What ways to wind up money to increase it. How to increase your capital with a small amount of money

Internet investing is a great way to get a stable additional source of income in order to strengthen your own wealth. This can be done very quickly. The number of sources of income directly affects the quality of your life, and therefore you need to look for ways to make money work and generate income. If you do not know how to increase your capital without interrupting your main job, then PAMM accounts will be the ideal choice for you.

You only check the status of your investments from time to time, decide to invest more money or withdraw funds - all this is on the Internet. We talked about the benefits of PAMM investing in. We will now pay a little attention to the facts and results that many companies and their investors have already achieved over the past few years. This will give you an idea of ​​how to multiply money on the Internet, and if it is possible at all.

One of the largest players on the market, the company Alpari, showed an increase in trade turnover, reaching an impressive 107 billion rubles a month. The total volume of investments is estimated at USD 14 million, with the total profit of depositors exceeding USD 3 million. The company has a huge market share - more than 30% of the all-Russian average monthly turnover, but this does not mean that the company is a monopoly.

According to company reports, it represents over 120,000 active clients. A huge number of investors on one trading floor!

The cherry on top was the result of trader Ivan Petrov from Moscow, who showed an incredible return of 1133% in one month. Increase your money 10 times in 30 days? Such a result, for sure, will suit even the most discerning investor. However, such records are isolated cases and are often based on the failures of other traders, which does not make Ivan Petrov's work less impressive.

Statistics show that the market is constantly growing. The same Alpari has been working in the CIS for over 16 years and has solid recommendations. The same can be said about many other market participants. Alpari investors talk about a stable profitability of PAMM accounts within the range of 30-50% per annum. At the same time, the money is in trust - the investor himself does nothing.

3 How to start making money right now?

The scheme for investing in PAMM accounts is quite simple and includes just a few simple steps:

  1. Registration with the selected company;
  2. Personal account replenishment;
  3. Choosing a PAMM index or manager;
  4. Investing funds.

It is the simplicity of the investment process that attracts thousands of investors. We advise you to start quickly, replenish your account with a tangible amount of money, but do not rush into investments. Watch analytics, watch a couple or two of training videos, invest in several PAMM accounts to ensure a small but stable profit.

You can familiarize yourself with and see what to create profitable investment portfolio it is not necessary to invest in several different areas. It is enough to diversify deposits within one or two PAMM companies. Look for traders with a good track record, follow the advice of professionals. You will understand that you can increase your money relatively quickly and safely if you do not rush into the abyss of financial markets without looking back.

Most people do not know how to multiply money in order to earn and get a good return on their capital. In this article, we'll take a look at 10 ways on the topic.

Hello, friends! With you Alexander Berezhnov - one of the authors of the business magazine HeatherBober.

This is part 2 of a series on increasing your capital.

You can independently create such a project and monetize * him and become a start-up investor * ... If an Internet project has already been launched and is consistently profitable, you can simply invest your money in it, becoming its owner.

Project monetization- the actions that the owner of the project takes to start making a profit from it. The term "monetization" is most often used for Internet projects. For offline projects, the term "commercialization" is often used.

In this case, you buy a ready-made business with an established income.

However, remember that if you do not understand anything about Internet projects and technical nuances, then you will definitely need an assistant to manage the project. He is called the "project manager".

This is a kind of hired director of your business. The project manager can either single-handedly perform all the functions to ensure the viability and development of the project, or form his own team of assistants if the project is large and requires the participation of specialists of different profiles.

You can create and promote your project, and then sell it, or vice versa - buy the project as a ready-made business.

You can buy and sell your Internet project on the well-known exchange telderi.ru

Investing in the Internet is another powerful way to understand in practice how to multiply money and make it work for you.

Pros and cons of making money on your Internet project


  • High return on small investment. With an investment of 100,000 rubles, in 6 months such a project can bring you from 10,000 to 50,000 per month in the form of passive income.


