Economic model of Sweden presentation. Swedish economic model

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The mixed nature of the Swedish economy, combining market relations And government regulation, predominant private ownership in the sphere of production and socialization of consumption.

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Full employment and income equalization Goal

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"functional socialism"

Socialism, based not on the elimination of private property and a radical change in production management, but on the implementation by the state of the function of redistributing national income in accordance with the priority of social needs in order to achieve greater social equality.

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A priority

Solving problems of social security of their subordinates, employees of enterprises and firms.

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The essence of the Swedish management model

The state does not interfere in production activities enterprises

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Active labor market policies should minimize social costs market economy

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The emphasis is on infrastructural elements and collective funds.

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Specifics of the relationship between labor and capital in the labor market

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Management style

Considering the individual in a business environment comes first

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Equality All people are valuable, regardless of their different abilities

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The Swedish management style is less hierarchical than other cultures: informality in relationships, minor differences in the status of managers and employees, loose and informal planning of the organizational structure.

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Control. Even in large Swedish companies, control appears informal and implicit.

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Swedish model has its own internal contradictions. Employees need to be given the space to make their own decisions, but the boundaries they must not cross must be clearly defined.

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It is necessary to consider it specifically as a Swedish model, because it is associated with some important cultural characteristics of the Swedish nation. Further, as noted above, Swedes are very successful in adapting to conditions of uncertainty. They are not inclined to exaggerate their position in the service hierarchy. All this makes it possible for managers to assign broad responsibility to their subordinates in the business sphere.

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1) Full employment and equality 2) A combination of general restrictive measures and active labor market policies 3) General welfare policies and trade union solidarity policies in the area 4) Full employment without inflation 5) active labor market policies.

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
Belarusian National Technical University
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Construction Economics
Subject "Foreign economic activity"
student, group 312329, correspondence department
Patsenko T.V.
Gurinovich A.D.
Minsk 2015 CONTENTS:
general characteristics of the country;
characteristics of natural resources;
production (industry, agriculture);
analysis of macroeconomic indicators;
analysis of the country's balance of payments and foreign trade;
characteristics of economic and political relations with
7. conclusion with analysis that we can export and
import from this country.

coat of arms

Political system

a constitutional monarchy. The Constitution of 1975 is in force.
The head of state is the king. The state is governed by a government led by
with a prime minister who is elected by the Riksdag parliament), based in
1435. Since 1971, it has been a unicameral parliament, consisting of 349 deputies elected by
universal direct and secret suffrage every 4 years. Party or coalition
who receive a majority of seats in the Riksdag elections form a government led by
with the Prime Minister, who holds executive power.
The current King of Sweden since 1973 is Carl XVI Gustaf.
Government system of the Kingdom of Sweden
fundamental laws such as
Law on the Form of Government,
succession to the throne and the Law on Freedom of the Press.
King Carl XVI Gustaf

Total area: 449,964 km2, third largest country in Western Europe. Europe
Population: 9,723,809 people
Capital: Stockholm (871,952 people)
Large cities: Gothenburg (524,767 people), Malmo (309,912 people), Uppsala (140,454 people)
Language: Swedish; recognized minority languages: Sami, Finnish,
Tornedali dialect of Finnish (Meänkieli), Yiddish, Gypsy (Romani Chib).
Religion: 82% belong to the state Evangelical Lutheran
Existing in Sweden economic system usually characterized
as a “mixed economy connecting the main forms of ownership:
private, public, cooperative.” About 85% of all Swedish
companies with more than 50 employees are privately owned
capital. The rest comes from the state and cooperatives.

Natural resources

The subsoil of Sweden is rich in metals and poor in mineral fuels.
Limited by the location of sedimentary rocks determined
virtual absence of deposits of coal, oil and
natural gas. Swedish iron - ore deposits
are among the richest in the world, both in terms of concentration of ore reserves,
as well as the metal content in it. Among the colored deposits
metals, the most significant are located in Norrland
plateau. This is a deposit of complex sulphide ores in the area
Buliden - Kristineberg, containing: copper, zinc, lead, gold,
silver, gray pyrite, arsenic, lead deposit
(Laiswall) and copper (Aitik).
Sweden is the main exporter of iron ore and the largest in
In terms of iron reserves - about 3 billion tons with an average content
metal more than 60% - Sweden ranks second in foreign
Europe (after France).


