Mortgage calculator Promsvyazbank - calculate the mortgage amount online. Promsvyazbank mortgage - calculator, conditions and customer reviews Get a mortgage from Promsvyazbank calculate

Mortgage lending in the Russian Federation is becoming increasingly widespread, but potential borrowers now face the problem of choosing a worthy lender. One of the banks offering mortgages is Promsvyazbank.

Promsvyazbank is one of the three best banks in Russia. It was opened 20 years ago, and now it is one of the largest credit organizations with a developed regional network, which now has 300 branches, 200 bank terminals and 8,500 ATMs.

On this moment, the bank specializes in issuing large loans. This lender provides a service to its clients mortgage lending.

But before applying for a loan, you need to find out how profitable it is to take out a mortgage from Promsvyazbank today.

Mortgage conditions

Promsvyazbank does not have too strict mortgage lending conditions. Of course, they will change depending on the program chosen by the client, but they are still subject to the basic parameters set in the PSB.

Overpayment on mortgage

And the parameters are as follows:

  • You cannot take out a loan for an amount less than 500,000 rubles;
  • But along with this, loans exceeding 8,000,000 rubles are not issued;
  • Minimum mortgage term – at least 3 years;
  • Maximum mortgage term – 25 years;
  • If you have a spouse, he automatically becomes a co-borrower V mandatory. In addition, no one can become a co-borrower except a person who is married to you;
  • The interest rate can range from 11.4% to 17.5% per annum, depending on the mortgage program, loan amount, loan duration and other factors.

Note! The interest rate will depend on the loan amount, loan term, your income level and the chosen mortgage program. In addition, this may be affected by the availability of loan collateral and conditions that allow you to participate in mortgage programs for preferential terms.

Requirements for the borrower

Up to 13.9% per annum

The first thing you should pay attention to before applying for a mortgage at Prosvyazbank is whether you meet all the lender’s requirements.

This bank is not particularly picky about its borrowers, however prerequisite To participate in any mortgage program, you must comply with all established parameters.

And they are next:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • At the time of obtaining a mortgage to the client must be 21 years of age or older;
  • At the time of making the last mortgage payment, the borrower must be no more than 65 years old(unlike most Russian banks, at Promsvyazbank the age threshold is identical for both men and women);
  • Be registered in the region, in which the bank branch where you are going to take out a mortgage is located;
  • Work in the same region;
  • An individual must work under an employment or employment contract;
  • Have total work experience not less than 1 year;
  • Last place of employment You must work for at least 4 months;
  • You shouldn't be called upon military service throughout the entire term of the mortgage.

Mortgage programs at Promsvyazbank (description of programs and interest rates)

Now Promsvyazbank offers its clients only 4 mortgage programs, which differ in the type of real estate that can be purchased using this service, as well as in their conditions.

ProgramMortgage amountInterest rateDown paymentPeculiarities
SecondaryUp to 30,000,000 rub.12,75% 20% The collateral for the loan is the collateral mortgage real estate. I have an opportunity early repayment, without having to pay a commission.
New buildingUp to 30,000,000 rub.13,8% 20% Mandatory registration insurance policy. In case of refusal, the annual interest rate on the mortgage will increase by 6%.
Collateral target loanUp to 30,000,000 rub.11,5-13,35% 20% The loan is secured by existing property. You can purchase any residential property, but you must specify the purpose of the loan.
Secured non-targeted loanUp to 30,000,000 rub.11,5-13,35% 20% The conditions are identical to the previous program. The only difference is that in this case you do not need to indicate the purpose of the loan.

Business mortgage at Promsvyazbank

Housing programs at Promsvyazbank

State mortgage programs provide that the borrower can obtain a loan with relaxed conditions and a reduced interest rate.

Housing programs

offers several mortgage programs with government support:
  1. Maternal capital;
  2. Young family;
  3. For state employees and salary clients.

In order to find out who has access to such offers, it is necessary to consider each of the above programs in more detail.

Maternal capital

Mortgage supported maternity capital intended for citizens who have received the appropriate certificate. That is, people who have two or more children can get such a loan.

Its conditions provide:

  • That the down payment will be paid with funds from maternity capital;
  • The interest rate will be reduced. It can range from 11.4% to 13%, depending on the loan amount and the size of the down payment.

Young family

Spouses who are under 35 years of age are eligible to participate in the program for young families. It also provides for the payment of subsidies from the state, from which the first installment will be repaid.

However, they can only be obtained after the birth of the first child. But a guaranteed condition will be a reduced interest rate.

