State policy to promote employment and employment. State policy in the field of employment

The state employment policy is aimed at resolving such an important task as the development and full realization of citizens. This can also include providing the population with decent wages and stable career advancement.

An active employment policy is an action aimed at reducing unemployment. These include measures to prevent layoffs of employees, as well as advanced training, training, assistance in finding jobs, retraining, and the creation of new jobs.

Passive employment is a measure that helps reduce the negative effects of such a phenomenon as unemployment. This may include the payment of social benefits, the issuance of essential goods to the poor, the organization of special canteens for the homeless, as well as other types of assistance.

Public employment policy is further subdivided into three categories.

economic measures. In particular, encouragement entrepreneurial activity by providing tax incentives, subsidies, loans.

organizational measures. In particular, this is professional development, assistance in finding a job, training.

legal measures. These are legislative acts providing for early retirement, lowering the retirement age, and establishing leave. In addition, these are laws that provide for a minimum wage, the provision of time off, double pay for entering the service in safety conditions in industries classified as harmful.

Public employment policy is divided into three models, popular in developed countries. The American model involves the creation a large number jobs that do not require high productivity. At the same time, formally, unemployment is decreasing, but the number of citizens with a minimum wage is increasing.

The Scandinavian state policy in the field of employment implies the creation of jobs in public sectors. When receive average salary and stability. However, this system also has its drawbacks. In particular, there is a risk of inflation and exhaustion financial resources.

The European model is about generating income growth and increasing productivity. Such a system requires large benefits for the unemployed.

Exist different types employment of the population. Full-time employment means all-day activities in which the worker receives a salary in an amount adequate for this region.

Part-time employment may be forced due to various kinds of economic reasons. It involves part-time activities that imply reduced efficiency and low salary.

Voluntary is most often associated with various social reasons. For example, a person cares for sick loved ones or combines study with work.

Let's summarize. The state policy in the field of employment should be carried out comprehensively. It is necessary to provide assistance to people who cannot get a job for any reason. For example, it can be assistance in training and retraining. However, it is worth remembering that in any case, a certain percentage of unemployment will remain. This will require special measures. In particular, these are various benefits and assistance to the poor. There are different mechanisms for reducing unemployment. Each of them has its pros and cons. In any case, it is necessary to encourage people to, because the well-being of the state depends on how many citizens are involved in the economy.

The system of measures to regulate and organize employment of the population includes:

  1. regulation of employment. The government develops financial-credit, investment and tax policy aimed at the rational distribution of productive forces and contributing to the preservation and development of jobs in the country;
  2. federal state employment service. This service assesses the state and predicts the development of employment, informs about the situation in the labor market; develops and implements targeted programs to promote the employment of citizens;
  3. financing of measures to promote employment of the population. Funds are formed at the expense of compulsory insurance premiums of employers and employees;
  4. organization of public works. Executive authorities organize paid public works;
  5. social support for the unemployed. The state ensures the payment of unemployment benefits; payment of scholarships during periods of professional retraining and advanced training, etc.

Employment policy is of great importance for the formation of a civilized market and the prevention of social explosions. It should be closely linked with other programs, with structural adjustment, the general strategy for the development of the economy, with measures to develop small business.

Employment policy should ensure the most efficient use of labor potential, expand employment opportunities for various categories of the population. Great importance is attached to local initiatives for employment, promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship. It is necessary to use all available means for this, including training, subsidies, support in creating your own business.

Significant efforts and funds require the implementation of training and retraining programs, advanced training and retraining for the unemployed, persons released from production, the management system and the Armed Forces. A corresponding restructuring of education and vocational education is necessary, taking into account the new requirements. The education system must respond quickly to the changing demand for professions. Secondary and higher education institutions should adjust their curricula and teaching methods. It is necessary that young people get professions that are in demand, it is also necessary new system retraining of adults, which would ensure rapid adaptation and advanced training of workers.

A significant factor in the increase in unemployment is the reduction of the military-industrial complex and the Armed Forces. It is necessary to develop special programs for the development and diversification of areas with a high concentration of military enterprises, to provide funding for investments in conversion from the state budget by reducing military spending, to create preferential tax regime for private investment in these areas.

