Ria rating of regions by quality of life. From the Volga to the Yenisei: a barometer of living standards in the regions of the Russian Federation

There are still more weak subjects in Russia than strong ones, the situation of the inhabitants in some of them, to put it mildly, is unenviable

There are far more regions with low and extremely low living standards in Russia than there are prosperous ones, and the gap between them remains enormous. In some subjects of the Russian Federation, chronic poverty is observed, and unemployment is 4-5 times higher than the national average. The main source of trouble is the North Caucasus, but there are also local problems in Siberia, in the South, in the Volga region and in Central District. Read more in the Realnoe Vremya study.

Where do you live richer

High oil prices, growth in federal transfers, and good tax collection from individuals and companies have benefited regional budgets: in the first half of the year, their incomes increased by almost 10%, and only 25 deficit budgets remained. But this did not eliminate many problems. To varying degrees, there are still much more weak subjects in Russia than strong ones, the position of the inhabitants in some of them, to put it mildly, is unenviable.

Realnoe Vremya has compiled a rating of regions in terms of living standards. It was based on several indicators: the ratio of wages to the local subsistence minimum, poverty and unemployment, as well as the ratio of average per capita income to the cost of a fixed consumer basket (the methodology is described in more detail in the reference).

Each of these indicators brought from 0 to 2.5 points. Depending on the final summed score, the regions were divided into four categories: high standard of living (8-10 points, in the final table such subjects are marked in green); average level (5.5-7.9 points, marked in yellow); low level (3.5-5.4 points, marked in gray); extremely low level (0-3.4 points, red color).

As a result, most of the regions fell into the category of middle peasants. There are 10 "green" subjects: Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets, Khanty-Mansiysk, Chukotka autonomous regions, Tatarstan, as well as Magadan and Sakhalin regions. There were 13 regions with a low standard of living.

Finally, nine constituent entities of the Russian Federation were included in the “red” category. Almost half of them are concentrated in the North Caucasus (Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Chechnya). Three such regions (Zabaikalsky Krai, Tyva and the Altai Republic) are located in the Siberian federal district, one more - on Far East(Jewish Autonomous Region) and in the Southern Federal District (Kalmykia). All outsiders are characterized by chronic poverty and a host of other socio-economic problems.

Salaries in the YaNAO are equal to six living wages, in Tatarstan - three and a half

Yamalo-Nenets became the undisputed leader of the rating autonomous region, the region of the Far North, which produces more than 90% of Russian natural gas and more than 6% of oil. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the only one of all subjects that received the maximum score for all indicators. For example, the average wages in the district in the first half of the year corresponded to 6 subsistence minimums for the able-bodied population, although in most regions they did not even reach 3.5 local minimums.

Average per capita cash income residents of the district (from 67.9 to 73.2 thousand rubles in April - June 2018) allow them to purchase 3.6-3.9 of a fixed set of goods and services. This is 1.5-2.5 times more than in most other regions. In addition, there are no problems with unemployment in the YNAO, and the poverty rate is about half that of the country as a whole.

The second line of the rating was shared by Moscow and St. Petersburg, who scored 9.5 points each. The purchasing power of wages and incomes in these subjects is slightly lower than in the YNAO. Thus, the average wages in St. Petersburg corresponded to almost 5 living wages of the able-bodied population, in Moscow - 4.6. Cash income in the capital of Russia is 2.4-3.3 of the cost of a fixed consumer set, in St. Petersburg - from 2.3 to 2.8 sets. The level of unemployment and poverty in these subjects of the Russian Federation is also significantly lower than in the whole country.

The ratio of wages to the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in the regions of the Russian Federation, Q2 2018

Five regions received 9 points at once. Among them are the Sakhalin Region, the Khanty-Mansiysk and Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, Tatarstan and the Moscow Region.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - the second region of the Urals Federal District, which was among the leaders of the rating - has a reputation as one of the richest Russian subjects(in 2016 the county's contribution to country's GDP exceeded 3.5%). The ratio of wages to the subsistence level in the region was 452%. However, in relation to income to the price of a fixed consumer package, the subject received not the highest score.

