AHK in the mortgage lending system. Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (JSC "Aizhk")

Housing issue is always key in the life of almost any family, and sometimes this aspect becomes the cause of many disputes and conflicts. By order of the Government Russian Federation in 1997, a government organization was created to address this issue. And this is AHML, which stands for Agency. Its goal is to make the conditions for purchasing housing on credit as comfortable as possible. What exactly the organization does and what areas of its activities you will learn further from the article.

Agency Lending Standards

AHML is not just an organization that regulates mortgage lending with a certain number of banks. This agency has developed certain criteria covering the interests of the credited population. And financial organizations that issue loans for purchased housing adhere to specified standards and mortgage programs. The agency, in turn, provides financial support to AHML banks.

What mortgage programs are available?

Due to the fact that the federal organization is faced with the task of maximizing the interests of mortgage borrowers, the following AHML mortgage programs have been developed:

  • "Standard mortgage". The borrower is offered a choice of purchase new apartment, houses or housing on secondary market.
  • "Variable rate". Credit rate for a loan may vary depending on the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • "Maternal capital"- using the appropriate certificate.
  • "Military mortgage" - affordable ready-made housing for military personnel, with the possibility of receiving an amount of up to 2 million rubles, regardless of the citizen’s income.
  • In a programme "New building" take part in construction companies state and social housing projects.
  • "Low-rise housing"- a loan is issued for the construction of low-rise buildings.
  • "Collateral housing"- this is the acquisition of real estate on the balance sheet of AHML.

For young families with minor children (2 or more) there are additional discounts for a loan The list of mortgage lending from AHML banks can be viewed on the official website government organization. The conditions and requirements of each program are also described in detail.

Agency financial risk tracking

AHML is not only a support for housing lending in our country, but also a body aimed at monitoring financial risks in this area of ​​lending. For example, it took the initiative to insure unprofitable credit transactions with collateral real estate. This not only made it possible to provide financial support to the bank, but also provided borrowers with the opportunity to have low rates, as well as secure the purchase of collateral real estate for new buyers.

The internal working mechanism of a mortgage company

When issuing a loan, the lender pays funds for the purchase of real estate from his own financial balance and bears all obligations to perform its actions in accordance with loan agreement. The borrower bears all debt repayment obligations to the bank. AHML, in turn, pays the bank Commission remuneration for issuing a loan and its further servicing.

In addition, the Agency buys back the rights to the issued loan from the lender, relieving the latter of debt collection litigation. The organization accepts the interest received as income.

In case of problem debt, the borrower will bear obligations to AHML, and not to the bank. But if we're talking about about simple overdue debt, then in this case the creditor is obliged to independently deal with this issue, since it is the bank that is financial institution, which issued the loan, not AHML.

Subsidiary company of AHML

Deterioration financial condition borrowers is not uncommon in lending. Therefore, another program to help AHML borrowers is restructuring. In 2008, a subsidiary organization appeared - ARHML (the agency for restructuring ARHML significantly relieved AHML, which allows us to provide high-quality assistance and advisory work to the population of our country.

What steps should a borrower take when choosing a mortgage agency?

As we already know, AHML is not just an organization that regulates financial and housing relationships between the lender and the buyer. This is also an opportunity to get acquainted with real estate objects and find out the conditions of home insurance, health, and life of the person being financed.

In more detail about the AHML program to help mortgage citizens, we can say this:

  • This is an opportunity to choose a convenient program;
  • choose a partner bank that is loyal to the borrower;
  • study insurance programs from partner Insurance companies;
  • get acquainted with the list of finished residential properties.

If you are already a client of a mortgage agency, then subsidiary can provide you with qualified support financial matters on loan restructuring.

Conditions for insurance of real estate and life of the borrower

Upon registration credit transaction, it is important to know that any property purchased on credit is not only collateral until it is full repayment, but also subject to compulsory insurance in case of total loss or damage.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, life insurance is not mandatory type insurance. But in case of refusal of this type of protection for a loan transaction, AHML provides for an increase in the rate by 0.7%. What may turn out to be a much more impressive amount for the entire mortgage period than the insurance itself.

The reasons lie in the following: the term for obtaining a mortgage can reach up to 30 years - and this is a serious period of time, where it is not possible to predict what will happen to a person’s health and life. This increases financial risks and, as a result, interest rates.

Advantages and disadvantages of Federal Agency programs

The main advantage of AHML is its competitiveness, low interest rates, and the availability of several programs that meet the needs of many segments of the population.

