Family budget planning program. Review of the best programs for managing a family budget

Do you want to learn plan a family budget but don't know where to start? Create a notebook, an Excel file, an online service account or download a special program? What will be easier and more convenient for you, how to find out?

In order not to get lost in a variety of tools and methods family budget, let's try to sort them out "on the shelves", from simple to more advanced. In this article, we'll look at general budgeting techniques (no tedious calculations!) And templates for budgeting in Excel (or other spreadsheets).

Part 1.3+ simple techniques

First, let's analyze three extremely simple schemes that allow very quickly and without a lot of time plan a family budget... Most likely, later you will need more details and opportunities to analyze your budget, then you can move on to more advanced tools (such as a family budget program) or develop a more complex one based on these simple schemes, suitable for your financial situation.

By the way, the authors of these schemes unanimously propose save 20% from every income generated, so the sooner it becomes a financial habit, the better. Another point in which they all agree: the goal is to reduce the share of compulsory (necessary, urgent) expenses in the total amount of family expenses, which will improve the standard of living.

1.1. Author of The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need Andrew Tobias offers the following simple and effective solution to the budgeting problem:

  1. Step 1. Destroy credit cards (get rid of loans and debts).
  2. Step 2. Save and / or invest 20% of your income (never waste this money).
  3. Step 3. Live on the remaining 80% for fun.

Simple, isn't it? Just remember postpone first 20%, but only then we spend, otherwise at the end of the month it may turn out that there is absolutely nothing to save. By the way, if 20% seems overwhelming, try starting with 10% or even 5% to build a habit and create an initial savings fund (family reserve fund). To strengthen this technique, you can also add what remains after spending at the end of the month to the reserve fund.

1.2. In All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan, the authors argue that in order to achieve financial success, you need to keep the three areas of "application" of your finances in balance. Therefore, they propose to divide the total income into three parts:

  1. 50% to spend on necessary things (groceries, rent, transport, insurance, basic clothing, etc.)
  2. 30% to spend on desirable things (cable TV, fashionable clothes, jewelry, trips to a restaurant, theater tickets, books, hobbies, etc.)
  3. Use 20% for savings (including debt repayment).

Thus, you simultaneously save a rather large amount (along the way, get rid of debts, if any), and live for your own pleasure (30% of income for entertainment and amenities). It is not a fact that at the current level of income and expenses, your family can easily "fit" into this scheme, but you can consider it as a kind of ideal.

1.3. The 60% rule suggested by MSN Money article author Richard Jenkins. We already talked about this scheme in the article on the envelope method for family budgeting. In short, Jenkins proposes to divide the total income into 5 parts, of which about 60% goes to operating expenses.

  1. Operating expenses - 60%.
  2. Pension savings - 10%.
  3. Long-term purchases and payments - 10%.
  4. Irregular expenses - 10%.
  5. Entertainment - 10%.

For more information about the 60% method and other methods of budgeting in envelopes, see the article Making a family budget: the envelope method and its variations.

Part 2.4+ Templates for Spreadsheet Budgeting

The second way, more advanced, proceed to family budget in a spreadsheet (Excel, Google Docs, etc.), where the basic formulas for budget analysis have already been introduced.

2.1. Sample Pearbudget... This is a free, beautiful and thoughtful one-year family budgeting Excel template. It has a couple of disadvantages: firstly, you cannot use more than 30 categories of expenses / income and it is completely in English, including instructions and an example.
Download budget file (179 Kb)
The latest version is available at

2.2. Simple budget for a family for a year, in Russian. Multiple expense categories and an expense pie chart. The author tells how to fill out the file and analyze expenses on his website.
Download budget file (19 Kb)

2.3. In the MoneyTracker community article LJ Family Budget in Excel, I gave a couple more links to collections of templates: - a collection of templates (12 pieces) from the official Microsoft website (to download you need to confirm the authenticity of the installed MS Office) - 30 different templates, ranging from the calculation of interest on the deposit and ending with the calculation of the family budget. They look modest, but you can start with them completely.
After downloading, you will have to think over your system of categories in the budget, or at least translate what is in these Excel templates (most in English).

