My city. Main types of real estate Economic essence of types of real estate

Classification is the distribution of a set of real estate objects into their subsets based on similarity or difference in accordance with selected characteristics and methods. It facilitates the process of studying real estate, allows you to quickly find internal patterns that determine the state and changes in its consumer and market properties. The objects of classification are the elements of the set being studied (buildings, structures, etc.). Classification criteria - the most significant and practically important properties and characteristics of objects that serve as the basis for their grouping or division 1

General classification of real estate

Classification type

Types of real estate

By nature of use

For housing: houses, cottages, apartments;

For commercial and production activities: hotels, office rooms, shops, restaurants, service points, factories, factories, warehouses;

For agricultural purposes: farms, gardens;

For special purposes: schools, churches, monasteries, hospitals, nurseries, nursing homes, government and administrative buildings.

By purpose of ownership

To conduct business;

For the owner's residence;

As an investment;

As inventory and work in progress;

For mastery and development;

To consume exhaustible resources.

By degree of specialization

Specialized (due to its specialized nature is rarely, if ever, leased to third parties or sold on the open market to continue its existing use, except when sold as part of its using business): oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants; museums, libraries and similar premises belonging to the public sector;

Non-specialized - all other real estate for which there is general demand on the open market for investment, existing use or similar purposes.

According to the degree of readiness for operation

Put into operation;

Requiring reconstruction or major repairs;

Construction in progress.

By reproducibility in kind

Non-reproducible: land plots, mineral deposits;

Reproducible: buildings, structures, perennial plantings.

Features of real estate as a product

Real estate as a commodity is an object of transactions (purchase and sale, donation, pledge, etc.), satisfying various real or potential needs and having certain qualitative and quantitative characteristics 1

Immovable things as goods include both a benefit needed by consumers and costs or investments, without which their ownership and use is practically impossible. These qualities of real estate come in the form of their utility, rarity, scarcity, and capital intensity. If land, water and mineral resources were not limited and exhaustible, they would be free like air. The total consumer value of real estate is its utility, i.e. the possibility of using real estate for the implementation of certain economic function(growing crops, producing industrial goods, providing services) or personal consumption. 1

Utility is the ability of a property to satisfy the owner's needs in a given location and for a given period of time.

Like any product, real estate has a consumer and market value. Use value reflects the value of things for a specific user. Market price- this is the most likely price for selling them in the open and competitive market. Land and some other immovable things are included in economic circulation as resources that have no alternatives for mutual substitution in many areas of activity. The supply of real estate goods is influenced by the law of rarity and limitation: the higher the rarity of the goods, the higher the price. There are not even two identical buildings; they will always have differences in location, skyline, accessibility sunlight, microclimate and other indicators. 1

The peculiarity of land as a commodity is that the amount of land offered on the market is limited by nature itself. In Fig. 1 vertical supply line (P) shows that changes in the level and dynamics of land prices do not change the size of its supply. Therefore, the price of land (P) is determined mainly by demand: when the level of demand rises from C to C 1, the price or rent correspondingly rises from C to C 1. 1

Price Ts1 E1

(C,R/m) 2 C E

Area, m2 (ha)

Rice. 1. The supply and demand curve for land on the market in the short term.

Real estate is the most durable and substantial commodity of all existing ones. It cannot, as sometimes happens with personal belongings, be forgotten or lost. The earth is eternal by nature, and buildings and structures have regulatory deadlines service life up to 15-200 years. Enterprises, as property complexes, are most often created for an indefinite period. Real estate provides investment security because its value can increase over time due to increased demand, improvements and other factors.

Transactions with real estate are not the usual movement and final consumption of goods like bread or milk, but the movement of capital that generates income. Immovable goods are consumed (used) at their location, which creates their special economic characteristics- territorial preferences, i.e. changes in public opinion, traditions and aspirations that make some areas popular (preferable) and others not. For example, in the Moscow housing market, attractive areas for environmental reasons are Western and Southwestern. Only due to one factor of “preference” price 1 sq.m of residential premises here is 30-40% higher than in other areas of the capital 1.

