The central bank is commercial or state. Central Bank of Russia where it is registered as a legal entity

Andrey Makson

Who owns the Central Bank?

After the publication of materials proving the private nature, quite often a similar question arises about the Central Bank of Russia. Who owns the Russian printing press? Really?

When studying the law on the Central Bank, in which this question, although it has a trivial answer, no clear understanding of the situation arises. Other questions arise. The main one is: do we even have such a state body - the Central Bank? Some commercial Bank Of course, we have a “Central Bank”, and it can even print rubles, but its functions are somewhat different from those usually attributed to the central banks of independent states.

But first, let's return to the main question. Yes, the authorized capital and property of the bank are federal property... The Law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it would seem, makes it clear everything about the ownership of the Central Bank. In addition, the Duma appoints the Chairman of the Bank and members of the Board of Directors on behalf of the President. And it's okay here.

What is alarming?

And practically the same independence from , which the Fed has. Rather, there is an inverse relationship - the Government of the Russian Federation depends in its activities on the policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The law is clearly copied from similar US Federal Reserve legislation, with some important exceptions, which I will discuss later.

Now let us pay attention to the phrase immediately after establishing the ownership of the property: the state is not liable for the obligations of the bank, the bank is not liable for the obligations of the state...

How is that? The property belongs to the state and the state cannot answer for its obligations with this property? In other words, the state can become bankrupt even with a huge gold and foreign exchange reserve.

Gold reserves are untouchable! There is gold and foreign currency reserves, but not about our honor. That's what this article is about. Well, about the property, the building, the furniture - these are trifles. They belong to the state, calm down. Charter capital in the amount of 3 billion rubles – too. When we are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars, such amounts are not taken into account.

So, it can be stated that the law on the Central Bank is contradictory in its essence. Formally being federal property, the Central Bank, however, does not bear any obligations towards the state...

You can, of course, not listen to the decisions of the Strasbourg courts and use gold and foreign currency reserves in accordance with the first phrase of the second article of the law, however... The gold and foreign currency reserves are not in the Central Bank. Dollars and other currencies received for trading in oil and gas are not imported into Russia. At least in this quantity. And rightly so. They would have to transport in trains...

First, we note that there is no point in having so much cash at all. This money represents numbers in a bank computer, that is, “non-cash”. And on what computer? Which bank? Our Central Bank? Very doubtful. Their presence in the accounts of the Central Bank must somehow be reflected in the international financial system. Who will simply believe our Central Bank that it has these 289 billion dollars (as of December 13, 2006)? This means that somewhere in the west they have a Main Banking Computer, where information is stored that the Central Bank Russian Federation still has this money. Actually, such information is the gold and foreign currency reserves in question, and the computer controls it The World Bank and the IMF are two real financial structures of the World Government, the existence of which many for some reason cannot admit.

Secondly, gold and foreign currency reserves do not even represent money. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation transferred the bulk of gold and foreign currency reserves into US “securities”, more precisely, into loan bonds of the US government, which back in March of this year almost declared a default on these same securities. And it will certainly be announced in about 2 years, in 2008. Financial “analysts” prefer to remain silent about this, although information about this is easily accessible and verifiable. In general, the Central Bank hid “its” gold and foreign currency reserves in such a way that the Russian state would not get to it under any circumstances. Well, since they are used here securities The United States (which will certainly default), then it is clear whose interests in this case Russia reflects in its actions.

But that's not all. There is one article in the law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation that fundamentally distinguishes it from the Federal Reserve System, which is also a “state-independent” bank. It turns out that

Article 22. The Bank of Russia does not have the right to provide loans to the Government to finance the deficit federal budget, buy government securities during their initial placement, except in cases where this is provided for by the federal law on the federal budget. The Bank of Russia does not have the right to provide loans to finance government budget deficits off-budget funds, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

Here it must be clarified that the issue of dollars produced by the Federal Reserve is directly related to the provision of loans to the US federal government. This is done through the purchase of loan bonds with money that does not yet exist. Roughly speaking, “securities” of the US government fall into the hands of the Fed, and in exchange for government accounts, the corresponding numbers are simply written down. Which simply did not exist in nature before. These numbers in the bank computer become new money. They are managed by the US government. This is, so to speak, the first stage.

The second stage of the issue is that banks from the Federal Reserve system issue loans to ordinary commercial banks against the collateral of US government “securities” that have already been received. But with a certain increasing factor. This coefficient is usually from 9 to 16. This operation in the banking community is called “fractional reserve” and also leads to an increase in the total money supply. Cash dollars are printed when the corresponding non-cash amounts are written off. This is the case in the USA.

What do we have in Russia?

A completely different system. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have the right to lend to the Russian Government under any circumstances, and, accordingly, this mechanism for introducing money into the economy is completely turned off according to the current law.

How are rubles introduced into circulation?

Through the purchase of foreign currency, that is, the same dollars. How many dollars the Central Bank puts into its piggy bank, the same amount it will print rubles for and put them into circulation. All this happens through the currency exchange. As a result, the ruble supply is directly tied to the dollar supply. We can assume that rubles are the same dollars that “lie” in the Central Bank’s gold and foreign currency reserves, but repainted in different colors, and the numbers on them stand with a certain coefficient. This coefficient changes slightly over time, but not much. By law, again, the Central Bank is simply obliged to maintain a constant ruble exchange rate. In relation to the dollar, of course. Thus, our financial system becomes only a kind of regional office Federal Reserve financial system.

