Definition of repair estimate according to the estimator's dictionary. Explanatory dictionary on estimates

Certificate of completion of work (percentage) This is a document of the KS2 form, generated on the basis of a local estimate. It consists of data on resources, equipment and completed construction work Oh. Temporary buildings and structures These are created structures intended for residence and use by hired workers during the implementation of a construction project. State elemental estimate standards (GESN) These are information bases for assessing the need for resources that will be used in the construction or repair of a facility. Defect sheet This is a document with a list of necessary construction activities and their volumes, on the basis of which the issue of repair or reconstruction will be decided. Unit prices This is a structure and work meter for establishing direct costs in construction estimated cost. Customer (developer) This is an object or subject civil law , determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which finances and carries out the entire range of construction work related to the construction, reconstruction, restoration, improvement and repair of the facility. Winter price increases These are anticipated costs for construction and installation work ah, caused by the complication of technology activities and a reduction in labor productivity employees These are restoration and construction activities, the task of which is to restore the technical condition of the object and subsequently recognize it as suitable for use. Conceptual estimate This is calculation documentation based on estimated prices for construction work. Cost calculation is based in free form, based on reliable data from similar construction projects. Local estimate This is the primary expenditure documentation compiled for individual objects and types of construction and installation activities. It establishes the costs of work, materials and operating construction mechanisms. MDS These are methodological regulations responsible for regulating the actions of specific enterprises, companies and federal structures V construction industry . Their task is to ensure the legality and efficiency of the preparation and delivery of construction projects. Modernization This is a list of construction and installation works, the purpose of which is to increase the operational properties of the building, resulting in it being brought to the level of modern consumer indicators. Moscow Territorial Estimated Standards (MTSN) This is a set of estimated standards, tariffs and prices for construction, installation and repair work , operation of special equipment and mechanisms for the city of Moscow. production and technical purposes. It includes acts, tables, graphic images and drawings of engineering, architectural and structural solutions. Price is the cost of any work performed during the construction of the facility. It is set to a unit of measurement and a specific date. Reconstruction This is a series of organizational and construction activities focused on the reconstruction and modernization of the main technical and economic parameters of the building to improve living conditions. Estimate resources These are the main indicators of estimate calculations for construction activities. They are represented by labor costs, operating time of transport and mechanisms, as well as the need for materials, consumables and other means. Estimate documentation This is a set of acts and statements intended to determine the cost of activities for the construction of buildings and structures. Summary estimate calculation This is an act that displays full cost all work and costs associated with the implementation of the construction project. Construction and installation works This is an abbreviation for the definition of “construction and installation works”. This is a complex of construction processes for the construction of new buildings and restoration of objects. Estimated standards This is a totality estimated prices and norms, which are combined into collections, catalogs and information databases. Estimated norm This is a complex of consumable resources in the construction industry, the indicator of which is expressed in coefficients and physical quantities . These include the costs of labor of hired workers, building materials and time for operating special equipment and mechanisms. Estimated profit (planned savings) Represents the official component of the price forms KS-3. This document on accounting and taxes is drawn up during construction activities.

Construction This is a dynamically developing industry, whose activities are aimed at the construction of buildings of varying complexity and purpose. This area also includes repair, reconstruction and restoration work. Depreciation deductions -

means for simple or expanded reproduction of fixed assets. Basic level of estimated cost -

determined on the basis of basic estimated prices recorded on a specific date, for example, on 01/01/2000. The basic level of estimated cost is intended to determine the cost by index recalculation into current prices, comparison of the results of investment activities in different periods of time and economic analysis. Gross domestic product -

macroeconomic indicator of national economic statistics. Gross domestic product is calculated as the total value of the final products of the material production and service sectors, regardless of the nationality of firms located on the territory of a given state. General contractor -

an organization, a company that fulfills, at its own risk, under a capital construction contract, its obligations to the customer for the entire complex of construction of the facility. General designer -

a design organization responsible for performing the entire range of design and survey work for the project being designed on the basis of an agreement with customer organizations. Public bidding -

tenders, information about the participants and the content of their proposals are publicly announced in an open form. The results of public tenders (open competition) are published in the press. Work agreement - a contract under which the contractor undertakes, at his own risk, to build and deliver fixed time , the object specified in the contract or to perform construction work stipulated by the contract, and the customer - to provide it to the contractor construction site

or provide the scope of work, accept it and pay for it. Negotiated price for construction products

(contract work) - the price set by the customer and the contractor when concluding a construction contract. The contract price is formed taking into account the demand and supply for construction products, the prevailing conditions in the labor market, building materials, equipment, machines used, as well as ensuring the profit of the contractor.- a list of requirements, conditions, goals set by the customer in writing, documented and issued to the contractor for design and survey work.

