Presentation on geography as geography studies the economy. What the geography of the economy and geographic regions of Russia studies

Outline plan

geography lesson in grade 9

on the topic “Asian Russia. general characteristics.

Eastern Macroregion ".

The purpose of the lesson: to form a general idea of ​​the peculiarities of the Eastern macroregion of Russia.


Educational: to acquaint students with the problems and prospects for the development of the region.

Developing: continue to develop the skills and abilities of working with the atlas and the textbook, continue teaching intellectual methods of independent cognitive activity (highlighting the main thing, structuring the educational material, systematizing knowledge, drawing up conclusions).

Educational: cultivate love for your country; promote understanding of one's own intellectual achievements as a successful characteristic of a modern person.

Lesson methods: partial search based on the analysis of atlas maps, illustrative and verbal, reproductive

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material

Equipment: textbook V.P. Dronov, V. Ya. Rom, II Barinova, AA Lobzhanidze “Geography of Russia. Economy and geographical areas ”, cards with tasks, atlases, wall maps: physical, administrative.

During the classes

    Organizational moment.

    Knowledge update.

Let's start the lesson with the words of VM Lomonosov: "Russian power will grow in Siberia."

A) Introductory speech of the teacher.

B) Frontal conversation.

    Learning new material.

1) General characteristics of the economic and geographical location of the region.

In the lesson we will get acquainted with the Eastern macroregion of our state, its features, geographic location, resources, history and stages of development of its territory, we will find problems and prospects the region... The territory of the VMR in the west borders on the Urals and the European North, in the south there are state borders with Kazakhstan, Mongolia and North Korea, the northern and eastern outskirts are washed by the waters of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and also have water borders with the USA and Japan. The area is 12.8 million km 2, which is dominant in size over the large state of Canada.

2) Feature natural conditions and natural resources.

The natural conditions are unfavorable (they do not facilitate, but complicate the development of the territory). The severity of nature and the remoteness of the territory from the developed areas leads to an increase in the cost of work in the region by 2-5 times. The wages of workers in Sevres are 1.5-3 times higher ( northern coefficient). The territory of the region has huge reserves of natural resources. The northern territories concentrate 80% of energy resources, 80% of ripe timber, 75% of water and 80% of hydro resources, large reserves of chemical raw materials. Natural resources of Western Siberia are actively used in the western regions. Oil and gas from Western Siberia is transited to European countries. Transport ore, coal, timber from Of the Far East to the West is economically unprofitable.

3) Population, economy and stages of development of the macroregion.

In general, the region has a low population density and is poorly provided with labor resources. The economy of the region is based on local natural resources and is dominated by the extractive industries. For many centuries, the population of Siberia and the Far East was engaged in nomadic cattle breeding: reindeer herding in the north and sheep and horse breeding in the steppe, fishing in the taiga and on the coast of the seas. Until the 19th century. After the abolition of serfdom and especially the holding of the Trans-Siberian railroad millions of peasants from the central provinces poured into the forest and steppe regions of Siberia. Through their efforts, Western Siberia was turned into a large grain and livestock region. Eastern Siberia and the Far East were still undeveloped, land development and use proceeded extensively. In the 30-50s, the Stalinist repressions began. A large number of people were forcibly resettled to the territory of Siberia and the Far East. Thanks to them, cities, bridges, roads to hard-to-reach areas were built, mining and mining were carried out. During the Great Patriotic War, most of the military enterprises were transferred to the cities of Western Siberia, located along the railway, which served in the further development of the industry of this region. In the 60s, oil and gas production began in the north of Western Siberia, which gave impetus to the development of the oil and gas industry. In the 70s, large transport construction was carried out (the Baikal-Amur Mainline - BAM, the road to the West Siberian North, the Amur-Yakutsk Mainline - AYAM). These roads were led to the places of mineral deposits in Siberia and the Far East, which served as the construction of settlements and cities. All this contributed to the creation of large territorial-production complexes based on efficient energy and raw materials. Although, in general, the transport and economic development of the territory remains low.

    Practical work.

