House tax by square footage. Tax on country houses

Subsidy is one of the forms of support for the population from the state for the purchase of living space, presented in monetary equivalent. They can get an apartment from the state different categories citizens Russian Federation.

What is an apartment subsidy?

Subsidies are not a loan, a loan, or an installment plan. Such payments represent gratuitous assistance from the state or municipality. Subsidies are characterized by the following features:

  • Gratuitous;
  • Purpose only;
  • Co-financing.

An important feature of modern government assistance for the purchase of an apartment is cashless payment or the provision of a special certificate from construction company.

When receiving a subsidy, it is important to remember that payments are not calculated for full repayment the amount needed to purchase a home. Financial assistance is considered as an addition to the basic amount, so to purchase an apartment you must have your own capital.

Due to the fact that the state allocates money for subsidies for each subsequent year, you need to stand in line to receive the money. Once a certificate confirming participation in the project has been awarded, the recipient has six months to use the funds.

Who can receive payments from the state?

A subsidy for the purchase of an apartment can be issued to a fairly wide range of people. The main condition is to be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Persons in the following categories are eligible to participate in the program:

  • Newlyweds under 30 years of age;
  • Civil servants;
  • Persons involved military service by contract;
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Large families with three or more children;
  • Needy families with lower incomes living wage;
  • Minor citizens left without parental care;
  • Relatives of those killed in World War II;
  • Persons with experience in northern regions countries.

Despite such a variety of possible participants, subsidies are most in demand for only four positions: newlyweds, “Northerners”, military personnel And large families. It is for them that the state has developed separate programs, the task of which is to provide auxiliary payments for the purchase of housing.

Conditions for receiving a subsidy

Firstly, the citizen must belong to one of the listed categories, and secondly, the family must be in need of new housing. There are four in total general conditions to receive a subsidy:

  1. If 1 person has less than 15 square meters of total area apartments;
  2. The family lives in a building that is considered unsafe or unsuitable;
  3. If there is a family member with a complex disease;
  4. If citizens live in a dormitory or shared apartment.

Features of receiving subsidies for an apartment for newlyweds

The “Young Family” program will answer the question of how to apply for housing subsidies for newlyweds.

Young families are a category of citizens for whom the issue of housing is especially acute. The state thought so, so in 2010 the government issued Resolution No. 1050 of the Federal Target Program “Housing”. Initially, the program was set within the framework of 2010-2015, but at the end of last year the deadline was extended until the beginning of 2017.

Below are the conditions for starting participation:

  1. All family members must have citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  2. The fact of registration in the city must be at least 11 years;
  3. The age of the spouses is not older than 35 years;
  4. The program applies to both two-parent and single-parent families;
  5. Confirmation from the city administration that the family really needs government funds.

The verdict on receiving a subsidy is made administrative commission, which are located at the place of residence. When making a decision, the commission Special attention pays attention to the area of ​​the apartment in which the family lives.

Subsidy for military personnel

Government housing subsidies for military personnel are a relatively new phenomenon. Previously, military personnel could only receive apartments after serving for several years. According to new program, approved in 2014, a military family has the right to receive assistance from the state for the purchase of new housing space.

A serviceman who has been transferred to the reserve cannot receive state aid in buying an apartment.

How to get a military housing subsidy? To do this, a retired or retiring military member must declare a desire to participate in the program. After approval, the citizen is assigned a bank account to which the cash. The amount of payments depends on the size of the family and length of service.

The state has established a number of restrictions, according to which only the following military personnel can receive support:

  • With at least 3 years of service;
  • The family does not have apartments or private houses.

There is an exception to the last point. If the area of ​​residential property is less than the standard, then the family has the right to receive assistance.

Subsidies for workers from the north

The main difference between the program for “Northerners” is that subsidies are not given free of charge, but in exchange for the employee’s old housing.

The following persons can apply for government payments:

  • Citizens who, as a result of staff changes, are forced to leave the northern territory;
  • People of retirement age who have seniority in harsh northern conditions;
  • Unemployed citizens registered in the northern regions of the Russian Federation.

The amount of state assistance depends on many factors, including the number of members in the family, current standards for square meters and length of service.

How to get an apartment for a large family?

In order for a family to receive a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment, it is necessary to confirm their status with many children. To do this, you need to visit the social care authorities and provide the following package of documents:

  1. Identification documents for each family member - passports, birth certificate, etc.;
  2. A certificate from the house register indicating information about the people living on the premises;
  3. If children are studying at a school or institute, then it is necessary to obtain a certificate of study from the director or dean’s office.

Once you have been able to prove that your family has many children, you can submit an application to the executive bodies of local authorities and get on the waiting list.

Documents for receiving subsidies and their submission

First you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • A document reflecting the complete composition of the family;
  • Certificate of income per person (for able-bodied citizens);
  • Help showing the square meters of the room;
  • Duplicates of identification documents of all family members;
  • Document on ownership of real estate;
  • Certificates of rights to benefits.

After collecting documents, you need to visit local executive authorities by writing an application to in the prescribed form, which can be taken at the reception. The application will be considered by a special commission within a month. It is she who will make a positive or negative verdict.

If the request is granted, then the applicant state support will be placed in a queue, after which he will receive a certificate. It must be implemented within six months from the date of receipt.