The organization of public works can play a certain role in improving the situation in the field of employment. Although, as international experience shows, this measure is temporary, providing mainly short-term employment and mainly in the field of low-skilled labor.

To intensify the labor activity of the population, the strengthening of labor motivation is of great importance, which requires a closer linkage of wages with its results, the development of systems for the participation of workers and employees in property and management. This is important not only for expanding employment, but also for realizing the general reserves for increasing labor productivity and economic growth.

Unemployment problems could also be alleviated through the wider use of non-standard types of employment - part-time, temporary, home work, creating own enterprises people who have lost their jobs. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the necessary economic and legislative conditions, as well as the implementation of those legislative acts that are already in force.

The implementation of an effective and promising employment policy requires forecasting the main indicators of employment and development labor resources, deployment of basic research in this area.

Constant monitoring and analysis is necessary real unemployment, which changes qualitatively. Psychological preparation of people for this social phenomenon is required. The legal illiteracy of the majority of the population makes it defenseless in the event of mass layoffs. Legal education, incl. on human rights, assistance and advice to all who find themselves out of work should be part of the public policy.

"State policy in the field of employment. Stabilization of the labor market in Russia" and others

Employment for all able-bodied population is one of the important tasks of any state and government. To solve this problem, the state adopts an appropriate law on employment and develops a set of measures to facilitate its implementation, in other words, it pursues a certain employment policy. Employment policy is a set of measures of direct and indirect impact on the socio-economic development of society as a whole and each of its members individually, and measures aimed at improving the distribution of the labor force and maintaining effective employment. The relevance of the topic under consideration is determined at least by the fact that any government faces the problem of simultaneously curbing both unemployment and inflation, which cannot be solved in principle, by implementing anti-inflationary policy methods and setting the task of GDP growth. And then it must find a socially acceptable compromise, ways and means of social protection. And the state employment policy is integral part social policy.

  • State employment policy and evaluation of its effectiveness

In the modern era, employment has become one of the acute socio-economic problems that concern the state, society, and individuals. And with each new decade, its sharpness not only does not weaken, but, on the contrary, grows more and more. Some states solve this problem more or less successfully, while others experience significant difficulties in solving it. The more people are engaged in socially useful and effective work, the greater the country's gross domestic product (ceteris paribus). The presence of high and growing unemployment does not allow to produce a potential GDP (production output at full and effective employment), which creates significant difficulties for the state in solving social problems. Persons who have not worked for a long time and do not have sources of livelihood, except for benefits allocated in accordance with certain conditions, find themselves in a particularly difficult situation. government programs. This pushes them to search for means of subsistence in an illegal way, increases the criminal situation and other negative phenomena in society.

The relevance of the topic under consideration is determined at least by the fact that any government faces the problem of simultaneously curbing both unemployment and inflation, which cannot be solved in principle, by implementing anti-inflationary policy methods and setting the task of GDP growth. And then it must find a socially acceptable compromise, ways and means of social protection. And the state employment policy is an integral part of social policy.

Employment of the entire able-bodied population is one of the important tasks of any state and government. To solve this problem, the state adopts an appropriate law on employment and develops a set of measures to facilitate its implementation, in other words, it pursues a certain employment policy.

Employment policy- this is a set of measures of direct and indirect impact on the socio-economic development of society as a whole and each of its members individually, and measures aimed at improving the distribution of the labor force and maintaining effective employment.

The employment policy of the state should address two main issues:

  • firstly, satisfaction of the need for the labor force of the functioning investing capital;
  • secondly, the provision of jobs for the able-bodied population as a condition for the normal existence of people.

There are two main options for choosing the means of employment policy: active and passive. Hence, a distinction is made between the state active and passive employment policy.

An active employment policy (active labor market policy) is: a set of legal, organizational and economic measures taken by the state in order to reduce the unemployment rate, measures related to the prevention and prevention of layoffs of workers to save jobs; training, retraining and advanced training of persons job seekers; active search and selection of jobs; financing the creation of new jobs; organization of new jobs through the system of public works.