TO economic features real estate as a product include: unevenness cash flows, differentiation of taxation, variety of combinations of property rights, strict regulation of transactions, liquidity and the need for management. 1

In world practice, real estate is land, as well as everything that is firmly connected with it, including objects attached to it, regardless of whether they are of natural origin or created by human hands.

In Russia, the concept of “real and movable property” was first used by Peter I in the Decree of March 23, 1714 “On the procedure of inheritance in movable and immovable property.” Real estate included land, land, houses, plants, factories, and shops. Real estate included minerals extracted from the bowels of the earth, and various structures, both above the ground and built under it, such as bridges, dams, mines.

Many developments of pre-revolutionary law were not used in Soviet civil law. civil law regulating property issues, including in connection with the abolition of private ownership of land, the concept of “fixed assets”, which does not take into account land, was used, i.e. items for production and non-production purposes that function for a number of years and do not lose their consumer form.

In the process economic reforms In Russia, the division of property into movable and immovable has been reintroduced. Since 1994 according to Article 130 Civil Code Russian Federation, "to immovable things ( real estate, real estate) include land plots, subsoil plots, isolated water bodies and everything that is firmly connected to the land, that is, objects whose movement without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible, including forests, perennial plantings, buildings, structures." Real estate also includes "subject to state registration air and sea ​​vessels, inland navigation vessels, space objects."

The law may include other property as real estate. Thus, according to Article 132, “the enterprise as a whole as a property complex used to carry out entrepreneurial activity, is recognized as real estate."

Items that are not real estate, including money and securities, are recognized as movable property.

Distinctive features of real estate are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Characteristics of the trait


Real estate cannot be moved without causing some damage to it

Connection with the earth

Strong physical and legal connection to the land


Absence of absolutely identical real estate objects (they differ in physical characteristics, location, view from the windows, surroundings, etc.)


Utility lies in the ability to satisfy human needs for residential and production premises, their comfort and environmental friendliness (room size, layout, landscaping of the surrounding area, location, material of the main structures, etc.)


Real estate cannot be stolen, broken or lost when normal conditions


The natural form of the property is preserved during use. Depending on the material of the main structures, the standard service life of real estate objects ranges from 15 to 200 years



Real estate needs constant management (searching for tenants, collecting rental payments, ensuring the maintenance of the facility in a functionally suitable condition: carrying out repairs and various preventive works, providing utilities etc.)


to an increase in cost

Property values ​​tend to increase over time

Regulation of transactions by government bodies

There are government-established procedures that must be followed when purchasing and other real estate transactions.



It is difficult to hide both the real estate itself and its owner, which is important for tax policy relative to other goods

High transaction costs

Real estate values ​​and transaction costs are high relative to other commodities

There is also property that was movable, but is now attached to the real estate so that it has become part of it. In order to determine whether property is movable, it is necessary to find out how firmly this property is connected with the real estate object and whether it is possible to separate them from each other without causing damage to consumer properties.

Real estate is the most durable and solid product of all existing ones: land by its nature is eternal, and buildings and structures have a standard service life of up to 200 years;

Enterprises as property complexes are usually created for an indefinite period. Under normal circumstances, real estate cannot be lost, as is sometimes the case with personal belongings, and its value increases over time, providing security for the investment.

Classification of real estate.

There are three main types of real estate: land, housing and non-residential premises (figure).

The basic object of real estate is land as the only place of residence for all people, the main factor in any area of ​​​​business, directly or indirectly involved in the production of all other goods and benefits. At the same time, land is a limited, non-renewable resource.

Along with the division into types, real estate is classified according to a number of characteristics. The classification according to the most common characteristics is presented in Table 2.

table 2

General classification of real estate

Classification type

Types of real estate

by nature of use

For housing: houses, cottages, apartments;

For commercial activities: hotels, office premises, shops, restaurants, service points;

for production activities: factories, factories;

for agricultural purposes: farms, gardens;

for special purposes: schools, churches, monasteries, hospitals, nurseries, nursing homes, government and administrative buildings

by purpose of ownership

To conduct business; - for the owner's residence;

as an investment; - as inventory and work in progress;

for mastery and development; - for the consumption of exhaustible resources

by degree of specialization

Specialized - which, due to its specialized nature, is rarely (if ever) sold on the open market to continue its existing use, except when sold as part of its using business: oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants; property with such design features, size and specificity, that the market for such buildings does not exist at all or in a given area;

non-specialized - all other real estate for which there is general demand on the open market for use for existing or similar purposes

according to the degree of readiness for operation

Put into operation;

requiring reconstruction or major repairs;

