Why leasing is more profitable than a loan for legal entities. What is more profitable, a loan or car lease

Once upon a time, a car was a luxury, and only a select few had it. But time goes on, everything changes. Now the car is a common means of transportation. At the current pace of life, it is much more convenient to get from one point to another by your own car, which is more comfortable and faster than public transport. Every year there are more and more people who want to become car owners.

But there is one small snag: a car is quite an expensive thing, and few can afford to pay the full price of it right away. Quite common are consumer loans... They are given for all types of goods and services and for almost everyone who wishes. Transport also did not go unnoticed. There are 2 most common programs that allow you to pay off the cost of a vehicle gradually - leasing and car loans. Very often people do not understand what is cheaper and what is more expensive, how one program differs from another and what is better for them: leasing or car loan?

Credit and leasing: features and differences

A car loan is a loan for the purchase of a vehicle, which is given by the bank in the amount of 70-100% of the cost of the car. In this case, the car acts as a pledge for the loan, and in case of non-payment, the bank can safely take it as debt repayment.

Leasing is an agreement between a leasing company and a client, according to which the company buys a specific car in its ownership and transfers it to the client for rent with the option to purchase. The main feature of leasing is that the leasing company itself buys the vehicle and acquires all ownership rights to it. Her client is only using the car temporarily until he has paid the full cost.

From this side, the loan is a little more pleasant for the client due to the fact that after signing various kinds of documents, the car becomes the property of the borrower. The main difference between leasing and car loans is that leasing operates according to the principle: first money - then goods. Credit has exactly the opposite scheme: first, goods - then money.

Leasing and car loans have different payment terms. Lease agreements are generally for 3 years or less. And the loan is for 5 or more years. A good bonus in leasing the absence of various hidden commissions in payments additional payments, which will definitely be in case of car loans.

Positive aspects of leasing

By signing a lease agreement, you do an initial fee, and then pay the mandatory monthly payments. Since the car remains in the ownership of the leasing company until all its value with interest is paid, you drive the car under a power of attorney. Technical inspection, insurance and other documents are drawn up by the leasing company.

You just need to sign an agreement and make an advance, which is very convenient, but the financial side for these costs will fall on your shoulders. The cost of all preparatory procedures is usually spread over the entire amount, which leads to an increase in monthly payments. This is not bad either, because it is often insignificant.

In addition to the fact that, having paid the entire cost of the car, you will become its full owner, there is another attractive side of leasing. You can conclude an early return agreement. Its essence is that you pay the partial cost of the car and hand it back to the company. For example, you have entered into a similar agreement for 2 years. After this time, the company takes the car from you, and you immediately lease it new model on the same terms. It is very convenient: absolutely no worries with the sale of a used car, purchase and registration of a new one (as you remember, the leasing company undertakes all this). Plus you are always on a new car without paying the full cost.

One more positive side the appeal to leasing companies is that the conditions for borrowers here are not as strict as in a bank, besides, a decision is made much faster. The thing is that the company does not need to send reports and coordinate everything with the Central Bank. The interest on leasing is much less than on a loan. Alas, this difference is not visible due to taxation.

Car leasing can be an interesting option for spouses who have certain problems. The leasing company does not require the consent of both family members to enter into a contract. In case of divorce, no one can claim the car, since neither spouse owns it.

If you occupy a position in which you cannot own a luxury car, then leasing will be an excellent solution. Your reputation and ownership of the car will be hidden. This is usually used by officials in government positions so that there are no questions about where the money for buying a car came from.

Leasing can be very useful for those people who want to buy special equipment for their personal use or to open a business. The thing is that there is no lending for the purchase of special equipment for individuals, because the demand for this service is extremely small.

Leasing companies are the favorites of car dealers because they always buy a lot. These companies are often the owners of gas stations, car washes, shops with accessories, and almost always - the owners of contracts with car dealerships.

It is thanks to this that leasing companies can afford to provide their clients with various discounts. And if a discount at a gas station or car wash is a trifle, then a discount of a few percent on the purchase of a car will help you save a lot.

