Estimates for design work for street improvement. Improvement and landscaping

An estimate for landscaping courtyard areas is required regardless of whether the yard will be developed apartment building or a private mansion. The estimate is prepared by the contractor and then submitted to the customer for approval. After this, you can proceed directly to completing the order.


Any estimate can be drawn up only after assessing the object, when there is an idea of ​​the required amount of work and its volume. The main cost items that are usually included in any estimate include:

  1. Execution of work. Often this article will be the main one, since the bulk of the work cannot be automated. If the owner performs the bulk of the work himself, then for involvement in some complex work Payment is hourly, but in some cases the cost is calculated entirely for the task at hand.
  2. Equipment rental. When landscaping any yard area, it is necessary to use special equipment. Even for simple landscaping, equipment is usually used. Often it is available from contractors specializing in this, but large equipment must be rented. Payment for such services is usually hourly or per day.
  3. Materials. For some types of work, this expense item may become the main one (for example, if we're talking about about installing a slide for a child - most of all you will have to spend on buying the slide itself and the materials necessary to strengthen it).
  4. Materials are calculated based on the required volume of work and area of ​​the site.

Transport. Often it may be necessary to simply clear the area before further landscaping can be carried out. In this case, the costs include renting a car and the help of loaders. If the customer is state organization or any company whose budget is limited (for example, Management Company

Often, owners prefer to carry out the bulk of the work themselves, hiring contractors for each type of work that they cannot do themselves. Here, estimates often have to be drawn up separately for each type of work. But first, the owner can draw up a general invoice on his own in order to have an idea of ​​the upcoming costs.

Design work

Separately, an estimate should be made for design work, which must be carried out before proceeding. This implies costs not only for paying the person who will draw up the project, but also for conducting research.

For example, it may be necessary to study the soil and territory, since the client’s wishes may not always be fulfilled. If you have special wishes regarding landscaping, then you need to understand that not all plants can be planted normally on a certain soil. The same applies to the installation of some structures: massive and heavy structures cannot be placed on sandy soil without first strengthening the site.

At the request of the client, an additional designer can be involved who will help choose the correct placement of objects on the site and select the decor. In this case, payment for his services is included in the estimate as an additional expense item.

Individual cases

Sometimes you may need to involve specialists or calculate the implementation yourself a separate type works In this case, evaluates the involvement of workers, equipment, as well as procurement necessary materials for a specific job.

  • Most often it is compiled separately:
  • Estimate for landscaping. This may mean the entire territory or the improvement of a separate area (often this is an area near the house);
  • calculation of installation of irrigation structure. The cost greatly depends on whether water is supplied to the site. In rare cases, it may be necessary to first lay water to the site - the cost in this case will be higher;
  • Estimate for installation of paving slabs. This depends as much as possible on the chosen coating and on the area on which the tiles will need to be laid;
  • lighting. The cost determines the type of lighting, as well as the area of ​​the site and the frequency of placement of lamps (spotlights near the entrance or spot lighting of the entire site);
  • installation of structures (gazebo, bench, swing, sandbox). If we are not talking about the construction of an object (a playhouse or an enclosure for animals), then the main cost items in the estimate will be: wages for workers and the price of the structure itself.
  • The cost of purchasing materials will be minimal (they are required only to strengthen the structure);

Estimate for earthworks. The price most often includes the rental of equipment and hiring of workers.

Any estimate is compiled individually for each project and depends on what list of works and in what volume needs to be performed. The estimate can be drawn up for the entire facility or separately for each stage of work.

All documents presented in the catalog are not their official publication and are intended for informational purposes only. Electronic copies of these documents can be distributed without any restrictions. You can post information from this site on any other site.
The government of Moscow

Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow
base prices for design work on comprehensive improvement

territories (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.)-



“Collection of basic prices for design work on comprehensive landscaping of territories (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.) MRR-” was developed by a temporary creative team of leading specialists from the State Unitary Enterprise “NIAC” of the Moscow Committee for Architecture (I.L. Dronova, B .A. Kurman, E.A. Igoshin) and State Unitary Enterprise “Mosproekt-3” (V.I. Parfenov, V.M. Bodunov, E.E. Kostryukova).The “Collection” is intended to determine the cost of design work for those types of improvement that are not reflected in the corresponding section of the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.».


“Collection of basic prices for design work on comprehensive landscaping of territories (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.) MRR-” was approved and put into effect by order of the Chairman of the Moscow City Committee for State Expertise of Projects and Pricing in Construction from 03/09/2007 No. 3.

INTRODUCTIONIn the “Collection of basic prices for design work on complex landscaping of territories (parks, gardens, public gardens, boulevards, etc.).MRR-3.2.14-05

The cost of the main design work for landscaping on the territory of a residential development of a microdistrict, block, urban complex is determined in accordance with section 3.2 of the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. МРР- ".

This “Collection” has developed basic prices for those types of landscaping design work that are not included in the cost of residential development.

In the “Collection”, basic prices are developed for the improvement of the following objects and types of work:

City facilities (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.);

Significant urban spaces (recreation areas, water protection zones, closed facilities);

Special zones (squares, highways, exhibitions);

Small forms of architecture.

The “Collection” does not provide basic prices for work on comprehensive improvement of the territories of the historical center of Moscow, monuments cultural heritage(historical and cultural monuments) of peoples Russian Federation and specially protected natural areas. The cost of work on the comprehensive improvement of such territories should be determined in accordance with the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.The “Collection” is intended to determine the cost of design work for those types of improvement that are not reflected in the corresponding section of the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.».

The following were used in the development of the Collection: legal acts Moscow Government and regulatory documents for design:

- “On improving the regulatory and methodological framework in design in Moscow” dated 04/05/1996 No. 415-РЗП;

- “About activities for the formation regulatory framework comprehensive improvement in the city of Moscow" dated July 10, 2001 No. 642-PP;

- “On the comprehensive improvement of Moscow: color, architectural lighting, landscape architecture” dated November 26, 1996 No. 940-RZP;

- “On the General Scheme for the comprehensive improvement of the city of Moscow” dated 02.09.2003 No. 746-PP;

- “On the General Scheme of flower decoration for the city of Moscow” dated January 14, 2003 No. 8-PP;

- “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in Moscow.The “Collection” is intended to determine the cost of design work for those types of improvement that are not reflected in the corresponding section of the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.»;

- “Collection of prices for design work for construction.” Gosgrazhdanstroy. Section 40. M. 1990;

Decorative color design of facades of buildings and structures. The cost of these design works is determined in accordance with the “Recommendations for determining the cost of an architectural color scheme for the facades of buildings and structures in Moscow. MRR- ";

Construction and improvement of various water structures (fountains, ponds, swimming pools, etc.). The cost of these design works is calculated in accordance with the “Procedure for determining the cost of designing fountains in the conditions of Moscow (2nd edition). MRR- ";

Placement of small architectural forms and urban furniture (Table 4.1), including:

Placement of visual information elements (billboards, signs, etc.);

Placement of works of monumental and decorative art (including decorative, associative, play sculpture).

Rehabilitation of natural complexes.

1.3. The base price for design work for comprehensive improvement is calculated as of 01/01/2000 on the basis of physical indicators, taking into account the labor costs of developers.

1.4. The base price is calculated for the “Detailed Project” stage with the coefficient K r.p. = 1, the distribution of its value across design stages is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.The “Collection” is intended to determine the cost of design work for those types of improvement that are not reflected in the corresponding section of the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.».