This fact may not even be perceived on a conscious level by the leadership of the Central Bank itself; this situation arose as if by itself... The fundamental thing in this situation is that the needs domestic economy in the money supply are completely dependent on exports, which bring dollars to the currency exchange. The amount of oil traded equals the amount of money in the economy. Real production within the country and commodity mass per domestic market are not considered in this scenario.

One of the results of this approach is inflation - the growth of the commodity supply within the country does not keep pace with the export of raw materials. There are too many dollars coming in, and accordingly, too many rubles are being printed against them. In order to somehow eliminate inflation with this emission mechanism, it is necessary to either reduce exports or import more Western goods. Or constantly increase it.

All these options have their negative consequences with the exception of one thing - the import of means of production and technology. Only such a “waste” of dollars can result in an increase in the production of goods on the domestic market and, accordingly, a decrease in inflation.

But who will allow us to spend gold and foreign currency reserves for this?

That's the problem. Obviously, this situation indicates the subordinate position of the Russian financial system in relation to the international financial system, and to its main core - the Federal Reserve System. It is also obvious that such a state is artificial and introduced by agents of Western influence in the person of Gerashchenko and other financial figures.

Under the guise of being supposedly independent and free from government interference financial device, in fact, the infrastructure of Russia’s finances, completely subordinated to the West, was implemented. Yes, it could not have been otherwise under the “reformer” Yeltsin.

Source – “Advisor” – a guide to good books.

central bank RF. Main functions

Central Bank of the Russian Federation occupies the place of the main banking and financial organization of the country. It was founded in 1990 on July 13 on the basis of the existing State Bank. Then, six months later, the law on the Central Bank was approved, according to which the Central Bank began to operate as an independent entity and the country's premier banking organization. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation occupies the place of a banking institution of the first (highest) level.

Reasons for the creation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The creation of a single bank in the country was facilitated by the need for the emergence of a main institution for:

  1. Carrying out emission policy.
  2. Implementation of relationships banking system With state system authorities.
  3. Regulation of the work of all credit financial organizations in the country.
  4. Coordination and management of the entire credit network.
  5. Monitoring the activities of banks, checking, issuing and revoking licenses for banking operations.
  6. Protecting the exchange rate and stability of national money - rubles.
  7. Further development of the banking segment and the entire financial industry of the country.

Location and leadership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The headquarters of the Central Bank is located in the capital of Russia - Moscow, on Neglinnaya Street, building 12.
Elvira Nabiullina has been represented as the head of the Central Bank since June 24, 2013. The Board of Directors of the Central Bank consists of the head and fourteen members of the Board, who work in the institution on a permanent basis for five years and are appointed by the State Duma at the proposal of the Chairman (head) of the bank.

Who does the Central Bank of the Russian Federation report to?

In accordance with the Federal Law, the Central Bank is a legal entity, and its authorized capital and all property is the property of the federation of the state, but at the same time the Central Bank has financial and property independence. He can dispose of his property according to the legislative order and purposes, and no one has the right to seize property from him. The Central Bank carries out all its spending activities at the expense of its income.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not responsible for the obligations of the state, and the state is not responsible for the obligations of the bank. The bank has no right to finance state debts.

Thus, it turns out that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not obey anyone, but carries out state decrees and regulations. He does not belong to government bodies, but all his powers relate to government functions.

Actions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in relation to other banks and microfinance organizations.

The Central Bank regulates the work of all financial institutions operating in the Russian Federation, both banks and microfinance organizations. His powers include:

  1. Approval of the procedure for creating new banks.
  2. Carrying out inspections.
  3. Granting and revocation of licenses to carry out certain operations.
  4. Determination of rules for lending to the population and organizations by banks and microfinance organizations.
  5. Legal regulation of interbank communications.
  6. Determination of minimum reserves for banks and microfinance organizations for possible losses.
  7. Acting as a lender for credit institutions.
  8. Control and implementation of payments to depositors of bankrupt banks.
  9. Control over banks and microfinance organizations regarding informing clients about the PSK and transferring data to the BKI

Main functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

All yours functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other Federal Laws. According to its responsibilities, the Central Bank:

  1. Conducts emission and monetary policy together with the Government. Only the Central Bank is responsible for issuing cash in the country. He is also responsible for issuing additional banknotes and destroying worn out and old banknotes.
  2. Organizes the general circulation of money and has the right to monopoly issue money. The Central Bank monitors the amount of money in circulation to avoid deflation or inflation. All banknotes are printed only with his permission. Banknotes that were printed by other means are considered invalid.
  3. Controls and regulates all financial and credit organizations in the country, grants and revokes licenses. It is the Central Bank that has the right to issue or revoke licenses from organizations wishing to obtain bank status. Without these license permits, no one has the right to conduct at least some transactions with clients’ money or securities. To obtain any certificate, an organization must provide all Required documents and evidence that she will be able to perform banking transactions. If the license is revoked, the ability to conduct operations ceases.
  4. Approves General terms settlements and transactions in banks. In order to avoid all sorts of tricks of banking organizations in order to carry out operations at will, the Central Bank established common conditions for settlements and operations for all banks. Thanks to this, clients will be able to enjoy equal conditions, and the Central Bank will be able to suppress the “willful” actions of other banks.
  5. Serves budget accounts of all levels. Funds from the budgets of regions and capitals cannot be deposited in the accounts of commercial banks. Budgets of all levels are serviced exclusively by the Central Bank.
  6. Manages gold and foreign exchange reserves. Control and management of gold and foreign exchange reserves belongs exclusively to the Central Bank. Even the state does not have the right to dispose of these reserves. Gold and foreign currency reserves include monetary gold, investments in securities and foreign currency, reserves in the IMF. This is not money in its pure form, gold and foreign currency reserves represent non-cash form cash reserves countries.
  7. Conducts currency control and settlement transactions with international organizations and other states. For exchange control The Central Bank is in compliance with the foreign exchange transactions laws, checks the availability of licenses and other documents for this. Control over foreign exchange transactions is necessary so that organizations do not hide the amount of income received and fulfill their obligations to the state.
  8. Sets exchange rates of currencies in relation to the ruble. The established rates do not imply obligatory use of them by all market participants. The rest simply focus on the exchange rates of the Central Bank and can set their own, but not very different from the official ones. Currency rates depend on market quotes on the foreign exchange market.
  9. Develops payment balance countries. This is a very important indicator of how a country conducts foreign economic transactions with other countries, how it develops own production how the level of employment of citizens changes. Based on the balance of payments, GDP is calculated, monetary policy is carried out, and the level of imported and exported goods is assessed for “healthy” competition between domestic and foreign producers.
  10. Establishes the operating procedure of currency exchanges, issues, suspends or revokes their licenses. All work of currency exchanges is monitored by the Central Bank. Only he can issue a license to carry out their activities and conduct inspections. This is necessary so that all participants foreign exchange market complied with the laws of the country and fulfilled their duties.
  11. Monitors and analyzes the country's economy as a whole and by region. Since the accounts of all regions are in the Central Bank, it can control the use of funds for their intended purpose and monitor the development of the economy of each region. This is necessary for the formation general balance country and identify weaknesses and problems that need to be addressed.
  12. Deals with payments to depositors of bankrupt banks that are not connected to the deposit insurance system. If the bank loses its license, then payments are made

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Probably every person knows about the existence of the Central Bank, but do we appreciate its true importance? To maintain order in the State, in particular in economic sphere, it is necessary to have a clear financial structure. A guarantee of stable work is the distribution of responsibilities and powers between economic entities. Every State in the world must have an organ independent control over financial and economic activity. In the Russian Federation, such a body is the Central Bank.

It has long been clear that the financial system needs to be regulated centrally. The first Bank, which performed the functions of the modern Central Bank (but not all) was established in 1860. Over time, its name, chairmen, economic and political situation, but the immediate predecessor of the Central Bank was the State Bank, which began its existence at the end of 1987.

It was a republican bank created under the USSR, which submitted a report on its activities to the Supreme Council of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR). It was called “State Bank of the RSFSR”.

During the collapse of the USSR, the authorities decided to transform the Bank of the RSFSR. And already on July 13, 1990, the Central Bank was established, and it began its legal activities in accordance with adopted by law « About the Central Bank of the RSFSR"No. 394-1 dated December 2, 1990.

The Central Bank was given the status of a legal entity and declared the main bank, which, like the State Bank, was required to submit reports on its activities to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In fact, the Central Bank became the successor to the State Bank.

Since November 1991, the Central Bank has been given powers over the most important functions, namely, issuing the ruble and determining its exchange rate. Thus, his responsibilities included complete monopoly regulation of the republican economy.

After the final collapse of the USSR and the emergence of a new, independent State, the Central Bank of the FSRSR was renamed “ Central Bank of the Russian Federation" All assets, liabilities and property Soviet bank were transferred to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

With the advent of the Central Bank in Russia, dramatic structural changes took place in the economy:

  1. All past republican branches of special banks were transformed into a network of commercial banks;
  2. The new financial regulator changed the system of accounts (the innovation was cash settlement centers- RKTs);
  3. Legal appeared in Russia foreign exchange business(Since 1992, the Central Bank began to purchase/sell currencies).

The Central Bank was authorized to establish and determine official quotations (the ratio of foreign monetary units to the Russian ruble). To direct merit Central Bank The Russian Federation also applies to the organization of a stable securities market.

In September 1993, the Central Bank decided to shift some of its functions to another executive body and proposed its idea to the Government. Thus, to assist the work of the Central Bank, a new federal Service entitled Federal Treasury. The main responsibilities of the Treasury at that time included:

  1. Ensure the execution of the federal budget;
  2. Realize cash service execution of budgets;
  3. Monitor the conduct of transactions with federal budget funds by the main managers and recipients (as well as conduct preliminary control).

In 1995, the Central Bank had a system that consisted of carrying out a total inspection of existing commercial banks and mechanisms currency regulation. This system maintained the banking system in stability.

From the moment of the collapse of the USSR until the first Russian crisis, the Central Bank did a colossal amount of work to form the economic foundations of the country, as well as its financial stability. However, in 1998 the country suffered a severe economic crisis, the main reason for which was the ineffective macroeconomic policy of the authorities. And already in mid-August 1998, the Russian Government announced a statement from the Central Bank about a technical default of the main types of government securities.

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After the crisis, there was a change in the composition of the State Government and the head of the Central Bank. For economic rehabilitation, the following measures were taken:

  1. Easing monetary policy;
  2. Containing rising prices for monopoly products;
  3. Restructuring the banking system to increase the liquidity of commercial banks;
  4. Creation of ARCO (Agency for Restructuring of Credit Institutions);
  5. Creation of the ICC (Interdepartmental Coordination Committee for Promoting the Development of Banking in Russia).