Disadvantages of leasing

No matter how joyful all of the above may sound, leasing still has a number of disadvantages. A leased car turns out to be slightly more expensive (by 2-3%) than a car on a loan, since our legislation imposes a tax on lease payments called VAT.

One of the main drawbacks is that, under the contract, your car will be serviced only in those places that the leasing company will indicate (usually it has signed contracts with various service stations). Thus, the company insures its property against the actions of non-professionals.

There is also a possibility that the leasing company will go bankrupt. In case of any financial difficulties, the creditors of the firm have the right to seize all of its property. The likelihood of such a development of events is small, but nevertheless it should be taken into account.

Today, clients, having decided to purchase a new car, increasingly resort to the services of leasing companies. This mechanism allows you to get a car without a large one-time investment of your own funds and is a good alternative bank loans... But specifically, what is the advantage of leasing a car for the lessee, not everyone can answer.

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What it is

The first step is to understand the concept itself, and only then consider the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

And so leasing or financial lease is a tool for raising funds for the purchase of machinery, equipment, real estate or other property. In this case, a specific property is purchased for the client and then transferred to him for temporary possession on a lease basis.

You can often come across the statement that leasing is one of the types of lending. This is completely wrong. In fact, by its very nature, leasing is still a lease, but in most cases, at the end of the contract, the client receives the right to buy out the property.

The ownership of the car remains with the lessor until the moment of its purchase. This prevents the client from pledging or selling it. You can lease leasing items, but you have to get paid for it special permit from the lessor.

Consider which parties are involved in the leasing transaction:

  • a lessor who finances the transaction using its own funds or attracted bank loans;
  • a lessee who undertakes to lease the property acquired by the lessor for a certain period with payment for the service of the established remuneration in the form of interest;
  • a seller who supplies automotive equipment to a lessee;
  • an insurance company with which the lessee signs a CASCO agreement in favor of the lessor.

The law allows the involvement of other parties in the transaction, for example, appraisers or banks. In practice, this is usually not necessary for car leasing, and leasing companies manage with a minimum number of participants in the transaction.

Basic conditions

Each company has the ability to independently offer customers various conditions. At the same time, unlike banks, leasing companies are almost completely free in the parameters of the transaction.

Often, when purchasing a car on lease, standard conditions of one of the programs operating in the company are offered. But the client can try to agree on more optimal parameters for himself.

The down payment on a lease transaction is the security of certain guarantees for the leasing company. The higher it is, the greater the chances of getting a positive decision. The maximum down payment reaches half the cost of the car.

Usually minimum size the first installment is set at 10-20%, but within special offers it is quite possible to purchase a car on lease without an advance payment.

The size of the increase in the transaction price will be about 5-10% of original cost cars. The client can also get up to 10% discount on the car price using corporate discounts of the leasing company.

The car will need to be insured under the CASCO program. It is not cheap to get by with this service, especially since the list of accredited insurance companies is strictly set by the lessor.

Additional collateral for car leasing transactions is usually not required. It is enough for the company that the car will be in its ownership until the moment of full purchase by the client.

Important! The lease agreement does not necessarily provide for the purchase of property. If the leased asset is not redeemed by the lessee, then it must be returned to the lessor in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement.

Table. Car leasing conditions (basic).

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Why leasing a car is beneficial for organizations and individual entrepreneurs

Leasing services are mainly of interest to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs... Especially if applied general system taxation. Leasing can significantly reduce tax base and accelerate property depreciation.

Important! Position tax inspectorates on leasing transactions is not always unambiguous. In some cases, you have to defend your rights, including in court. Leasing company employees will be ready to help at any time.

Another advantage of leasing for business is the ability to agree on a convenient payment schedule. In this case, all the features of the work of a particular client will be taken into account. For example, seasonality or dependence on large customers.

Consider what payment schedule options are usually available to customers:

  • uniform;
  • decreasing (differentiated);
  • seasonal;
  • individual.

New businesses that are just starting out will appreciate the opportunity to get a grace period of up to 6 months on recurring payments. Although it is not available in all companies.