2.4. Maintenance template personal budget for Google Docs by Gumoza: Gbudget... A fairly simple and convenient tool, always at hand if you have access to the Internet, in Russian, is customizable. The author's description is here:

Have you decided to start planning your family budget? A few helpful tips will not hurt :-).

  1. Remember why you decided keep a budget... Don't just do it because you think you need to or because someone said so. Understand the reasons for yourself, for example, "spend less than you earn" or "cut costs by 10%."
  2. Set a precise goal (or goals) that you want to achieve. For example, “save up 150 thousand rubles for repairs. this year"
  3. Keep accurate records of income and expenses to be sure the numbers in your household budget are correct.
  4. Open a savings account to save money, preferably a deposit without the possibility of cash withdrawal. Think about how the family's reserve fund will be formed.
  5. Be realistic. Don't promise yourself to become the “superman” of your family budget in a month, just start small and go for it.
  6. It is highly advisable to get support from the family or, for example, start keeping a budget in parallel with a friend / girlfriend (separate :-), of course)
  7. Don't be afraid to revise your budget, even radically. Be flexible and choose what works for you. There are no fixed numbers once and for all, we change: we earn more, spend more, get sick, relax, have pets, etc. etc.
  8. Set small, but achievable goals that will motivate you to more global achievements.

Based on the article

For accounting of expenses and income. Now it's time to choose the best Android family budgeting app.

Modern technologies have allowed developers to create a full-fledged software platform - the Android operating system. Thanks to this system, the market for mobile applications was born. Many developers began to release mobile versions of their programs that are adapted for smartphones and tablets. The largest players in the mobile OS market are platforms such as Android and iOS.

In the official app store, you can find many decent programs that will make it easier for you to do home bookkeeping. Despite the wide variety of software, there are not many truly high-quality applications.

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My Wallet - My Money Tracker Lite

My Money Tracker Lite is a personal finance tracking application. There is also a paid analogue of the program - the Pro version. MyMoneyTracker does a pretty good job of keeping track of income and expenses. After starting the application, the user enters the transactions section. By clicking on the red lightning button at the bottom of the screen, you can quickly add an expense or income transaction. Before making a transaction, you need to select its name, for example, clothes, food, gasoline, and also indicate the amount. You can add an expense through the top menu (three dots - "add a transaction"). The program contains a two-level reference book of operations (for example, categories and subcategories: children / toys, children / kindergarten). To arrange the reference books for yourself, you need to enter the settings section (the third icon from the top), go to the "groups" and click the "add group" button on top. For the new element, you need to set the name of the group, the type of operation (expense or income), the icon, and also indicate whether this group is the default element (if so, it will be displayed when added via the lightning button on the main screen).

To build reports, you need to go to the appropriate section (the second icon from the top) and select the type of report. In the current version there are seven types of reports, of which the most popular are the following: expenses / incomes by months, transactions by group / subgroup. The report is available both in the form of a chart and in a table view.

Conclusions. In general, the application left a pleasant experience. During testing, no failures or errors were found. The program interface is simple and functional. You can add a transaction in two taps (plus entering numbers). As for the reports, they are also quite informative. My Money Tracker Lite has established itself as a simple and reliable tool for monitoring family budget.

Read also:

1Money - convenient expense and income tracking

The functionality of the 1Money application is slightly wider than that of the previous program, but there is one significant drawback - the free version has serious restrictions (for example, there is a limit on the number of accounts and categories). If you can get by with two accounts (cash and a card) for conducting personal accounting, then the 1Money application will do just fine.

I would like to note an interesting approach to the design of the main screen of the application (category section). Here is a list of expense categories with the cost of each transaction in the current month. To view the structure of expenses for the previous month, just slide the screen to the right (or select a time interval from the top). If you are interested in income, then you need to click in the center of the screen and you will receive the income structure for the selected period. The circle in the center of the screen under the "Categories" section is also a chart that shows the share of expenses for all involved categories. There is no category hierarchy in the application, that is, the transaction reference has one level. Whether this is a disadvantage is difficult to say, because a two-level guide would compromise clarity.