1.5. Basic prices of this “Collection” include the following types main design works for improvement:

General plan;

Layout layout drawings;


Planting and layout drawings of landscaping;

Vertical layout - organization of relief; road network;

Drains (storm drains);

Outdoor Lighting;

Organization of construction (POS);

Estimate documentation.

The relative distribution of the cost of the main design works for improvement is given in.

1.6. Improvement of large areas, such as parks, recreation areas, water protection zones, closed facilities, city highways,

exhibitions may include the development of fragments of the territory, functional areas in accordance with the design assignment. The cost of fragments and functional zones is determined for each of them depending on the size of their territory with a coefficient for the composition of work and with a coefficient of 1.2 for the scale M - 1:200; M - 1:100; M - 1:50.

1.7. To determine the cost of designing works for complex improvement, it is proposed to apply correction factors to the base price, taking into account complicating (simplifying) factors that affect the complexity of design (see Table 1.1).

When applying several coefficients, their values ​​are multiplied, and the product should not exceed 2.0.

1.8. The base price, adjusted using correction factors, is the basis for the formation of the contract price.

1.9. Bringing the base price (as of 01/01/2000) to the current level is carried out using conversion factors (inflationary changes) of the base design cost, approved by the Interdepartmental Council on Pricing Policy in Construction under the Moscow Government (K per).

For objects of the city order, when determining the cost of design work, the standard cost of design products of the city order is applied N r /3 , approved by the Department economic policy and development of the city of Moscow.

1.10. The cost of design work determined in accordance with the “Collection” does not take into account the following associated costs and are subject to additional payment by the customer (provided that these works are included in the design assignment):

Architectural and artistic lighting;

Coloristic design of facades of buildings and structures;

Construction and improvement of water structures (fountains, pools, reservoirs);

Relaying and gasketing utility networks;

Development of retaining walls, engineering structures, sports and recreational areas, valuation of green spaces;

Costs for the acquisition of standard documentation for buildings and industrial products intended for the design of facilities;

Travel and fare, related to the design of an object outside the location of the design organization and requiring the adoption of design decisions on site outside such a point, as well as related to the acquisition of documentation;

Expenses for international and long-distance telephone calls, as well as international and long-distance postal and telegraph mail related to design;

Expenses for paying bills of organizations approving and conducting examinations for work performed in accordance with the established procedure or on behalf of the customer;

Expenses for payment of services of organizations for translation from foreign and into foreign languages ​​of design and estimate documentation;

Costs for the production, at the request of the customer, of an additional amount of design and estimate documentation in excess of that provided for by the “Regulations on the unified procedure for pre-design and project preparation construction in Moscow (2nd edition)” of a mandatory number of copies (the cost of these associated costs is determined based on the labor costs of the designers);

Value added tax (VAT):

Costs of design organizations associated with the submission of project documentation to expert and approval bodies, in terms of additional copies and approval of invoices (engineering services);

1.11. The “Collection” can be used by enterprises, organizations, private firms and individuals who legally carry out architectural and landscape design in the city of Moscow.

Table 1.1

Factors influencing the labor intensity of landscaping design

Specifics of landscaping design

Coefficient values

Complicating design factors:

Historical zone;

Unique objects(subject to permission issued in the prescribed manner);

Reconstructed area;

Protected landscape area;

Difficult terrain;

Design of an area with more than 50% greenery;

Surrounded by buildings;

Availability of communications;

Availability of high-voltage power lines;

Availability of a reservoir.

Simplifying design factors:

Reduced scope of work (non-integrated design)


2.1. The base price of the main design work is determined by the formula:

C(b)2000 = A + input(2.1)


C(b)2000- base price of main design work in 2000 prices, thousand rubles. (determined by);

« A» - constant value expressed in thousand rubles;

« V» - a constant value having the dimension of thousand rubles per unit natural indicator;

« X» - the magnitude (power) of the natural indicator of the object under consideration.

2.2. The cost of main design work at current prices is determined by the following formula:



S PR(T) -cost of main design work in current prices;

- product of correction coefficients taking into account complicating (simplifying) design factors;

K per - conversion factor of the base cost of design work into current level prices The value of this coefficient is developed by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow and adopted by the Interdepartmental Council on Pricing Policy in Construction under the Moscow Government.

2.3. The cost of the main design work for comprehensive improvement in current prices for objects of the city order is determined by the following formula:



N G.Z. - standard cost of project products of the city order. The value of this standard is determined by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow.


Table 3.1

Object name

Natural indicator " X", ha

Base price parameters

thousand roubles.

thousand rubles/ha

Parks, gardens

before 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



from 20 to 50



from 50 to 100



from 100 to 150



over 150


Squares, boulevards

up to 0.5


from 0.5 to 1



from 1 to 2



from 2 to 3



from 3 to 5



from 5 to 10



over 10


Recreation areas

to 10


from 10 to 50



from 50 to 100



from 100 to 150



over 150


Water protection zones

to 10


from 10 to 20



from 20 to 50



from 50 to 100



over 100


Closed facilities*

up to 400


from 400 to 1200


from 1200 to 2400



from 2400 to 6000



over 6000


City squares

up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



over 20


City highways*

up to 500


from 500 to 5000



from 5000 to 10000



over 10000



up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



over 20


Note: * 1 sq.m. is taken as the calculated natural indicator. total area object of landscaped area.


1. B Basic prices for the design of small architectural forms (MAFs), calculated using standardized labor costs, are given.

2. All nomenclature given inThe MAF is divided into 14 groups. Basic prices are calculated for each of these groups.

One name of the MAF or improvement element is accepted as a design design indicator.

3. Basic prices in calculated for the “detailed design” stage; when determining the base price for other design stages, the following calculation coefficients are applied to the base price:

For the “project” stage K = 0.4;

For the “working documentation” stage K = 0.6.

4. When designing MAF, three categories of design complexity are used:

III category - objects of complex curvilinear volumetric-spatial outlines, prefabricated unified structures, made of valuable natural finishing materials, complex in color or plastic-ornamental surface solutions.

For the standard level in accepted III category of complexity of designing MAF facilities.

When determining the base price of objects classified as I and II complexity categories, the following coefficients are applied to the base prices of the table:

For I complexity category K = 0.75;

For II difficulty category K - 0.85.

6. Basic prices are calculated for individual projects objects and landscaping elements.

The cost of an individual fence project is determined at the base price (clause 3) for one section of the fence:

For individual sections (up to 2.5 m high, 3 m wide), the base price is multiplied by the number of individual sections (the number of individual sections is set by the design assignment and cannot exceed 20);

For the reuse of individual designs of fence sections, a coefficient of 0.4 is applied (the number of sections for reuse is established by the design assignment and should not exceed the number of individual sections);

For repeated reuse of individual sections, a coefficient of 0.4 and 0.06 is applied.

The total cost of the fence project will be the sum of the calculations made above.

7. When designing MAF and improvement elements in conditions of reconstruction with valuable historical and cultural heritage (antique stylization), a coefficient of up to 1.2-1.3 is applied.

8. According to paragraph 6 of Table 4.1, the cost of designing stairs with a number of steps from 20 to 30 is determined.

The cost of designing stairs with up to 10 steps is calculated at basic prices I complexity categories. With the number of steps from 10 to 20 at the base price II complexity categories.