At the end of the lease agreement, the car can simply be returned to the leasing company and a new one can be purchased in return. This eliminates the need to contact the sale and saves the client time.

Leasing for 2-3 years also allows you to reduce the size of monthly payments. This is important if you plan to regularly update your fleet of cars.

The risks of losing the car in value due to damage or road traffic accidents are fully borne by the insurance and leasing company. The client does not risk anything at all, because the car can be returned to the lessor.

Finishing the section, we will consider all the benefits of car leasing for enterprises and individual entrepreneurs:

  • tax cuts, especially if OSNO is applied;
  • the possibility of regular renewal of the fleet of equipment without large one-time costs;
  • payment schedule, taking into account the specifics of the client's business;
  • reducing the risks associated with the loss of a car in value due to force majeure;
  • no need to get involved with self-sale.

For individuals

For a long time, the Law "On Leasing" allowed the acquisition of only property intended for entrepreneurial activity... This practically ruled out the possibility of formalizing leasing for individuals.

The situation changed in 2011. It was then that the amendments began to take effect, which made it possible to acquire any property on lease, regardless of its purpose. But so far only individual companies work with individuals.

Unfortunately, private individuals will not be able to take advantage of tax incentives for car leasing. But all the other pluses remain available to them.

Important! Clients are often confused and present leasing as a substitute for car loans. In fact, this is not the case, the concept of leasing is closer to rent, but somewhat broader.

The main advantage of leasing is the ability to quickly update equipment without bothering with the sale of an old car. This concern falls entirely on the shoulders of the lessor. This is especially true for customers who want to purchase a premium car and update it every 2-3 years.

In this case, the amount of lease payments will be significantly lower than with a car loan for a similar period, and the client reduces the risks associated with the loss of a car in value due to an accident.

Consider all the advantages of leasing for individuals:

  • payment schedule taking into account the client's income and employment;
  • individual interest rate;
  • there are no problems with the sale of the car, since it can be returned to the lessor at the end of the contract;
  • reduction of certain risks;
  • the ability to include in lease payments various insurance and maintenance services, as well as any additional equipment.

Deal scheme

Buying a car on lease is no more difficult than getting a car loan. The client will need a standard set of documents established by the company, an initial payment and a completed application form.

Let's consider the scheme of a leasing transaction on points:

  • the client chooses a suitable car and the seller on his own or with the help of a representative of the leasing company;
  • an application from the lessee is filled in and sent, to which the required package of documents is attached;
  • the leasing company analyzes the potential recipient of the equipment and its financial position and then decides on the deal;
  • the parties sign an agreement;
  • the lessor receives advance payment and then he pays for the car to the dealer and the client gets the property.


Considering the benefits that the client receives from the use of leasing services when purchasing a car, one cannot but dwell on the disadvantages of the product, because, as you know, there are no ideal things.

The main disadvantage of leasing is the registration of ownership of the leasing company. This limits the client's ability to control the car. For example, its lease must be agreed upon.

In the article, we will consider and compare, using the example of calculations, which is more profitable: a loan or leasing. We also selected 5 leasing companies and 5 banks that provide car loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Leasing and credit - what is in common

Every day, for effective business conduct, entrepreneurs face a number of tasks, the solution of which is often associated with the need for additional financial security... This problem can be solved in two ways: lending and leasing.

These services have a number of common features.

  • First, they are paid: for using borrowed money the client is charged a percentage.
  • Secondly, leasing and loans are provided on a repayable basis. The amount provided to you by the bank or leasing company will have to be returned.
  • The third similarity is the urgency of receiving funds.

This is all that leasing and credit have in common. And what are their differences, now let's figure it out.

Leasing and its features

Leasing- this is special kind credit relations, which provides for a long-term lease of any material wealth with the further possibility of its redemption.

The main participants in leasing transactions:

  • Lessee- an organization or an individual who receives a certain material benefit for temporary use under a leasing agreement;
  • Lessor - an organization or an individual providing leasing services;
  • Insurer - an intermediary organization that insures leasing transactions (optional);
  • Property seller- owner / manufacturer / seller of material goods that are leased.