It is very easy to add a transaction - just click on the corresponding inscription in the "categories" section. After entering the consumption, it is automatically added to the previous value for the selected category. In the "overview" section, you can familiarize yourself in more detail with the expenses and incomes of your personal accounting department - a detailed report is presented here in a tabular form. At the top of the section there is a diagram that shows the dynamics of expenses and incomes by day.

Conclusions. I was pleased with the approach to the design of the interface - at first everything seems unusual, and then the realization comes that it cannot be more convenient. The limitations in the free version are upsetting, for example, you can add only one "your" category of expenses, you cannot use more than two accounts. It can be seen that the developer tried very hard and thought out well the functionality and interface of 1Money, but he was clearly greedy with restrictions. If you need a colorful and visual tool for home accounting, then you can recommend the free version of the program only if you later switch to the paid one.

Personal finance manager

The application has a wide range of functions. It has everything you need to control your family budget: keeping track of income and expenses, planning, debts, foreign currency accounts and much more. A personal financial manager is noticeably superior to competitors in terms of functionality, but loses to them in terms of interface design. The appearance of the program is rooted in the past - to the first versions of Android. If you are not confused by such an interface, then this application will become a reliable assistant in the field of personal finance.

To add a transaction, for example, an expense, you need to click the plus opposite the “expenses” section. Then we fill out a simple form - we indicate the name of the operation, the wallet to be debited, the amount, date and category. It is interesting that you can enter the name of the transaction and its description. With such information content, you will definitely not get confused in your notes. Pleased with a fairly detailed and voluminous directory of cost categories. Unlike the previous appendix, here the reference book is two-level (for example, you can specify "car - fuel"). This directory is easy to edit, it supports nested subcategories (for example, you can create "children - school", "children - gifts"). A profitable transaction is executed in the same way. I was also pleased with the income directory - it is already filled out and supports nested subcategories.

The list of debts can be drawn up in the "Debt Management" section. Everything is simple here - there are two types of debt (“borrow” and “lend”). It's a shame that there is no automatic notification of overdue debts. Such a notification can be issued independently in the "planning" section. Another cool feature is setting limits by category and by wallet. Such a limitation will be useful for those who are used to mindlessly spending money.

With reports in the Personal Finance Manager, everything is also in order - you can get a report in the form of a pie chart and in a tabular form. You can separately see how much money was spent in a given category. Another useful report is cost / income comparison. This function will be useful, for example, to compare expenses for the past and current months.

Conclusions. The application has all the functionality for effective control of personal finances. The feature set is pretty good, especially for a free app. There are flexible settings for directories and user accounts. The reports are high-quality and informative. We can confidently recommend the program to those for whom the "colorfulness" of the interface is not in the first place.

KeepFinance: expense and income tracking

KeepFinance can be classified as a professional tool for controlling personal finances. The functionality of the program allows you to import transactions from SMS messages of banks. To do this, you just need to configure message templates once. The main screen is very informative - here you can see account balances, a summary of expenses, and even reminders of important payments. The top bar has icons representing "plus" and "minus". Through them, you can register income and expenses.

To quickly add a flow rate operation, use the right screen (scroll to the left) - here you can add a flow rate in two touches. To do this, enter the amount, indicate the account to be debited and the category of expense. Another "feature" of the application is that you can see the current balance on the lock screen of your smartphone. One gets the feeling that you are not carrying a phone with you, but a wallet. There is a function of planning expenses by category - you can set the appropriate limits and monitor the approach to them.

It should be mentioned that the free version of KeepFinance has some limitations: only one wallet is available, no more than five accounts can be used, as well as one source of income. There are also limitations regarding reports - only simple reports on income and expenses are available in the free application. Despite this, the information content of the reports is quite enough for the effective management of personal finances. To build reports, you need to go to the "summary" section (through the main menu). Everything is simple here - we select the reporting period and get a summary of expenses and income (at the bottom there is a panel for selecting the type of report - expenses, income and summary).

