How to pay a loan in cash through the terminal. How to repay a loan through ATMs of various banks: Sberbank and Alfa-Bank

Thanks to the payment terminal, you save a lot of precious time and your nerves. No need to stand in long lines. The whole procedure takes a matter of minutes. The benefits, advantages and features of terminal payment are described in this article.

What is the benefit of paying a loan through the terminal

Payment through the terminal is convenient. You do not need to find out, for example, the amount of the mandatory loan payment from a bank employee. The device will tell you this information. Using the prompts of the program installed on the device, it is easy to find out the balance of the debt, credit card balance, statement of all payments on the current loan, etc. and so on.

5. In the next window, you can study in detail how the deposited funds are distributed, to which account they are credited, etc. The system will ask you to confirm the operation - click "Next". Load banknotes into the terminal and activate the "Pay" button. Procedure completed.

  • Funds are credited at different times. In one case, the payment goes through instantly,
  • Commission for loan repayment using third-party payment systems/terminals is differentiated: from 1% and higher. Often there is a commission limit, for example, from 50 rubles. That is, you will have to pay this minimum amount, even if 1% of the amount of the payment is less. Another terminal system "delays" the receipt of money in the account up to 3 days. Experts recommend paying the loan through the terminal 2-3 days before the repayment date.
  • Try to pay the loan through "native" systems - devices / ATMs of your bank. Commission amount = 0.
  • Receipt/receipt of payment should be kept until the funds are credited to your credit account.

As a debtor of any institution, the client has several options and sources for debt repayment. Consider how to pay a loan through a Sberbank terminal, the capabilities and features of the equipment.

Self-service devices for many people greatly simplify the process of making payments.

Self-service payment devices have appeared relatively recently and the goal is to carry out some banking operations without the involvement of employees, i.e. designed to relieve the work of branches and speed up processes.

Possibilities of the terminal for payment of other services

For the convenience of customers, self-service payment devices provide a wide range of functionality:

  • Conducting transactions between your accounts (plastics).
  • Depositing money to the card of any institution.
  • Payment of fines, Mrs. duties, taxes.
  • Making payments on loans to any institutions.
  • Transfers to the account of legal entities and individuals.
  • Transfer of funds for housing and communal services, Internet, replenishment of a mobile phone.
  • Connection and deactivation of services and additional banking services.

Today there are two ways to repay credit debt through the Sberbank terminal - by card and in cash. If you choose the second way, you should remember the basic principle of the device, namely the ability to accept money, but without issuing change. Therefore, in advance you need to collect the amount that should be sent to the bank. When using a card, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of balance.

When repaying a loan from another banking institution, you should know that this is also available in both options - in cash or from a Sberbank card.

Through the self-service device, you can not only pay not only loans, but also various other services

How to pay by card - step by step instructions

Instructions on how to pay a loan through a Sberbank terminal using a card look like this:

  1. Insert your plastic into the card reader window. Activate it with a PIN code using the device's keyboard.
  2. In the main menu, click on payments in your region.
  3. Select the payment section of the loan.
  4. Specify the desired transaction method: by barcode or number. The first one is available if there is a receipt. The barcode located on it will need to be attached to the corresponding reading board.
  5. By choosing the option "by number", you must enter the account specified in the contract (20 digits).
  6. The current debt and account information will be displayed on the screen. You need to check the validity.
  7. Enter the amount that you want to enroll.
  8. Check all the entered data, click "pay".

A user-friendly interface allows you to conduct any transaction in a matter of minutes

After the transaction, the amount specified by the client will be debited from the balance. It is worth picking up the check and keeping it.

Paying a loan through a Sberbank terminal using a card (video)

The video demonstrates the procedure for conducting various banking operations, including debt repayment, using a self-service device.

Features of cash payment in the terminal

By choosing the appropriate items, you need to get to the preparation of the payment. Here you will also need to enter the account number, amount and verify all the details. In the next window, you will be asked to enter banknotes. After sending banknotes, you can see that the deposited amount will be displayed on the screen. Then you need to click "pay".

