Federal Agency for Special Construction. Spetsstroy of Russia Flag and emblem of the agency

Federal agency special construction(Spetsstroy of Russia)

The fundamentals of its organization and activities, legal status and competence are established in the Regulations on the Federal Agency for Special Construction, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 No. 1084. The same Decree approved the structure and composition of Spetsstroy of Russia. Management of the activities of Spetsstroy of Russia is entrusted to the President of the Russian Federation. The agency is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Spetsstroy of Russia carries out its activities directly and through its constituent military formations. The central office of Spetsstroy of Russia has created Central production and administrative department, headquarters, directorates, independent departments And services. The Agency includes: 1) engineering and technical military formations and road construction military formations, which have the right to include federal state unitary enterprises and federal government institutions 12821; 2) Military Technical University; 3) Medical center.

Spetsstroy of Russia can form economic, scientific and technical And expert advice to implement a unified economic, engineering and technical policy when resolving issues within its competence.

The scope of activity of Spetsstroy of Russia is the field of special construction, road construction and communications by engineering and technical military formations and road construction military formations under the Agency. In the interests of defense and security of the state, Spetsstroy of Russia carries out functions on organizing work in the established field of activity, i.e. in the field of special construction, road construction and communications.

The main tasks of Spetsstroy of Russia are: 1) construction of special and industrial purposes ensuring the defense and security of the state, law and order, as well as the development of troops, housing construction and the construction of social infrastructure for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, federal executive authorities, bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; 2) construction and reconstruction of enterprises and organizations of the nuclear complex, enterprises for the storage and destruction of chemical and other types of weapons of mass destruction, as well as other facilities critical to the state; 3) technical cover and recovery highways defense significance, as well as highways common use on the territory of the Russian Federation; 4) construction and major renovation in peacetime and wartime, roads of defense significance, as well as public roads, carried out as a contractor; 5) covering, increasing survivability, operating and restoring the unified telecommunications network of the Russian Federation to ensure the defense and security of the state; 6) participation in the restoration of special facilities in areas affected by emergencies, accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters; 7) construction and restoration of mobilization facilities for federal executive authorities, as well as operational equipment facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation for defense purposes; 8) ensuring, within the limits of their powers, the combat and mobilization readiness of military formations; 9) organization of training of military personnel and civilian personnel of military formations to solve the problems of special and road construction, operation and restoration of the unified telecommunications network of the Russian Federation.

Spetsstroy of Russia empowered to carry out certain types of activities in the established field |279. P. 7].

Federal Agency for the Supply of Arms, Military, Special Equipment and material resources(Rosoboronpostavka). The fundamentals of its organization and activities, legal status and competence are established in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “Issues of the Federal Agency for the Supply of Arms, Military, Special Equipment and Materials”. Management of the activities of Rosoboronpostavka is entrusted to the President of the Russian Federation. The agency is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Rosoboronpostavka operates directly through its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations.

The scope of activity of Rosoboronpostavka includes the supply of weapons, military and special equipment, and materiel.

Rosoboronpostavka carries out in the established field of activity functions of the state customer: a) placing orders; b) conclusion, payment, control and accounting of the implementation of government contracts under the state defense order across the entire range of weapons, military, special equipment and materiel (with the exception of special equipment and materiel, the nomenclature of which is approved by the heads of the federal executive bodies that are state customers of the state defense order); c) ensuring implementation public policy and management of state property.

Rosoboronpostavka empowered to perform certain types of activities in the established area 1278. P. 8]. It prepares, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals for improving federal legislation on issues within the established scope of activity and participates in the implementation state program weapons and state defense orders.