The directory of income and expenses is single-level (that is, there are no nested categories). This is unlikely to be a drawback of the application, but some advanced users may experience inconvenience.

Conclusions. The KeepFinance application left a pleasant impression - a well-thought-out interface and ease of data entry make the program quite attractive. The basic (free) feature set will suit any family budget. For the lazy, there is a useful function - recognition of transactions in SMS messages from banks. Once I set up templates, and the application itself enters the data (if you pay with a bank card). The program will be useful not only for beginners, but also for more advanced users who need advanced functionality for home bookkeeping.

Home bookkeeping lite

Home bookkeeping is one of the oldest and most popular applications on the market for personal finance control software. Despite this, the program clearly loses to its free competitors in terms of usability. The free version has all the necessary tools for home bookkeeping, but the program interface itself, in our opinion, cannot be called friendly. This is not the main criterion for evaluating the application. The set of tools is quite extensive: accounting of expenses and income, multicurrency, expense planning, debts and loans, detailed reports and much more.

The free version has a number of limitations, for example, only one user and three accounts are supported. When you try to add a second family member or a fourth account, you are prompted to buy the full version of the program.

Reports are not the strongest point of this application. Here the claims are not so much to the reports themselves (they are quite informative), but to the process of setting them up. We tested and there were also similar difficulties. For some reason, all generated reports are saved in the list, and to get a report, for example, on monthly expenses, a chain of actions is required: go to the "reports" section, click the "reports" inscription at the top, select the report type and specify the period.

Why not make it so that in the "reports" section, a monthly report on expenses and income is immediately built, and only then it would be suggested to set additional parameters and filters. Agree that four steps to get a simple report is too much for a mobile application.

Conclusions. The app does a good job with home bookkeeping - it has a good set of tools. If someone lacks the basic functions (the free version of the program), then you can always upgrade to the premium version. Of the minuses, a slightly tricky interface and its low information content can be noted, which is quite critical for a small screen.

It is often possible to find families wondering what their money is being spent on. After the salary is transferred, they can lose more than half of their income in a week, and then borrow money from friends or, even worse, take out countless bank loans. In addition, the lack of money often becomes the cause of domestic quarrels and divorces in families. So what is it, what are the advantages and disadvantages of doing it?

Be sure to read my review on the topic and how I came to this only at the age of 37, exactly 1.5 years ago.

Family budget - the balance of family income and expenses for a specified period of time.

Benefits of maintaining a family budget:

  • The general picture of family income for the period is the main and additional earnings. This is the basis from which it is worth starting in their capabilities for the planned costs.
  • Full control of family expenses. In order to avoid disputes, the cost picture will always show who spent the money and on what. In the future, the dynamics of costs for each item will make it possible to adjust them depending on preferences and informed choice.
  • Accumulation of funds and minimization of debts.
  • major purchases and travel. The dynamics of the main cost items allows you to plan large events in a certain period at the expense of previously accumulated funds.
  • Discipline. increases discipline in the life of every person.

Disadvantages of maintaining a family budget:

  • Full transparency of income and expenses of all family members, which may not be to everyone's liking.
  • The ability to get hung up on the idea of ​​saving, cross borders and infringe on yourself and other family members for any needs.

Family budgeting principles:

Income and expenses must be divided into items. Their number can be any at the discretion and convenience of everyone. For example, at first expense items may be more detailed: food, household goods, payments for an apartment, payments for a telephone, other payments for children's sections and school lunches, etc. Later, it is more expedient to combine part of the costs. For example, all mandatory monthly payments are in one article.

For the first two months, it is enough to simply record your income and expenses by item. In the future, the budget must be planned for the future, at least for one period in advance.

It is more convenient to record expenses every day, to reconcile cash balances (cash, bank cards, accounts, electronic money, etc.).