Any property that can be rented out can be presented as an object of leasing transactions:

  • Real estate (commercial and residential);
  • Transport (auto, air);
  • Production equipment (food, technological);
  • Any other object of leasing relations in which the lessee is interested.

The purpose of leasing is to expand production facilities, modernization of technological equipment, growth of the company's vehicle fleet, in other words, everything that will subsequently bring an increase in the company's financial well-being.

Leasing terms

Companies that do not own own funds, you have to make a choice: take a loan or arrange the required property on lease. The first option is not always available. The fact is that often banking organizations refuse a large number entrepreneurs (especially for small business participants) in the issuance of a loan. The main reason, according to which you can get a refusal to issue a loan may be the lack of a positive balance on the accounts and the conduct of activities in the territory Russian Federation less than six months.

Leasing organizations are not directly subordinate to Of the Central Bank RF, which gives them carte blanche and the opportunity to choose to whom, when and on what conditions to issue the required property for the development of their own business.

The main difference between a loan and leasing is the transfer of ownership: the property, issued on credit, becomes the property of the borrower, but the equipment purchased under the leasing program does not. As mentioned earlier, leasing is a lease with the possibility of further redemption and, accordingly, the transfer of ownership.

Advantages and disadvantages of leasing

Leasing has its drawbacks:

  • Interest rates are higher.
  • Impressive upfront amounts.
  • Issued for a short time.
  • Ownership does not pass to the borrower as long as the contract is valid.

Now let's consider the advantages of leasing over a loan:

  • A minimum package of documents is required for registration.
  • Fast consideration of the application.
  • Simplicity of design.
  • No additional payments.
  • Some of the costs are passed on to the lessor.

How to lease

One of the advantages of leasing is the ease of registration. We will now prove it.

Most likely, you already know which car model you would like to lease. If not, then it's time to make your choice, since it is he who will largely determine the leasing company for the conclusion of the contract. Each leasing company has its own range of vehicles that can be rented.

Now we choose a leasing company. There are a lot of such organizations now. When choosing, be guided by the reliability of the organization, your capabilities (the amount that you can invest as a down payment), the interest rate, as well as those car models (or other types of property) that are leased.

We contact the selected organization and choose the appropriate program. Consultants will be happy to help you and draw up a list of documents required for registration. By the way, as a rule, you need the following documents:

  • Statement. You will be given it from the leasing company.
  • A copy of the organization's balance sheet for the last period.
  • A copy of the charter, certified by a notary.
  • Certificate of registration and entry into the register.
  • A copy of the pages of the manager's passport.
  • A copy of the document on the appointment of the chief accountant of the organization.
  • Documents, bank statements confirming your income for the last 5 reporting periods.
  • Credit agreements and others financial documents, If there are any.

After you provide all the listed documents to the leasing company, you will have to wait for a decision. The decision is announced, as a rule, one day after the submission of documents.

If the lease has been approved, then you will be invited to conclude a contract. Three documents will be drawn up: a leasing agreement, a purchase and sale agreement and property insurance.

In the last step, you will be asked to pay a down payment for the car. Typically, it ranges from 5 to 20%.

TOP-5 leasing companies

1. - one of the leading Russian companies... She won her popularity thanks to flexible conditions for clients. The company offers leasing of cars (from cars to trucks), real estate, equipment, ships, railway transport, air transport. The interest rate is 16% and higher.

Alfa Leasing offers two car leasing programs: financial analysis"And" Minimum overpayment ". The first option is suitable for those who want to rent cars for total amount no more than 7 million rubles and is ready to make an advance payment of at least 25%. The second program is more democratic: advance payment - 5%, leasing amount up to 40 million rubles, term - up to 5 years.

2. Europlan offers car leasing. In this case, you can take used cars. Maximum amount for which you can purchase passenger cars is 15,000,000 rubles, the initial payment is from 10 to 49%.

