Development of the market for environmental goods and services. International Journal of Applied and Basic Research Environmental Products and Services

Today we can say with confidence that the development of the economy of any modern state is increasingly associated with the concepts of "environmental works and services", "market for environmental works and services", their development and application. This is required by a society that raises requirements for the quality of life, part of which is the quality of the environment. The market for environmental works and services determines the process of greening the economy. Such a process is impossible without direct government regulation of the business sector, which forms the market for environmental services.

It is quite difficult today to determine the areas of business in the domestic economy that could be attributed to the market of environmental services. In the overseas entrepreneurial activity the ecological sphere of works and services (market of ecological services) includes: enterprises engaged in the conservation of biodiversity; enterprises providing pollution prevention (production of equipment, instruments and controls for environmental protection, etc.); enterprises with environmentally friendly technologies (waste processing, production of goods with eco-labeling); enterprises engaged in landscaping; enterprises engaged in informational eco-business. The statistical system seems to determine the annual volume of their income and calls it the volume of environmental works and services. The work of such organizations is regulated by the state, and therefore, mechanisms for their financial support have been developed in each state, since all these enterprises either try to preserve biodiversity itself (one of the areas that determine a favorable environment) or produce goods to preserve a favorable ecological environment. In Russia, the mechanisms of financial support for enterprises whose activities are related to environmental protection are practically not developed. The lack of state interest in this area is expressed, first of all, in the low level of budgetary targeted funding environmental protection - financing of most environmental protection activities is carried out by industrial enterprises. There are no environmental protection systems in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and there are no justifications for measures to reduce environmental impacts. In fact, all "targeted programs" of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are aimed at "mastering" budget funds, patching up the "brightest holes" in this area of ​​life safety. Value natural resources and environmental services are not represented at any financial level, are not reflected in either micro or macroeconomic indicators of the country's development. Environmental payments, which should be of a compensatory nature, are dissolved in the general budget of the state and are not directed to the elimination of environmental damage (including accumulated damage). And the state is constantly "seeking" means to "maintain" the environment. The market for environmental services should become an effective mechanism for regulating the relationship between producer and consumer (government, business, population, etc.). But the market for environmental services largely depends on government policy. Environmental services market - regulated market... For the types of activities of enterprises - market participants, the necessary licensing (accreditation, issuance of permits, etc.) for the provision of environmental services. The market for environmental services is designed to set the price level of environmental services, force the state to assess the cost of natural resources, including clean water, clean air, clean land, etc. The market should lead to a systematic approach to legislation in areas related to conservation and / or restoration environment, favorable environment for the population of our country. The main functions of the environmental services market should be the following: development of a number of laws (standards, rules) that determine the requirements for the work of enterprises and organizations entering the environmental services market; pricing of environmental services, works and products; forecasting future needs for environmental services and works, as well as products of enterprises in this industry; application of methods of economic and other incentives for enterprises in terms of improving environmental safety, encouraging the manufacturer to minimize environmental damage; conducting state policy that stimulates the introduction of the best technologies, techniques aimed at rational use of natural resources, obtaining economic benefits as a result of the use of technologies that ensure the greatest protection of the environment. enhancing environmental education. Let us analyze the areas of activity that can be included in the concept of the "market for environmental services", we will try to determine what, in the end, hinders its formation and what can be done in order for it to function. Biodiversity Conservation Businesses- basically, these organizations are formed according to resource-forming systems (water, forest resources, flora and fauna, etc.). Their work is related to the collection and processing of information, the development of environmental restrictions and regulation in the field of environmental management, analysis and forecast of the activities of nature users, the implementation of environmental monitoring, etc. They function largely on orders government agencies ... Financed mainly by the state. For the operation of each of these enterprises, highly specialized environmental legislation is required. Difficulties arise in the fact that there is no system for preserving biodiversity either in the world or in our country. Therefore, all the work carried out in this direction is scattered and does not have a systemic justification. It seems that the creation of such systems is an extremely distant prospect. These areas include enterprises that carry out reclamation and reproduction of the natural environment (land reclamation, reforestation, restoration of agricultural land, restoration (conservation) of water bodies, etc.). This also includes enterprises engaged in landscaping and planting of greenery. The intersection with other directions is that biodiversity itself is partly dependent on environmental pollution. But it is quite obvious that the preservation of biodiversity depends mainly on the spread of poaching, the deliberate destruction of the natural environment for the sake of the development of the technogenic sphere. Let's single out these areas separately, refer to the "friends" of the environmental services market. The market for environmental works and services will still include technological and technical areas, those areas that are associated with the reduction of technogenic impact on nature, human health and everything related to such areas of activity. Enterprises specializing in the production of environmental, resource-saving equipment and technologies, nature-saving products are industrial enterprises that cannot be brought to a single classification by type of economic activity. However, it is obvious that the closer our country approaches the "developed" countries, the more it will pay attention to preserving the environment, the faster these areas of activity will develop. Without the products and work of such enterprises, it is impossible to achieve an environmentally friendly environment. The activities of these enterprises directly depend on special areas of environmental legislation. The difficulty in creating a unified legislation in these areas of activity consists in determining the requirements for equipment and technologies, with the help of which it is possible to achieve standard indicators in emissions, discharges of pollutants, and the formation of industrial waste. Such enterprises and their areas of activity today are not legally classified as environmental areas of development. Rather - these are the areas of activity today are regulated by legislation in the field of technical