Payment cards: legislation, types of cards, design. BPS-Sberbank debit cards What is a payment card

An employee’s personal account is an internal document of the employer containing information about all types of payments and deductions from wages employee.

A personal account is opened by an accountant after hiring an employee and is maintained by him throughout the employee’s career. Data is entered based on primary documents for recording production, work performed, time worked and documents for different types payment

Such documents, in particular, include:

  • time sheet (form T-13);
  • route and waybills;
  • orders;
  • sick leave;
  • production reports;
  • orders for piece work;
  • other documents.

Based on the personal account data, it is subsequently filled in payroll according to the T-49 form.

Employee personal account form

Personal account is maintained in two forms:

  • T-54 is a unified form of personal account card. As a rule, this form is used to keep track of wages for large enterprises and organizations. Small organizations and individual entrepreneurs most often use the unified form T-49, which is both a payroll and a payroll.
  • T-54a is a form of personal account card for maintaining records in electronic form.

Note: if the employer uses a statement in form T-51 to calculate wages, then a personal account in form T-54 is not drawn up.

How to fill out an employee's personal account

General filling requirements

  • Data is entered on the card in blue or black ink.
  • It is not allowed to make corrections or use corrective agents, including putties.
  • The document consists of title page and a table containing 49 columns.

Instructions for filling out a personal account card

Title part: The very first lines to be filled in are those containing information about the employer: name of the organization (structural unit), OKPO and OKUD code. Then enter information about the date of account opening, billing period and the worker himself.

Note: Information about the employee (TIN and SNILS number, marital status, number of children, date of employment) is entered on the basis of a personal card (T-2).

Columns 1-8. Contains data on hiring, transfers, dismissals, and changes in wages. The indicated columns reflect information about the order for employment (dismissal, transfer), etc., place of work ( structural subdivision), positions (specialty, profession), tariff rate, the amount of allowances and additional payments.

Columns 9-16. Contains information about the employee’s vacation: the period for which the vacation was granted, duration, date and number of the order approving the vacation.

Columns 17-21. The specified columns reflect information about deductions in relation to the employee (according to writs of execution, order documents, etc.).

Column 22. The column indicates the amount of tax deduction provided to the employee.

Column 23. The month for which the invoice is prepared is indicated in the format: 01, 02, 03, etc.

Columns 24-27. The indicated columns reflect the days (hours) worked by the employee in the reporting month. The data is taken from the working time sheet.

Columns 28-37. All accruals made to the employee for the reporting month: wages, bonuses, sick leave, vacation pay and other payments.

Columns 38-46. Deductions are reflected in relation to the employee: personal income tax, alimony, advances, etc.

Columns 47-48. These columns reflect the debt of the organization to the employee and vice versa: the employee to the organization.

Column 49. The total amount of payments to the employee for the reporting month is indicated.

Sample of filling out an employee's personal account

Employee personal account card in form T-54 (

ABOUT bank cards ah, a lot has been said and written, but we still have to see how clients confuse debit cards with credit cards, are prejudiced against prepaid “plastic” and have absolutely no idea why they need virtual cards. Our material today is addressed to those who want to once and for all sort out the types of bank cards and understand which one is intended for what.

In order to talk about the types of bank cards, let’s first define what they are. Many plastic holders mistakenly believe that card and bank account are the same thing. This leads to many common misconceptions - for example, that the loss of a card leads to the loss of funds on it. However, this is not at all true.

In essence, a bank card is just a payment instrument. By itself, it represents a piece of plastic, and only “linking” it to the client’s bank account makes it possible to manage his money using the card. Of course, the loss, blocking or damage of a card does not in any way affect the status of the account (of course, if it, along with other data, does not fall into the hands of fraudsters who can cash out your money).

Almost any of them can be linked to the same account. existing species cards - everything depends only on the tariffs and capabilities of the bank, as well as the desires of the client himself. Therefore, let's talk about what types of “plastic” can be produced today, and how they differ from each other.