Method 7. Position as an object for investment

I don’t know about other countries, but in Russia the position is definitely one of the best objects for investing their money for some people.

No matter how sad it is now to write about this, but this is a whole multi-billion dollar market, since demand creates supply and there are people who are ready to buy "grain" places in order to get rich quickly on them in illegal ways.

Attention, I do not urge anyone to consider the position as a way of investing and I myself have a negative attitude towards this method!

It's not a secret for anyone that in power structures, government institutions and even in some commercial firms the position can be bought for a certain amount of money.

Then, at this point, you need to beat off investments - take bribes or openly engage in theft, "sawing" budgets or providing "services" within the framework of their competencies.

Pros and cons of investing in job purchases


  • The ROI starts from the first day you take office.


  • The risk of running into criminal prosecution, constant mental anxiety.

Method 8. Relationships with others

While reviewing this method, I want to start a topic about direct or indirect investment in yourself.

After all, an investment can be called any investment of any resources in order to obtain dividends* .

Dividend- return on investment in the form of interest for the period.

And dividends can be both financial and temporary or social. In a word, gentlemen, let's think wider and not dwell only on thoughts "I put my money in there - I got even more money".

If we invest not only money, but also time, periodically delighting our relatives, loved ones and friends with gifts, then sooner or later we will become a treasure for them, we will get their favor, and believe me, this will also help you earn money.

Do not neglect this way to increase your social capital, because the relationship is much more valuable than money, and it’s not interesting to somehow live alone in a big golden castle and lick your Mercedes if no one needs you.

Pros and cons of investing in good relationships with people around you


  • Improving self-esteem, building the right connections.


  • It requires not only money and time, but also versatility, the ability to communicate.

Self-esteem plays a huge role in our life. Be sure to read our article about how - I am sure you will like it very much and you will take a lot of value for yourself.

Method 9. Health and beauty

Do you know that beautiful people are statistically more successful than ugly people? This is common psychology. After all, everyone wants to communicate, make friends and start relationships with pretty and outwardly attractive people.

Health in this case is the foundation of beauty. Moreover, beauty, both external and internal, when it comes to charisma, intellectual and creative abilities of a person.

Be sure to invest part of your funds in health, appearance and neatness. Don't neglect this!

« They are greeted by clothes, but escorted by the mind"- proven folk wisdom!

Do not skimp on quality food, if possible, delegate all routine and dangerous matters in order to be in good shape and not expose yourself to unnecessary risks.

Buy a subscription to a pool, gym or yoga club, buy yourself sports equipment for classes, all this is regarded as a highly effective investment in yourself.

Pros and cons of investing in yourself


  • One of the most win-win investments that will pay off many times over a lifetime.


  • Not found.

Method 10. Own name and reputation (personal brand)

Once I heard one wise expression and I liked it so much that every day I try to follow it:

Make yourself the kind of name that earns you everything else!

In the world of business and finance, we often hear that such and such a person is not very reliable, but the reputation of another is simply iron.

This is one of our main social assets. More often than not, trusted people are trusted with large projects and big money, and as a result, the income of such people is much higher than the average.

Remember the names of great people: Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci.

All of them are brands in themselves, when we hear their names, we involuntarily admire what they left behind.

That is why millions of people dream of becoming famous and recognizable, because fame, fame and money are of the same berry.

Do something every day that will add value to your name - your personal brand.

Be honest with business partners and clients, do not be late for meetings, be punctual and proactive in your business.

So, step by step, day after day, you will notice that you are being asked for advice, offered you good money for your knowledge and skills, and invited to speak at events.

These are all early signs that your name is starting to work for you.

Do not stop and then in a few years for just the mention of your person, you can get thousands of dollars.

Pros and cons of investing money in your reputation (name, personal brand)


  • Pays off consistently throughout life.


  • It takes a long time to work and is easily lost if mishandled.