regulation. Therefore, such enterprises and their activities can only be indirectly attributed to the market of environmental works and services. However, this is undeniable "partners" market. There are many necessary concepts that are not defined in environmental legislation. This is a major legislative gap. For example, the concepts of "environmentally friendly products" and "environmentally friendly products" have not yet been fully defined, not legally enshrined. Apparently, the directions of technical regulation should be legally “crossed” with environmental legislation (at least in terms of environmental regulation, a number of concepts), and indicators should be developed that give tax benefits in the field of environmental safety. Then there will be a sense of referring these enterprises to the market of environmental works and services. Best Technology Enterprises are close to the previous direction, but differ from it in legislation. Today, this direction is only a declaration, since there is no clear understanding of where some technologies should be better than others, there are no statutory tax benefits for those who want to introduce specific technologies that reduce the impact on the environment. The draft laws that are being considered today (related to production and consumption waste, rationing, payments for negative impact on the environment), apparently, will give the definition of "best technologies". Then it will be clear their place in the market of environmental services. While they can also be attributed to "Partners" market. Enterprises whose activities are related to the reduction of anthropogenic impact on the environment, for example, the use, recycling and disposal of waste resulting from economic activity(not including combustion for energy purposes). Such enterprises can be attributed both to the market and to the “partners” of the market for environmental works and services. The market infrastructure will not be complete without such enterprises. Such enterprises are very closely related to the market for environmental services - the market for them can “collect” (provide) these secondary resources. "Partners" market - since their activities are not fully related to these areas of work. These are, for example, metallurgical enterprises, glass, pulp and paper, plastics processing, etc. Such enterprises are noted in environmental legislation (for example, No. 89-FZ "On production and consumption waste") as associated with waste management. But today "waste management" is excluded from licensing in this area of ​​activity (note that "waste processing" has never been included in the scope of licensing and the concept of "waste management", it "merged" with the concept of "use"), with which we agree in in full. With regard to "waste disposal", this is a set of very specific, but completely different areas of activity, technologies. It is impossible to apply the same legal requirements, except for the most general ones - “conversion of waste from 1-2 class of hazard to 3-4 for the purpose of further use or disposal”. Thus, for enterprises engaged in the use and disposal of waste, there is also no intelligible legislation that defines the rules and principles of their activities, including giving any benefits in the "environmental" part of taxation. Such legislation should be developed, since these enterprises work in the field of reducing the impact on the environment, using waste for production purposes, thereby reducing the consumption of primary resources (i.e. preserving the subsoil) and replacing them with secondary ones. It should be noted that it is impossible to cancel licensing in the field of waste disposal (excluding incineration for the purpose of generating energy), since these types of activities should be regulated by the state - after all it comes about extremely hazardous waste. Enterprises that are associated with waste disposal: incineration for the purpose of generating electricity (thermal energy), waste disposal, waste collection enterprises (any), sorting and separation of "secondary raw materials", waste transport enterprises - these are specific market representatives environmental services. Unfortunately, these types of activities are not legally fixed at all (with the exception of some requirements for waste disposal facilities). There are only a few waste incineration plants in our country. They burn mainly solid waste and practically only for their own needs. It is unprofitable to sell the received energy today. Waste disposal in our country began long before at least some legal requirements for disposal sites were developed, so most disposal sites do not meet these requirements and they must be destroyed in order to somehow neutralize their impact on land and ground ( and, possibly, underground) water by the formed filtrate. Still not developed legislative acts for waste collection. Today, in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations are beginning to appear that restore the collection of secondary raw materials from the population. This work is illegal, as is the sorting of solid waste and the extraction of "useful" products - secondary raw materials - for sale to enterprises that use them in their production. No “steps” in this market are legally defined. It is quite obvious that controlling legislation is mandatory for waste collection. These types of activities cannot develop chaotically, as they do today. Let it be Self-Regulatory Organizations. They will at least be able to develop rules (standards) for activities in this part of the market. Determine pricing, legalize the sale of recyclable materials. Enterprises transporting waste are generally removed from licensing and not entered into any other regulatory framework. It is quite obvious that this type of activity must be controlled. Let it also be an SRO. They will develop rules (standards) for the transportation of waste, will control waste disposal, be responsible for not creating new unauthorized dumps, etc. Of course, for these types of activities, the state should determine, in addition to the basic legislation, preferential taxation in terms of payments for environmental pollution. Organizations providing environmental services to business entities are also representatives of the environmental services market. Environmental services include inventory of pollution sources (air, water, waste), development of MPE, MPD (VAT), PNOOLR, VSV, VSS, etc. for any industrial enterprises, consulting services in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection, information environmental services, environmental audit, medical and environmental audit, independent environmental expertise (including public expertise). Today, these types of services are not indicated at all in the legislation. The first two directions should be carried out by the enterprises themselves. However, in 99.9% of cases, third-party organizations are involved - the enterprises themselves do not have qualified environmentalists on their staff. Since all environmental services today are provided on a voluntary basis - as needed, today the required qualifications of performers (except for basic education, which is not mandatory) and the requirements for the performance of these services have not been determined. Therefore, it is also obvious that the only control body in these areas of activity can also be self-regulatory organizations in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection. However, one cannot do without a general state policy, general legislation. Environmental management is an area that is not directly related to the market for environmental services, but can contribute to the overall environmental “health” in a country. And one more of the areas of activity that does not directly relate to the market, but without which its functioning is impossible - educational activities - additional professional education, on which the qualifications of personnel providing services in the environmental market directly depend. Perhaps we have identified areas of activity that can relate to the market for environmental services, as well as contribute to its development. In fig. 1 shows the enterprises that belong to it.