Rosoboronpostavka as a state customer in the established area carries out the following types activities: 1) makes, in the prescribed manner, decisions on how to place an order for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for federal state needs in accordance with the state defense order; 2) develops and approves tender documentation and auction documentation on the basis of the subject determined by the federal executive authorities - state customers, starting price and others essential conditions contracts for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for federal government needs in accordance with the state defense order; 3) organizes and conducts, with the participation of representatives of federal executive bodies - state customers, competitions and auctions, and also requests price quotes for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for federal government needs in accordance with the state defense order; 4) concludes, at the request of federal executive authorities - state customers, government contracts for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for federal state needs in accordance with the state defense order; 5) carries out in the prescribed manner at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for in federal budget federal executive authorities - state customers for financing the state defense order, advance payments for concluded government contracts under the state defense order and their subsequent payment; 6) jointly with federal executive authorities - state customers, within the framework of concluded government contracts for state defense orders, monitors and records their implementation.

Bolotnikovskaya st., 4 “B”
55°39′28″ n. w.

37°36′53″ E. d. /  55.65778° n. w. 37.61472° E. d. / 55.65778; 37.61472 (G) (I) Director

Key documents
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 N 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive authorities”.

Regulations on the Federal Agency for Special Construction (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 No. 1084.

Website Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy of Russia) is a federal executive body that, in the interests of defense and state security, organizes work in the field of special construction, road construction and communications by forces engineering and technical military formations And road construction military formations

under the Federal Agency for Special Construction.

Spetsstroy is administered by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The activities of Spetsstroy are managed by the President of the Russian Federation.



Directors of Spetsstroy of Russia:

Flag and emblem of the agency Departmental medals History

In accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated February 13, No. 187-102c, the Military Reconstruction Directorate (VVU) was formed as part of the People's Commissariat of Communications with the aim of managing all military units for the restoration, repair and construction of line-cable structures, telephone -telegraph and radio broadcasting centers, radio stations and postal enterprises in the territory liberated from the German occupiers.

Possessing its own powerful construction industry, GUSS year after year mastered the production of new series of residential buildings. They built and delivered more than 17 million square meters comfortable housing, construction of various social and cultural facilities was carried out, including a unique bicycle track in Krylatskoye.