4. The most profitable investment available to everyone

Having considered the last 3 methods, we can conclude that the most profitable investment in all respects is investment in yourself.

Our health, appearance, emotional state, intellectual level - this is the foundation for obtaining superprofits in the material world.

Every day, without exception, the first thing you should ask yourself is: "How much have I invested in myself today and what will it give me tomorrow, in a month, a year, in 10 years?"

Whether we like it or not, the world is ruled by the law of cause and effect, it is also often called the law of the boomerang. This law states:

“Everything that we did or didn’t do, sooner or later will bear fruit. Moreover, the more systemic our actions or inaction, the faster we will receive these fruits ”.

Investing in yourself has one undeniable advantage - you will never lose it. Every penny invested wisely in yourself will give us a thousand dollars in profit in the future!

5. Conclusion

In this article, we looked at 10 ways to invest in order to multiply them. Some of the methods are not as obvious as, for example, investing in a bank, but all of them, without exception, will never lose their relevance.

Along with investing in various financial instruments, we realized that best investment is an investment in yourself.

Together with other investments in tangible or intangible assets, investing in oneself gives any person amazing results, which are becoming more noticeable every year.

Finally, watch an inspiring video about how a guy became an Olympic deaf champion (without a hearing from birth)

I wish you a profitable investment and great personal victories!

How to increase money and live in grand style? Here are 12 of the best ways to help you with this.

When accumulating a large amount for a desired purchase, the question of whether how to increase money.

By choosing the correct, the best way to increase capital, you can almost halve the time of accumulation.

Everyone wants to get rich, but not everyone knows how to do this.

How to multiply money: 3 easy ways

To effectively manage savings, you should follow three simple steps:

  • Contact any bank that suits you to open a deposit account in which you will be making automatic receipts money from the income received.
    You need to save not only a percentage of your salary, but also donated money won.
    Decide on the percentage yourself and start saving.
    To increase money, you can put it in an account for savings, where, on average, about 10-11% from above accumulates from above.
  • Ask yourself how to increase, not save money.
    Divide your income into three parts: part of money for necessary needs, part of money for pleasure, part of money for deposit.
  • Do not tell your friends and acquaintances about the money you are saving, otherwise they will begin to put pressure on pity and ask for money.
    In this case, not everyone can refuse, and as a result, the accumulated money quickly goes nowhere.

5 effective methods on how to increase money

There are many paths to wealth, you just need to choose the one that suits you:

  • First of all, it is necessary to instill a positive attitude towards money and get rid of beliefs like "money is evil", "only the rich have money."
    Keep your wallet tidy, fold bills neatly.
  • All available money should not be dead weight buried in an old shoebox.
    Cash should work for you.
    Put them in a bank at interest or open a profitable, profitable business.
  • A good way to raise money is to invest in real estate.
    Property prices rise and fall.
    If necessary, you can sell at the most advantageous period of time.
  • Buying shares and bonds of companies with the possibility of their further resale is also one of the lucrative options.
  • Online investing is the easiest and most effective way to multiply money.
    However, you need to act carefully so as not to fall for the bait of scammers or in one of the pyramid schemes.

How to increase money and get an amount two to three times more if there is no more than 100,000 available?

You should not choose investments that require financial literacy and experience in raising funds.

For a beginner, the best option is to deposit or run your own blog.

Platforms for creating your own blog on the Internet:

    The best platform for creating websites and blogs on the Internet.

    It has been operating for about 10 years and is actively developing to this day.

    New features and capabilities are being added.

    All modules have the necessary settings and are very easy to use.

    Technical support quickly resolves emerging issues and problems.

    You can connect a domain for free, which favorably distinguishes the Ucoz platform from all others.

    A site for novice users, very simple and easy to use.

    Suitable for creating one-page websites - business cards.

    Prices for website creation services are not too expensive, but not cheap either.

    Beginners are offered several site templates, beautiful and convenient.

