False information when applying for a loan. Providing false data to the bank and the consequences

Not infrequently, ordinary citizens or individual entrepreneurs, striving to get a cash or commodity loan at all costs, resort to deception. It seems to them that if they "accidentally forget" to indicate negative information or simply embellish reality a little, no one will be worse off from this. There are cases when entrepreneurs submit one or more falsified papers along with an application for a loan, which may influence the decision of the bank. Deciding on a forgery, they only want to acquire additional benefits and concessions, for example, they want to increase the amount of the loan and postpone its repayment, receive a deferment or installment plan for payments or return goods, reduce interest on a loan, take a loan without security, etc.
At the same time, borrowers do not at all seek to appropriate other people's money or goods, on the contrary, they expect to fully pay off the lender over time. However, few people know that under unfavorable circumstances, even a small deceit can lead to big trouble. Such actions are qualified as illegal receipt of a loan, which means that they entail administrative (under Article 14.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) or even criminal (under Part 1 of Article 176 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) liability. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides that obtaining a loan or preferential lending terms by providing the bank with false information about one's financial condition entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles; for officials - from 2000 to 3000 rubles; for legal entities - from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides that the receipt by an individual entrepreneur or the head of an organization of a loan or preferential lending conditions by providing the bank with false information about their financial condition or organization, if this act caused major damage, is punishable by a fine of up to 200,000 rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 18 months, or by arrest for a term of 4 to 6 months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to 5 years. Although the law does not stipulate in what form false information should appear, practice proceeds from the fact that the facts must still be framed in form of official documents. The lender must be sure that the papers are genuine and that they contain information that is true. If the creditor doubts the authenticity of certain documents or the reliability of the information provided in them, but still issues a loan, it will be considered that he acted at his own peril and risk, and the debtor will have the opportunity to avoid criminal or administrative prosecution. The same applies to cases where the creditor accepts on faith the oral assurances of the debtor and his representatives. Moreover, this often happens, for example, when pledging property, the liquidity of which raises doubts in the bank. Many people try to convince a future lender that collateral is a formality. If the creditor suspects you of illegal actions, he may apply to law enforcement agencies.

After conducting a preliminary review, they may decide that the case really deserves "attention". Then, by order of law enforcement agencies, the banking and credit affairs of the borrowers are withdrawn from the bank (application, minutes of the meeting of the credit committee (commission), loan agreement and additional agreements to it, feasibility study of the loan, agreements on the basis of which the loan was issued). From these and other documents, it is revealed what deliberately false information the person indicated when contacting the creditor. They appoint forensic accounting, handwriting, technical and other examinations to establish which information was false and which documents were fictitious. They also check the amount of money in the borrower's accounts at the time of receiving the loan, and how he used the borrowed funds. In parallel, law enforcement agencies will find out if there are other creditors who were deceived by the debtor. They check the subject of the pledge, find out who exactly concluded the contracts of guarantee, guarantee, pledge, insurance. Investigators will try to identify people who made fictitious documents or entered distorted information into papers. Most often, law enforcement officers are interested in the question why the borrower turned to this particular lender. It may turn out that employees of the latter were involved in illegal fraud. It is necessary to distinguish in which cases criminal liability comes, and in which - administrative.

Since one act cannot be punished twice, the perpetrators are brought either to administrative or criminal liability. In the first case, it is considered that an offense has been committed and an appropriate fine is imposed; in the second case, a crime is committed. Let us consider in more detail in what situations one or another liability for illegally obtaining a loan occurs. These actions are recognized as a crime only if major damage is caused to citizens, legal entities or the state. In other cases, there is administrative responsibility. And the offense under Article 14.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is considered completed already at the moment when the false information was brought to the attention of persons authorized to make a decision on the loan. For example, members of the commission of a commercial bank got acquainted with false documents. If it fails to prove in court the fact of causing major damage, the actions of the entrepreneur can be qualified under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And you should also pay attention to the fact that the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation refer to knowingly false information that a person knowingly provides to a creditor. In order to prosecute under article 176 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to prove direct intent.

For example, if the borrower's boss brought an unreliable balance sheet of his company to the bank, and later it turned out that the information was given by the company's accountant, who wanted to hide his own mistakes and abuses, then liability could be avoided, since there was no intent. To bring a person to administrative responsibility, it is necessary to prove his guilt, which is expressed in the form of direct or indirect intent. Only the director of the borrowing company and a private entrepreneur who have concluded the relevant agreement can be held criminally liable, and the borrowing company can also be held administratively liable. The intent should be aimed at obtaining a loan with its subsequent return. Otherwise, the actions qualify as fraud.

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Quite common in the lending industry. Due to the favorable conditions for obtaining a loan, many scammers use this for their own purposes. The formal component of client verification opens up many ways for criminals to enrich themselves.

The essence of credit fraud

The main goal of scammers is to obtain various loans, which they did not plan to return from the very beginning. Or it was meant to return the funds in a partial amount, sufficient to exonerate themselves of charges of criminal intent.

In addition, according to the content of Article 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the most significant factor in the crime is the submission of initially false and invalid information. This list includes:

  • fake documents (passport);
  • invalid income statements;
  • any other papers containing invalid data that may help in obtaining a loan.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for fraudsters only for providing false information when applying for a loan. Any actions of fraudsters in the process of repaying a debt are not regulated by Article 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The main difficulty lies in the fact that it is impossible to understand: the attacker really refuses to repay the loan, or the client really did not have the opportunity to do this. But if during the audit it is found that false information was provided during the receipt of the loan, then the fraudster will be found guilty.

In order to unequivocally determine the actions of a person as unlawful, it is necessary to have specific factors, namely:

  • the attacker must be 16 years of age;
  • the presence of criminal intent, the main purpose of which is to obtain a loan and unwillingness to return it (or its misuse);
  • providing the credit institution with any documents and information that do not correspond to the real state of affairs.

In general, this is exactly how the crime can be characterized. There is a subject, an object, an objective and a subjective side of their relationship.

The key factor for law enforcement is that the attacker knows in advance that he is submitting invalid documents and is not going to return the loan. If it is possible to prove the guilt of the criminal, then criminal proceedings will certainly begin.

In this video, Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: what is considered fraud in the field of lending, in what cases liability arises, etc. Also, advice is given on what to do if you are accused of such a crime.

Features of credit fraud

Getting a loan by criminals hides a lot of non-obvious details:

1. Bringing to criminal liability occurs only if the loan amount is more than 1 thousand rubles. Otherwise, the actions of the attacker will entail only administrative liability under Article 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

2. In order to obtain a loan, attackers can use figureheads. Usually these are citizens who have a permanent place of residence, but do not have any permanent income. For this kind of mediation, they can receive a certain monetary reward. Often, such amounts are small, because these persons will not eventually fall under criminal liability. Although it is precisely this information that the attackers provide them with, this is not always true.

3. Sometimes scammers perform their actions through figureheads who are unaware of their participation in the crime. The documents of these citizens are provided to the credit organization by an official of the company, who has the legal right to provide these papers to various organizations. If such intermediaries really had no idea about their participation in the crime, they will be released from criminal and any other liability. And the malefactor-manager will have to bear much more severe responsibility, since the use of his official position is an aggravating factor.

4. Most of the time is spent by law enforcement agencies on familiarization with financial documents. In the course of these actions, attempts are made to find and provide evidence of a criminal motive in the actions of the attacker. The main goal is to find information about:

  • unwillingness to repay the loan;
  • providing invalid information;
  • misuse of credit funds.

Only a small proportion of the work of law enforcement agencies is in search activities. This is due to the fact that attackers do not try to hide, because their main activity lies in:

  • looking for loopholes in the law;
  • use of inattention of employees of a credit institution when issuing a loan;
  • maximum attempts to avoid criminal punishment or transfer it to administrative responsibility.

Attackers are trying their best to hide evidence of their illegal activities, manipulate the provided (and not only) documents and minimize criminal liability. That is why familiarization with financial documents is a key activity for police officers. It is not possible to identify the attacker by any other means due to the specifics of the crime.

5. If attackers use a fake or stolen passport when obtaining a loan, they can send intermediaries who look like the owner of the documents. Criminals may use makeup or bright clothing to distract an employee of a financial institution. All this is done to deceive the lender and get money.

Under such conditions, police officers will spend much more time on search activities. An important factor will be the testimony of the employee who issued the loan, and any other witnesses. Items of clothing, gait, human behavior and any other distinguishing features will be taken into account to identify the attacker or his intermediaries.

Fraud in obtaining a loan, when a criminal provides false documents to credit organizations, entails punishment in this form:

  • a fine of 120 thousand rubles. or in the amount of the perpetrator's income for a period of up to 1 year;
  • compulsory (360 hours), corrective (up to 1 year) and forced (up to 2 years) labor;
  • restriction of freedom up to 2 years;
  • arrest for up to 4 months.

Aggravating factors are:

  • the crime was committed by a group of persons under a criminal agreement;
  • the use by a fraudster of official status (and therefore on a large scale) to commit a crime;
  • especially large amount of stolen money.

In the presence of one of these conditions, the responsibility, as well as the punishment for the crime, is seriously increased. For example, unfair receipt of funds on an especially large scale will entail a prison term of up to 10 years. Additionally, a fine of up to 1 million rubles may be imposed. and/or restriction of freedom for 2 years.

Criminal liability may vary depending on the factors present and the characteristics of the offense. The type and measure of punishment are appointed by the court at its own discretion, according to the studied circumstances of the case or depending on the severity of the damage caused by the crime.

Also, during the trial, emphasis is placed on the attacker himself. The punishment for a crime will be milder for an individual, medium for an organized group, and most severe for an official. But the circumstances of the crime, the assessment of the involvement of accomplices in the crime, etc. will still be taken into account.

How to prove a crime?

In judicial practice, there are countless various schemes used by fraudsters in the field of lending. One of the ways to obtain credit funds is the following (the most common):

  • attackers find a homeless person, provide clothes, teach manners, help clean up (wash, shave, etc.);
  • he is given forged documents, fake income statement, etc.;
  • if all this allows this citizen to get a loan from a bank, then after leaving the financial organization, the money is withdrawn from the person by criminals;
  • the homeless person himself is given a certain share of what he received for his participation in the crime, and the organizers disappear without a trace.

This method of theft of credit funds is especially dangerous, since it is almost impossible to find intruders, and, moreover, it is almost impossible. In fact, police officers cannot show anything to the homeless - such people often have nothing to lose, as a result of which they are ready to commit much greater crimes (and sometimes conditions in prison are better than on the street). And the amount of profit received, in comparison with the size of the loan itself, does not allow one to perceive a citizen even as an accomplice.

However, law enforcement officers can interrogate this citizen. In turn, this will allow you to find out the details of what happened, determine the identity of the criminals (identify the distinguishing features), find any other clues in the case that will allow you to reach the real attackers.

To prove the presence of criminal intent in the actions of the suspect, it is necessary to confirm this fact with various evidence. For this purpose, apply:

  • expert opinions;
  • testimonies of victims and witnesses;
  • various relevant documentation.

The main goal of law enforcement agencies is to search for circumstances that will serve as evidence in the trial:

  • overstating the cost of collateral by a fraudster;
  • assessment by experts of the existing information that was provided to the bank in order to obtain a loan (any inconsistencies, violations, etc. will definitely be found);
  • transfer of received credit funds to the account of a one-day company;
  • sale of collateral without notifying the organization that issued the loan;
  • finding citizens who acted as an intermediary in obtaining a loan;
  • fictitious guarantors;
  • the use of a variety of documents that are fake (lost by someone, stolen, completely fake, etc.);
  • provision as a pledge of property that was previously pledged to a third party, but about which the representatives of the bank had no idea.

If evidence of a crime is found, the perpetrators will be punished. But if the fraudsters plan the operation perfectly, the bank will have to part with the money.

The only way not to fall for the tricks of criminals is to carefully check all possible data that a potential borrower provides. It is due to the fact that financial organizations are superficial in studying documents and immediately issue a loan, and a variety of crimes in the field of lending occur.

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1. About four years ago, the sisters entered into an inheritance from their father, when registering legal papers, the first of the requirements was a paper on the absence of encumbrances and debts. They did everything, inherited, sold the house. Three years later, the bailiffs begin to withdraw money from the card in favor of a court decision from the bank in which (as it turned out) the father took a loan, at the time of death the amount of debt on the loan was 11 tr, the bank writes off 54 tr. In addition to all, a dead and underage child was summoned to answer in court (maybe this is normal?), There was a phonetic error in the name of the defendant in the court decision, there was no number of the loan agreement. There are many questions, I want to understand. Claim for moral damages. Is it possible? Thank you. And also, what are my first actions in the event of such a situation.