A staircase with more than 30 steps is considered as an independent staircase, the cost of which is determined in accordance with the base price established in this table.

Basic prices include stairs with railings and platforms with a flight width of up to 2 meters.

If the flight width is more than 2 meters, the cost increases by 10% for each meter of width in excess of 2 meters.

9. According to paragraph 6 The cost of designing retaining walls up to 2 meters high and up to 30 meters long is determined.

Cost of designing retaining walls length:

Up to 10 meters is calculated at the base price of 1 category of complexity;

Up to 15 meters according to II complexity categories;

Up to 20 meters on III complexity categories;

Over 20 meters with a coefficient of 1.2 applied to the price III complexity categories.

10. Basic MAF design prices do not take into account:

Development of demonstration material;

Design of connecting utility networks to small architectural forms.

Table 4.1

Small architectural forms and landscaping elements

* When designing a separate gate, the value of its base price is determined with a coefficient K = 0.4 from the base prices in paragraph 7 of the table.


5.1. The negotiated price is formed on the basis of the base price, taking into account the mutual interests of the partners, incl. predicted indicators of efficiency and quality of project documentation, reduction (increase) of document development time compared to standards, architectural and technical complexity, degree of creative and entrepreneurial risk, as well as other conditions.

5.2. Along with the main work, the contract price takes into account:

a) the cost of additional work and services;

b) the cost of related work.

5.3. The conditions for forming the contract price, in addition to those listed, include additional payment for:

Reducing the duration of document development compared to standard deadlines;

Fulfillment of special requirements specified in the contract.

5.4. The contract price is determined by the formula:

WITH D.(T.Ts.) = WITH T.Ts. + WITH (additional) t.c.,


S D. (T.Ts.) . negotiated price in current prices;

With T.Ts. - cost of main works in current prices;

With (additional) t.c - the cost of additional work (services) in current prices.

5.5. Reducing the time frame for completing work relative to the standard (if such a requirement is formalized in the prescribed manner) is taken into account by using a correction factor, the values ​​of which are given intable 4.2.1 “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in Moscow.The “Collection” is intended to determine the cost of design work for those types of improvement that are not reflected in the corresponding section of the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.».

5.6. In order to protect the customer and performers from inflationary losses, it is recommended to take into account the use of the following types of contract prices in the terms of the contract:

Fixed contract price, unchangeable during the contract period - for architecturally and technically simple objects, with a short design period;

Open negotiated price, specified during the design process.

5.7. In the case of an open contract price, when calculating for work performed (stages, phases, parts of work), it is recommended:

At the same time, recalculate the cost of work taking into account official inflation indices (coefficients);

Conclude contracts for the performance of work in stages at base prices 01.0 J .2000 in accordance with the "Collection" with adjustments to the cost of performing subsequent stages of work, taking into account the level of cost of work that prevailed at the time of concluding the contract for the implementation of the next stage.

5.8. The cost of basic work, established in accordance with the "Collection", is considered as socially necessary for the creation of design products at a quality level that meets modern requirements.


Annex 1
Relative distribution of the cost of main design work by sections of project documentation (in%)

Improvement objects

Architectural planning solutions (general plan, layout drawings)

Landscaping (dendroplane, planting, and layout drawings of landscaping.)

Vertical. plan. Organization relief

Road network

Lighting (external)

Drains (storm drains)


Estimate nary documentation

City objects:


Parks, gardens


Squares, boulevards

Special zones:


Recreation areas


Water protection zones


Closed objects

Significant urban spaces:






Calculation of project cost work

According to clause 3 cost of designing 20 individual fencing sections in 2000 prices. From 1 pr(2000) = 6981 20 = 139620 rub.

WITH 2 pr(2000) = 20 6981 0.4 = 55848 rub.

Let's determine the cost of designing the remaining sections.

(770 - 40 =730 pcs.).

WITH 3 pr(2000) = 730 6981 0.4 0.06 = 122307 rub.

WITH about pr(2000) = 139620 + 55848 + 122307 = 317775 rub.

IV quarter 2006).

IV quarter of 2006 is - 2,342.

City order standardN r/3 = 0.61

Then, 317775 2.342 0.61= 453980 rub.

Continuation of application 2

Example 2
Calculation of the cost of the fence project.

Exodus n data

The length of the fence is 3500 running meters.

Fence height = 2m.

Section length - 3.01 m.

Number of sections - 1000 pcs., incl. individual sections - 15 pcs.

Calculation of the cost of design work

According to clause 3 the cost of designing 15 individual fence sections in 2000 prices will be C 1 pr (2000) = 6981 15 = 104,715 rubles.

Cost of design work when reusing fence sections:

WITH 2 pr(2000) = 6981 15 0.4 = 41886 rub.

Cost of designing the remaining sections. (1000 -30 =970 pcs.).

WITH 3 pr(2000) = 6981 970 0.4 0.06 = 162518 rub.

In total, the cost of design work in 2000 prices will be:

WITH about pr(2000) = 104715 + 41886 + 162518 = 309119 rub.

Cost of design work in current prices (at IV quarter 2006).

Price conversion factor from 2000 level to IV the 2006 quarter is 2,342.

Then, taking into account the city order 309119 2.342 0.61 = 441614 rubles.

1. Architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects in the city of Moscow are carried out in accordance with Town Planning Code Russian Federation and others federal legislation. Organs state power the cities of Moscow carry out within the limits of their powers public administration and regulation in the field of architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects in accordance with federal legislation and this Code.

2. The placement and construction, construction, installation of territory improvement facilities specified in Part 5 of Article 11 of this Code are carried out in accordance with this Code and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Article 46. Engineering surveys for the preparation of design documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects

Performance engineering surveys for the preparation of design documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects (hereinafter referred to as engineering surveys), formation and maintenance state fund materials and engineering survey data, taking into account the needs of information systems for supporting urban planning activities, are carried out in accordance with federal legislation.

Article 47. Architectural and construction design

1. Preparation of design documentation for capital construction projects is carried out in the manner established by federal legislation.

2. The procedure for preparing design documentation carried out on the basis of a city state order is established by the Moscow Government in accordance with federal legislation.

3. Determination procedure technical specifications and providing information about them, determining connection fees, connecting capital construction projects to engineering and technical support networks are established by the Moscow Government, if they are not established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. Preparation of project documentation is carried out in accordance with the urban planning plan land plot. In the case when, in accordance with the urban planning plan of a land plot, this land plot is intended for the construction of a complex, group of buildings, structures, structures, the design documentation must contain a comprehensive functional planning, architectural, landscape and engineering solution for development, landscaping, transport services and engineering support such land plot, including:

1) architectural and compositional solution for the development, including the location, purpose, parameters and architectural solutions of buildings, structures, structures;

2) location and parameters of passages, surface parking lots, territories common use, public spaces;

3) location and parameters engineering communications;

4) organization of landscaping and landscaping of the territory;

5) vertical layout and organization of the territory's relief;

6) organization of construction work, engineering support, and landscaping of the territory.

5. The design documentation must include design solutions and measures that ensure a favorable state of the living environment in the surrounding areas during the preparatory period of construction, during the main period of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects, during the period of territory improvement work after completion of construction , including providing:

1) safety of the population, territory, buildings and structures;

2) security environment, compliance sanitary standards, protection of green spaces;

3) unhindered access of the population (including people with disabilities) to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities, to public areas, to residential buildings, public, administrative, business and industrial buildings;

4) uninterrupted transport services and engineering support for the territory;

5) proper landscaping and appearance of the territory;

6) fulfillment of other requirements for the favorable state of the living environment established by federal legislation, this Code, other laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, including regional standards.

