Housing for low-income large families. Improving living conditions for large families in Russia

How can a large family receive a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services?

In addition to benefits for housing and communal services, large families can also receive a corresponding subsidy. Subsidies are provided to citizens if their expenses for housing and utilities exceed the value corresponding to the maximum permissible share of family expenses for housing and utilities in its total income.

Subsidies are provided to families who do not have arrears in paying housing and communal services, as well as to citizens who have entered into and (or) fulfill agreements to repay them, in their locality permanent residence in the form of monetary compensation.

The subsidy is issued only for one residential premises. Preferences are provided by registration. If a citizen wishes to be registered at their actual address of residence, he must provide a certificate stating that registration discounts are not taken into account.

What subsidies can you get in Moscow to pay for utilities?Not all people who need financial or other assistance understand what form and from whom they can receive it. Specialists from the Moscow municipal services complex told the RIA Real Estate website about who and on what grounds can receive subsidies in Moscow to pay for housing and communal services.

The material was prepared with the participation of lawyer of the Moscow Bar Association "Arbat" Vadim Bashir-Zade, lawyerLaw office "Leontyev and partners" Maria Borodina and NP SRO "MSU Housing and Public Utilities".

What benefits do you have for paying for housing and communal services? large families?

In addition to preferential programs for the purchase of housing, large families also receive benefits for paying housing and utility bills. Thus, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a discount of no less than 30% for the use of heating, water, sewerage, gas and electricity was established for large families.

In Moscow, for example, a large family has the right to a monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses for housing and utilities.

To receive payments in the capital, you need to collect a certain package of documents and leave an online application on the official website of the mayor of Moscow.

But to receive such payments in the regions, you need to clarify information separately for each subject of the Russian Federation; such information is posted on the official websites of the administration of the subject.

How to refuse housing and communal services that you do not use?There are many ways to save electricity or water at home, but in light of inexorably rising tariffs, owners often wonder whether it is possible not to pay for some housing and communal services at all? The RIA Real Estate website found out what services can be “thrown out” from the payment card, and how to do it?

How can a large family get a free plot of land?

Another measure to support large families is the provision of free land plot.

To determine the possibility and procedure for purchasing a plot, you must contact the administration of the municipality at your place of residence.

Exact size provided land plots, as well as the conditions necessary for obtaining ownership of it, are regulated legislative acts subjects of the Russian Federation. For example, the law of the Moscow region established maximum size land plots provided to large families - up to 15 acres. At the same time, parents and their children must live in the Moscow region for at least 5 years; children must not be in state provision, and parents should not be deprived of parental rights.

To apply for a land plot, you must contact the municipal administration at your place of residence. Within 14 days after submitting the application and checking the documents, a large family is issued a decree granting ownership of the plot. After this, a certificate of registration of ownership is issued.

Who can receive maternal capital?

Another way to purchase housing, including for a large family, is the maternity capital program, which is valid until 2021. It can be aimed, among other things, at improving living conditions family, in full or only in part. In 2018, the amount of maternity capital is 453.026 thousand rubles.

It is provided to women who gave birth/adopted a second, third or subsequent child, starting in January 2007.

Maternity capital can also be received by men who are the sole adoptive parents of a second, third child or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption entered into legal force starting from January 1, 2007.

To obtain a state certificate for maternity capital, you need to contact the MFC with the appropriate application, or directly to territorial body Pension Fund RF.

Maternity capital can be used to purchase new buildings and secondary housing. If a family wants to take out a mortgage, it does not have to wait until the child for whose birth the maternity capital was received turns three years old. In other cases it is necessary. You can pay using matkapital an initial fee on the mortgage, as well as repay the principal and interest.

You can read in detail about all the conditions for using maternity capital on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How to use maternity capital to buy a home?Families in which a second or subsequent children will be born or adopted by December 31, 2018 inclusive, have the right to receive maternal family capital (MSC) and its use, including for the purpose of improving housing conditions. The website "RIA Real Estate" together with the bank "DeltaCredit" and the company "Metrium Group" decided to tell you how to properly allocate maternal capital for the purchase of housing.

How can a large family take advantage of housing subsidies?

Except preferential mortgage large families have the right to receive housing subsidies. The subsidy involves covering from the budget a certain part of the cost of the purchased housing. The size of this subsidy varies in different regions of the country and ranges from 30% or more of the cost of the purchased housing.

