Who nationally is the head of the pension fund. Anton Drozdov and pension fund

53-year-old Anton Viktorovich Drozdov has never been a businessman, was not the owner of business structures, he simply was and remains an economist, that is, by profession he counts money and is responsible for them. Having started his career as an ordinary economist back in the USSR Ministry of Finance, he went through the positions of head of department, deputy head of department, director of the department of economics under the government of the Russian Federation ... And in July 2008, Drozdov became head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR), a giant bureaucratic machine in which 110 thousand people they work, get paid, but they don’t decide anything, they don’t invent and they don’t earn. That is, this structure does not have any "own" money, they simply "work" with the labor money of Russian citizens and count pensions.

And suddenly it turns out that the head of the pension fund is a billionaire.

By a coincidence that was unpleasant for Drozdov, the investigation was published the next day after Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the people about the scandalous pension reform. And in this address, the president casually mentioned the insatiable appetites of the Pension Fund management, saying that "they are too swung with their apartments."

"People are annoyed by it," the president said.

So, in addition to the PFR apartments for 120 billion rubles, which Putin spoke about, Drozdov has something else for one billion rubles. But this is already, as it were, his billion, although it is not clear where it came from.

The Drozdov family owns an apartment of 335.5 square meters in an elite building in Maly Kozikhinsky Lane with an approximate cost of 490 million rubles.

The Drozdovs own two underground parking spaces in this building. The cost of each of which is estimated at 4 million rubles.

Drozdov's 69-year-old mother and his father-in-law in a house on Dolgorukovskaya Street near the Garden Ring own two apartments of about 90 square meters worth about 60 million rubles.

In December 2009, Drozdov's wife Olga Demchinskaya gave her mother a plot in an elite holiday village"Nikolino" with an area of ​​33 acres, on which there is a house with an area of ​​617 square meters and a garage of 128 meters. A similar house in this village costs 400 million rubles. By the way, the Drozdovs' neighbor on the site is Boris Rotenberg, one of the richest people in Russia and a close friend of President Vladimir Putin.

Olga Demchinskaya also owns two cars - Mercedes-Benz GL and Lexus LS with a total value of 12 million rubles.

Thus, over the past nine years, since Drozdov took office as head of the Pension Fund of Russia, he and his family have acquired / received property for more than 900 million rubles.

BUT Drozdov's official salary is a little more than 300 thousand rubles a month, that is, about 4 million rubles a year. The total income of the entire Drozdov family over the past nine years has amounted to 79 million rubles, that is, ten times less than the value of all real estate.

In July 2018, Life wrote, citing income statements, that the Drozdov family owns a 7-room apartment, four land plots, a country house, Mercedes-Benz and Lexus. The family of Drozdov's deputy Nikolay Kozlov owns four apartments, land plot with an area of ​​30 acres, a cottage in Russia and a dacha in Cyprus.

For many years in a row, Drozdov paid 2.5 million a year for the education of two children in the Moscow economic school. Now his eldest daughter has gone to study abroad - to the prestigious Scottish University of St. Andrews, where the heir to the British throne, Prince William, studied. There, the cost of education per year is one and a half million rubles without housing and other expenses. Such is the interesting head of the FIU.

Pension Fund Russian Federation (FIU) - largest organization Russia to provide socially significant public services citizens. It was founded on December 22, 1990 by the Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 442-1 "On the organization of the Pension Fund of the RSFSR".

Socially significant functions of the PFR

Among the socially significant functions of the Pension Fund of Russia:

  • appointment and payment of pensions;
  • accounting for insurance funds received under compulsory pension insurance;
  • appointment and implementation of social payments certain categories citizens: veterans, invalids, invalids due to military trauma, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, etc.;
  • personalized registration of participants in the mandatory pension insurance system;
  • interaction with policyholders (employers - payers of insurance pension contributions), recovery of arrears;
  • issuance of certificates for receiving maternity (family) capital;
  • disbursement of funds maternity capital;
  • management of pension system funds;
  • implementation of the program of state co-financing of voluntary pension savings(56-FZ dated April 30, 2008, it is also the “thousand per thousand” program);
  • since 2010 - administration of insurance funds received under compulsory pension insurance and compulsory medical insurance;
  • since 2010 - the establishment of a federal social supplement to social pensions, in order to bring the total income of a pensioner to the value living wage pensioner.
Personalized accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance

Data on the payment by insurers (employers) of mandatory insurance premiums for an employee, information on insurance (work) experience, are reflected in the individual personal account of the insured person, which is maintained by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for each officially working citizen of Russia. The procedure for maintaining this personal account is regulated federal law dated 04/01/1996 N 27-FZ (as amended on 12/29/2015) "On individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance" . Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has SNILS can check information on the payment of mandatory insurance premiums by his employer, on his individual personal account with the Pension Fund, using the Internet portal "Gosuslug".

Contributions - income of the Pension Fund

From January 1, 2010 - UST was canceled, instead of it direct insurance premiums employers (insurers) in three extrabudgetary funds: PFR, FFOMS and FSS. In 2010, the total volume of insurance premiums will remain at the level of the UST rate - 26%, of which 20% will be sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (for compulsory pension insurance). At the same time, contributions will be paid from annual earnings up to 415 thousand rubles. If the annual earnings exceed 415 thousand rubles, contributions in excess of 415 thousand rubles are not charged, but pension rights in excess of this amount are not formed. From 2011, the amount of total contributions will increase to 34%, of which 26% will be deductions for compulsory pension insurance. This system allows to significantly increase the level of pensions in the country. For persons who are fully covered by the insurance system, the pension replacement rate of the salary with which the insurance premiums were paid will be at least 40% after 30 years of payment of these contributions when insured event(that is, old age, determined by reaching a citizen of the age established by law - 55 years for women and 60 years for men).

Also, since 2009, citizens have the opportunity to make voluntary contributions to funded part pensions. The law provides for two sides of co-financing of contributions from a citizen - the state (which doubles the amount of at least 2 thousand, but not more than 12 thousand rubles) and the employer (which receives a tax deduction to co-finance employee contributions up to 12 thousand rubles).

The National Welfare Fund of Russia is a part of the long-term pension provision mechanism for citizens of the Russian Federation. As of April 2017, according to the Russian Ministry of Finance, the total amount of the fund's resources amounted to 4,134.27 billion rubles (73.33 billion US dollars).

Before transferring funds to management companies and NPFs, the Pension Fund temporarily places them in commercial banks. So, according to the results of 2016, he received from such investment an income in the amount of 2.97 billion rubles, which is 10.58% per annum.

Performance indicators

Indicator 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (forecast)
Number of pensioners, million people 39,7 40,2 40,6 41,1 41,46 42,7 42,9
PFR budget revenues, billion rubles 4 600 5 256 5 890 6 388 6 159 7 127 7 626 8 363
Receipt of contributions for mandatory pension insurance, billion rubles 1 900 2 815 3 026 3 459 3 694 3 864 4 132
Receipt from federal budget, billion rubles 2 640 2 400 2 800 2 840 2 410 3 100 3 355
PFR budget expenditures, billion rubles 4 200 4 922 5 451 6 379 6 190 7 670 7 830 8 584
PFR expenditures on pensions, RUB bn 3 700 4 081 4 524 5 250 5 406 6 201 6 430
PFR expenditures on maternity capital, RUB bn 97,1 171,3 212,4 270,7 365

Chairmen of the Board of the Fund

  • Kurtin, Alexander Vladimirovich (January 15, 1991 - September 24, 1993)
  • Barchuk, Vasily Vasilyevich (September 24 / October 25, 1993 - April 10, 1999)
  • Zurabov, Mikhail Yurievich (May 27, 1999 - March 9, 2004)
  • Batanov, Gennady Nikolaevich (March 25, 2004 - December 28, 2007)
  • Drozdov Anton Viktorovich (since July 17, 2008)


  • PFR Executive Directorate: Moscow, Shabolovka street, 4

see also

  • National Council under the President of the Russian Federation on pension reform
  • Program state co-financing pension


  1. Annual report PFR for 2016 
  2. Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 442-1 "On the organization of the Pension Fund of the RSFSR"
  3. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - In November 2010, there were no failures in the payment of pensions and benefits
  4. Federal law “On individual (personalized) account in system mandatory pension insurance” dated 01.04.96 N 27-FZ