Passive employment policy (passive labor market policy) mainly smooths out the negative consequences of unemployment: the payment of state-guaranteed unemployment benefits, and after the expiration of its payment - social benefits, as well as the payment of supplements for dependents and other assistance measures. The passive policy provides for the provision of job selection services through the state employment service. The term is often used - moderately passive policy, which also provides for material support for the unemployed, but more diverse than in the first version, job selection services.

Employment policy is considered in a narrow and broad sense. In a narrow sense, employment policy is aimed at maximizing the involvement of economic active population into labor activity. In this case, the object of state influence is unemployed population and the aim of the policy is to minimize unemployment and mitigate its consequences. In a broad sense, employment policy is a relatively independent part of the social economic policy aimed at: increasing employment opportunities by promoting the creation of decent jobs; formation of a labor force of a certain quality in accordance with the requirements and prospects for the development of the economy; rational distribution and redistribution of labor force by industry and region; efficient use of labor force. The object of employment policy in this case is the entire working-age population, and the goal is the realization of the right not only to freely chosen and full, but also to productive employment associated with high level social protection of citizens.

Employment policy is an organic part of economic policy. It cannot be carried out in isolation from the structural and investment policy, income policy, personnel policy and labor relations policy, which ultimately determine the nature of the market economy model. At the same time, employment policy should actively influence the choice of the course of socio-economic transformations.

The main direction of adjusting the socio-economic reform strategy is to reorient it from finding sources of financial resources for social assistance to the low-income to an active policy of providing employment for the population, supporting the creation of the preservation of jobs in an amount sufficient to remove the threat of mass degradation of the population.

Employment policy, as the most important component of social policy, should be focused on taking measures that contribute to the formation of conditions for more full use the potential of labor and business activity of citizens, counteracting the impoverishment of the population and mass unemployment, stimulating the productive behavior of the individual in a competitive market environment.

The basis for the formation of methodological approaches to the assessment of the state employment policy is the definition of the goals and objectives of the necessary transformations in the labor market. In conditions planned system labor management, the state acted as the only subject of employment policy. IN market economy most of the jobs are created in public sector. The government's direct influence on employment is limited. State employment policy turns into employment promotion policy

The methods of conducting the state policy of promoting employment can be divided into two groups: methods of regulation aimed at reducing the level of cyclical unemployment and methods aimed at reducing the natural rate of unemployment.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the employment policy is carried out according to the formula:


where BEPS is the effectiveness of the employment policy during the calendar period;

NPSU - the number of unemployed deregistered for all reasons (employed, issued for early retirement, etc.) during the calendar period;

NBq - the number of unemployed at the end of the calendar period

Thus, the indicator of the social effectiveness of the employment policy is dimensionless and has an unambiguous interpretation. Multiplying the actual unemployment rate in the region by the indicator of the social effectiveness of the employment policy increased by one will make it possible to determine the level of unemployment that would have been recorded in the region if the employment service authorities had not deregistered the unemployed at all. The greater the value of the indicator calculated by formula (1), the higher the social efficiency of the employment policy.

If we try to briefly formulate the main thesis of the employment policy at the stage of stabilization and economic growth, then it can sound as follows: the state, with the help of macroeconomic regulation tools, should create the most favorable conditions for those who can and want to work effectively, and support those who, by virtue of objective circumstances cannot work.

It follows from this that, firstly, employment problems should be at the center of the government's economic policy.

Secondly, the state is responsible for the development of a system of efficient jobs.

Thirdly, the burden of solving the problem of ensuring employment and a normal level of labor income should be equally divided between the state and the worker.

A comprehensive study and skillful application of the experience of combating unemployment during periods of economic recession in many countries of the world will contribute to the early formation of an optimal domestic mechanism state regulation employment of the population of the Russian Federation.

Thus, there is a search for a way out of the state from the current difficult situation in the labor market. Some intensification of this work is noticeable with the involvement of foreign capital and world experience.