Lawyer Lugacheva E. N., 511 responses, 328 reviews, online since 09/25/2019
1.1. Good evening.
It is necessary to appeal the court decision on the recovery of the debt from the heirs, if you do not agree with the calculation of the amount of the debt. It is possible to appeal the decision within the time limits established by law (from 10 days to 1 month), depending on the form in which the decision was made (court order, decision in absentia, decision). If the deadline is missed for a good reason, then it is necessary to apply for the restoration of the deadline.
A more complete consultation can be given after reading the documents.

Lawyer Kurochkina A. R., 2339 responses, 1465 reviews, online since 05/16/2017
1.2. Hello, the heirs are responsible for the debts of the testator. If there are illegal actions on the part of the bailiff, you can appeal against his actions in court.

2. In March of this year, I took out a loan for goods. Approved, the goods were taken from the store, there are receipts for the goods. When it came time for the payment, errors occurred in the bank's mobile application, my loan agreement was not found, etc. I started calling the bank, they said that the loan agreement was canceled and there were no obligations to the bank. Half a year has passed since then and they began to call from the store and ask for documents for a loan. From what I understand, the store is down. What consequences await me and what can the store do?
Although it's not my fault.

Lawyer Trofimov D.S., 2607 responses, 1676 reviews, online since 02.10.2018
2.1. Good day!
In fact, none if you have checks on hand and so on.
This is already a store problem and the store must resolve issues with the bank.

But you can be brought to court as a third party if the store sues the bank.

My advice:
1. ask the bank for a certificate stating that you do not have any debts to this bank.
Be sure to do this so that you have paper on hand that confirms this.
2. follow the correspondence at the place of your registration and place of residence. If there is a trial, the court will notify you.
Further, all documents will need to be shown to a lawyer for drawing up a line of defense.

3. My wife signed a loan agreement with a bank in her name. At registration, she was charged with insurance, with the conditions that, upon termination, they would raise the interest on the loan. Upon careful study of the insurance contract, I found that the insured person is me, not her. The wife is listed there as the beneficiary. Can I terminate the insurance contract without consequences for the loan agreement in the form of an increase in interest, and how does this mistake of a bank employee qualify in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, i.e. can I file an application with the court or the prosecutor's office under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation?

3.1. It is not known, the question is on the terms of the loan agreement, which no one except you and the bank knows. Check out these terms.

Lawyer Frolov S. V., 6139 responses, 3327 reviews, online since 02/15/2018
3.2. There is no fraud here .. because the bank has not received anything yet ... and you have the right to refuse insurance because you are not a borrower ... They imposed a service on you ... Another thing is when the borrower insures his life ... or other risks. .. here, in case of an insured event, you can count on insurance compensation ... As for the increase in%, it is the right of the bank if the wife refuses insurance ... the bank risks ...

Lawyer Kiseleva O.G., 4592 responses, 2087 reviews, online since 10/29/2013
3.3. Hello Sergey!
The insurance can be returned in full by preparing and sending a motivated claim to the insurance company!
To avoid an increase in the interest rate, after the return of the insurance, it is necessary to insure me in the same insurance company but at a more favorable price for you.

E-MAIL customer care: [email protected]
Address: st. EL, 21 Venizelos, GR 102 50 ATHENS, GREECE
Ref № 26256252
Date: 19/08/2019
SSL: 46/88/9980

Date: 20/08/2018
Loan agreement-contract DOCUMENT
Guarantor: Nigeria on the operational control agency.

Subject to applicable laws and regulations of Nigeria, Lender, Borrower and Guarantor, after full consultation with each other, hereby agree to enter into this Agreement, to bind these three Parties to unsecured loans. I am Mr. Hickam Spencer, Director of Loan Department for Peter 6,000,000.00 rubles for 5 years Duration as follows:

Loan balance: 6,000,000.00 rubles.
Interest rate on the loan: 2% rubles.
Loan term: 5 years.
Monthly loan payment: RUB 105,166.56
Number of payments: 60
Cumulative payments: RUB 6,309,993.62
Total interest paid: 309,993.62 rubles.

1. The borrower to start repaying the loan 2 months after receiving loan funds. Monthly loan payments of RUB 105,166.56 will be debited from your account on the 28th of each month for 60 months in order for you to pay off this loan.

2. The Borrower is obliged to repay the entire amount of the loan and interest on it in accordance with the term of the loan agreed under this Agreement. If the loan is not current, an interest of 0.4% per day is charged in the period when it is due. In the event that a delay in repayment is necessary, the Borrower must apply for an extension to the lender ten days prior to the expiration of the loan. Upon approval by the Lender of such application, an agreement on delayed payment may be entered into, and such agreement is legally binding on the Guarantor

3. The Borrower shall provide the Lender with such relevant information, the Borrower's driver's license or foreign passport, or a valid identification card bearing his/her name of the applicant's identity, income statements. The borrower fully repay the principal amount of the loan and interest on it in accordance with the schedule. The Borrower must provide prior notice to the Lender of any change in the Borrower's legal representative, legal address or operational location or any reduction in its share capital.

4. When concluding a loan transaction, the transfer of funds will be made to the borrower within 48 hours, depending on the funds the borrower wishes to receive a loan. By doing so, anyone who violates said agreement to purchase this unsecured loan goes against the rules and regulations of the 1998 constitutional lending system and violation of these rules is punishable by law.

5. Your loan will be handed over to the drawing attention once it has been approved and take note and make sure all your bank details below are correct to avoid mistakes.

Branch "Central" PJSC "Sovcombank" Krasnodar.
Card number:
Account number:

6. Once you have received the loan the company will give you 90 grace days which is 3 months before it starts repaying your loan and below is its bank details that you must use to repay the loan.

Bank name: ALPHA BANK
account #: 729 002101 016781
IBAN: GR45 0140 7290 7290 0210 1016 781
account name: Aigbogun Joy
bank address: Patriarchou Ioakim 2, Athina 106 74 Greece

7. The loan is protected by a hardcover seal which states that the insured (loan) cannot be changed until it reaches the borrower to guarantee safe delivery. In the event that the Borrower is found to be in breach of any provision of this article, the Lender may withdraw the loan, suspend any portion of the Loan not yet being used, or impose other credit sanctions.

4.1. Hello! These are scammers.

Lawyer Tsaturyan M. K., 7840 responses, 7869 reviews, online since 03.10.2016
4.2. Such letters often come by e-mail. This type of scam is called "phishing" spam, if I'm not mistaken.

I have drawn up a loan agreement, but a technical error occurred during the registration of a nominal account. As a result, there is no nominal account, and I have already signed the DDU. Both the loan agreement and the DDU were sent for registration, the developer paid the state duty. BUT those. It hasn't been fixed and doesn't seem to be fixed. No nominal account, no credit funds. What will it cost me. Read answers (1)

5. I received a loan from Setelem Bank in 2017. In 2018, I decided to pay it off ahead of schedule, which I notified the bank by phone call in February 2018. The operator who received my call informed me that the repayment would take place on the payment date (03/07/2018) and I had to pay 177,580.56 rubles. (One hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and eighty rubles 56 kopecks) for the full repayment of the loan. I asked the operator whether this amount would fully cover the loan, he confirmed this. The amount of 177580.56 rubles. was deposited by me into the credit account of the agreement. At the end of July 2019, calls began to me and my friends from the bank that I had a loan debt. That is, for a year and a half, the bank did not take any action to inform me that the loan was not repaid, that the repayment amount that I paid was not set off by the bank due to a mistake by the bank operator. I was not notified by SMS, calls, or mail that transactions were continuing on my credit account. What the bank was obliged to notify me in accordance with Art. 10 No. 353-FZ "On consumer credit (loan)". How to be and what to do? Can I go straight to court?

Lawyer Khaluyeva V. V., 1194 responses, 891 reviews, online since 04/14/2017
5.1. Good afternoon. Please specify the certificate of repayment of the loan and closing of the account. Did you receive the bank account?

If it is difficult for you to formulate a question, call the free multi-channel phone 8 800 505-91-11 a lawyer will help you

6. They wrote off money from a credit card - after a statement to the police, a call to the savings bank, blocking the card and a call from the company that wrote off the money - the money was returned, 3 days passed ...
The card was simply registered, without any checkboxes and consent to automatic payments, they did not purchase anything, did not order or give consent to purchases, in any form.
The police do not see this action as a crime.
Those. they got into my pocket and stole money - this is no longer considered a crime!?
The investigator argues that he is also debited without his consent - payment for the phone ..., but when purchasing a SIM card, he signed an agreement, gave his consent to pay for the services provided, and the amount of 50-100 rubles. for tel. and the amount written off 5900 r. I think it's a little different! In my opinion, the situations are completely different, but they could withdraw the entire amount, and this is several hundred thousand, and moreover, this is not a failure in the system, nor someone else's mistake, this is a purposeful debiting of money from my card. What can be presented to them?

Lawyer Nazarova E. N., 564 responses, 287 reviews, online since 06/21/2019
6.1. Did you get your money back? You can sue for the recovery of interest for the use of other people's money, but this is a penny.

7. On June 14, 2019, I signed a loan agreement at the branch of VTB Bank in the village. Zabaikalsk in the amount of 350,000 rubles. The bank approved a loan for a period of 36 months at 14% per annum. On July 18, 2019, I filled out an application for partial early repayment of a loan in the amount of 160,000 rubles in ON-LINE mode (on the recommendation of the branch manager) with the condition of reducing the loan repayment period. However, VTB Bank recalculated the monthly annuity payments without reducing the loan term. I applied on 07/19/2019, 07/20/2019 through phone calls to the bank's specialists, who explained the error by the incorrect operation of the software, clarified that the bank had recorded my application with the condition of reducing the loan term, but the program calculated the schedule with a reduction in the amount of payment. They promised to fix it. On July 20, 2019, I applied with an electronic application to the bank (website) to eliminate the error, on July 23, 2019, a response was received from VTB Bank to my email address that the bank cannot change the situation, only recalculation of the monthly payment is possible without reducing the term. The Individual Loan Conditions provides for a DCP option with a reduced loan term, and when filling out an electronic application, the program provided a choice of one of two possible conditions. Question: what other measures should be taken to ensure that the bank complies with the conditions of the NPV indicated by me in the application? Is it possible to receive compensation for moral damage and possible material damage in connection with these actions of the bank? Is it possible to demand the return of the amount of 160,000 rubles from the loan to a bank account, since the option of early repayment of the loan implemented by the bank does not suit me? Is it possible to get a sample statement of claim in court against the illegal actions of VTB Bank? Thank you.

Lawyer Doev A.B., 899 responses, 585 reviews, online since 01/04/2015
7.1. Greetings Natalya! So you have the right to legally demand the return of your money if the reduction of the term is not possible according to your proposed conditions. To draw up a statement of claim to the court, you do not need to wait for a response here, but personally write to someone personally.

8. I bought an apartment a year ago with a mortgage, I signed the contract at the bank, which was printed out by an employee from the click house portal. Support was provided for the transaction with the registration of the purchased apartment in Rosreestr by the bank's employees. Gave 10 tr. As a result, I bought an apartment, everything was registered in Rosreestr, and the seller was paid off. I pay my mortgage right. Now a year later, it turns out that the bank made a mistake and they forgot to indicate in the contract the phrase so that the apartment would be encumbered. And the contract did not indicate that the apartment comes with an encumbrance to the bank, although there is a phrase: "the seller does not have the right to pledge the object in accordance with paragraph 5 of article 488 of the civil code of the Russian Federation when buying an apartment on a mortgage." There is no mention of bail anywhere else. The loan agreement says: the pledge of the property is specified in clause 11. The bank insists that I have to conclude a mortgage agreement, because. if I don’t pledge my apartment to the bank, then the bank may demand that I return the entire cost of the apartment from me immediately, so the bank answered me and the central bank whether it was legal to my request to the Central Bank. By the way, I returned the money from the bank for the unfinished service. But is it worth it to conclude a mortgage agreement tell me? In my extract it is written in paragraph 4 in the column: "restriction of rights and encumbrance of the property" is worth-not registered. The bank put its signature when it issued me an extract on the registration of ownership, but at that time they did not say that there was an error. And the problem is that the mistake can be corrected only by concluding a MORTGAGE AGREEMENT, and I already have a LOAN AGREEMENT. The seller left for another city, I can’t correct the phrases in the sales contract itself. Can the bank oblige me to return all the money for the loan - the mortgage immediately, there is a phrase in the contract: "upon detection of undeclared encumbrances on the subject of collateral" with a contract."

