debt obligations of a credit institution) from the total income. Here are the data for August 2017.

Banks revoked in 2017

Speaking about reliable banks in Russia, one should also mention those that did not justify the trust of their direct customers. Recall that in 2015, 93 banks lost their licenses, and in 2016 - 97. It is too early to talk about the results of 2017, but today the following credit organizations do not have the right to conduct business:

  • "Bulgar-bank";
  • "Commercial City Bank";
  • Tatfond Bank;
  • "Ankor-Bank";
  • North-West-1 Alliance Bank;
  • "Economic Union"
  • "Sirius";
  • Rosenergobank;
  • "Enisey";
  • "Oil Alliance";
  • Intechbank;
  • "Sibes";
  • Talmenka Bank;
  • "Novation";
  • "Ivy";
  • Tatagroprombank;
  • "Education";
  • RITZ;
  • Finars;
  • "Krylovsky";
  • International Construction Bank;
  • Vladprombank;
  • Northeast Alliance;
  • Riabank;
  • Intercoopbank;
  • Moscow National Investment Bank;
  • Stal-Bank;
  • "Legion";
  • "Premier Credit";
  • "Ugra";
  • "Anelik RU";
  • "Reserve".

Why can a bank's license be revoked?

The decision to revoke the license is made by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Let us consider in the table the grounds necessary for a commercial bank in Russia to lose the right to engage in its activities.

It goes without saying that without a license, the bank has no right to continue its work.

We hope that such a short excursion into the number of banks, their ratings, development trends helped you to understand when choosing an organization for a particular type of financial service.

Page 4

General characteristics of the banking system, - the number and structure of credit institutions, is presented in table. 1.1.

From table 1.1. it can be seen that the situation in the banking system in 2010 did not change much compared to 2009. Thus, the number of credit institutions decreased by 6%, and the number of credit institutions with 100% foreign capital increased by 22.2%.

Such changes are characteristic both for Russia as a whole and for its individual regions, with the only difference that in economically developed regions - donors federal budget, the situation was not as critical as in regions with depressed economies.

Table 1.1. Dynamics of the number of registered credit institutions by the Central Bank of Russia and their structure


Growth rate compared to the previous year,%

1. Registered credit institutions by the Central Bank of Russia or on the basis of its decision by an authorized registering body in total


Non-bank credit institutions

1.1. Credit institutions registered with 100% foreign capital participation

1.2. Credit organizations registered with the Central Bank of Russia, but have not yet paid up the authorized capital and have not received a license


2. Non-bank credit institutions registered by other authorities

3. Credit institutions entitled to carry out banking operations - total


Non-bank credit institutions

3.1. Credit organizations licensed to:

Attract deposits from the population

Carry out transactions in foreign currency

General licenses

Carrying out operations with precious metals on the basis



Analysis of this table 1.1. allowed us to get a general idea of ​​the state of credit institutions as a whole. It should be noted that, in general, there is a tendency towards a reduction in the number of credit institutions. This was caused, first of all, by the tough competition in the banking sector, as well as by the tendencies towards the consolidation of the banking sector through takeovers and mergers of banks.

But in order to obtain more detailed information about the credit institutions of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to group banks by the size of their authorized capital (Table 1.2.).

Table 1.2. Grouping of operating credit institutions by the size of the registered authorized capital for 2008-2010

Bank groups by authorized capital, RUB mln


Ud. weight, in% of the total


Ud. weight, in% of the total


Ud. weight, in% of the total

300 and more



annotation scientific article on economics and business, the author of the scientific work - Grishina T.V.