The size and rules for providing this subsidy are regulated by regional acts. In Moscow, this is the Moscow Law “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to residential premises.”

According to this law, large families with three or more minor children, at their request, can be provided with a subsidy in the amount of the standard cost of living space. That is, in Moscow the subsidy for large families is 100% of the purchase price of housing. To receive such a subsidy, a large family must be recognized as low-income and must be on a waiting list for improved housing conditions.

What are the preferential mortgage programs for large families?

At the federal level, there is a preferential mortgage program for families with preferential rate at 6% per annum for a period of 3 to 8 years. Families whose second or third child is born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022 can take part in it.

There are independent preferential mortgage programs for large families in various banks, in which, for example, programs operate at the same rate of 6%. Details can be found on the official websites of banks or directly at their offices.

Which families are officially classified as having many children?

Each region of Russia has its own criteria for classifying families as large families. So, in Moscow, for example, a family with many children is recognized in which three or more children were born and are raising (including adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepchildren) until the youngest of them reaches the age of 16 years. If one of the children in the family is a student, then such a family is considered to have many children until the child reaches 18 years of age.

At the same time, the composition of a large family does not take into account deceased children, children who are fully supported by the state, and children in respect of whom their parents were deprived of parental rights or whose parental rights were limited, as well as children from foster families.

Many large families want to solve their housing problems once and for all: get a spacious apartment where everyone has their own room, or build big house outside the city to walk in the fresh air away from the bustle of the city. Unfortunately, material resources Many people don’t have enough, it takes a long time to save them, and making money in today’s crisis is almost impossible.

But there is a way out. Few people know that large families are entitled to certain housing subsidies for the purchase of housing and improvement of living conditions or construction.

In this article we will talk in detail about the main government programs that can greatly help such parents. We will tell you what subsidies and benefits are available for large families in 2017, how to collect documents, stand in line and control the transfer of funds.

How can a large family receive a subsidy for an apartment or other housing: an important basis

Before you begin to complete the necessary paperwork, you must officially obtain the status of a large family. How to do it?

First, let's decide on the number of children. According to the law in force in the Russian Federation, parents must raise three or more children in order to obtain the appropriate certificate.

However, not all so simple. In some regions you need to give birth to five people, for example in Ingushetia. There, only such parents are considered to have many children.

In addition, those children who were adopted are taken into account.

Now let's say a few words about those cases that are not taken into account when registering large families.

  • Persons against whom parental rights have been deprived.
  • Under the care of the state.

How to apply for a subsidy for a large family: what is the essence of the law?

If you are raising more than three children, then you have every right to improve living conditions.

The essence of these programs is that the family is paid a certain sum of money, which she can spend on buying a new apartment or house. If real estate costs more than expected, then citizens pay the remaining funds themselves. This can be savings, loans, and maternity capital.

This money will be issued by regional budget, so to get them you will have to stand in line. Let’s say right away that sometimes this kind of standing takes several years.

Let us highlight the main rules for using this help.

  • You will not have to return the funds. This is not a loan.
  • You can only spend money on paying for housing. You can buy an apartment, build a house or purchase a plot.
  • If you want to buy new apartment in a house that is still under construction, this can only be done if the house is 70% ready.
  • You cannot purchase housing that is mortgaged or under arrest.
  • Your purchase will be considered common property and each family member will have an equal share.


You will have six months to buy a home with this subsidy. If this does not happen, then you will have to stand in line again and again spend several years of your life waiting for the card balance to be replenished with government money. So hurry up!

Under what conditions can a large family count on subsidies?

Please note that, unfortunately, not all parents can count on receiving such support. It’s not enough to just have many children. In our country it is necessary to be poor and in dire need of improved housing conditions.

In some regions there are additional requirements, such as the absence of a breadwinner. This is due, first of all, to a lack of funds in regional budgets.

The poor are families that have an income below the subsistence level. It is installed every quarter.

To find out if you fit into this category you will need:

  • Add the income of all members for the last three working months.
  • Divide this amount by three to understand average per capita income per month.
  • Divide these funds by the number of family members.

If, after comparing the resulting number with the cost of living, you are convinced that it is less, you can begin to apply for official status. To do this, contact your local authorities social protection and give them Required documents. They differ in every part of the country. Therefore, check this information locally.