Rice. 1. Enterprises that make up the market for environmental services, as well as "friends" and "partners" of the market Outcomes The creation of a market for environmental services is necessary. The fragmentation of actions in this direction leads to economic problems that are insoluble in the absence of a market. The lack of the necessary laws leads to the indecision of the legislative and executive authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relation to the creation of a system of environmental programs, justification of measures. The lack of environmental education, environmental culture, and a sufficient level of environmental education leads to a lack of understanding of the requirements in the field of preserving the environmental well-being of the country's population. The environmental services market must address these issues. _____________________________________________________ Environmental quality standards are currently being developed. Indicators of standards - and there are requirements for such equipment and technologies. Perhaps it is these requirements that will define the concept of "best technology", but so far there are simply no such definitions. 2 It is clear that the difference lies in reducing the possible impact on the environment, but there is no specific legislation in this direction.

Irina Georgievna Orlova, Ph.D.,

general manager,


One of the strategic directions for the implementation of environmental transformations is the development of entrepreneurship. An important element in ensuring environmental safety and improving the quality of the environment is the formation of the direction of environmental entrepreneurship. Environmental entrepreneurship refers to the production and sale of goods, the implementation of works and services aimed at preventing negative impact on the environment.

With the development of the processes of greening the economy and the introduction of an economic component into environmental protection, the production and sale of environmental goods and services is a promising and profitable activity. Already today, activities for the production of products that do not cause harmful effects on the environment. Promotes business development and makes a profit. For example, in Canada, more than 3.5 thousand companies produce environmental protection equipment and provide related services. These companies employ over 150 thousand people. Since the late 80s of the last century in Japan, an expert council on environmental business has been operating, which coordinates various issues related to the development of environmental entrepreneurship. More than 10 thousand companies engaged in environmental entrepreneurship successfully exist in the EU countries. Their total sales volume exceeds 40 billion euros per year. Last years environmentally oriented business has affected all sectors of the US economy. In developed countries, there is an increase in the number of firms specializing in environmental consulting and design, as well as the number of companies involved in the disposal and recycling of waste. Eco-friendly products in the United States firmly hold positions in the production of both industrial equipment and consumer goods. The production of these types of products is considered not only prestigious, but also profitable.

One of the most important areas of ensuring further environmental transformations in Russia is environmental entrepreneurship, which is the activity of producing and selling goods, carrying out works and services aimed at preventing harm to the environment and public health.

Russian and foreign business practice shows that environmental factors are increasingly influencing the goals of business. Therefore, environmental protection is an important economic challenge.

Environmental activities support business and generate profits from both improved technologies and the sale of environmentally friendly products based on them.

As already noted, in many developed countries, environmental regulation has given impetus to the intensive development of a new and very profitable sphere of capital investment. Environmentally friendly products are gaining an ever stronger position in the production of both industrial and consumer goods.

Competitiveness in the national and world markets is determined, among other things, by the environmental parameters of production technologies, manufactured goods, as well as the costs of environmental protection, which directly affect the level of total costs. This accordingly affects the price of goods, sales market, prospects for further production.

In developed countries, there is a gradual alignment of the requirements of environmental legislation, which has a positive effect on the structure of commodity flows and investment directions. According to expert estimates, environmental technologies will represent one of the means of competitive struggle.

Changes in the attitude towards property and the widespread development of entrepreneurship in Russia as an element of state policy have determined the emergence of business entities with a diverse sphere of interests.

To date, Russia has already developed several independent directions, the main one of which is: the production of ecological equipment, devices for monitoring the state of the environment, the creation of environmentally friendly and resource-saving equipment and technologies, the expanded use of secondary resources and ecological reproduction, ecological education and upbringing, as well as performance of various types of work and services. Today the market for environmental works and services is provided by a number of commercial banks.

In creating the ecological infrastructure of the market, the following levels can be distinguished: enterprise, region, state and international level. So the enterprise level includes specialized subdivisions (services) for the reproduction and environmental protection. The regional level includes specialized enterprises and environmental control services in the region. State level represents associations and services for solving interregional (national) problems. In turn, the international level covers the organizational economic structures to solve interstate environmental problems.

Expansion solutions currently tax incentives, aimed at strengthening incentives for environmental protection activities are actively used in economically developed countries. Accelerated depreciation of fixed assets is especially widely used. Accelerated depreciation, i.e. an increase in depreciation charges, on the one hand, makes enterprises interested in updating environmental protection equipment, since it pays off in a shorter time frame, and on the other hand, increased depreciation through the cost of production allows you to reduce the taxable base of income tax.

Germany has a system accelerated depreciation treatment facilities and equipment, as well as equipment to reduce noise exposure. For purification equipment in Canada, a two-year depreciation period is provided, in the UK, Germany and the United States - a five-year period. In France, 50% of wastewater treatment equipment is depreciated in one year, and in Italy in three years. In many countries of the world, there are systems of economic incentives for environmental protection. Excise environmental taxes are included in the price of products that pollute the environment at the stage of production and consumption. In France, Germany, Italy, a tax on lubricating oils has been established. Norway and Sweden have introduced a tax on mineral fertilizers and pesticides. In the EU countries there are excise taxes on single-use packaging and containers, lubricants, oil and oil products, mineral fertilizers and pesticides, batteries containing cadmium and mercury. The countries of Eastern Europe - Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary - are also pursuing a fairly active policy in this area. The development of the market for environmental goods, works and services is currently relevant both for economically developed countries of the West and for states with economies in transition. The target program for the development of the market for environmental goods, works and services in Russia should provide for the development of new legislative acts to ensure the effective development of the market. It is necessary to provide for preferential taxation of profits of enterprises performing work and services of an environmental nature or producing products for environmental purposes. And also introduce an additional tax on environmentally hazardous products or technologies that use hazardous substances as raw materials or semi-finished products.

The economic, social and institutional processes taking place in all developed countries of the world have led to a conflict between the objective need for further industrial development and the preservation of the human environment. The policy and practice of using natural resources of both individual regions and the country as a whole, formed in our country over the years of economic reforms, built on the conceptual foundations of environmental management laid down in the Soviet period, according to the testimony of most researchers, leads not only to the degradation of the natural environment, but also accompanied by changes in biodiversity.

Introduction. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
1. SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MARKET OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
1.1 Environmental services as a promising direction for the development of the service sector. ... ... ... ... ... 4
1.2 Scientific foundations of ecological and economic relations. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .6
2.1. Assessment of the ecological situation in Russia. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7
3. WORLD COMMODITY MARKET. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... nine

Files: 1 file

Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution

Higher professional education

"Financial University under the Government Russian Federation»

(Financial University)

Perm Financial and Economic College

(Perm branch of the Financial University)

World and Russian ecological market of goods and services

Completed by female students

Groups 209 DB


Elvina and Tolstikova Olga


Perm, 2012

Introduction. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3

1. SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MARKET OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4

1.1 Environmental services as a promising direction for the development of the service sector. ... ... ... ... ... 4

1.2 Scientific foundations of ecological and economic relations. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .6


2.1. Assessment of the ecological situation in Russia. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7

3. WORLD COMMODITY MARKET. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... nine


The economic, social and institutional processes taking place in all developed countries of the world have led to a conflict between the objective need for further industrial development and the preservation of the human environment. The policy and practice of using natural resources of both individual regions and the country as a whole, formed in our country over the years of economic reforms, built on the conceptual foundations of environmental management laid down in the Soviet period, according to the testimony of most researchers, leads not only to the degradation of the natural environment, but also accompanied by changes in biodiversity. In this regard, specific services rendered by specialized enterprises to other economic entities, aimed at visualizing environmental pollution in the course of their economic activities, are of particular relevance.