Credit organizations are the most important link monetary relations, significantly influencing the development of the Russian economy. In recent years, there have been changes, both in the structure banking system and in the profitability of operations carried out by banks. An analysis of the functioning of the system shows a decrease in the role of banking indicators in the formation of Russian GDP. The processes of credit expansion have been stopped. To determine the vectors of development of credit institutions, it is not enough to conduct traditional statistical studies of the dynamics of the institutional structure. banking system since you can get erroneous conclusions about the effectiveness of the functioning of banks in the economy. It is necessary to take into account a wider set of indicators, the assessment of which allows making more accurate conclusions about the vectors of changes taking place in the banking business as a whole. By comparing the levels of time series, the article analyzes structural shifts in the activities of Russian credit institutions. The territorial distribution of credit institutions is considered, regions with the maximum activity of credit institutions and regions where the potential for the development of the banking sector has not been fully realized are identified. The considered trends in the work of banks indicate a shift in the vectors of business development from credit expansion towards commission transactions. A decrease in the profitability of foreign exchange transactions and interest margins increases competition for customers, which banks can win only by providing the widest possible range of services with the possibility of remote access. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn about the continuation of the downward trend in the number credit institutions as the volume of payments made by bank customers using electronic orders grows. A positive assessment is given to the proposed transition to the gradation of banks with basic and universal licenses, which will allow achieving variability of supervision for small and medium-sized banks in their competition with the largest credit institutions.

Related Topics scientific works on economics and business, the author of scientific work - Grishina T.V.

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    2019 / Shabanova Y. N., Chaikin D. S.
  • Institutional structure of the Russian banking system and directions of its transformation

    2015 / L. V. Krylova, S. V. Krylov
  • Assessment of the credit potential of the banking sector of the Arkhangelsk region and its use

    2017 / Kirutsa G.A., Stepanova V.V.
  • Problems of the functioning of regional banks in modern economic conditions

    2017 / Yulia Sergeevna Karavaeva
  • Regulation of the banking sector in Russia. New trends

    2018 / V.V. Sofronova
  • Trends in the development of the banking system of the Volga Federal District

    2015 / D. V. Krivosheev
  • Institutional stability of divisions of commercial banks in modern conditions

    2016 / Irina Sergeeva
  • Uneven provision of banking services to Russian regions

    2017 / Malkina M.Yu.
  • Analysis and comparative characteristics of regional banks in Primorsky Krai for 2014-2016

    2018 / Krivoshapova Svetlana Valerievna, Nosova Anna Dmitrievna
  • Problems of the evolution of the banking system in the modern economy of the Republic of Dagestan

    2015 / Tsinpaeva F.S.

Credit organizations are a crucial part of the credit-monetary relations, greatly infl uencing the development of the Russian economy. In recent years, changes in the structure of the banking system and the profi tability of operations conducted by banks. Analysis of the functioning of the system shows a reduced role of banking indicators in the formation of the Russian GDP. The process of credit expansion stopped. To determine the vectors of development of credit institutions is not enough to conduct traditional statistical studies of the dynamics of the institutional structure of the banking system, since it is possible to obtain erroneous conclusions regarding the efficiency of banks in the economy. You must take into account a broader set of indicators, which allows to make more accurate conclusions about the vectors of change in the banking business in General. By mapping levels of the time series in the article the analysis of structural shifts in the activities of Russian credit organizations. Examines the spatial distribution of the credit institutions, are allocated in the regions with the highest activity of credit institutions and regions where the development potential of the banking sector implemented is not enough. The tendencies in the banks talking about displacement vectors of business development from the credit expansion in the direction of the Commission operations. The decline of profi tability of foreign exchange transactions and interest margin increases competition for customers, winning banks which can only support the broadest range of services with the possibility of remote access. According to the analysis conclusions are made about the continuation of the trend of reducing the number of credit institutions with the growth of volumes of payments made by Bank customers through electronic orders. Given the positive assessment of the prospective transition to a gradation of banks with basic and universal licenses, which will enable the variability of the supervision for small and medium-sized banks in their competition with the largest credit organizations.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Key indicators of credit institutions of the Russian Federation: vectors of changes"

T.V. Grishina

PJSC "Interregional Industrial and Construction Bank",

Saransk, Russia

UDC: 336.7; 519.23


Key indicators of credit institutions of the Russian Federation: vectors of change