Algorithm of actions to receive a subsidy

Getting an apartment from the state is quite simple; to do this you need to perform the following series of actions:

  1. Collect all the above documents. You can do this yourself or with the help of special companies;
  2. Visit the administration and submit a properly completed application;
  3. After a positive decision of the commission, stand in line;
  4. Wait to receive the certificate after opening a bank account;
  5. Find a suitable living space for purchase.

In a similar way, you can receive a subsidy for the construction of a cottage or private house.

A subsidy for the purchase of an apartment is a benefit that will allow the most vulnerable members of society to acquire their own housing. Even if the funds issued are not enough to cover full cost apartments, but the amount will significantly speed up the purchase of comfortable housing.

An important form social support provided to the population by the state is assistance in purchasing real estate. However, housing subsidies are not provided to all citizens. The list of persons is strictly fixed in regulatory legal acts.

The legislative framework

Receiving subsidies is regulated by the Housing Code. In particular, Articles 50 and 51 of the RF Housing Code establish the right to such a preference, as well as the circle of citizens to whom they are entitled. However, specific norms and grounds are reflected in the documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, since they are responsible for the support measure in question.

For individual categories individuals are provided with their own conditions for providing benefits. Thus, Government Decree on subsidies No. 63-PP (dated January 27, 2009) establishes the procedure for receiving it by civil servants. This act was adopted based on the provisions of Federal Law No. 79 (07/27/2004), which, in turn, contains the basic rights and obligations of persons employed in public positions.

What is a housing subsidy?

This is a measure of financial support that involves the issuance of a certain certificate. Such a document can be used when paying for purchased real estate. Sometimes it is allowed to spend these funds on increasing the area or improving living conditions. Apartment subsidies must be used within a certain period. If you are late, you will have to apply again and wait in the general queue.

Since the amount of the certificate does not fully cover the cost of the home, in order to receive it, confirmation is required that the applicant can invest the remaining part from own funds. The described benefit is irrevocable. That is, the state provides it as assistance to citizens without any hidden conditions or repayment obligations (such as a mortgage).

So what is housing subsidy?

In the case under consideration, this is a certificate for a designated amount, which is used for strictly established purposes during the period specified in it. Such a program is financed from federal or regional budgets. This should not be confused with subsidies that are allocated in kind as assistance to low-income citizens to pay for housing and utilities, we are not talking about them here.

Who can receive

Since the constituent entities of the Russian Federation often bear such expenses, it is they who set the main conditions for providing a subsidy. However, in general, the following categories of Russians can count on help:

  • large families with at least 3 children in their care. The age of dependents is limited to eighteen or twenty-three years for full-time study;
  • young families under 35 years of age;
  • persons in public service;
  • employees of budget departments;
  • military;
  • young workers and employees moving to countryside for work in the agricultural sector;
  • orphans;
  • low-income persons;
  • veterans;
  • disabled people;
  • other categories of beneficiaries.

However, the full answer to the question of who is entitled to a housing subsidy in a particular area needs to be clarified with the district/city administration. Military personnel are provided with a roof over their heads under certain conditions. However, to obtain it you will also have to prove the fact of need and wait in line. A subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel can only be used for the purchase of real estate. It does not matter in which market - primary or secondary.

Is a civil servant entitled to receive subsidies?

This possibility has been established at the legislative level since 2004. However, it was more fully reflected in the legal act of 2009 (both mentioned above). A subsidy for the purchase of housing for civil servants is issued only if they have at least one year of work experience in a certain place. Other conditions for obtaining it must also be met:

  • lack of own space;
  • size less than 15 sq. m. for each family member;
  • dilapidated or emergency housing.

The amount of the certificate is calculated taking into account a certain coefficient, which directly depends on the length of service. The price of one square meter is also taken into account. meters real estate in one or another subject of the Russian Federation. A one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises for civil servants is a one-time assistance that maintains interest among citizens in working in government bodies.

Features of obtaining a certificate

It is issued under certain conditions. Before receiving a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment from the state, it is first recommended to clarify what rules and conditions of assistance are established by the local administration. It is worth considering that the certificate is provided once.

Restrictions on use

The document is provided for strictly established purposes - the purchase of housing. In addition, it must be used within a certain period of time - six months. If those in need have not purchased real estate during this period, the certificate will be cancelled.

How are those in need of housing identified?

The main condition for receiving assistance is the absence of any living space in the property. However, its size is strictly for one person. A subsidy for the purchase of housing is provided to those who can prove they have the necessary income to purchase an apartment, since the state covers only part of the costs.

The maximum size depends on certain conditions and region of residence. If the family does not have other funds or real estate, the amount from the sale of which can be used to buy a new one, then to purchase a home they will need to take out a mortgage. In this case, the latter is issued on the bank’s terms.

Who can be denied help?

Some circumstances lead to a negative decision on the application. This applies to citizens who have deliberately worsened their situation in order to receive assistance from the state. This means, for example, the sale of living space or its donation, moving in other persons, etc. The applicant may voluntarily refuse the preference if he independently decided on the issue of purchasing real estate.

Amount of allocated funds

The amount of assistance depends on many factors:

  • family composition;
  • coefficient;
  • prices per square meter;
  • preferential category to which the applicant belongs, etc.