3. VTB 24 - leasing of cars, equipment, air transport, ships, rail transport. It is possible to lease a car on an installment plan without overpayment. The initial payment is from 10 to 49%, the term is from 11 to 60 months.

4. Sberbank-Leasing also offers leasing for motor vehicles, air and water vessels, railway machinery, equipment. If you decide to lease a car, then be prepared to pay at least 20% of its value. The maximum lease amount for cars is 24 million rubles. Maximum term the lease agreement is 3 years.

5. Intesa Leasing - allows you to lease cars, equipment and real estate. Car leasing gives the right to the total purchase amount up to 120,000,000 rubles. However, in this case, be prepared to pay a 15% advance on this amount. The maximum contract duration is 5 years.

Car loan and its features

Car loan- a loan that is provided for targeted use, namely the purchase of a car. As a rule, it is provided on the security of the purchased car, less often - on the security of the existing real estate.


A car loan allows you to purchase a car, that is, to obtain ownership of it. This is a significant advantage of lending over leasing. However, almost always, the purchased car becomes a collateral.

Banks and banking organizations provide loans for the purchase of cars. And this means that a number of requirements will be presented to you, as a borrower:

  • Registration in the region of obtaining a loan.
  • The functioning of a legal entity for at least a year.
  • A certain level of income.
  • No debts on loans and tax payments.

And also a loan for the purchase of a car is not available to a newly opened business.

Advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of a loan:

  • Binding to a geographic region - you cannot take a loan at any branch of the bank you like, the business must be registered in the region where the bank is located.
  • Required work experience of the borrower at least six months.
  • Mandatory purchase of insurance (life and business insurance).
  • Documentary evidence of the borrower's income is required.

Benefits of a loan:

  • Ownership is transferred to the borrower.
  • You can choose any product and any insurance company.
  • Large selection of loan products.
  • Small initial payment.

How to arrange

The first thing to do is find a suitable bank. It is worth paying attention to the reliability of the bank, the terms of the loan. You can choose the car for which you are taking out a loan after the approval of the application.

Contact the employee of the selected bank. He will tell you in more detail about the terms of lending and print out a list of documents required to apply. We will bring it here:

  • Constituent documents.
  • Economic and economic activity enterprises.
  • Financial reports.
  • Copies of tax returns.
  • Loan application.

After you submit the package of documents to the bank, you just have to wait for approval. After that, come to the bank, there they will draw up an agreement for you. The funds will be transferred to the account of the company or directly to the account of the car seller.

TOP-5 banks issuing car loans

We have compiled comparative table the best banks providing car loans.

Bank Bid Amount, rub. Term, months
from 12.1% from 150,000 up to 84
20,9% up to 10,000,000 up to 60
from 15.99% up to 3,000,000 up to 60
from 16.09% from 150,000 up to 36
from 13.1% up to 170,000,000 up to 60

Differences between leasing and car loans

Let's summarize in a small table.

Calculations for comparing leasing and loans

So, in order to understand which is more profitable - leasing or credit, we carried out some calculations. Let's say we want to buy a car worth 600,000 rubles, further calculations are shown in the table.

Calculation parameters Leasing Credit
Car cost 600,000 rubles 600,000 rubles
Interest rate absent 15%
Term 3 years 3 years
Down payment (20%) 120,000 rubles 120,000 rubles
Payments uniform uniform
Overpayment absent 151 817
Monthly payment 13 538 rubles 20 883 rubles
The total amount of payments (payments under the agreement + advance payment) 487 368 + 120 000 = 607 368 rubles 751 788 + 120 000 = 871 788 rubles
Pledge 0 0
OSAGO 5 500 rubles 5 500 rubles
Registration in the traffic police 2,000 rubles 2,000 rubles
Tax 4 270 rubles 4 270 rubles
Redemption payment 390,000 rubles No
Total payments 1 009 138 rubles 883 558 rubles

Sometimes the lease buyout payment may be lower. In this regard, the total lease amount may be more profitable. Therefore, we recommend contacting leasing companies for settlement.