    If necessary, you can connect widgets.

    Suitable for creating large, multi-page sites, including online stores.

    Prices are set in such a way that when creating 5 sites, you can pay the same amount for each of them, regardless of the complexity.

    It is very convenient and profitable.

    The platform offers nine free templates for beginners to get familiar with the system and website building.

You can invest money in:

Investing in Forex and PAMM accounts should be considered separately.

If you need to make money on Forex on your own: study the system, undergo introductory training and a few test trades, then you don't need to make any efforts to invest in a PAMM account.

You simply transfer the money to the managing trader.

As an experienced specialist, he will be able to increase them.

However, there is some degree of probability that the deal will fail.

If necessary, you can withdraw money in advance or transfer the portfolio to another trader, having discussed all the terms of the transaction.

How to multiply money: 3 unusual ways

You can increase your money by engaging in creative or intellectual activities.

By investing very little money, you can get huge profits:

    Art lovers can buy and sell antiques.

    This method allows you to invest free funds in items with a higher capital.
    Some antiques are worth several million dollars.

    In order not to lose money by running into a fake, you should hire an appraiser on the staff.

    Those who can draw pictures and write books can acquire a patent or trademark for intellectual property items.

    Creators new technology production can also acquire a patent.

    Investing in Internet projects, promoting them and making a profit is great for those people who understand computer systems and programming, but not creative.

    Monetizing a promoted project can bring a lot of money to its owner.

Folk signs of increasing money

Believe or not believe folk signs- everyone's business.

However, folk wisdom did not arise for no reason.

All conclusions are based on observation and repetition of events in a person's life.

  • With a young moon in the sky, for the growth of funds, you need to show the month large bill or just a wallet with money;
  • After sunset, money should not be counted as it will begin to wane;
  • Do not throw garbage out the window, otherwise the money will leave the home;
  • It is better to pay off debts in the morning;
  • Do not pass anything over your doorstep or receive.

To multiply money on the international Internet, watch this video:

How to increase money by investing in yourself?

The best way to increase your income is to develop yourself and invest in yourself.

Such investments always pay off in the end.

To get big money, you need to be an expert in your field, know the laws of the market, and invest money with confidence.

There are several types of investments in yourself:

  • Attendance at courses, seminars and lectures;
  • Acquisition of scientific and educational literature;
  • Spending on a solid appearance, clothes and shoes.

A simple manager of a mid-level firm, earning a salary of 15,000 rubles, can attend courses in programming and sales, purchase a solid suit and shoes and study foreign language.

Having passed an interview in a large company, he will double his income and begin to receive not 15,000, but about 40,000.

Thinking about how to increase money, you should sort out and carefully study all possible options.

In the previous editions of our articles, we talked about without special knowledge and skills, and now we will talk about increasing money. And so the friends drove off ...

For almost every person there comes a time when he begins to seriously think about how to increase and save his money.

If you have not yet had free money, or you want to increase their amount, then you need to know a few general rules, observing which you can achieve wealth.

What you need to know in order to start multiplying money

Systematic and impassive financial management. As you know, money loves an account, but, unfortunately, in our society, with the help of a powerful advertising industry, a stereotype is imposed that living a rich and interesting life must necessarily spend huge amounts on certain goods with which happy life will become possible. Don't fall for this illusion. Be clear about what you need and what is secondary for the purchase and control your expenses. Only this will help you increase your capital.

Create a specific financial goal for yourself and set a time frame for implementation. The result should be a program to accumulate money to achieve a certain material or spiritual benefit. Never forget that money is a tool, not an end in itself. It is necessary to increase them only to achieve something.

Do not take on credit and debt. This is especially true for the purchase of goods that depreciate over time. One of the most common mistakes is taking a loan to buy home appliances or a car. The cost of these goods falls annually, and the money spent on repaying the loan could be multiplied, invested and received from this income.