With proper distribution, the family's expenditure budget should not exceed the income budget. In this way, a reserve part will be formed, which can be accumulated or spent on the necessary needs. It is recommended that the monthly reserve be at least 10% of income.

It is advisable to divide the reserve part into at least two components - the acquisition of useful purchases and the emergency stock. The latter is necessary as a "spare pillow" in the event of a sudden loss of permanent earnings (dismissal, reduction), a deep financial crisis, unforeseen circumstances.

Family budgeting methods:

  • "The old fashioned way" - a thick notebook with hand-written notes and counting on a calculator: a time-consuming and inconvenient option in terms of analysis and dynamics;
  • maintaining an expanded, convenient table in Microsoft Office Excel on any computer using an individual approach;
  • services for budgeting (online sites and mobile applications) with the ability to choose the most convenient and suitable one.
  • Perhaps duplication, for example, maintaining an express budget in a mobile application for quick fixing of costs and a more detailed budget with analysis and dynamics in Microsoft Excel.

An example of managing a family budget in Excel in our family.

how to make a family budget

In addition to maintaining a spreadsheet in Excel, I recommend daily accounting of expenses and income in special applications for keeping a family budget, for example, Home Accounting, which, among other things, can be installed as an individual or family application, i.e. for 2 devices on Android, Windows or iOS.

I can recommend the free AbilityCash program, which I use myself, you can download it here.

Home bookkeeping allows you to quickly understand where the money is going and where there are reserves for savings.

Explore different programs and choose the one that is convenient for you. It is important that the program has the ability to divide expenses into different items, get statistics on spending for each item, and use various data filters.

Many families do not take into account the nuances of the correctness of the family budget, therefore, many financial questions arise in the family.

To avoid this, it is worth learning the three main accounting rules.

# 1. Determine the exact total amount of income for the month. We'll have to take all the income for the month and, by adding, find out the total total.

# 2. Calculate all monthly expenses and bill payments required. In other words, figure out the inevitable waste of the amount of money for the month.

No. 3. Subtract the amount of unavoidable waste from the principal of the income. And only the remaining amount to distribute to the rest of the incidental waste.

So, there is a certain amount of money left. How can you competently dispose of it further? Family is a big responsibility and everyone has their own personal needs. In order to meet the major needs of each family member, for example, buying seasonal outerwear or shoes, approximately 10% of the income should be set aside from each monthly income. When the time comes to purchase an important new thing for one of the family members, or an unexpected expenditure situation suddenly occurs, the family will already be ready for this. The accumulated amount will be able to cover such costs.

Last update: 17-02-2019

The Purpose of All Home Bookkeeping Programs- to simplify keeping records of income and expenses.

The user of the program can set more specific goals for himself: tracking savings, monitoring the timely payment of loan payments, etc.

Some programs are specially designed to help the user set financial goals and achieve them.

When choosing a program for accounting for personal finances, you need to pay attention to two main criteria:

  • functionality;
  • manufacturer of the program.

Home bookkeeping software features include:

  • creation of reports on income and expenses, on the dynamics of the balance of funds, accounting for different accounts;
  • calculator of loans and deposits;
  • budget planning, calendar of future expenses.

The following features will not be superfluous:

  • quick entry of transactions;
  • recognition of SMS from the bank;
  • multiplayer mode;
  • synchronization of mobile and computer versions.

Among the software producers there are both beginners and developers with more than 10 years of experience.

Below are 10 options for managing your family budget in 2019.

Excel spreadsheet for keeping a family budget

Entering data into a spreadsheet is the first step from calculating in a notebook to modernizing family budgeting. The Excel program has ready-made templates for keeping an estimate of income and expenses, but you can download a more convenient template on the Internet or build your own table.

Advantages of an Excel spreadsheet for keeping track of household expenses

  • No additional software installation is required - work is carried out in a program from the standard MS Office suite or free analogues;
  • The ability to independently determine the accounting components - categories of income and expenses, family members;
  • All family members can work with the program;
  • You can store the data file on a USB drive and have access to bookkeeping from any computer.