What are the signs that indicate that a family needs improved living conditions?

So, if you have taken the first step towards receiving a subsidy - proving your poverty, then the second step is definitely within your reach.

There are several cases in which citizens need improved housing conditions:

  • The family has neither privatized nor municipal housing.
  • There is an apartment from the states, but its area is too small. Less than 10 m² per person.
  • There is own property, but it is in disrepair.
  • One of the family members is a carrier of a serious disease, such as open tuberculosis.

If you fit into at least one of the above cases, then congratulations: you have a unique opportunity to receive funds from state budget and purchase spacious and high-quality housing.

Receiving a housing subsidy for large families: the legal right to wait in line

Once you have been recognized as low-income, it’s time to move on to receiving funds. To do this you will need to stand in line. To do this, contact government agency, which issues benefits in your region.

What documents are needed to get in line to receive subsidies for families with many children?

  • Parents' ID.
  • Certificates from place of residence.
  • Original certificate of large families.
  • Marriage certificates of parents and birth certificates of all children.
  • Certificates of low-income status.

After the entire package of papers will be tested authenticity, you will be put on a waiting list.

How is the subsidy issued?

Money is issued in accordance with the order in the lists. The sooner you sign up for them, the sooner you will receive funds.

Please note that no money will be given to you. It is illegal. However, all funds will be credited to a bank account. Then the entire amount can be transferred to the developer or apartment owner along with the necessary papers.

If you are going to purchase housing under a contract, you will need to collect the following documents in order to transfer the subsidy received by a large family:

  • A certificate stating that you have been guaranteed this benefit.
  • A photocopy of the agreement concluded with the seller.
  • A photocopy of the certificate that you have registered your rights to own real estate.

If you are going to participate in individual housing construction:

  • Certificate of guaranteed subsidy.
  • Permission that you can carry out construction work.
  • Project documentation for housing.
  • A photocopy of the agreement with the contractor, in which he undertakes to perform finishing work.

If you want to use these funds as your final contribution:

  • A certificate indicating that you were provided with a guaranteed subsidy.
  • A certificate stating the amount required to register your rights to living space.
  • Documents received at the cooperative. It is important that among them there are those who could confirm the fact that the family is in this community.

If the amount of funds received as a result of subsidies is less than the cost of the housing itself, then they will be credited to your account only after you pay the missing amount from your own pocket.

How can a large family receive a subsidy for peasant farming?

Except financial assistance For parents raising more than three children, the state is ready to offer other support. Such families may be provided with land plots. They are provided free of charge and not on credit terms.

To become the owner of your own country plot, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must have official status of having many children.
  • Children must have permanent registration in Russia from the age of five.
  • All family members must be citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • None of them should own any real estate.


The maximum share size that can be issued to a large family is fifteen hundred square meters. This rule is relevant for all regions of Russia.

Gather the following documents to use this program:

  • Special statement.
  • Photocopies of all pages of ID cards and children's birth certificates.
  • Extract from the house register.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • A certificate stating that you do not have any other property.

All these papers must be taken to the administration at the place of registration of parents and children. If everything was completed correctly, then in a year (maximum waiting time) you will receive your own plot of land on which you can build a house, start a farm and plunge into a peaceful and happy life.

However, things don't always go so smoothly. It may happen that the plot is very far away or the condition of the land is not conducive to the start of rapid activity. Despite all sorts of horrors, you will have to quickly begin improving the site and begin construction. After all, if you do not take any action within 12 months, then this land will simply be taken away.

If you were rejected due to errors in your documents or applications, you can apply again at any time. required package papers There are no exact dates. If you were not told the exact reason for the refusal, then this is a reason to go to court.

What is the amount of housing subsidy for large families?

The approximate amount of funds received can be found using a simple formula: X=(Y*Z-A)*B

Let's decipher the meaning of each element.

X is the maximum possible amount of the guaranteed subsidy.

Y is the number of family members who are eligible to receive assistance from the state.

Z – a certain standard fixed in the social tenancy agreement. This is the area of ​​housing, which is clearly prescribed by the local authorities of the municipality in which the family has a residence permit.

A – the size of the apartment or house in which citizens live at the time of filing an application for subsidies.

B – average market price of one square meter of real estate. It is calculated exactly according to the data provided by the region where the family lives.

Remember that you can increase the size yourself cash assistance, if you can prove that for some reason you will need an apartment or house larger area than that established by the standards.

