How to open a foreign currency deposit in a bank? How to open a deposit in a foreign bank.

The sad experience of losing savings after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the 1998 default in Russia, regularly repeated financial crises practically confirmed the reliability of savings Money and opening bank accounts in foreign banks.

Interest rates on deposits in European banks (Germany, Switzerland) are significantly lower than in our country. This can be explained by the higher reliability of foreign banks, in contrast to Russian and other banks, where rates sometimes go through the roof.

For example, interest rates on deposits in euros in European banks reach approximately 3% per annum, 4 percent is already very rare. You can invest your savings in dollars at 5-6 percent per annum.

In the same Switzerland, which is famous for its stability financial system, and rightfully bears the proud title of a country of banks, interest rates are even lower.

So, if you are still thinking about investing your funds in a Western bank, first find out a few basic points.

1. First find out whether the bank maintains individual accounts (sometimes banks manage accounts only for corporate clients).

2.Then check to see if it cooperates this bank with non-residents.

You may ask, why shouldn't he cooperate? When we're talking about about a loan, then the bank takes a risk by financing the depositor. But by opening a deposit, the client lends money to the bank. Consequently, he should worry about the safety of his funds. Alas, everything is far from so simple. For our compatriots, opening an account in a foreign bank is quite difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that Russia is considered a state with quite high level risk. European financiers really don’t want to get involved with “dubious” capital. And Russian money is somehow already considered “dark”. Therefore, most banks prefer to keep the funds of only those who can be easily verified, that is, depositors of their own state.

But even those bankers who work with foreigners do not welcome anyone with open arms. Leading banks in Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, and France study in detail the personality of a potential depositor. This check is called due diligence. It implies that you must provide the most comprehensive information about yourself, your family, work and source of income. Especially the last factor is most interesting to the bank. He wants to assure himself that these funds do not have a criminal basis, such as terrorism, drugs, prostitution, or illegal arms trafficking.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that everything Western banks take into account the unspoken “taboo” on various corruption accumulations that are transferred by government officials. If it turns out that you are employed by a government agency, most likely you will be denied a deposit.

What documents confirm trustworthiness? Enough originals and notarized copies of foreign and regular passports, as well as the passport of your spouse, a letter of recommendation from the bank where you may have already been served, confirmation of your residence address. In addition, you will have to fill out the so-called. Financial Profile is an impressive document about your obligations, resources, financial activity, and the like. One of the proofs of trustworthiness for Western financiers can also be a document from the tax office, which indicates that you regularly file income tax returns and pay taxes.

Swiss banks, famous for their reliability, usually deal with serious and wealthy depositors who do not owe the banker less than $100,000. These banks have the highest commissions that are charged for account transactions, and maintenance costs approximately? 300 per year. German banks are also trying to emulate their Swiss counterparts.

You can open a foreign account yourself: search banks’ websites, choose the one that suits you, and contact them directly. Most likely, you will have to travel abroad in order to personally visit the selected bank and communicate with the bank manager.

Thus, despite the fact that interest rates on deposits in European banks (Germany, Switzerland) are much lower than ours, the flow of Russian depositors has not yet decreased. And this despite the fact that you pick foreign bank- it’s not an easy matter. It is much more difficult to become his client.

Irina Raduzhkina,

service specialist individuals commercial bank, Moscow city,

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Since 2003 citizens Russian Federation can open their own deposits in a foreign banking organization. The reason for paying attention to accounts in Western companies is not so much the receipt of income from the deposit, but the opportunity to diversify your funds to increase the reliability of their storage.

Nuances of design and maintenance

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The process of opening a deposit in a Western bank is very complicated by various checks and can last for more than one month.