Construction in progress

by reproducibility in natural form

Non-reproducible: land plots, mineral deposits;

reproducible: buildings, structures, perennial plantings

The presence of different types of classification of real estate objects is necessary for a more thorough analysis of the real estate market in accordance with groups of objects united according to any characteristic, for in-depth research and development of new methods applicable in the analysis of real estate objects.

There are three main types of real estate: land, housing and non-residential premises.

The land is divided into:

  • 1. land plots intended for development;
  • 2. natural complexes intended for their exploitation.

Housing is a building with all amenities designed for human habitation.

Housing can be:

  • 1. elite;
  • 2. typical;
  • 3. urban;
  • 4. suburban.

Along with the division into types, real estate is classified according to a number of criteria, which contributes to more successful research of the real estate market.

By nature of use

  • - Residential Properties: houses, cottages, apartments.
  • - Commercial real estate: hotels, office premises, shops, restaurants, service points.
  • - Industrial real estate: factories, factories, warehouses.
  • - Agricultural real estate: farms, gardens.
  • - Special real estate: schools, churches, monasteries, hospitals, nurseries, nursing homes, government and administrative buildings.

By purpose of ownership

  • - for doing business;
  • - for the owner's residence;
  • - as an investment;
  • - as inventory and work in progress;
  • - for mastering and development;
  • - for the consumption of exhaustible resources.

By degree of specialization

  • - specialized (due to its specialized nature is rarely, if ever, leased to third parties or sold on the open market to continue its existing use, except when sold as part of the business using it): oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants; museums, libraries and similar premises belonging to the public sector;
  • - non-specialized - all other real estate for which there is general demand on the open market for investment, use for existing or similar purposes.

According to the degree of readiness for operation:

  • - put into operation;
  • - requiring reconstruction or major repairs;
  • - Construction in progress.

By reproducibility in natural form:

  • - non-reproducible: land plots, mineral deposits;
  • - reproducible: buildings, structures, perennial plantings.

Real estate has the potential to generate income and is a fairly attractive investment area. Forms of income from real estate:

  • 1) future periodic cash flows;
  • 2) an increase in the value of real estate due to changes in market prices, the acquisition of new and development of old properties;
  • 3) income from the resale of the object at the end of the ownership period.

Real estate valuation is of interest primarily for categories of objects that are actively traded on the market as independent goods. Currently in Russia it is:

  • - apartments and rooms;
  • - premises and buildings for offices or shops;
  • - suburban residential buildings with land plots (cottages and dachas);
  • - vacant land plots intended for development or other purposes (in the near future);
  • - warehouse and production facilities.

The proposed classification of real estate objects aims to promote a differentiated approach to their assessment, taking into account the most significant features inherent in each group of objects, the characteristics of their turnover, the structure and scale of the markets within which the purchase and sale processes take place.

The evaluation of an object is influenced by various conditions and their combinations, therefore, the “feature tree” method was used to carry out the grouping. This grouping is multi-level; at each level it is carried out according to its basis with possible differences at the same level, but along different “branches”.

At the same time, the depth (number of levels) of classification is greater for those “branches” on which more representative objects are located (in terms of market scale).

Below are the name and a set of recommended values ​​for each classification feature (the second digit in the numerical classification index indicates the origin of the object, the third - the purpose, the fourth - the scale and characteristics of the object).

1. Origin

b Natural (natural) objects.

b Artificial objects(the buildings).

2. Purpose

b Vacant land plots (for development or other purposes of using the land surface).

b Natural complexes (deposits, etc.) for their exploitation.

3. Buildings

b For housing.

b For offices.

b For trade and paid services.

b For industry.

ь Others.

4. Scale

b Land masses.