- Work on individual cards.


Task on the card:

1. Highlight the positive and negative sides EGP of the Eastern macroregion:

washed by the waters of two oceans;

    removed from the center;

    lack of railways and highways in the northern regions;

    has a great length from north to south, from west to east;

    large economic regions; (The area of ​​the entire region is 75% of the country's area (13 million km 2).

    harsh climate and permafrost;

    borders on the Ural economic region;

    a lack of labor resources certain territories of the Asian macroregion;

    has huge reserves of mineral raw materials;

    the presence of large water resources;

    has an iron and road connecting west and east.

2. Natural conditions

    Task on the card:

    1. Using maps of the atlas, give an assessment of the natural conditions of the Eastern macroregion:

  • The nature of the earth's crust;

  • Waters - rivers, permafrost.

    3. Natural resources

    Task on the card:

    1. Using maps of the atlas, text of the textbook and statistical materials, give an estimate of the natural resources of the Eastern macro-region:


    4. Population

    Task on the card:

    1. Using the text of the textbook and maps of the atlas, the map on the flyleaf of the textbook and statistical materials, characterize the population of the Eastern region:


    Population density;

    Urbanization level;


5. Economy

    Task on the card:

    1. Using the map of the textbook, the map on the 2nd flyleaf of the textbook, atlas maps, annex and statistical materials, find out the features of the economy of the Eastern macroregion:

    Macro-region specialization (development factors);

    Branches of specialization.



    The region occupies a huge territory, remote from the Central regions of Russia.

    East Region needs to develop external economic ties with the countries of East and Central Asia.

    The transport network is poorly developed, so it is necessary to build new roads, especially in the north of the region, to develop river and air transport modes.

    PU are unfavorable (complicate the development of the territory).

    PRs are the richest, but their development is more expensive than in the European part of the country.

    The economy of the region is based on local resources, but it is necessary to develop knowledge-intensive industries.

    Poorly developed infrastructure, difficult conditions life-reasons poorly populated territory and lack of labor resources.


Consider possible prospects for the development of the region. (Advanced tasks for the West Siberian region)

On the basis of atlas maps and additional literature, give a description of the nodal regions of Western Siberia.

Determine the main landforms and large water bodies West Siberian region.

Identify the main Natural resources West Siberian region.

Have contour maps for the next lesson.

Plan for studying the topic of the lesson: 1. The level of development of the economy. 2. The enterprise is the primary basis of the economy. 3.Division of the economy into branches, intersectoral complexes and sectors. 4. Sectoral, functional and territorial structure of the economy. 1. The level of development of the economy. 2. The enterprise is the primary basis of the economy. 3.Division of the economy into branches, intersectoral complexes and sectors. 4. Sectoral, functional and territorial structure of the economy.

A set of natural and man-made wealth that is used by people to ensure life and improve the conditions for its existence. The interaction of people (labor power) and means of production: means of labor (what a person works with) and objects of labor (what he processes) The totality of natural and man-made wealth that is used by people to ensure life and improve the conditions of its existence. The interaction of people (labor power) and means of production: means of labor (what a person works with) and objects of labor (what he processes)

In any country, society solves three interrelated problems: In any country, society solves three interrelated problems: what needs to be produced (what goods and services, in what quantities) what needs to be produced (what goods and services, in what quantities) how to produce these goods and services and services (using what technologies and what resources) how to produce these goods and services and services (using what technologies and what resources) for whom they are intended (how these goods and services will be distributed). for whom they are intended (how these goods and services will be distributed).