Article 48. State examination of design documentation and engineering survey results. Non-state examination of design documentation and non-state examination of engineering survey results

1. State examination of design documentation and engineering survey results is carried out in the manner established by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for organizing state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results is established by legal acts of the Moscow Government in accordance with federal legislation.

2. The body authorized to conduct state examination exercises powers in the field of organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results, transferred by the Russian Federation to government authorities of the city of Moscow in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

3. The result of the state examination of design documentation, which is carried out by a body authorized to conduct state examination, or subordinate to it government agency, is a conclusion on the compliance (positive conclusion) or non-compliance (negative conclusion) of this project with the urban planning plan of the land plot, the requirements of technical regulations, including sanitary-epidemiological, environmental requirements, and the results of engineering surveys, as well as the requirements of the legislation of the city of Moscow, including including in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas, protection of green spaces, the requirements of regional standards, including in terms of ensuring accessibility and adaptability for the needs of disabled people of social, engineering, transport infrastructure, public areas, residential, public, administrative and industrial buildings, as well as in terms of ensuring a favorable living environment during construction, reconstruction, major renovation capital construction projects.

4. Conducting a state examination of design documentation is mandatory in cases established by federal legislation, in cases of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects in areas of comprehensive improvement in residential, public and business areas not subject to reorganization, in specially protected areas natural areas, natural and green areas, in protection zones of cultural heritage sites and historical zones, in other cases when during the construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects, human rights to a favorable living environment, other rights and legitimate interests of individuals, as well as legal entities.

5. Non-state examination of design documentation and non-state examination of engineering survey results are carried out in cases and in the manner established by federal legislation.

Article 49. Construction permits, permits for the placement of territory improvement facilities

1. A building permit in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation is a document giving the developer the right to carry out construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of a capital construction project.

2. Availability of a construction permit is mandatory in cases established by federal legislation, as well as in cases of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects in areas of comprehensive improvement in residential, public and business areas that are not subject to reorganization, in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, in protection zones of cultural heritage sites and historical zones, in other cases when during the construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects, human rights to a favorable living environment, other rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities may be violated persons

3. The issuance of construction permits is carried out in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation in terms of the form of construction permits, the list of documents submitted to obtain a construction permit, the timing and procedure for considering applications for issuing construction permits, the validity period of construction permits, the grounds for refusal to issue construction permits, other requirements of federal legislation.

4. A construction permit is issued by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized to issue construction permits, with the exception of permits for the construction of capital construction projects, which in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation are issued by an authorized federal body executive power.

5. In cases established by federal legislation, the procedure for issuing construction permits authorized body executive power of the city of Moscow is established by the Moscow Government.

6. Information on the issuance of construction permits within 10 days after the issuance of a construction permit is subject to official publication in the manner established for publication official information territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, posting on the official websites of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow on the Internet.

7. Obtaining a building permit is not required:

1) for the placement of territory improvement facilities;

2) to carry out reconstruction work, major repairs of utilities and road network facilities that do not require the preparation of design documentation;

3) to carry out work to change capital construction projects and (or) their parts, if such changes do not affect the structural and other characteristics of their reliability and safety, do not violate the rights of third parties and do not exceed the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction established by the town planning plans of the relevant land plots.

8. Types, parameters and characteristics of territory improvement objects, the procedure for obtaining permits for the placement of such objects, as well as the types of work specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of part 7 of this article, the performance of which does not require obtaining a construction permit, and the procedure for performing such work are established The Moscow Government in accordance with federal legislation, this Code and other laws of the city of Moscow.

9. Persons carrying out the placement of objects specified in paragraph 1 of part 7 of this article, carrying out the work specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of part 7 of this article:

1) are obliged to comply with:

a) safety requirements established technical regulations and other federal legislation;

b) requirements contained in the urban planning plans of the relevant land plots;

c) the requirements of regional standards in terms of landscaping the territory and ensuring a favorable living environment, including during the period of work;

d) the procedure established by the Moscow Government for obtaining permits for placing objects and performing work and the procedure for placing objects and performing work;

2) bear, in accordance with the law, liability for violation of the requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this part, including administrative liability for violation of the requirements specified in subparagraphs “b”, “c” and “d” of paragraph 1 of this part, which is established by the Code of the city of Moscow on administrative violations.

Article 50. Construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects

1. Construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects are regulated by the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, this Code, as well as legal acts of the Moscow Government corresponding to federal legislation and this Code.

2. Construction control is carried out during the construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Order of conduct construction control is established by the Moscow Government, if such a procedure is not established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. State construction supervision in the city of Moscow is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized to carry out state construction supervision, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, except for cases established by federal legislation, when state construction supervision is carried out authorized federal executive body.

4. In the areas surrounding the construction site, control is carried out in the manner established by the Moscow Government over compliance with the requirements for ensuring a favorable living environment, including the safety of buildings and structures, compliance with environmental safety and environmental protection requirements, the state of landscaping of the territory and green spaces during construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects.

5. Persons guilty of violating the requirements for ensuring a favorable living environment during construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects bear administrative liability in accordance with the Moscow City Code of Administrative Offenses.

6. No later than 10 days before the start of the preparatory stage of construction, including demolition and dismantling work existing buildings, structures, the developer is obliged to place an information stand on the border of the construction site, accessible for viewing from the surrounding area, containing:

1) information about the project developer, about the planned construction and its timing, including a graphic image of the planned facility and a diagram of the territory surrounding the construction site, which displays the landscaping activities planned for the construction period;

2) information about the construction permit;

3) information about the developer (customer) and the performer (contractor) of construction work;

4) addresses and Contact phone numbers the executive authority of the city of Moscow, authorized to carry out state construction supervision, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, exercising control over the condition of the territories surrounding the construction site.

7. Copy urban plan land plot, other urban planning documentation, sections of project documentation subject to publication in information system urban planning activities, construction permits are presented by the performer (contractor) of the work at the request of the authorized officials state control bodies, the relevant local government body, a deputy of the Moscow City Duma from the relevant electoral district, and other interested parties.

8. The commissioning of a capital construction project is carried out on the basis of a permit to put the facility into operation, which is issued to the developer by the executive authority of the city of Moscow that issued the permit for the construction of this facility. Permission to put a facility into operation is issued in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Moscow Government. The decision to refuse to issue a permit to put a facility into operation is made in cases established by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

9. Capital construction object, location, parameters, architectural solution which do not comply with the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot, design documentation, may be recognized unauthorized construction in accordance with Civil Code Russian Federation.