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An excerpt characterizing the Federal Agency for Special Construction - You will be responsible, captain, this is a riot - take away transports from your own! We didn't eat for two days.
“But mine didn’t eat for two weeks,” answered Denisov.
- This is robbery, answer me, my dear sir! – the infantry officer repeated, raising his voice.
- Why are you pestering me? A? - Denisov shouted, suddenly getting excited, - I will answer, not you, and you don’t buzz around here while you’re still alive. March! – he shouted at the officers.
- Good! - without timidity and without moving away, the little officer shouted, - to rob, so I tell you...
“To chog” that march at a fast pace, while he’s still intact.” And Denisov turned his horse towards the officer.
“Okay, okay,” the officer said with a threat, and, turning his horse, he rode away at a trot, shaking in the saddle.
“A dog is in trouble, a living dog is in trouble,” Denisov said after him - the highest mockery of a cavalryman at a mounted infantryman, and, approaching Rostov, he burst out laughing.
– He recaptured the infantry, recaptured the transport by force! - he said. - Well, shouldn’t people die of hunger?
The carts that approached the hussars were assigned to an infantry regiment, but, having been informed through Lavrushka that this transport was coming alone, Denisov and the hussars repulsed it by force. The soldiers were given plenty of crackers, even shared with other squadrons.
The next day, the regimental commander called Denisov to him and told him, covering his eyes with open fingers: “I look at it like this, I don’t know anything and I won’t start anything; but I advise you to go to headquarters and there, in the provisions department, settle this matter, and, if possible, sign that you received so much food; otherwise, the demand is written down on the infantry regiment: the matter will arise and may end badly.”
Denisov went directly from the regimental commander to headquarters, with a sincere desire to carry out his advice. In the evening he returned to his dugout in a position in which Rostov had never seen his friend before. Denisov could not speak and was choking. When Rostov asked him what was wrong with him, he only uttered incomprehensible curses and threats in a hoarse and weak voice...
Frightened by Denisov's situation, Rostov asked him to undress, drink water and sent for a doctor.
- Try me for crime - oh! Give me some more water - let them judge, but I will, I will always beat the scoundrels, and I will tell the sovereign. Give me some ice,” he said.
The regimental doctor who came said that it was necessary to bleed. A deep plate of black blood came out of Denisov’s shaggy hand, and only then was he able to tell everything that happened to him.
“I’m coming,” Denisov said. - “Well, where is your boss here?” Shown. Would you like to wait? “I have work, I came 30 miles away, I don’t have time to wait, report.” Okay, this chief thief comes out: he also decided to teach me: This is robbery! - “Robbery, I say, is committed not by the one who takes provisions to feed his soldiers, but by the one who takes it to put it in his pocket!” So would you like to remain silent? "Fine". Sign, he says, with the commission agent, and your case will be handed over to the command. I come to the commission agent. I enter - at the table... Who?! No, just think!...Who is starving us, - Denisov shouted, hitting the table with the fist of his sore hand, so hard that the table almost fell and the glasses jumped on it, - Telyanin! “What, are you starving us?!” Once, once in the face, deftly it was necessary... “Ah... with this and that and... began to roll. But I was amused, I can say,” Denisov shouted, baring his white teeth joyfully and angrily from under his black mustache. “I would have killed him if they hadn’t taken him away.”
“Why are you shouting, calm down,” Rostov said: “here the blood is starting again.” Wait, I need to bandage it. Denisov was bandaged and put to bed. The next day he woke up cheerful and calm. But at noon, the regimental adjutant with a serious and sad face came to the common dugout of Denisov and Rostov and with regret showed a uniform paper to Major Denisov from the regimental commander, in which inquiries were made about yesterday's incident. The adjutant reported that the matter was about to take a very bad turn, that a military court commission had been appointed, and that with the real severity regarding the looting and high-handedness of the troops, in a happy case, the matter could end in demotion.
The case was presented by those offended in such a way that, after the transport was recaptured, Major Denisov, without any summons, came to the chief of provisions in a drunken state, called him a thief, threatened him with beatings, and when he was taken out, he rushed into the office and beat up two officials and sprained one's arm.
Denisov, in response to Rostov’s new questions, laughingly said that it seemed like someone else had turned up here, but that all this was nonsense, nonsense, that he didn’t even think of being afraid of any courts, and that if these scoundrels dare to bully him, he would answer them so that they will remember.
Denisov spoke disparagingly about this whole matter; but Rostov knew him too well not to notice that in his soul (hiding it from others) he was afraid of the trial and was tormented by this matter, which, obviously, was supposed to have bad consequences. Every day, requests for papers and demands to the court began to arrive, and on the first of May Denisov was ordered to surrender the squadron to his senior man and appear at the division headquarters for explanations in the case of rioting in the provisions commission. On the eve of this day, Platov made reconnaissance of the enemy with two Cossack regiments and two squadrons of hussars. Denisov, as always, rode ahead of the line, flaunting his courage. One of the bullets fired by the French riflemen hit him in the flesh of his upper leg. Maybe at another time Denisov would not have left the regiment with such a light wound, but now he took advantage of this opportunity, refused to report to the division and went to the hospital.