  1. Kazakov A.P. , Minaeva N.V. "Economics" - a course of lectures, Moscow, 1998.
  2. Lipsits I.V. "Economics", book-1, Moscow, 1997
  3. Nikiforova A.A. "Labor Market, Employment and Unemployment", Moscow, 1991.
  4. Sarukhanov E.R. "Problems of employment in the period of transition to the market"
  5. Russian economy in 2006. Trends and prospects. (Issue 28) M.: IET, 2007. 751 p.
  6. State and Market / Ed. B.C. Prigarina, V.T. Ryazanov. - St. Petersburg, 2005. - 206 p.

The Russian Federation has created a solid legal framework for the regulation of labor and employment of the population. These issues are reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in Labor Code of the Russian Federation and in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation". Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the basics of employment of the population on freedom of labor, the prohibition of forced labor, remuneration for work without any discrimination, the right to freely dispose of one's ability to work, choose the type of activity and profession.

IN modern conditions Of particular relevance is the analysis of documents adopted at the level of the Council of Europe, in which aspects of employment promotion are also ignored. In particular, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms prohibits forced labor. The European Social Charter contains an indication of the obligations of states "to ensure the effective protection of the right of workers to earn their living in freely chosen work."

The main directions of the policy of the Russian state to promote the realization of the rights of citizens to full, productive and freely chosen employment are enshrined in Art. 5 of the Law on Employment, among which, in particular, the following:

  • -development of labor resources, increasing their mobility, protection of the national labor market;
  • - ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social status, political beliefs and attitude to religion, in exercising the right to voluntary work and free choice of employment;
  • -creation of conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person;
  • - support for the labor and entrepreneurial initiative of citizens, carried out within the framework of the law, assistance in the development of their abilities for productive, creative work;
  • -implementation of measures to promote the employment of citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job;
  • - prevention of mass and reduction of long-term (more than one year) unemployment;
  • - Encouragement of employers who maintain existing and create new jobs, first of all, for citizens who experience difficulties in finding a job;
  • - pooling the efforts of labor market participants and coordinating their actions in the implementation of measures to promote employment of the population;
  • - coordination of the activities of state bodies, trade unions, other representative bodies of employees and employers in the development and implementation of measures to ensure employment of the population;
  • - international cooperation in solving problems of employment of the population, including issues related to the labor activity of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with international labor standards.

The above directions of state policy, as a rule, are developed in other normative legal acts(first of all - federal and territorial programs to promote employment), as well as in collective agreements with the participation of state bodies.

Depending on the content of the main directions of state policy in the field of employment, two types of it can be distinguished:

  • 1) an active state policy in the field of employment;
  • 2) passive state policy in the field of employment.

An active policy is characterized by the presence of forms of employment aimed at finding a job as soon as possible, as well as retraining and vocational training for the unemployed, that is, the state establishes additional incentives for those who are trying to get a job.

A passive policy is characterized by the presence of increased unemployment benefits and other measures to provide financial assistance unemployed, that is, maintaining the standard of living of citizens during a period of unemployment.

In the Russian Federation, given the sharp reduction in the maximum and minimum benefits, the state employment policy is active, as the low level of benefits forces the unemployed to search for work on their own.

The mentioned Conventions also indicated that the state policy should be aimed at developing social partnership at all levels, developing a mechanism for interaction between executive authorities, employers, trade unions and other representative bodies of workers in solving problems of employment in the sectoral labor markets.

The Law on Employment also establishes the right of trade unions to participate in the development of state policy in the field of employment promotion. Particularly important is the participation of trade unions in carrying out activities related to the mass dismissal of workers.

It is noteworthy that with regard to certain categories citizens who are in particular need of social protection in the labor market, the state assumes obligations to create increased guarantees in the field of their employment (quotas for jobs for the disabled and young people, the creation special programs employment, etc.), which allows us to talk about ensuring their employment. Such obligations of the state are specified in regulatory legal acts, including those adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation (as well as government bodies subjects of the Federation) special targeted programs to ensure employment of these groups of the population. As a result of the lack of a clear policy in the labor market, the "status quo" in the field of employment persists: a sluggish increase in registered and unregistered unemployment and a continuing trend of increasing hidden unemployment as the economic downturn continues or persists. It is clear that maintaining such a "status quo" is unacceptable.

The state employment policy as a reflection of the employment strategy is part of the socio-economic development policy of the country, aimed at a comprehensive solution of employment problems in the interests of full and effective use labor potential.