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Labor productivity Labor productivity the total cost of goods and services produced in the country for the year, expressed in US dollars The total value of goods and services produced in the country for the year, expressed in US dollars an indicator of labor efficiency, which is measured by the amount of time spent on the production of a unit of output p. 221 Footnotes 1 and 2 p. 221 Footnotes 1 and 2

This is a collection of enterprises that produce homogeneous products or provide homogeneous services. it is a set of enterprises producing homogeneous products or providing homogeneous services. Examples of industries: Metallurgical Engineering Chemical Garment Industry Petroleum Fuel Metallurgical Engineering Chemical Garment Industry Oil Fuel

Manufacturing sphere Non-manufacturing sphere Industry Construction Agriculture Transport and communications trade Housing services Consumer services Health care Governing bodies Protection of order Education Culture Science physical education and sports Social security

Group A - heavy Group B - light Textile Textile Sewing Sewing Leatherworking Leather Shoe Shoe Printing Printing food-grade food Textile Textile Sewing Sewing Leather Leather Shoes Shoes building materials fuel ferrous metallurgy machine building and metalworking petrochemical forestry and woodworking pulp and paper building materials Industry composition may vary See example on p. 223 Industry composition is subject to change See example on p. 223

Historical experience suggests that in its development human society goes through three successive stages: - pre-industrial (agrarian); - industrial; - post-industrial. Historical experience suggests that in its development human society goes through three successive stages: - pre-industrial (agrarian); - industrial; - post-industrial. AGRARIAN HOUSE STRUCTURE AGRARIAN HOUSE STRUCTURE INDUSTRIAL HOUSE STRUCTURE INDUSTRIAL HOUSE STRUCTURE POST-INDUSTRIAL HOUSE STRUCTURE

Agriculture) 1. Agrarian structure of the economy (with a predominance Agriculture) industry 2. Industrial stage (with a predominance of industry) information services 3. Post-industrial stage (informational, in which the main role belongs to industries producing services). agriculture) 1. Agrarian structure of the economy (with a predominance of agriculture) industry 2. Industrial stage (with a predominance of industry) information services 3. Post-industrial stage (informational, in which the main role belongs to industries producing services).

Historical approach to the study of the economy PRIMARY SECTOR PRIMARY SECTOR SECONDARY SECTOR SECONDARY SECTOR TERTIARY SECTOR TERTIARY SECTOR Mining industry Extractive industry Agriculture and forestry Agriculture and forestry Hunting and fishing Hunting and fishing. Manufacturing industry Construction Passenger transport Trade Financial activities Science and education Healthcare Culture Management Various services We have found that there are three stages of development in the history of society, from agrarian to informational. Thus, the world economy can be divided into three sectors. We found that there are three stages of development in the history of society, from agrarian to informational. Thus, the world economy can be divided into three sectors.

This is the allocation of intersectoral complexes (IOC) This is the allocation of intersectoral complexes (IOC) are groups of industries linked into blocks, linked into blocks that perform a common national economic function, these are groups of industries linked into blocks, linked into blocks that perform a common national economic function

Cross-sectoral complexes of Russia Cross-sectoral complexes Economic functions Scientific scientific knowledge Implementation of all types of work to obtain, store and disseminate scientific knowledge Military-industrial (MIC) military equipment, weapons, ammunition Providing the armed forces with the latest military equipment, weapons, ammunition; civil production with high technologies Machine-building machines and mechanisms Provision of all industries, agriculture and the population with various machines and mechanisms Fuel and energy energy Production and distribution of energy in various types and forms Metallurgical, chemical-forestry construction materials Production of various construction materials and chemicals Agro-industrial agricultural products Production, processing and delivery of agricultural products to the consumer Infrastructure services Provision of various services to production and the population

A) Studies the already established geography of the economy: what is located and where. b) Examines the principles of location: the location of individual enterprises and industries, why they are located exactly here. Geography studies the conditions of placement (what a particular territory can offer: climate, relief, population) and location factors (requirements that enterprises impose). c) Studies the territorial structure of the economy. Read the definition on p. 226.

Territorial structure of the economy (TLC) Territorial structure of the economy (TLC) TLC - a set of mutually located territorial elements in a complex interaction with each other TLC - a set of mutually located territorial elements in a certain way that are in complex interaction with each other Territorial elements: 1. Industrial areas Industrial districts 2.Large urban agglomerationsLarge urban agglomerations 3.Recreational zonesRecreational zones 4.Main transport highways Main transport arteries 1.Industrial regionsIndustrial regions 2.Large urban agglomerationsLarge urban agglomerations 3.Recreational zonesRecreational zones 4.Main transport arteriesMain transport arteries economic activity 1. What sectors occupy a large part in the economy of our country: production or non-production? 2. Development of which industries should be carried out in the first place: production or non-production sphere? 3.What is the territorial structure of the economy? (Production.) (Non-production, primarily science, education and health care.) (This is a combination, mutual location and interconnection of all territorial units of the country's economy: settlements, communications.)