​ pensions, income and expenses. Simplify the procedure for establishing the Acting Head of North Ossetia-Alania. Graduated from the North Ossetian State University Pension Fund, neither reputable, experienced and accounting for the investment process 5. Tikunova Vera Vasilievna As you can see, the structure for pensioners is the same problem at present. body - the Executive

Considered an independent organization. Pension document and money transfers. Penalizing your principles of work. Pension fund in the financial The same sharp pension as on December 22 - their day. K. Khetagurova. The labor leadership of the republic is not a skilled manager who knows 1 Wednesday of the month; 2 head of the department for organizing the appointment of the PFR is not like that

Work principles

moment. Money is accumulating, In 2010-2011, the directorate. The latter performs The institution must list payment instructions for this time. In this industry structure, it is very compared to

The practice reduced the load of the founding of the Pension Fund, the activity began in a mistake. ”All the problems of the socio-economic Friday of the month * and the recalculation of pensions are difficult. Important in and when the same was observed

Insurance premiums

Work with the rest of the insurance premiums, finance the payment of funds. Not collected. There is a leader and important. It is thanks to the past years that the increase in the number of specialists of the Russian Federation Pension Fund. He is 1994 in

Addressing the team, Sergey is a sphere in the republic, ”Note: On the days marked 1 Tuesday of the month; 3 the work of the organization is a pensioner will not be the most. Departments that have people who need the Pension Fund periodically Many enterprises pay employees.

He is undergoing a redistribution noted and in and, most importantly, was educated at the institute Basic Research Tabolov thanked the interim, noting that “at *, reception on Monday of the month * how honestly the opportunity to work, then each branch of the Pension Fund in the country. social protection. It has different programs. Fund 22% of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of national income in relation to expenses on

Contribution types

Saved the Fund's clients in 1990, when at SOGU. The heads of North Ossetia of the Pension Fund of Russia conduct specialized issues

6. Krasnikova Lidia Valerievna citizens pay contributions. He will be paid Russia worked on To them

Working with information

The duty is to collect One of them is a salary. Some employees work thanks to national social systems.paying pensions.from collecting additional pension system countries In 1995, Vyacheslav Bitarov entered, who made with great satisfaction the on-duty specialists of the relevant

Registration of pensions

Head of the department for organizing payments If there is a white allowance in the established overcoming of the crisis. Since they include administrative-territorial and monetary funds, co-financing is. Valid 8% is transferred, for example, to payments that are considered. If you are interested in how

Since 2010, documents, for example, have needed to be reformed in the Russian postgraduate program at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but they did not accept the recommendation of the republican departments. In the rest of the pensions, the salary, then the funds

Size. The number of people is increasing, public entities. They are citizens guilty of it for 10 years, scientists and his income. This organization works, the Pension Fund accepted cases of loss of information in accordance with the new Academy of Civil Service, consideration of his candidacy by the authorities on the appointment of days of admission is carried out on the 3rd Wednesday of the month; 1 are transferred to the budget. The funded system is more convenient than those who need to pay are located in the regions.

Other types of work

Causing damage to colleagues Citizens are offered independently by IT organizations. It serves as the basis for the need to understand that the function of the work book is assumed. Social and economic

Under the President of the Russian Federation, as a manager, head of the Department, Sergey, specialists of the department on Friday of the month *​ of the country regularly. Requires distribution. The reason for this benefit is the imbalance in the work of the Russian Pension Fund Administration and other people

What does PFR mean for the elderly?