    • Chapter 1. (Articles 1-10)
      • Article 1.
      • Article 2.
      • Article 3.
      • Article 4.
      • Article 5.
      • Article 6.
      • Article 7.
      • Article 8.
      • Article 9.
      • Article 10.
    • Chapter 2. (Articles 11-18)
      • Article 11.
      • Article 12.
      • Article 13.
      • Article 14.
      • Article 15.
      • Article 16.
      • Article 17.
      • Article 18.
    • Chapter 3. (Articles 19-22)
      • Article 19.
      • Article 20.
      • Article 21.
      • Article 22.
    • Chapter 4. (Articles 23-27)
      • Article 23.
      • Article 24.
      • Article 25.
      • Article 26.
      • Article 27.
    • Chapter 5. (Articles 28-30)
      • Article 28.
      • Article 29.
      • Article 30.
    • Chapter 6. (Articles 31-33)
      • Article 31.
      • Article 32.
      • Article 33.
    • Chapter 7. (Articles 34-37)
      • Article 34.
      • Article 35.
      • Article 36.
      • Article 37. Repealed
    • Chapter 8. (Articles 38-44)
      • Article 38.
      • Article 39.
      • Article 40.
      • Article 41.
      • Article 42.
      • Article 43.
      • Article 44.
    • Chapter 9. (Articles 45-50)
      • Article 45.
      • Article 46.
      • Article 47.
      • Article 48.
      • Article 49.
      • Article 50.
    • Chapter 10. (Articles 51-57)
      • Article 51.
      • Article 52.
      • Article 53.
      • Article 54.
      • Article 55.
      • Article 56.
      • Article 57.
    • Chapter 11. (Articles 58-65)
      • Article 58.
      • Article 59.
      • Article 60.
      • Article 61.
      • Article 62.
      • Article 63.
      • Article 64.
      • Article 65.
    • Chapter 12. ((Articles 71-74)
      • Article 71.
      • Article 72.
      • Article 73.
      • Article 74.
    • Chapter 14. (Article 75)
      • Article 75.
    • Chapter 15. (Articles 76-78)
      • Article 76.
      • Article 77.
      • Article 78.

The “Collection” was put into effect to replace MRR-


The “Collection of basic prices for design work on comprehensive landscaping of territories (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.), carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow” (hereinafter referred to as the “Collection”) defines the conditions and rules for the formation of basic prices for design work on improvement of territories based on natural indicators (ha, thousand sq. m., linear meters, units, etc.) taking into account the labor costs of developers.

The “Collection” has developed basic prices for design work for comprehensive improvement objects of city order, financed from the budget of the city of Moscow.

The cost of the main design work for landscaping on the territory of a residential development of a microdistrict, block, urban complex is determined in accordance with section 3.2 of the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. МРР- ".

This “Collection” has developed basic prices for those types of landscaping design work that are not included in the cost of residential development.

In the “Collection”, basic prices are developed for the improvement of the following objects and types of work:

City facilities (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.);

Significant urban spaces (recreation areas, water protection zones, closed facilities);

Special zones (squares, highways, exhibitions);

Small forms of architecture.

The “Collection” does not provide basic prices for work on the comprehensive improvement of the territories of the historical center of Moscow, cultural heritage monuments (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation and specially protected natural areas. The cost of work on the comprehensive improvement of such territories should be determined in accordance with Appendix 3 of the Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. МРР- ".

When developing the Collection, the following legal acts of the Moscow Government and regulatory documents on design were used:

- “On improving the regulatory and methodological framework in design in Moscow” dated 04/05/1996 No. 415-РЗП;

- “On measures to form a regulatory framework for comprehensive improvement in the city of Moscow” dated July 10, 2001 No. 642-PP;

- “On the comprehensive improvement of Moscow: color, architectural lighting, landscape architecture” dated November 26, 1996 No. 940;

- “On the General Scheme for the comprehensive improvement of the city of Moscow” dated 02.09.2003 No. 746-PP;

- “On the General Scheme of flower decoration for the city of Moscow” dated January 14, 2003 No. 8-PP;

- “On measures to improve the organization of work on flower decoration in the city of Moscow” dated October 21, 2008 No. 959-PP;

- “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in Moscow. МРР- ".

In preparing the “Collection”, the experience of the design institutes of the Moscow Architecture Committee was used to develop projects for the improvement of the city, as well as natural complexes, taking into account the modern requirements and capabilities of the city.


1.1. The “Collection” is a methodological basis for determining the cost of types of work included in the concept of comprehensive improvement.

1.2. In this context, the term “comprehensive improvement” includes:

Architectural and planning organization of the territory;

Landscaping of the territory (creation of new and reconstruction of existing landscape compositions, taking into account the preservation of existing natural communities);

Engineering equipment of the territory (external lighting, irrigation water supply, drainage);

Architectural and artistic lighting (buildings, structures, landscape compositions and other objects). The cost of these design works is calculated in accordance with the “Methodology for calculating the cost of developing an architectural lighting project for the formation of a light environment and the creation of light ensembles in the city of Moscow. MRR- ";

Decorative color design of facades of buildings and structures. The cost of these design works is determined in accordance with the “Methodology for determining the cost of developing architectural color schemes for construction projects in Moscow. MRR-";

Construction and improvement of various water structures (fountains, ponds, swimming pools, etc.). The cost of these design works is calculated in accordance with the “Procedure for determining the cost of designing fountains in the conditions of Moscow (2nd edition). MRR- ";

Placement of small architectural forms and urban furniture (), including:

Placement of visual information elements (billboards, signs, etc.);

Placement of works of monumental and decorative art (including decorative, associative, play sculpture).

Rehabilitation of natural complexes.

1.3. The base price for design work for comprehensive improvement is calculated as of 01/01/2000 on the basis of natural indicators, taking into account the labor costs of developers.

1.4. The base price is calculated for the “Detailed Project” stage with a coefficient Kr.p = 1, the distribution of the base price by design stages is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of base prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. МРР- ".

1.5. The basic prices of this “Collection” include the following types of basic design work for improvement:

General plan;

Layout layout drawings;

Planting and layout drawings of landscaping;

Vertical layout - organization of relief;

Road network;

Drains (storm drains);

Outdoor Lighting;

Organization of construction (POS);

Estimate documentation.

The relative distribution of the cost of the main design work for improvement is given in.

1.6. The improvement of large areas, such as parks, recreation areas, water protection zones, closed facilities, city highways, exhibitions, may include the development of fragments of the territory, functional zones in accordance with the design assignment. The cost of fragments and functional zones is determined for each of them depending on the size of their territory with a coefficient for the composition of work and with a coefficient of 1.2 for the scale M - 1:200; M - 1:100; M - 1:50.

1.7. To determine the cost of designing works for complex improvement, it is proposed to apply correction factors to the base price, taking into account complicating (simplifying) factors that affect the complexity of design (see).

When applying several coefficients, their values ​​are multiplied, and the product should not exceed 2.0.

1.8. The base price, adjusted using correction factors, is the basis for the formation of the contract price.

1.9. Bringing the base price (as of 01/01/2000) to the current level is carried out using conversion factors (inflationary changes) of the base design cost, approved in the prescribed manner, ( To lane).

1.10. The cost of design work determined in accordance with the “Collection” does not take into account the following associated costs and are subject to additional payment by the customer (provided that these works are included in the design assignment):

Architectural and artistic lighting;

Architectural and coloristic design of facades of buildings and structures;

Construction and improvement of water structures (fountains, pools, reservoirs);

Relaying and laying of utility networks;

Development of retaining walls, engineering structures, sports and recreational areas;

Costs for taxation of green spaces; dendroplane;

Development of floral decoration;

Costs for purchasing standard documentation;

Travel and transportation costs associated with the design of an object outside the location of the design organization and requiring the adoption of design decisions on site outside such a location, as well as associated with the acquisition of documentation;

Expenses for international and long-distance telephone calls, as well as international and long-distance postal and telegraph mail related to design;

Expenses for paying bills of organizations approving and conducting examinations for work performed in accordance with the established procedure or on behalf of the customer;

Costs of paying for the services of organizations for translation from and into a foreign language of design and estimate documentation:

Costs of producing, at the request of the customer, an additional quantity of design and estimate documentation in excess of the mandatory number of copies provided for in the “Regulations on the unified procedure for pre-design and design preparation of construction in Moscow (2nd edition)” (the cost of these associated costs is determined on the basis of the labor costs of designers);

Value added tax (VAT);

Costs of design organizations associated with the submission of project documentation to expert and approval bodies, in terms of additional copies and approval of invoices (engineering services);

1.11. The “Collection” can be used by enterprises, organizations, private firms and individuals who legally carry out architectural and landscape design with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow.