The solution of environmental problems is one of the priority directions of the socio-economic development of any modern state. This is due to the increased requirements for the quality of the environment as a result of the increased anthropogenic impact of man on the biosphere and is manifested in the greening of the economy not only through direct government intervention, but also through the organization of a market sector - the market for environmental services.

The formation of the market for environmental services in the Russian Federation began in the 90s of the last century, so now it is already possible to substantiate the features of this market and the entities operating on it. A study of the market for environmental services will reveal promising directions for its development, which will contribute not only to a more complete implementation of measures to protect the natural environment, but also to the introduction of economic mechanisms for rational environmental management.


1.1 Environmental services as a promising direction for the development of the service sector

According to K. Clarke's forecasts, made back in the early 40s of the XX century, the progressive development of the economy will have a pronounced priority of the “tertiary” sector (by which he understood the service sector, the “primary” sector - Agriculture, extractive industry, "secondary" - manufacturing industry). Statistical data (not only for the Russian Federation) confirm K. Clark's forecast and indicate that over the past 50 years, the integration of services into the system of economic and social relations has accelerated significantly, their transformation into an active and integral part of the general economic complex.

An analysis of the processes in the service industries that have been taking place over the past two decades convincingly shows that the contribution of environmental protection measures to the formation of production potential for long-term action, which serves as a qualitative basis, is steadily increasing. economic development... Ties and interdependence of service industries and material production are strengthening, and there is a tendency to combine them as part of unified intersectoral complexes. The reproduction of the labor force, the consumption of the population, the qualitative aspects of the standard of living are increasingly determined by the degree of development of the service sector. Services are included in the production process not only indirectly, through the formation of the labor force, but also directly as an element of the current costs of enterprises.

Among the diverse needs for services, there is a special type of them - the need for environmental services. Such services can be of different assortment and quality, but at the present stage of development of society, their appearance is one of the dominants of sustainable development.

Before characterizing the process of the formation of supply and demand for environmental services, the development of their market, it is necessary to clarify the concept of "service" as an economic category.

Currently, there are different points of view on the economic content of the term "service". The following definitions are found in the literature: a service is work performed to satisfy someone's needs, needs, while serving someone.

A service is an activity, the results of which satisfy any needs of people.

A service is something intangible, but with a certain value.

Service - that which is intangible (invisible) and in exchange for which the consumer, company or production is ready to provide something of value

A service is a specific product of labor that does not acquire a material form and the use value of which, in contrast to the material product of labor, consists in the useful effect of living labor.

Of the above definitions, the concept of "service" as an economic category characterizes the latter most fully. Other definitions, according to the author, do not quite accurately reflect the essence of the service, since they mainly characterize its intangible side. However, a service can also have a material form, therefore, a service is a useful action of the use value of a product (if the service is carried out in a material form) or directly labor in its specific form (a service in an intangible form) aimed at satisfying specific human needs. By its economic nature, a service is a social relationship between a producer and a consumer, arising on the basis of the useful action of labor consumed not as an activity, but as a useful effect, through the appropriation of its results by a certain individual, group, or collective.

The useful effect of a service does not exist separately from the process of its production in the form of any thing. For this reason, a service, in contrast to the material product of labor, cannot be accumulated, and the processes of its production and consumption coincide in time. However, the consequences of consuming a service can be material and long-term.

1.2 Scientific basis of ecological and economic relations

In the scientific study of categories that reflect the essence of environmental and economic relations, we proceed from the fact that they are one of the forms of expression of environmental and economic laws, being at the same time theoretical abstractions of production relations in the environmental sphere.

Environmental relations in a broad sense is the interaction of organic systems (including human populations) with their natural environment. In this interpretation, environmental relations include and economic relations, for through the first, the whole complex of interactions between man and nature is realized. The ecological-economic system is a set of economic and ecological relations regarding the effective use of natural resource potential in the production of material goods for the purposes of economic growth and the development of human well-being. The ecological and economic system is the main component of the interaction between nature and society.

Economics is not about developing an environmental strategy based on economic benefits alone. The environment, its quality is increasingly acting as an independent value, consumer good. The current state of the problem requires precisely the ecological and economic analysis of the relationship between production and the environment, an introduction to economic theory conceptual provisions and generalizations expressing cause-and-effect relationships between economic and natural systems. Taking into account the global trends in environmental pollution, it is obvious that there is a need to develop a new, environmentally oriented strategy for the development of society and its economy. We are talking about a new paradigm of the economy - its transition to the solution of external, first of all, environmental and economic tasks, tasks of eco-development, in which the interests and requirements of the economy and ecology are coordinated and combined. A distinctive feature of the current stage of economic development in the world is a more complete account of the state of the environment and ecological benefits in the system of social reproduction.


2.1. Assessment of the environmental situation in Russia

Environmental protection is one of the most pressing problems of our time. Scientific and technological progress and an increase in anthropogenic influence on the natural environment inevitably lead to an aggravation of the ecological situation: the reserves of natural resources are depleted, the natural environment is polluted, the natural connection between man and nature is lost, aesthetic values ​​are lost, the physical and moral health of people deteriorates, the economic and political struggle for commodity markets, living space.

As for the Russian Federation, it belongs to the countries of the world with the worst ecological situation. Environmental pollution has reached unprecedented levels in recent years. Only economic losses, not taking into account the environmental damage and human health, according to experts, annually in Russia amount to half the national income of the country. More than 24 thousand enterprises today are powerful polluters of the environment - air, subsoil and waste water. From the standpoint of the current criminal legislation, their activities are criminal. But in this sphere of human activity, despite all the declarations on the human right to a favorable environment for life and health over other interests in the hierarchy of social values, economic interests still prevail over environmental ones.

The most acute environmental problem in the modern Russian Federation is environmental pollution. The health of Russians is significantly deteriorating, all vital functions of the body suffer, including reproductive. The average age of men in the Russian Federation in recent years has been 58 years. For comparison, in the USA it is 69 years old, in Japan it is 71 years old. Every tenth child in the Russian Federation is born mentally or physically disabled due to genetic changes and chromosomal operations. For some industrialized Russian regions, this figure is 3-6 times higher. In most industrial areas of the country, one third of the population has various forms of immunological deficiency.