ь Separate land plots.

b Complexes of buildings and structures ( suburban village, micro

b district, hotel, sanatorium, motel, etc.).

ь Apartment building.

ь Single-apartment residential building (mansion, cottage).

b Section (entrance).

b Floor in a section.

ь Apartment.

b Room.

ь Summer cottage.

b Complex of administrative buildings.

b Building.

b Premises or parts of buildings (sections, floors).

5. Ready to use

ь Finished objects

b Requiring reconstruction or major repairs.

b Requiring completion of construction (“unfinished”). The division into subgroups according to the characteristics of group 4 can be applied to all groups (from 1.2.1 to 1.2.5).

Most developed sector The real estate market in Russia is currently the apartment market. The commercial and especially industrial real estate markets, as well as the land market, are much less developed.

For assessment, the most significant classification of real estate is in which land, buildings and structures are divided into two classes:

  • 1) specialized real estate;
  • 2) non-specialized real estate.

Specialized property is property that, due to its specialized nature, is rarely sold on the open market except as part of a business using it.

The special nature of real estate is usually due to its design, specialization, size, location, or a combination of these factors.

Non-specialized real estate is real estate for which there is a general demand and which is usually bought, sold or leased on the open market for the purpose of using it as an investment or for development and development.

For different assessments, depending on the purpose of ownership, real estate is divided into categories:

  • 1) real estate occupied by the owner for use in the activities of the enterprise;
  • 2) investment property used by the owner to generate rental income, to maintain or increase the value of capital;
  • 3) real estate that is surplus to production (business) needs;
  • 4) real estate owned for the purposes of development and development;
  • 5) real estate owned as inventory.

In my own way functional purpose To conduct a specific business, real estate is divided into types:

  • 1) residential;
  • 2) office;
  • 3) industrial;
  • 4) warehouse;
  • 5) multifunctional.

For assessments, depending on the purpose of using improvements, real estate is divided into the following types:

  • 1) residential buildings and secondary residential facilities (apartments, rooms);
  • 2) administrative buildings;
  • 3) industrial buildings;
  • 4) parts of the building, built-in premises (offices, enterprises);
  • 5) mansions, cottages, dachas, garden houses;
  • 6) structures;
  • 7) complexes of buildings and structures.

The procedure for assigning a property to a specific class, type, type and category must be agreed with the client, unless otherwise provided by current regulations.

For land plots, as special objects of assessment, there is its own classification.

According to Article 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, a division is established land resources(land fund) into the following categories in accordance with the intended purpose and legal regime use and protection:

  • 1) lands of populated areas (settlements);
  • 2) lands of industry, transport, communications, defense and other special purposes;
  • 3) lands of environmental, protected, health, recreational and historical and cultural purposes;
  • 4) agricultural land;
  • 5) forest lands;
  • 6) lands of the water fund;
  • 7) reserve lands.

Lands of settlements - lands located within the administrative boundaries of various settlements, are divided from the point of view of their functional purpose into two groups: rural and urban settlements.

When assessing the lands of settlements, one should take into account their division in accordance with the intended purpose and urban planning regulations into the following territorial zones:

  • 1) land of urban or rural development, including residential and public, industrial and municipal warehouse;
  • 2) land common use, intended to meet the needs of the population (occupied by squares, streets, roads, embankments, parks, forest parks, public gardens, ponds, beaches and others);
  • 3) lands for agricultural use;
  • 4) lands of environmental, health, recreational and historical and cultural purposes;
  • 5) lands of transport, communications, engineering communications;
  • 6) lands of reservoirs and water areas;
  • 7) lands of military facilities and sensitive zones;
  • 8) reserve lands - not involved in urban planning activities and others.

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General classification of real estate

Classification. this is the distribution of a set of real estate objects into their subsets based on similarity or difference in accordance with selected characteristics and methods. It facilitates the process of studying real estate, allows you to quickly find internal patterns that determine the state and changes in its consumer and market properties. The objects of classification are the elements of the set being studied (buildings, structures, etc.). Signs of classification. the most significant and practically important properties and characteristics of objects that serve as the basis for their grouping or division.

The characteristics of the classification of real estate include:

Classification is carried out using the following four rules for dividing the scope of concepts.