Sweden ranks 2nd in Europe in iron ore production. In the country
Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy are quite well developed, as well as
Swedish steel is of the highest quality.
Sweden produces cars, trucks, ships,
aircraft, computers and electrical appliances. The country is on the first
world leader in the production of ball and roller bearings.
The woodworking industry is well developed. Sweden ranks
a leading place in the world in the development of the pulp and paper industry.
There are also chemical, textile and food processing enterprises in the country.


Only 3% of the working population is employed in
agriculture, but this industry is so
highly developed and mechanized that it
satisfying internal needs, but
and for export. Sweden is self-sufficient
Agriculture is dominated by large
enterprises that provide over
90% of the country's food needs.
meat and dairy
cattle breeding
pig farming. They grow wheat, rye,
oats, barley, as well as vegetables and potatoes.
From the food industry
production of dairy and meat products is highlighted

Macroeconomic indicators

Foreign trade balance

Sweden's export volume, billion US dollars
Sweden's import volume, billion US dollars

Major trading partners

Great Britain
Export %
Import %

Economic model

Preservation of a large public sector in all
main sectors of the economy.
Administrative regulation
monetary incomes of the population and prices for
essential goods.
Preservation of the socialist system
social protection of the population.
Maintaining employment through
system of government orders and a direct ban on
Non-application of bankruptcy proceedings to
unprofitable enterprises
state form of ownership.
Stimulating exports through
various systems of benefits for exporting enterprises.
Mixed economy: private,
state and cooperative forms
The most important role of the state
sectors - accumulation and
redistribution of significant
Money to social and
economic goals.
The primary role is played by social
Full employment and equality, which
depend on price stability
economic growth And
Progressive taxation and
system of extensive government

Economic ties with Belarus

Sweden is becoming an increasingly important trading partner for
Belarus. Since 1999 growth rate of our exports
are constantly growing. It has also become more diversified
commodity structure. Large concerns and companies in Sweden
show a strong interest in the development of long-term
trade economic ties with Belarusian subjects
Diplomatic relations between
Republic of Belarus and the Kingdom
Sweden established 14 January 1992
Sweden is interested in increasing trade and economic cooperation with Belarus.
Currently, indicators of economic cooperation are very positive.
Trade turnover in 2012 maintained its dynamics, the influx of direct Swedish
investments in the Belarusian economy.

Export and import

Belarusian exports for Jan.-Oct. 2014 - 43.21 million
dollars, in 2012 amounted to 74.8 million dollars. USA, in 2011 -
$91.5 million USA, not reaching record levels
2006 at 365.7 million dollars. USA. Main articles
Belarusian exports to Sweden in 2009-2011
alloy steel; linen fabrics
Imports from Sweden (mainly high-tech) for Jan.-Oct.
2014 – $104.45 million, in 2012 amounted to $209.5 million. USA (in
In 2011, this figure was $217.5 million. USA). The basis of it
consisted of: electric generating sets; tractors and fifth wheels
tractors; cars; communication equipment and parts for it;
flat rolled products; steam boilers; liquid pumps; polymers
ethylene; artificial and prepared waxes; petroleum products; acids,
industrial oils and alcohols; fittings for pipelines, etc.

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Presentation slides

Slide 1

Swedish model of economic development

The term "Swedish model" appeared in the late 60s, when Sweden began to experience a combination of rapid economic growth and successful political reforms. The image of a successful and serene Sweden still contrasts with the growth of social and political conflicts in the surrounding world.

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The Swedish model The main role in the model is given to social policy, social justice, income equalization, smoothing out inequalities, and building democratic socialism on the basis of welfare.

implementation of full employment policy; equalization of income of the population through taxes; high specific gravity public sector of the economy; redistribution budget funds in favor social programs; availability social guarantees all segments of the population (education, healthcare); increased influence of trade unions on all spheres of social economic life countries.