Customer (developer) - a legal or natural person authorized by the investor to implement an investment construction project. The functions of the customer, developer and investor can be combined in one person or transferred to other legal entities and individuals.

Investments- long-term investments of capital (financial resources) - investments for the purpose of making a profit.

Investment activities - activities related to the implementation of investment intentions carried out through organizations of the investment complex (investors, customers, developers, designers, contractors through banks, etc.).

Investment cycle- the process of implementation of investments implemented over time from the moment of formation of investment intentions until the moment the commissioned objects reach the design technical and economic indicators.

Investors - participants in investment activities investing their own or borrowed funds, intellectual values ​​in the creation or reproduction of fixed assets.

Value change indices(prices, costs) in construction are the ratios of current (forecast) cost indicators to the base ones for comparable resources and individual costing components.

Costing- a document illustrating price formation (calculation rationale) presented to the consumer by the seller or manufacturer.

Capital - the value that brings surplus value increases on its own.

Capital construction - as a branch of material production, it includes design, survey and research, construction and installation organizations, construction industry enterprises, production of building materials, etc. In addition to new fixed assets, the functions of capital construction include expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing fixed assets.

Major repairs of buildings and structures does not apply to capital construction and includes work on the restoration or replacement of individual parts of buildings (structures) or entire structures, parts and engineering equipment due to their physical wear and tear.

Coordination center for pricing and estimated standardization in constructiongovernment (CCCC)- organization that coordinates activities RCTS.

Project manager - a person performing project management functions to ensure that all work is carried out efficiently this project. The functions of a project manager can be performed by a customer, contractor, or designer.

Author's supervision - supervision over the compliance of construction and installation works with design solutions, carried out by design organizations throughout the entire period of construction and acceptance into operation of completed facilities.

Supervision technical - construction supervision carried out by the customer including functions of acceptance of completed construction and installation work.

Tax value added (VAT) - a form of withdrawal to the budget of part of the value added by living labor. Added at a rate of 18% to the estimated cost construction products. At the same time, the contractor is also a VAT payer on the purchased material and technical resources and services.

Offeror - cm. Tender.

Construction phase - part of construction, consisting of a group of buildings, structures and devices, the commissioning of which ensures the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project. May consist of one or more launch complexes.

Forecast cost level is established on the basis of projected prices when it is planned to make payments for construction products.

Project - a set of technical and economic documentation, consisting of an explanatory note, drawings and estimates. The explanatory note substantiates the design solutions and technical and economic indicators. Drawings give a visual representation of the object, and construction is carried out according to them. Estimates determine the cost of construction products.

Construction Organization Project (COP) is an integral part of the project, determining the total duration of construction, distribution of capital investments and volumes of construction and installation work, material, technical and labor resources, their sources.

Design and estimate documentation - a set of documents (calculations, drawings, etc.) necessary for the construction of a newly built or reconstructed (repaired) facility.

Launch complex - This is a collection of several objects (or parts thereof) of a construction project or its phase, the commissioning of which ensures the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project. The construction phase may consist of one or more launch complexes.

Regional coefficients for wages - standard indicators of the degree of increase in size wages depending on the location of the construction organization. Accrued on all types of wages.

Prices - standard level of payment for individual operations of the technological process of manufacturing products, various types of work and services, production of one unit of product, used for piecework wages.

Expansion of existing enterprises- this is the construction of additional production facilities at a previously created enterprise.

Regional centers for pricing in construction (RCCP) - organizations created by the State Construction Committee of Russia in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement the state pricing policy in construction.

Reconstruction of existing enterprises - provides for the reconstruction of existing workshops and facilities for primary, auxiliary and service purposes.