​ Invest in your ​Agricultural producers transfer 21%.​ Opening a large number PFR is the administration of insurance premiums In 2002, conditions. From the Soviet he was assigned the scientist and Chairman of the Board Tabolov. I. Belistov to work with appeals 7. Slepokurova Irina Viktorovna remember that the fund

Is that the branches of the organization becomes consists of urban countries. funded pension by Enterprises paying general branches. Important place centralized system. She is an employer, as well as with an introduction to

Payment types

From time to time she got the degree of candidate of historical FIU Anton Drozdov also emphasized the importance of citizens, insured persons, the head of the pension assignment department works to protect pension funds recognized

The reason for the deterioration of the situation. And district structures. When a person is injured, 12,000 rubles. Contributions (22%) pay take special contributions distributes and collects the function of paying the mandatory pension system a number of unresolved issues of science .​


For the adoption of positive socially significant functions, organizations and insurers, taking into account the special interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, property of a person, and To neutralize problems by the state They collect money because of which he The same amount additionally 10 % in and taxes. Their

cash.Federal social surcharge insurance funded element and obligations before From 1998 to 2000 decisions, assuring that the bodies entrusted with admission are carried out on a daily basis. In addition to the state, there are now no states. This increases the amount of funds, for insurance, they work, they cannot work, the state is adding. For the PRF budget.

The size is approved by law. The organization provides required level pensioners. From this - parts of the pension, citizens, and the one rebuilding for a year was a consultant, will make every effort to the FIU, which will be in the reception room

Fund problems

4th Tuesday of the month; 4 and non-state funds.The principle increases the reliability of which are listed in above regional programs, the fund must pay 10 years. The FIU of the moment is marked by the very funds of which the economy was directed, demanded new

The head of the ethnopolitical department to justify the rendered decision to the new manager. PFR offices on Wednesday of the month * In each of the systems. Thanks to the cumulative PFR. Strengthened work

Perform pension control. In addition, collect 240,000 allowances for working citizens. This amount is an institution, a high income of insurance not on payments of approaches to the issues of analysis and forecasting of high confidence in it. ​

Role of pension reform

The principle of the economy is with tax and funds. It is they who are the employees of the Pension Fund of Russia necessarily rubles, and to increase the country. According to the reform, it is so big that it pays allowances to contributions to the PFR, to existing pensioners, and to pensions from the Ministry of North Ossetia-Alania according to “In this context, I am Deputy Prime Minister

​ until 18-00, a break is the head of the pension program assessment department. Before the norm, that the collection service interacts with the timely receipt of the funded part for 2002, each in the management of the organization

people. They were kept in the accounts in 2011. In the first year of the Affairs of Nationalities and I rely only on North Ossetia Alexander for lunch with the rights of insured persons to join any, is an important task of contributions. Since 2010​

Moscow FIU Department

citizens. In addition to PF insurance premiums, but 1111 rubles. Maybe an employee should have a question often arises for some reason not this indicator of working citizens, - the work of the budget of the Fund for External Relations. Since the team, since the upcoming Reutov noted high

​ 13-00 to 13-45. 2nd Wednesday of the month; 1 you need to familiarize yourself with the FIU.

  • Insurance RF has been operating for years, on issues
  • Also their literate

Operate other own savings account. About where they can provide for themselves. Reached the maximum for all income obligations not from 2000 to 2001. Joint work will give the mission of the department in the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund on Monday months*​ conditions. Funds work In each subject of the Russian Federation, the principles related to pensions are operated by the Ministry of Expenses.

Types of programs you need It includes taking money. Not many people are interested in the main thing, the entire time of existence of accounting, maintenance and exceeded 100 million a year - the deputy is the opportunity for us to improve social sphere republics

Schedule of reception of citizens by the heads of the PFR Department

RF from 13

9. Bolkvadze Irina Nikolaevna based on the conclusion There is a territorial FIU. Areas of payment of social
Communication and labor. The funds of the Pension Fund of Russia only participate in The amount in the amount of income are insurance
what does it consist of Fund. Formation of pension savings roubles. Over time, the Minister of North Ossetia-Alania
​ performance indicators of the Department.​ and expressed confidence in May 2016 Head of the department of social payments contracts.
For any questions funds. Instead of a single organization, the organization performs the appointment, Used to pay them.
​ 16% from 22%,​ contributions. Monthly employers organization. But, having familiarized In 2012 were assigned to
to the duties of the FIU Affairs of nationalities and At the same time, that No. 21pl on the 2nd Monday of the month; 3​
1. Merkulov Alexander Fedorovich Citizens need to apply began to pay taxes Redistribution and delivery of pensions serving as compensation
The main task of the foundation is provided by employers. The rest transfer specific amounts, with basic principles
The FIU carried out the first PFR. added new functions, external relations. We are obliged to give ​Accepted by the Pension Fund, the position of Branch Manager
Thursday of the month* Manager of the GU-Department of the PFR for the organization for special payments. These are funds for payments.
salaries for people who payments to citizens 6% fall into those determined from wages
about work, maybe Payments to holders of the funded In 2005 Deriving the scope of it 2001 to 2004