One of the disadvantages is the lengthy consideration of clients’ applications for a mortgage loan, which can even take months. That's why low rate on the loan acts as a compensating factor in the long wait for a response to the application.

But here it should be noted that AHML works as an intermediary between the lender and the potential borrower. Only in controversial and conflict situations can a state structure resolve the issue. And if necessary, you can always count on advice from AHML or ARHML.

It was available to citizens of our country, the state is trying to regulate the conditions under which people can receive housing loans.

Measures of state support for the population are being developed specifically for this purpose. One of these measures - the AHML mortgage - will be discussed in the article.

The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) is the main element of the domestic mortgage system. It is entirely owned by the state and uses budget money.

Target agencies - to make mortgage programs accessible to the population. It is through AHML that all changes are carried out to increase the availability of real estate and the number of credit programs.

Since 2010, the Agency, together with Vnesheconombank, has been providing financial support to the banks of our country, and they finance developers and home buyers. Commercial banks cooperating with AHML provide loans in accordance with agency standards. WITH with the help of AHML the state encourages the construction of new buildings and stimulates demand for apartments during the crisis.

Lending is structured in such a way that each agency partner provides mortgages and serves clients By uniform conditions : same an initial fee and annual %. The only difference is the commission.

AHML rates vary depending on:

  • Type of rate - fixed or variable.
  • Down payment amounts.
  • Payment deadline.
  • Purpose of the loan (for the purchase of secondary housing, in a new building, etc.).

Program participants Adult citizens of the Russian Federation, but not older than 65 years, can become agencies. When checking a client, they look at the official income, which can be documented. On monthly payments no more than 45% of the borrower’s salary should go.

Service list

To get a mortgage from the Agency, you need:

  • Contact a bank that cooperates with AHML (it will work according to the Agency’s standards).
  • Choose a suitable mortgage program.
  • Find the property he wants to buy.

Also refinancing is underway issued loans:

Standard mortgage terms The agency has the following:

  • Advance payment – ​​10%.
  • About 8% per annum with a contribution of fifty percent of the housing amount. The rate is 12.8% – if the mortgage is issued for a period of up to 30 years.
  • It is possible to fix the interest rate for a certain period of time. However, it is then calculated based on the inflation rate.
  • You can apply for refinancing.
  • In some cases, you can reduce the rate.

Types and conditions of programs

The agency provides almost all the popular mortgage products that banks have.

AHML has support programs, which are suitable for both ordinary citizens and specialized categories of the population:

"Social" program intended for citizens in need of housing. The following may apply for it:

  1. Participants social program– “Housing for Russian citizens.”
  2. Disabled people and families with disabled children.
  3. Defense officials.

Conditions such mortgages are as follows:

  • The interest rate is lower than the market average - no more than 9.9%.
  • Contribution – 10%.
  • You can increase the loan amount using maternity capital.
  • Low housing prices.

"Military mortgage" provided under the following conditions:

  • The recipient of the amount can be a military member who is a participant.
  • A loan is issued in the amount of 2,200,000 rubles.
  • Down payment – ​​10%.
  • The payment period is specified by the client himself. In many cases, the term is calculated until the borrower turns 45 years old.
  • The client is not charged a commission for all transactions.
  • Payment is made in cash at the cash desk or by bank transfer to your account.
  • The interest rate is 10.9.
  • The lender is provided with documents - a passport and military ID.

They can help you reduce your mortgage interest rate in a commercial bank if the cost square meter more expensive than that established by the regional ministry. This can be achieved:

  • Taking out a mortgage to refinance.
  • When purchasing housing included in the Stimulus program.
  • If the buyer participates in the program “Providing Housing”, “Housing”, “Fulfillment of State Obligations to Working Citizens” - the percentage will decrease by 0.25%.
  • When to use maternal capital– the rate will also decrease by 0.25%.

Which banks can you contact?

You can get a mortgage through an agency in any region, because... it has a wide network of partner banks.

Almost all the top banks in the country cooperate with the agency:

  • Delta.
  • VTB 24.
  • Gazprombank.
  • Rosselkhozbank.
  • Binkank.
  • TransCapitalBank.

For banks, such cooperation is also beneficial in that AHML becomes the bank’s support in the event of a lack of funds received from commissions from the client.

Positive and negative sides

Advantages Mortgages from the agency are as follows:

Flaws Mortgage loans in AHML are as follows:

  • Your application may take a long time to be considered (up to several years). This is due to bureaucratic work: it is checked in two stages: first the bank itself, and then the Agency.
  • Many programs (including social ones) will require collecting certificates from government agencies. For this, of course, you will have to pay a state fee.