Let's summarize everything that was said earlier. As you can see, subsidies are quite useful and required procedure, especially for large families. However, it also has its disadvantages: a large number of documents, standing in queues, harsh conditions. However, don't be afraid to claim your rights and get what you're entitled to. Take advantage of the knowledge we have shared in this article and boldly storm the government authorities.

Large families have a number of benefits, including those related to the provision of housing. To exercise your rights to these benefits, it is better to get on the waiting list for housing for large families in advance, and now we will tell you how to get on the waiting list, as well as in what cases it will be useful for a large family.

Let us immediately explain that benefits for large families, including housing, are regulated primarily by regional legislation. The federal legislator establishes general principles, creates federal programs and monitors their implementation. For example, through the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, to which regional, regional and republican authorities send reports on their achievements in the field of caring for large families.

Thus, benefits for large families may differ in detail depending on the subject of the Russian Federation in which the family lives. Differences may relate to determining the need for residential premises (since in each municipal formation own accounting norm of area per person); ways of providing housing; the size of the housing provided.

However, all procedures for providing housing in different regions are similar, like twins. And in each of them the need for improved housing conditions appears as one of the main reasons for participation in any of the programs for large families.

What is a waiting list for housing and what does it give?

A formal sign of the need to improve housing conditions is the status of the property registered with local authorities. If we take Moscow as an example, local authorities here keep records of those in need.

The waiting list for housing itself makes it possible to obtain an apartment under a contract social hiring the moment it's your turn. In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, large families have the right to a preferential queue before others low-income citizens queuing for social housing. But still wait social housing sometimes it takes a very long time. However, this does not mean that the housing queue is useless for large families.

Temporary housing for large families

Firstly, in Moscow, according to the Moscow Government Decree No. 248-PP dated May 1, 2008, until they receive permanent housing under a social rental agreement, large families with 5 or more children are entitled to housing in a low-rise building required by law square on the right free use(that is, this is temporary, but absolutely free housing). The free use agreement between parents with many children and local authorities is concluded for 5 years. A distinctive feature of this benefit is the rate of housing provision, which is quite generous compared to social and sanitary standards, which are used in other programs. Here, housing requirements concern not only the area in square meters, they establish next rule: one room per person.

Such an agreement is concluded for 5 years, but the administration is obliged to renew it until the youngest child reaches 16 (or, for students, 18 years). During the period of provision of premises for free use, the family will not be removed from the waiting list for housing. In order to implement this program, the authorities spent budgetary funds cash for the construction of cottages in Strogino, Kryukovo, Mitino.

Families who got on the waiting list for housing before March 1, 2005 have ample opportunities to improve their housing conditions: receive housing on social rent or for free use, receive a free housing subsidy, buy housing in installments from those owned by the city of Moscow. Those who joined the queue later can count on only two options: housing under a social rental agreement or free use.

Preferential programs

Secondly, there are a lot of federal and regional programs, paid and gratuitous, state-owned and developed by banks, in order to participate in which those in need of improved housing conditions must be on the waiting list. Among them are preferential conditions for mortgages (bank programs), the federal program “Affordable Housing for Young Families,” the provision of land plots for the construction of a residential building, subsidies for the purchase of housing (free mortgages).

It is worth considering that, first of all, families who were on the waiting list for housing before March 1, 2005 are attracted to participate in these programs.
Consider the free provision of land plots. In Moscow there is a law according to which large families can obtain ownership of a plot of land for individual housing construction, organizing a farm, for gardening or vegetable gardening. This area is being developed in shared ownership all adult family members. After receiving a plot, the family is removed from the queue for housing.

Who can get on the waiting list and participate in one of the listed programs?