In June, the Battle of Friedland took place, in which the Pavlograd residents did not participate, and after it a truce was declared. Rostov, who deeply felt the absence of his friend, having had no news about him since his departure and worrying about the progress of his case and his wounds, took advantage of the truce and asked to go to the hospital to visit Denisov.
The hospital was located in a small Prussian town, twice devastated by Russian and French troops. Precisely because it was in the summer, when it was so nice in the field, this place, with its broken roofs and fences and its dirty streets, ragged inhabitants and drunken and sick soldiers wandering around it, presented a particularly gloomy sight.
In a stone house, in a courtyard with the remains of a dismantled fence, some broken frames and glass, there was a hospital. Several bandaged, pale and swollen soldiers walked and sat in the courtyard in the sun.
As soon as Rostov entered the door of the house, he was overwhelmed by the smell of a rotting body and a hospital. On the stairs he met a Russian military doctor with a cigar in his mouth. A Russian paramedic followed the doctor.
“I can’t burst,” said the doctor; - Come to Makar Alekseevich in the evening, I’ll be there. – The paramedic asked him something else.
- Eh! do as you please! Doesn't it matter? - The doctor saw Rostov going up the stairs.
- Why are you here, your honor? - said the doctor. - Why are you here? Or the bullet didn’t kill you, so you want to get typhus? Here, father, is the house of lepers.
- From what? - asked Rostov.
- Typhus, father. Whoever rises will die. Only the two of us with Makeev (he pointed to the paramedic) are chattering here. At this point, about five of our brother doctors died. “When the new one arrives, he’ll be ready in a week,” the doctor said with visible pleasure. “They called Prussian doctors, because our allies don’t like that.”
Rostov explained to him that he wanted to see the hussar major Denisov lying here.
- I don’t know, I don’t know, father. Just think, I have three hospitals for one person, 400 patients are too many! It’s also good, the Prussian ladies who are benefactors send us coffee and lint at two pounds a month, otherwise they would be lost. - He laughed. – 400, father; and they keep sending me new ones. After all, there are 400? A? – he turned to the paramedic.
The paramedic looked exhausted. He was apparently waiting with annoyance to see how soon the chattering doctor would leave.
“Major Denisov,” Rostov repeated; – he was wounded near Moliten.
- It seems he died. Eh, Makeev? – the doctor asked the paramedic indifferently.
The paramedic, however, did not confirm the doctor’s words.
- Why is he so long and reddish? - asked the doctor.
Rostov described Denisov's appearance.
“There was, there was one,” the doctor said as if joyfully, “this one must have died, but I can handle it, I had the lists.” Do you have it, Makeev?
“Makar Alekseich has the lists,” said the paramedic. “Come to the officers’ chambers, you’ll see for yourself there,” he added, turning to Rostov.
“Eh, it’s better not to go, father,” said the doctor, “otherwise you might end up staying here.” “But Rostov bowed to the doctor and asked the paramedic to accompany him.
“Don’t blame me too much,” the doctor shouted from under the stairs.
Rostov and the paramedic entered the corridor. The hospital smell was so strong in this dark corridor that Rostov grabbed his nose and had to stop to gather his strength and move on. A door opened to the right, and a thin, yellow man, barefoot and wearing only underwear, leaned out on crutches.
He leaned against the lintel and looked at those passing by with shining, envious eyes. Looking through the door, Rostov saw that the sick and wounded were lying there on the floor, on straw and overcoats.
-Can I come in and have a look? - asked Rostov.
- What should I watch? - said the paramedic. But precisely because the paramedic obviously did not want to let him in, Rostov entered the soldiers’ chambers. The smell he had already smelled in the corridor was even stronger here. This smell has changed somewhat here; he was sharper, and one could feel that this was where he came from.
In a long room, brightly lit by the sun through large windows, the sick and wounded lay in two rows, with their heads to the walls and leaving a passage in the middle. Most of them were in oblivion and did not pay attention to those who entered. Those who were in memory all stood up or raised their thin, yellow faces, and all with the same expression of hope for help, reproach and envy of other people's health, without taking their eyes off, looked at Rostov. Rostov went out into the middle of the room, looked into the neighboring rooms with open doors, and saw the same thing on both sides. He stopped, silently looking around him. He never expected to see this. In front of them lay almost across the middle aisle, on the bare floor, a sick man, probably a Cossack, because his hair was cut into a brace. This Cossack was lying on his back, with his huge arms and legs outstretched. His face was crimson red, his eyes were completely rolled back, so that only the whites were visible, and on his bare feet and on his hands, which were still red, the veins were strained like ropes. He hit the back of his head on the floor and said something hoarsely and began repeating the word. Rostov listened to what he was saying and made out the word he was repeating. The word was: drink - drink - drink! Rostov looked around, looking for someone who could put this patient in his place and give him water.
-Who takes care of the sick here? – he asked the paramedic. At this time, a Furstadt soldier, a hospital attendant, came out of the next room and stood up in front of Rostov with a beating step.