The procedure requires the following documents:

  • questionnaire;
  • certificate 3-NDFL for past 3-5 years(must be certified by tax authorities);
  • recommendations from the place of work;
  • a certificate from the bank whose client you are currently;
  • copies of foreign and general passports, certified by a notary (in some cases, these documents are also required from the spouse);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate from law enforcement agencies confirming that there are no problems with them;
  • certificate from Central Bank RF, if the value of your investments is no more than 10 thousand dollars(if the contribution amount exceeds this figure, verification is carried out by Interpol and FATF).

This is just a basic list necessary documents. The provision of additional data depends on the selected bank. It is also worth considering that all provided documentation must be translated and certified by a notary.

After checking the client’s source of income, if there are no claims, the bank offers to submit an application and sign an agreement

This can be done in the following ways:

Remotely Certified documents can be sent by mail, fax or scanned form by e-mail. But in order to sign the final agreement, the citizen’s personal presence is necessary.
Through affiliated companies foreign banks on the territory of the Russian Federation They can help with drafting and preparing the necessary documents.
Through Private banking
  • For users of this system, a list of services is provided that provide resolution of organizational issues in the process of opening an account in foreign organizations.
  • But to sign the agreement, you will still need to meet with a bank representative or appear in person at the selected financial institution. This function is only available to people who can deposit more than 1 million dollars.
With the help of consulting companies There are companies that specialize in opening deposits for Russian citizens abroad. With their help you can choose best option country, bank, and profitable terms accounts. Their services are valued at approximately 5 thousand euros- depending on the company.

For wealthy deposit holders, a meeting is scheduled with an employee of a banking organization, who comes to Russia for this purpose.

The process of opening an account in a foreign banking organization cannot be called simple. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance, financially and psychologically, for the required procedures.

Important Details

It is worth remembering that after your application to open is approved bank account, you must notify of its availability tax office countries within 30 days.

By Russian legislation, if you do not comply with this, then in addition to a fine of 5 thousand rubles, will be subject to severe sanctions. Because of this, Russian banks will be prohibited from transferring funds to your foreign account.

To be exempt from double taxation, an agreement between countries is required. If it exists, then you can pay taxes on the deposit once. If not, then you will have to contribute both to the Russian budget and to the budget of a foreign state.

Many citizens of the country believe that there are full-fledged representative offices of foreign banks on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In fact, foreign financial organizations cannot carry out their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. This erroneous statement is determined by the marketing policy of domestic bankers.

Banks with identical names are essentially only subsidiaries. They do not provide sufficient reliability in comparison with the parent company. “Daughters” can help with the preparation of documents and positive feedback, which can play a decisive role in the “mother’s” decision.

For many banks in Europe and America, the minimum deposit amount for foreign depositors is 50 thousand dollars or euros. For a smaller amount, they won't even contact you. In this case, it is worth considering Baltic and offshore financial organizations, which may have no threshold at all.

If there is a need to open a deposit in foreign bank, then you need to carefully prepare for this process, having studied all the subtleties and pitfalls of the procedure.


It is advisable to open deposits in a foreign bank to preserve funds rather than to increase them.

Such a choice is determined low rates by deposits. For example, in domestic banking organizations high stakes may equal 8% per annum on accounts in foreign currency. While in most foreign financial institutions not higher 4-5% .

A number of large banks set reduced rates for foreign clients. In the West, there are indexed deposits, which differ high percentage. Their essence is to invest a certain amount of securities.

Often, commissions for withdrawing cash, converting funds into another currency, or transferring to another account are completely eliminated deposit interest. Therefore, the benefit from a contribution whose value is no more 50 thousand dollars, almost zero.

As for deposit insurance, such a system in the European Union countries is almost completely consistent with the domestic one. But for each country it is determined separately sum insured and payment procedure.