Citizens, including those with many children, will be put on the waiting list for housing only if they meet the following requirements.
  • Do not own housing or have the right of social rent or have insufficient housing area, that is, less than the existing one in the area accounting norm area per person. In Moscow it is 10 square meters. m per person if one family lives in one apartment and 15 sq.m - if the apartment is communal. This takes into account all housing belonging to all family members. According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a family is considered to be relatives living under the same roof. That is, all relatives with registration at the same place of residence, as well as all those temporarily absent, but retaining the right to reside (for example, military personnel conscript service). The areas of housing owned by each person are added up and divided by the number of family members.
  • Families living in dilapidated housing that is not suitable for living and cannot be reconstructed are also considered to be in need. The area of ​​the emergency room does not matter.
  • They are poor. This criterion means that the income per 1 family member is less than the subsistence level established in the region for the purposes of social payments. The cost of living is set by regional authorities every quarter. In Moscow in Lately it was equal to 10-12 thousand rubles.
  • They have not worsened their living conditions in the last 5 years. This criterion prevents attempts to deceive the budget by registering a crowd of distant relatives in your apartment, selling or donating additional housing under a fictitious transaction. If the deterioration of living conditions was due to objective circumstances (for example, you had to sell emergency house“for demolition” of the elderly grandmother of the family, who was not previously registered in Moscow, and to move her to your place for proper care), then the administration will most likely also refuse to place you on the waiting list. However, in this case, the refusal can be successfully appealed in court. Moving in with the parents of minor children, as well as registering a spouse or disabled parent who was previously on the waiting list for an apartment, is not considered a deterioration.
  • Availability of registration at a permanent place of residence for a certain time in a given subject of the Russian Federation. Here, each region and region sets its own deadline. For Moscow it is 10 years.
  • Having Russian citizenship.

The Moscow authorities have created a special regulatory act regarding the recognition of people in need of improved housing conditions and the recognition of people with low income. This document establishes that such recognition is carried out through a “one window” system.

To take advantage of the benefits for large families, it is necessary that the family have at least three (and for some programs - 5) children. There is no precise definition of large families in federal legislation, so you have to be guided by specific regulations regions. However, regions usually follow the general trend and consider large family with three or more children.

How to get in line?

To get on the waiting list for housing, parents with many children must submit directly to the competent authority or multifunctional center, which is the aforementioned “one-stop-shop” system, an application and copies of documents that confirm the family’s compliance with all the criteria considered.

Main list of documents:

  • marriage or divorce certificates,
  • children's birth certificates,
  • certificate of family composition,
  • copies of passports,
  • documents for existing housing (certificates of ownership, contracts of social rent or free use, documents confirming the emergency condition of housing),
  • income certificates (average earnings for the last 3-6 months), which give grounds to consider citizens low-income.
The Law “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises” dated June 14, 2006 No. 29 leaves citizens the right to provide any documents that, in their opinion, give them the right to any benefits in terms of obtaining housing (for example, the disability of one from children).

Having submitted the specified documents, the citizen receives in return a receipt confirming the acceptance of the documents with the exact date of their acceptance. Then local authorities are obliged to consider the application and make a positive or negative decision on it within 30 days from the moment it is received from the citizen. The order of the local government on placement on the waiting list (registration as those in need of improved housing conditions) or refusal thereof is sent to the applicant’s address or handed over to him through the multifunctional center.

It is not always possible to provide a housing certificate to large families. It is very important to initially complete the required documents, as well as meet the stated requirements. You should familiarize yourself with all of them so that no difficulties or additional questions arise in the future.

The nuances of obtaining a housing certificate

There is little that is difficult about the process involved in obtaining a certificate. This material capital, which after a certain time and upon the occurrence of certain circumstances, is transferred to the person’s account. These funds can then be used to purchase real estate.

Despite the fact that at first glance everything here is very simple and fast, you may encounter certain nuances, which include:

  • It is important to confirm the fact of a large family. For this purpose, a sample certificate is requested from local authorities.
  • A certificate of income is taken from your place of work, after which you go back to the local authorities. They are provided with a certificate from work, on the basis of which another document is drawn up, which states that the income received is below the subsistence level budget.
  • Drawing up an application. It is on this basis that the issue of providing large families with subsidies will be considered, which can be used to purchase a house or apartment in order to improve their living conditions.

To become the owner of a certificate for the purchase of residential premises for a large family, the mother must be one of them. The status must be officially recognized. If this is in reality, then you must have the appropriate identification on hand.

In addition to this, a large family must have a low level of income, which does not allow them to independently purchase an apartment or house.

Conditions for providing housing certificates to large families

As mentioned earlier, a housing certificate can be obtained by a mother with many children. To become one, you must obtain a certificate confirming this fact. They apply to local authorities for it by writing a sample application.

As a supplement, there are birth certificates for each child. Copies will suffice. The most important thing is that the children are not adults at the time of this decision.