Analysis of customer reviews

You can see a lot of negative reviews about this form of mortgage online. In fact, it's like this governmental support not so widespread. Not all commercial banks are ready to make such concessions, even though the state takes on most of the payment.

Borrowers note that after submitting an application and documents, the bank does not first require payment of the contribution, because the loan is being restructured. However, as soon as a refusal follows, the lender immediately charges fines, which quickly leads to large sum debt. Please note that registration takes a month or more (verification and acceptance by the bank and government institutions). So, if you want to take out an AHML mortgage, prepare the papers in two copies: one for the agency, and the other for the bank.

Employees of banks and government agencies themselves say that the state aid mechanism is not yet functioning at full capacity: many inconsistencies often arise between the work of the state and the bank. In general, interest rates on AHML mortgages are not much lower regular rates in banks. But when registering with agency partners, they will charge you a decent amount– approximately 2% of the loan amount.

Sberbank and VTB 24 provide the largest number of mortgages on agency terms (about 80% of all mortgage lending AHML). At one time, these two banks became the agency’s first partners, and trust in them among the population was established thanks to an optimized application submission system and streamlined customer service.

About the social mortgage lending program from the Agency, see the following video:

Home Mortgage Lending Agency

Home Mortgage Lending Agency(JSC AHML) was created in 1997 by the Russian government to develop mortgages in the country.

100% of the shares of AHML JSC are owned by the Russian Federation. The highest governing body of the Agency is general meeting shareholders, whose functions are performed by the Federal Property Management Agency. General management of AHML activities is carried out by the supervisory board.

The main task of the agency is to make mortgage lending accessible to the population. In addition, it helps maintain the liquidity of banks providing long-term home loans citizens. To achieve this, the agency raises funds for stock market by placing their bonds there.

The agency does not work directly with citizens. AHML, through a network of partners, provides mortgage loans to citizens according to two schemes: by purchasing mortgages on loans issued by partners and using agent technology. Under the first scheme, the partner issues a loan on AHML terms. After which it assigns the rights of claim on it to the agency, which, in turn, reimburses the bank for the amount of the loan issued by it, that is, refinances it. According to the second scheme mortgage loans are issued remotely directly from the AHML balance sheet. The partner accepts documents from the borrower, and AHML independently checks and approves them.

VTB Bank is responsible for maintaining the mortgage portfolio. He accepts all payments from borrowers and issues the necessary loan certificates.

Partners are companies independent from AHML and are subject to their own management bodies. AHML does not have branches, representative offices, offices or subsidiaries in the regions of the country. The agency's partners are not only banks, but also insurance and appraisal companies.

It should be noted that the lender (bank or specialized organization) can set its own prices in terms of additional expenses on mortgage. Therefore, the borrower's total mortgage costs AHML programs may differ for specific partners.

In 2015, on the basis of AHML for the implementation public policy In the housing market, the Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere was created. It included the RHD Fund and AHML's subsidiaries - AFZhS and SK AHML. AHML is management company all organizations. 100% of the shares of the Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sector belong to the state represented by Federal agency on state property management.

AHML is also engaged in issuing single-tranche mortgage valuable papers on a programmatic basis within the framework of the MBS Factory. “The IBS Factory” was created in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin following a meeting of the State Development Council construction complex and improvement of urban planning activities on May 17, 2016. It is a tool for attracting financing to the Russian mortgage market and, as a result, increasing the volume of mortgages issued at lower rates.

Today, the institute’s priorities include: reducing risks in the housing and mortgage market, stimulating the construction of affordable housing, developing mechanisms for financing engineering infrastructure, and implementing anti-crisis support measures in the housing and mortgage market.

The Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML JSC) changed its corporate name to Dom.rf JSC. This decision was made on March 2, 2018 by the sole shareholder of the company - the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Property Management Agency. All subsidiaries of Dom.rf, including the bank Russian Capital", will be renamed and switched to a single brand after all necessary procedures are completed in the first half of 2018. AHML began using “Dom.rf” as the logo and domain of the official website in 2017.

Rates for mortgage programs of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) are lower than the market average. Sravni.ru found out through what mechanisms this is achieved and what benefits banks receive from cooperation with the agency.

Step-by-step instruction

It’s probably worth starting to describe the mechanisms of AHML’s activities by clarifying that the agency is not a competitor of banks in the mortgage market. This fact serves as an explanation why AHML does not work directly with the population (this question may arise for those who are just getting acquainted with this institution).