Main types of bank cards

Despite the apparent variety of bank cards that are offered to their customers today financial institutions, they all have similar characteristics and varieties in the database. The only difference is in the tariffs, commissions, additional services and bonuses offered - but before you compare the financial benefits from cards from different banks, you need to decide on the type of “plastic” that suits you best. As a rule, dividing cards can be done according to several parameters:

  • By owner of funds in the account– debit, credit, with overdraft, prepaid;
  • By area of ​​use– local, international, intrabank, virtual;
  • By payment system– Visa, MasterCard, Gold Crown, American Express etc.
  • By level of customer loyalty and volume of services– electronic, standard, gold, platinum, etc.
  • By data storage method– chip, with magnetic tape, combined.

The combination of different parameters from this list gives the huge assortment of “plastic” that can be seen today in the advertising offers of banks. But it is precisely this abundance that leads to confusion among future cardholders - how to choose the right type and don't make a mistake. Let us tell you in more detail about the most popular categories of banking plastic.

Debit cards

Debit cards- this is “plastic” tied to a deposit current account. This is the most common type of bank card - all salary, pension, and payment cards belong to this type.

The main feature of debit cards is that the client has the right to manage exclusively money, pre-posted themselves in a bank account. If this amount has already been spent, it is impossible to withdraw funds from the card until the next replenishment. We list other characteristics of cards with a debit limit:

  • Such a card can be “linked” to salary account, deposit account“on demand”, deposit account with the possibility partial withdrawal funds, accrued interest account;
  • A debit card can be issued for a teenager from 14 to 18 years old (with parental consent); for children from 6 to 14 years old, it is possible to issue an additional card to the parent card with restrictions on transactions on it. Persons over 18 years of age have the right to issue debit cards independently.
  • An application for issuing a debit card is processed as quickly as possible (a few minutes), as it does not require additional permissions or checks. The issuance of the card itself, depending on its type and region, can be instant or take several weeks.
  • To issue a debit card, you only need a passport and the personal presence of the client, nothing additional documents not required;
  • As a rule, there are no upper or lower balance limits for debit cards - the client can either reset the account to zero or place unlimited amounts on it;
  • Funds in card accounts are protected by a deposit insurance system (with maximum amount compensation of 1.4 million rubles);
  • A certain small percentage may be charged on the balance (usually the average monthly amount in the account is considered);
  • With a debit card you can pay in cash and non-cash: make payments on the Internet and through an online account, withdraw money from ATMs, pay for goods and services at terminals.

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A debit card is a convenient payment instrument that is issued to a current bank account. With its help, you can have access to your funds around the clock and do not depend on the working hours of bank branches.

In addition, the functionality of debit cards can be expanded - for example, many banks offer to open credit limit(overdraft).

Cards with overdraft

One of the most unclaimed banking products is These are cards with overdraft. Many “plastic” holders simply do not understand the mechanism of how such a credit limit works, and therefore refrain from using it. Let's talk about such cards in more detail.

So, an overdraft is a credit to a debit account. In essence, a client who has entered into an overdraft agreement receives the right to pay with a card in excess of the balance available on the account. Main characteristics of a card with an open overdraft:

  • The credit limit is not open to everyone - banks have a certain list of requirements for the client (age, credit history, financial position, work experience, etc.);
  • The main requirement when opening a limit is stable income to the card account. That is why overdrafts are most often offered for salary and pension cards. Compliance with this requirement “overrides” the violation of others - for example, the client may not have the required length of service, but the bank will offer him an overdraft.
  • In order for an overdraft to be opened, the card must be valid for several months (usually six months or more) - this way the bank will be able to track the frequency of receipts;
  • Overdraft limits vary depending on the bank and card type. It can be either 30-50% of the average monthly income or 5-6 salaries;
  • No documents are required to open an overdraft - all necessary documents are provided upon initial account opening. As a rule, it is enough to sign an overdraft agreement on the terms offered by the bank;
  • Overdrafts can hardly be called profitable - banks open them at quite high interest(25-30% per annum). In addition, in many cases there is an overdraft fee;
  • To use the limit, it is enough to withdraw an amount greater than the account balance - without additional requests to the bank;
  • Overdraft repayment occurs automatically - when funds are received in the account, the bank writes them off against the loan.

Overdraft on a debit card is a very convenient type of loan that allows you to access borrowed funds . However, it has several disadvantages - the most significant is that overdraft makes loans addictive, and after a while the borrower cannot do without them.

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Experts recommend not opening overdrafts for significant amounts - this can lead to the fact that your entire salary or pension will be spent on repayment, and you will use it again and again. credit funds. It is advisable to differentiate between a debit card and a loan account - for example, issue a separate credit card.