Tatarstan, which turned out to be the only "green" region in the Volga Federal District, received 2 points each for the purchasing power of wages and cash income. average salary in the republic is equal to 3.6 of the subsistence level of able-bodied citizens, and incomes allow you to purchase 2.4-2.6 of the consumer package. The region received the highest scores for poverty (7.7%) and unemployment (3.4%). Almost the same situation in the Moscow region.

At the same time, in some regions with a high standard of living, the poverty level is higher and comparable to the national average. For example, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, one of the most sparsely populated subjects of the Federation, it exceeds 11%, in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug it is 12.6%.

The ratio of income to the cost of a fixed consumer basket in the regions of the Russian Federation, from April to June 2018

40% of Tuva residents are below the poverty line

In the category of outsiders, two subjects received the weakest result - Ingushetia in the North Caucasus and the Republic of Tyva in Eastern Siberia. Both of them scored only 1 point each. Critically high levels of poverty are observed in the regions: for example, in Ingushetia it exceeds 30%, and in Tuva more than 40% of households are below the poverty line. The unemployment rate in Tuva and Ingushetia is also 4-5 times higher than the national level: 20.5% and 26.4%, respectively.

In addition, these regions have one of the worst ratios of cash income and the cost of a fixed set of goods and services. In Ingushetia, the income range in April-June was from 14.4 to 15.8 thousand rubles. This money made it possible to buy 1.1-1.2 consumer sets.

In Tyva, the average cost of recruitment in these months was 13.6 thousand rubles, and incomes - from 12.7 to 15.2 thousand rubles. Thus, residents of the republic could purchase from 0.9 to 1.1 sets.

Poverty rate in the regions of the Russian Federation, 2017

However, this ratio was also low in many other regions from various parts of the country. In the Volga Federal District, three regions received 0 points for this indicator at once - Chuvashia, Mordovia and Mari El. The residents of these entities have enough money for 1.3-1.6 consumer baskets.

In the South of Russia, the lowest purchasing power of income is among residents of Kalmykia. They can purchase no more than 1.2 sets of goods and services. In the Far East, residents of the Jewish Autonomous Region (1.3-1.4 sets) are in approximately the same situation, and in the Caucasus, in addition to residents of Ingushetia, the population of Karachay-Cherkessia (1.2 sets).

Separate points of trouble were found even in the relatively trouble-free Central Federal District: the Ivanovo Region, which is part of it, has the lowest wage-to-living wage ratio in Russia. In general, there are regions of the "red" category in four of the eight federal districts.

Unemployment rate in the regions of the Russian Federation, for May-July 2018

Artem Malyutin


Data on average wages refer to the first half of 2018, the size of the regional subsistence minimum for the working population (PMTN) is taken for the second quarter. Points for the ratio of wages to PMTN were distributed as follows: if the salary in the region is from 1 to 2.4 of the living wage - 0 points, from 2.5 to 3.4 of the living wage - 1 point, from 3.5 to 4 - 2 points , above 4 living wages- 2.5 points.

In the event that the ratio of wages to PMTN turned out to be borderline (for example, in the Belgorod region it amounted to 347.3%, which without rounding prescribed to assign 1 point, and after rounding - already 2 points), the indicator was additionally recalculated for previous periods.

Unemployment data are taken on average for May - July 2018. If the unemployment rate is below 5%, the region received 2.5 points, from 5 to 9.9% - 2 points, from 10 to 15% - 1 point, above 15% - 0 points.

Rosstat has data on poverty rates only for 2017. The points for this indicator were distributed as follows: regions with a poverty level below 10% received 2.5 points, from 10 to 14.9% - 2 points, from 15 to 20% - 1 point, above 20% - 0 points.

Average per capita cash incomes are indicated for the period from April to June 2018 inclusive, the cost of a fixed set of goods and services is the average for these months. Since both of these variables change significantly each month, some regions could not get a certain score. For example, the incomes of Moscow residents in April-June ranged from 51.5 to 72.2 thousand rubles per month. The lower limit of this range made it possible to purchase 2.4 consumer sets (1 point), the upper limit - 3.3 sets (2.5 points). In such cases, the ratio for earlier months was additionally calculated (except for January, since household incomes are traditionally lower in January).