On average, housing subsidies cover about 40% of costs.

Formula for calculation

The calculation result is quite approximate, since many factors can be taken into account when determining the size of the preference in question. IN general view The subsidy amount is calculated as follows:

SS = P * N * S, where

CC – certificate amount;

N – norm by quadrature;

C – cost of one m2.

Individual subjects set their own formulas for calculations and include a larger number of elements.

Types of government programs

One of the forms of providing social assistance to the population is subsidizing certain groups. State assistance in purchasing housing can be provided to young families or professionals. Both need to confirm their right to such a preference.

Young family

The benefit is calculated for spouses under thirty-five years of age. Government program“Young family” applies to situations where the husband and wife are registered in the same place. Here you will also have to join the queue of those in need and confirm the possibility of purchasing real estate (availability of the starting amount).

Young professionals

The program for this category is designed for those graduates educational institutions who, after receiving their diploma, went to work in the countryside. This preference arose based on an acute shortage of personnel in villages and regional centers. The “Young Specialist in Rural” program applies to persons under 35 years of age. It is necessary to find employment within a period of up to one year from the date of completion of training.

Registration procedure

Before receiving a home purchase subsidy, it is recommended to ensure that the potential applicant meets the basic criteria. Then you will need to collect documents, the list of which varies depending on the circumstances of those who are eligible for assistance.

Submission of required documentation

To get in line, you need to fill out an application. Attach documents to receive a subsidy for an apartment:

  • passport;
  • copy of the invoice;
  • certificate of family composition (form 9);
  • work book;
  • marriage certificate, birth certificate of children;
  • information about persons living with the applicant;
  • confirmation of ownership of an apartment, house;
  • other evidence of the need for assistance.

An incorrectly completed application and failure to submit documents may result in refusal.

Where to contact

Most often, the decision to transfer budget funds is made by a separate unit (usually the housing commission) in the local administration. Where to apply for a subsidy for the purchase of housing also depends on the size settlement. So, in a large city you can visit the “My Documents” MFC. You can independently understand the benefits and subsidies due on the government services website.

Changes in 2019

Since the queues of those wishing to receive such assistance from the authorities are quite long, the state periodically increases the amount of budget funds for assistance. Subsidies for citizens covered by the program for the purchase of housing have also been extended until 2020.


Providing state subsidies when purchasing a home is an important component social programs. However, only strictly established categories can take advantage of this right. To confirm their need, they will need to get on the waiting list by submitting a package of documents and an application. In addition, the certificate amount does not cover the entire cost of the property, so you must be prepared to contribute some of your own funds.

The amount of subsidy required for an apartment in Moscow in 2019

In 2019, the population is provided with assistance in paying housing and utility bills, or the government provides funds for the purchase of housing or the construction of a private house.

The allocated funds are transferred exclusively to non-cash form to a current account, so they can only be spent on stated goals. Funds for the purchase of an apartment are transferred immediately or compensated to citizens after the purchase is made.

In accordance with this regulatory framework, the calculation is carried out on the basis of standards for the cost of utilities and the percentage of payments for them from the family budget.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates that standards are fixed by local authorities and depend on the number of citizens registered in housing. The code also regulates which categories of citizens can apply for registration, what assistance options are available and where to apply.

In accordance with government decree # 541, a percentage of 22% is regulated as the threshold amount of family budget, which should be spent on paying for utilities.

Resolution No. 62 states that a family has the right to receive a subsidy for the construction of a residential building in the form of allocation of funds from the state budget or compensation for construction costs.

Who can apply for

In each region, the percentage of payment is regulated by local authorities and the percentage limit can be lowered (for example, in Moscow this year the figure is 10%).

Let's figure out who is entitled to a subsidy for an apartment in Moscow in 2019:

  • young families;
  • families raising three or more small children;
  • citizens who live in conditions unsuitable for living and require improvement.

The following categories can apply for a subsidy for utility bills:

  • citizens who own housing;
  • persons who are members of housing cooperatives;
  • renting housing on the basis of a lease agreement;
  • persons living in municipally owned apartments;
  • retired citizens, persons with disabilities, military personnel;
  • families who have lost their breadwinner;
  • low-income citizens with confirmed status of those in need.

Requirements for the applicant

Requirements for citizens who apply for registration:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • citizens should not participate in or receive government assistance under other programs to improve living conditions if they apply for a housing subsidy;
  • the applicant must have permanent residence in a specific region, since assistance is provided at the place of residence.

The last point is related to the fact that although state aid is provided to citizens throughout the Russian Federation, subsidy programs are directly financed from regional budgets.

To pay for housing and communal services

Help for utility bills has some features - the amount of the subsidy depends on total income family and the percentage of income that is spent on paying for utilities.

To apply for assistance, you must contact the social security institution or through the State Services portal.

The table shows the maximum values ​​at which a family has the right to apply for a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services:

According to current regulations, the cost of paying for utilities in Moscow for a family should not exceed 10% of the total family income.

Assistance for large families to pay for housing and communal services in Moscow in 2019 was fixed at 50% within the framework of consumption standards. In addition, such families have the right to apply for benefits by presenting, along with the standard package of documentation, a certificate of the family’s large status.