Which is better: a loan or leasing

On this moment in Russia it is more profitable to buy a car on credit rather than lease. However, leasing is much easier to obtain: you do not need to collect the entire package of documents, conclude an agreement with a bank, or look for a car seller.

And also leasing is the only way out for new organizations or companies with insufficient profit for lending. Leasing does not tie you to the region of business registration, you can contact any organization.

However, a loan allows you to buy any car, but not all brands and models participate in the leasing program. In addition, each leasing company offers its own range of vehicles. This limits buyers in choosing a company.

The purchase of motor vehicles in the absence of their own funds is made by concluding a leasing agreement or by registration.

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Each method has its own significant advantages and disadvantages. Read on for the similarities and differences between the two methods.

The concept of the subject

First of all, you need to deal directly with the very concepts of leasing and car loans.

So leasing is a special kind lease relations, in which one party, the lessor transfers to the other party to the lessee certain movable property (machines, other mechanisms, premises, and so on) for temporary use.

The lessee, according to the agreement, monthly (quarterly, annually) pays a certain fee, which consists of a part of the cost of the car and the percentage of retention.

After the expiration of the lease agreement and the timely payment of all payments, the leased property becomes the property of the lessee.

In Russia, leasing relations are regulated by:

  • chapter 34 Civil Code(Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • (law on financial lease(leasing)).
    Lessees can be:
  • individuals (earlier in the leasing law there was a clause that only commercial vehicles can be purchased on lease. Now this rule is completely excluded);
  • legal entities. Organizations can purchase commercial vehicles of any kind: trucks and cars, buses, special equipment;
  • individual entrepreneurs, who in most cases are equated to legal entities.

The lessors can be:

  • leasing companies organized at the largest banks of the Russian Federation. For example, Sberbank Leasing, Alfa Leasing, VTB24 Leasing;
  • individual companies specializing in leasing relations, for example, Europlan;
  • private individuals engaged in investment activities.

There are two types of leasing:

  • financial leasing. The lessee, after the expiration of the lease agreement, is obliged to redeem the leased property at residual value;
  • operational leasing. After the expiration of the lease agreement, the leased property remains with the lessor.

The advantages of leasing are:

  • simplicity and minimum terms of registration of the transaction. To conclude a leasing agreement, a minimum package of documents is required. Time for consideration of applications - 1 - 2 working days;
  • low interest retention;
  • absence additional costs for registration of vehicles, insurance and so on.

The disadvantages of a leasing deal are:

  • lack of ownership of the car;
  • the inability to determine an independent route of movement (departure outside the Russian Federation is carried out only after agreement with the lessor).

Car loan is financial transaction, during which the borrower receives a certain sum of money for the purchase of motor vehicles of the brand, equipment and cost specified in the contract.

For the use of borrowed funds, the lender is paid a fee, determined as a percentage of the loan amount.

Credit relations are regulated on the basis of:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 42);
  • Of the Law on banking №395-1;
  • The Law on consumer lending №353.

The main types of lending for the purchase of vehicles are:

  • standard program with the lowest interest rates;
  • express programs (a car loan is issued according to a minimum package of documents and in a minimum time frame;
  • BuyBack (auto loan with repurchase);
  • Trade-in (exchange of an old car owned by the borrower on the right of ownership for a new vehicle with a surcharge);
  • Factoring (50% of the cost of a car is paid upon purchase, and an installment plan is provided for the remaining 50%).

Individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs can receive a car loan:

  • in banks;
  • in microfinance companies and other credit institutions(the highest percentages);
  • from a car dealer.

The advantages of a car loan are:

  • accessibility for all categories of citizens and businesses;
  • a large selection of loan products;
  • registration of the ownership of the car upon purchase;
  • a variety of ways to repay a loan;
  • Availability state program concessional lending when purchasing certain types cars.

Among the disadvantages of this type are:

  • complexity of registration. The bank requires a large package of documents, it takes a long time to consider the application (especially for car loans to legal entities), the need to draw up an additional agreement to pledge the purchased vehicles;
  • minimum requirements for borrowers.