By the standards of the World Health Organization under the UN, the Russian people are approaching the brink of degeneration. At the same time, about 15% of the country's territory is occupied by zones of environmental disasters and environmental emergencies. And only 15-20% of residents of cities and towns breathe air that meets the established quality standards. About 50% of the drinking water consumed by the Russian population does not meet hygienic standards.

This sad list is quite extensive. But the above data also show that it is time for all citizens of Russia, immense and rich in resources, to realize that the time of unregulated, unlimited use of the environment is irrevocably gone. You have to pay for everything: with money, the introduction of severe restrictions, the establishment of criminal liability. Otherwise, a person pays not only with his health, but also with the health of the entire nation, the well-being of future generations, since an uncontrolled negative impact on the natural environment is self-destruction of a person as a species.


S.N. Novoselov

The article attempts to theoretically substantiate the feasibility of separating a separate scientific category “the market of environmental services”. The definition of environmental services and their market is given. On individual examples, mainly from foreign experience, the prospects of this market in the Russian Federation are proved. The problems of its formation and development in domestic conditions are considered.
Key words: service market, environmental services, environmental entrepreneurship.

Among the global challenges of our time today, the Russian Federation faces another one, on the one hand, one that concerns each of us, and on the other, one that is practically outside of a more or less serious complex scientific understanding. We are talking about the formation of a de facto existing market for environmental goods and services, which, nevertheless, has not yet become a serious subject of scientific discussions, nor an object of consideration by economists, ecologists, and politicians.
The emergence of this type of market in our country is considered to be the end of the 80s of the last century, when the world may first be faced with the consequences of a national ecological catastrophe. It was this tragedy that became the impetus for the development of the so-called. environmental entrepreneurship, de jure in our country seems to be non-existent.
The need for recognition (legal, political, scientific, economic, etc.) has long been ripe for the environment, which, on the one hand, functions in in line with general entrepreneurial tendencies characteristic of the national and regional economy, and on the other, it is a purely specific part of it. One can argue about the degree of its independence, or about the stages of this separation, but today it is considered an indisputable scientific fact that there are very significant differences in it.
This direction was first noted among the main ones in the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation on deepening economic reforms back in 1992. Environmental entrepreneurship has come to be understood as activities for the production and sale of goods, the implementation of works and services aimed at preventing harm to the environment and public health.
We should talk about the unconditional independence of the industry, which includes the widest range of commercial products (industrial installations, reagents, devices, technologies, including information, etc.) and services.
Unfortunately, the organizational and economic mechanism functioning for this area of ​​activity cannot take into account the existing specifics, which has an extremely negative effect on its effectiveness.
In this regard, the development and creation of such a mechanism, which fully corresponded to the tasks of the environmental entrepreneurship system as a whole, and took into account the national and economic interests of all participants in this market, seems relevant. At the same time, it is appropriate to recall that another specific characteristic of environmental entrepreneurship and the market for environmental goods and services is an extremely wide range of actors involved in it. It is noted that the bulk of funds should be accumulated at the regional level. It is there that environmentally oriented entrepreneurs find their main sales market and it is there that the main potential consumers of their products are concentrated.
The dialectic of the relationship between the market for services in general and the market for environmental services is more complicated than it might seem at first glance. In addition to the obvious entry of the latter into the composition common market goods and services, and a rarely noted circumstance should be noted. The service sector, which is dynamically developing all over the world, including in our country, is one of the most powerful sources of environmental pollution. It is from this point of view that we can talk about the mutual inclusion of these markets and their extremely important mutual influence. And this is not only a question of priorities or feverishness of political slogans regarding economic-ecological (or ecological-economic?) Relationships. This is a matter of extraordinary human and ultimately economic importance and urgency.
The lack of official statistics characterizing the dynamics of the domestic market for environmental goods and services makes the analysis of the dynamics of its development a difficult matter, and the forecast of its development is often ungrateful. Nevertheless, according to some indirect signs, one can judge about its development. Already in 1991, there were over 17 thousand environmental entrepreneurship entities, while 40% of them were engaged in the provision of various intermediary services related to the sale of natural resources. At the beginning of 1992, there were 921 cooperatives for the procurement and processing of secondary raw materials, which employed 28 thousand workers. The market for environmental works and services was provided by a number of commercial banks, including the Volga Bank for Environmental Protection (Ecobank-Volga), Ecoprombank (Perm), established in 1994. National Bank environmental protection "Econatsbank"; there are joint ventures and specialized exchanges.
This market also includes many large Russian manufacturers, who adhere to the principle of environmental friendliness in their activities.
There is also a connection between product quality and environmental quality: the higher the quality of the product (taking into account the environmental assessment of waste use and the results of environmental protection activities in the production process), the higher the quality of the environment. In this regard, an objective need arose to establish relationships between the results of economic activities and the environmental performance of the products, the technology of their production. This, in accordance with the legislation, requires additional costs that must be taken into account when planning.
When making a choice of goods and services, you must be guided by following principle: A cleaner product must be available where someone usually shoots, and the price of an environmentally friendly product may be even higher than a more polluted one.
In this regard, the introduction of eco-labeling of goods should encourage industry to develop and manufacture products that have a reduced harmful effect on the environment. The growing popularity of ecolabels is indicative of an increasing demand for environmentally friendly and healthy products. Eco-labeling exists according to one criterion or another: the degree of recyclability, the ability to self-degrade. Overall, the market share of ecolabeled products rarely exceeds 20%.
It should be noted that there is one more, how important, and so undeveloped aspect of the problem raised. From the point of view of environmental policy and practice of implementing environmental protection measures, certification of environmentally friendly products, goods, services, technologies, etc. is a real tool and lever for the greening of industrial, agricultural production, the transport sector and all spheres of consumption, including trade. Manufacturers consider certification as almost the only means of expanding the market, strengthening positions in the competition, one of the factors that have a positive impact on the marketing opportunities of manufacturing enterprises, on improving the company's image.
Environmental activities support business and generate profits from the sale of environmentally friendly products to cleaner production methods. In Canada alone, there are over 3,500 companies producing environmental equipment and related services. More than 110 thousand people work in them. A special expert council on environmental business has been operating in Japan since 1988. This sector of the economy includes: enterprises that ensure pollution prevention (production of equipment, instruments and controls for environmental protection), enterprises with environmentally friendly technology (waste processing, solar power plants, production of goods with eco-labeling), as well as enterprises that take measures to environmental improvement and informational eco-business. The activities of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry of Japan in promoting the development of environmental technology contribute to research on the demand for equipment, and support the international competition for the production of purification equipment.
It should also be pointed out that in developed countries attention is paid to equalizing the requirements of environmental legislation affecting the structure of commodity flows and investment directions.
The development of the market of any commodity or territorial segment is impossible without the corresponding development of infrastructure, which in our case can be represented by several independent areas, including: the production of ecological equipment, devices for monitoring the state of the environment, the creation of environmentally friendly and resource-saving equipment and technologies, the expanded use of secondary resources, and environmental reproduction, environmental education and upbringing, and the provision of environmental services.
In the modern economic literature, there is no consensus on the definition of "environmental service". However, the closest in meaning, reflecting the essence of environmental services as a service special kind, the following definition can be called: services of an environmental nature are activities carried out by various organizations (institutions) on a commercial, contractual or gratuitous basis for the implementation of environmental activities for third-party facilities.
It is customary to refer to environmental services the following types services:

  1. environmental insurance;
  2. environmental audit;
  3. environmental management.

At the same time, of course, only these, albeit extremely important, areas, the range of environmental services is not limited, and environmental services are a more complex and diverse concept. Thus, the development of environmental services is characterized by the emergence different types services, including environmental certification, environmental licensing, environmental marketing, utilization of municipal solid waste, ecotourism, partly agricultural tourism, etc. Currently, the development of the studied services acts as one of the areas of economic development with a well-defined commercial result and with an undoubtedly important social significance.
Moreover, today we can say with confidence that the development of the economy of any modern state is directly related to priority areas the provision of environmental services, which is determined by the increased requirements for the quality of life, an integral part of which is the quality of the environment, as a result of the process of greening the economy. The latter is impossible without direct regulation, or even government intervention in the activities of organizations in the market sector that form the market for environmental services.
Thus, taking into account the well-established definitions and existing specifics, the essence of environmental services is characterized by the satisfaction of specific needs and is interconnected with the public good, resources of joint use.
As a result, the market for environmental services can be considered as an organizational and economic mechanism that ensures the consistency of interests of producers, consumers, business structures operating in the field of providing environmental services and society, the state, as well as their various associations in the field of rational use of public goods and natural resources of shared consumption.
The main functions of the environmental services market are as follows:
- the price of the manufactured product (service) is set in accordance with the costs of enterprises and the costs of restoring the natural environment, for environmental services, for carrying out the required or planned and approved environmental measures;
- forecasting future needs for environmental services;
- formation of a system for the effective distribution of limited resources of various types;
- creation of a competitive environment between producers;
- the use of incentive methods to reduce costs, improve the quality of manufactured products, following the vector of increasing greening with a focus on the ultimate goal - increasing environmental safety;
- pursuing a policy that stimulates the introduction of innovative technologies, techniques, i.e. introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress aimed at rational use of natural resources.
At the same time, the environmental services market has the following positive aspects:
- encouraging the manufacturer to minimize environmental damage,
- efficient allocation of limited resources,
- obtaining economic benefits as a result of the application of technology that provides the greatest protection of the natural environment,
-the presence of the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions.
Consequently, the market of environmental services, acting as an effective mechanism for regulating the relationship between the producer and the consumer, depends on the activities of the state, representing the interests of the population of the country, focused on the use of administrative, economic methods or combinations thereof.
As a regulated market, the environmental services market has a number of differences from the free market:
- the presence of a limited number of participants in transactions as a result of the necessary licensing of activities in the provision of environmental services;
- restricting access to information, which contributes to the necessary observance of technological regulations, the preservation of commercial secrets;
- the presence of enterprises of monopolists, industries that are of great importance for the development national economy, which undoubtedly affects the level of prices prevailing in the market for environmental services.
Among the problems of the development of the environmental services market are:
- the presence of an environmental crisis of a global nature, due to the development industrial production, an increase in the degree of anthropogenic impact on the biosphere;
- existing mismatches (often very sharp) of global and local benefits.
The problem of eliminating the above difficulties should be resolved at the international level in connection with the complexity of international political and economic relations, the intensifying processes of integration and cooperation, and globalization. The effective functioning of the market for environmental services depends on a unified approach of all countries to the planet's environment, its protection from anthropogenic impact. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the implementation of conceptual provisions, including the establishment of uniform rules for the "behavior" of subjects (individual states), the harmonization of economic development within the world community, the development of fundamentally new political approaches to the settlement of relations between countries.
Summarizing the above, let us single out the factors that hinder the development of the market for environmental services in the Russian Federation:
- lack of directions and development of activities included in the government environmental program;
- the chaotic nature of actions in the process of implementing the economic policy;
- the presence of barriers on the part of the authorities at the regional and municipal levels;
- inconsistency of interests and mismatch of goals of the entities involved in this market;
- lack of a single tax system fees, fines;
- the existence of an insufficient number of training centers for training specialists;
- contour, insufficient elaboration, declarativeness of the regulatory framework in the field of environmental insurance, audit, etc .;
- lack of a highly developed ecological culture of production and society.
Thus, at present, the development of the market for environmental services has great prospects. Thus, along with the main types of environmental services (environmental audit, environmental insurance, environmental management and waste disposal), other activities appear: trade in quotas. The last direction is a completely new world market, the demand for "products" of which is characterized by significant values.
According to German experts, in the next decade, the market for "environmental benefits" will take a leading place in the world economy, overtaking the production and maintenance of electronic equipment. They highlight such areas of environmental technology as cleaning municipal wastewater, rehabilitating old landfills and industrial facilities, gas purification of industrial enterprises and thermal power plants, preparation of drinking water, as well as the market for secondary resources and recreational services.
Development and functioning market system requires an infrastructure appropriate to the market, including commercial banks, subdivided into investment, mortgage, industry, investment companies, exchanges, Insurance companies, trading houses, advertising agencies, educational and scientific consulting centers, public associations, unions, associations and intermediary diversified firms.
An increase in the pace of economic development, intensification, mobility and maneuverability of the entire economy of the country directly depends on a highly developed, optimally formed and technically equipped infrastructure. Consequently, the state, taking into account the current level of formation and development of the market for environmental services, is entrusted with the responsibility for the infrastructural support of this market.
Firms that provide environmental services, within the framework of the development of market infrastructure, are called upon to play the role of a system integrator of the interests of various sectors of the economy: real, financial, state.
The functioning of all participants in the environmental services market is possible only on the basis of maintaining a balance of their environmental interests, which should be considered as the main principle of its development.