Photo: maximum income families for subsidies

For the purchase of housing

In the process of determining the amount of the subsidy and making a decision on an application for state assistance for the purchase of housing, the fact of the presence of another property or housing registered with a mortgage is taken into account.

Only in this way can we achieve fair subsidies for those families who are in dire need of housing.

Funds are also allocated from the state budget for the construction of a private house. With the help of such a subsidy, you can build a small house with all communications and amenities for the whole family.

The area of ​​the house is calculated for each family member.

The amount for the purchase of housing is determined by the area standards, which are provided depending on the number of citizens in the family.

The table shows data on the number of people in the family and the percentage of assistance provided:

The subsidy for the construction of a residential building cannot exceed the amount of funds spent on materials and work.

Depending on the capabilities of regional budgets, funds are provided in non-cash form to the applicant’s bank account before the start of the construction work or after their completion in the form of compensation based on checks and other documentary evidence of expenses.

To apply for a subsidy to pay for utilities or purchase housing, you need to collect a package of documentation.

Each case is individualized and some families may need to be prepared to be asked to provide additional documents to confirm family status or income.

Thus, citizens of retirement age to apply for a subsidy for housing and communal services must present a certificate of the amount of pension payments from pension fund. Parents with many children must present official certificate on assigning them the status of a large family.

We will provide for you step by step instructions applications for subsidies:

  • contact the local government authority or administration to clarify the current procedure for assigning a subsidy and the rules for submitting an application;
  • fill out a standard application form and indicate current personal information, data on place of residence and income;
  • prepare a package of documentation;
  • submit an application with an attached list of documents in person, through an authorized representative or in in electronic format on the State Services portal;
  • responsible employees review the application within 10 days. If any papers are missing and they need to be provided, the review will be extended for 30 days. During this period, the applicant must submit the papers, otherwise the subsidy will be denied;
  • in case of a positive decision, the provision of finance is possible through a bank or by transfer to the current account specified in the application.

List of required documents

The mandatory list of papers that must be submitted to apply for a subsidy for housing and communal services includes:

  • standard application for assistance;
  • passports of adult family members and birth certificates of children;
  • papers confirming the right to living space;
  • a copy of the work book for officially employed citizens or the original for persons who do not work officially;
  • receipts for utility bills paid for the last month;
  • statement of family composition;
  • certificates of income received by each family member for the last 6 months;
  • applicant's bank account.

Citizens and families who do not have sufficient income to pay for utilities or purchase housing can contact the appropriate authority and apply for assistance in the form of a subsidy.

To do this, you need to collect a package of documentation and wait for the authorities to make a decision.

Additional Information:

The amount of housing subsidies in Moscow in 2019

The applicant does not have the right to hide real estate owned by members of his family registered and living with him. This is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of the subsidy. If, when checking the documents, the commission reveals violations, then the payment will be refused. After a negative decision is made, all papers are returned to the applicant.

The certificate can be used only once - after that it will not be issued again. Current legislature Allows 6 months to use subsidies to purchase housing. If for some reason the certificate was not used during this time, you can try to get it again by joining the general queue.

Only citizens with Russian citizenship who permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to apply for state assistance. Foreign citizens cannot apply for subsidies.

A subsidy is government assistance to the population in financial or in-kind form. The amount of subsidies is fixed in the process of forming the state budget for the year.

In addition to the opportunity to receive a certificate for the purchase of your own real estate, the subsidy provides preferential terms when paying utility bills.

Every year, the number of Russians in need of improvement living conditions, increases. Moreover, it is impossible to single out a specific region of the country where the housing issue is particularly acute. The problem is observed throughout the Russian Federation.

In this case, a subsidy is considered to be financial or other support to persons who need support. Subsidies are provided in accordance with the regulation of normative acts, the main provisions are regulated budget legislation Russian Federation and regulations.

Subsidy – government funding natural shape, provided on an ongoing basis to introduce certain opportunities to Russian citizens state power, municipal competent authorities or legal entities from the state, municipal treasury or with the help of government programs.

  • passport of the person submitting the application;
  • marriage registration certificate;
  • copy of personal account;
  • information from the house register;
  • documents for all family members who live in the same area as the applicant;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • a document that confirms that a person belongs to a category that can count on receiving a subsidy under one of the preferential categories;
  • documents on ownership, if the applicant has it.

Currently, government support for purchasing housing or improving the quality of living conditions provides cash assistance, the so-called subsidy for certain categories of citizens.

If the family has income from subsidiary farming, it is also certainly taken into account. All together this amounts to monthly income families.

And in order to collect the documents that need to be provided to receive a subsidy for utility bills, you must definitely find out their exact list.

A subsidy allocated for a single mother for the purchase of housing can be issued if she living space less than established standards. Also, information about the child’s father should not be on either the birth certificate or the adoption certificate.

In this case, if the decision is positive, after a month they will give you a certificate in a specially established form, and funds will be credited to the serviceman’s personal account.

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Queues for apartments are sometimes as long as a lifetime, and today they have not gone anywhere - they exist. But to speed up the solution of housing problems, the state has developed a special mechanism - housing subsidies. That is, those in need of housing do not receive an apartment, but a certain amount with which they can buy an apartment for themselves. As a rule, you need to add your own funds. But people on the waiting list choose housing according to their taste – both on the secondary and primary markets.