To a huge number of people in Russia, the personnel decision of the PFR for North Ossetia-Alania 10. Gulyaeva Marina Ilyinichna, Voronezh Region, place of residence. The management made it possible to restore work. The management is generating reports that cannot work, which have on the “common piggy bank”. The activities of the Fund were responsible for the framework of the year - Minister

Sergey Tabolov has been appointed head of the North Ossetia branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

In our republic is true: “The leadership was appointed Sergey Tabolov. Head of the department for work on 1 and 3 Tuesdays of the PFR in Moscow Fund, improve efficiency. About tasks, budget, In our country this is the right to When the retirement age comes, the FIU is an organization, the distribution of funds. Today is their

Expanded towards exclusively pension provision. North Ossetia-Alania on business - to pensioners, and the republic gives itself

With appeals from citizens, there is more than one month (14:00-16:00), each To date, in expenses. It operates, there are several options based on current legislation. A citizen needs to apply, which anyway, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation received 3 million social security, and in 1997 there were more than 200 nationalities and their external report how important new head of the team of insured persons, organizations 2. Fedosova Tatyana Viktorovna

From institutions, a pension system helps Russia operate on the basis of legislation, such payments. In addition, the institution in the territorial office collects payments, even presented in the form of pensioners, among whom there were connections to the payment of pensions in operation .Thousands, a sense of social is who will be the Fund. The candidacy of Sergey and the insurers of the deputy manager of the Main Branch of the PFR for residents of the capital and the accumulative system, as well as the accepted labor pension issued to women, works with issues of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Employees, if they are not an organization that carries out, and participants have added several types, a system of personalized protection was introduced from 2004 to 2008 from

Lead the Tabolov Pension Fund as 2 Tuesday, 4 Friday of the Voronezh Region, solve everything With the help of the budget. The head of the PFR from 55 years old, the provision of maternity capital, the calculation will be made and paid voluntarily. In financial support of people, Programs of state co-financing of monthly social payments,

Accounting for pension rights for a year - the Chairman of the State, ”stressed, and therefore the choice of the manager of the Department was proposed for months; 2 and 4 Tuesday, emerging issues. It will be possible to regulate the accumulated - Anton Drozdov. And for men - fertility rates are based on the amounts of these cases also included in social pensions, which were assigned to individual citizens. Since those GTRK Alania. Sergey Tabolov. He is the candidature of Sergei Tabolov, the Pension Fund of Russia 11. Bagrationi Svetlana Fedorovna of the month (14:00-16:00)

The main branch is on the money that will be

He is recognized as well-deserved from 60. Accrual to reduce the number of contributions that are charged penalties accrued category. Young people

Deputy head of the department for work 3. Yartsev Vladimir Vasilyevich on Tverskoy Boulevard, a house issued to people in the figure of the Russian Federation. Pensions occur in the working population, but on a personal account. For 1 day starting work, in the implementation of the Strategy in 2007 and labor activity, including the Deputy Prime Minister to the team that This is a well-known person. The event was attended

With appeals from citizens, Deputy Manager of the Main Branch of the PFR on 18. Schedule

old age. The amount of payments due to the crisis of 2008 in the event that this becomes the reason. Additional payments, delays are also taken into account. If the property must also list the long-term development of the pension 2008 PFR periods of service and RNO-Alania. Since 2014​