Disadvantages of an Excel spreadsheet for monitoring family spending

  • There is no special interface for the family budget - pictures for categories, options for categories of income and expenses;
  • You can only work from a computer or laptop, there is no synchronization between different PCs (although, if desired, you can configure using any cloud storage).

Excel spreadsheet alternative - Google Sheets

Google Sheets is part of the Google Disk service. You will need to create an account once and then you can use all the features.


  • you can use it for free - this is a significant plus, since we are talking about saving money in the family;
  • there is synchronization via the Internet + you can put the application on your phone.

Personal Finances

The program, formerly known as Personal Finances, and now called Azlex Finance, has existed since 2006 and is constantly being improved.

Azlex Finance / Personal Finances advantages

  • The ability to conduct accounting by several users. Each family member can create their own personal account with their own password and the ability to hide some transactions from other family members;
  • There are versions for iOS and Android with synchronization of mobile and computer versions via the Internet. You can enter information directly in the store from your phone so as not to forget anything;
  • Convenient quick entry of transactions;
  • Ability to edit spending categories, family composition, counterparties;
  • Convenient construction of reports by categories of expenses, accounts, family members, the ability to view the dynamics of finances;
  • The presence of a planner that allows you to reflect future and regular spending in the calendar;
  • Nice design with the ability to assign icons to expense categories.

Disadvantages of Azlex Finance / Personal Finances

  • Not all features are available in the free version;
  • The program is very detailed, which takes time to get acquainted with all the possibilities. review

EasyFinance Ltd has been operating since 2009 and offers paid apps for iPhone and Android or free family budgeting right on the site. No computer version provided.

There are 3 tariffs with different functionalities. advantages

  • The main functions of the budget program - reports, schedules, planning;
  • The entire amount of funds for the month is shown in the form of a tachometer, where the arrow indicates the amount of money at the moment. It is convenient to keep track of expenses and avoid falling into the red zone;
  • The ability to link a bank card to an account (not for all banks). When paying for goods and services by card, the operation will be automatically entered into the program, and you do not have to waste time entering it manually;
  • The program specifically focuses on long-term planning, which allows you to set aside about 15% of income for large spending, dreams;
  • Availability of a calendar with reminders of the need to make regular payments;
  • The program monitors the financial situation in the country and offers profitable solutions for opening deposits and loans.

Disadvantages of

  • The free version only works on the website. Not everyone wants to post all the information about their income on the Internet, although the site is protected;
  • Paid versions are presented in the form of various tariffs from 99 to 250 rubles per month.
  • No multi-user interface - the program is focused on personal, not family finances.


Another online service that has been operating since 2007. Presented by a program for a computer and mobile applications in free and paid versions.

Paid once a year at the rate of 599 rubles.

The advantages of

  • Multiplayer mode;
  • Availability of applications for a computer, Android, iOS, Windows Phone and the ability to synchronize data on different devices;
  • Availability of a planner, reports, tracking the dynamics of balances;
  • Possibility of processing bank sms by the program for automatic entry of transactions;
  • Function "Shopping list". You can make a list in the program before going to the store. It is convenient that different users can make a list and make purchases - a wife can make a list on a computer from home, and a husband will see it on his mobile while in a store - and there is no need to dictate anything over the phone;
  • Backing up data by sending backups to the mail;
  • Nice minimalistic design with assigning pictures to categories.

Disadvantages of

  • The free version has a minimum of features: no multi-user mode and synchronization, no budget planning, no report templates.
  • The free version also contains ads.
  • In fact, the free version only allows you to record transactions.

A relatively young service that has been operating since 2013. Offers home bookkeeping on a computer, tablet, phone through the site. There is a free trial version and two paid plans - 249 and 299 rubles per year. Pros

  • Keeping records on several accounts: cash, cards, savings;
  • Availability of a synchronized computer and mobile version;
  • Convenient construction of reports in the form of graphs and tables;
  • Financial goal. The program helps to set goals and move towards their implementation;
  • Ability to assign labels to categories.