TOP 10 best options

Offers various countries deposits look like this:

Country (bank) Interest rate (currency) Volume of deposit guarantees
Cyprus (Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd) 4,5% (dol) 90% , but not more 20 thousand euros
Latvia(Citadele) 3% (dol) 100% , but not more 9 thousand lats
USA(Edvard and Jones Vanguard Group) 2,96% (dol) 100% , but not more 100 thousand dollars
UK(Bank of London and the Middle East) 2,8% (pound sterling) 100% , if the deposit amount is up to 2 thousand pounds sterling. 90% , if the amount from 2 to 33 thousand.
Italy(ING Direct Italia) 1,4% (Euro) 100% , but not more 103 thousand euros
Belgium(ING Belgium) 1,25% (Euro) 100% , but not more 20 thousand euros
Germany(ING DiBa) 1% (Euro)
  • in state banks - 100% ;
  • compulsory insurance 0 90% , but not more 20 thousand euros;
  • add. guarantee – up to 30% equity jar.
Sweden(Nordea) 1% (Swedish krona) 100% , but not more SEK 250 thousand
Netherlands(ABN AMRO) 1% (Euro) 100% , but not more 20 thousand euros
Switzerland(Postfinance) 0,15% (Swiss francs) 100% , but not more 30 thousand Swiss francs

Main notes on maintenance

Is there any benefit

Only a person with a high level of income can benefit from opening an account in a foreign bank.

Firstly, this is due to the policies of foreign financial organizations, which sets the minimum threshold for the ability to open a deposit. Secondly, the annual interest rate on deposits is significantly lower than in domestic institutions.

Therefore, contributions from 10 thousand dollars will simply be unprofitable. The optimal amount is from 500 thousand dollars.

Separately, we can highlight people who, due to circumstances, are forced to live abroad for a long time. In this case, foreign contribution is vitally useful for them.

When you need them

The question of preserving their funds became acute for the population of the Russian Federation in 2019-2015, when unrest in the economy began in connection with the situation in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions.

Most of the country's residents sought to withdraw accumulated funds and place them “under the mattress.” Another was transferring money from small banks to larger ones. Many decided to exchange rubles for foreign currency or even invest in real estate.

But in the topic under consideration, we are interested in the situation with investments in foreign organizations. And it’s true that during this period a significant part of citizens decided to open deposits in foreign banks. Such actions allow us to avoid some of the consequences of the economic collapse of the Russian market.

In addition, a bank account abroad can be useful for paying for transactions carried out outside the Russian Federation. In particular, you can highlight the spending of money on training, accommodation, purchase of goods or services.

Risks and problems

When choosing a foreign bank and opening a deposit with it, you may be subject to certain risks that you need to take into account in order to preserve your capital and not get into an unpleasant situation:

  • When using consulting firms, it is worth knowing that they may be interested in the recommendations of a particular foreign bank. In this case, their advice is not aimed at your well-being. Therefore, it is better to contact an independent financial advisor with a proven reputation.
  • Pay attention to the deposit insurance system. It is different in each country and the working conditions are different.
  • It is worth considering that the interest rate may change over time, especially if your deposit was issued for a long period.
  • Country politics in international relations. Using the example of Cyprus in 2013 and Russia in 2019, one can understand that much depends on the position of the state regarding the ongoing actions of world countries. Even the speeches of politicians can harm the economic system.

Possible transactions with deposits abroad

Deposits abroad and possible actions with them are regulated by the federal law “On currency regulation And exchange control».

This normative act establishes restrictions for individuals on the use of their accounts in foreign banks according to the principle “everything that is not expressly permitted is prohibited.”

In particular, two categories are provided: crediting funds to foreign accounts and spending them. The document outlines in detail the conditions for carrying out these operations.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros Deposits in foreign banks are not uncommon for the Russian population.

Almost anyone can open an account or deposit in a foreign bank, but in reality this procedure is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Subtleties of work foreign organizations, having the right to exercise banking operations, and step by step guide You will find out if you open an offshore account with them if you read this article.

For a Russian businessman, an account abroad can bring many benefits. This means opening an account in a bank of another country, and not just a foreign account credit organization, which has a representative office in our country. In fact, even European banks who work in our country are Russian, even if they are based on foreign capital. It follows that they are exposed to exactly the same risks.

Why and who might need a foreign bank account?