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Today we can say with confidence that the development of the economy of any modern state is increasingly associated with the concepts of "environmental works and services", "market for environmental works and services", their development and application. This is required by a society that raises requirements for the quality of life, of which the quality of the environment is an integral part. The market for environmental works and services determines the process of greening the economy. Such a process is impossible without direct government regulation of the business sector, which forms the market for environmental services.

It is quite difficult today to determine the areas of business in the domestic economy that could be attributed to the market of environmental services. In foreign business activities, the environmental sphere of works and services (the market for environmental services) includes: enterprises involved in the conservation of biodiversity; enterprises providing pollution prevention (production of equipment, instruments and controls for environmental protection, etc.); enterprises with environmentally friendly technologies (waste processing, production of goods with eco-labeling); enterprises engaged in landscaping; enterprises engaged in informational eco-business. The statistical system seems to determine the annual volume of their income and calls it the volume of environmental works and services. The work of such organizations is regulated by the state, and therefore, mechanisms for their financial support have been developed in each state, since all these enterprises either try to preserve biodiversity itself (one of the areas that determine a favorable environment) or produce goods to preserve a favorable ecological environment. In Russia, the mechanisms of financial support for enterprises whose activities are related to environmental protection are practically not developed. The lack of state interest in this area is expressed, first of all, in the low level of budgetary targeted financing of environmental protection - financing of most environmental protection measures is carried out by industrial enterprises. There are no environmental protection systems in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and there are no justifications for measures to reduce environmental impacts. In fact, all the "target programs" of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are aimed at "assimilating" budget funds, patching up the "brightest holes" in this area of ​​life safety. The value of natural resources and environmental services is not represented at any financial level, is not reflected in either the micro or macroeconomic indicators of the country's development. Environmental payments, which should be of a compensatory nature, are dissolved in the general budget of the state and are not directed to the elimination of environmental damage (including accumulated damage). And the state is constantly "seeking" means to "maintain" the environment. The market for environmental services should become an effective mechanism for regulating the relationship between producer and consumer (government, business, population, etc.). But the market for environmental services largely depends on government policy. The market for environmental services is a regulated market. For the types of activities of enterprises - market participants, the necessary licensing (accreditation, issuance of permits, etc.) for the provision of environmental services. The market for environmental services is designed to set the price level of environmental services, force the state to assess the cost of natural resources, including clean water, clean air, clean land, etc. The market should lead to a systematic approach to legislation in areas related to conservation and / or restoration environment, favorable environment for the population of our country. The main functions of the environmental services market should be the following: development of a number of laws (standards, rules) that determine the requirements for the work of enterprises and organizations entering the environmental services market; pricing of environmental services, works and products; forecasting future needs for environmental services and works, as well as products of enterprises in this industry; application of methods of economic and other incentives for enterprises in terms of improving environmental safety, encouraging the manufacturer to minimize environmental damage; pursuing state policy that stimulates the introduction of the best technologies and techniques aimed at rational use of natural resources, obtaining economic benefits as a result of the use of technologies that ensure the greatest protection of the environment. enhancing environmental education. Let us analyze the areas of activity that can be included in the concept of the "market for environmental services", we will try to determine what, in the end, hinders its formation and what can be done in order for it to function. Biodiversity Conservation Businesses - basically, these organizations are formed according to resource-forming systems (water, forest resources, flora and fauna, etc.). Their work is related to the collection and processing of information, the development of environmental restrictions and regulation in the field of nature management, analysis and forecast of the activities of nature users, the implementation of environmental monitoring, etc. They function largely on orders from government agencies. Financed mainly by the state. For the operation of each of these enterprises, highly specialized environmental legislation is required. Difficulties arise in the fact that there is no system for preserving biodiversity either in the world or in our country. Therefore, all the work carried out in this direction is scattered and does not have a systemic justification. It seems that the creation of such systems is an extremely distant prospect. These areas include enterprises that carry out reclamation and reproduction of the natural environment (land reclamation, reforestation, restoration of agricultural land, restoration (conservation) of water bodies, etc.). This also includes enterprises engaged in landscaping and planting of greenery. The intersection with other directions is that biodiversity itself is partly dependent on environmental pollution. But it is quite obvious that the preservation of biodiversity depends mainly on the spread of poaching, the deliberate destruction of the natural environment for the sake of the development of the technogenic sphere. Let's single out these areas separately, refer to the "friends" of the environmental services market. The market for environmental works and services will still include technological and technical areas, those areas that are associated with the reduction of technogenic impact on nature, human health and everything related to such areas of activity. Enterprises specializing in the production of environmental, resource-saving equipment and technologies, nature-saving products are industrial enterprises that cannot be brought to a single classification by type of economic activity. However, it is obvious that the closer our country approaches the "developed" countries, the more it will pay attention to preserving the environment, the faster these areas of activity will develop. Without the products and work of such enterprises, it is impossible to achieve an environmentally friendly environment. The activities of these enterprises directly depend on special areas of environmental legislation. The difficulty in creating a unified legislation in these areas of activity consists in determining the requirements for equipment and technologies, with the help of which it is possible to achieve standard indicators in emissions, discharges of pollutants, and the formation of industrial waste. Such enterprises and their areas of activity today are not legally classified as environmental areas of development. Rather - these are the areas of activity today are regulated by legislation in the field of technical regulation. Therefore, such enterprises and their activities can only be indirectly attributed to the market of environmental works and services. However, this is undeniable "partners" market. There are many necessary concepts that are not defined in environmental legislation. This is a major legislative gap. For example, the concepts of "environmentally friendly products" and "environmentally friendly products" have not yet been fully defined, not legally enshrined. Apparently, the directions of technical regulation should be legally “crossed” with environmental legislation (at least in terms of environmental regulation, a number of concepts), and indicators should be developed that give tax benefits in the field of environmental safety. Then