What is an internal audit of a company. How does an audit work in an organization? Designations and abbreviations

Internal audit is independent activity in the organization to review and evaluate its performance in the interests of managers. Target internal audit- help the employees of the organization to carry out their functions effectively. Internal audit is carried out by auditors working directly in the given firm. Small organizations may not have full-time auditors. In this case, the internal audit can be entrusted to the audit commission or an audit firm on a contractual basis.

At the same time, internal audit is understood as a system of control over compliance with the established procedure, maintaining accounting and reliability of the system internal control, which:

organized by an economic entity;

regulated by internal documents;

acts in the interests of the management of the economic entity and (or) owners.

Internal audit is one of the ways to control the effectiveness of the activities of the links in the structure of an economic entity.

The organization, role and functions of internal audit are determined by the economic entity itself - its management and (or) owners, depending on:

  • A) the content and specifics of the activities of the economic entity;
  • B) the volume of economic activity of economic entities;
  • C) the management system of an economic entity;
  • D) the state of internal control.

Internal audit functions can be performed by:

  • - special internal audit services;
  • - individual auditors who are on the staff of the economic entity;
  • - audit commissions(auditors);
  • - third-party organizations involved for the purpose of internal audit;
  • - external auditors involved for the purposes of internal audit.

Thus, to carry out the function of internal audit, it is not necessary to have an audit license.

Internal audit is created to optimize the activities of an economic entity, assist management in the performance of its duties, as well as to inform and advise it.

Typically, internal audit functions include:

  • - checks of accounting and internal control systems, their monitoring and development of recommendations for improving these systems;
  • - checks of accounting and operational information, including an examination of the means and methods used to identify, evaluate, classify such information and draw up reports based on it, as well as a special study of individual reporting items, including detailed checks of transactions, balances on accounting accounts;
  • - verification of compliance with laws and other regulations, as well as requirements accounting policy, instructions, decisions and instructions of the management and (or) owners
  • - checks of activity of various levels of management;
  • - assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control mechanism, study and evaluation of control procedures in branches, in structural divisions economic subject;
  • - checking the availability, condition and safety of the property of an economic entity;
  • - work on special projects and control over individual elements of the internal control structure;
  • - assessment of the software used by the economic entity;
  • - special investigations individual cases, for example, suspicions of abuse;
  • - development and submission of proposals to eliminate the identified shortcomings and recommendations to improve management efficiency.

The objectivity of internal audit is determined by the degree of its independence in the management structure of the economic entity. This requirement for internal audit, as a rule, is ensured by the fact that he submits and is obliged to submit reports only to the management and owners who appointed him, independent of the heads of the audited branches of the economic entity, structural divisions.

Internal and external audit are closely related. During the external audit, the auditor may use the results of the work of the internal audit. To do this, during the audit, the auditor should:

study and evaluate the effectiveness of the work of internal audit;

evaluate the impact of the work of internal auditors on the efficiency of the entire system of internal control of an economic entity.

Based on the results of these assessments, the auditor:

  • - clarifies the scope and content of audit procedures;
  • - determines the possibility of using the results of the work of internal audit.

To facilitate the work of the auditor in the use of the results of internal audit, a Russian rule(standard) audit activity"Learning and using the work of internal audit".

The audit organization applies the provisions of the rule (standard) only in relation to the activities of internal audit related to audit financial statements. The activities of such services, for example, as a service environmental audit, is not assessed by the audit organization.

The effectiveness of internal audit can be an important factor in an audit organization's assessment audit risk and internal control systems and thereby significantly reduce the volume of procedures that should be performed by the audit organization, although it cannot completely eliminate the need for such procedures. That is why the audit organization should form its opinion on the activities of internal audit even before planning. forthcoming review.

The auditor should draw up an internal audit evaluation program and reflect in his working documentation conclusions regarding specific internal audit work that has been tested, studied and evaluated. When forming an assessment of internal audit at the planning stage, it should be taken into account:

  • - organizational status - the position of the internal audit service in the management system of the economic entity, its capabilities and ability to observe the objectivity and independence of the presence or absence of other duties, the effect of constraining factors and restrictions imposed by the management and (or) owners of the economic entity on internal audit. It should be remembered that the situation is ideal when the internal audit service reports only to the top management or the owners of the economic entity;
  • - competence - professional education and skills (work experience) of auditors, recruitment policy, training and professional development of employees of the internal audit service, the degree of their understanding of the challenges and problems;
  • - professional level - the state of planning, control, documenting the work of internal audit, the availability and content of relevant provisions on internal audit, work programs and working documentation;
  • - functional framework - the content and scope of work performed by the internal audit service;
  • - significance level - whether the recommendations of the internal audit are considered and accepted for execution by the management and (or) owners of the economic entity.