The equipment will issue a check that is worth keeping. It indicates the distribution of the amount: the part that went to repay the principal debt and to pay interest. Such information is more likely to be required if more money is deposited than owed (due to lack of change). The surplus is usually sent to pay off the main part of the debt.

Upon completion, it is worth checking. This can be saddled in your personal account in the online service. When paying in cash, there is no transaction fee.

Before starting the procedure, select Cash payments

Payments to another bank

Similarly, there is a procedure for paying off credit debt of another banking institution. With the only exception: you need to enter the account number of this institution in the payment. The exception is the application of the commission. Since the operation takes place between institutions, you will need to pay 1-1.5%, depending on the tariffs of the institutions.


One of the advantages of the bank is an extensive network of self-service payment devices. They have a wide range of functions: conducting various transactions, including the repayment of loans.

Lending offered by Sberbank allows solving many problems of a large number of people. The bank not only provides profitable programs, but also has many ways in which payments are made. For example, it is easy to pay a loan in cash through a Sberbank terminal. In this case, it is necessary to take into account certain points regarding this option.

Performing an operation at a self-service point has many positive aspects. It will not seem difficult for anyone to pay through the terminal, since the machine itself offers step-by-step instructions that you just need to follow in order to complete the operation.

The bank cares about its customers and offers very comfortable service conditions. It is possible to make a payment through a terminal or an ATM at any time of the day or night, as they are provided with round-the-clock access. The main advantages of this method include the following:

  • efficiency;
  • reliability and guarantees that the money will arrive as intended;
  • secure transfer and bank secrecy protection.

Paying for a loan through an ATM is convenient not only for those who took it from Sberbank, but also for borrowers who received funds from other banking organizations. In addition, borrowers can use the services of machines that provide them for other operations. These include the following:

  • money transfer from one card to another;
  • balance replenishment;
  • connecting "Mobile Bank" or "Autopayment", as well as disabling these services;
  • obtaining a login and password to access the personal account of the Sberbank Online virtual service;
  • payment for the Internet and telephone, as well as utilities;
  • transfer to the accounts of organizations that are providers of other services.

Step-by-step instructions on how to pay a loan through the terminal

In order to pay for the loan step by step, the instructions are very simple. All stages are displayed on the screen of the machine, on each of which it is proposed to perform the next step. In general, it looks like this:

  1. If you plan to make a cash payment, then you just need to touch the screen with your hand. And if payment is made by means of a bank card, then it is inserted into a special slot, after which a PIN code is entered.
  2. A menu will appear on the screen, in which you should select the “Payments” section, and then click on “Loan repayment”.
  3. A form will appear with cells that must first be filled in, and then click on the "Next" button.
  4. If all data is entered correctly, then all details about the client's account, as well as his personal data, will be indicated. Then it remains to indicate the amount to pay if a card is used, or insert banknotes into the receiver when making a cash payment.
  5. Sberbank does not provide for penalties for early payment of a loan. Therefore, the amount may be more than that which is necessary for the next payment.
  6. At the end of the operation, you must definitely take a check and keep it at least until the money is credited to the account, or better, until the entire loan is paid.

Commission rates

Important! When using this payment method, funds are credited to the account in a fairly short time. If payment is made for a loan taken directly from Sberbank, then an additional fee will not be charged.

And if the payment is made in favor of a third-party banking institution, then a certain commission is charged. Its size depends on the banking organization where the borrower received the funds.

Starting from 2008, payment for a loan in Russian terminals has increased by more than five times, as this equipment significantly saves time for various banking operations related to replenishing mobile phones, paying utility bills, as well as loans.

You no longer need to stand in long queues in order to transfer money to the card of relatives and friends and choose the time for this, because using the terminal this can be done at any convenient time of the day, they are serviced around the clock.

In this material, our experts will consider one of the most common financial transactions - repaying a loan through various payment systems of Qiwi terminals, Kassa 24, Sberbank, etc., we will give detailed instructions for their use.