General points

The common features between car loans and leasing are:

  1. Possibility of purchasing road transport in case of insufficient own funds;
  2. Paid. For the use of borrowed funds with a car loan, interest is charged, and with leasing - withholding, also expressed as a percentage;
  3. Recoverability. Repayment of a car loan and leasing transaction is carried out to the lender (lessor) in certain parts in accordance with the payment schedule. For the admission of delay, the borrower (lessee) is subject to penalties.

What is the difference between leasing and credit

The main differences between car loans and leasing are:

  1. method of receiving funds. With a car loan, the borrower receives money, which he directs for the purchase of movable property. A lease transaction does not imply the transfer of money to the lessee. The latter receives only the car specified in the contract;
  2. presence / absence of collateral. With a car loan, the pledge of vehicles purchased with borrowed funds is mandatory, and with leasing, it is completely absent;
  3. type of ownership. When buying a car on credit vehicle immediately become the property of the borrower, and in case of leasing, the lessee becomes the owner of the car only after the payment of the lease payments and the residual value (if such is stipulated by the contract);
  4. when leasing after the expiration of the contract automobile transport can be returned to the lessor, and with a car loan, such an opportunity is provided only for one of the loan programs.

What is more profitable

What is more profitable for a consumer a car loan or leasing? Comparative characteristics is presented in the following table:

Comparison condition Car loan Leasing
An initial fee From 0%
Some banks offer special programs... However, under such programs, the interest charged for the use of borrowed funds is higher, as the company's risks increase
From 5%
Leasing deals include obligatory payment initial payment
Commission size Car loan interest is determined depending on the selected program and can range from 5.5% per year () to 15% - 17% per year (express programs) Instead of interest, the lessee charges a deduction, the amount of which varies from 5% to 15% - 17%
Issued at the expense of the borrower and increases the total cost of a car loan by 7% - 10% Issued by the lessor and, as a rule, is included in the cost of the rise in price
Motor vehicle tax Paid by the borrower and annually increases the total cost of the loan Paid by the lessor (included in the retention fee)
VAT Non refundable Refundable in full
Corporate property tax The taxable base is reduced only by the percentage of the car loan and the amount of depreciation Payments under the lease agreement are completely excluded from the tax base when determining the profit of the organization

So in terms of economic feasibility leasing is more of a kick-start deal.

For individuals

Let's count on specific example, which is more profitable for an individual, a car loan or leasing.

Let's take as an example:

The calculation results are presented in the table:

Thus, for individuals at present, a car loan is a more profitable form of purchasing a car, subject to the registration of the car in ownership, and less profitable, if the car is not redeemed after the expiration of the agreement.

For legal entities

We will make a comparative calculation of a car loan and leasing for an enterprise.

Initial data:

Calculation results:

Based on the results of the calculation, it turns out that leasing for enterprises operating on general scheme taxation and those who have benefits in connection with this type of transaction are more profitable.

For individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs in car loans and leasing are equated to legal entities. Based on this, it is possible to determine the profitability of certain forms of transactions based on the above examples.

When there is a desire to buy a car, but there are not enough funds, then, most likely, a person will go to the bank to receive a loan for its purchase. But there is also an alternative way to resolve the issue - this is leasing. What is the difference between a loan and leasing and what is more profitable for an individual to apply for?

Car loan: pros and cons

You can get a car loan on a variety of conditions. Banks' proposals differ not only in interest rates and terms, but also commissions, insurance payments and down payment will be different. As a rule, the more loyal the bank's requirements in terms of providing documents, age limits, credit history, the more expensive the car will cost. Banks usually require a permanent residence permit in the region of the lender's presence. If a person has recently got a job, they will most likely refuse him. Minimum seniority requirements often start at 6 months.

To get a loan for favorable terms, you will have to spend time looking for a lender, collecting documents and waiting for the bank's decision. This can take from several days to a month. The car dealership is not always ready to wait so long for the buyer and may sell the car to another client.

The car, which is bought for credit funds, will need to be insured... Not all lenders allow you to choose an insurer yourself. They often impose a certain insurance company with not the most favorable rates. If the borrower refuses to insure it, the interest rate rises. In addition, many banks also require the conclusion of a life and health insurance contract for the borrower.