Credit institutions are the most important link in monetary relations, which significantly affects the development of the Russian economy. In recent years, there have been changes both in the structure of the banking system and in the profitability of operations carried out by banks. An analysis of the functioning of the system shows a decrease in the role of banking indicators in the formation of Russian GDP. The processes of credit expansion have been stopped. To determine the vectors of development of credit institutions, it is not enough to conduct traditional statistical studies of the dynamics of the institutional structure of the banking system, since you can get erroneous conclusions about the effectiveness of the functioning of banks in the economy. It is necessary to take into account a wider set of indicators, the assessment of which allows making more accurate conclusions about the vectors of changes taking place in the banking business as a whole. By comparing the levels of time series, the article analyzes structural shifts in the activities of Russian credit institutions. The territorial distribution of credit institutions is considered,

regions with the maximum activity of credit institutions and regions where the potential for the development of the banking sector has not been fully realized. The considered trends in the work of banks indicate a shift in the vectors of business development from credit expansion towards commission transactions. A decrease in the profitability of foreign exchange transactions and interest margins increases competition for customers, which banks can win only by providing the widest possible range of services with the possibility of remote access. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn about the continuation of the trend of reducing the number of credit institutions as the volume of payments made by bank customers using electronic orders increases. A positive assessment is given to the proposed transition to the gradation of banks with basic and universal licenses, which will allow achieving variability of supervision for small and medium-sized banks in their competition with the largest credit institutions.

Key words: credit institution, banking system, bank payments, the efficiency of banks.

Tatyana V. Grishina

Public joint-stock company "Interregional Industrial and Construction Bank", Saransk, Russia

Main indicators of the credit organizations of the Russian Federation: vectors of changes

Credit organizations are a crucial part of the credit-monetary relations, greatly influencing the development of the Russian economy. In recent years, changes in the .structure of the banking system and the profitability ofoperations conducted by banks. Analysis of the functioning of the system shows a reduced role of banking indicators in the formation of the Russian GDP. The process of credit expansion stopped. To determine the vectors of development of credit institutions is not enough to conduct traditional statistical studies of the dynamics of the institutional structure of the banking system, since it is possible to obtain erroneous conclusions regarding the efficiency of banks in the economy. You must take into account a broader set of indicators, which allows to make more accurate conclusions about the vectors of change in the banking business in General. By mapping levels of the time series in the article the analysis of structural shifts in the activities of Russian credit organizations. Examines the spatial distribution of the credit institutions, are allocated in the regions with the highest activity of credit institutions and regions where the development potential

of the banking sector implemented is not enough. The tendencies in the banks talking about displacement vectors of business development from the credit expansion in the direction of the Commission operations. The decline ofprofitability of foreign exchange transactions and interest margin increases competition for customers, winning banks which can only support the broadest range of services with the possibility of remote access. According to the analysis conclusions are made about the continuation of the trend of reducing the number of credit institutions with the growth of volumes of payments made by Bank customers through electronic orders. Given the positive assessment of the prospective transition to a gradation of banks with basic and universal licenses, which will enable the variability of the supervision for small and medium-sized banks in their competition with the largest credit organizations.

Keywords: credit organization, banking system, banking payments, efficiency of banks.


The banking system of Russia is undergoing serious structural changes, the significance of which is comparable to that of construction new system following the 1998 crisis. On the one hand, there is an obvious decline in statistical indicators for structural units and subdivisions of the system as a whole across the country. On the other hand, there is an explosive growth in online banking, when the possibilities of remote banking services accelerate the processes of optimizing the presence of banks in the regions.

It's obvious that new model the development of modern banking business will require not only restructuring the structure of the organization of banking with the use of new service technologies, but also qualitative changes in all business processes.

Along with the tightening of supervisory requirements and the exhaustion of the growth points of the banking system of the Russian Federation, characteristic of the period from 1999 to 2013, the awareness of a new “virtual reality” that has embraced banking services is required. It is necessary to determine the place of modern banks in the structure of the economy of the future. Analysis of statistical trends helps to answer the question about the vectors of the modern development of the system.