An account in a foreign bank may become necessary for those who intend to conduct their business abroad, to open a special merchant account to develop their Internet business, and simply for those who want to increase their money. The reason is simple - some banking organizations may offer higher interest rates on deposits in foreign banks than in Russia.

It is also worth considering that foreign bank accounts are private. Bankers in Western countries are truly concerned about privacy, and the concept of " bank secrecy“for them is not just an empty phrase. In almost all respects we have profitable deposits in foreign banks.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a deposit in a foreign bank

In fact, this process is somewhat complex, and without knowing certain nuances it is almost impossible to achieve the goal. Let's try to sort out the subtleties at each stage of opening a deposit in a foreign bank.

Selecting the country in which to make a deposit

The country for placing your funds should be chosen depending on the nature of the purposes for which you need such an account. Banks in Western European countries are considered very prestigious, but the vast majority of them are not interested in cash settlement services for non-residents, for this reason they are not suitable for such purposes, since it is at least unprofitable for the client. It is better to carry out such financial transactions through banking institutions in Estonia and Latvia. Banks in Hong Kong and Singapore will welcome foreigners who conduct their business in Southeast Asia, but are reluctant to accept deposits - only if the size of the investment is very substantial. Opening a deposit in a foreign bank, for example in a Swiss bank, can be opened by those who want to save their funds, but refuse to participate in international trade, because here the requirements for the minimum balance are very high, and also, as a rule, the number of transactions is somewhat limited. When choosing a suitable country, you should take into account the political and economic situation in the region, and it is better to analyze the future prospects - the more stable, the better.

Registration of a new or purchase of a “ready-made” company

To open such a deposit, you need a company that is registered in a country with preferential taxation. Offshore companies are not necessarily used for doing business; for example, some of them are created only for the purpose of owning foreign assets and opening a bank account. Today it is not so difficult to acquire an offshore company, and both the purchase and the annual commission will not be so expensive. In order to purchase a company registered abroad, you must contact the appropriate specialized company. The procedure can be completed in just one day. Another option is to register your LLC in another country. This path is suitable for those who are really serious about running their business abroad. A foreign enterprise that owns a Russian LLC can provide a solution to many property disputes regarding the area of ​​international law and, in the event of bankruptcy, provides protection to the current owner from subsidiary liability.

Choosing a bank

Today, Baltic banking institutions that can provide services in Russian are becoming more and more common, and the cost is from banking products quite small. Banks in Germany, Denmark and Austria are also very reliable. When choosing an institution to open a deposit in a foreign bank, it is necessary to analyze the reliability rating banking institution, minimum amount deposit (for example, in Switzerland the size is quite large), requirements for clients of other countries, since not every bank is ready to do business with foreign citizens, the ability to quickly and conveniently replenish your deposit. The most famous foreign banks for deposits are:

  • In Germany - KfW.
  • In France - Caisse des Depots et Consignatioms.
  • In Holland - Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten.
  • In Switzerland - Zurcher Kantonalbank, CIM Banque.
  • In Saint Lucia - Hermes.
  • In Latvia - Rietumu.
  • In Austria - Meinl Bank.

Submitting an application to open a bank account

To open an offshore account with a banking institution, you must have the following documents:

  • A completed application form for opening a bank account with an original signature from the future owner of the deposit or the director of the enterprise.
  • A copy of the package of documents that certify the client’s identity (usually a passport or driver’s license).
  • It is desirable to have a letter of recommendation from other banks.
  • Constituent documentation of the enterprise.

Sometimes a banking institution requires the personal presence of a potential depositor. The period for opening a deposit in a foreign bank directly depends on the selected country and internal regulations banking institution - sometimes this procedure lasts one day, and sometimes - at least several months.