On March 3, 2014, it was decided to abolish the Bank of Russia Financial Markets Service (SBFRS). The powers that were previously exercised by the SBRFR (which means control and regulation of subjects financial markets), were transferred to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. By the end of 2014, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation switched to a “floating” exchange rate regime, that is, it refused to carry out foreign exchange transactions in order to influence the dynamics of the ruble exchange rate. To date, the Central Bank, led by Chairman Elvira Nabiullina, has opposed the introduction of changes to the currency control system.

Heads of the Central Bank

The Chairman of the Bank of Russia is the official head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The head acts on behalf of the Bank of Russia and represents its interests. Like any boss, the chairman of the Central Bank has the right to appoint employees to positions, as well as dismiss them, including deputy chairman of the Bank, and also assigns certain responsibilities to them.

Naturally, every normative or financial document goes through verification and is signed by the chairman of the Central Bank.

Interesting moment! When at a meeting of the board of directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation there is a tie in voting on a certain issue, the vote of the chairman of the Bank of Russia is decisive.

The candidacy of the Chairman of the Central Bank is proposed to the State Duma by the President. To approve a candidate for a position, it is necessary to go through a voting procedure, according to the standards of which the candidate who receives the maximum number of votes wins. The term of office in this position is limited to 4 years, but the maximum tenure of this position is permitted by law for no more than 3 consecutive terms.

The Central Bank appeared back in 1860, or to be more precise, on June 11. Only it was called differently, in a royal way: “State Bank of the Russian Empire.” The Table shows the main chairmen of the Central Bank from 1980 to the present, as well as the name of the bank at one time or another.

Name of the bank Chairmen of the Board
National Bank Russian Empire (1860-1917) Stinlitz



People's Bank of the RSFSR (1917-1920) Pestkovsky



State Bank of the USSR (1921-1991) Sheinman












Central Bank of the Russian Federation (1991-today)


Paramonova (acting)


Nabiullina (today)

From June 24, 2013 to the present, the Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank is Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina. The previous Chairman, Sergei Mikhailovich Ignatiev, is on the Board of Directors of the Bank as an advisor to the Chairman.

In addition to the Chairman, the bank is managed by a Board of Directors, which consists of 14 people, including Nabiullina. Members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the State Duma for a period of 5 years. The duties of the council include holding meetings at least once a calendar month. The Bank of Russia has another collegial body among its assistants - the national financial council, consisting of 12 people, including the chairman. Board meetings must be held at least once per quarter.

The main functions of the national council include:

  1. Approval of proposals of the board of directors;
  2. Consideration of issues related to improving the banking system of the Russian Federation;
  3. Choice optimal option the main directions of the state’s unified monetary policy of all those proposed;
  4. Appointment to the position of chief auditor of the Central Bank and determination of an audit organization (auditor of annual financial statements);
  5. Consideration of issues related to the current activities of the Central Bank.

Interesting moment! Participants of the National Financial Council (NFC) are not employees of the Central Bank and do not receive remuneration for their activities (with the exception of the chairman of the bank).

Distinctive features of the Central Bank of Russia

The main distinguishing feature of the Central Bank is its name. A center is a symbol of the basis of something; it turns out that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the “center” of all banks in the country. Hence its privileges: an absolute monopoly on the issue of banknotes, regulation of the stability of the national monetary unit, granting property and financial independence.

One more fundamental difference The Central Bank from other Russian banks is that it does not provide Financial services to the population and does not lend private business, but is a regulatory body of the country’s financial and economic system, acting as a connecting link between economic entities and the Government.

Note! Making a profit is not the purpose of the Bank of Russia!

The uniqueness of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation lies in the fact that it combines some features of a commercial institution and a government department.

Legal status as the main distinctive feature of the Bank of Russia

Unique Russian Bank acts as a special public legal institution in economic system countries.

The defining element of the legal status of the Central Bank is the principle of independence, the essence of which is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 75), as well as in the first two articles of Federal Law No. 86 " About the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" dated July 10, 2002.

What is the principle of independence? Literally, this principle means the exclusive right of the Bank to money issue and organization of money and currency circulation.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not responsible for the obligations of either the state or credit institutions, and this is mutual between them.

Interesting fact! The Bank of Russia has the right to defend its interests in court! (Including in international courts, as well as courts foreign countries and arbitration courts).

Paradoxical moments

If you thoroughly understand the legal status of the Central Bank, you will notice several paradoxical points. For example, Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has a special constitutional and legal status, which gives it the exclusive right to monopoly issue money and ensure the stability of the ruble, regardless of the authorities state power. That is, in fact, the Bank is independent in its decisions, and given the functions that it performs, the Central Bank can be equated to government agency authorities. But, in fact, the bank is not such.

And also illogical points can be identified in terms of the independence of the Central Bank. The principle of independence is also reflected in financial independence Bank, everything is simple here: it carries out its expenses at the expense of own income. But the authorized capital and other property of the Central Bank belongs to the Federation, that is, it is federal property, and not the property of the bank (this is such independence).

All property of the Central Bank belongs to the Russian Federation, but the seizure of property without the consent of the Bank of Russia is not allowed.

And in general, all powers to use, dispose and own the property of the Central Bank are exercised by the Bank itself, in accordance with established government goals.