After evaluating the activities of internal audit at the planning stage, the audit organization must decide whether the work of internal audit can be used for the purposes of external audit.

If the audit firm decides to use the work of internal audit, it should continue to study it, review the internal audit working papers and ensure that:

  • A) the relevant programs and scope of work of internal audit are consistent with the objectives of external audit;
  • B) the work of internal auditors is carried out according to the plan and documented;
  • C) the conclusions (conclusions) of internal auditors are sufficiently substantiated by the data they received and correspond to the existing circumstances, and the content of the reports prepared by internal auditors corresponds to the results of their work;
  • D) the zone of increased risks, known to the specialists of the economic entity, is taken into account when planning work and is checked by internal audit;
  • E) the attitude of management and (or) owners to the comments, suggestions and questions raised by internal auditors is constructive.
  • - assessments by external auditors of audit risk;
  • - the materiality of the object of verification;
  • - preliminary assessment of the internal audit service.

The specified work may include: testing of objects already verified by internal audit; checking other objects of interest; monitoring internal audit procedures; other methods of verification at the discretion of the auditor.

The audit organization should have the right to deal freely and fully with internal auditors.

Since the tasks of internal audit are determined by the management and (or) owners of an economic entity, they differ from the tasks of an external audit, which is obliged to give an independent assessment of the financial statements presented. At the same time, the means of solving specific problems facing external and internal audit may in some cases coincide and be used in determining the content, timing and scope of external audit procedures.

When using the work of internal auditors, the effectiveness of the audit can be affected by the following actions:

  • A) mutual coordination of audit plans;
  • B) exchange of reports;
  • C) regular working meetings;
  • D) consolidated and open mutual access to working documentation;
  • E) joint submission of reports to the management and (or) owners of the economic entity;
  • E) general order audit documentation.

An audit firm should not rely entirely on the work of internal auditors during its audit. It is necessary to carry out control checks of items and transactions already checked by internal auditors. If these checks give consolidated (comparable) results, no adjustments are required in the intended work. If discrepancies are identified, adequate measures should be taken, for example, to change the content or increase the scope of audit procedures.

The audit organization is fully responsible for issuing auditor's report, written information of the auditor to the management of the economic entity on the results of the audit, as well as for determining the content, timing and scope of audit procedures. This responsibility does not decrease even when any results of the work of internal audit are used.

Internal audit - regulated internal activities organization created for the purpose of analyzing and evaluating the functioning of the company. Internal audit procedures allow you to determine the effectiveness of the company. In addition, this type of audit helps managers achieve their goals and improve the performance of their organization.

The purpose of internal audit is to help the managerial level solve certain tasks on a daily basis. At the same time, the difference between the external and internal types of audit is that the first controls the objectivity and correctness of the second. During the internal audit process, a consistent, systematic approach is applied regarding the analysis of effectiveness and improvement of the quality of management.

Internal audit is a help:

  • in internal control
  • in risk management
  • in corporate governance

Internal auditors check management links, provide managers with the necessary reasoned proposals to help eliminate deficiencies in management. In addition, they give recommendations on improving the efficiency of company management. evaluates the functioning of the company from different angles, provides reasoned methods of improvement.

Today, a functional, cross-functional, organizational and technological audit of activities is used, as well as an audit for compliance with regulations. In each case, a comprehensive and complete survey, analysis of a specific structure, functions of the company or its type of activity is carried out.

Interest in this type checks for several reasons. First of all, it is the need and desire of the company's managers to streamline business processes, which thereby allows significant savings. In addition, the board of directors or another supervisory body needs an internal audit as an objective and free informant. For emerging market internal audit is especially relevant. Internal audits allow the owners of the organization to keep abreast of current affairs, while calmly transferring control to professionals.

Internal audit is essential tool control by owners over the activities of hired managers

The decision regarding the need for internal audit is made by the owners. Such checks are necessary not only for the owners of the organization, but also for management. The goal of managers is to manage business processes, achieving the required performance indicators with the least losses.