Points were distributed according to following principle: if per capita income allow to purchase from 0 to 1.4 consumer sets, the region was assigned 0 points, from 1.5 to 2.4 sets - 1 point, from 2.5 to 3 sets - 2 points, more than 3 sets - 2.5 points.

All data for the Arkhangelsk and Tyumen regions are given without taking into account the autonomous districts that are part of them.

The rating of regions in 2020 is compiled on the basis of data from RIA Rating. The rating of Russian regions in terms of living standards in 2020 is based on a complex of different factors that fix certain aspects and events in different areas of life.


We have cities
shore Houses
beauty regions

Moscow rightfully occupies the first place in the rating table of Russian regions 2020. This is the largest city in our country. The standard of living here is much higher than in other regions. The main part of the economy develops here, the most large companies. Moscow is the most important educational center of the Russian Federation. In terms of the standard of living of families, Moscow also occupies a leading position.

St. Petersburg is considered the cultural center of the Russian Federation. Most of the monuments that are included in the UNESCO world heritage are located here. Second by size financial market located in the cultural capital of Russia.

The Moscow region is on the 3rd step in the ranking of Russian regions in terms of living standards for 2020. There is a constant increase in population here, the region is famous for its industrial areas and large enterprises. A big plus for this area is that it borders on the capital. Thanks to Moscow, it becomes even more attractive for migrants.

The Republic of Tatarstan is the leader in the ranking among the regions in terms of the highest standard of living in Russia (Volga region) 2020. Oil is extracted here, the educational and scientific level of Tatarstan also occupies a high position - it is considered the scientific center of Eastern Europe. Don't miss and.

The Krasnodar Territory ranks 5th in the top five regions of Russia in 2020 - this is the third largest region in the Russian Federation. Tourism is very developed here. The Black Sea coast provides most of the region's infrastructure. Thanks to the seaport, there is access to the international foreign trade route.

Top 5 regions of the Russian Federation where investors want to invest money

  1. The Republic of Tatarstan is in first place, has a good reputation, a very developed region. Foreign investors want to invest money here and get a profit from it. Turkish and Korean investors have already outlined a plan of action. Korea has paid attention to the agricultural industry of Tatarstan and plans to increase the level of seafood on the market in the Russian Federation.
  2. The Kaluga Region is also included in investment rating regions of Russia 2020. The region is developing rapidly. Investors are attracted by the international airport "Kaluga", "Nairmedic Pharma", the opening of which took place quite recently. This area has a very good location, large resource potential. Kaluga has the best conditions for business and economy, comfortable living conditions.
  3. The Belgorod region occupies an honorable place in the ranking investment attractiveness regions of Russia 2020 according to RBC. The region has favorable conditions for investment, it is a frontier region that opens up the potential for international relations. The socio-cultural sphere is progressing, which attracts many businessmen.
  4. The Tambov region is famous for its developed transport infrastructure. There are highly fertile chernozem soils on the territory, which attract investors. Mineral resources and recreational resources are also at a high level; sand, phosphorus, and sapropel are mined.
  5. The Ulyanovsk region closes the top five in the rating of investment attractiveness of Russian regions 2020. The advantage of this region is the operation of modern and liberal investment legislation. Investors are attracted tax incentives the edges. I invest in wholesale and retail, motor vehicles, Agriculture. One of the priority areas of the Ulyanovsk region is the aerospace industry.

Top 5 heads of regions of the Russian Federation

Thanks to the information communications center, data were obtained on the rating of heads of regions in Russia for 2020. The main indications were taken according to the opinion of regional and federal experts:

  1. Sobyanin Sergey Mikhailovich - the mayor of Moscow in a well-deserved first place. The center of the capital is the largest in terms of financial and international centers. The educational level of Moscow is at the highest level, the largest number of higher institutions and medical institutions, to which the mayor pays great attention.
  2. Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich (Chechen Republic). Head of the region last years scored a large percentage by popularity. Priority direction its activity is the fight against terrorism. The republic is developing in socio-economic terms - houses are being built, tourism is developing (alpinism is especially developed).
  3. Vorobyov Andrey Yurievich - head of the Moscow region. The large population of this area indicates a good geographical position. Foreigners constantly come here, industrial areas are developed. In the 2020 environmental rating for Russian regions, the Moscow region is far from being the leader, as there is a high level of pollution due to enterprises that emit household and industrial waste into the atmosphere. It is among the dirtiest regions of Russia.
  4. Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich - head of Tatarstan. It is Tatarstan that ranks first in terms of the standard of living in the Volga region. Large oil fields, good geographical position, powerful scientific potential - all this allows the republic to develop in the right direction.
  5. Poltavchenko Georgy Sergeevich - Mayor of St. Petersburg. It is considered the historical center of the Russian Federation. A large number of population allows the city to be the first in number. The currency exchanges are very developed. The mayor is boosting the city's economy.