Economic development presupposes a qualitatively new level of monetary relations and their main subjects - credit institutions. Credit institutions, primarily banks, form the backbone of the national banking system. Progressive dynamics of key indicators of the domestic banking sector is one of the factors of stability economic growth... But at the present time it is necessary to pay attention to the change

in the payment systems to find points of business growth in the course of settlement transactions.

The state of the banking system largely determines the development potential of the economy and society as a whole. As a result, maintaining the stability of the banking system, which fully ensures lending to the real sector of the economy, is a priority task of the state.

In recent years, the Russian banking system has undergone significant changes since its inception. Let us determine the directions and estimate the scale of these changes based on the official statistical information for a five-year period based on the statistical characteristics of changes in the levels of the time series, choosing key indicators for this.

Analysis of basic statistical indicators of credit institutions

The banking system is formed and transformed under the influence of many different factors, both external and internal.

TO external factors include macro factors, or factors

torah of the environment, subdivided by the majority of researchers into economic, political, legal, social and force majeure. They have the strongest impact on the development of the banking sector.

Internal factors are formed directly by the subjects of the banking system: the central bank, commercial banks, banking associations. Internal factors are determined by the role and authority of the Bank of Russia, the competence of the heads of commercial banks and the qualifications of bank employees, the level and nature of interbank competition, the degree to which the banking community is aware of its role in the economy and the development goals of the banking system, and the prevailing banking rules and customs.

International sanctions, economic recession, low consumer demand negatively affected not only the country's macroeconomic indicators, but also financial indicators banking system. The dynamics of the most important indicators of the banking sector reflects its role in the economy. If the growth of lending outstrips the growth of GDP, then there is a credit

Rice. 1. Assets and loans of the banking sector in relation to GDP of the Russian Federation, in%

Table 1

number of credit institutions of the Russian Federation by type of licenses (permits), at the beginning of the year

Indicator 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Credit institutions entitled to carry out banking operations - total 956 923 834 733 623


Banks 897 859 783 681 575

Non-bank credit institutions 59 64 51 52 48

Credit organizations that have licenses (permits) granting the right to:

Attraction of deposits from the population 784 756 690 609 515

Transactions in foreign currency 648 623 554 482 404

General licenses 270 270 256 232 205

Operations with precious metals 211 209 203 183 157

naya expansion. In this case, as a rule, banks' profits grow and there is a potential for accelerating economic growth. If the volume of credit in the economy decreases, then the importance of the banking sector decreases, so credit institutions have to look for new niches for the development and restructuring of their activities. In fig. 1 the credit crunch of the last two years is evident.

The weakness of the banking sector's outlook is confirmed by the steady decline in the number of operating credit institutions. By the beginning of 2017, over the past 5 years, this segment has decreased by 34.8%. The average annual rate of decline in the indicator was 10.2%. At the same time, the banking sector suffered the maximum losses, in which the number of licenses decreased by 35.9%. On average, the indicator decreased by 10.5% over the year. Non-bank credit institutions lost 18.6% of their number (Table 1).

A similar trend can be traced for the types of licenses and permits. The maximum decrease was observed in permits for operations in foreign currency, which decreased by 37.7%. Number of credit institutions

The number of deposits holding licenses to attract deposits from the population decreased by 34.3%, transactions with precious metals - by 25.6%, general licenses - 24.1%. In average annual terms, the indicators decreased by 11.1%, 10.0%, 7.1% and 6.78%, respectively.

The uneven distribution of credit institutions across federal districts is obvious. More than half of them are located in the Central Federal District. At the same time, 87.7% of the district's credit institutions are located in Moscow. A similar situation is observed in the Northwestern Federal

district, where 67.3% of credit institutions are located in St. Petersburg. In the North Caucasian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, this indicator has minimum values(fig. 2).

The number of branches of a credit institution is one of the most important quantitative criteria reflecting both the scale commercial activities organization and its sustainability in the modern financial market... An extensive branch network is an indisputable competitive advantage and, often, the main source of income for a credit institution. However, the size of the branch network is not always critical, as it is important for the branches to work consistently and efficiently with the head office.