Don't go to extremes. It is important to remember that money that is deposited in accumulation, through debt, cannot increase your wealth from scratch. Also, they should not be withdrawn to the detriment of the personal budget.

Create different accounts. You need to have different bank accounts for spending and saving. The first account will be used for current operations with daily expenses, and the second - in order to increase capital from scratch.

Half rule. According to this rule, half of the money that you receive from extra income (bonus, salary increase, bonus, etc.) must be left for your long-term goal. This rule applies to everyone, regardless of level and source of income, and is especially true for young people. When this becomes a habit, you will be surprised how much you can save and quickly multiply your money.

Make sure that your income never exceeds expenses, and with the increase of the former, the latter remain at the same level or grow only by an insignificant amount. This is one of the secrets of how to multiply money quickly and competently.

Determine the amount of your monthly savings. With the help of simple mathematical calculations, determine your income and expenses, as well as the REAL amount that you can allocate monthly for savings.

Decide for yourself in which currency / bank / deposit you prefer to store your savings.

Calculate family budget and keep a record of all your income and expenses. This will help organize financial activities and the most competent way to calculate the deductions that will help to increase money as a result.

Augmentation tools: risk, profitability, guarantees

When you have free money and the question has become how to increase it from scratch, to do it quickly and safely, you should consider several important points.

Important to remember! Before determining the way with which you want to multiply money from scratch, you must definitely decide on two things:

1. What is the PURPOSE of increasing money.

2. What is the PERIOD of its execution.

It is from a competently and clearly set goal (for example, acquiring housing, a trip abroad, teaching children, and so on) and the duration of this goal (short-term, medium-term or long-term) that most of all depends on the success of all the actions you take.

REALLY increasing money is acquiring additional Money with the help of their accumulation by certain instruments through passive income.

Investment directions

Let's take a closer look at a number of the most popular and reliable areas for investment, which are preferred by depositors of funds.

Real estate. Perhaps the most popular way to invest and increase money, which does not require special knowledge and skills, but requires significant funds for acquisition. The main advantage of this method of increasing money is that real estate does not depreciate over time, but only grows in value. You can get income both from the sale of property and from renting it out.

Jewelry. Just like real estate, the method is quite reliable, but, unfortunately, in addition to the content (namely, precious stones), there is also a design component that, over time, can turn the price of a jewelry item as an investment object not in your favor, and the increase can turn into a loss of money.

Collecting. Unlike the previous option, investing in art is a very reliable way to increase money, since over time, masterpieces of masters only become more expensive. The only drawback, like real estate, is that art objects require a lot of capital to contribute.

Precious metals. For example, gold is an excellent form of guaranteed income and money multiplication. Its price has always been high and is growing steadily. This method is suitable for long-term savings, but when you buy the bullion itself, the state collects value added tax from you, and does not return it upon sale. Also, each ingot is subject to examination, which is also carried out at your expense. So, it is possible to increase income in this way only with additional hassle and costs, since gold needs special conditions of operation and storage, as well as special insurance. All this, of course, requires additional cash costs.

The situation is different with gold coins. Unlike bullion, they are not subject to value added tax, have almost the same value as the precious metal, are difficult to counterfeit and can become, over time, interesting not only to investors, but also to collectors. If you nevertheless chose precious metals for yourself as a method of increasing money, then technically, it is best with this method to use impersonal metal accounts. This feature is available in most major banks. The advantage of this method is manifested, first of all, in the absence of the need to engage in the purchase of a gold bar, operations (including closing an account) are easy to carry out, and the money is returned in full, while this investment method does not charge value added tax. As a disadvantage of this method to increase funds, it can be noted that these anonymized metal accounts, unfortunately, are not subject to state insurance.