Functional responsibilities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a legal entity and operates within a clearly defined government framework. The functions performed by the Central Bank are at the same time its responsibilities. The Bank of Russia, working for the benefit of the state, is obliged to:

  1. Ensure sustainability national currency and stability of the Russian financial system;
  2. Monitor inflation rates and, if necessary, work to reduce the rate;
  3. Develop a unified monetary policy of the state;
  4. Report on your activities to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
  5. Promotion financial literacy(cultures) of the population;
  6. Monitor the activities of all commercial banks (monitor economic results, guided by the reports of banking entities, organize inspections of the operations they perform);

The Bank performs all of the above functions based on the approved Instructions and Regulations.

Banking regulation as one of the special functions of the Central Bank

In order for the system to function as a coherent mechanism, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of “conduct” of each subject of the link given system. The same applies to banking sector. The Central Bank monitors compliance with rules and order by all other “non-central” banks.

Banking activities are considered legal only if he has a license to operate. This license is issued by the Bank of Russia. In order for a commercial bank to obtain the coveted permission and begin to legally carry out its activities, its founders need to submit certain documentation to the Central Bank. An approximate list of documents for consideration of issuing a license looks like this:

  1. Application for a license;
  2. Charter (and other constituent documents);
  3. “Business plan” of action (which indicates the nature of future banking operations and the scale of operation);
  4. Declarations of income of the founders, as well as audit report O financial situation founders of the bank.

The Bank of Russia is also entrusted with control over non-credit organizations (these are pawnshops, microfinance organizations, bureaus credit histories, non-state pension funds and others).

As part of the regulation and control of the activities of banks, the Central Bank of Russia inspects them financial statements, but not himself, but through the means of another of his assistants - the audit service. Auditing firms that engage in banking audits must also obtain a license to carry out their activities. This license The Central Bank also issues it.

If, as a result of the audit, it turns out that the bank or other credit institution does not comply with the requirements established by law, then the Central Bank has the right to deprive this organization licenses. This function entrusted to the Bank of Russia for recovery banking sector. Currently, the fight against credit institutions that conduct questionable transactions or have low-quality assets on their balance sheets continues in a more stringent form. In 2017, the Central Bank revoked the licenses of 50 credit institutions, and over the past four years - more than 350 banking entities.

For more than a quarter of a century, the Central Bank of Russia has been fulfilling the most important mission of a first-tier bank. That is, only he in our country has the right to issue money. Other key functions of the Central Bank also include protecting the ruble and maintaining its stability as a national currency. The Bank of Russia, being the coordinator and regulator of a large credit system of the Russian Federation, acts as a body for macro-financial management. The Central Bank of Russia establishes unshakable rules for credit institutions and can give and take away licenses for official banking activities.

How did the Central Bank of the Russian Federation appear and who founded it?

The Central Bank of Russia arose on July 13, 1990 - this can be called a consequence of the modernization of the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR. The establishment of a relatively new structure (initially it was called the state bank of the RSFSR) occurred by order of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. And it is quite important to include this government agency among the founders of the Central Bank of Russia. At the beginning of the summer of 1991, the Charter of the State Bank of the RSFSR was adopted, and it clearly and unambiguously stated accountability to the Supreme Council. Some time later, the bank became the only monetary and foreign exchange regulation body in the RSFSR. It was he who was entrusted with 100% powers of the State Bank of the Soviet Union to issue and set the ruble exchange rate.

Around the same time, under the leadership of this bank, through the commercialization of state-owned special banks, an extensive list of private financial organizations was created in the Russian Federation. In the flow of global transformations, in December 1991, the State Bank of the Soviet Union underwent abolition. All his property and assets, located on the vast territory of the RSFSR, were transferred without reserve to the republican state bank. And a little later, already in 1992, it was decided to call it the Central Bank of Russia.

The Central Bank is a structure with an independent status in the service of state interests

Formally, this is a legal entity with an indefinite organizational and legal form. More precisely, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has a unique organizational form that is not reducible to those specified in civil codes options. And legal science, of course, should qualify this as a “legal gap” that was deliberately allowed by legislators. In any case, it is obvious that the Central Bank is not a joint-stock company, so questions about the list of shareholders of the Central Bank of Russia are incorrect. Shareholders of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are a non-existent, mythical phenomenon. But the Central Bank itself has the right to become a shareholder of other organizations.

And at the moment he has, for example, 52.3 percent of the shares of Sberbank. The Central Bank does not belong to any of the three branches of government, does not depend on them, but is accountable to the Federal Assembly. The independence of the Central Bank, like any other national bank, is a system-forming property that characterizes the entire complex of relations related in one way or another to the activities of this financial institution

. The provision of independence is enshrined in Article 75 of the Constitution and is specified in the relevant Federal Law. The very fact of the presence of such an article in the Basic Law indicates that without this body the normal functioning of the state is impossible. In RuNet you can now find many conspiracy theories that allegedly reveal the shocking truth about who the owner of the Central Bank of Russia really is. For example, according to one of these theories, the true owner of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the Federal Reserve System of the United States (and the oligarchic clans that allegedly control it). Supporters of such versions, for example, refer to the fact that the information issued by the registry tax service

upon inquiries about the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, they do not contain information about its founders (shareholders, participants) and the so-called authorized capital.

However, serious economists declare conspiracy theories unfounded. For the most part, they confidently say that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a structure controlled by the Russian state. There are simply no sufficient grounds to consider the Central Bank as some kind of private property or organization dependent on the “world government”.

Features of the functioning of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is very large organization , consisting of more than 40 structural divisions. And the number of employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as of January 2017, exceeded 53 thousand. The Central Bank of Russia, acting according to the rules of self-sufficiency and independent financing, performs on behalf of the role of the owner of the gold and foreign exchange reserves (GCR) of our country and all funds of the federal budget. The Central Bank receives profit from transactions with this property, or more precisely, from each such operation the organization takes its own commission.