Credit cards

Credit card- This special kind consumer loans opened to individuals. A card with a credit limit is an opportunity to use bank funds at any time and anywhere. Credit card characteristics:

  • To issue plastic, it is necessary to open a loan account, which means applying for a bank loan;
  • The credit card limit is the amount of the loan provided by the bank;
  • Registration of a card takes from several hours to a week, depending on the speed of processing loan application and its limit;
  • To issue a card, you need the client’s passport, proof of income, place of work - that is, everything that is needed to issue a regular consumer loan;
  • Credit cards are issued only to persons over 18 years of age who are in permanent employment;
  • Card rates can be quite high - up to 40-50% per annum. This is a fee for the “revolvability” of the plastic – that is, the ability to repeatedly use the limit;
  • Many credit cards require and debit limit– and in the absence of fees for cash withdrawals, they can be very profitable for the client. As a rule, the remainder own funds On credit cards, banks charge interest based on the type of deposit, and the rate can be good.

A credit card is a payment instrument that provides the borrower with access to loan account. It can only have a credit limit, but it can also perform the functions of a debit - it all depends on the tariffs of a particular bank.

Prepaid cards

Enough the new kind plastic cards - prepaid. They appeared only a few years ago and have not yet gained popularity. A prepaid card is a kind of analogue of a gift certificate for stores and beauty salons, but with a much wider range of applications. Main characteristics:

  • They are issued as a non-personal debit card - that is, they are issued instantly, at the moment of concluding the agreement
  • This is a bearer card, that is, any owner can pay with it, regardless of who purchased the card;
  • It has a certain limited limit and does not involve opening an overdraft or replenishing an account (in the latter case there are exceptions);
  • As a rule, unsuitable for online payments;
  • You can withdraw cash from the card or use it to pay at store terminals.

Prepaid card – excellent replacement gift certificate , cash gifts or salary “in an envelope”. Carrying such plastic is safer and more convenient than cash, but there are a number of restrictions compared to a debit card.

Division of maps by territory of use

Until now, we have only been talking about dividing cards according to the owners of funds, which can be the plastic holder himself, a bank, or a third party who bought a prepaid card. However, choosing a credit or debit card doesn’t stop there – you also need to determine in which territory you need to use plastic. Based on this feature, cards are divided into:

  • Intra-bank - that is, those that can be cashed only at the issuer’s ATMs. Such, for example, are the cards that some banks issue for cashing out a consumer loan.
  • Local – cards that can be used only in a limited area (for example, in the country where it is issued). Thus, in Russia there are several local payment systems, with which exclusively local banks cooperate.
  • International cards belong to major payment systems, and they can be cashed in any country in the world. These cards are useful for travelers - they can be linked to a multi-currency account and make payments in one of several currencies;
  • Virtual cards are needed for payments on the Internet. They don't exist in physical form, they cannot be used at an ATM or offline store. At the same time, a virtual card is an excellent payment instrument for non-cash payments, online shopping.

Payment (debit) card- This Bank card provided to the client for settlement within his own funds. Thus, in order to use a debit card for payments in a retail chain or withdraw cash, you must first top it up with the appropriate amount.

Using the card, you can withdraw cash, make purchases in retail chains, pay on the Internet, and make transactions outside of Russia, provided that the card is international. You can also use a debit card to receive transfers Money from other individuals or legal entities

. To do this, they simply need to indicate the name of the bank issuing the card, as well as the number of the card account or plastic card.

Banks, at the request of the client, can provide such a service as overdraft on payment cards. Overdraft - this is the ability to use funds from the card in an amount exceeding its balance. The overdraft amount for each client is set individually by the bank. So, having the amount in the account

Providing an overdraft is widespread for salary card holders. If desired, you can get an overdraft in the amount of several of your salaries for your salary card. For the use of borrowed funds, it will be necessary to pay the bank a percentage established by it. The advantages of such a loan are that you pay interest only on the funds actually used, and not on the entire amount of the established overdraft.

Bank payment card, which is also called “,” is a plastic bank card issued to carry out transactions with the client’s non-cash funds, as well as to “cash out” these funds.

Receive social benefits, pensions and wages on the card.

Types of payment cards

Payment cards are divided into three types based on the type of holder.