Lawyer Tikhonova O.A., 371 responses, 156 reviews, online since 06/29/2015
8.1. A loan agreement and a mortgage agreement are one and the same. If the bank presents you with a claim for a refund, let him go to court, where your dispute will be resolved. But in any case, you need to contact a lawyer for help and representation of your interests in court.

9. I took a credit card from the Renaissance bank in the amount of 200,000 when I made an online application to the bank there the interest was 16-19%, when I already applied for a bank loan, the bank employee filled out the forms and gave me to sign, I started from the first sheet to sign them and on I found out on the last sheet that the interest rate is higher there and I asked him what kind of numbers are so large and he answered me that you will pay for the first loan for three months and the loan rate will drop to about 16-19% the bank will refinance the recalculation and have you will decrease the rate it's all so do. I didn’t speak Russian normally and didn’t have an education, I told him exactly that, but he kept saying that one hundred% would refinance and lower the rate. I told him to wait and called to ask a friend how she thinks about it, and she said if he says 100% and if it’s so, do it as you like, I never took a loan and I don’t know their nuances. Then I asked the employee 10 times and he claimed how he says he wakes up, and I signed and went up to the cashier there the cashier took the documents and says there are mistakes that he so go give it back let him correct the mistakes and took and gave this employee to the manager and what did she do and said give cashier. Then I came up and gave the papers and she gave me the money. I left there and when I came home I asked a Russian woman I knew and she answered me in vain you took a loan, they are deceiving me, I don’t know what they told you, well, I don’t know, well, hardly. She sprinkled me salt on the wound. But how expensive it was for me back, I started paying and paid 6 months and even ahead of schedule sometimes and once a month twice. Then I call them and ask them what they told me when I took the credit that they would refinance me to lower the interest rate. And they will change the answer to me, the contract is not an option, it was necessary to look at the contract, well, we will accept the application and turned it off. Until today, I called them 10 times to reduce my interest, and they accept the application and say that within 10 days the answer wakes up and there is still no answer. and now the calls have already started some kind of penalty or creditors from different numbers are calling and threatening to pay. Please tell me what should I do?

9.1. Submit an application for refusal of interaction and an application for withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data.

10. Today I went to Sovcombank to receive a halva card by invitation, and they imposed a loan doctor on me. At home, I realized my mistake. Can I go tomorrow and terminate this contract.

Law firm Helios LLC, 12588 responses, 7097 reviews, online since 03/01/2019
10.1. Hello! Yes, this is possible.

11. When making additional agreement to the mortgage loan agreement on changing the terms of lending by deferring the repayment of the principal debt, the bank made a mistake in the date of the loan agreement - instead of 11/24/2014, 11/24/2016 was erroneously indicated. How to qualify this mistake, what document to confirm the true date, what are the consequences of this mistake for the Borrower? Thank you.

Lawyer Sadykov I. F., 49431 responses, 26528 reviews, online since 10/11/2017
11.1. Hello dear Nina!
If additional the bank does not conclude an agreement to correct a previously made mistake (Article 450-453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), then it will be necessary through the court to set the date for the conclusion of the additional. agreements. In court, you will be able to provide evidence (Articles 55-56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation) in support of your position that the date should differ by 2 years from that specified in the contract. According to Part 1 of Article 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, "each party must prove the circumstances to which it refers as the basis for its claims and objections, unless otherwise provided by federal law." If the delay went at a different time than in the contract, and the conclusion of the add. agreement was due to a delay, you can refer to this circumstance. And the consequences are that they will calculate obligations based on a different date and demand their fulfillment (Article 309, Article 819-821 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 16, 1998 N 102-FZ "On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)" ). Good luck with your issue!

Lawyer Matrosova T. A., 2654 responses, 1585 reviews, online since 10/11/2017
11.2. Hello Nina!

You can contact the bank with a request to amend the supplementary agreement.

If the bank where you signed the add. agreement is not executed other loan agreements with the dates you specified, then there should be no negative consequences.

In the event of a conflict, it can be established from the content of the add. agreement, to which specific contract the agreement was concluded. The error can be qualified as a typo.

In case of conflict, you can go to court.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 452. The procedure for changing and terminating the contract

1. An agreement to amend or terminate a contract is made in the same form as the contract, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, contract or customs.

2. The demand to change or terminate the contract may be filed by a party to the court only after receiving a refusal from the other party to the proposal to change or terminate the contract or failure to receive a response within the time period specified in the proposal or established by law or the contract, and in its absence - within thirty days .

Lawyer Moiseev V.N., 50590 responses, 19831 responses, online since 07/10/2009
11.3. Dear Nina, Voronezh!
According to Article 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
1. An agreement to amend or terminate a contract is made in the same form as the contract, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, the contract or business practices.
2. The demand to change or terminate the contract may be filed by a party to the court only after receiving a refusal from the other party to the proposal to change or terminate the contract or not receiving a response within the period specified in the proposal or established by law or the contract, and in its absence - within thirty days .

The date of the Credit Agreement is one of its essential conditions.
In such a situation, I recommend that you Hand in or Send the Bank a proposal "On changing the date of the loan agreement" indicating the Deadline for a response.
After the expiration of the Term specified by you, you will already be able to apply to the Court on this issue (Articles 131 - 132 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation)

Good luck Vladimir Nikolaevich
Ufa 07/08/2019

Lawyer Ligostaeva A.V., 237160 responses, 74614 reviews, online since 11/26/2008
11.4. --- Hello, dear site visitor! The court qualifies mistakes, not you. Contact the bank with a written application to correct a technical error, and receive a written answer, if you disagree with it, challenge it in court. BUT if the bank does not recognize this as a mistake, then it is not a fact that the court will make the decision you need. By virtue of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities are free to conclude an agreement.
According to Art. 431 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when interpreting the terms of the contract, the court takes into account the literal meaning of the words and expressions contained in it. The literal meaning of the terms of the contract in case of its ambiguity is established by comparison with other terms and the meaning of the contract as a whole. Article 820 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides that a loan agreement must be concluded in writing. Failure to comply with the written form entails the invalidity of the loan agreement. Such an agreement is void. By virtue of Art. 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a transaction in writing must be made by drawing up a document expressing its content and signed by the person or persons making the transaction, or persons duly authorized by them. In accordance with Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement is considered concluded if an agreement is reached between the parties, in the form required in the relevant cases, on all essential terms of the agreement.

Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

Lawyer Ikaeva M.N., 14626 responses, 6697 reviews, online since 03/17/2011
11.5. Good evening Nina

Contact the bank to correct the mistake they made, they should not refuse
According to Article 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement to amend or terminate a contract is made in the same form as the contract, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, contract or business practices.

Lawyer Kudasheva N.V., 3676 responses, 2235 reviews, online since 02/01/2019
11.6. Hello!
I advise you to send a letter of notification to the bank, in which you point out the inaccuracy made by the bank's employees; with a request to make the appropriate changes. Most likely, you will simply be invited to a bank branch, an additional copy will be reprinted and you will re-sign it. Or provide a written response. Save it.
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 450. Grounds for changing and terminating the contract

The positions of the higher courts under Art. 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation >>>

1. Amendment and termination of the contract are possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by this Code, other laws or the contract.

What threatens? Nothing. This is a banal typo, easily established in court. I don’t think you have any other loan agreements in this bank, especially with similar dates.

12. In the loan agreement, there is a mistake in the name in the place of Natalia, it is written Natalia. Is the loan agreement valid?

Lawyer Isaev R. S., 18640 responses, 8148 reviews, online since 03/04/2016
12.1. Hello, yes, since the funds have been received, therefore, this is just a technical error, the contract has been executed in accordance with Article 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and there will be no problems in recovery. The presence of such an error is not grounds for recognizing the contract as invalid.

12.2. The loan agreement stst 819-821 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation indicates your passport data And according to the passport data it can be established that the agreement was concluded by Natalia, and not Natalya Therefore, a small technical error does not invalidate the loan agreement In this situation, there is no cause for concern.

Lawyer Umrikhin A. I., 8280 responses, 5264 reviews, online since 10/20/2018
12.3. Natalia, in this case, this error is not grounds for recognizing the contract as invalid, and cannot lead to a violation of the rights of the parties. You must fulfill the obligations of this agreement properly. Since your data is indicated in the contract, the creditor can establish this fact in court and hold you liable for the performance of the contract.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 819. Loan agreement

1. Under a loan agreement, a bank or other credit organization (creditor) undertakes to provide funds (credit) to the borrower in the amount and on the terms stipulated by the agreement, and the borrower undertakes to return the received amount of money and pay interest for its use, as well as other payments, including those related to the provision of a loan.

In the case of granting a loan to a citizen for purposes not related to entrepreneurial activities (including a loan, the borrower's obligations under which are secured by a mortgage), restrictions, cases and features of collecting other payments specified in paragraph one of this clause are determined by the law on consumer credit ( loan).

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 309. General provisions

Obligations must be performed properly in accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of the law, other legal acts, and in the absence of such conditions and requirements - in accordance with customs or other usually imposed requirements.

Lawyer Smirnova L.N., 32551 responses, 11102 responses, online since 11/30/2007
12.4. Good afternoon, no, it is not a basis for recognizing the contract as invalid. The contract is valid. Since all other data about the borrower is recorded correctly. The contract does not violate the requirements of the law or other legal act.
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 168. Invalidity of a transaction that violates the requirements of a law or other legal act
(as amended by Federal Law No. 100-FZ of May 7, 2013)

The positions of the higher courts under Art. 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation >>>

1. With the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 2 of this article or another law, a transaction that violates the requirements of a law or other legal act is voidable, unless it follows from the law that other consequences of the violation that are not related to the invalidity of the transaction should apply.
2. A transaction that violates the requirements of a law or other legal act and at the same time infringes on public interests or the rights and legally protected interests of third parties is void, unless it follows from the law that such a transaction is voidable or other consequences of the violation that are not related to invalidity must apply deals.

Lawyer Karavaytseva E.A., 57752 responses, 27407 reviews, online since 03/01/2012
12.5. Yes, the loan agreement is valid. A typo is not grounds for invalidating the contract. After all, the contract indicates the passport data and place of residence of the borrower, which allows him to be identified.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 178. Invalidity of a transaction made under the influence of a material error

1. A transaction made under the influence of a delusion may be recognized by a court as invalid at the claim of the party that acted under the influence of a delusion, if the delusion was so significant that this party, reasonably and objectively assessing the situation, would not have concluded the transaction if it had known about the actual situation affairs.
2. In the presence of the conditions provided for in paragraph 1 of this article, the error is assumed to be sufficiently significant, in particular if:
1) the party has made an obvious reservation, misprint, misprint, etc.;
2) the party is mistaken in relation to the subject matter of the transaction, in particular its qualities that are considered essential in circulation;
3) the party is mistaken about the nature of the transaction;
4) the party is mistaken about the person with whom it enters into a transaction or a person related to the transaction;
5) the party is mistaken in relation to the circumstance that he mentions in his declaration of intent or from the presence of which he proceeds with obviousness for the other party when making a transaction.

Lawyer Bulatova I.D., 28383 responses, 10010 reviews, online since 03/03/2015
12.6. This is not an error because the given names are identical. And they are not of fundamental importance in their writing in the contract.
In any case, if there is an appeal to the court to establish this fact (discrepancies in the name), then on the basis of Article 222 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the application will be left without consideration.

13. Received a refusal from VTB Bank on my request: "Good afternoon! Being a client of VTB Bank of Moscow, VTB-24, I am currently a client of VTB Bank and the owner of a credit multi-card since November 2018. For more than six months I have been transferring from the Bank's credit card VTB through the First TSUPIS without charging the Bank a commission for the transaction.From June 04, VTB Bank began to charge such a commission without notifying me, as a client and user of the services.In push and SMS notifications from the Bank, as before, only the amount of my transfer was indicated, without commission instructions (an employee of the Bank, when I first contacted the hotline on June 16, said that under the terms of the contract, the commission for such operations should have been deducted and this was a technical error that was corrected on June 4). I encountered a similar situation as a client of SberBank (then, when there was a change in the order in which the commission for this operation was charged from their credit card, I was informed in the transaction notification about the commission for the operation and after I called the Bank and clarified the reason, I stopped performing these operations). As a result of the failure to notify VTB Bank of the change when making these transactions, within 10 days, I made 29 transfers, for which 8,700 rubles were charged. commissions. Please note that I had a master account in VTB Bank in rubles, and there were also other options for transfers from debit cards of other banks. Transferring 500 rubles several times a day, there is no point in paying 300 rubles each. fees for each transaction. I don’t see my fault in the current situation, so I ask you to consider writing off 300 rubles. for the first transaction on June 4 (which I have no objection to) and return the remaining 8,400 rubles. to my credit card account. Being an active user of the services of VTB Bank (accumulated more than 5,000 miles under the bonus campaign in half a year), I want to continue to be your client. I hope for understanding and a fair, from a human point of view, solution to this issue. "Can you help?