there will be a sense of referring these enterprises to the market of environmental works and services. Best Technology Enterprises are close to the previous direction, but differ from it in legislation. Today, this direction is only a declaration, since there is no clear understanding of where some technologies should be better than others, there are no statutory tax benefits for those who want to introduce specific technologies that reduce the impact on the environment. The draft laws that are being considered today (related to production and consumption waste, rationing, payments for negative impact on the environment), apparently, will give the definition of "best technologies". Then it will be clear their place in the market of environmental services. While they can also be attributed to "Partners" market. Enterprises whose activities are related to the reduction of anthropogenic impact on the environment, for example, the use, processing and disposal of waste as a result of economic activities (excluding incineration for the purpose of energy recovery). Such enterprises can be attributed both to the market and to the “partners” of the market for environmental works and services. The market infrastructure will not be complete without such enterprises. Such enterprises are very closely related to the market for environmental services - the market for them can “collect” (provide) these secondary resources. "Partners" market - since their activities are not fully related to these areas of work. These are, for example, metallurgical enterprises, glass, pulp and paper, plastics processing, etc. Such enterprises are noted in environmental legislation (for example, No. 89-FZ "On production and consumption waste") as associated with waste management. But today "waste management" is excluded from licensing in this area of ​​activity (note that "waste processing" has never been included in the scope of licensing and the concept of "waste management", it "merged" with the concept of "use"), with which we agree in in full. With regard to "waste disposal", this is a set of very specific, but completely different areas of activity, technologies. It is impossible to apply the same legal requirements to them, except for the most general ones - “conversion of waste from 1-2 hazard class to 3-4 for the purpose of further use or disposal”. Thus, for enterprises engaged in the use and disposal of waste, there is also no intelligible legislation that defines the rules and principles of their activities, including giving any benefits in the "environmental" part of taxation. Such legislation should be developed, since these enterprises work in the field of reducing the impact on the environment, using waste for production purposes, thereby reducing the consumption of primary resources (i.e. preserving the subsoil) and replacing them with secondary ones. It should be noted that it is impossible to cancel licensing in the field of waste disposal (excluding incineration for the purpose of generating energy), since these types of activities should be regulated by the state, since we are talking about extremely hazardous waste. Enterprises that are associated with waste disposal: incineration for the purpose of generating electricity (thermal energy), waste disposal, waste collection enterprises (any), sorting and separation of "secondary raw materials", waste transport enterprises - these are specific market representatives environmental services. Unfortunately, these types of activities are not legally fixed at all (with the exception of some requirements for waste disposal facilities). There are only a few waste incineration plants in our country. They burn mainly solid waste and practically only for their own needs. It is unprofitable to sell the received energy today. Waste disposal in our country began long before at least some legal requirements for disposal sites were developed, so most disposal sites do not meet these requirements and they must be destroyed in order to somehow neutralize their impact on land and ground ( and, possibly, underground) water by the formed filtrate. So far, no legislation has been developed for waste collection. Today, in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations are beginning to appear that restore the collection of secondary raw materials from the population. This work is illegal, as is the sorting of solid waste and the extraction of "useful" products - secondary raw materials - for sale to enterprises that use them in their production. No “steps” in this market are legally defined. It is quite obvious that controlling legislation is mandatory for waste collection. These types of activities cannot develop chaotically, as they do today. Let it be Self-Regulatory Organizations. They will at least be able to develop rules (standards) for activities in this part of the market. Determine pricing, legalize the sale of recyclable materials. Enterprises transporting waste are generally removed from licensing and not entered into any other regulatory framework. It is quite obvious that this type of activity must be controlled. Let it also be an SRO. They will develop rules (standards) for the transportation of waste, will control waste disposal, be responsible for not creating new unauthorized dumps, etc. Of course, for these types of activities, the state should determine, in addition to the basic legislation, preferential taxation in terms of payments for environmental pollution. Organizations providing environmental services to business entities are also representatives of the environmental services market. Environmental services include inventory of pollution sources (air, water, waste), development of MPE, MPD (VAT), PNOOLR, VSV, VSS, etc. for any industrial enterprises, consulting services in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection, information environmental services, environmental audit, medical and environmental audit, independent environmental expertise (incl. public expertise). Today, these types of services are not indicated at all in the legislation. The first two directions should be carried out by the enterprises themselves. However, in 99.9% of cases, third-party organizations are involved - the enterprises themselves do not have qualified environmentalists on their staff. Since all environmental services today are provided on a voluntary basis - as needed, today the required qualifications of performers (except for basic education, which is not mandatory) and the requirements for the performance of these services have not been determined. Therefore, it is also obvious that the only control body in these areas of activity can also be self-regulatory organizations in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection. However, one cannot do without a general state policy, general legislation. Environmental management is an area that is not directly related to the market for environmental services, but can contribute to the overall environmental “health” in a country. And one more of the areas of activity that does not directly relate to the market, but without which its functioning is impossible - educational activities - additional professional education, on which the qualifications of personnel providing services in the environmental market directly depend. Perhaps we have identified areas of activity that can relate to the market for environmental services, as well as contribute to its development. In fig. 1 shows the enterprises that belong to it.

Rice. 1. Enterprises that make up the market for environmental services, as well as "friends" and "partners" of the market Outcomes The creation of a market for environmental services is necessary. The fragmentation of actions in this direction leads to economic problems that are insoluble in the absence of a market. The lack of the necessary laws leads to the indecision of the legislative and executive authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relation to the creation of a system of environmental programs, justification of measures. The lack of environmental education, environmental culture, and a sufficient level of environmental education leads to a lack of understanding of the requirements in the field of preserving the environmental well-being of the country's population. The environmental services market must address these issues. _____________________________________________________ Environmental quality standards are currently being developed. Indicators of standards - and there are requirements for such equipment and technologies. Perhaps it is these requirements that will define the concept of "best technology", but so far there are simply no such definitions. 2 It is clear that the difference lies in reducing the possible impact on the environment, but there is no specific legislation in this direction.

Irina Georgievna Orlova, Ph.D.,

general manager,