Not everyone can apply for a subsidy
There is a federal program “Housing”, which helps improve living conditions for certain categories of citizens in need of housing. These benefits are largely related to a certain type of professional activity participants. Receive a subsidy within federal program can, for example, military personnel who have served for more than 10 years, retired employees of the FSB and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, residents of the Far North who want to move, young families and young scientists, etc. This area is regulated by a mass of laws and regulations, which can be found on the official website programs.

Moscow city ​​program involves the provision of subsidies to the capital's waiting lists. It has its own fundamental documents - Moscow City Law No. 29 of June 14, 2006 “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to residential premises” and Moscow Government Decree No. 729-PP dated October 26, 2004 “On providing Moscow residents with subsidies for construction or purchasing a home." (Details of the program are on the official website of the Moscow City Property Department).

The law provides several grounds for placing citizens on the housing queue. For example, if their home is uninhabitable, or if a sufferer lives in the apartment chronic diseases a person who is simply dangerous to be around (by the way, the list of such diseases is strictly regulated federal legislation). Another basis for recognition as needy is if the area of ​​the apartment is less for one person accounting norm- 10 “squares” for residents separate apartments, and 15 for residents of communal apartments.

“For example, 90% of clients purchasing subsidized housing in the Kvartaly 21/19 residential complex are families who own housing or have social rent. At the same time, the area per person is less than 15 square meters. m. Usually we're talking about about the residents communal apartments"- says Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group.
Obtaining a subsidy is not an easy, but quite streamlined process, they state "NDV-Real Estate": “to obtain a certificate, the client needs to collect all Required documents, submit an application to the MFC authority at your place of registration. A response will be given within 30 days. If the decision is positive, the applicant is issued a document and assigned a number in the queue for the issuance of a certificate.” Yes, you will also have to stand up for housing subsidies. True, in some cases it is possible to speed up the process: we are talking about those who suffer from serious illnesses and need separate housing, and about residents of dilapidated buildings.

Have you waited for the coveted certificate for receiving a subsidy? It should be used within six months from the date of receipt, NDV-Real Estate emphasizes. If for some reason it was not possible to purchase an apartment, you will have to go through the entire procedure for obtaining a certificate again.

How to calculate the subsidy amount
You need to understand that a subsidy is not a fixed amount that is allocated to everyone in need. The amount of the subsidy is calculated individually and depends on the standard cost of a “square”, on the apartment square footage required by the waiting list and the number of people applying for it, on the number of years that he stood in line and on the benefits he has or does not have.

Let's start in order. There is a cost standard square meter housing - it is a little lower market value, for example, for Moscow - about 90 thousand rubles. This figure is multiplied by the number of square meters sufficient, according to the authorities, for comfortable stay. If this is a single person, then the amount of the subsidy is calculated per purchase studio apartment in 36 sq. meters. For a family of two people, the subsidy is calculated based on 50 square meters. m, for a family of three – 70 sq. m, for four people – 85 sq. m. If there are five or more citizens, then 18 “squares” for each.

This also takes into account the number of years that a person has honestly stood in line for housing. Those who have stood in line for a year will be able to receive only 5% of the standard cost of housing, while more patient people on the waiting list who have been in line for 10 years or more can claim the full 70% of the estimated price of housing. This is for everyone. Beneficiaries have waiting periods maximum amount Briefly speaking.

Examples of calculating the amount of subsidy:
1. Citizen living alone:
36 sq.m x cost of 1 sq.m. meters of subsidy x 60% = final subsidy amount.
2. Family of two citizens:
50 sq.m x cost of 1 sq.m. meters of subsidy x 67% = final subsidy amount.
3. Family of three citizens:
70 sq.m x cost of 1 sq.m. meters of subsidy x 65% = final subsidy amount.
4. Family of four citizens:
85 sq.m x cost of 1 sq.m. meters for subsidy x 64% = final subsidy amount.
5 Family of five or more (N) citizens:
No. x 18 sq.m. x cost of 1 sq.m. meters of subsidy x 70% = final subsidy amount.
Table for determining the amount of subsidies as a percentage
Number of full years that have passed since registration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or more years
Percentage of the standard cost of residential premises Citizens with housing benefits 10 30 51 65 70 70 70 70 70 70
General grounds 5 12 20 30 40 51 60 64 67 70

That is, if we are talking about a family of three people who have been waiting in line for, say, 15 years, then they will be able to receive about 4.4 million rubles.

The law allows Muscovites to buy apartments under the subsidy program that are more expensive and larger area. But they will have to pay extra for additional square footage out of their own pocket.

“The amount indicated in the cash certificate is individual in each case and free of charge covers only part of the costs of purchasing real estate,” states Yaroslav Gutnov, Director for Investments and Strategic Development LLC Management Company "TEN-Development". - The remaining part will have to be compensated at your own expense. This could be personal savings, a mortgage, or even maternal capital, for example.”

The amount of personal contribution is calculated using a simple formula: the cost of the purchased housing minus the amount of the subsidy.

The certificate will not be accepted everywhere
Muscovites can use the subsidy to buy an apartment on the secondary market (both in Moscow and in the Moscow region and even in other regions of the Russian Federation), to buy out rooms in an apartment from other owners (for example, in a communal apartment) or to buy an apartment in a new building.