Top 5 poorest regions of Russia

  1. The city of Tolyatti was recognized as the very first in the ranking of the poorest regions of Russia in 2020. The poverty index leads to the fact that young men remain unemployed and there are social problems. Despite the fact that the city is the center of the automotive industry, the standard of living there is very low. Lot industrial enterprises do not work, and the cars that are produced there are not in demand in the car market.
  2. City of Astrakhan. There is a lack here Money. The infrastructure has an uneven development: restaurants, hotels, offices have been built, but they do not provide enough profit for Astrakhan to develop in that direction.
  3. Penza. Unemployment is the city's main problem. Enterprises operate, but more in the region are engaged in private business. The level of salaries is very low, enough only to pay utility bills and food.
  4. Volgograd. The well-being of the citizens of this city wishes the best. It is considered a tourist center, but in terms of income, it falls short of the rating of Russian regions in terms of quality of life in 2020. Almost half of the population is considered low-income.
  5. The last city on the list is Saratov. Its disadvantages are the lack of modern medical centers, poor ecology, and a high mortality rate among the city's population. There are many dumps around the city that pollute the ecology of the city.

The Russian Federation is a country with a huge area, on the territory of which there are more than 1000 cities and settlements.

Many Russians and foreign citizens are interested in the standard of living in Russia, in which city it is the highest. The answer to it can be found in the results of research conducted by an organization called the Center for Strategic Studies, related to the Russian State Insurance Company.

Sociological studies and surveys of Russians living in various cities of the Russian Federation have shown which regions are most in demand among the inhabitants of Russia, and which are less in demand for life.

In order to understand which region is better to live in, the employees of the Center for Strategic Studies asked the residents of each of the regions and cities below about how satisfied they are with the level and quality of life in them.

City name

Share of respondents who confirmed that their city is the most acceptable and convenient place to live in regions and regions of Russia (in %)
Kazan 97
Tyumen 96
Naberezhnye Chelny 95
Grozny 92
Tomsk 91
Orenburg 91
Saint Petersburg 90
Penza 90
Voronezh 89
Kemerovo 89
Yaroslavl 87
Barnaul 87
Krasnodar 87
Ryazan 86
Novosibirsk 86
Ufa 86
Yekaterinburg 85
Irkutsk 85
Sevastopol 85
Nizhny Novgorod 83
Izhevsk 81
Khabarovsk 81
Samara 81
Permian 80
Lipetsk 80
Rostov-on-Don 80
Ulyanovsk 77
Vladivostok 75
Novokuznetsk 71
Krasnoyarsk 70
Astrakhan 68
Makhachkala 68
Saratov 66
Chelyabinsk 64
Tolyatti 62
Omsk 62
Volgograd 60

The table shows the general standard of living and satisfaction of Russian citizens with their regions and cities.
But in addition to such a survey, the research center conducted social surveys about whether Russians are satisfied with the quality of the urban environment. The surveys were conducted according to the following selected criteria:

  1. Housing and utilities.
  2. cultural level of the city.
  3. Medical service.
  4. Educational area.
  5. Transport.
  6. The level of corruption.

Housing and utilities

When studying the situation with housing and communal services, many Russian citizens had to answer the question, are they satisfied with the quality of service provided by housing and communal services and housing prices?

Residents of Grozny, Ufa, Vladivostok, Astrakhan and Volgograd are the least satisfied with housing and communal services.

Cultural Level

  1. Kazan;
  2. Grozny;
  3. Yekaterinburg;
  4. Novosibirsk;
  5. Rostov-on-Don;
  6. Saint Petersburg;
  7. Krasnodar;
  8. Penza;
  9. Moscow;
  10. Khabarovsk.