Profitability of construction products - one of the main indicators characterizing the efficiency of using costs for the construction of an object. Norma R. s. p. is calculated as the ratio of profit from sales of products to its full cost.

Cost (expenses) - expenses of an economic entity for the production and sale of products, performance of work or provision of services.

Estimated norm - a set of resources (labor costs of construction workers, operating time of construction machines, demand for materials), installed on the adopted work meter.

Estimated cost of construction enterprises, buildings and structures - the amount of funds necessary for its implementation in accordance with the design materials.

Estimate and regulatory framework- this is a set of legal, methodological and regulatory documents that establish the procedure for determining the cost of construction.

Estimated standards - a generalized name for a set of estimated norms, rates and prices, combined into separate collections. Together with Part 4 of SNiP “Estimated Norms and Rules”, all estimated standards form a system of pricing and estimate standardization in construction.

Specification- one of the main documents of technological and design documentation(for products, materials, structures) in the form of a table in drawings indicating data on materials.

Construction products - enterprises, buildings and structures for production and non-production purposes built and put into operation, created in the field of capital construction.

Construction "Full construction"- construction and commissioning of a completely finished facility. The customer pays the entire cost of the object after its delivery.

Construction- this is a set of buildings and structures for various purposes, the construction, expansion or reconstruction of which is carried out for the volume of products determined in pre-design studies (investment justification) according to a single project documentation to the extent determined by the summary estimate or cost summary.

Demand- the number of goods (products) that can be sold at the existing price level.

Solid negotiated price - this is a price fixed at a certain level tied to a specific date in the contract or the date of signing the contract.

Current cost level calculated on the basis of prices in effect at the time the cost is determined.

Tender(from the English “tender” - “offer”) - a competitive form of placing orders to attract contractors for the construction of facilities. Firms interested in taking part in the auction - providers - send to the customer the declared information in a certain form tender offers, which are called offers or tenders.

tender documentation- this is a set of documents containing initial information about the technical, commercial, organizational and other characteristics of construction projects and bidding items, as well as the conditions and procedure of bidding.

Feasibility Study (TES)- justification for choosing a design or production solution by identifying and comparing technical and economic indicators (TEI) of options and adopting the best option. TEP.

Technical re-equipment of existing enterprises – a set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of individual industries, workshops and areas based on the introduction of new equipment and technology.

Discount interest (official discount rate)- the percentage at which the Central Bank provides loans to commercial banks to replenish their cash reserves and lend to customers.

Economics of construction– economic science, which studies the patterns of development and the efficiency of capital construction, serves as a methodological basis for determining the effectiveness of design decisions and construction and installation work.

Examination of projects and estimates– design and estimate documentation is subject to state examination and approval as part of construction projects in order to improve the technical and economic indicators of the project.

Terms and definitions of estimate work in construction:

MDS -stands for a method for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation

Major renovation - work carried out to restore the serviceability of structures and engineering equipment. Typically includes strengthening or replacing load-bearing structures and engineering equipment;

Modernization - a set of works to eliminate functional wear, bringing it into line with modern requirements. It consists of installing missing elements of the building without displacing people (replacing electrical systems, adding elevators, installing sunrooms, etc.);

Customer (developer) - an organization or enterprise that allocates funds for major repairs;

Construction and installation work - construction and installation work carried out contractor under a contract with the customer;

Estimated standards are a generalized name for a set of estimated standards, rates and prices combined into prices;

Estimated norm - a set of resources established for the accepted meter for construction and installation work;

Estimate resources - labor costs of builders, operating time of construction mechanisms, need for materials, products and structures;

Price - the cost of construction, installation and other works, for the accepted unit of measurement and fixed on a certain date (TER, FER, TSN);

Estimated price - the cost of a unit of measurement of building materials, products and structures or the cost of a machine-hour of machine operation, recorded on a certain date (SCM, TSC, FSCM);

Design and estimate documentation - design and estimate documentation

Defective statement- this is a document that indicates the entire list of work that needs to be performed, indicating the quantity required material. To create a troubleshooting, see the section: Defective statement."

Local estimates - a document drawn up on the basis defective statement or design documentation for various types work to be performed. The estimates determine the costs of work, mechanisms and materials with justified consumption of materials.