“Not all residential complexes can be included in the state subsidy program,” draws attention Vladimir Kashirtsev, CEO"Azbuka Zhilya" company.

If we talk about using a housing subsidy when purchasing a new building, the purchased property must meet a number of criteria. Firstly, sales must be subject to an agreement equity participation in construction (214-FZ) or under a purchase and sale agreement, if the house is ready. Secondly, the construction readiness of the facility must be at least 70%, they note in press service of the company "NDV-Real Estate".
But this is not the most difficult condition, notes Maria Litinetskaya from Metrium Group. “The main difficulty is that the land on which the house stands should not be encumbered by the bank. Considering that most developers use project financing, it is often not possible to fulfill the last requirement,” says Litinetskaya.

For example, the expert explains, in the residential complex “Kvartaly 21/19” housing certificates can only be used in the second and third panel buildings of the first stage of the project, land plot which the collateral has not been exchanged.

In addition, you cannot use the subsidy to pay for housing that is under arrest, encumbered by someone’s rights to live in it, which remain after the transfer of the residential premises into ownership of the family to which the subsidy was provided.

There is a choice
The Moscow City Property Department imposes strict accreditation conditions on developers under the subsidy program, so not every project allows you to purchase housing with the help of a subsidy, experts say. But there is a choice.

“Previously, many developers were not ready to sell their properties to holders of state subsidies, since it is more interesting to receive money for an apartment within, for example, 5 calendar days after registering a preschool building than within three months,” says NDV-Real Estate.

The fact is that the peculiarity of housing certificates is that the participant does not receive funds in hand, they are transferred to a special account opened in a bank, from which the funds are received by the seller after state registration transactions, explains Litinetskaya from Metrium Group.

“However, the period for transferring subsidies is relatively short. The Moscow City Property Department transfers the money within 45 days. Taking into account the fact that the percentage of such transactions does not exceed 1-2%, we are talking about small amounts, the translation of which the developer can wait a month and a half without damaging the economics of the project,” the expert adds. But he admits: “the overwhelming majority of developers do not work with such clients at all. Some developers do not meet the selection criteria for program participants. Others themselves do not want to get involved, given the likely bureaucratic difficulties in transferring subsidized funds.”

Indeed, the percentage of such transactions in projects today is small, experts agree. For example, today in the residential complexes sold by the ABC of Housing company, the purchase of an apartment using subsidies accounts for about 5-10% of transactions, says the company’s general director Vladimir Kashirtsev.

But those who received a subsidy still have a choice in the new buildings market. For example, in the ABC of Housing, today you can use subsidies to pay for part of the apartments in the residential complex "Domodedovo Park" (Domodedovo), residential complex "Aphrodite" (Mytishchi), as well as in a number of residential complex buildings "Nekrasovka" (Moscow).

You can also buy subsidized apartments in the neighborhood "Krasnogorsky" , they say at NDV-Real Estate. Minimum cost offers for a house that will be completed before completion current year, is 1,828,800 rubles. For the convenience of clients this project mortgages are provided from leading banks. In addition, you can use maternal capital.

In FSK "Leader" you can purchase real estate with the help of all types of state housing subsidies, both Moscow and federal, please note Pavel Timoshenko, Head of the Mortgage and Subsidies Department of FSK Leader. With the help of Moscow government subsidies, people on the waiting list can buy an apartment in the 8th building of the UP quarter "Skolkovsky" (Odintsovo), in the 2nd and 3rd buildings of the UP quarter "New Tushino" (Krasnogorsk district), microdistrict "New Izmailovo" (Moscow), UP-quarter "Olympus" (Obninsk) and residential complex "Generation" (Moscow).

You can also use a housing certificate in a comfort-class residential complex "Quarters 21/19" developer "VectorStroyFinance". Here, in particular, former and current military personnel, people from the far north, migrants, young scientists and other categories of citizens determined by the state have the right to exchange a certificate for housing, says Litinetskaya (Metrium Group).

“In the Kvartaly 21/19 residential complex, subsidies were most often used as down payment(in addition to the amount collected independently). The size of subsidies varies, usually between 1-2 million rubles. Clients take out the missing funds on credit. Most in demand budget options. For example, the cost of a one-room apartment starts from 5.7 million rubles. Accordingly, representatives of preferential categories of clients take out about 2-3 million rubles on credit, contributing a million of their own funds, as well as about 1-2 million rubles from subsidies,” Litinetskaya quotes calculations.

GC TEN, which is building a residential area "Park of Legends" as part of the reconstruction of the ZIL industrial zone, it also plans to join programs to help those in need of housing. True, the construction readiness of houses has not yet reached the required 70%. Yaroslav Gutnov, director of investments and strategic development of the company, hopes to purchase an apartment with the help of government subsidies in residential complex it will be possible in 2017.

Receiving a housing subsidy is not an easy process: you need to spend time and nerves on paperwork, stand in line, and find a suitable developer and project. The size of the subsidy is unlikely to cover the entire cost of the apartment, especially in Moscow, but it will definitely be a good help for those in need of housing. Moreover, more available options you can always find it in the Moscow region or New Moscow, and for the remaining amount you can always get a mortgage loan.

Thanks to housing subsidies allocated under the Moscow Government program budget funds, purchasing housing has become more affordable. The state program reduced the queue for housing, and many residents of the capital were able to realize their cherished dream.