Only effective employment creates a material basis for the implementation of any social programs. Therefore, increasing economic efficiency and employment productivity should become a top priority not only for employment policy, but for economic policy as a whole. IN last years Employment efficiency in Russia is declining catastrophically.

The problem of employment is one of the acute social problems. Therefore, social policy in relation to the labor market occupies a special place in state regulation. The state legislates the conditions of employment and general terms and Conditions conclusion of collective labor agreements. The state takes upon itself the organization of the system of education, vocational training and retraining of workers. Due to state subsidies, the mobility of workers is encouraged, the development of small and medium-sized businesses is stimulated, and benefits are provided to entrepreneurs who create new jobs.

During periods of crisis, the state resorts to the use of public works. State influence on labor markets is also carried out through the implementation of a migration policy that regulates the inflow and outflow of foreign labor.

Along with this, the goal of modern employment policy is also to solve the problems of special groups of the working population (the elderly, the disabled, women, youth, foreigners).

Since unemployment is a serious macroeconomic problem and is an indicator of macroeconomic instability, the state is taking measures to combat it. The variety of types of unemployment makes the task of reducing it extremely difficult. Since there is no single way to deal with unemployment, any country has to use different methods to solve this problem. Consider the general measures of struggle and separately for each type of unemployment.

Common to all types of unemployment are such measures as:

  • - payment of unemployment benefits;
  • - Establishment of employment services (employment offices).

Level frictional unemployment can be reduced by:

  • - improvement of information support of the labor market. In all countries, this function is performed by employment organizations ( labor exchanges 1 *). They collect information from employers about existing vacancies and report it to the unemployed;
  • - elimination of factors that reduce labor mobility. For this you need first of all:
  • - creating a developed housing market;
  • - increasing the scale of housing construction;
  • - the abolition of administrative barriers for moving from one locality in another.
  • - creation of special services.

reduction structural unemployment programs of professional retraining and retraining contribute most of all. Such as the Labor Exchange - an organization that specializes in mediation between employees and employers for the purchase and sale of labor. It is engaged in the employment of the unemployed, provides services to those wishing to change jobs, sends young people to courses for acquiring a profession, etc. Programs should lead to a workforce that is best suited to the jobs available. This task is achieved by the program of vocational training, information about jobs. Vocational training programs provide both on-the-job and institutional training for the unemployed, youth, and older workers whose profession has become obsolete. Most difficult to deal with cyclical unemployment, to solve this problem, the following measures are most effective:

1) Creation of conditions for the growth of demand for goods. Since the demand in the labor market is a derivative and depends on the situation in the markets for goods and services, employment will increase and unemployment will fall if the commodity markets show more demand and additional workers will have to be hired to satisfy it.

Ways to increase demand, according to Bulatova A.S., are:

  • * stimulation of export growth. This can lead to an increase in production volumes and, accordingly, employment in them;
  • * support and encouragement of investments in the reconstruction of the enterprise in order to increase the competitiveness of products.
  • 2) Creation of conditions for reducing the supply of labor.

Obviously, the fewer people who apply for jobs, the easier it is to find a job even with the same number of vacancies. It is quite realistic to reduce the number of applicants for these places and, moreover, to free up additional vacancies for the unemployed. Some relief may come, for example, by providing the possibility of early retirement for employees who have not yet reached the pension increase. In Russia, for example, when the union-level governing bodies were abolished, men who worked in their states were allowed to retire at 57-58 years old, and women - at 53-54 years old. Without this, older employees would have to look for work. And since they had few chances for employment at this age, they would have increased the army of unemployed. Early retirement prevented this development. However, this method can only be used on a very limited scale, as it entails a significant increase in pension payments.

  • 3) Creation of conditions for the growth of self-employment. The point of these types of programs is to help people start their own business so they can support themselves and their families even if they can't find employment.
  • 4) Implementation of programs to support young workers. Unemployment hits the elderly the hardest (no one wants to hire them anymore due to falling productivity and poor health) and the youngest (no one wants to hire them yet because of low qualifications and lack of experience).