The success of this task depends significantly on the following factors:

  • Does the manager have all the necessary information required to make the best management decisions?
  • Is it available efficient system control over the execution of decisions made

Often due to rapid growth the size of enterprises and the increasing complexity of management processes, owner-managers can assume 100% that the business is under their control. However, they often do not have enough physical strength to control all processes in full.

Using the services of qualified specialists, consumers get the opportunity to more effectively analyze, control and manage the enterprise.

Internal audit services include:

  • previous evaluation of the internal control environment
  • organization of the functioning of the audit service
  • recommendations with an independent assessment of the work of the audit service

Drawing conclusions, it can be noted that internal audit is constituent part control system of any organization. It evaluates the overall performance of the system. It's kind of a role feedback, which makes this system stable, allowing it to change based on certain circumstances. One of the best competitive advantages is internal audit.

Each enterprise, regardless of the type of activity, needs an audit, which provides for a number of important activities.

This article will provide comprehensive answers to all questions.

The audit is independent and includes the collection, evaluation and analysis of data that indicate the operation and financial position public, commercial or private enterprise (audited entity).

Learn about the list required documents to open an IP, you can in more detail.

The results obtained make it possible to draw final conclusions (conclusion) on how correctly accounting is maintained, is truthful and reliable.

An independent audit provides only control over how the laws and norms of economic law are observed and whether there are any violations in tax legislation.

There is no purposeful detection of errors in the work of accountants(financiers).

Types and purpose of the audit

Depending on the purpose and goals There are two main types of audits:

  • Mandatory audit- held annually and without fail in compliance with applicable law. It is carried out only by audit companies. Regulated by the state or carried out by court order.
  • initiative or voluntary- carried out at the request of the client, in order to verify the reliability of accounting and tax accounting, and to assess financial risks. This will help you avoid penalties. But here the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing an audit firm or a private person providing this kind of service.

The reasons for the audit may also be a change in the owner of the company or a change in the composition of the founders.

See more details on the schedule and procedure for conducting tax audits.

The main objective of the audit is to:

  1. validation;
  2. timely detection of violations and their elimination;
  3. obtaining reliable information about the functioning of the enterprise and the state of accounting, maintaining documents.

After the audit, the audited entity is issued:

  • conclusion - with a mandatory audit;
  • a report on the audit with the conclusions and recommendations of specialists to improve accounting and activities - during voluntary audits and other types of audits.

Besides, exists auditing :

  1. external - carried out by prior agreement between the client and the contractor, and is independent expertise reliable reporting;
  2. internal - is carried out by the economic entity's own forces for managerial control over activities, an increase in economic and financial indicators, and obtaining recommendations (advice) for improving and managing efficiency.

Stages of an audit

The audit procedure is carried out in accordance with the established rules. Conditional stages of the audit:

  • Preparation (organization) and planning. The process is carried out in accordance with the current legislation and in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the contract for the provision of services. On the basis of the drawn up contractual agreement and the audit plan, the auditor is provided with all the necessary documentation, including accounting and tax reports, allowing you to get a complete picture of all areas of financial and economic activity audited object. The accounting and internal control systems are studied and evaluated, the risks of the upcoming audit are determined and an audit plan is drawn up.
  • Performance (implementation) of control procedures is to collect audit evidence, namely in testing controls for compliance, conducting a substantive test.

    The result is the formulation of one's own opinion about the reliability of the facts and their compliance with the current regulations.

  • Completion- preparation and execution of working documentation, drawing up an opinion (final document) on the reliability of financial statements with a summary of audit evidence. The information received as a result of the audit is brought to the management of the enterprise.

How is an audit carried out?

A feature of the audit is the time limit.

That's why a clear organization of the audit is required which is based on planning and programming. At the initial stage, the main goals and objectives are determined, the objects to be studied and the most effective analytical methods are selected.

During the events, important evidence is collected, which is the basis of the conclusion drawn up.

Before the start of the audit, a written request (an audit letter) is prepared in accordance with the standard.

Its form and content may have some features, but the indication of the purpose and scope of the audit, the responsibility of the management of the audited entity for the preparatory process and the provision of the necessary documentation are unchanged.

After everything is agreed upon, a bilateral agreement is concluded, which specifies all the conditions for the inspection.

When is a mandatory audit carried out?