Task No. 1

Ministry of Defense (MoD) of the Russian Federation. Regulatory framework:

Federal laws of the Russian Federation

Decrees and Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation

Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Other regulatory legal acts regulating the scope of activity of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Military doctrine of the Russian Federation

Maritime doctrine of the Russian Federation

Federal target program for 2004-2007

Draft Federal Laws of the Russian Federation and Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Composition of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

Main Directorate of Combat Training and Troop Service of the Russian Armed Forces

Military Inspectorate of the Russian Defense Ministry

Aviation Safety Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Military Band Service of the RF Armed Forces

Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces

Office of the Chief of Communications of the RF Armed Forces

Electronic Warfare Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

Military Topographical Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces

Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Main Directorate of Educational Work of the RF Armed Forces

Department for State Civil Service Issues of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Direction on interaction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with legislative and executive authorities

Directorate of the Chief of Armaments of the RF Armed Forces

Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry

Main Auto-Armored Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry

Metrological Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Direction of examination of supplies of weapons and military equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Directorate of the Chief of Logistics of the RF Armed Forces

Main Military Medical Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry

12 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Nuclear Support)

Central departments of the RF Ministry of Defense:

Central Directorate of Military Communications

Central Automobile and Highway Administration

Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel

Central Food Administration

Central clothing management

Office of the Chief of Environmental Safety

One-stop center ordering and supply of rear services of the RF Ministry of Defense

Railway Command

Housing and Arrangement Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Housing and Arrangement Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Main Housing and Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Central organizational planning department capital construction RF Ministry of Defense

Implementation Department housing programs RF Ministry of Defense

Service of Economics and Finance of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Main Financial and Economic Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Labor Department and wages civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry

Device (RF Ministry of Defense Service):

Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Russian Defense Ministry

Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Monitoring the Implementation of Treaties (NTSUYAO)

Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Department of Press Service and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Financial Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Office of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Reception room of the Russian Defense Ministry

Expert Center of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Press Secretary of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Main commands:

Ground Forces

Air Force



Strategic Missile Forces

Airborne troops

Space Force

Subordinate services and agencies:

federal Service on military-technical cooperation

Federal Service for Technical and Expert Control

Federal Defense Order Service

Federal Agency for Special Construction

Functions of the RF Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Defense of Russia) is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy, legal regulation in the field of defense, as well as other functions established by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation functions in this area.

Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation

Regulatory legal acts regulating the scope of activity of the FSMTC of Russia:

Legislative acts

Acts of the President of the Russian Federation

Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Regulatory legal acts of the FSMTC of Russia

The procedure for appealing regulatory legal acts and other decisions adopted by the FSMTC of Russia

Other regulatory legal acts in the field of military-technical cooperation

Information on draft regulatory legal acts in the field of military-technical cooperation

Structural units:

Administrative Department (Director's Office) of the FSMTC of Russia

Third Directorate for Military-Technical Cooperation with Foreign States FSMTC of Russia

HR department and civil service FSMTC of Russia

FSMTC of Russia makes decisions

On the import into and export from the Russian Federation of military products in the manner established by the President of the Russian Federation;

On issuing, in the prescribed manner, licenses to subjects of military-technical cooperation to import into and export military products from the Russian Federation;

On granting, in accordance with the established procedure, under the authority of the President of the Russian Federation, organizations - developers and manufacturers of military products the right to carry out foreign trade activities in relation to military products in terms of the supply of spare parts, assemblies, assemblies, instruments, components, special, educational and auxiliary property, technical documentation to previously supplied military products, carrying out work on inspection, standardization, extension of service life, maintenance, repair, including modernization, recycling and other work that provides comprehensive service for previously supplied military products, as well as training foreign specialists to carry out the specified works;

On the deprivation in the prescribed manner of the named organizations of this right with the sending of information about this to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

On the organization of exhibitions and displays of samples of military products in the Russian Federation and in foreign countries in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy of Russia).


Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation

Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Acts of Spetsstroy of Russia

Information about state registration Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation normative legal acts of Spetsstroy of Russia

Structure of the Federal Agency for Special Construction

Central apparatus (management, Central production and administrative department, headquarters, directorates and independent departments)

Federal state unitary enterprises under the Federal Agency for Special Construction:

1. Main Directorate of Special Construction for the Territory of the North-West federal district(GUSST No. 3) (St. Petersburg)

2. Main Directorate of Special Construction for the Volga Federal District (GUSST No. 5) (Saratov)

FSUE "Road Construction Department No. 5" (UDS No. 5) (Ryazan)

3. Main Directorate of Special Construction for the Territory of the Far Eastern Federal District (GUSS "Dalspetsstroy") (Khabarovsk)

4. Department of Special Construction for Territory No. 1 (USST No. 1) (Moscow)

5. Department of Special Construction for Territory No. 2 (USST No. 2) (Moscow)

FSUE "Road Construction Department No. 3" (UDS No. 3) (Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region)

6. Department of Special Construction for Territory No. 4 (USST No. 4) (Novorossiysk)

7. Department of Special Construction for Territory No. 6 (USST No. 6) (Izhevsk, Republic of Udmurtia)

8. Department of Special Construction for Territory No. 8 (USST No. 8) (Izhevsk, Republic of Udmurtia)

9. Department of Special Construction for Territory No. 9 (USST No. 9) (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory)

10. Department of Special Construction for Territory No. 10 (USST No. 10) (Moscow)

11. Construction Department No. 4 (US No. 4) (Moscow)

12. Department of Special Construction No. 5 (USS No. 5) (Moscow)

13. Department of Special Construction No. 7 (USS No. 7) (Sochi)

14. Department of Special Construction No. 11 (USS No. 11) (Moscow)

15. Department of Special Construction No. 12 (USS No. 12) (Moscow)

16. Road Construction Department No. 4 (UDS No. 4) (Kaluga)

17. Management industrial enterprises(UPP) (Moscow)

18. Central Design Association (CPA) (Voronezh)

19. OPP "Spetsstroyservice" (Odintsovo, Moscow region)

20. "Spetsstroyohrana" (Moscow)

21. "Spetsstroykontrakt" (Moscow)

22. "Instroy" (Moscow)

23. Sanatorium "Mozhaisky" (Krasnovidovo village, Mozhaisky district, Moscow region)

State institutions under the Federal Agency for Special Construction:

24. Federal State Medical University "Medical Center" (Moscow)

25. Federal State Educational Institution "Military Technical University" (VTU) (Balashikha, Moscow region)

26. Federal State Institution "Capital Construction Department No. 900" (OKS No. 900) (Moscow)

27. Federal State Institution "Military Operational and Restoration Communications Directorate" (VEVUS) (Moscow)


construction of special and industrial facilities ensuring the defense and security of the state, law and order, as well as the development of troops, housing construction and construction of social infrastructure for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Armed Forces), other troops, military formations and bodies, federal executive bodies authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

The infrastructure of modern Moscow includes many state enterprises and organizations, each of which is assigned specific tasks. One of the most important for the city and our country as a whole is “Spetsstroy of Russia”.

This enterprise is a federal executive body whose task is to organize special construction work carried out for the purposes of state security and defense. The activities of this complex are managed by the President of the Russian Federation. Spetsstroy of Russia itself, on whose website you can find all the required information, is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which controls and coordinates its activities.

History of creation of this enterprise begins in wartime. In accordance with a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, the Military Reconstruction Directorate was formed in 1942, which coordinated the activities of military units on the repair and construction of structures intended for protection against German occupiers. The modern “Spetsstroy of Russia”, whose official website is presented on the Internet, received its current name in 2004. By that time, the company had already managed to form its own powerful construction industry and implement many special programs.