As stated above, the most important function The central bank is issuing cash. But the funds received from the issue are not included in the income of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Thus, the Central Bank of Russia produces ruble bills for treasury bills or government bonds at its own expense. But the process of printing money is quite expensive - here you need to pay for paper, for ink, for electricity, for the labor of printers, etc.

In addition, the Central Bank is obliged to give a certain share of its total profits to budget revenues. And in the last three to four years, this share has been gradually increasing. Until October 2014, the Central Bank gave away 50% of profits, then, by presidential decree, this figure increased to 75%. In 2015, the standard of 75% was retained, but the Central Bank was additionally obliged to transfer 15% to Vnesheconombank - this was due to the need to strengthen economic stability. And in the fall of 2015, a law came into force that provided for the transfer by the Central Bank of Russia of 90% of annual profits to the state budget.

The Bank of Russia annually sends its balance sheet and reports on losses and income to the State Duma. The Duma is obliged to consider these documents before July 1 of the year following the reporting year and make certain decisions in this regard. In addition to this, the reports of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation must be published to the general public no later than July 15 of the year following the reporting year.

Why exactly does the Central Bank manage gold and foreign exchange reserves?

The fact that the Central Bank manages the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves should not cause any misunderstandings. There is absolutely nothing scary or abnormal about this. The truth of the matter is that all this property is federal in any case, and this is clearly stated in many official documents. The state simply delegated the right to dispose of gold and foreign currency reserves and other valuables in favor of the Central Bank. Or, to put it differently, she issued him a general carte blanche for the use, possession and free disposal of the above-mentioned property.

Such a carte blanche could be issued, for example, to the government of the Russian Federation. However, we must not forget that the government has many other responsibilities, and its members are not very well versed in monetary policy (at least in comparison with Central Bank experts). The executive branch could hypothetically shake the stability of the national currency, exchanging all this for short-term political interests and short term benefits. This means that handing over the most important strategic issues relating to the economy to a structure that is more or less independent in status and in fact seems like a completely logical decision.

Another important argument in favor of such a decision is the following: when the powers of the Central Bank are transferred to the government, legal risks in the international arena greatly increase. Now in the USA, England and a number of other jurisdictions of the Old World, the funds of the countries' central banks are protected by immunity from enforcement measures that may be imposed as a result of legal proceedings. This immunity also strengthens another significant distinction prescribed in Russian regulatory documents : the state is not responsible for the obligations of the Central Bank, and the Bank is not responsible for the obligations government agencies

. If these reserves belong to the government, then this judicial immunity will be lost.

Who owns the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and who controls it? The figure of the chairman has been important in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation since its very foundation. IN different periods

this high position was occupied by different people. Among them are Georgy Matyukhin (from 1990 to 1992), Viktor Gerashchenko (from 1992 to 1994 and from 1998 to 2002), Sergey Dubinin (from 1995 to 1998), Sergey Ignatiev (from 2003 to 2013). And in 2013, Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina became the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and she still holds this position. In addition, the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the National Financial Council (NFC) - collegial bodies with significant real powers - have a great influence on all the activities of the Central Bank.

Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullin The NSF traditionally includes 12 people. Two representatives are delegated from the Federation Council, three are sent by the State Duma, three by the President of the Russian Federation, and three more by the federal government. In addition to this, the current chairman of the Central Bank is also a member of the NSF. The functions of this body are described in detail in Federal Law

  • . These features include, but are not limited to:
  • review of Central Bank reports;
  • approval of documents about any additional expenses;
  • consideration of problems of improving the banking system of the Russian Federation;
  • determination of key directions of monetary state policy;
  • consideration of issues that are in one way or another related to the entry of the Central Bank of Russia into the capital of other legal entities;
  • presentation of a candidacy for the auditor of the Central Bank.

As for the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it consists of fifteen members (including the chairman). All of them operate on an ongoing, systematic basis, and the President and the State Duma, in addition to the Chairman of the Central Bank directly, take part in the procedure for appointing members of the Council. This Council is in fairly close connection with the National financial advice mentioned above, and resolves a whole range of issues within the existing powers of the Central Bank:

  • about increasing or decreasing rates;
  • on the release of new banknote designs and the withdrawal of old ones from circulation;
  • on the determination of operating limits on the open market;
  • on the rules for the formation of reserves by organizations conducting financial activities;
  • on compensation for deposits of individuals in banks that filed for bankruptcy and did not insure user deposits.

The Board of Directors also regulates internal work processes: it determines wages employees of the Central Bank of Russia (in particular, they set salaries for themselves), by approval general structure Central Bank of the Russian Federation, appointment of department management, etc.