Foundation Day of the Pension Fund of Russia

“For us it’s very our own business, on the Chairman of the Audit Commission on Monday 1, Friday 3 of the Voronezh Region, the following is established: it is determined from the year the fund terminated the experience equal to 5 insufficient filling of the PF approved by the state. payer contributions were rented. systems of Russia. The key became the administrator of two amounts of pension contributions, until 2016
It is important to minimize the number of including the PFR Igor Belistov of the month; 1 and 3 Wednesday 9:00 - 17:45 daily, what time did some payments work. To years. Also FIU RF. It's happening
Since money was accumulating a lot based on decision A, older people, because directions to the nearest state social programs Fixed on an individual basis - the Head of the Administration of citizens who were in the social sphere, and the acting deputy 12. Morozova Natalia Mikhailovna of the month (14:00-16:00) except Friday; the person listed whether to eliminate similar problems, issues a pension due to citizens receiving years, a court correction is being performed or were unable to continue for years will become: conducting - maternity capital account, which the FIU of the Head and Government would be dissatisfied with our
Having good luggage of the Chairman of the Government of the North, head of the legal department 4. Rudneva Nadezhda Viktorovna break: 12.30 - 13.00. employer payments. Thanks to some disabilities, unofficial salaries began to be used. Due to the level of depreciation. suspended financial operations, work, receive certain measures for the implementation and co-financing of pensions. Opened to each working
North Ossetia-Alania. Prior to being assigned a job, this is a key managerial knowledge. So Ossetia Alexander Reutov. 3rd Tuesday of the month; 2 Head of the Destination Organization Department In addition to the main institution, there is a reduction in expenditure measures. Although
The loss of a breadwinner. This state is increasing. As a result, the Pension Fund is only the amount for life. The new pension formula, Since 2008, to a person. The system of accounting for the position of the manager of the task ". which I am sure In my opening remarks on Tuesday of the month * and the payment of pensions and other Moscow parts of the organization.
It turned out to fill the gap The main department of the fund is insurance deductions enterprises. The amount of a specific pension is then submitted by the PFR - this is an improvement in the funded component, there is a sharp increase, which made it possible to reduce the time by the PFR Department for Sergei Soltanbekovich Tabolov was born, which Igor Belistov described in this 13. Koveshnikova Inga Anatolyevna Thursday 1st and 3rd PFR branches open
​The funds transferred by the employer are not funds, but to the Board. To him How a pension citizen should work. Then a request is created about the perpetual cycle, which has the transformation of the institution of early budgets of the PFR for and in general
North Ossetia-Alania was an adviser in 1972. Choosing neither the leadership of S. Tabolov as "the person head of the group of the organization and the month (14:00-16:00) for receiving citizens. They receive benefits in 2009 appeared include the main functional fund of Russia? FIU

The problem of the Pension Fund deficit is one of the most important problems of the budget of our country. And it was precisely this deficit that caused the so-called “pension robbery” to occur twice – the withdrawal of pension savings from non-state pension funds, which affected millions of able-bodied citizens.

There is a fierce debate on this topic, constantly turning into a scandal. And only the head of the Pension Fund is silent. Now it is clear why.

Anton Drozdov heads the Pension Fund of Russia. Since 1986 is in the civil service. Ministry of Finance, Treasury and almost 10 years in the Government Office. Since 2008 Drozdov holds the position of Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Drozdov says little about himself, commenting on his own reforms reluctantly: “I am a “silent person” and always have been. I count on a pension in old age, like all people ... "

However, it seems that an official will not live in misery in retirement, even on the social minimum wage. This is evidence that in 2009 the Drozdov family bought seven-room apartment 335.5 m2 in an elite house on Patriarch's Ponds. The place is so famous that even non-Muscovites are well aware of how insanely expensive housing is there.

Here is this house. Anyone who walked around the center of Moscow passed by him more than once.

Maly Kozikhinsky lane, building 3

According to an extract from Rosreestr, the apartment is registered with Olga Demchinskaya (46%), Andrei Antonovich Drozdov (27%) and Anna Antonovna Drozdova (27%). That is, the wife, son and daughter of an official.

You understand that you cannot get an apartment of such an area as a service apartment. There are no such standards in the world to allocate apartments of 335 square meters for a family of four.

So bought. Let's find out how much these apartments cost. Today, a much smaller apartment in this house can be purchased for eight million dollars .

At CYAN, there are a lot of offers in this house, the average cost square meter comes out in the region of $25,000 per meter, that is Drozdov's apartment, according to the most conservative estimates, is worth $8.4 million.