Lawyer Kalashnikov V.V., 188667 responses, 61684 reviews, online since 09/20/2013
13.1. You can help. You can resolve the issue through the court. In this case, you can refer to the fact that you were not properly informed about this commission (Articles 10, 12 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law), as well as to the fact that you did not give consent to its write-off.
The claim is filed in accordance with Art. 131-132 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Lawyer Karavaytseva E.A., 57752 responses, 27407 reviews, online since 03/01/2012
13.2. In this case, the consumer's right to complete and reliable information about the financial service provided is violated. This right is established by Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".
The bank may be held administratively liable on account. 1 st. 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

You can file a complaint on the official website of the Central Bank of Russia, through the Internet reception, as well as to Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, you have the right to recover funds illegally withheld by the bank, as well as compensation for non-pecuniary damage. There is a positive judicial practice in similar cases in Russia.

Lawyer Parfenov V.N., 140941 responses, 61229 reviews, online since 05/23/2013
13.3. Your relationship with VTB Bank is fully covered by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 N 2300-1 (as amended on March 18, 2019) "On Protection of Consumer Rights"
According to Article 10 of this law: The manufacturer (executor, seller) is obliged to provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about goods (works, services) in a timely manner, which ensures the possibility of their correct choice. For certain types of goods (works, services), the list and methods of bringing information to the consumer are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
That is, VTB Bank had to bring to you the necessary and reliable information about the services of this bank
If you received a refusal from the bank, then you should write a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which, according to Article 56 of this federal law, is the supervisory authority for other banks in Russia
Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" dated July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ (last edition)

Article 56
Article 56. The Bank of Russia is the body of banking regulation and banking supervision. The Bank of Russia constantly monitors compliance by credit institutions and banking groups with the laws of the Russian Federation, Bank of Russia regulations, mandatory ratios established by them, and (or) individual limit values ​​for mandatory ratios established by the Bank of Russia. The Bank of Russia analyzes the activities of bank holding companies and uses the information obtained for the purposes of banking supervision of credit institutions and banking groups included in bank holding companies.
(Part one as amended by Federal Law No. 146-FZ of July 2, 2013)
(see text in previous edition)
The main objectives of banking regulation and banking supervision are to maintain the stability of the banking system of the Russian Federation and protect the interests of depositors and creditors. The Bank of Russia does not interfere in the day-to-day activities of credit institutions, with the exception of cases provided for by federal laws.
The regulatory and supervisory functions of the Bank of Russia, established by this Federal Law, are carried out through a body acting on a permanent basis - the Banking Supervision Committee, which unites the heads of structural divisions of the Bank of Russia that ensure the performance of its supervisory functions.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 251-FZ of July 23, 2013)
(see text in previous edition)
The Regulations on the Banking Supervision Committee and its structure are approved by the Board of Directors.
(Part four as amended by Federal Law No. 276-FZ of December 25, 2008)
(see text in previous edition)
The head of the Banking Supervision Committee is appointed by the Chairman of the Bank of Russia from among the members of the Board of Directors.

14. A pensioner sued to terminate the loan agreement. The court several times sent requests to the respondent bank for the provision of settlements under the loan agreement, and all these several times the bank provided settlements with different amounts. As a result, the judge postponed the trial. As a result, “in order to know how much to transfer to the bailiffs,” the judge suggests that the pensioner figure out the calculations herself or ask her friends what amount is correct. The pensioner and relatives do not understand legal issues, especially in the field of lending. There is no money for a paid examination of the contract and settlements. Please tell me what to do in this case, is it possible to ask the court to conduct an examination? After all, it is easy for a non-professional to make a mistake, whether a court decision will be correct if an "ignoramus" considers it.

Lawyer Rumyantsev M. V., 195 responses, 130 reviews, online since 06/18/2019
14.1. If no one disputes the calculation, then he will "leave the bailiffs." Even if it was compiled by an ignoramus. You can ask the court to conduct an accounting expertise, but at the expense of the initiator.

15. Is it legal for a bank to ask to conclude a mortgage agreement a year after buying an apartment?
Good afternoon, I bought an apartment a year ago with a mortgage through Sberbank, and entered into a loan agreement with the bank. I paid for the online registration service in the Rosreestr (10 tr.), so that Sberbank would make online registration. First, half a year ago, it turned out that I was charged penalties for not providing the intended use of the loan, then when they started to figure it out, it turned out that I did not have a burden on the apartment. I passed the registration in the registry, and they gave me documents stating that I am the owner. The bank itself issued. After some time, they demanded codes from me so that I could put a burden. I provided them. And now, half a year later, it turns out that when I registered online, I received ownership of the apartment, but the encumbrance on my apartment was not put again. In this regard, Sberbank first asked me again for a code in order to redo the registration, so that it would be burdensome, and now. failed once again, trying to force me to conclude a mortgage agreement. In which there are paragraphs, for example: "the bank again indicates that I must provide documents for the intended use of the loan", "the bank has the right to perform documentary and factual verification of the existence, condition and conditions of the collateral, including with a visit to the location of the Subject collateral, as well as the composition of persons permanently or temporarily residing in the apartment I bought, and the basis for their residence "- this clause was not in the loan agreement. Also, "the costs of state registration of mortgages in the UFSGR, C&C are distributed between the mortgagee and the pledger." Can I not conclude a mortgage agreement, because Have I already signed a loan agreement with the bank? If the bank didn't set the encumbrance itself, what threatens me if I just ignore them? At the bottom I attached contracts - excerpts that I concluded with the Savings Bank. The bank explains that when unloading the contract for the registry, they had a technical error, and it turned out that the encumbrance was not set. It doesn't console me. Tell me what to do? Wait for the Bank to file a lawsuit against me or what? I do not want to enter into a mortgage agreement, because conditions are a bit different...

Lawyer Anokhina N. L., 7601 responses, 3542 reviews, online since 09/19/2016
15.1. Good afternoon. You need to contact a lawyer for a personal consultation.

16. A loan agreement was concluded with a bank, in which I noted that I do not allow the bank to transfer my data to 3 persons. Recently, a debt was formed, and the bank transferred information about me and my debt to a 3rd person. This company contacted me. Then I contacted the bank and pointed out their violation. They confirmed their mistake and said that they would withdraw the transmitted data. But the very fact of the illegal transfer of my personal data to a third person was, and the third person illegally processed my personal data without making sure that they received it from the bank legally. Is it possible to punish a bank or a third person with a ruble?

Lawyer Lipatova L. R., 252 responses, 127 reviews, online since 06/21/2019
16.1. Hello. Yes, you can. Go to court for damages. And write to the Central Bank.

Sberbank imposed a Momentum credit card. I signed the contract, took the card, activated it with a payment. Two weeks later, they call from the bank and say that they made a mistake in the data when signing, they invite me to come to the office. For my part, I looked into the contract and saw that the full name was not mine, and there was also a mistake in the passport number of one digit. The rest of the data is the same. Partially spent money from the card. What should I do in this situation? Read answers (2)

17. I found confirmation that the bank violated the calculation of debt under the loan agreement. On my credit card account statement, at a time when I did not withdraw money from the card, but only made monthly payments, the bank added 2/3 of the amount from my payments to expenses and instead of the debt decreasing, it continued to increase. But in the case, the court ruled in favor of the bank, although the data in the personal account confirmed that I did not owe the bank and the court did not accept my counter account either. We requested an extract from the account even when the case was going on, the bank did not give it, we applied three times, we handed over the document after the court decision was made. It turns out now, when appealing, I cannot use the account statement as proof of the correctness of the debt calculations I made? What can be done? Please advise how to hold the bank accountable? Indeed, in fact, this is not just a mistake, but a fraud, for a year and a half the bank used this method so that my debt would not be paid off, but would grow. I have been on treatment for many years, cancer, there is not enough money, I paid with the last of my strength, I had to refuse the last operation due to lack of money, and for several years the bank added my payments to my debt and also filed a lawsuit and asked for a penalty from 15,000 in The last lawsuit has already requested 600,000. And the court hears only the bank! My personal account confirms my dovydy, but the court does not need them! Where's the justice? In the impudent bank in the documents instead of a minus puts a plus and no one wants to see it!

Lawyer Pochekantsev N. S., 1452 responses, 610 reviews, online since 01/10/2019
17.1. You can submit it to the appeal as you requested it in the district court.

18. At work, they force you to pay for the shortage. I am a cashier, at the checkout the check on the loan agreement was not correctly punched. I worked at the checkout not only I, the administrator of the store. There is no direct Evidence of my guilt, except for the name of the cashier on the check, I did not sign an agreement on the liability of the cashier, they did not provide it to me, only on collective liability. Now they demand to pay the amount of the shortage only from me. Although first identifying the moment of the missing amount (in digital format, since the money is paid by the bank to the store), the director suggested dividing the shortage into 3 people responsible for this. The mistake was made in April, discovered exactly a month later by the accounting department and after another month, the director changed her mind and sued only me.

Lawyer Malykh A.A., 138401 responses, 49412 reviews, online since 12/29/2001
18.1. According to the text - you can dispute if, when the administrator punches the cashier, you are also listed on the check, and there is no other evidence of your guilt.

Lawyer Ternovykh I.A., 22807 responses, 6377 reviews, online since 06/23/2014
18.2. To build an algorithm of actions, as well as assess the legitimacy of the requirements, it is necessary to clarify the details.

19. When drawing up a mortgage loan agreement, the bank did not see an error in the remote control agreement. There, I am the owner and my Mom, and in the CD, I am the only borrower, without co-borrowers. I did not know that it was impossible, but the bank did not say anything. As a result, I was given a loan, after 1.5 years, when the house was completed and I began to draw up a mortgage at the bank, they did not accept my documents. They say that the owner should be alone, and the remote control agreement can no longer be redone and the property has already been registered for two. Tell me what to do?

Lawyer Panfilov A.F., 50202 responses, 24690 reviews, online since 20.09.2013
19.1. Make a claim, and then in court to oblige to fulfill obligations ..

20. The bank filed a lawsuit and declared our debt under the loan agreement at 380,000. In the counter account of the personal account, the amount turned out to be 20,000 (they took 891,000 rubles plus interest and commissions of 275,000 rubles. The amount is 1,166,000 rubles, this was our debt to the bank. We paid the bank the amount of 1,148,000 rubles, (1,166,000 minus 1,148,000 is equal to 18,000) a debt of 18,000 rubles - do I understand the calculation of my debt correctly? I stated in the objection to the claim and submitted a counter-account to the court. The judge was skeptical about the calculation, the bank wrote an amended statement of claim to the court, changed the amount of the claim there to 600,000. ) and from this amount it deducts only the payment for the principal debt of 891,000 rubles, and the commissions paid by us 257,000 rubles for interest, etc. are not indicated anywhere. I did not pay attention to this error, although I pointed out this twice in my objections. The judge saw that the calculation was incorrect and at first the bank’s lawyer agreed that we paid them 114,700 0 and not 890,000 as they wrote in the calculation in the lawsuit, then the bank replaced the lawyer and another lawyer behaved arrogantly, the judge agreed with her, time to familiarize herself with the clarified required statement they didn’t give it (the judge had 30 more meetings that day with the claims of this particular bank with this judge) and the judge ruled to pay the bank a debt of 380,000 rubles. During the hearing, in confirmation of the correctness of our calculation of the debt, we provided the court with a notice dated 09/15/17 that we had a debt of 9100 rubles on this card, then the money was not withdrawn and on 12/15/17 the bank makes an account statement and declares an over-limit debt in 380000. How can this be? Who can explain the accrual of 380,000 rubles. Does the bank have the right to demand the amount of debt that is not fixed in the personal account? How should a bank calculate debt by law? I wrote a petition to the court about the inclusion of a notice of 9100 rubles sent to us by the bank, the judge said that this does not prove anything. I am in shock, the obvious facts are denied, and the judge ignores the violation of the calculation of the debt and the distortion of amounts by the bank. The calculation of the personal account was ignored. That is, the bank came up with the amount of the debt, and the judge approved it. Beauty! How to respond to such actions of the court and the bank? Do I have civil rights to hold accountable structures that clearly violate the law? What to do to protect yourself from bank fraud? Give advice? How and what to do?