1. The same basis must be used in the same classification.

2. Proportionality of division. the sum of the members (species, varieties, groups) of the classification should be equal to the volume of the class being studied.

3. Members of the classification must be mutually exclusive, i.e. do not intersect.

4. Continuity and consistency of division into types, subspecies, etc.

Methods for classifying real estate include:

Hierarchicalmethod classifications. sequential (in stages) division of a set of immovable objects into subordinate groups. At each level of classification, heterogeneous groups of objects are formed. In this case, the depth of classification (number of steps) can be different and include several steps. For example, industrial buildings Based on the number of storeys, they are divided into one-, two- and multi-storey (first stage). The latter, in turn, are divided according to the type of lighting into buildings with natural, artificial and combined lighting (second stage), etc.

Facetedmethod classification, which involves the parallel division of many real estate objects into independent groups (types, subtypes).

The facet method has the following features:

There is only one classification level;

The division of multiple objects can be carried out according to various criteria;

High information saturation.

In the general classification of real estate, the degree of fragmentation may be limited based on the principle of reasonable expediency, sufficient for an in-depth analysis of the condition of the objects and their market valuation.

Depending on your goals immovable objects can be classified according to various criteria. Thus, in European countries, real estate is divided into three groups.

a) specialized facilities for conducting a certain type of business;

b) universal real estate. ordinary buildings for sale or rent.

There are five types of real estate in the USA:

residential For personal use(consumption);

a commercial. for business, including sales;

investment for investment of capital;

For regulatory purposes public relations and solving socio-economic problems, real estate, taking into account the degree of readiness for operation, can also be classified into three levels.

Most common general classification real estate from the point of view of its taxation, regardless of the physical nature of the objects. Tax classification provides for the following four categories of real estate:

Commercial, used for business and generating rental income;

Personal residential property;

Intended for sale as a commodity for profit by developers and real estate dealers;

Investment objects that provide net income, return of invested capital or increase in its value in future period time.

Recreational real estate in the leisure sector and institutional are also distinguished. buildings of government and municipal authorities, educational institutions and other special purposes.

The concept of “real estate” traditionally means land and all improvements permanently attached to it (buildings, structures, unfinished construction projects). Art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation gives the following definition.

Real estate(real estate) - land. subsoil areas, and everything that is firmly connected to the ground, that is, objects whose movement without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible, including buildings, structures, unfinished construction projects .

Real estate also includes aircraft and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, and space objects subject to state registration.

Items that are not real estate, including money and securities. admit movable property .

Property features:

  • real estate cannot be moved without causing damage to the object;
  • firmly connected to the land both physically and legally;
  • durability of the investment object;
  • the cost of real estate is high;
  • each real estate unit is unique in its physical characteristics;
  • loss of consumer properties occurs gradually as wear occurs;
  • new construction especially affects the value of nearby real estate;
  • strict state regulation of real estate transactions.
  • the ability to satisfy a person’s need for living and other space is determined by the usefulness of real estate;

Property properties:

  • usefulness (real estate objects should satisfy the needs of the owner as much as possible);
  • fundamental nature (real estate under normal conditions cannot be lost, broken or stolen);
  • stationarity (real estate objects are closely connected to the land);
  • uniqueness (each property is unique);
  • liquidity (real estate has low liquidity)

Under property is understood, firstly, as the enterprise as a whole as a property complex, and secondly, as a land plot, an integral part of which may be:

  • building (structure);
  • isolated water bodies;
  • perennial plantings;
  • engineering structures and networks;
  • elements of economic, transport and engineering support;

Classification and types of real estate

You can select three main types of real estate. land, housing and non-living premises.

Earth divided into:

  • land plots intended for development;
  • natural complexes intended for their exploitation.

Housing is a building with all amenities intended for human habitation.

Housing can be:

Along with the division into types, real estate is classified according to a number of criteria, which contributes to more successful research of the real estate market.

General classification of real estate

1. Concept, characteristics and classification of real estate

- other exclusive rights

In general - real estate- these are land plots and everything that is firmly connected with them, the movement of which without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible.