As of the beginning of 2013, 2,349 branches of credit institutions operated in the Russian Federation, and at the beginning of 2017 there were already 1,098. Thus, more than a twofold reduction in the branch network of domestic credit institutions can be traced. At the same time, the number of branches of the largest domestic bank - Sberbank of Russia PJSC decreased for

Rice. 2. Distribution of the number of credit institutions by federal districts of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of 2017

Rice. 3. Distribution of branches of credit institutions by federal districts of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of 2017

financial results of the activities of credit institutions in the Russian Federation

Indicator 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Profit volume, million rubles 1011889 993585 589141 191965 929662

Profit for profitable organizations, RUB mln 1 021 250 1 012252 853 240 735 803 1291868

Share of organizations with profit,% 94.2 90.5 84.9 75.4 71.4

The amount of losses for unprofitable organizations, mln. Rub. 9 361 18 668 264098 543838 362205

Share of organizations with losses,% 5.8 9.5 15.1 24.6 28.6

Profit used, million rubles 210230 192178 177032 125 480 343434

five years 2.5 times. This is a consequence of the bank's long-term strategy aimed at optimizing financial and economic activities.

The distribution of branches across federal districts is generally fairly even. At the same time, the most widely represented branch network is in the Central, Volga and Northwestern Federal Districts, where more than half of the branches of Russian credit institutions are located. It is noteworthy that 18.5% of all branches are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Significantly lag behind in

table 2

this indicator is the Far Eastern and North Caucasian districts (Fig. 3). This confirms the thesis that banks go where there are prospects for the development of the regional economy and leave territories that do not have positive prospects.

Structural changes in indicators

efficiency of banks

Considering the findings of the study, which resulted in “no statistically significant correlation

the relationship between the share of regional banks' offices and such indicators of socio-economic development of regions as gross regional product and the volume of investments in fixed assets per capita, the level of officially registered unemployment ", we will analyze the structural changes taking place in the system. The most convenient way to study this problem is to analyze the effectiveness of groups of banks and the types of operations they carry out.

The dynamics of the financial results of the activities of credit institutions for the period under review is multidirectional. The total profit of the sector over five years decreased by only 8.1% and in 2016 amounted to 930 billion rubles. The average annual absolute growth amounted to -20,556.8 million rubles, the growth rate of the indicator was fixed at the level of -2.1% (Table 2). These data look stable for the system as a whole. But on closer examination, there is an outstripping growth in losses for unprofitable organizations in comparison with the growth in profits for profitable organizations. Losses increased 38.7 times and profits 1.3 times. There is also a decrease specific gravity organizations that have made a profit, while the share of unprofitable credit institutions has significantly increased.

As regards the components of the balance sheet profit, a steady increase in the importance of profit from commission operations is noticeable, which indicates a shift in emphasis towards the banks earning on commissions amid stagnation of the level of interest margin (Fig. 4).

On the whole, the presented results indicate a decrease in the performance efficiency of the majority of Russian credit institutions. But many researchers

Rice. 4. Structure of individual indicators of profit of the banking system of the Russian Federation, billion rubles

argue that the banking system should become a driver for the restructuring of the economy, as well as “the most important instrument for implementing public policy accelerated growth and modernization of the economy ”.

In our opinion, credit institutions cannot currently be the driver of the growth of the Russian economy. Most medium and small credit institutions are fighting to maintain their existing client base amid strict regulation by the Bank of Russia and the expansion of federal banks from the top ten to the regions.

Clients in the regions reasonably worry about the safety of funds and sometimes choose a larger federal bank, even at the expense of the quality of services and long-term partnerships with regional credit institutions. “In recent years, the opinion has become established in Russia that the larger the bank, the more reliable it is. As a confirmation of this thesis, the “clean-up policy” of the banking sector has become widespread. However, the abandonment of small and medium-sized banks led to a decrease in competition in the market.

banking services and aggravated the territorial imbalances in the banking network in the country as a whole. " The value of reliability in banking is extremely high, but the nervousness created in the segment of regional, medium and small banks negatively affects the development of the entire sector. Can regional banks seriously compete with federal banks in such conditions? Maybe regional banks work more efficiently than federal ones?