For state employees and salary clients

State employees mean people who are employees non-profit organizations. Salaries are people who receive a payment to a bank account opened in Promsvyazbank.

List of professions related to public sector employees

  • You don’t have to confirm your income;
  • Interest rates are falling.

Procedure for obtaining a mortgage

If you decide to apply for a mortgage at Promsvyazbank, you will have to perform the following steps:

  • Assemble the package necessary documents previously;
  • Fill out and submit a mortgage application;
  • After reviewing and approving the application, the client selects a property;
  • An agreement is drawn up with the seller and submitted to the bank;
  • Signing agreements with a bank and an insurance company;
  • Getting a loan.

Promsvyazbank offers a wide range of mortgage products. Promsvyazbank mortgage 2019 is different favorable rates and comfortable repayment terms.

Mortgage in Promsvyazbank - programs and conditions

On this page we have collected all the home loans of this bank. Today, there are 8 programs available for registration with rates ranging from 9.5 to 15.7%. What programs does the bank offer:

  • loan for the purchase of housing in a new building;
  • for an apartment for beneficiaries ( military mortgage and mortgage plus maternity capital);
  • for country real estate;
  • refinancing.

The most favorable interest rate is possible when purchasing a home in a new building or when making a large down payment. If you want to choose Housing loan on favorable conditions, use . Our online service will calculate the payment and overpayment and help you decide on the timing and amount.

How to get a mortgage at Promsvyazbank

An application for a mortgage can be submitted at a bank branch or on the website. After receiving a positive response from the bank, you need to provide documents: passport, income certificate, work book and account statement about the availability of funds for initial capital. If mortgage Promsvyazbank is issued without down payment, then other documents will be required (certificate for maternal capital or subsidy, documents for collateral, etc.).

Each bank offers its own loan programs, with its own unique features and distinctive features. Mortgage rates and conditions at Promsvyazbank in 2019 stand out favorably against the general background. They allow you to purchase housing on the most favorable and affordable terms, giving you the opportunity to celebrate a housewarming without worrying about the future of the family budget.

It is important to remember that lending conditions in Moscow and St. Petersburg differ markedly from the offers available to residents other regions of Russia (for example, Samara). The existing differences are caused by differences in real estate prices and incomes in different regions. That is, potential clients do not have to worry about inequality and possible difficulties. The people who worked on the creation of credit programs tried to take into account all the wishes and feedback of clients, without forgetting about the interests of the credit institution itself.

Mortgage lending programs

In 2019, clients are offered 3 main mortgage programs that allow them to receive money for the purchase of real estate:

  • “New building”, which allows you to buy new housing;
  • "Secondary market", allowing purchase already finished house from his owners;
  • “Light”, which requires a minimum set of documents and excludes the work book and income certificates from the package of papers;
  • “No down payment” helps you save on your initial investment.

The official website indicates that those who want to save and reduce interest rate You can take advantage of the offer from the bank’s partners and purchase an apartment from them.

Besides, financial institution offers 2 additional types of loans secured by real estate. Their main the positive side is the lack of purpose.

Promsvyazbank – mortgage for secondary housing

Those wishing to purchase secondary housing with a mortgage from Promsvyazbank should prepare for the following conditions:

  • maximum amount loan – 30 million rubles (20 million in the regions);
  • debt repayment period – up to 25 years;
  • interest rate – from 8.9%;
  • an initial deposit of at least 100 thousand or 10 percent of the cost of the apartment is required;
  • A deposit of purchased secondary housing is required.

In addition to the secondary market, borrowers are able to pay attention to new buildings. The conditions for purchasing new or under construction real estate are extremely similar to those already described. The main difference in this case is the need to choose a house from new buildings accredited by the bank. If housing is purchased elsewhere, prior approval is required, which can be obtained through the official website.

Mortgage without down payment

The mortgage without a down payment from Promsvyazbank deserves special attention. It stands out because there is no need to add starting amount, allowing you to repay the debt gradually, after moving into the purchased property. Generally this program offers conditions similar to the above, the only drawback that borrowers may not like is the increased interest rate. In this case, the minimum level will be 10.9% per annum. In this case, the period will be the same. The basic requirements for borrowers and the package of documents will not change.

To get rid of the need to collect a huge number of certificates, you should choose credit program"Light". In this case, clients will only have to provide identification documents and papers for the purchased house. A complete list of requirements and exact conditions can be obtained from bank employees or by calling the contact center.