>> How geography studies the economy

§ 46. How geography studies the economy

Different aspects of the economy are studied by various sciences. Has its own object of study of the economy and geography... First, it studies the already established geography of the economy, that is, it answers the question "where?" This is a very important task, since it is impossible to develop an economy without having detailed information about where and what is already available. Second, geography examines the process of locating businesses, which is very complex. It requires the use of a huge amount of various information and gigantic calculations. But if we talk about the principle of placement, then it is quite simple. In order to correctly locate an enterprise on a specific territory, it is necessary to have two data blocks: 1) a detailed description of the location conditions and 2) the factors of the location of the given enterprise.

Accommodation conditions is what a specific territory: the nature of the relief, climatic conditions, water resources, minerals, Population, features of settlement, etc. The study and detailed description of the conditions of placement is one of the important tasks of geographical science.

Business location factors- these are the requirements that enterprises make to the territories claiming them. These requirements are determined on the basis of the technical and economic characteristics of production. They are required and necessary conditions for normal work enterprises. For enterprises of different sectors of the economy, different factors are the most significant.

The study of the factors of the location of enterprises is also carried out by geography together with the economy of individual industries farms.

Thus, in its most simplified form, the process of placing enterprises can be represented as a comparison of the conditions and factors of location in relation to a specific territory.

Thirdly, geography studies the territorial structure of the economy and the patterns of its formation and development. Enterprises and population, without which it is impossible to run an economy, are unevenly distributed throughout the country. Under the influence of location factors, they are concentrated in separate regions and settlements, sometimes closely spaced, sometimes remote over long distances. These areas, cities and rural settlements are united by transport routes, communication systems.

The combination, mutual arrangement and interconnection of all territorial units of the economy (districts, settlements, communication systems) is called the territorial structure of the economy.

Questions and tasks

1. How do the conditions and factors of the location of enterprises differ?
2. What are the differences in the factors of location of enterprises of ferrous metallurgy and light industry?
3. What is the territorial structure of the economy?

Geography of Russia: Nature. Population. Household. 8 cl. : textbook. for 8 cl. general education. institutions / V. P. Dronov, I. I. Barinova, V. Ya. Rom, A. A. Lobzhanidze; ed. V.P.Dronov. - 10th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2009 .-- 271 p. : ill., maps.

Lesson content lesson outline support frame lesson presentation accelerative methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photos, pictures charts, tables, schemes humor, anecdotes, fun, comics parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles chips for the curious cheat sheets textbooks basic and additional vocabulary of terms others Improving textbooks and lessonsbug fixes in the tutorial updating a fragment in the textbook elements of innovation in the lesson replacing outdated knowledge with new ones For teachers only perfect lessons calendar plan for the year guidelines discussion agenda Integrated lessons

Abstract of a lesson in geography in a correctional school

Lesson topic: Household. Population and its main occupations.

Chapter: Steppe zone

Lesson type: combined.


* Correctional - educational

- To consolidate the concepts: about animals living in the steppe zone; their characteristic features; nutrition; adaptation to life in the steppe.

Give concepts about the main occupation economic activities population of the steppe zone.

To form an idea of ​​the leading industries in the steppe zone and products manufactured at enterprises.

* Correctional - developing

Develop attention when working with tables and diagrams.

Development of memory - the ability to reproduce existing knowledge in the course of answering questions on the topic covered

Development of the ability to establish cause - effect relationships when filling out the table "industries - manufactured products". Answering questions and establishing the relationship between the occupation of the population and climatic conditions.

* Correctional - educational

Cultivate interest in the study of this topic.

Cultivate restraint when answering other students.