Terminal and its functionality

The terminal is a powerful financial device that not only allows the client to perform a variety of banking operations without visiting branches, but also frees the employees themselves from part of the documentary red tape, since many types of payment are automated.

The main functionality of this equipment is considered not only to repay the loan, it is also designed for other payment processes, some of which include:

  • money transfer from card to card;
  • payment for purchases, the Internet, air tickets, communal services;
  • carrying out transactions on own bank accounts, etc.

As for the repayment of the loan, this procedure can be carried out in several ways: in cash and by bank transfer.

Having electronic or money in hand, each user must know that the terminal works without change, therefore, before starting the settlement process, it is necessary to know exactly the fixed amount on the card.

Payment for credit services at Sberbank terminals

Interested in information on how to pay a loan through a Sberbank terminal? - then read the following information.

When applying for a loan at a bank, each borrower signs an agreement that has an original number that will be required when paying for a loan through a Sberbank terminal. It is also necessary to indicate the debt account number (this is a 20-digit number).

The intra-functional system of Sberbank devices is also designed to repay a loan received at another bank branch.

When allocating the amount necessary to repay the loan, the client must also take into account the commission, which depends, firstly, on the operation being performed, and secondly, on the amount of funds deposited.

Also, Sberbank terminals offer a lower tax for working with a card, and the cash payment process is more expensive by about 0.3%.

A step-by-step instruction for using a terminal for repaying a loan using a Sberbank bank card contains the following items.

  • A card is inserted into a specially designated place for a plastic equivalent, which is subsequently activated by entering a pin code.
  • By selecting the “Payments” category in the main menu, the user proceeds to the “Loan payment” section.
  • Next, the method of making a debt payment using a card is indicated: through a barcode or number. Through a barcode, payment is made only if the payer has a receipt on hand, which must be attached to the display on the terminal. If the borrower deposits funds using the number, he simply enters it on the screen of the device.
  • Before depositing funds and confirming the entered information, you need to check the relevance of the account, check your last name with the original one.
  • By clicking the “pay” button, do not refuse to print the check, it may be useful to you in the future.

A cash payment in this operating system is carried out in a similar way, only instead of a bank card number, the client enters the amount that he wants to deposit and submits money to a special window of the device, taking into account the commission.

For more detailed information, those who wish can watch a detailed video on the Internet on paying a loan through a Sberbank terminal, shown in practice.

Instructions for paying a loan through the Qiwi terminal

Qiwi terminals are financial devices that can be found on the streets, in supermarkets and other institutions. They, like other analogues of banking artificial intelligence, help to carry out any monetary transactions, replenish mobile or Internet, transfer money to a card of any bank in the country and abroad.

There is a lot of information about how to pay a loan through the Qiwi terminal and more than one professional and amateur video has been submitted. The conclusion from this is simple - such operations do not have any complicated steps, especially if a person has already made some payments through this device once.

By clicking the “I have already paid” button, the user receives his own payment history and can continue working in the system using the saved form and phone number. If the client cooperates with such a service for the first time, he needs to go through several stages of payment.

  1. On the screen, you need to find the category “Payment for services” and go to the “Banking services” section and select “Loan repayment”.
  2. Next, a list of Russian banks will appear on the screen, among which you need to select the institution in which the loan is opened.
  3. According to the request, you need to enter all payment data - amount, number, invoice, etc.
  4. By depositing money, the user confirms the payment and receives a receipt for the operation.

It is worth noting that additional notification of payment comes in the form of SMS confirmation.

How to repay a loan through the operating system of the Kassa 24 terminal?!

How to pay a loan through the Kassa 24 terminal and what bank cards does it accept? These are the questions that concern our citizens, which we will help to sort out.

No less popular among consumers are Kassa 24 terminals, which allow you to pay for banking and utility services, deposit money into online game accounts, top up television, transport cards, etc.

It is possible to carry out payment transactions of such a plan to the financial services system from any bank card. To do this, you must enter its number, expiration date and the code indicated on the back of the plastic element.