The article “notes that no confirmation has been found.

the hypothesis of a relatively higher efficiency of regional banks ”. In our opinion, the efficiency of regional banks may be even lower than federal ones due to the higher cost of funding in the interbank credit market, as well as due to the unsatisfactory state of their client base due to the continued practice of “cleaning up the sector” by the mega-regulator.

The decline in the number of credit institutions and their branches cannot be explained from the point of view of the disadvantages of doing banking business. There is a shift in the development vector towards the virtualization of the services provided. In fig. 6, there is a noticeable synchronization of the processes of changes in the number of operating institutions of credit organizations with the volumes of payments, orders for which are accepted in the traditional "paper" way.

These trends will determine the reduction in the number of credit institutions in the near future. Banks will continue to optimize the network of branches and additional offices, while expanding opportunities for online services.

Rice. 5. Annual growth the number of credit institutions, their structural divisions and the dynamics of open customer accounts,%

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

] The volume of payment orders submitted to hard copy, trillion rubles (right scale)

> Annual growth in the volume of payment orders submitted in hard copy

Annual growth in the number of credit institutions

Rice. 6. Annual growth in the number of credit institutions, their structural divisions and the dynamics of open customer accounts,%

In our opinion, the situation in the banking sector will stabilize after 2018 following the separation of banks by type of licenses (basic and universal) with different levels of supervisory requirements.

The ability to change the type of license will allow many regional banks to maneuver with the range of operations they carry out. The stringency of requirements from the mega-regulator can be reduced by transferring to the status of a bank with a basic license, while abandoning, first of all, cross-border operations and operations with securities with a low level of reliability.

Bankers, both federal and regional, will have a choice in strategies for the development of financial business with a more variable set of regulation, which can only be welcomed.


The analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of credit institutions of the Russian Federation allows

make a number of conclusions about the trends in their change over the past five years:

The number of credit institutions is steadily declining, which is mainly due to the reduction of banking institutions;

The territorial structure of credit institutions by federal districts is generally stable, therefore, there are no significant regional imbalances in the development of banking;

The distribution of credit institutions across federal districts remains uneven: more than half of the organizations are located in the Central Federal District, but the number of Moscow and regional banks is decreasing simultaneously;

There is more than a twofold reduction in the branch network of domestic credit institutions, which indicates a shift in business development priorities from credit expansion to online banking;

The total value of the sector's profit decreased due to the outstripping

growth of losses for unprofitable organizations in comparison with the growth of profits of profitable organizations, but these trends do not threaten the state of the system as a whole, but rather, on the contrary, confirm the processes of concentration of capital in the largest banks;

The growth rate of fundraising exceeds the growth rate of placement, which confirms the shift of priorities in business towards settlement operations and stagnation in the field of credit and deposit services;

The reduction in the number of credit institutions was caused by two processes: a “clean-up” of the banking sector by the regulator, which created an unfavorable environment of increased risk for bank customers who do not have protection in the deposit insurance system, and an objective decrease in the profitability of credit and deposit operations due to increased credit risks and high interest rates;

A number of the considered trends can negatively influence the formation of sustainable economic growth. At the same time, we believe that the prospective variability expected in the supervisory practice of the Bank of Russia after the division of credit institutions into banks with basic and universal licenses is promising. Over time, the risks of revocation of banking licenses will weaken, and regional banks with a basic license, while maintaining their client base, will be able to compete on equal terms with large banks, using more adequate requirements for their own financial condition.


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Tatiana Viktorovna Grishina

PJSC "Interregional Industrial and Construction Bank", Saransk, Russia El. mail: [email protected]

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Information about the author

Tatiana V. Grishina

PJSC "Interregional Industrial and Construction Bank", Saransk, Russia E-mail: [email protected]