Advantages of the main types of foreign bank deposits

The type of counting is also of great importance. A current account is opened to maintain current expenses. In such cases, as a rule, interest rates on deposits in foreign banks are very low, and sometimes even non-existent. Investment accounts are created for the purpose of long-term investments in securities or shares. A deposit account is suitable not only for saving money, but also for increasing it thanks to the high interest rate. But you should not forget that in this case you cannot withdraw money until the end of the period specified in the contract.

Offshore company “without an account”

The myth that European banks are very accessible and are ready to fight for each of their clients is very firmly rooted in the minds of Russian citizens. But, unfortunately, this is completely untrue. Foreign banking institutions have no shortage of potential clients and conduct selection very strictly, for this reason a person who decides to open an account abroad may encounter certain difficulties, especially when he wants to carry out this operation on his own. It is necessary to prepare for possible long conversations with representatives of a banking institution; in addition, negotiations will most likely take place in English.

You can open a bank account in a foreign bank with the help of a special company that specializes in such services. Such firms have established contacts with banks; they will assist in choosing a specific bank and conducting negotiations, as well as in correct design all necessary documents.

This method of opening a bank account abroad is the simplest, however, it is very important to choose the right company, since there is a risk of encountering scammers who only need personal number bills and a sample of a person's painting.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that some intermediaries who register offshore companies and promise to open in the selected legal sphere also a bank account, in fact they cannot do the latter. Typically, such companies can offer lower cost of services. The result of cooperation with such a “woeful company” will manifest itself in the form of an irretrievable loss of funds that were paid for opening an account and a useless offshore company. The thing is that real reputable companies that are truly capable of opening a bank account will not cooperate with “foreign” offshore companies. And, as a result, such ill-considered savings on the intermediary can lead to increased expenses, and then the saying will once again be confirmed: “The miser pays twice.”

What does the law say about opening deposits abroad?

Let us mention one feature of ownership bank account Abroad. The second paragraph of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” speaks about it. Regarding deposits in foreign banks, the law states that absolutely every Russian citizen is obliged to warn territorial authorities within a month tax authorities about opening an account in a bank located outside the territory of the Russian Federation. At the end of each year, it will be necessary to provide the tax office with information about the balance in such an account. Violation of this law is punishable by a fine of 5 thousand rubles.


As a rule, an account in a foreign bank is very rarely opened to obtain increased income or better level service. Most often this is done for the purposes of confidentiality and a kind of independence from banking system our country. For example, many decided to open such an account out of fear that the authorities might introduce various restrictions on currency conversion and cross-border transfers. In addition, foreign bank accounts can provide access to international investment products.

Possibility to open freely bank deposits outside the country of residence appeared among citizens of the Russian Federation recently - in 2003. Article 12 Federal Law dated December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” gives the right to Russian citizens who are residents of the country (that is, living on its territory for more than 183 days within one calendar year) to open accounts in foreign banks and their branches located in member states of the OECD and FATF.

This article reads verbatim: “Residents open without restrictions accounts (deposits) in foreign currency in banks located in the territories foreign countries members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).” In other words, you will not be able to open a ruble account abroad, while you are completely free to choose a foreign currency for opening a deposit.

Let's consider in what cases such a deposit may be useful, how to open it and what its features are in comparison with deposits in Russian banks.

About convenience, benefit and reliability

If you are planning to do business with foreign partners, go to study abroad or educate your children at a foreign university, buy real estate abroad, help relatives living there, etc., it is obvious that Russian bank not very suitable for such purposes. Of course, you can act through foreign branches, for example, Sberbank, Uniastrum, etc., or open an account with a bank that has a representative office in Russia (Unicredit, Raiffeisen, Citibank, etc.).

But if you need to store a decent amount on the most confidential terms, it is probably worth considering a foreign bank as a place to store this money. From this point of view, European banks, in particular “classical” Switzerland, significantly outperform Russian ones. The same cannot be said about the profitability of deposits; interest on deposits is extremely low; in some cases you will be offered 0.0% on your deposit.