Personal payment card (main) is a plastic bank card, with the help of which transactions with personal bank account individual. If it is issued by the bank for the first time to an open current account, then it is also the main one.

All other payment cards issued by the bank for an open personal account will be considered “additional”.

Family payment card - this is a type of additional payment bank card that is opened to a personal current account and can be used by specific members of the holder’s family. Typically, such a card has a certain limit on the amount of payments per month.

Hello, friends!

Look in your wallet, you probably have at least one there plastic card jar. Is it debit or credit? Do you know what the difference is?

There are three types of bank cards: payment (debit), credit and prepaid. In this article I in simple words Let me explain what a debit card is.

Plastic means of payment have taken their place in our lives; they are available to people of different ages and incomes. Every financial and credit organization is fighting for the right to have us among its clients. They are trying to attract favorable conditions, bonuses and other privileges. Understanding the variety of color cards produced is not easy, but it is necessary. This is what we will do now.

What does a debit card mean and how is it different from a credit card?

A debit card is an electronic means of payment for payment for goods, works and services. The payment amount cannot exceed the amount of money in our account to which it is linked. Not enough funds? Top up your deposit account at the bank.

Translated from Latin, the word “debit” means “we owe.” Thus, the bank, upon request, is obliged to provide the required amount, which is stored in our account. You can request money from your computer, smartphone or through an ATM.

The main difference between a debit card and a credit card is the ownership of the funds we use. A credit card gives you the right to pay with bank funds; for this you do not need to have your own money in the account. Debit – only up to the amount in your personal account, without using a bank loan.

An exception is the overdraft service.

Overdraft: real benefit or unpleasant surprise?

The bank may allow the use of its money (). There are permitted and unauthorized (technical) overdrafts.

Permitted overdraft. As a rule, this service is offered by the bank after studying the client’s solvency for several months. Represents a mini-loan for short term. If you do not have enough money in your account to make a payment, an overdraft gives you the right to pay off the missing amount at the expense of the bank. Of course, not for free.

Another case is an unauthorized (technical) overdraft. To avoid unexpectedly ending up in debt, let's understand this concept. Cases of technical overdraft:

  1. When withdrawing cash from an ATM of a “foreign” bank, a fee may be charged, which will be debited from your current account. If you don’t have enough funds, you will go into the red.
  2. When making payments abroad with a ruble card, an exchange rate difference is created, which must also be paid.
  3. Periodic annual maintenance fees are automatically charged by the bank.
  4. For some standard payments there is no mandatory authorization. In this case, the amount is debited without requesting information about the account balance.

Thus, it is possible to go into the red with a debit card. Therefore, you should always have a small balance on it (within 500 rubles) in order to repay the debt in a timely manner. If you often have to resort to borrowed funds, then it is better to get a credit card that provides a grace period without interest for using “other people’s” money.

Let's face the map

To understand the question of how to use a plastic means of payment, let’s study its front and back sides. What information do they give us?

Before withdrawing cash, make sure you choose an ATM from your “home” bank. Withdrawals from “foreign” ATMs are often accompanied by a commission. Insert the payment instrument into the card reader and strictly follow the instructions written on the screen or voiced.

When paying for goods or services provided, hand the card to the cashier or insert it into the terminal yourself. If it is equipped with PayPass technology, then simply touch it to the terminal to read the information. Enter your PIN if required. Sometimes you need to sign a check or a terminal window.

When making transactions online, just log in personal account on the bank’s website or log into the mobile application on your smartphone. Get ready for additional verification when transferring large sum money. There may be a call from the bank and a series of questions that will help identify you and prove the voluntary nature of the operation.

A couple of months ago I paid for a training course in the amount of 9,000 rubles. The payment did not go through. Within one minute the bank called me and asked me to answer questions. Some of them made me really strain and remember the necessary information. For example, at what address did I last withdraw money from an ATM?

If you no longer need your debit card and want to close it, you must do this at a bank branch. You won’t be able to simply forget about it, because the bank will continue to write off the annual service. And this threatens you with going into the red.

What is a debit card for?

A debit card is used not only to pay for goods and services, but also for:

  • receiving wages, pensions, benefits, scholarships;
  • cash withdrawals;
  • transferring funds from one account to another;
  • storage and accumulation of funds.