Various methods can be used to help youth find employment:

  • · economic stimulation of youth employment;
  • Creation of special firms offering jobs specifically to young people; creation of centers for training young people in those professions in which the chances of employment are the highest.
  • 5) creation of additional jobs in the public sector of the economy.

The list of unemployment reduction programs can be continued for a long time, but it is important to understand that all these programs cannot completely eliminate or significantly reduce cyclical unemployment. This result is achieved only with a general improvement in the economic situation in the country.

Due to the variety of internal regulators of the labor market, as well as due to the social importance of its effective functioning needs qualified regulation. It seems that the creation of such an effective system of regulation in the field of employment is one of the main social tasks of the reforms being carried out in Russia.

The state plays an important role in providing employment.

There are four main areas of state regulation of the labor market.
  • a program to stimulate employment growth and increase the number of jobs in the public sector.
  • programs aimed at training and retraining the workforce.
  • recruitment assistance programs.
  • the government adopts unemployment insurance programs, i.e. allocates funds for unemployment benefits
Goals of state regulation of the labor market:
  • security full time , which is understood as the absence, while maintaining the "natural level of unemployment", determined by the size of its frictional and structural forms;
  • creation of a "flexible labor market" capable of quickly adapting to changes in the internal and external conditions of economic development, maintain controllability and stability. This “flexibility”, compared to the traditional labor market, manifests itself in the flexible use of part-time workers, temporary employment, shifting jobs, changing the number of shifts, expanding or adding work functions depending on the need. Everyone who wants to work must find a job in such a market that meets his needs.

State policy in the labor market is carried out in two main forms:

  • active - the creation of new jobs, increasing the level of employment and overcoming unemployment through training and retraining of workers;
  • passive - support for the unemployed through the payment of benefits.

Holding active policy, aimed at achieving full employment, is in developed countries priority state policy in the labor market. The main measures of this policy include:

  • stimulation by the state of investments in the economy, which is the main condition for creating new jobs;
  • organization of retraining and retraining of the structurally unemployed;
  • development of employment services, labor exchanges that perform intermediary functions in the labor market, providing information on vacant jobs in order to reduce frictional and structural unemployment;
  • promotion of small and family business, which is considered in many countries the most important method of providing employment to the population;
  • government incentives (by tax and legislative measures) for the provision of jobs by employers to certain groups of the population - people with disabilities;
  • facilitating, if necessary, a change of residence in order to obtain a job;
  • international cooperation in solving employment problems; resolving issues related to international labor migration;
  • creation of jobs in the public sector - in the field of education, medical services, public utilities, construction of public buildings and structures;
  • organization of public works.

State support for the unemployed, their social protection are passive form state policy in the labor market. The state guarantees unemployed citizens:

  • providing social support in the form of unemployment benefits, material assistance and other social benefits;
  • free medical care.

In developed countries financial aid unemployed is carried out on the basis of unemployment insurance systems. The minimum task of these payments is to provide for the current living expenses of the unemployed. Duration - from several months to indefinite assistance (for example, in Belgium, Australia). Funds are formed mainly at the expense of the state and entrepreneurs.

Relationship between unemployment and wages

An important basis for regulating the labor market in country c is the relationship between unemployment and . We are talking about the so-called, graphically reflecting the nonlinear relationship between these two phenomena.

Assuming that there is an equal relationship between the rate of change of wages and prices, the Phillips model can be transformed into a relationship between unemployment and the rate of change of the price level. The Phillips Curve provides choices: either sufficiently high employment with maximum economic growth, but with rapid price increases, or sufficiently stable prices, but with significant unemployment.

For many years it served as the basis for socio-economic regulation in the United States and other Western countries. Many Western economists even now proceed from the fact that there is a unidirectional movement of changes in wages and prices and diverse - between these values ​​and unemployment. However, there were many examples when unemployment and inflation acquired not an inverse, but a direct relationship: despite the rise in unemployment, prices continued to rise. This causes criticism of the validity of the Phillips curve as a reliable regulator in the economy.