Deposit account. Along with the purchase of real estate, it is one of the most affordable ways to increase money, as well as to obtain a clearly fixed income with a minimum share of risk and costs. You should be very careful when choosing a bank, be sure to check its reliability and guarantees for the return of the deposit in case of an emergency. Row significant advantages makes this method very attractive, namely: the possibility of small contributions sums of money, deposit insurance and a money-back guarantee in cases of problems beyond the control of the depositor, the ability to withdraw their funds in any case (the maximum threat is the loss of interest savings). The main disadvantage of this tool is that the income is low and clearly fixed.

Entrepreneurship. Starting a business is another well-known way to generate good income and increase your money. But in order for your own business to not be unprofitable, and so that in addition to income you do not lose your capital, you must have a set of skills, skills and quality, as well as a rather large amount of free funds.

Participation in the stock or foreign exchange market. This method comes with high risks, but it can provide big profits and really multiply your money. The success of this type of investment will depend on financial literacy, the ability to work with financial instruments, the availability of free time to analyze the market situation, as well as a large set of personal qualities (for example, analytical thinking, hard work, patience, diligence, and so on) without which, alas, this method is doomed to failure.

Participation in a mutual investment fund (UIF). Contribution to this type of income also requires a high level of financial literacy and good orientation in possible unfavorable external factors that may negatively affect the value of the acquired share. Among the advantages of this method to increase money can be called the ability to control the activities of the fund, the presence of professionals in their management, as well as the diversification of risks. But it is also necessary to mention the disadvantages of such an investment, namely: the payment of money to the company, regardless of the profitability or loss ratio of the fund, an increase in the profitability of the fund is associated with an increase in risk, the absence of any guarantees for a refund, if you want to sell your share, you will have to pay income tax on him. So, it is possible to increase money in this way, but it is quite dangerous, since the risk of negative factors and, as a consequence, the loss of your money is very high.

Accumulative life insurance system. A fairly new method in our country to increase money. It combines the functions of life insurance and a funded program. There is an opportunity to postpone for the implementation of some expensive task or as an option retirement benefits... This method has the following advantages:

  • insurance coverage takes effect immediately after the first installment;
  • funds invested in this type of investment cannot be seized, confiscated or divided upon divorce;
  • the insurance claim under such a program is not taxable.

Reliability or Profitability?

Achieve short-term goals. If you set yourself a goal that you need to achieve within a period of one year, then one of these ways to increase money will definitely suit you:

  • Bank deposit.
  • Bonds with high degree reliability.
  • Unit investment fund (mutual investment fund).

All three ways to increase money are recognized by experts as reliable for the short term, but at the same time they will bring the least income.

Achieving long-term goals

If your goals are long-term, then you should use tools to multiply money with more high level risks, which, in turn, can be divided into several groups:

1. Instruments with a minimum level of risk and a guarantee of income. This group includes government bonds, as well as deposits in the bank. It is possible to increase the money of this group minimally, but on the other hand, you will be absolutely sure that you will not lose money.

2. Instruments with minimal risk and NOT guaranteed income. These tools to increase money include insurance programs, since they do not give guarantees of income.

3. Instruments with an average risk of loss. This is, first of all, the transfer of your capital to a trustee, which can both increase your money and completely lose it, and transfer funds to traders.

4. Instruments with a high level of risk. These are tools that can be used to multiply capital and completely lose it. These include stocks, stock exchange, investment funds... To select the tools of this group, you must have exceptional experience and preferably an economic education.

Regularity or Flexibility?

Another decision that you must make before deciding how to increase money and where to invest it is the replenishment system. That is, how you will supplement the amount of savings. There are three possible options:

  • One-time investment (buying real estate or precious metals).
  • Monthly deductions (deposits with the possibility of replenishment, insurance savings programs).
  • Reinvestment of the amount (including the income already received) again (shortly time deposits and certificates, bonds and so on).