According to the law obligatory audit to be carried out annually. The list of organizations includes:

  • open joint-stock companies(JSC);
  • Insurance companies;
  • securities market participants (professional) or organizations that have securities admitted to circulation on trading stock exchanges;
  • non-state pension funds or companies managing them;
  • credit organizations;
  • organizers of gambling;
  • issuers of securities;
  • enterprises whose revenue for the previous reporting year amounted to more than 400,000,000 rubles. or the sum of assets in the balance sheet for the previous reporting period exceeded 60,000,000 rubles.

The exceptions are agricultural cooperatives and unions, state (municipal) unitary enterprises.

Checks are carried out according to the following schemes:

  1. in one stage - annual audit;
  2. in stages - quarterly, for half a year or 9 months.

With a phased audit, it is much easier to identify violations accounting and reporting in accordance with current regulations and rules.

This makes it possible to promptly eliminate all shortcomings and errors before the end of an independent audit and will positively affect the conclusion drawn up by a specialist.

Internal check

Internal auditing by the management of the enterprise is regulated. Such event is held for the purpose:

  • identifying "holes" in the activities of the enterprise and to find ways to improve its efficiency and potential;
  • determining the inconsistency of accounting and tax accounting with current regulations;
  • identification of risks associated with the control of various services, which result in fines, sanctions, reprimands, warnings, etc., leading to losses Money and image;
  • preliminary preparation for external audit.

Conducting an internal audit contributes to the rational use of company resources, optimization of risks, preservation of assets and improvement of management activities.

It is these factors that are an indicator for the confidence of investors and stakeholders.


What is a personnel audit?

Very often work with personnel documents in companies is in a state of disrepair. The management remembers that it is necessary to put the documents in order when the prospect “shines” control measures; To do this, they promptly organize an audit and correct all detected errors. However, the audit is not only carried out in such cases. You will now learn how a personnel audit is carried out and what is checked at the same time.

An audit is an inspection and evaluation of the activities of an organization by a professional specialist or an independent organization to identify existing risks of conflict situations, such as a labor dispute or claims from the State Labor Inspectorate.

Personnel documentation in the company plays an important role: it is required by the accounting department for calculation wages, vacation pay, an employee - for submission to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or other organizations, for example, to use any benefits. Therefore, such documents must be maintained in strict accordance with the requirements of the law.

If the company is not large enough to have a special unit - the internal audit department, you can invite an auditor under a civil law contract - a specialist who checks personnel documentation submits a report on identified violations, gives recommendations on how to eliminate and prevent them.

In this case, the audit is carried out by a specialist who knows labor legislation well and has the skill to draw up personnel documentation. He appreciates:

  1. completeness of the personnel documentation;
  2. system of registration and storage of documentation;
  3. local regulations;
  4. employment contracts, additional agreements to them;
  5. the procedure for maintaining work books.

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Internal audit - a guarantee of improving the activities of the enterprise

Today, the concept of "internal audit" has become widespread in business. Many large enterprises and companies prefer to create their own internal audit services and departments by training their employees. In addition, the labor market is constantly growing demand for specialists who have relevant knowledge and have an international diploma.

Tasks of internal audit at the enterprise

Internal audit in an enterprise is an activity that is aimed at providing objective and independent advice and guarantees to improve the activities of the enterprise. The purpose of internal audit is to assess risks, find ways to reduce them, and also increase the profitability of business processes.

Auditor advice includes evaluation, analysis and reporting on the efficiency and reliability of processes. They are addressed directly to the administration of the organization.

The main tasks of internal audit at the enterprise:

  • verification of internal control systems to determine the level of efficiency of the units;
  • development of an integrated risk management system, analysis of its work, as well as the creation of measures to reduce them;
  • control over compliance with the principles of corporate governance.

The need to introduce internal audit

Recently, in Russia there has been an orientation towards the separation of the functions of management and business ownership. The owners implement one general strategy for the development of the organization and manage the main directions, and for solving small and everyday tasks, as a rule, they hire top managers. In this case, the enterprise uses a tool for monitoring the state of affairs - internal or external audit. It allows owners to get a complete and objective assessment of the activities of the entire organization.

For the implementation of internal audit in Russian companies influenced no less the federal law"On Accounting" dated 06.12.2011. According to Article 19, from the beginning of 2013, absolutely all economic entities must carry out internal control of economic activities.