Since its creation on July 13, 1990, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been a non-state commercial structure, accountable to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and headed by the Board of Directors and the National Banking Council. According to Article 22 of the Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”:

The Bank of Russia does not have the right to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation to finance the federal budget deficit... The Bank of Russia does not have the right to provide loans to finance deficits in the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.
If the price of oil falls and the budget deficit of the Russian Federation forms, the Central Bank will not finance the lack of funds in the budget to pay pensions and salaries budgetary organizations(law enforcement agencies, Ministry of Defense, Health, Education and so on), carrying out government targeted programs and other expenses. The government will have to contact the International Monetary Fund - private organization American and British bankers to obtain a loan for budgetary allocations. All funds accumulated in the accounts of the Central Bank of Russia - gold reserves in the amount of 524.5 billion dollars cannot be used to stabilize the economy of the Russian Federation, according to Article 22. The Central Bank of Russia, created by B.N. Yeltsin, as a private banking organization, exists exclusively as a branch of the Federal reserve system USA, again private banking organization Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The circle is closed, the Central Bank of Russia belongs to the Rothschild clan and is completely dependent on their decisions. Why?
Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states:
Money emission is carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble is the main function of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which it carries out independently of other government bodies.
In a word, printing and the number of printed rubles is the exclusive prerogative of the Central Bank of Russia; this function of the bank, an independent commercial structure, cannot be influenced by any government authority, such as the president or prime minister of the Russian Federation. Who does the Central Bank of Russia report to? First of all, you need to understand that the number of printed rubles is directly dependent on the receipt of petrodollars into the accounts of the Central Bank. If the price of oil exceeds the level established by the Ministry of Finance, then the Central Bank of Russia will print rubles for this difference and put them into circulation, acting as a US currency exchange office. Payment for oil sold by Russia is in US dollars, the ruble exchange rate against the dollar is set by the Central Bank, and the size of this exchange rate depends on the amount of inflation, which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation adjusts through the constant strengthening of the ruble against the US dollar. It is curious that inflation in Russia over the past decade has averaged 10% per year according to official statistics, the ruble exchange rate in 2001 was on average 29.4, today it is 27.6. It turns out that in 10 years the dollar should have cost at least 58 rubles, and according to the ratio exchange rates dollar depreciated by 100 – 6.2 = 93.8%? But this is not so; the depreciation of the dollar by 6.2% over ten years is exactly in line with the expected inflationary process in the United States. This monetarist policy of the Russian government and the Central Bank gives rise to some thoughts.
Firstly, the fight against inflation by maintaining a stable ruble exchange rate has led to the uncompetitiveness of domestic producers and the virtual destruction of agriculture and industry. The Central Bank of Russia's focus on the expensive ruble led to high rate refinancing established by the Central Bank in the amount of 8.25%. Economic experts argue that when the refinancing rate is above 5%, the industry ceases to make a profit and self-liquidates, which is what happened in Russia. Domestic banks and enterprises are forced to take out loans from the West, since lending at 15–20% per annum is pointless. From here total debt domestic entrepreneurs amounted to $533 billion in 2011, while the accounts of the Central Bank contain gold - foreign exchange reserves in the amount of $525 billion, but the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have the right to lend from these funds to a domestic entrepreneur, since these funds are invested in debentures USA.
Secondly, the volume of ruble emission in Russia does not exceed a certain level established by the Central Bank of Russia, as the difference between the base oil price rate and the profit from the sale of oil at world prices. By multiplying this difference by the exchange rate value of the ruble against the dollar, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation obtains a certain money supply that does not take into account many macroeconomic indicators within the country. But the rules of the game are set and everyone is obliged to strictly comply with this monetarist law established by the United States for Russia. At the same time she disappeared somewhere base rate oil prices, which amount to a rather impressive amount, greater than the entire volume of ruble issues, as well as funds from the sale of other minerals and energy resources. This money almost completely disappears in Western banks and offshores, with the only exceptions being export duties and meager taxes.