Lawyer Evgrafov E. Yu., 85 responses, 60 reviews, online since 05/06/2019
20.1. Hello! You need to file an appeal against the court's decision, but I think you can't do it without a lawyer.

Lawyer Zotov V.I., 36842 responses, 15126 reviews, online since 07/11/2009
20.2. Hello dear Larisa!
If you do not agree with the decision of this court, then you have the right, in accordance with articles 320-322 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (briefly - CPC RF), to appeal it to the court of appeal, but taking into account article 330 of the CPC RF.
In order to make a legal opinion on the existence of grounds for an appeal against this court decision, a lawyer or lawyer needs to familiarize himself with copies of the loan agreement, statement of claim, court decision and your objections to the claims. The price of your legal issue, judging by your own information, is 380,000 rubles. So the appeal must be prepared very thoughtfully with references to regulations, to the terms of the loan agreement and to the evidence contained in the materials of this case.
This lender (Russian Standard Bank JSC) is known to many borrowers and lawyers for its cunning in recovering debts from borrowers, its lawyers (not lawyers) have extensive experience in recovering debts from borrowers in Russian courts.
Good luck to you.

21. We have such a situation today, they issued a loan, they made a mistake in the date of birth in the loan agreement, how can we be whether this is considered a valid loan or not.

Lawyer Cherednichenko V.A., 193260 responses, 73801 reviews, online since 05/12/2015
21.1. It does not matter if the rest of the data is correct. But you can correct the date of birth by concluding an additional agreement to the contract.