Checklist for internal audit

Control of accounting and management accounting, as well as other areas of management should occur at absolutely all enterprises. However, it is important to know about the features of this procedure. All processes must follow each other in an orderly manner. Since it is precisely due to compliance with this requirement that many mistakes and problems can be avoided during the audit by regulatory authorities. Completing the checklist makes the process much easier. Its role is very difficult to exaggerate.

What you need to know about the checklist

This document consists of a list of detailed audit questions. The checklist does not have a specific format established by law. However, it is necessary to follow some rules when compiling and filling it out. This will reduce the likelihood of problems in the audit process.

In fact, with the help of a checklist, you can solve a fairly large number of issues and tasks not only during the audit, but also during the ongoing activities of the enterprise. This document can be used by various organizations, regulatory agencies and their officials.

With the help of a checklist, you can solve the following tasks:

  • properly plan the audit in accordance with legal regulations;
  • carry out intermediate and selective control, conduct effective time management;
  • ensures that important parts of the audit are not missed;
  • is one of the means of memory;
  • simplifies auditing;
  • with its help, the audit is carried out in a complex, structured and holistic way, etc.

The legislative act that regulates the compilation of this document is Federal Law No. 307 of December 30, 2008 “On Auditing”.

An example of an internal audit checklist can be found here.

Internal audit of the QMS

QMS - quality management system - one of the parts of the entire company management system, which was created to ensure and control the stability of economic activity, high quality and minimize costs for the production of products or the provision of services.

According to the QMS, the structure of the documentation is as follows:

  • quality requirements (quality manual);
  • goals and policy in the field of product quality, services;
  • necessary documented processes;
  • regulations of procedures, work instructions;
  • quality records.

The audit of quality management systems is not regulated by either federal or international legislation. Therefore, there are no mandatory legislative norms that define the procedure and rules for conducting an audit of quality systems at an enterprise. This is due to the voluntary desire of the organization to certify quality systems. And all the work that accompanies the construction and implementation of the quality system is also a voluntary initiative.

Consequently, organizations that are engaged in QMS audits can carry out their activities without additional licenses or other permits. And for the implementation of internal audit, and even more so, these documents are not needed. Despite this, there are special rules that govern the conduct of QMS audits. For example, ISO 19011:2011, which is called “Guidelines for auditing management systems”. It can be used for internal and external audits.

Order on internal audit

An internal audit order is an internal document drawn up by the head of the company and establishes:

  • dates of the audit;
  • groups of internal auditors and specialists responsible for its implementation;
  • provision of conditions for internal audit;
  • control over the audit.

How to Become an Internal Audit Specialist

Every day the demand for specialists who are able to carry out internal control of the enterprise is growing. But the demands on them are also rising. They should have knowledge in the financial field, understand internal control and corporate governance, know national and international standards internal audit, as well as to understand the specifics of the activity that needs to be analyzed.

Online training comes to the rescue of always busy financial professionals. Online courses allow you to study without interruption from your main activity, at home or at work in convenient comfortable familiar conditions. Quality distance learning, is not inferior, and often exceeds full-time counterparts, by attracting highly qualified teachers, a modular course system, online tests and much more.

Diplomas and certificates in internal audit

To obtain a diploma that confirms qualifications in the field of internal audit, it is worth choosing an international program of a foreign institution. Today, Russian specialists have access to such programs as IPFM, IFA, ICFM and CIA.

The fastest and effective method master internal audit - this is a distance course "Internal Audit" under the program of the British Institute of Professional financial managers(IPFM). The course program includes the concepts of internal control, training in internal audit tools, identification and risk management in IAS, and more.

"Chartered Internal Auditor" (CIA) is the most valuable professional international certificate (along with ACCA, CIMA). It is issued by the International Institute of Internal Auditors after successfully passing four exams.

The concept of internal audit has already firmly entered the activities of many companies, although there are still organizations that do not use control in their activities. They limit themselves to a formal audit, without thinking about how effective the systematic work of internal auditors can be.

What is internal audit

Let's first understand the difference between external and internal audit. Under internal audit, it is customary to understand control activities organized at a specific economic entity, carried out in the interests of the owner and regulated by its documents. In fact, IA is a kind of control method that allows you to check and analyze the activities of individual management processes and departments of the company.

The main goal of IA is to ensure the efficient operation of the company. This includes identifying shortcomings and suggestions for eliminating errors, as well as monitoring the correct functioning of individual work processes and departments of the organization.