Mortgage interest rates from Promsvyazbank

Having understood the main programs and proposals, you need to focus on the conditions that affect changes in the interest rate. Among them:

  • participation in salary project(receiving salary on a bank card);
  • purchasing real estate from accredited partners of a financial institution;
  • life, health, risk and purchased home insurance;
  • usage special programs allowing you to claim benefits;
  • obtaining a military mortgage;
  • reduction in debt repayment time (each additional year increases the total amount of debt).

Special attention is paid to the fact that those who want to save can use maternity capital to pay off part of the debt or the down payment. To do this, it is enough to inform the manager about such a desire and prepare a certificate in advance proving the right to manage money.

Mortgage conditions at Promsvyazbank

Like any reputable financial institution, Promsvyazbank does not issue loans to everyone who wants to apply for them. The bank has special requirements for potential fund applicants. To receive approval, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • age from 21 to 65 years at the time full repayment debt;
  • registration and permanent residence in the subject of the country where the bank has a branch;
  • work experience – one year (for individual entrepreneurs – 2 years);
  • continuous work experience at the last workplace – 4 months;
  • any close relatives may be involved as co-borrowers if this is permitted by law and they have the opportunity to make contributions (except for minors and incapacitated);
  • 2 telephones are required, one of which must be a landline.

If a person meets the listed requirements, he can now submit an online loan application.


The next point, which requires no less attention than reviews of mortgages at Promsvyazbank or a description of lending programs, is associated with the list of documents that allow you to receive funds. Borrowers should prepare:

  • passport;
  • second identification document;
  • work book and its certified copy;
  • certificates and papers confirming income;
  • military ID or its equivalent;
  • documents for the purchased property;
  • passports and profiles of co-borrowers.

Additionally, you will need to fill out an application to receive money.

It is important to emphasize that holders salary cards can do without a work book and income certificates, but full list The required papers depend on the manager making the decision to issue a loan. He is able to request additional information and documents that will help him make the right decision.


In addition to the programs listed credit institution offers refinancing. With its help, customers can reduce their size monthly payments. Currently the bank offers the following conditions:

  • interest rate from 9.1%;
  • amount – up to 15 million rubles;
  • period – up to 300 months.

It is important that the debtor is not in arrears on the current loan. In addition, the payer must comply with the requirements listed above. This is the only way to get your application approved and calculate payments according to the new schedule.

Another significant nuance that should be remembered is the need to provide the bank with a mortgage loan agreement that needs to be refinanced. Without it, counting on approval is pointless.

Promsvyazbank mortgage calculator - calculate the mortgage amount

Apartment price:

An initial fee:

Credit term:

months years

Interest rate:

% per year % per month

Repayment scheme

Annuity Classic

One-time commission

Monthly commission

Annual commission

Monthly payment on loan:

Promsvyazbank today offers favorable interest rates and mortgage conditions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. Compare the features of the bank’s mortgage programs in 2019 for primary and secondary housing, without a down payment and for maternity capital.

Mortgage at Promsvyazbank in 2019

Mortgage loans at Promsvyazbank have quite flexible terms, which is a definite advantage. When assessing the financial condition of the borrower, the bank makes it possible to take into account the income of up to 4 family members and does not impose strict requirements on real estate, which is transferred as collateral.

Promsvyazbank mortgage in Moscow: favorable conditions

U mortgage loans Promsvyazbank in Moscow, as well as the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, has its own peculiarities. Firstly, the maximum loan amount for a number of programs there can reach 30 million rubles, and not 20 million, as in other regions of Russia.

Secondly, for loans provided in Moscow and the Moscow region, borrowers may not have registration at their place of residence.

Promsvyazbank: interest and mortgage terms in 2019

Compare interest rates and terms of various mortgage programs of Promsvyazbank to choose the most suitable ones.

Mortgage of Promsvyazbank "Novostroika"

This housing loan may be suitable for those who are planning to purchase an apartment in primary market real estate on favorable terms. It is possible to pay the first installment using maternity capital.


> Duration: from 3 to 25 years;

> Amount:

  • up to 30 million rubles in Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg;
  • up to 20 million rubles in other regions.

> Down payment: from 10%.

Interest rate

Standard terms

Down payment



— 0.6% for salary and bonus clients, as well as employees of defense industry enterprises;

— 0.7% for partners of the “Platinum PSB” segment;

— 0.4% for partners of the “Gold PSB” segment.


3% when receiving a mortgage without insurance.

Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Mortgage of Promsvyazbank "Secondary market"

With this mortgage loan you can purchase a “secondary” home. The purchased apartment is provided as collateral. It is possible to record the income of up to 4 family members, as well as pay the first installment using maternal capital.


— Term: from 3 to 25 years;

— Amount: from 50,000 to 30 million rubles. in Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg / up to 20 million rubles. in other regions;

— Down payment: from 10%.

Interest rate

  • from 8.9% - for holders of the Bank’s salary cards;
  • from 9.0% - for other clients.

The rate is indicated for a down payment of 20% with insurance.

Doesn't fit? See what mortgage rates are offered today

Mortgage without down payment at Promsvyazbank

This home loan may be of interest to those who do not have money for a down payment on a mortgage. The downside may be the rather high interest rate - higher than for a loan with a down payment.


— Duration: up to 25 years.

— Loan amount: up to 30 million rubles. in Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg / up to 20 million rubles. in other regions;

— Down payment: 0%.

Interest rate

  • from 10.9% - for clients of PSN Group (residential complex "Domashny", residential complex "SREDA", residential complex "Polyanka 44", residential complex "I'm", residential complex "Grinada") and Rozhdestveno LLC (residential complex "Mir Mitino") ;
  • from 12.4% - for holders of the Bank’s salary cards;
  • from 12.5% ​​- for other clients.

The rate is subject to insurance.

Not satisfied? See what mortgage rates are offered today

Loan from Promsvyazbank "Alternative"

The Alternative mortgage program allows you to get a large sum cash for any purpose secured by another apartment. The loan is suitable for both employees and individual entrepreneurs.


Duration: from 3 to 15 years;

Amount: from 1 to 10 million rubles;

Down payment: 0%.

Interest rate

  • from 11.2% per annum - for holders of the Bank’s salary cards;
  • from 11.3% per annum for other clients.

The rate applies when the loan to collateral ratio is from 20% to 50% with insurance.

See also the terms of mortgage lending in

Secured loan target from 9.5%

With this loan you can purchase a country house with land plot or an apartment or apartments on primary and secondary market housing. Issued on the security of another apartment.


Duration: from 3 to 25 years.

Down payment: 0%.

Interest rate

  • from 9.5% per annum.

The rate applies when the loan to collateral ratio is from 20% to 80% with insurance.

Not profitable? See what mortgage conditions are offered today

Promsvyazbank loan “Easy for a mortgage!”

To apply for a loan under this mortgage program, you will need a minimum of documents. A mortgage is issued without proof of income, secured by a purchased or existing apartment. The borrower may be employee, individual entrepreneur or business owner. The only downside is the high down payment and interest rates.


Duration: from 3 to 25 years.

Amount: from 500,000 to 30 million rubles. in Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg / up to 20 million rubles. in other regions;

Down payment: from 40%.

Interest rates

  • from 9.4% - for the purchase of an apartment from PSN Group (Domashny Residential Complex, SREDA Residential Complex, Polyanka 44 Residential Complex, I'm Residential Complex, Grinada Residential Complex) and Rozhdestveno LLC (Mir Residential Complex Mitino") in a new building (the rate applies when the down payment is 10% or more);
  • from 11.4% - for the purchase of an apartment from other partners in a new building (the rate applies to holders of the Bank’s salary cards, for other clients the rate is 11.5% with a down payment of 40% with insurance);
  • from 11.7% - for the purchase of an apartment on the secondary market (the rate applies to holders of the Bank’s salary cards, for other clients the rate is 11.8% with a down payment of 40% with insurance);
  • from 13.5% - for any purpose secured by real estate (the rate applies when the loan-to-collateral ratio is from 20% to 50% with insurance).

See the mortgage conditions at DeltaCredit Bank (Rosbank).

Mortgage of Promsvyazbank "Country Real Estate"

This housing loan may be suitable for those who plan to purchase a townhouse, a country house under construction with a plot of land, or a finished residential building with land.


Duration: from 3 to 25 years.

Amount: from 500,000 to 15 million rubles.

Down payment: from 10%.

Interest rate

  • from 11.9% per annum.

Mortgage for maternity capital in Promsvyazbank

You can use maternity capital to pay the first installment on a mortgage loan to purchase an apartment at Promsvyazbank. Available programs: “New building”, “Secondary market”.


Duration: from 36 months to 300 months.

Amount: main loan + loan for down payment from maternity capital.

Minimum amount of maternity capital: 100,000 rubles.

Minimum amount own funds under programs secured by apartments is: 10% for housing costs up to 2 million rubles / 5% for housing costs over 2 million rubles.