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Strengths: full employment and income equalization; redistribution of funds for social and economic purposes centralized system collective agreements with the participation of powerful trade union organizations, solidarity between groups of workers, active policies in a highly developed labor market and a large government sector(sphere of redistribution)

Weaknesses: High politicization, predominance of private property in the sphere of production and non-interference of the state in it government spending, reaching record levels High taxes on wealth

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Economy of Sweden

Main industries Resources (timber, iron ore) Hydropower Mechanical engineering Aircraft manufacturing Nuclear energy Armament Automotive telecommunications

In 2012, Sweden's GDP was $368.4 billion, inflation was 0.9% Employment level was 62.2% GNP per capita in Sweden was 373,500 thousand crowns (USD 55,200).

IN economic development Sweden can be distinguished into three stages: (from 1870 to 1914) Sweden turned from an agricultural to an industrial-agrarian country. (from 1920 to 1970) Sweden became industrialized developed country. (from 1970 to the present) Sweden is at the stage of a post-industrial country with high level life that stands out among other states at a fast pace growth.

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National idea

The political system, management experience, neutrality in any blocs and associations - this is what we should learn from this country.

Sports Nation Ecologically Obsessed Animal Welfare Free dental services control of imports of alcohol and tobacco products Usual PROS of Sweden

If you have passed the probationary period and entered into an employment contract with the employer, it is almost impossible to fire you from your job, even if you have done something outrageous - the Swedish trade union is so strong.

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    The Swedish model of economic development The term “Swedish model” appeared in the late 60s, when Sweden began to experience a combination of rapid economic growth and successful political reforms. The image of a successful and serene Sweden still contrasts with the growth of social and political conflicts in the surrounding world.

    Swedish model Swedish model The main role in the model is given to social policy, social justice, income equalization, smoothing out inequalities, and building democratic socialism on the basis of welfare. full employment policy implementation of full employment policy; equalization of income equalization of income of the population through taxes; high share of the public sector of the economy; redistribution of budget funds redistribution of budget funds in favor of social programs; availability of social guarantees availability of social guarantees to all segments of the population (education, healthcare); influence of trade unions increased influence of trade unions in all areas socio-economic life of the country.

    Strengths: full employment and income equalization; redistribution of funds for social and economic purposes, a centralized system of collective agreements with the participation of powerful trade union organizations, solidarity between groups of workers, active policies in a highly developed labor market and a large public sector (sphere of redistribution) Weaknesses: Highly politicized, the predominance of private property in the sphere of production and non-interference in government spending at record levels High taxes on wealth

    Economy of Sweden Main industries Resources (timber, iron ore) Hydropower Mechanical engineering Aircraft manufacturing Nuclear energy Armament Automotive telecommunications 1. In 2012, Sweden's GDP - $368.4 billion, 2. inflation - 0.9% 3. Employment level - 62.2% 4 .GNP per capita in Sweden thousand kroner (US dollars). Three stages can be distinguished in the economic development of Sweden: (from 1870 to 1914) (from 1870 to 1914) Sweden turned from an agricultural to an industrial-agrarian country. (from 1920 to 1970) (from 1920 to 1970) Sweden became an industrialized country. (from 1970 to the present) (from 1970 to the present) Sweden is at the stage of a post-industrial country with a high standard of living, which stands out among other countries due to its high growth rates.

    National idea The political system, management experience, neutrality in any blocs and associations - this is what we should learn from this country. -Sports nation -Environmental obsession -Animal protection -Free dental services -Control of import of alcohol and tobacco products PROS Usual PROS of Sweden If you have passed the probationary period and entered into an employment contract with the employer, it is almost impossible to fire you from your job, even if you have done something wrong - It's amazing how strong the trade union in Sweden is. The country has a high rating in the environmental category, and 95% of the population is satisfied with the quality of drinking water.

    Economic indicators Sweden and Ukraine for 2012. IndicatorsSWEDENUKRAINE GDP, billion dollars $368.4 billion, $173.9 billion GDP per capita, dollars $ $ 7300 Gold reserves, billion dollars $ 125.7 $ 36.4 Unemployment rate, % 0.9% 1.8%

    Summary The Swedish experience is that strong and well-organized labor market policies are highly productive and in fact effective way use of taxpayers' money. Social politics and labor market regulation is precisely what attracts most attention in the Swedish model.