To cultivate respect for the demonstration material


Cards with the names of geographical objects; map: physical map Russia, cards for each student; cards for individual performance of the assignment by each student (2 and 3 groups); textbook; notebook; a pen; simple pencil; ruler, cards with the table "animals of the steppes" and a card with the names of animals.

Vocabulary work:

The granary, agriculture, horticulture, horticulture, animal husbandry.

Lesson plan.

Lesson stage

Kind of activity

Organizational moment

Establishing discipline.

Checking the readiness of the workplace.

Working with the calendar of nature.

2. Checking homework.

* Filling the table. "Animals of the steppe"

Students are given cards with the name of animals to fill out the table:

1. names in a chaotic spelling for 1 group;

2. the names are arranged in subgroups, for group 2 - students must choose which animals are written on this card and rewrite them in the table;

3.Similarly as for group 2, only desired list paste into the desired table and read.

* Guessing riddles.

Answers on questions:

What rodents, birds, beasts of prey eat;

How did the animals adapt to life in the steppe?

4. Communication of the topic and setting the goal of the lesson.

The teacher writes the topic of the lesson on the blackboard, pupils in a notebook.

5. Learning new material.

The teacher's story on the topic.

1.-about a favorable climate;

About people, nationalities living in the zone;

Working with the dictionary: finding the word granary.

All students write out the definition in a notebook from the dictionary-1 gr; 2 gr - from cards, after being in the dictionary; 3 gr. - sticks a definition card into the notebook.

2. A story about the main occupation of the population of the steppe zone. Drawing up a diagram:

Occupation of the population

agriculture gardening

Wheat Apples

Corn Pears

Sugar Cherry

Buckwheat Grapes

Rice Apricots



* Engineering

Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment

Combine harvesters


Equipment for the food industry

* Food

Flour mills

Oil mills

Sugar refined


Meat and dairy


3. A story about the minerals produced in the zone.

Working with the dictionary, finding the word mines (similar to the previous work with the dictionary)

The teacher writes down the minerals that are mined in the zone, the students write in their notebooks.

6. Securing new material.

Tasks on cards.

Complete the sentences by reading the paragraph in the textbook.

What kind of animals are bred in the steppe zone?

Using words for reference, compose a story about the benefits of sheep breeding.

7. Homework.

Answer questions: 3, 4.

8. Lesson summary.

Assessment of the work of students in the lesson. Clarify what was learned in the lesson.

"Questions on the geography of Russia" - Russia. Theme. Geographic golf. The game. Kharina Yu.V., teacher of geography at MBOU Bystrukhinskaya secondary school.

"Geographical location" - Positive features: Mark the state border of Russia on a contour map. 1. Location on the mainland, parts of the world. Areas of the continents. Tasks on the contour map. Position in relation to the 0 ° meridian. Position in relation to the equator. 5. Studying a new topic. 8. Objectives of the lesson: Seas and oceans washing the country (sea borders).

"Motherland" - The boundless fields of Russia, My sad land ... Prepared by a 5th grade student "B". Homework. Draw your homeland. Covered pretty with the dust of centuries of past existence. Russia is my Motherland.

"Economic Geography of Russia" - For example: Geography is translated as "land description". Subsections economic geography: The object of economic and social geography is society: population and economy. Methods of economic and social geography. Geography began as an area study and developed along the lines of in-depth study.

"Lesson on the geography of Russia" - Sakhalin Island is the largest island in Russia, located in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan. Space. Justification of the location of settlements and economic facilities. Geographic books and magazines (popular science and scientific). Weather forecasts. When in one corner of the spring, In the other there is snow and a blizzard. Space and aerial photographs.

"Position of Russia" - Choose the correct statement: States with which Russia has both sea and land borders: 19 ° 38? in D. States with which Russia has borders only on land: M. Chelyuskin 12? 17 '(1,351 km). 1. Norway 2. Finland 3. Estonia 4. Latvia 5. Lithuania 6. Poland 7. Belarus 8. Ukraine. Kazakhstan 12.

There are 30 presentations in total