2.1. The base price of the main design work is determined by the formula:

C(b)2000 = A + input



C(b)2000 - base price of main design work in 2000 prices, thousand rubles. (determined according to table 3.1);

« A» is a constant value expressed in thousand rubles;

« V» - a constant value having the dimension of thousand rubles. per unit of natural indicator;

« X" - the value (power) of the natural indicator of the object under consideration.

2.2. The cost of main design work at current prices is determined by the following formula:



S pr(t)- cost of main design work in current prices;

The product of correction factors that take into account complicating (simplifying) design factors. Product of all coefficients TO iin addition to the coefficient taking into account the reduction in design time and the coefficient taking into account the type of reconstruction of the existing facility, it should not exceed a value of 2.0;

To lane- coefficient for converting the base cost of design work into the current price level. The value of the specified coefficient is approved in accordance with the established procedure.


Table 3.1

Object name

Natural indicator " X", ha

Base price parameters

thousand roubles.

V ,
thousand rubles/ha

Parks, gardens

up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



from 20 to 50



from 50 to 100



from 100 to 150



over 150


Squares, boulevards

up to 0.5


from 0.5 to 1



from 1 to 2



from 2 to 3



from 3 to 5



from 5 to 10



over 10


Recreation areas

to 10


from 10 to 25



from 25 to 50



from 50 to 100



from 100 to 150



over 150


Water protection zones

to 10


from 10 to 20



from 20 to 50



from 50 to 100



over 100


Objects with security clearance*

up to 400


from 400 to 1200



from 1200 to 2400



from 2400 to 6000



over 6000


City squares

up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



over 20


City highways*

up to 500


from 500 to 5000



from 5000 to 10000



from 10000 to 50000



from 50000 to 100000



over 100000



up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 15



from 15 to 20



from 20 to 25



from 25 to 40



from 40 to 60



over 60



When developing schemes for the planning structure of territories on a scale of 1:2000, the coefficient K-1.15 is applied to the cost of work.

* 1 sq.m. is taken as the calculated natural indicator. m of the total area of ​​the landscaped area.


1. Table 4.1 shows the basic prices for the design of small architectural forms (SAF), calculated using standardized labor costs.

2. The entire range of MAFs given in Table 4.1 is divided into 14 groups. Basic prices are calculated for each of these groups.

One name of the MAF or improvement element is accepted as a design design indicator.

3. When designing the MAF, three categories of design complexity are used:

III category - objects of complex curvilinear volumetric-spatial outlines, prefabricated unified structures, made of valuable natural finishing materials, complex in color or plastic-ornamental surface solutions.

Accepted as a standard level III category of complexity of designing MAF facilities.

When determining the base price of objects classified as I and II complexity categories, the following coefficients are applied to the base prices of the table:

For I difficulty categories K = 0.75;

For II difficulty categories K = 0.85.

4. The cost of an individual fence project is determined by the base price (point 3) for one section of the fence:

For individual sections, the base price is multiplied by the number of individual sections (the number of individual sections is established by the design assignment and cannot exceed 20);

For the reuse of individual designs of fence sections, a coefficient of 0.4 is applied (the number of sections for reuse is established by the design assignment and should not exceed the number of individual sections);

For repeated reuse of individual sections, the product of coefficients is applied 0.4 × 0.15 = 0.06.

The total cost of the fence project will be the sum of the calculations made above.

When the length of the fence exceeds 2 km, a reduction factor of 0.9 is introduced to the cost of designing all sections, with the exception of individual and reused sections; with a fence length exceeding 3 km - coefficient 0.85; with a fence length of 4 km or more - the coefficient is 0.8.

When the width of one section is less than 3.5 m, a reduction factor is applied to the design cost, determined by the ratio L/3.5; where L - width of one section.

5. When designing MAF and improvement elements in conditions of reconstruction with valuable historical and cultural heritage (antique stylization), the coefficient is applied 1,2 - 1,3 .

6. According to paragraph 6, the cost of designing stairs with a number of steps from 20 to 30 is determined.

The cost of designing stairs with up to 10 steps is calculated at basic prices of the 1st category of complexity. With the number of steps from 10 to 20 at the base price II complexity categories.

A staircase with more than 30 steps is considered as an independent staircase, the cost of which is determined in accordance with the base price established in this table.

Basic prices include stairs with railings and platforms with a flight width of up to 2 meters.

If the flight width is more than 2 meters, the cost increases by 10% for each meter of width in excess of 2 meters.

7. According to paragraph 6, the cost of design is determined
retaining walls up to 2 meters high, up to 30 meters long.

Cost of designing retaining walls length:

Up to 10 meters is calculated at the base price of 1 category of complexity;

Up to 15 meters according to II complexity categories;

Up to 20 meters on III complexity categories;

over 20 meters using the coefficient 1,2 to the price at III complexity categories.

8. Basic MAF design prices do not take into account:

Development of demonstration material;

Design of connecting utility networks to small architectural forms.

Table 4.1

Basic prices for design work on the development of Small architectural forms and landscaping elements

* If the section area is less than 6 square meters. m, a correction factor is applied to the base price, determined by the ratio S /6, with a section area over 7.5 sq. m-coefficient S/7.5; where S - area of ​​the designed section.

Drains (storm drains)

Estimate documentation


City objects:


Parks, gardens


Squares, boulevards


Special zones:


Recreation areas


Water protection zones


Objects with security clearance


Significant urban spaces


City squares


City highways



Appendix 2

Example 1

Calculation of the cost of the fence project.

Initial data

Fence height - 2 m

Section width - 2.5 m

Section area - 5 sq. m

Number of sections - 1110 pcs., incl. individual sections - 20 pcs.

Calculation of the cost of design work

According to paragraph 3, the cost of designing 20 individual fence sections in 2000 prices will be

From 1 pr(2000) = 4258 5/6 20 = 70967 rub.

C 2 pr(2000) = 4258 5/6 20 0.4 = 28387 rub.

Cost of designing reusable sections (1110 - 40 = 1070 pcs.).

C 3 pr(2000) = 4258 1070 5/6 0.4 0.15 0.9 = 205023 rub.

With about pr(2000) = (70976 + 28387 + 205023) 2.5/3.5 = 217412 rub.

Cost of design work in current prices (at III quarter 2009).

Price conversion factor from 2000 level to III sq. 2009 is 2.607.

With pr(t.t.) = 217412 2.607 = 566793 rub.

Example 2.

Calculation of the cost of developing a fence project.

Initial data

Length of the fence - 2774 linear meters

Section width - 3 m

Section area - 6 sq. m

Number of sections - 925 pcs.

Of 925 pcs. - individual sections - 20 pcs.