About the state internal financial control and internal financial audit, labor protection audit at the enterprise, improvement of the QMS at the defense industry enterprise and other types of audits, read below.

Internal audit and internal control system are described in this video:

Different kinds

Depending on the tasks to be solved, internal audit can be different types. Such checks can be carried out all at the enterprise or limited to only one variety.

The following types are often distinguished:

  1. Functional control of control systems.
  2. Organizational and technical audit of the operation of management systems.
  3. Control check of types of activity.
  4. Audit for compliance with mandatory regulations.
  5. Examination officials on the suitability of their activities.

These types of controls are optional activities.

There is another type - its implementation is imputed to all organizations without exception at the legislative level. This is a financial audit that checks the activities of the accounting department and all aspects related to the movement of funds.

We will talk about the need to organize an internal personnel (or other type) audit at the enterprise below.

Main functions

Depending on the specific tasks of the organized audit, its functions may also differ. The most commonly defined VA functions are:

  • Monitoring, verification and analysis of accounting systems. Study of financial documentation, its classification and evaluation
  • Study of laws and changes in regulations to check their compliance, as well as the analysis of instructions, orders and other internal company documentation for compliance
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness and verification of the mechanisms for the quality of work of individual links and divisions of the organization
  • Checking the condition and safety of the company's property, assessing the availability of everything necessary for efficient operation, checking the quality of software and its functionality
  • Development and provision of recommendations for the elimination of identified errors and shortcomings. General analysis activity and its verification for compliance with the company's strategy.

Internal audit is able to take various forms necessary for a particular company. Sometimes this changes both the tasks and functions of the reviewers. Basically, these are various control, information, analytical and consulting functions of various directions. In particular cases, the function of VA can even be to control the activities of one employee or a small work process.

Regulatory regulation

  • The activities of internal auditors are defined by international (MSVA) and national standards (FSAD). Within the territory of Russian Federation Law No. 307-FZ “On Auditing” is in force, which considers the main aspects of the work of inspectors.
  • Also, auditors must adhere to other laws. The following documents are relevant to their work - Federal Law No. 115 of 08/07/01 "On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism", Federal Law No. 273 of 12/25/08 "On combating corruption". Also in the field of financial audit, there is another document - the "Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants".
  • In addition, the development and implementation of personal intra-company standards is allowed. They can be detailed and very different from federal and international rules, but they should not contradict them.

Conducting an internal audit is the topic of the following video:

Objects and subjects

  • Under object internal audit is understood as an administrative link, a specific work process or an integral element of the activity that has undergone control. The choice of an object is always based on the purpose and type of audit, therefore, it can relate to any area of ​​the company's activities.
  • Subjects IAs are specialists providing control activities. The quality of control directly depends on their level of competence, therefore, even in small enterprises, the work of only one auditor is usually formed, and not organized.

The Internal Audit Service consists of direct subjects and their head. The branching structure of the IA service depends on the size and number of activities. For many effective organizations, IAS activities are indispensable, thanks to its well-coordinated work, shortcomings are regularly identified and effective ways of doing work are proposed, which significantly increases overall efficiency.

Now we will learn how to conduct an internal audit in an enterprise, and the details with examples of such a procedure.

Conducting an audit

The organization and conduct of internal audit always begins with the order of the management. Often, VA is planned and is carried out in certain deadlines. Conducting a control check always has 3 stages:

  1. Preliminary.
  2. Worker.
  3. Final.

These stages cannot be changed - the exclusion or neglect of one of them deprives internal audit of the opportunity to achieve its goal. Each stage solves its own tasks, they cannot be included in another item or abolished.

At the preliminary stage, all preparatory work(including ). Terms are determined, documents are said and control methods are selected. Further, the audit is carried out directly according to the selected methods. After its implementation, it is necessary to sum up, analyze the results obtained, and perform other final operations.

Important information

Not everyone has been rated yet. positive effect from systematic internal audits various views. The state obliges organizations to carry out control only in the field financial activities, but does not force inspections in other areas of the company. The presence of regular internal audits significantly increases the efficiency of work processes, which is why more and more companies are trying to organize IAS.

Audit is indeed a powerful link in the correction of the activities of all work processes. He is able to identify shortcomings and evaluate the overall strategy of the company. Its functions and types are different, but they are all aimed at one thing - increasing the efficiency of a particular organization.

The video below will tell about internal audit and the ICS system (IAAP):