At the same time, to real estate real estate also includes fully movable things equivalent to it (aircraft, sea vessels) not on the basis of generic or type characteristics, but on the expediency of extending to them the special legal regime established for truly immovable objects.

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Any real estate object in reality exists in a unity of physical, economic, social and legal properties, each of which can, in appropriate cases, act as the main (determining) one, depending on life situations, goals and stages of analysis.

In Fig. 1. provides a description of real estate as a set of material, economic, legal and social properties

Rice. 1. Characteristics of real estate as a set of material, economic, legal and social properties

Each real estate object has generic (essential, root) characteristics that distinguish it from movable things, and specific (private, specific) characteristics that distinguish groups of real estate objects homogeneous by this characteristic from other groups of real estate.

Birth characteristics characterize the immobility of an object, its non-movement in space without compromising its purpose, a strong connection with the earth, durability, gradual transfer of the value of the object and the accumulation of depreciation, etc.

Species characteristics characterize the functional purpose, origin of real estate, technical and technological characteristics, forms of ownership, etc.

Main features of real estate:

Technical and technological characteristics (location, functionality, condition, etc.)

Determined specific indicators depending on the type of real estate and the feasibility of extending the special regime of use to other property. Inextricable unity with functionality

Classification of real estate objects

Classification- this is the distribution of a set of real estate objects into their subsets based on similarity or difference in accordance with selected characteristics and methods.

Objects classifications are the elements of the set being studied (buildings, structures, etc.).

Types of real estate:

Signs classifications are the most significant and practically important properties and characteristics of objects that serve as the basis for their grouping or division.

The concept of real estate and their classification

The concept of “real estate” was first formulated in Roman law in connection with the introduction of land and other natural objects into civil circulation, and has now become generally accepted in all countries of the world. In pre-revolutionary Russia, this concept was applied in the Decree of Peter I of March 23, 1714 to limit the turnover of real estate and its inheritance. During the Soviet period, after the abolition of private ownership of land, the division of things into movable and immovable was transformed into the categories of basic and revolving funds, and land plots were taken into account separately by type and only in natural units of measurement (by area).

IN modern Russia the concept of “real estate” (“real estate”) was reintroduced into economic and legal circulation by the Law of the RSFSR dated December 24, 1990 No. 443-1 “On Property in the RSFSR” in connection with the establishment of the status of private ownership of land and the fundamentals of civil legislation USSR and republics, approved by the Supreme Council of the USSR dated May 31, 1991 No. 2211-1 (Article 4). Then this term was confirmed in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 1993 No. 1767 “On the regulation of land relations and the development of agrarian reform in Russia” (Article 1)

The concept of real estate in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is finally established in law (Article 130). TO immovable things(real estate property real estate) include land plots, subsoil plots, isolated water bodies and everything that is firmly connected to the land, that is, objects whose movement without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible, including forests, perennial plantings, buildings and structures. Immovable things also include aircraft and sea vessels subject to state registration, inland navigation vessels, and space objects. The law may also include other property and enterprises as property complexes as immovable things.

Real estate (real estate), rights to which are subject to state registration in accordance with Federal Law No. 122 of July 21. 1997 “On state registration of rights to land plots and transactions with them » — land plots, subsoil plots, isolated water bodies and all objects. which are connected to the earth like this. that their movement without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible, including buildings, structures, residential and non-residential premises, forests and perennial plantings, enterprises as property complexes;

Land Code (Article 6.) The objects of land relations are:

1) land as a natural object and natural resource;

2) land plots;

3) parts of land plots.