Be that as it may, if you have no problems with the tax inspectorate (and even more so with law enforcement agencies), but have solid business partners, an educational agreement with a foreign university or a residence permit in the country where you want to place your personal capital, you can open a deposit in a foreign bank in a couple of months.

What kind of profit can you get from a foreign deposit? The answer is pessimistic: very modest. Firstly, some large foreign banks set more low interest profitability than for citizens of their country. Nothing prevents you from considering the opportunity to open a so-called “indexed deposit” (we call them “structured products”; in Russia they have not yet become widespread) - the interest on them is higher, because they involve investing part of the money in securities.

Secondly, some foreign banks charge significant commissions for opening and maintaining a deposit (you rarely see this in Russian banks when opening a deposit!). Interest for converting into another currency, transferring from a deposit to another account, as well as for withdrawing money from a deposit in cash practically “eats up” the deposit interest. It turns out that a deposit of up to 50 thousand US dollars is not only unprofitable, but almost unprofitable.

However, in order not to scare away foreign depositors, most large banks simply do not accept less than 50 thousand from foreigners. If you do not have this amount, but you really need to open a deposit abroad, you can contact Baltic banks or a bank in an offshore zone.

Although the example of Cyprus hardly promises investors reliability (let alone profitability).


Firstly, get ready for the fact that you will need 2-3 times more documents than to open a deposit in Russia. To open an account abroad, you will need, in addition to the “classic” application and depositor questionnaire, the following documents (the list is incomplete):

First, a 3-NDFL certificate for the last 3-5 years, certified by the tax office.

Secondly, notarized copies of general civil and foreign passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Some banks request these documents not only from the depositor, but also from his spouse.

Fourthly, a certificate from the Russian bank of which you are a depositor or borrower at the time of submitting an application to a foreign bank.

Fifthly, a certificate of no problems with law enforcement agencies.

Sixthly, a certificate of family composition.

Seventh, proof of residence at the address specified in the application form (for example, paid bills for public utilities, issued in the name of the person opening the deposit).

Eighth, a certificate from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if the amount of your deposit is up to 10 thousand euros/dollars (if more, you will have to undergo verification by Interpol and FATF).

As well as other documents at the discretion of the bank.

Please note that you will have to translate all these certificates and have the translation certified by a notary.

How to know in advance how many documents and which ones a particular bank will request? This depends, firstly, on the policies and requirements of a particular bank, and secondly, on the policy of the country of its location in relation to Russia. It is no secret that many Western countries are wary of Russian citizens - it is not surprising that banks react to their intention to open a deposit for a decent amount by requiring them to provide a large number of documents.

If your savings do not exceed 100 thousand US dollars (in ruble or euro equivalent), you can explain their origin to your bank in a simple manner. writing(ordinary certificate). If you are a businessman and want to deposit more than 100 thousand dollars into a foreign account, you will be required Additional information about the legal origin of these funds, as well as about your business. In this regard, recommendations from business partners - foreigners or other clients of the bank in which you want to open a deposit - will help you.

By the way, if you have an account in the Russian “subsidiary” of a foreign bank (see above) and you, for example, regularly pay your loan or keep a decent amount on deposit with this bank, a favorable review from this bank can also have a positive impact on your image as a potential investor.

Submit an application

So, the package of documents has been collected - all that remains is to submit them, sign an application for opening a deposit and an agreement with the bank. There are several ways to do this.

1. Remotely from Russia. Certified documents must be sent by mail; Part can be sent by fax or scanned by e-mail. The only “but”: you will have to sign the agreement on opening a deposit at a branch of “your” bank abroad.

2. In Russia through the official representative offices of the selected bank in the Russian Federation. Financial transactions These banks do not deal with Russian clients, but they will provide you with assistance in collecting and sending a package of documents. If you can afford a “personal manager,” the bank will arrange a meeting for you in Russia to sign an agreement with such an employee who will come from abroad specifically for this purpose.