22. Ya igrau v vegas-casino.online, ya zaplatila 99$ za vinos I teper menya prosya t zaplatit nalog po zakonam malti 13%, chto delat or kak proverit lecenziu , vilau takje dogovor
Sites operated by Vegas-Casino and End User License Agreement.
This License Agreement was updated on 3.10.2013.
There are two parties involved in casino games and poker: on the one hand, Vegas-Casino Entertainment Ltd., address: St. Julian "s, STJ 4011, Portomaso Business Tower, Level 12, commercial registration number C65055, which owns two Maltese licenses: number LGA / CF4 / 562/2004 dated 1/19/2006 and number LGA / CF3 / 589/2009 dated 10/21/2011 issued by the Gambling Commission (LGA), on the other hand, the client as a contractual partner.Casino games have software on the NetEntertainment platform.
Vegas-Casino Entertainment Ltd ("Company" or "we") is incorporated under the laws of Malta and is part of the Vegas-Casino Internet Ltd group of companies. The company is licensed and regulated by the Government of Malta under the laws of the Malta Gaming Ordinance, which govern and offer Internet gambling services, including, but not limited to, casino, poker, sports betting and bingo services.
Except for the provisions of the Agreement and the Privacy Policy, which you should be aware of, your use of the Company's gambling services must be in strict accordance with all additional rules that may be applied from time to time for those gambling services that you use, including, among other things, the "Bonus Policy", "Withdrawal Policy", "Responsible Gaming Policy", (together, the "Additional Rules"), which are updated from time to time.
1. Introduction
1.1. By registering with the Company and/or using the Company's gambling services and/or checking the box "I have read and accept the terms of the End User License Agreement" below (or any similar wording) and/or clicking the "Continue Download" button, you express your consent to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, in its entirety and without reservation. In essence, this Agreement is a binding legal document concluded between you and the Company, and together with the Additional Rules, which are an integral part of it, this Agreement governs the use of the gambling services provided in any conditions.
1.2. The Company operates under a remote gambling license issued by the Government of Malta in accordance with the provisions of the Gambling Ordinance. All transactions between you and the Company are carried out in Malta, where the main servers of the Company are located.
1.3. The Company's software, available in both download and non-download versions ("Software"), allows you to use our gambling services through the Website ("Services"). The Company reserves the right to temporarily suspend, modify, remove or add the Services at its sole discretion with immediate effect and without prior notice. The Company is not liable for any losses incurred by you as a result of any changes made, and you have no right to claim compensation from the Company.
1.4. With respect to the use of the Services, you may only have one account registered in your real name. You must use only your account to access the Software and Services. Under no circumstances may You use another person's account to access the Software and Services. If you attempt to open more than one account, whether under your own name or another name, or if you attempt to use the Services under another person's account, we have the right to immediately close all of your accounts, withhold all funds in such accounts, and prohibit your use of the Services in the future.
2. Acceptance of terms and conditions
2.1. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this Agreement, you must immediately stop using the Software and delete it from your computer.
2.2. We reserve the right to supplement, amend, update and change any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including each of the Additional Rules) from time to time, notifying you of such additions, adjustments or changes by publishing a new version of the Agreement on the appropriate page of the sites of all our own and non-brand brands. Any amended version of this Agreement will become effective 14 days after it is posted on the Website, and your continued use of the Services or Software after the 14-day period mentioned above will be deemed your acceptance of the changes to the Agreement. It is your responsibility to review the terms and conditions of this Agreement for the appropriate current rules, and we encourage you to check for updates regularly. PLEASE NOTE: We take our responsibility for the privacy of your data very seriously, so changes to the Privacy Policy are subject to strict compliance with the change provisions below.
3. Compliance with laws
3.1. In some jurisdictions, Internet gambling may be illegal. You acknowledge and accept that the Company cannot provide you with legal advice or warranties in relation to your use of the Services, and the Company makes no representations regarding the legality of the Services in your jurisdiction. Before registering with the Company and beginning to use the Services, check the relevant legislation of your administrative-territorial unit.
3.2. The Services are intended only for those users who are not prohibited by the laws of the respective administrative-territorial unit from gambling on the Internet. The Company does not intend to provide you with the opportunity to violate applicable laws. You represent, warrant and agree to ensure that your use of the Software and use of the Services complies with applicable laws, statutes and regulations. The Company is not responsible for any illegal or unauthorized use of the Software and/or Services by you. If you have any doubts about the legality of your use of the Software or use of the Services in accordance with the laws of an administrative-territorial unit, then consult a legal consultant of such administrative-territorial unit. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to assist the Company to the best of your ability in ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
3.3. Persons located in certain countries, including but not limited to the United States of America, Israel and Turkey, are not eligible to open an account with the Company and deposit funds, nor use the Services. The Company reserves the right to change the list of countries from which users are prohibited from using the Services from time to time and at its sole discretion.
4. Eligible Participation
4.1. No person under the age of 18, or under the laws of any given civil division, under the age of majority to participate in the activities included in the Services, whichever is older ("Maturity"), under no circumstances has the right to download the Software or use the Services, and any person under the age of majority who downloads the Software or uses the Services is in violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Company reserves the right to require proof of your age, including a sample of your voice, from you at any time to ensure that minors are not using the Services. The Company may terminate the account of any person and prevent such person from using the Software or using the Services if proof of age is not provided, or if the Company suspects that the person using the Software or using the services is under the age of majority.
4.2. We reserve the right to verify the authenticity of your credentials at any time, such as your name, address, age and the payment methods you use, requiring you to provide all necessary documents for this verification. These documents usually include proof of your identity, your address (such as a utility bill), and the payment method you use. You can send these documents to us using the "Upload Documents" option in our secure checkout. If necessary, we may require from you notarized copies of these documents, namely documents with the seal and signature of a public notary. If the player refuses or ignores our request to provide these documents, the Company may, at its sole discretion, close his gaming account and withhold all the money that will be in this account. If the documents you send us do not pass our internal security checks, for example, if we suspect that you sent us false documents, or that your documents contain false information or were provided to us with the intent to mislead, we will not We have an obligation to treat these documents as legitimate and to let you know what we really think about them.
4.3. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion and for any reason, to verify the data of any player, including (but not limited to) conducting any operations to verify the identity of this player and check his creditworthiness, as well as request data from his personal history. On a case-by-case basis, such verification may include, among other things, verifying that player's registration details such as name, address, and age, as well as verifying their financial and gaming activities. The Company is under no obligation to notify players of such checks. We also reserve the right, as needed, to seek assistance from third party companies that will perform these checks. The Company may, at its sole discretion, block a player's account and withhold all funds in his account based on these checks and in the event of a positive result for the Company.
4.4. While employed by the Company and for 24 months after leaving the Company, no officer, director, employee, consultant, or agent of the Company or a group of companies or the Company's suppliers, vendors, or generic partners may use the Services, directly or indirectly. This requirement also applies to suppliers or vendors. This restriction also applies to relatives of such persons. “Relatives” as used herein means, among other things, a spouse, partner, parent, child or sibling. Furthermore, no citizen of Malta and no person residing in Malta may download the Software or use the Services.
5. Information technology and intellectual property
5.1. Company hereby grants a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to install and use the Software and all derived content of the Software, including, without limitation, copyright and all other existing intellectual property rights relating to the Services in accordance with this Agreement. You may install the Software on a hard drive or other storage device and create backup copies of the Software, provided that such backup copies are used only by You in connection with the Services and only on the computer of which You are the primary user. The code, structure and organization of the Software are protected by intellectual property rights. You should not:
a. copy, distribute, publish, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate or attempt to access the source code in order to create a derivative of the source code or otherwise;
b. sell, assign, sublicense, transfer, distribute or lease the Software;
c. provide access to the Software to third parties through a computer network or in any other way;
d. export the Software to any country (physical or electronic means);
e. use the Software in a manner that is prohibited by applicable laws and regulations (collectively, the "Prohibited Activities").
5.2. You shall be solely responsible for any damages, costs or expenses that may arise in connection with the performance of any Illegal Activity. If You become aware that any person is engaging in any Illegal Activity, You must notify the Company immediately and provide reasonable assistance with the investigations the Company may conduct based on the information You provide.
6. Your statements and commitments
6.1. In consideration of the rights given to You to use the Services and use the Software, You represent, warrant, bind and agree that:
6.1.1. You have reached the age of majority as defined in this Agreement, are of sound mind and are capable of taking responsibility for your own actions.
6.1.2. All information provided by You to the Company either at the time of registration or at any time thereafter, including any information that forms part of any payment transaction, is true, current, correct and complete and corresponds to the name(s) on the credit/ debit card(s) or other payment accounts that will be used to deposit funds into or withdraw funds from your account. Without prejudice to the foregoing, in the event that you use a credit/debit card or other payment forms that are not in your personal name, we will assume that you have received full and sufficient consent from their rightful owner and/or person, whose name is used on such payment instruments, for such their use for the purposes specified in the Agreement until the conclusion of the Agreement with us. We are in no way obligated to verify such consent and shall not be liable in any way for statements made by you under this Agreement. You must promptly notify us of any changes in the information you provided to the Company in the past. From time to time, you may be asked to provide us with certain documents in order to verify the details of the credit card you use to deposit funds into your account. Depending on the results of these checks, you may or may not be allowed to make further deposits from the same credit card that you previously used. If any information you provide to us is found to be invalid, inaccurate, knowingly false or otherwise incomplete, you will be in breach of the Agreement and we reserve the right to immediately terminate your account and/or prevent you from using the Software or using the Services. in addition to any other measures we may take.
6.1.3. Your account with the Company is for your sole use. You must not allow any third party (including a relative) to use your account, password or identification information to access or use the Software or Services. You must not disclose your account username or password to any person and must take all steps necessary to ensure that such information is not disclosed to third parties. Notify us immediately if you suspect that any third party is abusing your account and/or that a third party has access to your account username or password so that we can investigate such cases. During the investigation, you must cooperate with us as we may require.
6.1.4. You are solely responsible for the security of your username and password on your personal computer or where you access the Internet. It is your responsibility to ensure that your username and password are not stolen or compromised by viruses or malware introduced into your computer from which you log into your gaming account. You must immediately notify the Company of any attempted hacking or unauthorized access from your computer.
6.1.5. You have verified and determined that Your use of the Services does not violate any laws or regulations of the jurisdiction where You are located.
6.1.6. You fully understand the general methods, rules and procedures for providing the Services and playing on the Internet. Do you understand that you are responsible for ensuring that the data is correct? X bets and games. You must not take any action or conduct that could damage the reputation of the Company.
6.1.7. You fully acknowledge that there is a risk of losing money when gambling through the Services and that you are solely responsible for such loss. You agree that your use of the Services is at your sole choice, judgment and risk. In connection with Your financial losses, You shall have no right to bring any claims against the Company itself, or against any of the companies belonging to the Vegas-Casino group of companies, or their respective directors, officers or employees.
6.1.8. You acknowledge that when registering and using the Services, you provide us with a number of your personal data (including information regarding payment methods). We undertake to treat all information provided by you in an appropriate manner and not to disclose it to third parties except as specified in the Privacy Policy. We strongly advise you to read the Privacy Policy so that you are familiar with our principles in the field of information processing.
6.1.9. You must use our Websites (hereinafter referred to as "Websites"), Services and Software in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and each of the Additional Rules as may be updated from time to time, and adhere to all rules and instructions for games included in the Services.
6.1.10. You are solely responsible for obtaining permissions to access telecommunications networks and Internet services required in connection with the use of the Software and use of the Services.
6.1.11. You acknowledge and agree that the Company may post the amounts you have won next to your username on websites and/or social media
6.1.12. You are solely responsible for obtaining permissions to access telecommunications networks and Internet services required in connection with the use of the Software and use of the Services.
6.1.13. You must use the Services and use the Software only in the best interests of both the Company and other players using the Services. In the event that the Company believes that you have used the Services or the Software in bad faith, the Company has the right to terminate your account for the use of the Services and any other accounts you may have with the Company. The Company also has the right to withhold all funds in such accounts. You hereby expressly waive all future claims against the Company in this respect.
6.1.14. You acknowledge and agree that, by excluding yourself from using our websites, you will not open or use new accounts on other websites operated by the Company during the period of self-exclusion you have chosen, up to and including the cancellation and unblocking of your main account. If you violate this obligation, we will be forced to block all your new accounts that you open on other websites, and forfeit you of all funds that you deposit (or previously deposited) into these accounts, without refunding all your bets and winnings, that you will receive with these accounts.
7. Prohibited Use of Websites and Services
7.1. Illegal Funds and Illegal Activities: You hereby represent that the source of funds used by you to play on the Websites is not illegal and that you are not using the Services as a money transfer system. You will not use the Services for any illegal or fraudulent activities or activities prohibited by the laws of the administrative division where you are located (in particular, the laws of Malta), operations (including money laundering). If the Company suspects that you may be or have been involved in fraudulent, illegal or unlawful activities, including, without limitation, money laundering activities, or have otherwise acted in violation of this Agreement, then your access to the Services may be immediately terminated and/ or your account has been blocked. If your account has been canceled or blocked due to such circumstances, the Company has no obligation to you to reimburse you for any funds that may be in your account. In addition to terminating access to the Services and/or blocking your account, the Company reserves the right to prevent you from accessing any other websites or servers of the Company or any other services offered by the Company. The Company has the right to inform the appropriate authorities, other interactive service providers, credit card companies, electronic payment service companies or other fiscal authorities (collectively, “Interested Third Parties”) of your identification information and of any unlawful, fraudulent or unlawful activity, and you must fully cooperate with the Company in the investigation of any such activity. To ensure fair play, our websites do not allow the use of any betting strategy that reduces the standard house edge, including (but not limited to) any attempts at card counting. If your game history indicates that you are using these strategies, we will be forced to immediately block your account and refuse to withdraw funds from this account.
7.2. Bypass: We have developed and use sophisticated proprietary technology designed to find and identify users who use the Software or use the Services in a fraudulent or illegal manner. You must not hack, attempt to break into or access or otherwise attempt to bypass the Company's security systems. If, in its sole discretion, the Company believes that you are violating the provisions of this article, the Company may immediately terminate your access to the Services and/or block your account; also the Company may notify Interested Third Parties of such violation of this article.
7.3. Artificial Intelligence - Robots: You must not allow the use of any computer program that we believe is equipped with artificial intelligence ("AI Program") in connection with Your use of the Services. We constantly review the use of the Services to detect the use of AI programs, and in the event that we believe that such a program has been used, we reserve the right to take any measures we consider appropriate, including the immediate blocking of access to the Services guilty user, canceling such user's account and withdrawing all funds from such account.
7.4. Intentional disconnection: While playing on the Websites, you may not intentionally disconnect from the game. We have developed and use carefully considered measures that allow us to search for and accurately identify those users who practice deliberate disconnection during the game. If, in its sole discretion, the Company believes that you are violating the provisions of this article, the Company may immediately terminate your access to the Services and/or block your account. If your account has been canceled or blocked due to such circumstances, the Company has no obligation to you to reimburse you for any funds that may be in your account. Other than termination of access to the Services and/or blocking? Account The Company reserves the right to prevent you from accessing any other websites or servers of the Company or any other services offered by the Company.
8. Your account
8.1. Your account is solely for your personal use and may not be used for any professional, business or commercial purpose.
8.2. We are not responsible in any way for access to your account by a third party, and under no circumstances shall the Company be liable for any damage that may be caused to you as a result of the misuse of your password by any person for unauthorized access to your account, and all transactions in which your username and password were entered correctly, will be considered legitimate, whether they were authorized by you or not.
8.3. The funds in your account should not generate any interest.
8.4. If you do not use your account for six months, your account will be treated as an "inactive account". This six-month period starts from the date you last logged into your account. Once your account becomes inactive, the Company will be entitled to charge it a monthly administration fee of 10% of the amount remaining in the account, starting from the day it became inactive. An administration fee will be deducted from an inactive account beginning on the last day of the six-month period during which the account became inactive and on each last day of each subsequent month until the account balance is zero. In the event that you log into your account during the ten-month period during which an administration fee is deducted from your account, the Company will stop charging it, but is not obligated to return to you any funds already deducted from your account during this period.
8.5. At any time, the Company may set off a positive balance in your account as compensation for any amount you owe us. For example, in the event that recalculation is required after a bet in your account has been settled in connection with your use of our sports betting services, the Company may deduct any necessary amount from your account.
9. Payment Transactions and Payout Fraud
9.1. Each user of the Services is solely responsible for the payment of all funds that are indebted to the Company. You agree that you will not refuse or attempt to refuse an earlier transaction and/or deny or reverse any payments made by you and will reimburse the Company for any amounts due to the refusal of an earlier transaction, cancellation or cancellation of payments made by you and indemnify any loss suffered by the Company as a result of such actions of yours. At its sole discretion, the Company may terminate the provision of the Services or refrain from paying certain users using certain credit cards for payments.
9.2. We reserve the right to conduct credit checks on all users through third party credit institutions based on the information provided to us at the time of registration.
9.3. We reserve the right to use third party electronic payment processors and/or financial institutions to process both your payments and payments to you in connection with your use of the Services. Unless the terms and conditions of such third party electronic payment processors and/or financial institutions conflict with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you agree to be bound by such terms and conditions.
9.4. In the event of a suspicious or fraudulent payment, including the use of stolen credit cards or any other activity of a fraudulent nature (including any abandonment of a previous transaction or other cancellation of a payment), we reserve the right to block the user's account, void any payouts made and recover any winnings . We have the right to report any payment fraud or other illegal activity to any relevant authorities or organizations (including credit reference agencies) and may engage collection agencies to recover payments. However, under no circumstances shall the Company be liable for unauthorized use of credit cards, whether or not credit cards have been reported stolen.
9.5. We expect our players to make deposits in order to actively play with their money. In cases where our expectations are not met, we reserve the right to indicate the need to wager a certain amount of the funds deposited by the player as a prerequisite for obtaining permission to withdraw funds. This amount will be calculated by multiplying the total amount of funds deposited by a coefficient that we will set depending on the situation (for example, 1 x total amount of deposits). We also reserve the right to require the player to wager this amount on the games we have specified in order to exclude bets with minimal risk or bets on certain types of games.
9.6. All payments to your account must come from a single source of payment such as a credit card, debit card or charge card that you own as the account holder.
10. Bonuses
10.1. All promotions, bonuses or special offers are subject to their respective specific terms and conditions and any free bonuses credited to your account shall be subject to such terms and conditions. We reserve the right to withdraw any promotions, bonuses or special offers at any time.
10.2. In the event that the Company believes that a user of the Services is abusing or attempting to misuse a bonus or other promotion, or may benefit from abuse or bad faith under a gambling policy accepted by the Company, the Company may, in its sole discretion, refuse, withhold or withdraw from any user any bonuses or promotions, or terminate any policy in respect of such user, either temporarily or permanently, or terminate such user's access to the Services and/or block his account.
10.3. All users of the Services are entitled to only one signup bonus. Members who make their first deposit into an account with the Company or any of its non-brand partners and who already have or have previously held an account with one of the sites operated by the Company, including its own and non-brand brands, are not eligible to receive an additional signup bonus. unless the Company decides otherwise in its sole discretion.
10.4. In the event that the Company, in its sole discretion, determines that you have unfairly taken advantage of signup bonuses or have otherwise breached your obligations with respect to bonus promotions offered on any of the Websites owned and/or operated by the Company, the Company may block or cancel your accounts with the Company, and in such cases it shall have no obligation to refund any funds that may be in your accounts, other than those funds that were originally transferred to them.
10.5. If we suspect that any account or group of accounts is systematically engaged in illegal activities, for example, if these accounts are used in various illegal bonus wagering schemes or in a contractual game, then the Company will have the full right to block or close all these accounts. In such cases, the Company will not be liable in any way for refunding you of the funds that will be in your account, except for the funds made by you as a first deposit, if they are found in your account.
11. Obligations of the Company
11.1. The Company has no obligation to verify that users' use of the Services complies with this Agreement or the Additional Rules, which may be updated from time to time.
11.2. Under no circumstances shall the Company be obligated to investigate or fulfill any claims made by one player against another player in relation to the use of the Services, or to take any action in connection with such claims, or to take any action against the player for any reason. reasons, including, but not limited to, violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Company may, in its sole discretion, decide to take appropriate action against any person whom it suspects of illegal activity or other violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, but is in no way obliged to do so.") ))
11.3. The Company is not required to store logins or passwords. If you incorrectly set, forgot or lost your account name and password for any reason other than the error of the Company, then the Company does not bear any responsibility for this.
11.4. The Company undertakes to treat all information provided by you in strict accordance with the Privacy Policy.
12. No Warranties
12.1. Services and software are provided on an "as is" basis. the company makes no warranties or representations, either express or implied (whether by law, regulation or otherwise), including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, good quality, fitness for a particular purpose, completeness or the accuracy of the services or software, the absence of a violation of applicable law or regulation. The entire risk in connection with the use, quality and characteristics of the software rests with you.
12.2. The Company makes no warranties that the software or services will meet your requirements, be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free; that defects will be corrected; or that the software, or the server making it available, is free of viruses or bugs; or that the materials are complete, accurate, reliable; or in relation to the results or accuracy of information obtained by you through the use of the services.
12.3. In the event of errors, defects or viruses in the systems or means of communication relating to the settlement of accounts or other elements of the services that result in the loss of data by you or other damage to your computer or software, the company shall not be liable to you and reserves the right to cancel all relevant games and take any other measures to eliminate such errors, except that the company is not obliged to provide any backup networks and / or systems or similar services.
12.4. The Company is not responsible for any acts or omissions of your internet service provider or other third party with whom you have entered into an agreement to gain access to the server on which the website is located.
13. Contractual limitation of liability
13.1. You agree that the choice to use the Services or not lies entirely with you, and you do so solely at your own choice, discretion and at your own risk.
13.2. The Company shall not be liable to you or any third party in contract, in tort, negligence or otherwise for any damages or losses incurred in any way by you or any third party in connection with your use of the Software or your use of the Services, whether directly or indirectly, including, without limitation, loss of business, loss of profits (including the loss or inability to receive expected winnings), business interruption, loss of commercial information, or any other direct or indirect damage (even if you have advised us of the possibility such damage or loss).
13.3. The Company shall not be liable in contract, in tort, negligence or otherwise for any damage or loss arising in any way from your use of any of the links provided on the Website. The Company is not responsible for the content of any of the Internet sites that may be accessed through the Sites or Services.
13.4. You acknowledge that the Company shall not be liable to you or any third party in connection with any modification, suspension or complete discontinuance of the Software or Services.
13.5. Nothing in this Agreement shall be used to exclude the liability of the Company in connection with fraud, death or personal injury arising from the negligence of the Company.
13.6. You agree that in the event of a failure of the Software or Services due to, but not limited to, any delay or interruption in operation or transmission of data, loss or corruption of data, failure of means or lines of communication, misuse by any person of the Web -sites or their content, any errors or omissions in the content, as well as any other factors that are beyond our control:
13.7. a. The Company will not be liable for any kind of damage, including the loss of possible winnings; as well as
13.8. b. if such errors result in an increase in winnings due to you, you are not entitled to the amounts that were caused by such an increase in winnings. You must immediately inform the Company of the error and return any winnings erroneously credited to your account to the Company (as instructed by the Company) or the Company may, in its sole discretion, deduct any amount equal to such winnings from your account or set off such amount as compensation for any amount you owe the Company.
14. Violation of these terms and conditions
14.1. You agree to indemnify and defend the Company, its non-brand partners and their respective companies, and their respective officers, directors, and employees, immediately upon request, from any and all claims, demands, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees and any other expenses incurred for any reason as a result of the following: a. any breach by you of this Agreement; b. your violation of any law or the rights of a third party; v. Your use of the Services or Software, or use by another person accessing the Services or Software using Your identification, whether with Your permission or not; d. accepting any winnings.
14.2. In addition to any other remedies available to the Company, if you violate the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or if the Company has reasonable grounds to suspect that you have violated the terms and conditions of this Agreement, your winnings may be confiscated at the discretion of the Company and the Company may withhold the entire positive balance then existing in your account against any losses or other amounts owed by you to the Company, pending an investigation and / or a decision on any legal proceedings. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement may also result in disqualification, account termination and/or legal action against you.
15. Disagreements
15.1. You acknowledge and agree that the random number generator randomly generates events necessary in connection with the Services, and in the event that the result displayed in the Software (installed and running on Your equipment) contradicts the result displayed on our server , the result displayed on our server takes precedence in all cases. You understand and agree that (without prejudice to your other rights and remedies) the records of the Company shall be the final authority in determining the terms of your use of the Services, and you shall have no right to challenge the Company's decisions in such matters.
15.2. No claim or dispute will be resolved more than seven days from the date of the original transaction and all claims or disputes will be referred to the Customer Service Department.
16. Duration and Termination
16.1. This Agreement shall take effect immediately upon Your completion of the registration process with the Company and shall remain in effect until terminated in accordance with its terms.
16.2. We may terminate this Agreement immediately and terminate your account (including your username and password) without notice to: a. if for any reason we decide to stop providing the Services in general or only for you; b. if we believe that you have violated any of the terms of this Agreement; v. if you use the Services inappropriately or in violation of this Agreement; d. if your account is linked to any existing account that has been terminated. If your account is associated with existing blocked accounts, we may close it, regardless of how it was associated with them, and block the credentials on these accounts; for any other reason we deem appropriate. Unless otherwise stated in the Agreement, upon termination of this Agreement, any balance in your account will be returned to you within a reasonable period of time at your request, and we always have the right to deduct any amounts that you owe us.
16.3. You may terminate this Agreement and cancel your account (including your username and password) at any time by emailing us or at the relevant non-brand brand email address. Such termination will be effective upon the termination by the Company of your account (including your username and password), which occurs within seven calendar days of the Company's receipt of your e-mail message by our servers in Malta, provided that you continue to act responsibly in any action. on your account during the period between the sending of the email message and the termination of your account by the Company.
16.4. Upon termination of this Agreement, you must: a. stop using the Software and Services; b. pay all amounts due and any amounts owed by you to the Company; v. completely remove the Software from your computer and destroy all related documentation that may be in your possession, possession, power or control.
17. General provisions
17.1. If any part of this Agreement is held to be illegal or unenforceable due to any unforeseen circumstances, then such provision shall be deemed separate from the rest of the Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provisions of this Agreement. Agreements. In such cases, the portion deemed invalid or unenforceable shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with applicable law and most closely reflecting the original intentions of the parties.
17.2. No waiver of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by us shall be construed as a waiver of prior or subsequent breaches of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
17.3. Unless otherwise expressly stated, nothing in this Agreement creates or violates any rights or other benefits of third parties.
17.4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create an agency, partnership, trust, fiduciary relationship or any other form of joint venture between you and us.
17.5. This Agreement is the entire agreement between the Company and You regarding the use of the Software and the use of the Services and supersedes any and all prior agreements between the Company and You with respect to this subject matter. You acknowledge that by agreeing to accept this Agreement, you have not relied on any statements other than those expressly made by the Company in this Agreement.
17.6. The Company reserves the right to transfer, assign, sublicense or pledge this Agreement, in whole or in part, in the event of a reorganization of the group of companies to which the Company is a member, or in the event of a merger, sale of assets or other similar corporate transactions in which the Company may be involved.
17.7. You may not transfer, assign, sublicense or pledge in any way any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement.
17.8. In this Agreement, the words "you", "your" or "user" means any person using the Services or using the Software under this Agreement. Unless otherwise indicated, the words "we", "us" or "our" collectively refer to the Company and its subsidiaries, partners, directors, officers, employees, agents and contractors.
17.9. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting you any security interest in respect of the assets of the Company, including, for the avoidance of any doubt, any amounts available to be credited to your account.
18. Gambling Provisions in Malta
18.1. The activity of the company is regulated by the legislation and other normative documents in relation to interactive gambling in Malta. You acknowledge that, under such laws and regulations, the Company may be required to provide certain information about you and your account to the Maltese authorities.
19. Dialogue interaction function (chat)
19.1. As part of your use of the Services, the Company may provide you with a conversational interaction feature that allows you to communicate with other users of the Services. The Company reserves the right to review the conversational interaction and keep a record of all messages made using this feature. Your use of the conversational interaction feature must comply with the following rules:
19.1.1. You must not make any statements of a sexual or offensive nature, including expressions of intolerance, racist content, hatred and blasphemy.
19.1.2. You must not make statements that are offensive, defamatory, harassing or offensive to other users of the Services.
19.1.2. You must not make statements that advertise, promote or otherwise refer to other interactive entities.
19.1.2. You must not make statements about the Company or the Websites or other websites on the Internet connected to the Company's site that are false and/or malicious and/or harmful to the Company.
19.1.2. We are well aware that English is not native to many players in the world. However, our current policy is that this is the only language allowed in a conversational app.
19.1.2. If you violate any of the above provisions relating to the chat function, the Company has the right to terminate your ability to use the chat and may even temporarily or permanently close your account. Upon such termination, the Company will refund to you any funds that may be in your account in excess of any indebtedness of you to the Company (if any) present at that time.
19.2. PLEASE NOTE: When using the chat feature, any information you provide that can identify you may be read, collected or used by other users using the feature and used by third parties to send you messages on their own initiative. The Company does not and will not be responsible for the information that can identify you personally, provided by you through the online interaction function.
20. Customer Service and Special Promotions
20.1. To ensure quality of service, your calls to the customer service department may be recorded.
20.2. You hereby expressly express your unconditional consent to the use by the Company of your contact information provided by you during registration, so that the Company may contact you directly at any time in connection with your use of the Services or any other products or services offered by the Company, its partners or affiliates.
20.3. The Company will not tolerate any insults from the users of the Services in relation to the employees of the Company. In the event that the Company, in its sole discretion, determines that your behavior in a conversation on the phone, in interactive communication, in electronic correspondence or in other circumstances was offensive or disparaging towards employees of the Company, then the Company has the right to block or cancel your account with the Company and in such circumstances is not under any obligation to refund any funds that may be in your account.
20.4. From time to time, the Company may make special offers to you. Such offers may be communicated to you by various means, including but not limited to (i) email, (ii) telephone, (iii) SMS, and (iv) opening additional windows in the Software. Promotions start at 00:00 and end at 23:59 GMT on the dates shown, unless otherwise stated in the promotion's terms and conditions.
20.5. We will provide you with the opportunity to opt out of various means of communication with the Company, and if you do so, the Company will respect your decision.
21. Uninstall and add shortcuts
21.1. If you are using the downloaded Software and wish to uninstall it, you may do so from the Add/Remove Programs menu on your computer.
21.2. Please note that after installing the Software, the following shortcuts will be added to the computer desktop: a shortcut to the quick launch panel; desktop icon; link to the client in the Start menu;