Land in the Russian Federation, depending on the legal regime and intended use, is divided into 7 categories:

1) agricultural land - For conducting Agriculture; research and educational purposes: other:

2) lands of settlements - for public and business purposes: educational purposes: recreational and health purposes: historical and cultural purposes: agricultural use: needs of industry, energy, transport engineering infrastructure: communications, radio broadcasting, television, computer science, defense and other sensitive facilities , special purpose objects (cemeteries, landfills for household or industrial waste, etc.): environmental purposes, others;

3) lands of industry, energy, transport, communications, radio broadcasting, television, computer science, lands for ensuring space activities, lands of defense, security and lands of other special purposes - for
needs of industry, energy, transport, communications, broadcasting, defense,
security and space support, others:

4) lands of specially protected territories and objects - for the placement of objects for environmental purposes, natural reserves: health, recreational, historical and cultural purposes, others:

5) forest lands - for the needs of forestry, defense and other sensitive facilities, others:

6) lands of the water fund - for hydraulic structures, for water management, others;

7) reserve lands - lands that are in state or municipal ownership and are not provided to citizens and legal entities, i.e. their intended purpose is not defined.

resolutions of executive authorities and decisions of local governments on the provision (transfer) of land plots or on the establishment of special legal regimes for the use of lands and specially protected areas:

title documents for land (certificates, contracts and other documents):

documents state cadastre real estate:

documents of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

The concept of land is one of the fundamental ones. In a number of Western countries (Great Britain, Sweden, USA), a cone from the center of the Earth is taken to be a land plot, cutting the earth's surface along the border of the land plot and extending upward into outer space.

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Land plot– part of the earth’s surface (including the surface soil layer), the boundaries of which are described and certified in the prescribed manner by an authorized government agency, as well as everything that is above and below the surface of the land plot, unless otherwise provided federal laws on subsoil, on the use of airspace and other federal laws (Fig. 1). A plot of land has fixed boundaries, exact area, location, legal status and other characteristics (for example, cadastral number), reflected in the land cadastre and state registration documents.

Land plots are classified:

By method of formation (simple, complex, multi-circuit, artificial);

According to the intended purpose (field, homestead, garden, country, for individual construction);

A land plot can be divisible and indivisible. Divisible is a land plot that can be divided into parts, each of which, after division, forms an independent land plot, the permitted use of which can be carried out without transferring it to land of a different category, except in cases established by federal laws. Divisible is a land plot that, without changing its intended purpose and permitted use, without violating fire, sanitary, environmental, building codes can be divided into parts, each of which, after division, forms an independent land plot, subject to state registration.

Figure 1. Formation and entry of information about plot of land to the EGRON database.

An indivisible plot is a land plot, the division of which in kind is impossible without changing its intended purpose.

The State Real Estate Cadastre contains information about land plots, buildings, premises, structures, unfinished construction projects, territorial zones and areas with special conditions use of territories, lands and borders of the territory of the Russian Federation, its subjects, municipalities, populated areas(real estate objects).

Real estate objects have a number of properties (usefulness, durability, stationarity, uniqueness, etc.).

One or another development of a land plot makes land an object of real estate. It is the implementation of the development method or the possibility of such implementation that is attractive to the consumer and creates demand in the real estate market, and the wider the range of possible uses of the land plot, the higher its value may be. Accordingly, consumers have a number of requirements for the size and shape of the land plot. Thus, the most common “defects” of land plots are considered to be their small size, elongation, the presence of an obtuse or acute angle in the plan of the plot, a non-linear border, incorrect configuration of the plot, etc. Since the territory is limited resource, then the formation of territorial objects should be subject to the requirement of maximum effective use lands. Boundaries of the formed object after fixation in documents land cadastre I are practically impossible to correct, so the presence of a defect complicates both the turnover of this object and its development.

Building how real estate objects are divided into residential and non-residential (synonyms: building, house) Fig. 2.

Residential building - a permanent residential building designed for long term services.

Non-residential building - intended for use in production, trade, cultural and educational, medical and sanitary, communal, administrative, etc. (except permanent residence) purposes.

Figure 2. Formation and entry of information into the EKON database about capital construction projectsa.

TO structures include engineering and construction facilities designed to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the production process by performing certain technical functions not related to changing objects of labor, or for carrying out various non-production functions: transport structures ( car roads and railway tracks for internal plant purposes, overpasses, etc.), transmission devices (power lines, pipelines and other transmission devices that have independent significance and are not integral part buildings or structures, etc.), hydraulic structures (dams, pools, cooling towers, etc.), storage facilities (all kinds of reservoirs, tanks, etc.), mine shafts, oil wells, etc.