Medical service

List of cities with the highest level medical care:

  1. Grozny;
  2. Tyumen;
  3. Kazan;
  4. Barnaul;
  5. Naberezhnye Chelny;
  6. Orenburg;
  7. Penza;
  8. Saint Petersburg;
  9. Ulyanovsk;
  10. Krasnodar.

Educational sphere

The share of residents satisfied with the educational sphere Russian Federation in your city (in % of the total number of respondents)
Tomsk 96
Novosibirsk 93
Saratov 88
Tyumen 92
Kazan 91
Nizhny Novgorod 90
Yekaterinburg 88
Vladivostok 87
Saint Petersburg 87
Chelyabinsk 86


List of cities and regions with the highest rate of corruption:

Transport sector

List of regions with the most developed transport systems:

  1. Grozny;
  2. Tyumen;
  3. Kazan;
  4. Moscow;
  5. Saint Petersburg;
  6. Tolyatti;
  7. Izhevsk;
  8. Novokuznetsk;
  9. Tomsk;
  10. Penza.


Many will agree that the statistics of the standard of living of the population largely depends on the average wage of a person. According to statistics, people in Russia receive the highest wages in the following districts and cities:

  1. The Chukotka Autonomous Okrug ranks first in the Russian Federation in the top 10 regions with the highest salaries. According to statistics, on the territory of the Chukotka autonomous region average wage equal to 71,000 rubles. The economy of this district is built on the mining industry.
  2. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The average salary, according to statistics, is 69,000 rubles per month. Such high wages are due to the extraction of gas and oil in the territory of this district.
  3. Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The average salary in this district is 68,000 rubles. Basically, most of the workers of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug are involved in the forestry, food and fishing industries.
  4. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has an average monthly salary of 67,000 rubles. The fact that this region occupies the 4th place in the top is not at all surprising. According to statistics, more than 60% of the total oil production in Russia is produced in this region.
  5. Magadan Region. In this area, there is an annual increase in the average monthly wage. In 2017, residents of the Magadan Region earned an average of 66,000 rubles. This level of payment is determined by the main field of activity of the Magadan region and high labor productivity. It's no secret to anyone that given area mines gold in large quantities. But besides the extraction of this precious metal, the region makes good money on the fishing industry.
  6. The Tyumen region has taken one of the leading positions in the top due to the developed real estate market. V Tyumen region Realtors and truck drivers are in high demand. On average, residents of this region earn 65,000 rubles each.
  7. Moscow. The capital of the Russian Federation is known not only for its developed infrastructure and multi-million population, but also for its very high levels wages. In the capital, on average, they receive 60,000 rubles each.
  8. Sakhalin region. The lowest salary in Sakhalin is 16,000 rubles. But less than 20% of the population receives such a salary. On average, residents of the Sakhalin Region earn 59,000 rubles a month.
  9. The Kamchatka Territory is known for its highly developed fishing industry. And also in this region the financial and mining industry is well developed. The average salary, according to statistics, is 54,000 rubles per person per month.
  10. Yakutia (officially: the Republic of Sakha) is able to provide an average salary of 54,000 rubles for people living and working in this area.

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The conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine influenced the decline in GDP

The first reason for the low standard of living in Russia is the decline in GDP. It is one of the main indicators of the level of quality of life and market value all final goods and services.

Dynamics of changes in the level of the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation over the past 20 years

Year GDP indicator (in USD per capita)
1998 2739
1999 1837
2000 1333
2001 1775
2002 2100
2003 2380
2004 2980
2005 4100
2006 5353
2007 6930
2008 9100
2009 11 635
2010 8561
2011 10 670
2012 13 320
2013 14 070
2014 14 480
2015 12 717
2016 8447
2017 8664

Based on the data in the table, one can note a sharp drop in the standard of living in Russia and its GDP. Many political scientists argue that the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine influenced the sharp decline in GDP. Recall that in 2014 the Crimean peninsula seceded, after which the Ukrainian authorities officially announced the presence of Russian military on the territory of Ukraine.

This statement was the subject of the imposition of sanctions against Russia by European Union. Due to many sanctions, Russia was not fully able to carry out trade turnover, the indicators of product exports decreased significantly, which led to a decline in the level of gross domestic product.