Withdraw funds

The final chord of your plan to increase money is the choice of a strategy for their withdrawal. There are three such strategies in total:

  • Free withdrawal of funds: currency operations, deposits with the possibility of withdrawal and so on.
  • Limited withdrawal of funds: deposits with prolongation, securities and mutual funds.
  • Difficult withdrawal of funds: long-term deposits, accumulative insurance, commercial pension fund and so on.


In a difficult time of crisis, the question of how not only to save, but also to increase money is very acute. One of the main reasons for this is inflation, due to which the depreciation of funds occurs. If you do not put money into circulation and do not increase it, but simply store it, then sooner or later inflation will "eat" it. That is why you should choose a reliable way to protect them from this problem.

When choosing a method for investing and a method of how to multiply money from scratch, you should remember that not all methods are equally good and reliable, and in order to find the best one for you, you must first of all study all reliable investment options, then determine the amount that you can actually allocate monthly from your budget in order to increase your cash income.

At the same time, you should make sure that your spending does not exceed income, and that savings do not go to the detriment of the main personal budget. Also, you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​loans and borrowing for both purchases and investments, and depending on the time that you have determined to achieve your financial goal, choose a program on how to increase money.

The most reliable programs for how to increase money, as well as investing funds, can be considered a contribution to bank deposit, purchase real estate and precious metals, mutual funds, a program of deposits on the accumulative life insurance system, playing on the stock and foreign exchange markets, as well as opening your own business. Despite the fact that some of the proposed methods to increase funds do not require specialized knowledge and skills, financial literacy, diligence and calculation is the secret of success in any of the proposed options for increasing money.

It should also be understood that the accumulation of money and the desire to increase it should not be the goal itself, on the contrary, it should serve as a tool to achieve a certain goal. It is then that your success will bring not only financial well-being, but also joy and harmony in relationships for you and your entire family.

Many citizens of our country believe that only wealthy people who have decent capital can invest money. In fact, there are many ways that you can get decent passive income from any financial investments... In this article we will find out how to increase your capital with small amount of money.

Bank deposit

The easiest way to increase your capital is to open a deposit account with a bank. This investment method is the most popular because of its availability.

If you decide to put your money in a bank, pay attention to the following important points:

  • Deposit term. Before depositing your money into the account, first carefully consider whether you will need to urgently use it;
  • View deposit... There are programs that allow you to do additional contributions or partially withdraw money from the account before the term of the deposit expires. Choose the option of investing funds on the most favorable terms for you;
  • Currency. Pay particular attention to interest rate on foreign currency deposits;
  • The choice of a financial and credit organization. Banks offer depositors different deposit programs, from which you need to choose the most optimal option.

A bank deposit is the most the best way, them due to inflation. If you are interested, you need to look for another, more profitable investment instrument.

Precious metals

Nowadays, many people are wondering. The most reliable and affordable way Is an investment of funds in precious metals. Some banks offer to invest in unallocated metal accounts. In this case, you can not only save your money, but also earn on the increase in the value of precious metals.

Novice investors sometimes hesitate,? In times of crisis, the cost of this precious metal usually begins to grow, but when the situation stabilizes, the opposite process occurs. Gold is great option for long-term investment as the risk of a sharp depreciation of this asset is minimal.

Investment mutual funds

Another very profitable and convenient option for increasing your small capital- these are mutual funds. This investment instrument works in the following way - the investor buys a registered security (share), the price of which, with reasonable cash management, can increase significantly. It is most profitable to invest in an organization that allows you to sell your share at any time and get money for it. Closed-end mutual funds exchange units for money only after the fund stops working. Interval mutual funds exchange securities for cash at predetermined periods. This happens several times a year.

Investing in mutual funds is considered long-term investment funds. Its profitability largely depends on economic situation country. When choosing, try to pay special attention mutual funds since their activities are controlled by the state. If the organization goes bankrupt for some reason, the owner of the funds can transfer his share for management to another mutual fund.

Foreign currency

Many of our compatriots prefer to keep their capital in foreign currency... Basically, if you have little savings and can't decide, you can buy 100 or 1000 dollars.