Room- a space inside the house that has a specific functional purpose and is limited building structures. Construction Norms and Rules “SNiP 31-02-2001 Single-apartment residential buildings”

Premises are residential and non-residential. A residential premises is recognized as an isolated premises, which is immovable property and is suitable for permanent residence of citizens and, accordingly, meets the established sanitary and technical rules and standards, as well as legal requirements. Non-residential premises are not intended for permanent residence of citizens.

Unfinished construction projects as real estate. An object that has not been completed is not a building, structure, structure, but which can be considered as such from the moment of commissioning and the rights to which arise from the moment of state registration.

The enterprise as a whole, as a property complex used to carry out business activities, is also recognized as real estate. The enterprise as a whole or part of it may be the object of purchase and sale, pledge, lease and other transactions related to the establishment, modification and termination of property rights. The composition of an enterprise as a property complex includes all types of property intended for its activities, including land plots, buildings, structures, equipment, inventory, raw materials, products, etc.

Unauthorized construction is a residential building, other building, structure or other real estate created on a land plot not allocated for these purposes in accordance with the procedure, established by law and others legal acts, or created without receiving it necessary permits or with a significant violation of urban planning and building codes and regulations.

Subsoil areas- geometrized blocks of subsoil and earth's surface. Available for use in the form of a mining or geological allotment. Subsoil areas should be as compact as possible and, if possible, limited by straight lines - boundaries that have detailed description and coordinates.

Part of a land plot– a certain area of ​​a given land plot, which can be delimited on the ground and turned into an independent object of land relations and civil circulation:

a) availability of real estate objects (ON)

b) entry into the territorial zone (TZ).

Territorial zone , part of the territory, which is characterized by a special legal regime for the use of land plots and the boundaries of which are determined during zoning in accordance with land urban planning, forestry, water, taxes and fees, and protection environment and other legislation of the Russian Federation or its constituent entities (administrative-territorial units, zones of special regime of use, zones of land categories, disturbed lands, socio-economic zones)

Traditionally in Russia, real estate is divided into 3 groups: housing stock, non-residential stock, land. Each of these groups develops independently and has its own legislative and regulatory framework.

Housing stock - the totality of all residential premises, regardless of form of ownership, including residential buildings, dormitories, specialized houses, apartments, and other residential premises in other buildings, suitable for living.

Residential real estate as a product has the following properties that distinguish it from other goods (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Features of real estate as a product

The non-residential fund includes buildings, structures and other objects or their part, located on a specific land plot and registered in the prescribed manner. Non-residential premises differ in functional purpose into office, retail, warehouse and industrial.

Basic real estate is the land that is the place where all people live, the main factor in any line of business, directly or indirectly involved in the production of all other goods.

Along with the division into types, real estate is classified according to a number of criteria, which contributes to more successful research of the real estate market and facilitates the development and application of methods for assessing and managing various categories of real estate.

By nature of use:

Residential real estate: houses, cottages, apartments.

Commercial real estate: hotels, office premises, shops, restaurants, service points.

Industrial real estate: factories, factories, warehouses.

Agricultural real estate: farms, gardens.

Special real estate: schools, churches, monasteries, hospitals, nurseries, nursing homes, government and administrative buildings.

By purpose of ownership:

To conduct business;

For the owner's residence;

As an investment;

As inventory and work in progress;

For mastery and development;

To consume exhaustible resources.

By degree of specialization:

Specialized (due to its specialized nature is rarely, if ever, leased to third parties or sold on the open market to continue its existing use, except when sold as part of its using business): oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants; museums, libraries and similar premises belonging to the public sector;

Non-specialized - all other real estate for which there is general demand on the open market for investment, existing use or similar purposes.

According to the degree of readiness for operation:

Put into operation;

Requiring reconstruction or major repairs;

Construction in progress.

By reproducibility in natural form:

Non-reproducible: land plots, mineral deposits;

Reproducible: buildings, structures, perennial plantings.

Real estate has the potential to generate income and is a fairly attractive investment area. Forms of income from real estate:

1) future periodic cash flows;

2) an increase in the value of real estate due to changes in market prices, the acquisition of new and development of old properties;

3) income from the resale of the object at the end of the ownership period.