A family should receive low-income status when their total income per family member does not exceed the subsistence level budget. This decision accepted on the basis of income certificates for each family member, if any. If you don't have a job, you won't have to collect any papers.

Documents confirming the fact of the conclusion of a residential premises or ownership of an apartment at the place of residence are also provided. In addition, a statement is written about the need to identify the family as in need of improved living conditions.

The municipal authorities make the final decision within a month. A refusal to provide a certificate for the purchase of housing may also be issued. But in this case, it must be reasoned and confirmed by certain grounds for refusal.

Grounds for refusal to obtain a housing certificate for families with many children

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Not every family, even if it has many children, can receive a certificate so that thanks to it they can subsequently become the owner of their own housing stock. The following reasons are identified on which authorities make decisions to refuse subsidies:

  1. Children are fully supported by the state. At the same time, they can be included in the ranks of a large family. But it is worth understanding that certain circumstances cannot be protected as this point. This applies, for example, to a disabled child undergoing a course of treatment or rehabilitation.
  2. A large family that was previously provided with a plot of land for production construction work for the construction of residential premises.
  3. Previously received funds from the state to improve living conditions for all members. This suggests that if housing conditions comply with the norms and requirements of legislative acts, then a large family can no longer claim anything else.

Features of registration of a housing certificate

After expiration deadline, during which the commission makes a decision regarding a large family, the question of the possibility of receiving subsidies is revealed. It is worth noting that not every family has complete information about the rights and benefits it is entitled to due to the fact that it has many children. This suggests that you should periodically review information about exactly what programs the state currently has and under what conditions they are provided. An opportunity like this doesn’t come around often, and it should be taken full advantage of.

If a positive or negative decision is made on the written application for a certificate for the purchase of an apartment, a corresponding notification is sent by post. It is this that will serve as the basis for receiving subsequent subsidies, which are very important for a large family.

Social housing for large families

If a family has many children and is registered as applying for improved housing conditions, the state will take all measures to provide them with assistance at the proper level.

It is important to check the status of the queue at your local municipality, as well as the status of your application. This must be done periodically, since everything is constantly updated due to the construction of new square meters of housing. Regarding social housing, it is provided in the form of certificates. It is on this basis that the amount of payments due is determined.

Funds provided from the state cannot be used for extraneous purposes, but only for the purchase of housing, just under construction or located in secondary market real estate of the country. In addition, the funds can be spent on your own home.

Under certain circumstances, each representative of a large family, on its behalf, can take the chance to receive a certificate that will enable them to subsequently purchase an apartment.

It is very important that the rights and freedoms of children in the family are not violated. After all, each of them is assigned a certain number of square meters, as well as living conditions. To receive subsidies from the state, it is enough to collect a package of documents, write an application and wait for the final decision from government officials.

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Large families are those families that have 3 or more children. This status is registered with the social protection authorities.

By special state program Housing for such families is allocated from municipal property, and in the future it is also subject to privatization on a general basis.

Is it possible for large families to get an apartment?

The provision of benefits is regulated at the local level, which is why benefits may differ depending on the region in which they are issued. To take advantage of such benefits, you must immediately get on the waiting list for housing.

The procedure for obtaining housing is mostly the same, since in each region the determining factor is the need to improve living conditions.

Terms of service

The conditions for obtaining housing are quite extensive, so, for example, a family that:

  • Does not have his own home.
  • Lives in a dilapidated building.
  • Income per person below the subsistence level.
  • She has not worsened her living conditions over the past five years.
  • Registered at a specific place of residence for a long time.
  • Has Russian citizenship.

There are many nuances to the deterioration of conditions. For example, the following is not considered deterioration:

  • Accommodation of minor children.
  • Moving in a spouse.
  • Accommodation of disabled parents.

How to get in line

The main thing you need to do to get housing is to register. To do this, you must register with local executive bodies and get in line.

The queue is a list of people in need of social housing on this moment. You can get housing when it is your turn. Depending on the region, many large families have a special preferential queue.

After submitting all the necessary documents, the applicant receives a receipt on behalf of the person who accepted them. It must indicate the date of acceptance.

After this, the procedure for considering the application by local authorities begins. The entire procedure lasts about 30 days. Based on its results, decisions must be made to accept or reject the application.

Required documents

Among the documents that are needed first of all, it is worth highlighting: documents for existing housing, as well as a certificate of income.