The listed directions do not exhaust all measures of state influence on the labor market. Along with them, there are methods of indirect regulation of the labor market: tax, monetary and depreciation policies of the government. In addition, legislation has a significant impact on the labor market - on social security, on labor relations, on equal civil rights etc.

Labor exchange

A special place in the system of state regulation of the labor market is occupied by the labor exchange (employment service, recruitment assistance service), which is one of the important structures of the market economic mechanism.

Labor exchange- a special institution that performs intermediary functions in the labor market. In most countries, ore exchanges are state-owned and operate under the direction of the ministry of labor or a similar body, however, along with public employment services, a large number of private intermediary firms operate in the labor market, the efficiency of which is very high. There are about 15,000 such firms in the United States.

The main activities of labor exchanges:
  • registration of the unemployed;
  • registration of vacancies;
  • employment of the unemployed and other persons;
  • studying the labor market situation and providing information about it;
  • testing of persons wishing to get a job;
  • professional orientation and professional retraining the unemployed;
  • payment of benefits.

Most economists believe that the problem of unemployment and other labor market imbalances can only be alleviated through a combination of various means of stimulating economic growth, shortening the working week, creating effective system staff retraining.

State employment policy in Russia

State employment policy- a system of measures of direct state and indirect impact on the labor sphere () to achieve the goals.

The state employment policy is multilevel process: macro level; regional level; local level.

macro level

At the macro level, the highest bodies of state legislative and executive power solve the cardinal tasks of employment policy:

  • Coordination of the goals and priorities of the employment policy with economic, social, demographic and migration policies.
  • Coordination of the system of goals and priorities of the employment policy with financial and credit, structural, investment, foreign economic policy.
  • Development of a policy of employment and social support for the unemployed population.
Regional level

At the regional level, the directions listed above are taken into account. However, the powers of regional governments are somewhat narrowed. For example, carried out by federal authorities.

The regions include the promotion of employment among the main priorities of their policies and, within their competence, carry out social policy. At the regional level, in the interests of employment policy, housing, transport and industrial construction programs and others are being implemented.

At the regional level, measures to support farming and small businesses are more effective than at the national level.

Employment problems at the regional level are solved as follows:

  • development of a system of training and retraining of the population (primarily the temporarily unemployed);
  • improvement of information support (including computerization);
  • provision of adapted premises and trained personnel of employment centers;
  • targeted support for jobs to contain the layoffs of workers;
  • improving the efficiency of registration, employment and social support for the unemployed;
  • support in the labor market for refugees and internally displaced persons, citizens with limited ability to work, long-term unemployed, women, youth and adolescents and other socially unprotected groups of the population;
  • organization of public and temporary works.
local level

At the local level, all the practical work on employment, payment of benefits, and training is carried out.

State employment policy in Russia

The government of any country strives to maintain a certain level of employment in the economy. Of course, the measures taken depend on national characteristics each state. Below we will consider the state policy in the field of employment on the example of Russia.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that "everyone has the right to work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene, to remuneration for work without any discrimination and not below the established federal law minimum size wages, as well as the right to protection against unemployment" (Article 37, paragraph 3).

In 1991, a law was passed " On employment in the Russian Federation", which defined state guarantees realization of the right to work and protection from unemployment.

State guarantees for the unemployed include:
  • free vocational training and retraining in the direction of the employment service;
  • compensation for expenses associated with sending to work in another region on the recommendation of the employment service;
  • payment of unemployment benefits;
  • the opportunity to conclude labor contracts for participation in public works, etc.

Fighting- one of the elements of the system of public (social) insurance. According to the Employment Law, the State RF was created, which is an off-budget federal fund. The funds of the fund are federal property and are managed by the State Employment Service. The funds of the fund are formed at the expense of assessed contributions employers and working citizens, appropriations from the budgets of various levels, income from the placement of funds on deposits Central Bank and others and are sent to social protection population from unemployment.

The actions of the state aimed at reducing the unemployment rate can have ambiguous consequences.

Retraining and retraining programs and an improved job information service are helping to increase employment rates and reduce unemployment.

On the other hand, the payment of unemployment benefits reduces the incentive to look for work, which manifests itself in the "unemployment trap". To avoid it, the state establishes differentiated benefit rates, which decrease over time.