20 - reuse sections

Calculation of the cost of design work

According to clause 3, the cost of designing 20 individual fence sections at base prices

From 1 pr(2000) = 4258 20 = 85160 rub.

Cost of design work when reusing fence sections:

C 2 pr(2000) = 20 4258 0.4 - 34064 rub.

Cost of designing multiple repeating sections, (925 - 40 = 885 pcs.)

C 3 pr(2000) = 885 4258 0.4 0.15 0.9 = 203490 rub.

In total, the cost of design work in 2000 prices will be:

With about pr(2000) = (85160 + 34064 + 203490) 3/3.5 = 276612 rub.

Cost of design work in current prices

With pr(t.t.) = 276612 2.607 = 721127 rub.

The government of Moscow
The government of Moscow

Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow
base prices for design work
for comprehensive landscaping
(parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.),
carried out with the attraction of funds
budget of the city of Moscow



The “Collection” was put into effect to replace MRR-


The “Collection of basic prices for design work on comprehensive landscaping of territories (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.), carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow” (hereinafter referred to as the “Collection”) defines the conditions and rules for the formation of basic prices for design work on improvement of territories based on natural indicators (ha, thousand sq. m., linear meters, units, etc.) taking into account the labor costs of developers.

The “Collection” has developed basic prices for design work for the comprehensive improvement of city-ordered facilities, financed from the budget of the city of Moscow.

The cost of the main design work for landscaping on the territory of a residential development of a microdistrict, block, urban complex is determined in accordance with section 3.2 of the “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. МРР- ".

This “Collection” has developed basic prices for those types of landscaping design work that are not included in the cost of residential development.

In the “Collection”, basic prices are developed for the improvement of the following objects and types of work:

City facilities (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.);

Significant urban spaces (recreation areas, water protection zones, closed facilities);

Special zones (squares, highways, exhibitions);

Small forms of architecture.

The “Collection” does not provide basic prices for work on the comprehensive improvement of the territories of the historical center of Moscow, cultural heritage monuments (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation and specially protected natural areas. The cost of work on the comprehensive improvement of such territories should be determined in accordance with Appendix 3 of the Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. МРР- ".

When developing the Collection, the following legal acts of the Moscow Government and regulatory documents on design were used:

- “On improving the regulatory and methodological framework in design in Moscow” dated 04/05/1996 No. 415-РЗП;

- “On measures to form a regulatory framework for comprehensive improvement in the city of Moscow” dated July 10, 2001 No. 642-PP;

- “On the comprehensive improvement of Moscow: color, architectural lighting, landscape architecture” dated November 26, 1996 No. 940;

- “On the General Scheme for the comprehensive improvement of the city of Moscow” dated 02.09.2003 No. 746-PP;

- “On the General Scheme of flower decoration for the city of Moscow” dated January 14, 2003 No. 8-PP;

- “On measures to improve the organization of work on flower decoration in the city of Moscow” dated October 21, 2008 No. 959-PP;

- “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in Moscow. МРР- ".

In preparing the “Collection”, the experience of the design institutes of the Moscow Architecture Committee was used to develop projects for the improvement of the city, as well as natural complexes, taking into account the modern requirements and capabilities of the city.


1.1. The “Collection” is a methodological basis for determining the cost of types of work included in the concept of comprehensive improvement.

1.2. In this context, the term “comprehensive improvement” includes:

Architectural and planning organization of the territory;

Landscaping of the territory (creation of new and reconstruction of existing landscape compositions, taking into account the preservation of existing natural communities);

Engineering equipment of the territory (external lighting, irrigation water supply, drainage);

Architectural and artistic lighting (buildings, structures, landscape compositions and other objects). The cost of these design works is calculated in accordance with the “Methodology for calculating the cost of developing an architectural lighting project for the formation of a light environment and the creation of light ensembles in the city of Moscow. MRR- ";

Decorative color design of facades of buildings and structures. The cost of these design works is determined in accordance with the “Methodology for determining the cost of developing architectural color schemes for construction projects in Moscow. MRR-";

Construction and improvement of various water structures (fountains, ponds, swimming pools, etc.). The cost of these design works is calculated in accordance with the “Procedure for determining the cost of designing fountains in the conditions of Moscow (2nd edition). MRR- ";

Placement of small architectural forms and urban furniture (), including:

Placement of visual information elements (billboards, signs, etc.);

Placement of works of monumental and decorative art (including decorative, associative, play sculpture).

Rehabilitation of natural complexes.

1.3. The base price for design work for comprehensive improvement is calculated as of 01/01/2000 on the basis of natural indicators, taking into account the labor costs of developers.

1.4. The base price is calculated for the “Detailed Project” stage with a coefficient Kr.p = 1, the distribution of the base price by design stages is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of base prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. МРР- ".

1.5. The basic prices of this “Collection” include the following types of basic design work for improvement:

General plan;

Layout layout drawings;

Planting and layout drawings of landscaping;

Vertical layout - organization of relief;

Road network;

Drains (storm drains);

Outdoor Lighting;

Organization of construction (POS);

Estimate documentation.

The relative distribution of the cost of the main design work for improvement is given in.

1.6. The improvement of large areas, such as parks, recreation areas, water protection zones, closed facilities, city highways, exhibitions, may include the development of fragments of the territory, functional zones in accordance with the design assignment. The cost of fragments and functional zones is determined for each of them depending on the size of their territory with a coefficient for the composition of work and with a coefficient of 1.2 for the scale M - 1:200; M - 1:100; M - 1:50.

1.7. To determine the cost of designing works for complex improvement, it is proposed to apply correction factors to the base price, taking into account complicating (simplifying) factors that affect the complexity of design (see).

When applying several coefficients, their values ​​are multiplied, and the product should not exceed 2.0.

1.8. The base price, adjusted using correction factors, is the basis for the formation of the contract price.

1.9. Bringing the base price (as of 01/01/2000) to the current level is carried out using conversion factors (inflationary changes) of the base design cost, approved in the prescribed manner, ( To lane).

1.10. The cost of design work determined in accordance with the “Collection” does not take into account the following associated costs and are subject to additional payment by the customer (provided that these works are included in the design assignment):

Architectural and artistic lighting;

Architectural and coloristic design of facades of buildings and structures;

Construction and improvement of water structures (fountains, pools, reservoirs);

Relaying and laying of utility networks;

Development of retaining walls, engineering structures, sports and recreational areas;

Costs for taxation of green spaces; dendroplane;

Development of floral decoration;

Costs for purchasing standard documentation;

Travel and transportation costs associated with the design of an object outside the location of the design organization and requiring the adoption of design decisions on site outside such a location, as well as associated with the acquisition of documentation;

Expenses for international and long-distance telephone calls, as well as international and long-distance postal and telegraph mail related to design;

Expenses for paying bills of organizations approving and conducting examinations for work performed in accordance with the established procedure or on behalf of the customer;

Costs of paying for the services of organizations for translation from and into a foreign language of design and estimate documentation:

Costs of producing, at the request of the customer, an additional quantity of design and estimate documentation in excess of the mandatory number of copies provided for in the “Regulations on the unified procedure for pre-design and design preparation of construction in Moscow (2nd edition)” (the cost of these associated costs is determined on the basis of the labor costs of designers);

Value added tax (VAT);

Costs of design organizations associated with the submission of project documentation to expert and approval bodies, in terms of additional copies and approval of invoices (engineering services);

1.11. The “Collection” can be used by enterprises, organizations, private firms and individuals who legally carry out architectural and landscape design with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow.