Disadvantages of

  • Lack of a multiuser interface;
  • The scarcity of features of the free version.

Zen Mani is a free online service that has been operating since 2010. There is a mobile version, which is sold on Google Play for 590 rubles. advantages

  • Multiplayer mode;
  • Mobile and desktop versions with synchronization;
  • The mobile version has a bank SMS recognition function. When an SMS from a bank arrives on a smartphone, the program automatically reads the purchase information and enters the data into the desired category - no need to waste time manually entering information;
  • There are many opportunities for financial analysis, there are various tables and graphs, comparison of income and expenses by periods.

Disadvantages of

  • There are errors with data synchronization;
  • Not everyone will love the minimal design without category labels.

Internet banking

Some banks offer financial accounting within the Internet Banking service.

Advantages of accounting via Internet banking

  • All transactions are entered automatically when paying for the transaction with a card - no need to create transactions yourself, nothing will be forgotten;
  • The data is stored on the bank's server - they will not be lost, they can always be accessed from any device.

Disadvantages of Internet banking

  • It is impossible to enter expenses in cash;
  • No multiplayer mode;
  • Few functions for analysis and budget planning.
  • In the long run, it is problematic to get all the spending statistics.

Ranking leaders - who is the best in 2019?

Let's summarize, with the help of which program or service it will be most convenient to keep track of the family budget / personal finances.

  1. Personal Finances (1st place)
  2. Home economics (2nd place).
  3. Google Sheets (if used instead of Excel) comes third.

You also need to consider that these estimates for some items may change over time and are subjective. If you notice an inaccuracy, you know a good program / service, then write in the comments, I will definitely add it.

It would also be interesting to know alternative options for keeping family records of money. Write below in the comments.

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To save yourself from big expenses and save up for a small house somewhere on the seashore, you don't have to deny yourself everything and tightly sew your savings into a mattress. Sometimes it's enough just to use personal assistants that fit in a regular smartphone. site collected 10 applications to save, calculate and increase your income.

Zen Mani

A convenient tool for budget planning with SMS recognition from all major banks in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and automatic creation of transactions. You can work on multiple devices - the data will be automatically synchronized. In addition, the program analyzes costs and makes forecasts. It's pretty simple to figure it out.


It is very convenient for quick fixing of expenses right at the checkout. The main screen of the app looks like a large coin holder. Income, wallets and expenses are presented as stacks. To fix the waste, it is enough to transfer the coin from the pile to the pile. In addition, the application analyzes income and expenses for different periods, helps to make forecasts and has a lot of other useful functions.


The appendix contains 4 concise directories: spending, income, movement and exchange. You can make a shopping list and then revise it: what was bought, what was not, how much was spent. The application allows you to draw up both short-term and long-term budgets. You can schedule the purchase of, say, a sofa, and Drebedengi will diligently count how much is left to save. The application has a multi-user mode - you can connect all family members to the system and keep track of the overall budget.


The application has a rather minimalist functionality, so it will take no more than a couple of seconds to add a purchase to the database. The strong-minded can take a look at the expense statistics section. After this, many are guaranteed to begin to refrain from unnecessary trifles, which were usually grabbed from shop windows without hesitation.

Toshl is quite similar in functionality to Spendee and, rather, is its eye-pleasing alternative, since you will be keeping track of expenses under the supervision of cute toons of Asian origin. Cons: you cannot specify multiple accounts, but you can separate them with tags.

Daily budget

If you want to start saving money for something bigger than lunch in the canteen, this app will help you pull yourself together and calculate your daily expenses. First, you need to drive in your monthly income, indicate the amount of standard monthly expenses (for example, utility bills) and indicate the percentage of total income that you want to save in the piggy bank. After a little thought, the application will give you an amount that you can safely spend during the day.


Convenient and appreciated by many applications for home bookkeeping. Allows you to record expense, income, transfer from account to account, estimate account balances. There is an opportunity to view the entered information in the form of graphs - and it immediately becomes clear where the holes are in the budget.