"branded" folder with a link to the client and uninstallation in the "All Programs" item of the "Start" menu;
21.3. When this software is uninstalled, registration keys will remain on your computer to detect any fraudulent activity and ensure compliance with the rules of responsible gaming and the provisions of the Malta Regulatory Authority (MRA), the regulatory body of the State of Malta.
22. Minimum system configuration requirements
22.1. To be able to use our Services, end users must install a C++ application (downloadable version) on their computers or use the online version of our Services (no software download).
22.2. Minimum recommended system requirements for the download version:
Windows OS version XP or higher;
At least 64 MB of RAM (recommended) and all end users must have Adobe Flash Player (version 10.3 or higher) installed.
22.3. If the installed version of Adobe Flash Player does not meet the above requirement, end users will be prompted to download and install the required version.
22.4. Minimum system requirements of the game client for the Mac platform:
OS version: Mac OS X 10.6.8;
Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo;
RAM: 4 GB DDR2 667 MHz.
22.5. The non-download client version is supported by the following browsers:
Internet Explorer version 6 and above, Firefox version 3 and above, Safari version 4 and above, Chrome version 4 and above;
All users must have the Adobe Flash browser plugin installed (version 10 and above).
23. Governing Law
23.1. This Agreement and the relationship between the parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malta, and you irrevocably submit, in favor of the Company, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malta, the right to settle any disputes (including claims for set-offs and counterclaims) that may arise in connection with with the establishment, validity, operation, interpretation or exercise of the established legal relationship under this Agreement or otherwise in connection with this Agreement.
24. Differences in languages
24.1. This Agreement was originally drafted in English. In the event of possible discrepancies between the original English text of the Agreement and its translations into other languages, the English text shall prevail.
23. Provisions relating to individual games
23.1. Jackpot Wins
23.1.1. You hereby agree that if you win a jackpot of $20,000 or more (or the equivalent amount in any other currency) in casino slots, video slots, video poker or any other jackpot games or jackpot machines , You will grant the Company the unconditional, exclusive and perpetual right and permission to use worldwide Your name, photograph and the like in any media for marketing and promotional activities of the Company and the Website and will fully cooperate with the representatives of the Company in this regard.
23.1.2. Jackpot winnings may be paid out to winners in 24 monthly installments if so decided in the sole discretion of the Company.
23.2. If we suspect that any account or group of accounts is systematically engaged in illegal activities, for example, if these accounts are used in various illegal bonus wagering schemes or in a contractual game, then the Company will have the full right to block or close all these accounts. In such cases, the Company will not be liable in any way for refunding you of the funds that will be in your account, except for the funds made by you as a first deposit, if any.
23.3. Artificial Intelligence Programs (Robots): When using our Services, you must not use computer programs that we believe have artificial intelligence (“AI Programs”). We constantly analyze the use of the Services in order to identify the use of AI programs, and in the event that we believe that such a program has been used, we reserve the full right to take any necessary measures against the guilty players, including the immediate blocking of access to the Services, closing the accounts of these players and withdrawing all funds from these accounts. If the Company receives information about the possible use of robots, then it will have full discretion to prohibit suspected players from using its Services and / or block their accounts and all funds on these accounts.
23.4. Payment Disputes: Each user of the Services is solely responsible for the payment of any and all monies owed to users of the Services and/or the Company. Any claims that a user of the Services may have regarding the payment of winnings to him, formed by losing bets placed by another user of the Services, must be made against the other user, and not against the Company. The Company is in no way obligated to make payments to you if any user of the Services for any reason does not pay his debt or take any action against such user. All disputes arising between users of the Services, including those related to payment fraud, are not the responsibility of the Company.
23.5. If we discover that your account is involved in any way with fraudulent activity, such as transferring money during a game, colluding players, or receiving unauthorized money transfers, we will have the right to permanently close your account and withhold any money that is in it is located even if we cannot prove that you intentionally received money from intruders.
23.6. When investigating fraudulent activity, we are not required to accept any explanation for the receipt of fraudulent funds. If, as a result of this investigation, your account is unblocked, we may decide to remove the fraudulently transferred amount from your bankroll.
23.7. Money transfers - If you want to send a money transfer to another player's account, you should be aware that we do not refund money transfers. Once you confirm the amount of your transfer and the username of the recipient, the money that will be withdrawn from your account at that moment will not be returned to you in any case, and we will not accept any responsibility for the loss of this money if your transfer is sent by mistake to another or non-existent account.
23.8. If your account receives money transfers from accounts with security issues, we will have every right to block your account and all withdrawals from your account until all security issues of these accounts (including those from which you received these money transfers) will not be resolved.
23.9. No player has the right to require the Company to take any action against players who are suspected of collusion, cheating or any other cheating. The Company does not provide information on the progress of the investigation of such cases and the results of these investigations. You must be fully aware of the risk of loss of funds during the game associated with the use of the Services, and take full responsibility for such losses. You agree that your use of the Services is at your own risk and solely of your own will and choice. In connection with your possible financial losses, you have no right to bring any claims against the Company itself, or against its affiliated companies and non-brand partners, as well as against the directors, officers and employees of these companies.