Over time, foreign currency is likely to rise in value against the ruble, but sometimes its rate falls, so be careful and prudent. The most important thing is that this does not happen at the moment when you need a deferred amount. In addition, at times, one currency can depreciate in relation to another. It is also worth noting that sometimes ruble bank deposits in the long run, bring in more profit than the currency that you have under your pillow. Therefore, if you do not know how to preserve and increase capital, you should not constantly keep money in foreign currency. If financial analysts start talking about the fact that the currency may soon fall in price, it is better to sell it, and then buy it again, but already cheaper. Such manipulations will allow you to make a small profit.

Someone else's business

When in question that it is worthwhile to separately discuss investing in other people's business projects. Many citizens who have small savings refuse this method of investing money, because they are afraid that the project will burn out and they will be left with nothing.

If you have $ 1,000 and are thinking about how to increase your capital, you might consider purchasing securities as an option. This amount is quite enough to invest it in stocks or bonds. This type of investment is suitable for people who are well versed in the stock market and can predict in advance which securities will rise in price in the near future.

The stock market is not stable, so you have to be very careful. The issuing company can go bankrupt, and then you will lose all your funds. However, under favorable conditions, stocks can generate good returns. This is one of the most effective ways how to quickly increase capital, which is successfully used by many experienced investors.

Own business

This is the most difficult, but at the same time, the most interesting option for increasing capital in 2016. Such an investment instrument is accompanied by high risks of losing money, but if your business becomes successful, the initial investment will increase significantly.

If you decide to invest your savings in a business, you should remember that your own business will take you a lot of time and effort. In any case, it is worth trying yourself in this area, as you will gain invaluable experience that may come in handy in the future.

To get a good return on such an investment, you need to have some knowledge. A budding businessman should know how to increase equity enterprises to make it successful and independent of external factors.

PAMM accounts

In our volatile times, many people began to think about how to increase capital without risk and keep it from inflation. The most popular investment method, which is perfect for novice investors - stock market... Anyone can use such an investment tool, since this does not require special education. If you do not understand anything in this matter, you can use the services of intermediary brokers who have extensive experience in trading. securities on the exchange.

To control all processes occurring with your money, use special programs connected to exchange terminals. This will allow you to receive relevant information, analyze it and make informed choices. If you are limited in time and cannot afford to manage finances on your own, seek professional help. They will select a fund suitable for your investment, assess all possible risks and roughly calculate future profits.

If you want to minimize risks and increase capital, the methods can be very different. One of them is PAMM accounts. This investment tool will allow you to significantly increase your income. By investing money in a PAMM account, you sign an agreement according to which your finances are transferred to trust management experienced trader. He manages investments at his own discretion, and you receive passive income from your investments.

Exchange trade

This is another, quite popular nowadays way, how to quickly increase capital. V stock speculation you can invest a little money. You can take part in the auction with as little as $ 10–20.

This option is great for people who want to get maximum income with small investments... But such an investment instrument is accompanied by high risks. You can make good money or even lose all your savings. In addition, certain knowledge is required to trade on the exchange. Before doing such a thing, it is advisable to take special training courses. This type of investment is suitable for those who are ready to learn from their own mistakes and lose their money.

Pension funds

This is the longest-term type of investment. To date, various private companies offer their services. pension funds... This type of investment will be of interest to those people who, for some reason, cannot have children who could provide for them in old age.

The level of profitability of such an investment instrument is very vague, since no one can predict the rate of inflation, for example, in 20-25 years. Therefore, before investing in savings pension insurance, you need to think carefully about everything, as well as weigh the pros and cons.


If you are wondering how to increase your net worth, there is no need to rush. Of course, this problem can be solved using traditional proven methods, for example, opening a deposit account in a bank or investing in gold. But in order to quickly get a good result, you need to follow all the changes taking place in the world of finance and use new investment instruments.