The structure of the modern “Spetsstroy” in Moscow includes many departments ( design work, financial and economic, information technologies, organizational-mobilization, legal and others), as well as independent substructures (departments of labor protection, protection of state secrets and public relations).

FSUE "Spetsstroy of Russia": activities

Currently, the institution performs the following tasks:

Conducts the construction of special-purpose facilities that ensure the defense of the state;
- carries out housing construction for the needs of the RF Armed Forces;
- carries out reconstruction and construction of enterprises of the nuclear complex, as well as organizations for the disposal of chemical weapons;
- participates in the restoration of special facilities in areas affected by disasters and other emergencies;

and others.

One of the functions performed by Spetsstroy of Russia in Moscow is to ensure the mobilization and combat readiness of military structures. The company also carries out the construction and repair of defense highways.

Federal Agency for Special Construction "Spetsstroy of Russia" - federal body executive branch, abolished in 2017. Its history dates back to 1951. The headquarters was located in Moscow. The activities were led by the President of the Russian Federation. "Spetsstroy" carried out, in the interests of defense and state security, the organization of work in the field of special construction, road construction and communications. The work was carried out by our own engineering and technical military formations and road construction military formations under the Federal Agency for Special Construction. Spetsstroy was under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In December 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree abolishing Spetsstroy Rossii and transferring its assets to the Russian Ministry of Defense. The liquidation of Spetsstroy Rossii was completed by the end of 2017.

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    In the capital's Babushkinsky Court, the trial began in the case of former deputy director of Spetsstroy Alexander Mordovets and Oleg Shchurov, ex-general director of the Stroymonolit-14 company, contractor for the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Mr. Mordovets is accused of receiving bribes from a businessman for total amount 32 million rub. for patronage and contracts. Both do not admit guilt, claiming that they were victims of a slander, and the Stroymonolit-14 company was one of the few who agreed to work at the established state prices.

    Alexander Mordovets walked from the Vostochny cosmodrome to the dock

    The Main Military Prosecutor's Office sent to court the criminal case of the former deputy director of Spetsstroy of Russia, head of the operational headquarters for the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, Alexander Mordovets. He is accused of receiving a bribe in the amount of 32 million rubles. from the spaceport construction contractors. Mr. Mordovets does not admit guilt.

    Krasnoyarsk developers under investigation realized a billion for four

    In Krasnoyarsk, police opened a criminal case against the heads of four construction companies suspected of embezzling funds from shareholders 10 multi-storey buildings. According to investigators, developers under contracts equity participation transferred 96% of the future apartments without actual payment to the general contractor - SU 208 LLC, and he attracted money from shareholders for 1 billion rubles. under contracts of assignment of claims. At the same time, the actual amount of work performed at all facilities amounted to only 900 million rubles. The construction of high-rise buildings has not been completed, and shareholders have not received apartments. They claim that for a year they asked the authorities to pay attention to the problems with these developers.

    Moscow Vice-Mayor Pyotr Biryukov showed himself to be a caring grandfather at budget expense

    The appearance of numerous penthouses among the relatives and friends of Moscow Deputy Mayor Pyotr Biryukov was preceded by a relatively modest transaction made by the grandson of Deputy Sergei Sobyanin with a co-owner construction company. The young man received a good apartment, the selling company received numerous government orders, and the Biryukov family began to acquire luxury real estate.

    Spetsstroy built a criminal case against Alexander Mordovets

    As Kommersant learned, investigative committee Russia (TFR) has completed the investigation into the criminal case of the former deputy director of the abolished Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy) Alexander Mordovets. He is accused of abuses and taking bribes. At the same time, the alleged briber, former general director of the Stroymonolit-14 company Oleg Shchurov, has already been convicted of embezzlement related to the Vostochny cosmodrome.

    Alexey Zagorulko cheated to his heart's content on Iturup

    Former deputy head of Spetsstroy Alexander Zagorulko was sentenced to eight years of strict regime and a fine of 10 million rubles. He was charged with bribery and fraud amounting to more than ₽1 billion at military facilities in the Moscow region and the Kuril Islands.