Lawyer Frolov I. N., 648 responses, 389 reviews, online since 02/19/2018
22.1. Write a good question. What takeaway did you pay for? There is no 13% tax rate in Malta - for information.

23. If there is no loan agreement, a questionnaire for filling out a card with errors + only a copy in court, there is no document for obtaining a credit card, and they want me to pay them the debt.

Lawyer Sakunova Yu.A., 53531 responses, 23468 reviews, online since 10.02.2010
23.1. If you took the money and the creditor, then the court will recover in accordance with Art. 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. but you can demand to provide a copy of the credit file to the court.

Law firm Helios LLC, 12588 responses, 7097 reviews, online since 03/01/2019
23.2. Hello! In this case, you need to write an objection to the statement of claim.

23.3. Civil justice is carried out on the principle of competition, established by Art. 56 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. Therefore, everything that you stated must be legally competently substantiated and presented to the judge. The court may well refuse the bank for lack of evidence of circumstances.

This is the job of a lawyer.

Sincerely, a lawyer in Moscow - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

Lawyer Sokolov D.G., 142230 responses, 33012 reviews, online since 11/23/2008
23.4. Alexander, if you signed the questionnaire and actually received the money, then you must pay. The second question is how much. You need to understand what evidence they have of transferring money to you, and whether there is any at all. Contact a lawyer...

24. Illegally issued a loan in 2016 and a guarantee, I learned about it from the investigator, a criminal case was opened against the person who organized everything, there were many victims, like me, the license was taken away from the bank (East Siberian Transport Commercial Bank), it closed.
I was asked questions, they took a handwriting examination, the signature in the loan agreement is not mine, the place of work and 2 personal income tax are fake.
When I asked if I needed to write an application to cancel the loan agreement, the investigator replied that it was not necessary, the proceedings were already underway, they had withdrawn the loan agreements, I confirmed that I had not taken loans, so I should not have any problems.
This data is not in the credit history, but when I applied for a loan, the bank asked about the debt, at that time I decided that it was just a mistake.
Do I need to take any action?

Lawyer Tikhonov B.L., 15437 responses, 6750 reviews, online since May 19, 2013
24.1. There is no need. There is no information about you as an unscrupulous borrower in the BKI.

25. There was an error in the loan agreement, the wrong phone number was entered and for this the payment does not go through the loan is not repaid can I sue.

Lawyer Stepanov V.I., 36189 responses, 15922 reviews, online since 10/15/2011
25.1. Of course you can, the phone number is not a requisite in the payment document at all and cannot affect the payment process.

Yours faithfully, the lawyer - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

Lawyer Kukovyakin V. N., 10320 responses, 6739 reviews, online since 11/16/2017
25.2. Hello Edward!
If as a result of this error you have suffered losses, you can file a lawsuit in court and demand their compensation.

26. Received a writ of execution for the recovery of the amount of debt under the loan agreement (card). I did not receive a court decision in absentia, the decision was made for almost 9 months. back. By mistake, I sent an application to the court for the annulment of the judgment. (a court in another city) they answered me on the phone that a petition was needed to restore the term. I took out a loan five years ago.

26.1. To cancel the Zaochki with an overdue process. Deadline - YOU need to submit:

1. Application for cancellation (justify - that with a new consideration ... the decision may be different)
2. Petition for the restoration of the procedural term.

Lawyer Solovieva A. V., 298 responses, 208 reviews, online since 12/20/2018
26.2. Hello.
There is nothing to worry about, send a petition to the court to restore the deadline for appeal, indicate in it that you missed the deadline for a good reason - you didn’t know about the court, because. you live in another city.
In court, it is necessary to make one more petition - for the bank to miss the limitation period, the period is counted from the moment of your last payment on the loan.
Wish you luck!

27. There is an error in the borrower's passport data in the loan agreement. But the borrower paid back the money. Can a contract be declared invalid?

Lawyer Astsatryan N. V., 41725 responses, 23573 reviews, online since 11/24/2016
27.1. No, of course it won't work.

28. When drawing up a loan agreement, a mistake was made in my name, the letter ё is in the passport, and the letter is indicated in the agreement, and for several years bailiffs have made the same mistake,

Lawyer Lagutin O. N., 4042 responses, 2625 reviews, online since 01/27/2019
28.1. Well, that's great - you're welcome.

29. In 2011, I took a loan (credit card) from Trust Bank.
Pay on time, but went into arrears several times. Fully repaid the loan in 2015. And no one bothered me for 3.5 years. But a week ago, I received a call from FASP - the Financial Agency for the Collection of Payments and demanded to return the debt, which I fully repaid and I consider this a mistake by an employee of Trust Bank, possibly due to its Sanitation in 2015. The FASP said they bought my "Debt" without providing me with any written confirmation of the assignment of my contract to a third party.
I contacted the TRUST Bank via the hotline and in the appeals department asked to prepare a statement of funds under my agreement.
Due to the age of my last payment to Bank Trust, I did not keep a receipt for the defeat of the entire amount.
Please let me know what should be my next steps in this matter.

Sincerely, Victor!

Lawyer Karavaytseva E.A., 57752 responses, 27407 reviews, online since 03/01/2012
29.1. Keep all documents in case of litigation. There are no grounds for other actions yet.

30. I have a mistake in my credit history, the contract was closed a year ago, but it is listed as open and indebted. How to fix it?

Lawyer Garshinev A. E., 1394 responses, 968 reviews, online since 04/05/2019
30.1. Article 8. Rights of the subject of credit history

1. The subject of credit history has the right to receive information from the Central catalog of credit histories in which bureau of credit histories his credit history is stored.
2. The subject of credit history has the right in each credit history bureau, which stores a credit history about him, no more than twice a year (but no more than once on paper) free of charge and any number of times for a fee without specifying reasons to receive a credit report on its credit history, including the individual rating of the subject of the credit history (if any), including information accumulated in accordance with this Federal Law on the sources of formation of the credit history and on the users of the credit history to whom credit reports were issued.
2.1. The subject of a credit history has the right to send through a credit institution that has entered into an agreement on the provision of information services with a credit history bureau that stores a credit history about him, in accordance with subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of part 6.1 or subparagraph "c" of paragraph 2 of part 6.4 of article 6 of this Federal Law, a request to receive, including free of charge in accordance with Part 2 of this Article, a credit report on one's credit history, including information accumulated in accordance with this Federal Law on the sources of formation of a credit history and on users of a credit history to whom credit reports were issued . Sending a request of a credit history subject to receive a credit report free of charge in accordance with part 2 of this article is performed by a credit institution without charging a fee. The credit history bureau is obliged, at the request of the credit institution, to report on the number of credit reports received by the subject of the credit history free of charge in accordance with part 2 of this article.
3. The subject of a credit history has the right to fully or partially dispute the information contained in his credit history by submitting to the credit history bureau, which stores the specified credit history, an application for amendments and (or) additions to this credit history.
4. The credit history bureau, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application specified in part 3 of this article, is obliged, with the exception of cases specified by this Federal Law, to conduct an additional verification of the information included in the credit history by requesting it from the source of the credit history formation . If the subject of the credit history indicated in the application that he has justified reasons, including circumstances threatening to cause harm to life or health, in order to obtain the relevant information within a shorter period, the credit history bureau conducts an audit within the period specified by him. At the time of such a check, a corresponding note is made in the credit history.
4.1. The source of the formation of a credit history is obliged, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the request of the credit history bureau, and if the subject of the credit history has valid reasons for obtaining such information in a shorter period - within the period specified by the credit history bureau, to submit in writing to the bureau information confirming the accuracy of previously transmitted information or the legitimacy of the request for a credit report, disputed by the subject of credit histories, or correct his credit history in the disputed part by sending the relevant reliable information or a request to delete the unlawful request to the credit history bureau.
4.2. If, within the established period, the credit history bureau has not received a response to the request specified in paragraph 4.1 of this article from the source of credit history formation in connection with the application of the credit history subject to amend his credit history, the credit history formation source shall be liable established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. The credit history bureau updates the credit history in the disputed part or cancels the credit history if, at the request of the subject of the credit history, on the basis of information received from the source of the formation of the credit history in accordance with part 4.1 of this article, a decision was made to fully challenge the information contained in his credit history, in case of confirmation of the specified application, or leaves the credit history unchanged. The credit history bureau is obliged to inform the subject of the credit history in writing about the results of consideration of the said application within 30 days from the date of its receipt. Refusal to satisfy the specified application must be motivated.
5.1. The subject of a credit history has the right to send to the credit history bureau in which his credit history is stored, an application for changes in the information contained in the title part of the credit history, with copies of documents confirming the change in the specified information, or to apply to the credit history bureau with an application through a credit organization - a source of credit history formation. Copies of the relevant documents can be certified by the employer of the subject of credit history, an employee of the credit institution through which the application is submitted. Also, the subject of a credit history has the right to apply directly to the credit history bureau by providing the original documents or their copies certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The credit history bureau makes appropriate changes to the title part of the credit history of such a credit history subject with a note that, according to the information received from the subject of the credit history, the passport, the data of which was entered earlier in the title part of the credit history, is invalid. The credit history bureau provides information about changes in the information contained in the title part of the credit history of the subject of credit histories, and about the invalidity of the passport, the data of which was entered earlier in the title part of the credit history.
6. The credit history bureau is not obliged to carry out further verification of previously disputed, but confirmed information contained in the credit history.
7. The subject of credit history has the right to appeal in court the refusal of the credit history bureau to satisfy the application for making changes and (or) additions to the credit history, as well as the failure to submit a written report on the results of consideration of his application within the period established by this article.

Lawyer Stepanov V.I., 36189 responses, 15922 reviews, online since 10/15/2011
30.2. In court, you can file a claim for the imposition of the obligation to make appropriate changes to your credit history. By virtue of Art. 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, you must prove that this entry is precisely erroneous.

Yours faithfully, the lawyer in Volgograd - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

Good day.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 159.1. Credit Fraud

(introduced by Federal Law No. 207-FZ of November 29, 2012)

1. Fraud in the area of ​​lending, that is, the theft of funds by a borrower by presenting deliberately false and (or) inaccurate information to a bank or other creditor, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 120 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to one year, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to 360 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years, or by arrest for a term of up to four months.

2. The same act committed by a group of persons by prior agreement, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 300 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to two years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to 480 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to five years. with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year or without it, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year or without it.

3. The deeds provided for by the first or second part of this Article, committed by a person using his official position, as well as on a large scale, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 100 thousand to 500 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to three years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to five years, with or without restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to six years with or without a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months and with restriction of liberty for a term of up to one and a half years or without such.

4. The deeds provided for by paragraphs one or three of this article, committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale, -

shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to ten years, with or without a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years.

Note. In this Article, as well as in Articles 159.3, 159.5, 159.6 of this Chapter, the value of property in excess of one million five hundred thousand rubles is recognized as a large amount, and six million rubles as an especially large amount.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 325-FZ of July 3, 2016)

(see text in previous edition)

If you do not pay, the bank will sue and the debt will be collected from you by force.

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False information when applying for a loan - what threatens?

Hello. Please tell me, is there any threat to a person under the law who, when applying for a loan, gave false information (place of work, income, telephone numbers, etc.)?

Lawyers Answers

Alexander(04/05/2014 at 22:19:22)

Dear Egor!

I draw your attention to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 159.1. Credit Fraud

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 120 thousand roubles, or in the amount or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to one year, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to 360 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or forced labor for up to two years, or arrest for up to four months.

I hope for your positive feedback.

Morozov Igor Vladimirovich(04/06/2014 at 05:33:51)

Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is required.

1. Fraud in the area of ​​lending, that is, the theft of funds by a borrower by presenting a bank or other creditor with deliberately false and (or) inaccurate information, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 120 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to one year, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to 360 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years, or by arrest for a term of up to four months.

2. The same act committed by a group of persons by prior agreement, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 300 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to two years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to 480 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to five years. with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year or without it, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year or without it.

3. The deeds provided for by the first or second part of this Article, committed by a person using his official position, as well as on a large scale, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 100 thousand to 500 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to three years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to five years, with or without restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to five years with or without a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months and with restriction of liberty for a term of up to one and a half years or without such.

4. The deeds provided for by paragraphs one or three of this article, committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale, -

shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to ten years, with or without a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years.

Note. In this Article, as well as in Articles 159.3, 159.4, 159.5, 159.6 of this Chapter, the value of property exceeding one million five hundred thousand rubles is recognized as large, and six million rubles as especially large.