Among the documents for living space there should be those that confirm your ownership and the condition of the living space.

As for income documents, this must be a certificate of salary for the last 6 months.

Other documents include:

  • Marriage certificate.
  • Children's birth certificate.
  • Certificate confirming family composition.
  • Copies of passports of all adult family members.

How can a large family get an apartment with government help?

According to the law, those families raising more than 5 minor children have the right to receive social housing of the appropriate size for free use.

Such an agreement is concluded between such entities as local authorities, as well as a large family for a period of 5 years.

The main advantage of this type of benefit is that it is quite good conditions housing, compared to other programs.

Although the contract is valid for only 5 years, local authorities are obliged to renew it:

  • Until the youngest family member turns 16 years old.
  • Until the youngest student family member turns 18 years old.

Also an undoubted advantage is that for the entire duration of the contract the second party remains registered in the queue for square meters.

Those families who completed the documents and joined the queue before 03/01/2005 have a fairly wide range of services to improve their conditions. They can:

  • Receive square meters under a social tenancy agreement.
  • Get a housing subsidy.
  • Buy housing from the city fund in installments.

Those who completed the documents later can choose only from two options:

  • Obtaining housing in accordance with a social tenancy agreement.
  • Receiving housing for free use.

These programs are adopted at both the federal and regional levels.

To participate in the banking program, you must be on the waiting list. Many banking programs have been developed, however, the most common of them is mortgage benefits.

The most famous of the programs federal level- “Affordable housing for a young family.”

Also some of the beneficial programs are:

  • Subsidies for the purchase of apartments.
  • Allocation of land for construction.

Registration of a land plot follows a special procedure. The plot becomes the shared ownership of all family members who have reached the age of majority at the time of the transaction. After such a plot is provided, this category of citizens loses the right to receive preferential housing.

How to quickly get an apartment for a large family

There are few ways to quickly obtain a loan for large families. However, it is much easier to resolve the issue of housing for this category of citizens.

One of the ways to obtain living space is to queue. It is carried out according to a special preferential program. That is, when registering in the queue, the family is transferred to a special preferential list. Within one year from the date of registration of this category of citizens must offer participation in social program. Typically, housing construction begins one year after the offer.

Also, one of the accelerated ways is to add a family to priority lists for registration preferential loan. The terms of such loans are quite favorable.

A large family is given the right to share a loan for the construction of housing for preferential terms, as well as for registration of subsidies.

According to current legislation similar loan provided at 95% of total cost housing. However, you should definitely take into account the space standards per person, since you will have to pay extra for the excess yourself. 5% is reimbursed through a free housing subsidy.

An important nuance when choosing this method of housing design is that such benefits cover only standard houses , and accordingly the price per square meter is determined precisely on the basis of this calculation. In houses with improved conditions, you will have to pay the difference yourself.

The last option for the fastest way to obtain square meters is state financial aid . It lies in the fact that part of the preferential loan issued for housing is repaid by the state. If there are three children in the family, then half of the total amount is paid, and if there are four, then 70%. All payments are made in the same amount in accordance with the agreement.

If a family did not apply for credit benefits when building housing, then it has the right to support from the state. This kind of support is not related to the level of well-being of the family, if it is registered.

This type of benefit does not apply to those categories of families that previously enjoyed this right. The amount of such assistance is 50 living wages citizens. However, such assistance can be issued only after the ownership of the housing has been registered.

How long will it take for a large family to get an apartment?

Depending on which route to obtain an apartment is chosen, the terms for its provision differ.

When enrolling in the queue for housing, the family will be able to receive an apartment only when the appropriate queue comes up.

When participating in a state program, the timing of obtaining square meters directly depends on the timing established in the program.

When applying for a preferential loan, you can get housing almost immediately, since the family itself decides which living space to buy and enters into an appropriate agreement.

Also one of the most quick ways This is the execution of a social tenancy agreement for five years. When signing such an agreement, the apartment is provided almost immediately.


To summarize, we can say that It is not difficult for such a family to obtain square meters. The main thing is to collect all the necessary documents and register with local authorities. To speed up the process, you can also sign up to participate in one of the federal programs who will help in as soon as possible arrange living space.

In general, collect all the necessary documents, submit them to the appropriate authorities and choose the most suitable one for yourself. profitable program Anyone can, but to do this, you first need to understand the nuances of the entire system for obtaining subsidized housing.