The repayment schedule is drawn up according to the annuity or differentiated scheme... Banks do not calculate them individually. In case of problems with the fulfillment of obligations under credit agreement, the borrower may find it difficult to agree with the bank on the provision of credit holidays or restructuring.

But despite some inconveniences, the loan also has positive aspects:

  • First, the borrower becomes the owner of the car immediately after signing the purchase and sale agreement and receives technical certificate in your name. The only restriction is that the car cannot be sold or donated until the credit debt is paid off in full.
  • Secondly, the potential buyer also has a wider choice. Leasing programs are not yet as widespread as car loans. Therefore, you can get a loan for almost any new car.
  • Thirdly, it is possible to purchase a used car for credit funds. Naturally, there will only be restrictions on the year of manufacture and its technical condition.

The procedure for drawing up a lease agreement differs from the procedure for lending. After choosing a car, an individual applies to the lessor company, which buys the car from the seller. After that, an agreement is concluded between her and the lessee, on the basis of which an individual has the right to use a car.

Buying a car on lease has a number of advantages... The requirements of leasing companies are more loyal than those of banks. Of the documents, only passports are usually required and driving license... If the lessor requires a certificate of income, then the size of the official income will not be so important.

The costs associated with the registration of the car and the payment of insurance premiums are borne by the lessor. As a rule, there are no additional commissions. Thus, the lessee does not bear the initial costs, and the existing cash can send to pay an advance. But all these costs are included in the interest rate.

If the tenant violates the traffic rules, then the receipts come to the name of the company. In the event of an accident, the leasing company takes care of all the registration.

Another feature of the leasing transaction is the fact that the consent of the spouse is not required for the conclusion of the contract... In the event of a divorce, the car remains with the lessee. In some situations, this becomes a decisive factor for an individual who chooses between leasing and credit.

Leasing companies are usually very flexible in terms of scheduling payments... The options can be very different. For example, the lessee can pay the main part of the amount in equal installments over a certain period, and pay the remainder in the last month of the contract. In case of financial difficulties, it is easier for the lessee to negotiate with the leasing company than with the bank.

The contract may provide for a refusal to purchase the car. Also, the lessee can exchange it. This allows you to change vehicles without much time and money.

Despite all, at first glance, attractiveness, leasing also has significant disadvantages... Legally, the lessee does not own the car, and the company has more freedom of action. If regular payments are not made, then the contract is simply terminated unilaterally. When lending from a bank, this will require a court decision. In addition, the lessee must fulfill a number of requirements for the operation of the vehicle. For example, many agreements provide for mandatory car storage only in a guarded parking lot. Also, there may be restrictions on the management of vehicles by third parties. In the event of any breach of the contract, the lessor will simply pick up the car.

What is more profitable?

The profitability of the first or second option depends on many factors. It is worth comparing the terms of leasing and car loans after a specific car has been selected. Many car dealerships work with certain banks and leasing companies, which allows you to form competitive offers. Discounts may be provided upon execution of the lease agreement. At the same time, banks can implement, together with a car dealership, promotional programs for lending at a low interest rate.

In general, it can be determined that for a potential car owner who has sufficient official income and good credit history most likely, the bank will be beneficial, as it will offer it a lower interest rate. If the driver plans to buy the car and not return it to the company, then it will be cheaper for him to get a loan and immediately get a technical passport in his name.

In addition to situations when it is impossible to take a loan from a bank, it is worth stopping at leasing for people who prefer to change their car often, especially when in question about premium models. Thus, you can significantly save time and money on the sale of the old and the purchase of a new car. When registering a leasing agreement, an individual will not be burdened with the issues of going through MOT. The company also provides assistance with evacuation and legal issues. Thus, leasing is easier both in registration and in the subsequent maintenance of the car. But it costs more than a car loan.

Also, leasing can be the best solution if you need to purchase natural person special equipment. It will be very difficult to get a bank loan for it.