“In Russia there is enough a large number of banks issuing mortgage loans, and when creating AHML there was no goal of creating another competitor in this market - National Bank who would be engaged in a market type of business. The task of AHML is to ensure a balance of interests of all participants in the mortgage market, provide support to banks, develop lending standards, etc.",– explained Sravni.ru Executive Director for innovations of AHML Marina Malaychik.

So, in order to understand exactly how the agency solves such important problems, you should understand the scheme of its work, which consists of two levels. At the first stage, primary lenders - banks and non-credit organizations - issue mortgage loans to the population under AHML programs. At the second stage, the agency buys out (refinances) the rights of claim on such loans from partners and, using them as collateral, raises funds for financial markets(that is, it issues and places mortgage-backed securities on the open market). At the same time, according to Marina Malaychik, the agency not only issues mortgage-backed securities, but can also act as a guarantor for debt issues of direct creditors.

“Thus, AHML contributes to the development of the mortgage market, the emergence of more complex and advanced mechanisms for working with mortgage loans, attracting more resources and increasing market stability,”- she explains.

To date up to 10% Mortgages issued in the country consist of loans issued according to AHML standards. At first glance, it is unclear why the agency would not seek to play a dominant role in the mortgage market. The answer lies in the strategy for the development of mortgage lending in the Russian Federation until 2030, which was approved by the government on July 19, 2010.

“It is assumed that in conditions of a stable economic situation, the share of AHML’s participation in direct refinancing of mortgage assets may decrease, and, conversely, in unstable moments, when the market and its infrastructure require additional support, the agency’s influence will increase. So, for example, this was in 2009, when the agency’s share with 10% rose to 30% , which helped support the issuing infrastructure mortgage loans in most regions of the Russian Federation",– says Mrs. Malajchik.

In addition, it should be taken into account that in addition to direct refinancing, the agency also implements a number of other programs, creates socially oriented programs, supports the issuance of mortgage securities, finances housing construction, and develops the mortgage insurance, and also participates in legislative activities to regulate the mortgage market.

Agency - bank

Note that the refinancing system created by AHML operates throughout the country and involves the participation of an unlimited number of primary lenders (partner banks), who receive certain advantages from such cooperation in comparison with other players in the mortgage market.

“The main preferences for our bank are the opportunity to be an active player in the primary mortgage lending market,– Vice President Vladislav Kshinin shares with Sravni.ru. – We are trying to work in this area on a volume basis. This is precisely the main trump card of cooperation with AHML. The established refinancing system, both directly and through regional operators, allows us to consistently issue and increase the volume of mortgage loans. This has a certain cumulative effect for the bank in terms of its customer base. Many of those who come to our bank continue to cooperate with us as clients.”

According to the head of the mortgage lending center, Ravili Khasanova, the bank’s benefits from cooperation depend on the status of the partner bank in the AHML system. “In our case, Tatfondbank, in addition to the primary lender, is an accredited mortgage support agent. Thus, after the sale of the mortgage to AHML, the loan remains under the supervision of the bank, for which the agency pays a fee,”- she explains.

But in general, as they comment in, having the state as a mortgage partner is always beneficial. This naturally implies stability and confidence.

Agency - consumer

On the one hand, AHML standards in relation to today are not the most loyal (from the point of view of the possibility of taking into account unofficial income, lending to business owners, the availability of redevelopment in the purchased housing, etc.), note Miraf-Bank, but their interest rates are the most attractive.

TO positive aspects AHML standards, according to bankers, can also include: down payment from 10% ; the possibility of including minor children among the owners of real estate purchased with mortgage funds; age of the borrower (from 18 years at the time of receipt and up to 65 years at the time of loan repayment).

Please note that under some AHML programs, partner banks may set higher interest rates than those determined by the agency. However, primary lenders most often prefer to focus on the conditions established by standards. This is explained simply: the agency buys the loan not at the excess rate, but at the refinancing rate established by AHML for this product. Thus, the agency comments, it is simply unprofitable for a mortgage provider not to adhere to refinancing rates.

"By products for primary market housing (“New building”, “Maternity capital”) and the product “Military Mortgage” the redemption rates are equal to the issuance rates, i.e. the partner cannot issue loans for more than high stakes», – Marina Malaychik clarifies.