2.1. The base price of the main design work is determined by the formula:

C(b)2000 = A + input



C(b)2000 - base price of main design work in 2000 prices, thousand rubles. (determined according to table 3.1);

« A» is a constant value expressed in thousand rubles;

« V» - a constant value having the dimension of thousand rubles. per unit of natural indicator;

« X" - the value (power) of the natural indicator of the object under consideration.

2.2. The cost of main design work at current prices is determined by the following formula:



S pr(t)- cost of main design work in current prices;

The product of correction factors that take into account complicating (simplifying) design factors. Product of all coefficients TO iin addition to the coefficient taking into account the reduction in design time and the coefficient taking into account the type of reconstruction of the existing facility, it should not exceed a value of 2.0;

To lane- coefficient for converting the base cost of design work into the current price level. The value of the specified coefficient is approved in accordance with the established procedure.


Table 3.1

Object name

Natural indicator " X", ha

Base price parameters

thousand roubles.

V ,
thousand rubles/ha

Parks, gardens

up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



from 20 to 50



from 50 to 100



from 100 to 150



over 150


Squares, boulevards

up to 0.5


from 0.5 to 1



from 1 to 2



from 2 to 3



from 3 to 5



from 5 to 10



over 10


Recreation areas

to 10


from 10 to 25



from 25 to 50



from 50 to 100



from 100 to 150



over 150


Water protection zones

to 10


from 10 to 20



from 20 to 50



from 50 to 100



over 100


Objects with security clearance*

up to 400


from 400 to 1200



from 1200 to 2400



from 2400 to 6000



over 6000


City squares

up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



over 20


City highways*

up to 500


from 500 to 5000



from 5000 to 10000



from 10000 to 50000



from 50000 to 100000



over 100000



up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 15



from 15 to 20



from 20 to 25



from 25 to 40



from 40 to 60



over 60



When developing schemes for the planning structure of territories on a scale of 1:2000, the coefficient K-1.15 is applied to the cost of work.

* 1 sq.m. is taken as the calculated natural indicator. m of the total area of ​​the landscaped area.


1. Table 4.1 shows the basic prices for the design of small architectural forms (SAF), calculated using standardized labor costs.

2. The entire range of MAFs given in Table 4.1 is divided into 14 groups. Basic prices are calculated for each of these groups.

One name of the MAF or improvement element is accepted as a design design indicator.

3. When designing the MAF, three categories of design complexity are used:

III category - objects of complex curvilinear volumetric-spatial outlines, prefabricated unified structures, made of valuable natural finishing materials, complex in color or plastic-ornamental surface solutions.

Accepted as a standard level III category of complexity of designing MAF facilities.

When determining the base price of objects classified as I and II complexity categories, the following coefficients are applied to the base prices of the table:

For I difficulty categories K = 0.75;

For II difficulty categories K = 0.85.

4. The cost of an individual fence project is determined by the base price (point 3) for one section of the fence:

For individual sections, the base price is multiplied by the number of individual sections (the number of individual sections is established by the design assignment and cannot exceed 20);

For the reuse of individual designs of fence sections, a coefficient of 0.4 is applied (the number of sections for reuse is established by the design assignment and should not exceed the number of individual sections);

For repeated reuse of individual sections, the product of coefficients is applied 0.4 × 0.15 = 0.06.

The total cost of the fence project will be the sum of the calculations made above.

When the length of the fence exceeds 2 km, a reduction factor of 0.9 is introduced to the cost of designing all sections, with the exception of individual and reused sections; with a fence length exceeding 3 km - coefficient 0.85; with a fence length of 4 km or more - the coefficient is 0.8.

When the width of one section is less than 3.5 m, a reduction factor is applied to the design cost, determined by the ratio L/3.5; where L - width of one section.

5. When designing MAF and improvement elements in conditions of reconstruction with valuable historical and cultural heritage (antique stylization), the coefficient is applied 1,2 - 1,3 .

6. According to paragraph 6, the cost of designing stairs with a number of steps from 20 to 30 is determined.

The cost of designing stairs with up to 10 steps is calculated at basic prices of the 1st category of complexity. With the number of steps from 10 to 20 at the base price II complexity categories.

A staircase with more than 30 steps is considered as an independent staircase, the cost of which is determined in accordance with the base price established in this table.

Basic prices include stairs with railings and platforms with a flight width of up to 2 meters.

If the flight width is more than 2 meters, the cost increases by 10% for each meter of width in excess of 2 meters.

7. According to paragraph 6, the cost of design is determined
retaining walls up to 2 meters high, up to 30 meters long.

Cost of designing retaining walls length:

Up to 10 meters is calculated at the base price of 1 category of complexity;

Up to 15 meters according to II complexity categories;

Up to 20 meters on III complexity categories;

over 20 meters using the coefficient 1,2 to the price at III complexity categories.

8. Basic MAF design prices do not take into account:

Development of demonstration material;

Design of connecting utility networks to small architectural forms.

Table 4.1

Basic prices for design work on the development of Small architectural forms and landscaping elements

* If the section area is less than 6 square meters. m, a correction factor is applied to the base price, determined by the ratio S /6, with a section area over 7.5 sq. m-coefficient S/7.5; where S - area of ​​the designed section.

Drains (storm drains)

Estimate documentation


City objects:


Parks, gardens


Squares, boulevards


Special zones:


Recreation areas


Water protection zones


Objects with security clearance


Significant urban spaces


City squares


City highways



Appendix 2

Example 1

Calculation of the cost of the fence project.

Initial data

Fence height - 2 m

Section width - 2.5 m

Section area - 5 sq. m

Number of sections - 1110 pcs., incl. individual sections - 20 pcs.

Calculation of the cost of design work

According to paragraph 3, the cost of designing 20 individual fence sections in 2000 prices will be

From 1 pr(2000) = 4258 5/6 20 = 70967 rub.

C 2 pr(2000) = 4258 5/6 20 0.4 = 28387 rub.

Cost of designing reusable sections (1110 - 40 = 1070 pcs.).

C 3 pr(2000) = 4258 1070 5/6 0.4 0.15 0.9 = 205023 rub.

With about pr(2000) = (70976 + 28387 + 205023) 2.5/3.5 = 217412 rub.

Cost of design work in current prices (at III quarter 2009).

Price conversion factor from 2000 level to III sq. 2009 is 2.607.

With pr(t.t.) = 217412 2.607 = 566793 rub.

Example 2.

Calculation of the cost of developing a fence project.

Initial data

Length of the fence - 2774 linear meters

Section width - 3 m

Section area - 6 sq. m

Number of sections - 925 pcs.

Of 925 pcs. - individual sections - 20 pcs.

20 - reuse sections

Calculation of the cost of design work

According to clause 3, the cost of designing 20 individual fence sections at base prices

From 1 pr(2000) = 4258 20 = 85160 rub.

Cost of design work when reusing fence sections:

C 2 pr(2000) = 20 4258 0.4 - 34064 rub.

Cost of designing multiple repeating sections, (925 - 40 = 885 pcs.)

C 3 pr(2000) = 885 4258 0.4 0.15 0.9 = 203490 rub.

In total, the cost of design work in 2000 prices will be:

With about pr(2000) = (85160 + 34064 + 203490) 3/3.5 = 276612 rub.

Cost of design work in current prices

With pr(t.t.) = 276612 2.607 = 721127 rub.