Thus, the President and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation have part of the funds from the sale of oil, and at a fixed low ruble-dollar exchange rate, export duties and taxes. This is all! Rest cash evaporated in an “unknown” direction. It’s also funny that the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation, in the amount of 26 billion dollars, is in the accounts of the private Central Bank of Russia, and the Fund’s funds are also located there national welfare in the amount of 90.9 billion dollars, placed at 6.25% per annum. This is simply a mockery of the Russian people, because even the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is 8.25% per annum. It turns out that 2% is the payment to the Board of Directors and the National Banking Council for conducting banking transaction? Apparently, it turns out that S.M. Ignatiev, as Chairman of the Board of Directors, and A.L. Kudrin, as Chairman of the NBS, divided the amount of 2.34 billion dollars, and have been doing this annually since 2008.
Another strange case with missing funds Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation, which were available to the Central Bank of Russia. In 2008, there were 130 billion dollars in the accounts of the Central Bank of Russia of the Reserve Fund; in 2010, only 26 billion remained; in a year and a half, 104 billion dollars were spent. At the same time, gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of Russia increased over the same period from 453.5 to 524.5 billion dollars, that is, by 71 billion dollars. Alexey Leonidovich Kudrin, it is quite possible that $33 billion was spent on increasing the capitalization of banks and social sphere, but how did it happen that 71 billion was not used to restore the economy, but migrated to the accounts of the private commercial Central Bank of Russia and became inaccessible to the government of the Russian Federation?
The highest level of corruption and financial crimes is not in the government or among officials, but in the private sector commercial bank under the name "Central Bank of the Russian Federation".
The history of this monstrous crime, under the code “Operation Central Bank of Russia,” began back in 1989, when B.N. Yeltsin visited the United States, where he “accidentally” met with George W. Bush, Sr., visited R. Reagan in the hospital and attended a meeting at the Rockefeller Club in Manhattan. Then this traitor and “agent of influence” of Western intelligence services received not only the green light for his criminal activities, but also the transfer of all Russian finances to US control. Already at the beginning of the next 1990, the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Russia) was created, the charter of which was copied from the US Federal Reserve, and at the same time B.N. Yeltsin and M.S. Gorbachev began to create a bank for “Public financing and lending of national programs”, the financing of which was provided by Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild, a branch of the Rothschild bank in Switzerland.
The KGB of the USSR opposed this treacherous course of affairs, organizing an unsuccessful attempt on the life of B.N. Yeltsin in Spain, when at an altitude of 3500 m all the electrical equipment and hydraulic systems of the six-seater aircraft failed. After a hard landing with the landing gear retracted, B.N. Yeltsin had a crushed vertebra, and almost complete paralysis occurred. Spanish doctors did the impossible - they put B.N. Yeltsin on his feet. The second attempt on B.N. Yeltsin occurred six months later in Moscow, when a VAZ-2102 crashed into the door of a GAZ-3102, delivering a precise blow to the passenger door. The bent stand hit B.N. Yeltsin hard on the head, but he saved himself again. The August 1991 putsch played into the hands of B.N. Yeltsin’s American masters; the “quiet” Zionist coup was completed in the country and the Central Bank of the USSR became the Central Bank of Russia. The Rothschilds gained access to printing money - rubles, gold - foreign exchange reserves and everything economic objects Russia.
Meyer-Amschel Rothschild wrote:
“Give me control over the issue of money in the state, and I don’t care who writes its laws.
This formula continues to work in Russia. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not joint stock bank, the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is appointed by the State Duma, to the National banking council, headed by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.L. Kudrin, includes several deputies of the State Duma, government officials and the presidential administration. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not responsible for the debts of the state, just as the state is not responsible for the debts of the Central Bank. So what is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, who runs it, and therefore Russia? A.L. Kudrin, V.V. Putin, D.A. Medvedev or maybe S.M. Ignatiev? No, this is excluded, since the Central Bank of Russia was created by B.N. Yeltsin not for himself, not for his future successors - V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev, but for his overseas customers - the owners of the world banking system - the clan Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan and Schiff. Since 1990, this octopus has been pumping out all the economic juice from Russia, leaving our rulers - “agents of influence” - 2% of the amount of treacherously stolen wealth of the Russian people. At the same time, the leverage over our ruling elite is contained not only in their foreign accounts, but also in the US ownership of our printing press, our Central Bank.
Let's remember the recent past - the beginning of the 90s, when the country's money supply was artificially reduced through the efforts of E.T. Gaidar and his American advisers, which made work impossible industrial enterprises, who were eventually forced to switch to barter servicing of manufactured products, and prices increased monthly. In such conditions, the collapse of industry and agriculture was ensured, as a result of which millions of our fellow citizens found themselves on the streets, forced to seek salvation in trade. Eventually Western banks they bought industrial and mining facilities for next to nothing, and made our people poor. The 1998 default revived industry and Agriculture, but ruined trade. Domestic manufacturer began to displace imported goods from our market, Russian entrepreneurship has revived. But from now on, one question arises - why, with a stable exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar, a saturation of goods and services, as well as a low money supply, does monthly inflation occur in the country? There is only one answer - the same process is taking place that took place in the early 90s of the last century - the increase in the capital of foreign banks and the impoverishment of our people.
What will happen to our financial system, if the ruble emission tied to petrodollars decreases significantly as a result of a fall in oil prices? Either the Central Bank, on the orders of its American owners, will reduce the number of rubles, forcing the Russian government to reduce social programs, close many wholesale and retail, stop paying pensions and benefits. Either devalue the ruble, which is most likely, withdraw the currency from exchange offices and accelerate inflation to astronomical proportions. The policy pursued by the Central Bank over the past 12 years was aimed precisely at such a scenario, otherwise there is simply nothing to explain the manic persistence in maintaining a fixed ruble exchange rate. However, Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation speaks of the Central Bank maintaining the stability of the ruble, but if such stability is the only direction of activity of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, then this can be regarded as a betrayal of the interests of Russia in favor of the International Monetary Fund - a private “shop” of private banks, a club for economic interests banking clan Rothschild. All activities of the Central Bank of Russia are aimed at supporting the US dollar and purchasing power American households.
When the American financial pyramid bursts at the seams, then the seams will begin to be patched up by America's world vassals. Since the beginning of 2011, Arab revolutions good confirmation this process, especially the civil war in Libya. Global instability brings income to Rothschild and Russia in these global games next. Financial crisis in our country can be started at any time, because all the mechanisms for this are in the hands of the world behind the scenes, and our ruling elite is just a tool for carrying out the devil’s plan. There is no point in guessing who will be the next president in Russia, since the mechanism of financial disaster in our country has already been launched and at any moment a real catastrophe can break out, which will certainly acquire nationalistic overtones and street clashes. In fairness, it must be said that this version of events was developed and implemented by American political strategists; our rulers do not play any role here, they are simple executors.
Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States, wrote:
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of dollars, first through inflation and then through deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around such a Central Bank will rob people of their property until their children wake up homeless in the land that their fathers conquered.
The Russian people and Russia, through the betrayal of B.N. Yeltsin and M.S. Gorbachev, found themselves in the economic bondage of the financial cabal of the Rothschilds, who not only print rubles and carry out credit - monetary policy in Russia through the Central Bank and corrupt politicians. But they also predict devastation and economic collapse for us, in order to divide Russia into parts through cunning machinations and clashes of the human masses on nationalist grounds, destroying and enslaving the Great Country and the Great People. But we, the Russian people, must unite together and, in the face of the coming danger, clearly understand and realize the emanating danger. If we are together, if we understand the mechanisms of the treacherous plan to divide Russia, then we will become a mortal danger to all traitors and enemies of Russia and the Russian people.