    Spetsstroy of Russia flooded Roscosmos with defective concrete

    The launch shaft of the long-suffering Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region was filled with defective concrete by military builders. Experts fear that there are voids under the cosmodrome that were not noticed by poor geological exploration.

    Another master of kickbacks was convicted in Spetsstroy of the Russian Federation

    Mid-level manager Sergei Bazarnov, as part of an organized crime group, has mastered 78 million rubles in kickbacks over several years. For this he was offered to spend 4 years behind bars.

    It was decided to leave the top manager of Spetsstroy of Russia Alexander Nikitin behind bars

    The Moscow City Court found that Mr. Nikitin is a “promising” suspect who should not be released under house arrest. Now he is charged with abuse of power and causing damage amounting to 665 million rubles during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

    Yuri Volkodav followed the path of military builders-plunderers

    In relation to the former acting the head of Dalspetsstroy, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened two criminal cases at once based on the results of his activities on the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

    Veteran security officer Alexander Pastushkov handed over a barrel of dollars to Alexander Zagorulko

    The plot is worthy of a thriller: taken hostage by two unemployed people former top manager FSUE "Administration of Special Construction" (USS) of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Alexander Pastushkov, under an iron and a soldering iron, gave them the secret of a barrel filled with dollars. A piquant detail: the money belonged to the deputy head of Spetsstroy of Russia, Alexander Zagorulko, who is under investigation.

    The Russian Ministry of Defense demanded 453 million rubles from two generals and three businessmen

    The department of Sergei Shoigu filed a civil claim as part of the criminal trial in the case of former deputy directors of Spetsstroy Alexander Zagorulko and Alexander Buryakov, as well as three entrepreneurs.

    Sergei Shoigu's vultures set their sights on a trillion rubles

    The Ministry of Defense has identified the only contractors for the construction of special-purpose facilities, the budget of which in 2018-2027 will be at least 1 trillion rubles.

    Astronauts versus military builders

    The Ministry of Defense announced its version of the liquidation of Spetsstroy

    The reasons for the abolition of Spetsstroy are poor organization of work with subcontractors and poor quality implementation of contracts, Dmitry Kurakin, director of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense, told RBC. The Prosecutor General's Office associates the liquidation of the agency with thefts at the Vostochny cosmodrome.

    Corruption disbanded Spetsstroy

    The Federal Agency for Special Construction is being liquidated due to corruption, RBC interlocutors say. A source in the Ministry of Defense claims that all Spetsstroy employees will be employed.

    FAS checks may end badly for the head of Spetsstroy, Alexander Volosov.

    Scandals within the Federal Agency for Special Construction and its divisions continue. The Federal Antimonopoly Service has opened more than 20 cases regarding administrative offenses in relation to officials.

    Review by Rucompromat March 21 - 25: what does it cost us to build a house?

    Last week, only two positive pieces of news were found in the annals of the Encyclopedia of the Library of Compromising Materials, and both of them were about how lucky good people are in this life.

    Rucompromat review October 16-23: they drank tea, broke cups

    The Skolkovo Foundation decided to sue residents for cookies, a group of good and faithful comrades is earning billions from the reconstruction of the capital's roads, and in the Moscow region a businessman shot an official right at his workplace.

    RBC investigation: who makes money from the reconstruction of Moscow

    Moscow authorities spent more than 20 billion rubles on street repairs in 2015. and will invest another 105 billion rubles. in the next three years. RBC studied who divides this budget and how.

    RBC investigation: who and how made money at the Vostochny Cosmodrome

    Eight of the 23 Vostochny facilities will not be built in time for the first launch in December 2015. RBC is studying why Vostochny has become the most expensive cosmodrome in the world.

    Spetsstroy sued the Ministry of Defense for a billion for the “cemetery of heroes”

    The army leadership believes that the structure subordinate to it - the Federal Agency for Special Construction - delivered the memorial in Mytishchi with imperfections.