In conclusion, all that remains is to remind you that the agency’s repurchase of the mortgage right does not change anything for the borrower: the loan agreement will not need to be renegotiated, the amount of monthly payments and the loan repayment schedule will remain the same. The only thing that can change, and even then not always, adds Ms. Malajchik, is the details for transferring payments.

The state strives to make mortgage loans accessible to everyone. The Housing Mortgage Lending Agency is implementing this task on behalf of the government.

There are two main areas of work for AHML. The first is support government programs mortgage lending and their promotion in the market. For this purpose, the so-called AHML standards were developed, in which the developers tried to take into account as much as possible the capabilities of various categories of the population. On this moment Several mortgage lending programs are offered:

  • Mortgage loan “New building” is funds for the purchase of comfortable housing in new apartment buildings at a rate of 7.9%. Loan terms provide for a reduction in interest rates due to special deductions for buyers of economy-class housing, participants in government housing and social programs.
  • Mortgage loan "Maternity capital" is profitable terms lending to managers of maternal (family) capital for the purchase of finished apartments. The terms of the program allow you to increase the maximum loan amount possible for you by the amount of maternity capital and purchase more comfortable housing than your income allows.
  • A standard mortgage loan is an opportunity to purchase a home of your choice: an apartment or a residential building, on the primary or secondary market. When calculating the loan amount, the income of co-borrowers, of whom there can be no more than three, may be taken into account.
  • The "Military Mortgage" mortgage program is a loan for the purchase of finished apartments for participants in the savings-mortgage system housing provision military personnel. The terms of the program allow you to receive a loan in the amount of up to 2 million rubles, regardless of the size of the serviceman’s income.
  • A “Variable Rate” mortgage loan is funds for the purchase of housing in the primary and secondary markets. The interest rate on the loan is tied to the refinancing rate Central Bank RF.
  • Mortgage loan “Low-rise housing” is favorable lending conditions for the purchase or construction of apartments and houses in the territories of organized complex low-rise development.
  • Mortgage loan “Collateral Housing” - the program involves the purchase of housing that is on the balance sheet of AHML. The cost of the loan is only ¾ of the refinancing rate, established by the Bank Russia.

A loan according to AHML standards is issued authorized banks. Their list can be found on the official website of AHML. It is necessary to pay attention that when issuing a loan, banks very often charge a commission. The amount of this payment is different banks varies.

The second main activity of AHML is the prevention of risks in the field of residential mortgage lending. For example, AHML came up with a new initiative to insure the risk of the lender having a deficiency Money proceeds from the sale of pledged property to repay the borrower's debt under the loan agreement. This can reduce interest rates, on the one hand, and protect the borrower from debt to the bank after the sale of collateral, on the other.

It is also worth mentioning that in 2008, AHML created a subsidiary company, the Agency for Mortgage Restructuring housing loans(ARIZHK). The main goal of ARHML is to provide assistance to mortgage borrowers in the form of loan restructuring. In addition, AHML is developing standards for issuing, maintaining and refinancing mortgage loans.

General interest

The services provided by AHML can be divided into two types: for those who are just about to take out a mortgage loan, and for those who have already done so. In the first case, AHML offers:

  • choose the most convenient and profitable program lending according to the AHML standard;
  • find an AHML partner authorized to issue loans according to AHML standards;
  • get acquainted with the real estate objects put up for sale by the Agency. It is quite possible that you will find something to your liking on the list;
  • familiarize yourself with the Borrower's Liability Insurance program, and also find yourself insurance company AHML partner, ready to provide this service.

Those who already have mortgage obligations can:

  • use maternity capital (MCC) to repay the loan;
  • refinance your mortgage loan under the AHML program;
  • restructure your mortgage loan. In this case, the subsidiary company of ARHML comes into play.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of mortgage programs according to AHML standards is, of course, their low interest rate. It is also worth noting the focus on different segments of the population, which allows us to significantly expand the circle of potential borrowers, as well as the liability insurance program for bank clients.

Many people say that the main disadvantage of AHML is the rather long processing of loan applications. Sometimes the review takes several months. But this can easily be explained by the fact that applications go through two stages of verification: first at the bank, and then at AHML itself. Besides government agencies rarely work quickly, and significant gains in interest rate may serve to justify the time investment.

Finally, it must be said that AHML works directly with borrowers only in emergency cases (late payments, long-term non-payments, etc.). In the normal course of events, the borrower communicates with the bank that issued the loan to him, which is AHML’s partner and can independently resolve most of the controversial issues or give advice to the applicant.

Advice to Sravni.ru: You can find a bank operating under AHML programs at.