According to statistics, Russia GDP ranks 10th in the world.

It's no secret that the level of GDP is affected by production volumes, and the country has very low labor productivity. This is the second reason for the low standard of living in Russia.

Low labor productivity was the result of worn-out infrastructure and old production equipment.

The third, but not least, reason for the decline in the quality of life of Russian citizens is corruption, which flourishes in almost every city in the country.

During the development of a strategy at the stages of diagnosis and goal setting, it is very important to understand the position of the object of strategizing relative to competitors and to be able to set goals in terms of maintaining or strengthening one's position. This requires regular ratings.
One of these ratings, RCI, will be constantly updated by RCSP partner AV Group.

In addition, other ratings maintained by state and independent organizations will be posted on this page of the site. Including episodic ones made by individual researchers and published in the scientific literature.

More details in the notes of the Deputy Director of the RCSP A.R. Batchaev:

  • How to use ratings in planning
  1. Rating of investment attractiveness of Russian regions (developer - Expert RA rating agency).
  2. Rating of the socio-economic situation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (developer - rating agency "RIA Rating").
  3. Rating of Russian regions in terms of quality of life (developer - rating agency "RIA Rating").
  4. Credit rating of the regions of the Russian Federation (developer - RIA Rating agency).
  5. Rating of innovative regions of Russia (developer - Association of innovative regions of Russia).
  6. Rating of innovative development of subjects of the Russian Federation (developer - Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics).
  7. Rating of regions readiness for the future (developer - Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics).
  8. Rating of energy efficiency of subjects of the Russian Federation (developer - the Ministry of Energy of Russia together with the information group "Interfax").
  9. National rating of the state of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (developer - Agency for Strategic Initiatives).
  10. National tourist rating (developer - Center for Information Communications "Rating" together with the magazine "Rest in Russia").
  11. National rating of governors (developer - Center for Information Communications "Rating").
  12. Ecological rating of Russian regions (developer - All-Russian public organization"Green Patrol").
  13. Rating of management efficiency in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (developers - the Agency for Political and Economic Communications and the Laboratory for Political Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics).
  14. Rating of Russian regions by the level of development of team sports (developers - the Petersburg Politics Foundation and the sports publication Sport-Express).
  15. Rating (ranking) of regions by the share of the population provided with drinking water that meets safety requirements (developer - federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor).
  16. Rating of regions of the Russian Federation in terms of environmental and energy efficiency of business (developer - Environmental and Energy Rating Agency "Interfax-ERA").
  17. Regional Competitiveness Index AV RCI - Russia's growth poles (developer - consulting company AV Group).
  18. Rating of regions according to the index of socio-economic and political tension (developer - Committee of Civil Initiatives).
  19. Rating of investment attractiveness of industrial parks and special economic zones(developer - Analytical Center "Expert").

    Ranking of cities based on the "rank vector of dynamics" in the period 2002-2011.
    The ranking is the result of a scientific study conducted by Professor B.S. Zhikharevich and associate professor O.V. Rusetskaya (ICSER ​​"Leontief Center"). In the course of the study, fluctuations in the dynamics of the socio-economic development of 120 large Russian cities (including 77 administrative centers of the regions) were assessed. 9 indicators were used, the growth of the values ​​of which can be unambiguously interpreted as evidence of the positive development of the city. The rank vector of dynamics is a sequence of nine digits corresponding to the number of the rank group, which included the city in each of the periods under consideration (2003-2011). The following types of urban trajectories have been identified: stably leading; steadily lagging behind; accelerated development; slowed down development; oscillating (with multidirectional dynamics).

    Rating of sustainable development of cities in Russia 2014
    Rating prepared rating agency SGM, published in 2015. Compiled in accordance with the principles sustainable development territory. It covers 173 cities of Russia, with a population of over 100 thousand people. As a methodological basis, the concept of a triune outcome was used, which takes into account economic results, social and environmental components. To prepare the rating, based on 32 indicators (public data of municipal statistics published by Rosstat), an index of sustainable urban development was calculated. Among the methodological approaches to calculating the rating, one can note the use of weight correction factors (determined by the method of expert assessments) and linear scaling (determining the position of a city among other cities by assigning a private index from 0 to 1).