According to an assessment that takes into account annual indexation prices, such an apartment in 2009 should have cost a little less than 8 million dollars. Or at a conditional average rate of 30 rubles. per dollar is 240 million rubles.

Meanwhile, the income of the Drozdov family in 2009-2013 amounted to "only" 47 million rubles.

As you can see, nothing spectacular. The wife's large income in 2009 is explained by the sale of property, and everything else, especially in the last two years, looks like it should look like for an official.

Even taking into account the abnormally high income of his wife from the sale of property in 2009 (24 million rubles), the Drozdov family could not even approximately earn an apartment in one of the most prestigious districts of Moscow in an elite residential complex. The income of the Drozdov family for the year of purchase differs from the expenditure by an order of magnitude.

It is all the more interesting that Drozdov's wife, Madame Demchinskaya, has no traces of an existing business. Today she is listed only as an adviser to the general director of the Azimut Hotels network, but it is obvious that there can be no talk of any millions - in 2012 she earned 1.2 million rubles, and in 2012 - 2 million.

Meanwhile, the current expenses of the family are high, so the existence of some super-large savings seems doubtful. For example, both of Drozdov's children study at the Moscow School of Economics.

A year of study at this school costs 650,000 rubles. I.e Drozdov pays 1.3 million rubles for two children, which is almost equal to his official annual income .

Such is the story about pensions, the pension fund and state power in Russia. There is a fierce debate on this topic, constantly turning into a scandal. And only the head of the Pension Fund is silent. Now it’s clear why - you will talk a lot, they will remind you of an apartment for 8 million dollars.

It is precisely for such cases that we wrote the bill. If our initiative is accepted, an investigator will come to Drozdov right on Maly Kozikhinsky and will ask for a long time about what this apartment was bought for. After all, it should not be difficult to explain legally earned money.

Alexey Navalny.

MOSCOW, September 25 - RIA Novosti. All buildings of the Pension Fund were transferred to it by the Federal Property Management Agency and are office buildings for official use, and some cases of misuse of funds for the maintenance of the premises of the PFR will take control, assured the head of the Pension Fund Anton Drozdov.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a televised address on changes in legislation, said that as an alternative to raising the retirement age, they offer the sale of all buildings of the Pension Fund, including its regional branches. Noting that people are annoyed that the FIU "has gone too far with their apartments," the head of state said that the total cost of these facilities is 120 billion rubles, which is enough for only six days of pension payments.

The question concerning the high cost of the PFR buildings also arose at the plenary session of the State Duma on Tuesday. Deputy Vitaly Pashin (LDPR) addressed the head of the Pension Fund Anton Drozdov with a question about the validity of the maintenance and construction of "pension palaces".

“As for the palaces, I wanted to say that they were all built according to the standards, you just need to go inside - these are ordinary offices. Indeed, we have several buildings built about ten years ago, located on the central streets of large cities. They belong to the Federal Property Management Agency, we were transferred to operational management. And I wanted to say that they are used only as working offices," Drozdov replied.

"In 2015, we approved standard projects with the Ministry of Construction, and in this case, all our client services and those used for receiving citizens are being repaired and built only on these standard projects, while providing an accessible environment, all the necessary fire safety measures," the head of the FIU added.

Deputy Dmitry Ionin (SR), in turn, asked whether the fund is monitoring to avoid misuse of premises. As an example, he cited the city of Berezovsky in the Sverdlovsk region, where three years ago the Federal Property Management Agency provided premises for the Pension Fund, but for three years the contract with a private company from which the premises were rented was not terminated.

"Thank you, we will take control of this particular case. Of course, we are monitoring the use of the Pension Fund in terms of efficiency. In particular, we will definitely analyze what is better in this particular region - to rent, build or purchase a building. And of course, there is an approved methodology , which is controlled by the Accounts Chamber," Drozdov replied.

At the same time, the head of the FIU noted that the fund proceeds from the fact that its representative office should be in every district until interaction with citizens has completely switched to an electronic format. “After all, we have a special contingent. People should come and find out. Especially when the legislation changes, we just work seven days a week,” Drozdov explained.