The Unified Housing Subsidy Fund cooperates with the Moscow City Property Department and the Moscow State Enterprise “Agency for the Sale of Housing Loans and Subsidies”, and has been selling housing subsidies for a long time. The EZhSF company is a participant in the state program for the sale of apartments under housing subsidies and state housing certificates (GHC). Our agency for the sale of housing subsidies works with the largest development companies in Moscow and the Moscow region, providing a wide range of housing choices, both in new buildings and on the secondary market. With our help, the implementation of housing subsidies will be carried out at the highest level.

New buildings with subsidies

Mechanisms of transactions for the purchase of an apartment with a subsidy and lending conditions

Mechanisms for “Subsidy for the purchase of housing” transactions:

  • Housing subsidy (HS) = purchase of one or more apartments;
  • Housing estate + personal funds = purchase of one or more apartments;
  • HC + maternity capital = purchase of one or more apartments;
  • Housing estate + maternity capital + mortgage = purchase of one or more apartments;
  • Housing estate + personal funds + loan = purchase of one or more apartments;
  • LC + sale of your room or apartment + loan = purchase of one or more apartments.

The norm may be adjusted (reduced) if:

  • family members of the person on the waiting list have excess living space (including property);
  • there is a possibility that a housing subsidy will be provided in addition to the space occupied.

One of the programs operating in the AHSF is a housing subsidy in Moscow in combination with a mortgage. Under such a program, the use of subsidies for the purchase of housing will be an ideal solution for citizens who do not have the necessary financial resources, but can get a mortgage from a bank.

On the website of the Department of Housing Policy and housing stock of the city of Moscow you will find full information regarding the procedure for processing documents, opportunities for receiving subsidies, and categories of citizens who may qualify for them.

Who is entitled to a subsidy for an apartment?

To receive a housing subsidy for the purchase of both secondary housing and apartments in new buildings, citizens who are recognized in the prescribed manner as needing to improve their living conditions or in need of assistance from the city of Moscow in purchasing residential premises can apply. After the decision of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow and the execution of the corresponding order for provision, a certificate for receiving a subsidy for the acquisition or construction of residential premises is issued, a Nominal Blocked Target Account (IBTS) is opened in the bank, to which the subsidy funds are credited. Using the subsidy, the person on the waiting list can purchase a home on the real estate market.

Subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing are provided to citizens from the Moscow budget in the amount of funding, provided for by law about the city budget, in order of priority based on the year of registration, taking into account the date of submission of the application.

How to get a housing subsidy

In order to receive a housing subsidy, you must take the following steps:

  1. Collect information. Study what the housing subsidy can be spent on, as well as the nuances that prevent the payment from being processed.
  2. Calculate the amount of the subsidy. The calculation is made based on the norms for providing space per person.
  3. Collect the necessary documents.
  4. Arrange for receipt.

Registration of housing subsidy

An application for a housing subsidy in Moscow or for a housing subsidy in the Moscow region must be submitted to the MFC authority at the place of registration. The application is considered for up to 30 days, after which a response is given. By contacting the UHSF, you can not only count on the selection of an apartment with subsidies, but also entrust us with the issue of registration of the purchased apartment. Our experts provide full support in technical and legal support of the transaction to purchase an apartment with a subsidy.

How to buy housing on the secondary market with a subsidy

Purchasing an apartment on your own with a housing subsidy can be a complicated process. And this is especially true secondary market, since the sellers of this market are afraid non-cash payments. Our company’s specialists will help you with such issues as the implementation of housing subsidies for the purchase of secondary housing.

To purchase an apartment in Moscow with a subsidy related to secondary housing, it is necessary to carefully check the property for legal purity. Lawyers of the Unified Housing Subsidy Fund will check the apartment for absence in its history legal grounds to invalidate transactions.

Examples of calculating subsidies for the purchase of an apartment and housing construction

  • Citizen living alone: ​​36 m² x SCM* x 60%**
  • Family of 2 people: 50 m² x SKM* x 67%**.
  • Family of 3 people: 70 m² x SKM* x 65%**.
  • Family of 4 people: 85 m² x SKM* x 64%**.
  • Family of 5 or > people: n x 18 m² x SKM* x 70%**.

* SCM - the cost of one square meter for an apartment subsidy is set quarterly by the Moscow Government. **% value is adjustable App. 3 to the Law of the City of Moscow dated 06/14/2006 N 29 “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises” (as amended by the Laws of the City of Moscow dated 01/24/2007 N 2, dated 06/18/2008 N 24). The subsidy for the apartment is subject to transfer to the seller’s account after payment in full of the personal contribution, determined by the difference between the cost of housing and the size of the housing certificate. In the event that specified period the payment is not used, it is considered unrealized - it will need to be returned to the state.

Our services for working with housing subsidies in Moscow and the Moscow region

In the Unified Housing Subsidy Fund you can receive the following services:

  • selection of accredited apartment options in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • a complete check of the legal side of the transaction for purchasing an apartment with subsidies;
  • carrying out accreditation if the developer you have chosen does not have accredited premises;
  • combining the purchase of an apartment with a subsidy with a mortgage transaction;
  • carrying out an alternative transaction (departure, exchange) using subsidy funds;
  • preparation and coordination of all documentation required for registration of ownership rights to the purchased housing.