The down payment can be paid using maternity capital with a deferment of up to 6 months.

How to get a mortgage using matkapital Promsvyazbank

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Receive a certificate for maternity capital.
  2. Apply for a mortgage loan at Promsvyazbank by presenting a certificate and a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the balance of maternity capital.
  3. Submit applications to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to receive maternity capital.
  4. Pay off the first mortgage payment using maternity capital.

See also bank mortgage rates

Promotion on mortgage loans for the purchase of apartments

Promsvyazbank improved the conditions for two mortgage programs, reducing rates on loans for the purchase of apartments in the primary and secondary housing markets.


Amount: from 500 thousand to 30 million rubles;

Duration: from 36 to 180 months.

Interest rates

in new buildings:

down payment – ​​from 20 to 80%

  • from 9.3% for salary card holders;
  • from 9.4% for others.

down payment – ​​from 10 to 20%

  • from 9.8% for salary card holders;
  • 9.9% for others.

on the secondary market:

down payment – ​​from 20 to 80%;

  • from 8.9% for salary card holders,
  • from 9.0% for others.

down payment – ​​from 10 to 20%.

  • from 9.3% for salary card holders
  • from 9.4% for others.

Who can get a mortgage at Promsvyazbank

A mortgage loan from Promsvyazbank can be obtained by citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 65 years (as of the date of loan repayment) who have a work experience of at least 1 year, and at least 4 months at their last place of work.

This bank is consistently among the top twenty banks offering mortgages. Today, obtaining an apartment for a borrower here is carried out within the framework of several programs. For each of them, the bank offers different conditions and available amounts. All current bank offers will be described in more detail below.

Mortgage loan terms

Conditions here vary depending on the type of housing purchased. The interest rate and repayment options are also tied to separate species loan.

If this is a new building, the bank offers the following conditions:

  • interest rate - minimum 12.5%;
  • maximum amount - up to 30 million rubles;
  • mandatory down payment - at least 10%.

You can roughly calculate all the indicators and values ​​using the calculator, which is located under each individual loan. If you plan to get a loan not for new housing, then the interest rate will be at least 12%. The amounts are the same - up to 30 million rubles, and the down payment will be at least 20%. In both cases, the terms are the same - up to 30 years.

By this loan All indicators can be pre-calculated using a calculator. On the official website of Promsvyazbank, mortgage conditions and interest rates are calculated on the calculator within a few minutes.

Promsvyazbank mortgage without down payment - documents and conditions

This type of loan is available today in the range of the described bank. There is no down payment required, but such conditions are not available to all applicants. The basic rule is to provide an alternative object as collateral. Only in this case the client is exempt from the down payment.

The conditions for such a loan are as follows:

  • interest rate - 15% (minimum interest rate without a down payment to Promsvyazbank);
  • available amount - up to 30 million rubles;
  • Possible term - up to 30 years.

Unlike other cases, where it is necessary to fully confirm your solvency, under this proposal the bank requests a minimum package of documents. The documents must include a passport, an application, and a certificate from your place of work. Income level will not matter. Anyone can calculate the monthly payment using an online calculator.

List of documents

Promsvyazbank requests a complete list of documents for a mortgage loan from the following form: internal passport, certificates from the place of work (with individual entrepreneurs they require a certificate from the Federal Tax Service), 2-NDFL receipts for Last year, copies of the insurance policy, mandatory SNILS, foreign passport (if you have one). Additionally, additional documents may be required.

Promsvyazbank mortgage calculator

It is recommended to use a special interest rate calculator on the bank’s official website. With its help, anyone can calculate all the preliminary conditions for a separate loan, and then make the final decision.

It is located in the “mortgage” section. Simply select the most suitable type of mortgage and click on the “calculate” button.

Mortgage calculator Promsvyazbank - calculate interest rate

The final rate cannot be calculated on the official website of Promsvyazbank. It is assigned only after final consideration of the application on an individual basis. Using this calculator you can calculate the loan amount, the size of the down payment and, separately, the monthly payment.

Promsvyazbank mortgage with state support - conditions and necessary documents

Promsvyazbank stopped working with loans of this kind in 2014. Program state support does not apply here. For these purposes, it is recommended to contact institutions operating with the presence of state capital.

Promsvyazbank mortgage refinancing for individuals

Among the clearly established conditions, we can highlight only the interest rate - from 17% and exemption from providing documentation. Everything else is considered only on an individual basis. But the borrower is always subject to standard requirements: no long delays, payment of at least 50% of the debt, stable income.