By selecting the “Loan payment” category, the client can see full information about the required amount, as well as the delay, if any. In a separate electronic window, the payment amount is entered and the operation is confirmed. An instant check informs about its successful implementation.

Thus, the terminal is a technique of our time that allows you to work with finances in your own time mode, without thinking about regular visits to the bank and without putting off the main things in order to pay for your household, financial needs.

Each user can choose for himself a point with a device in his own residential area or closer to his workplace. In addition, when repaying a loan in the terminal, the borrower does not need to provide a complete package of documents on the used loan.

A number of advantages of this type of payment include instant crediting of funds to the specified account, which is so important when repaying a bank debt.

Pay for services using automated systems at any time of the day and save your time.

Some banks provide their customers with the opportunity to pay loans through instant payment terminals. On the one hand, this is convenient, because the availability of terminals is much higher than the offices of a particular bank or even an ATM network, on the other hand, this leads to an increase in overpayment on a loan and certain risks associated with crediting money to an account.

It's comfortable

Making the next loan payment in a supermarket or shopping center is much more convenient than going to a bank branch or even to the nearest ATM of a particular bank that accepts money. No need to waste time on the road, the procedure itself takes several minutes, in addition, the next payment can be made as if in passing, doing your usual business and without disturbing the usual course of life. Instant payment terminals work around the clock and even on weekends. Yes, the payment system takes a small commission for transferring money, but many consider this as a payment for comfort. It would seem that everything is perfect.

Underwater rocks

The first thing you should pay attention to is the overpayment on the loan when making the next payment through the instant payment terminal. The commission for transferring money through the payment system averages 4-5%, and sometimes more. Accordingly, if all payments on the loan were made through the terminal, then the total price of the loan taken increases by the amount of this commission. For example, the amount of all payments on a loan of 100 thousand rubles at 24.5% per annum for 12 months without additional fees will be 113,762 rubles. If you pay for this loan through payment system terminals, then the total amount of payments will increase by 4-5% and amount to 118,312.48 rubles for 4% and 119,450.1 rubles for 5%. The difference, of course, is small - only 5 thousand rubles, but, generally speaking, such overpayments correspond to a rate of 33-34% per annum. The interest rate on the loan rises by almost 10%. With large loan amounts or long terms, the difference is much more noticeable. This effect is due to the fact that interest on the loan is charged on the amount of the debt, and the payment system commission is taken from the entire amount.

The second pitfall that may arise when paying for a loan through a payment terminal is that it can take several days for money to reach a bank account through the payment system. The moment of making the next payment on the loan, the bank will consider the moment the money is credited to the client's account in the bank itself, and not the moment the money is deposited into the terminal, which in general can lead to a technical delay on the loan. This will also lead to the accrual of additional and fines for the delay in the next payment. Since the transferred amount may not be enough to cover both the next payment and the accrued fines, the bank will charge interest on the missing amount for each day of delay. In the best case, the client will find out about the occurrence of such a delay in a few days, and even then he will definitely have to go to the Bank and pay the missing amount. In our practice, there were cases when money went through the payment system for several weeks, and the bank did not inform the client about it at all. On the other hand, the Bank will definitely report this delay to, and further lending for such a borrower will be very problematic, and sometimes simply impossible. Our company was contacted by clients who received a message from the bank only a year later, in the amount of 11 rubles. Naturally, in the credit history of this client, it was noted that he had a delay on a loan in the amount of up to 30 thousand rubles for more than a year.

The situations described in this article are mainly relevant for consumer loans, which are issued under an accelerated system and are taken for a short period, because. it is precisely because of the relatively small amounts that people tend to take it more lightly, while the attitude towards larger loans, as a rule, is much more serious. In addition, the ability to pay a loan through payment systems is provided mainly by banks specializing in consumer loans for short periods and small amounts. Everyone makes the decision on how to pay for the loan, but it is better to pay directly at the bank branch or through an ATM of the particular bank that issued the loan.