We have no commission on the transaction. An apartment with a housing certificate can be purchased using funds maternity capital. Thanks to the impressive experience of our experts, we work even with complex cases of housing subsidies.

If you still have questions about how to implement housing subsidies in the Moscow region or Moscow, please contact the contact phone number or request a call back - and our specialists will contact you soon.

Purchasing an apartment or house is an important and problematic process due to its high cost. Our state has a law that allows certain categories of citizens to receive free financial support from the state to make this purchase.

Who should the state help, what documents will be required for this, in what government agency apply to receive a housing subsidy and what legislative documents are responsible for this procedure - you will learn about this by reading our review.

A subsidy for the purchase of a house is free financial assistance from. It cannot be cashed out, it has a certain “validity period” (6 calendar months), and it can be spent exclusively on improving living conditions, which is controlled by the relevant authorities.

Since the amount allocated by the state will not be able to completely cover the costs of the property, you must either already have the missing amount on hand, or take it (the certificate will serve as a down payment), or prepare the property you already own for sale.

The issue of assigning and issuing a certificate for a subsidy is determined by law.

Note that in Housing Code only the very fact of the possibility of receiving this kind of help is stated. The remaining moments of obtaining a certificate are indicated separately in the relevant legislative documents for each category of beneficiaries.

For example, you can learn about the procedure for receiving subsidies for civil servants from the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, and for young families from the Government Decree “On some issues of allocating subsidies to young families for the purchase of housing”.

Here are some legal acts, which regulate these issues:

  • Federal Law “On the status of military personnel”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On support of large families”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 600 “On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable housing and improve the quality of public services.”

This is far from full list, but the main points of obtaining certificates are covered in these documents.

Who can receive a housing subsidy from the state?

Since assistance is provided from the local budget, each region has the right to independently decide which categories of the population, in addition to those prescribed in Federal Laws, can be given a subsidy.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following can be received without payments:

  • Large families - i.e. families with 3 or more children who have not reached the age of 18 years, or have not reached 23 years of age, but are studying at state universities or undergoing military service;
  • Young families - families in which the age of the spouses has not reached 30 years (see);
  • People in public service;
  • Military personnel and reserve personnel;
  • Specialists who work and live in rural areas;
  • Orphans who find themselves without the help of relatives;
  • Low-income families who are in line to receive space;
  • Participants, veterans, and families of those killed during the Second World War;
  • People leaving the Far North and having at least 15 years of local work experience.
  • Disabled people.

Not all representatives of these categories of the population can receive a certificate.

After considering each specific situation, a decision is made whether a certificate will be issued and for what amount.

For example, a young family may not receive financial assistance, if you already have a fairly large apartment. The same can be said about military subsidy and housing subsidies for disabled veterans, etc.

A citizen cannot count on state support if he deliberately tried to make his living conditions worse. For example, other people have either completed or a house of a smaller area. All these points are carefully monitored and identified.

For all changes in family composition, communal and other conditions that have occurred for a citizen since his registration, he must immediately report to the appropriate commission.

For example, if a civil servant has been fired, he can no longer apply for a certificate.

Registration and receipt of a certificate

In order for the state to issue assistance, a citizen should prepare all documents in advance:

  • applicant's passport;
  • marriage certificate;
  • photocopy of personal account;
  • documents for other people who live in the same apartment with the applicant;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • work book, or other document confirming the applicant’s relationship to one of the preferential groups of the population;
  • documents confirming the right of ownership (deed of gift, etc.).

If a citizen has several households, then documents for everything should be prepared.

After registration, calculation and agreement on the amount of financial assistance, a certificate for the appropriate amount will be issued.

In one of the banks that is a participant in the support program, a person needs to open an IBC on his own. The allocated amount will be credited to it. Subsequently, the funds can be used to purchase new real estate or extending existing().

Important nuance– this amount cannot be spent on other purposes – and it must be spent within 6 calendar months.

If the funds are not spent, the money will simply “burn out.” And you won’t be able to return them, because... Participation in the assistance program is possible only once.

Calculation of the housing subsidy amount

The calculation of housing subsidies is carried out individually for each case; it is influenced by a number of factors - these are existing conditions, the financial situation of people, and the number of people in the family and in the region.

Also, the amount of gratuitous assistance depends on which group of beneficiaries the applicant belongs to. For example, housing subsidies for young families mean that a family of two must have an apartment with an area of ​​at least 42 m2. If there are more people in the family, then payments for housing are calculated in this way: the number of people in the family is multiplied by 18 m2.

Typically the certificate is 30% - 40% of the cost of the apartment. But, for example, for specialists working in rural areas, the level of assistance can reach 70%.

For some categories of citizens, it is difficult not only to buy an apartment, but also to pay for basic utilities. For them, the state provides the opportunity to receive subsidies to pay for apartments or houses and utilities.

Such assistance can be provided by the local budget to those people who have Russian citizenship, own real estate and are registered in it. An important nuance is the absence of debts for utilities.

If all these conditions are met, then the citizen can count on receiving free financial support. Assistance can be either one-time or regular - the procedure for provision is determined individually.

Money is allocated not for each family member, but for everyone at once and is intended strictly to pay for utilities.