3. Through the Private Banking service of a large Russian bank that has connections with banks abroad. This service is available exclusively to VIP clients planning to place at least 1 million dollars or euros abroad. For such depositors, the Russian bank will provide assistance in all aspects of opening a foreign account - the client will only have to personally meet with a representative of the foreign bank to sign the agreement.

4. Through a consulting company in Moscow, specializing in opening foreign accounts for citizens of the Russian Federation. Such companies have connections with foreign credit institutions and will help you choose a country, a bank and the optimal conditions for opening a deposit, and will also help you collect documents or even find a guarantor abroad. Such services will cost you up to 1000 euros.

Features of national taxation

And now a few words about taxes. According to Russian law, you are obligated to notify the tax office within a month of the existence of a bank account abroad. If you do not do this, in addition to a fine (up to 5,000 rubles), a severe sanction will be applied to you - Russian banks will not be able to transfer your money abroad to the account of the bank where you opened a deposit. You will not be able to get around this provision of the law by topping up your account with cash - especially if the bank is located in European country with a developed banking system.

Further. Russia has entered into an agreement with a number of countries to avoid double taxation; if you open a deposit in a country with which there is such an agreement, you will only have to pay taxes on the deposit abroad. If the deposit is opened in a state with which Russia does not have such an agreement, you will pay taxes twice. Therefore, be sure to ensure that you have a double tax treaty when choosing a country to store your money.

Concerning exact amount The tax you will have to pay depends on the country of your bank and on the interest rate on the deposit (if it is below 5%, you will not have to pay tax in Russia).

Today, it is much safer to store money in banks than in a box at home. However, before you put it into your account, the question arises: in which bank is it better to store money in 2019, and which bank is better: foreign or Russian? This question arises due to the fact that the ruble is becoming cheaper, while the dollar and euro are becoming more expensive. The ruble as a currency remains volatile, and bank interest rates on deposits are low.

If you have decided that a foreign bank is better, then you should understand how profitable it will be and which country to choose for storage.

To open an account, you should visit a bank office abroad. Otherwise, having opened an account with subsidiaries in Russia, you will not be able to get far away from Russian trends: residents are subject to Russian laws. It is worth remembering that if you want to get a big income from investing in another country, then in this case you will lose.

Foreign banks differ more high reliability, but less interest rate, and account maintenance usually costs more. You can create an account in any foreign bank that is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The only rule that exists for clients of foreign banks is that within a month he must notify his tax inspector in Russia.

Not all banks, however, may allow you to open an account, since they are more interested in corporate clients (companies). This is also due to the fact that there is not a very positive opinion about Russian clients. The most welcoming banks for Russian depositors are the banks of Austria, Germany and Denmark.

Read also

Why foreign investors afraid to invest in Russia

In which currency is it better to keep your savings?

When choosing a bank, you also decide in what currency you will store your money. It is difficult to make a choice in favor of one currency or another, since the euro is falling, and the dollar is now growing very quickly. But after rapid growth, a slight decline may occur in the future compared to the same euro. In addition, there are also such interesting currencies as the Japanese yen and CNY.

Should you keep your money in dollars? The position of the dollar today depends on the world economy, and to a greater extent on the US economy. There is practically no serious alternative to the dollar. The advantage of this currency is that it is growing steadily.

Should you store your currency in euros? For today economic situation Europe is unstable and the euro is in an unstable position. But if you plan to make an investment for several years, then the opportunity to get a greater profit is higher than in dollar terms.

Also, some experts note the Singapore dollar, Japanese yen and Chinese yuan. However, it pays to have a good understanding of the benefits and risks of such investments.

The most reasonable deposit, as experts advise, would be a mixed deposit in different banks.

After Swiss banks announced that they no longer hide the personal data of their clients and provide information at the request of certain structures, depositors began to reconsider the bank market, selecting those that have a high reputation. In the near future, Switzerland may reduce tax benefits for foreign investors, which also does not play in favor of keeping money in this country.

Country selection

It is worth noting several countries where it is safe to store your savings.