  1. Compactness. There is no need to carry cash with you, which takes up a lot of space in your wallet or pockets.
  2. Save time. When paying for goods and services, you do not waste minutes searching for the required amount and waiting for change.
  3. Efficiency. The opportunity to receive money at any time and where it is convenient.
  4. 24/7 service. Access to money 24 hours and 7 days a week.
  5. Reliability and safety. You don't have to worry about the safety of a large sum. If your card is lost or stolen, one call to hotline the bank will block it.
  6. Insurance. Every owner is a member state system insurance. This means that if the bank’s license is revoked, all money (up to 1.4 million rubles) will be returned in full.
  7. Multifunctionality. Without leaving your home, you pay for goods and services, buy currency, transfer money from one account to another.
  8. Possibility of accumulation. Banks often offer interest on the account balance. This is very convenient if you want to accumulate a certain amount in your account and protect yourself from inflation.
  9. Nice bonuses. Banks are developing various loyalty programs. These include online services, service packages, free access to SMS banking, interest-free Grace period when using an overdraft. One of the tools for increasing loyalty is cashback - this is a refund of part of the funds spent on a purchase.

In my separate articles you can read more about debit cards:

  • VTB 24.

Types of debit cards

Debit cards are classified according to a number of criteria:

  1. By payment systems - Visa, MasterCard, Mir, etc.
  2. By technical parameters protection - with magnetic tape, with a chip, combined.
  3. By volume of additional services - electronic, standard, gold, platinum, etc.
  4. By personalization: nominal and non-nominal (impersonal).

The difference lies in the cost of annual service, commissions, volume of services provided, degree of protection and bonuses.

If you plan to use a card abroad, then you should make sure that it belongs to one of the international payment systems. For example, Visa or MasterCard. Visa's base currency is the dollar, and MasterCard's is the euro. Ordering for yourself plastic card, think about which country in the world you will pay with it in order to avoid writing off exchange rate differences.

Bank means of payment have different level protection. Magnetic tape is often erased, is easily copied by fraudsters and takes time to read information when paying. Modern cards are equipped with a special chip that contains full information about the owner and the status of his account. It is more difficult to counterfeit or copy, and the speed of data reading by payment terminals is higher.

Personalized cards are issued with a raised inscription of the owner's first and last name. Unnamed ones (without the owner's name on the plastic) have become widespread. Their main advantage is fast processing(A couple of minutes). In terms of protection, they are in no way inferior to registered ones. But they have limited functionality: entering a PIN code, difficulties with online purchases, and you cannot pay abroad.

Some cards are equipped with PayPass contactless payment technology. It was created to speed up and simplify calculations. The owner's signature and PIN code are not required (for purchases up to RUB 1,000). Simply bring the card to the device, reading occurs instantly.

Cards may also have additional privileges for the owner. For example, free medical insurance, additional insurance from scammers, free SMS banking, discounts and bonuses on purchases. Annual maintenance They are significantly more expensive than standard cards.

Have you decided to get a card? What should you pay attention to?

The official websites of banks have all the necessary information about the types of debit cards and the conditions for their service. All the nuances are discussed in mine.

  1. What degree of protection is used? Magnetic tape is less reliable than a microchip.
  2. Annual maintenance fee. Its size depends on the type of card, payment system and the bank's pricing policy. Standard ones are cheaper than privileged ones.
  3. Calculation of interest on the account balance. Pay attention to its value; the figure may differ significantly in different banks.
  4. Overdraft. Some banks include in the contract bank account overdraft service. Carefully study the terms of its provision so as not to receive an unpleasant surprise in the form of the amount of accrued interest on the outstanding loan.
  5. The ability to track your actions in real time. For example, in your personal account, mobile application on a smartphone via SMS notification. Please note the cost of these additional services.

Debit or credit card: how to check?

A modern person may have several cards from different banks, intended for different purposes. For example, salary, savings or currency. A situation is possible when the owner simply forgot which card he has is debit and which is credit. A mistake can be very costly. After all, both are payment instruments, but for different accounts.

A debit card is the key to your personal money in your bank account. In order to remove “something”, you need to put that “something” down. A credit card is the key to “other people’s” funds that the bank gives you and not only wants to get them back, but also to make money on it.

But how does a debit card differ from a credit card in this case? How to check? Unfortunately, this is almost impossible to do visually. Very rarely, Debet or Credit may be written on the front side. All other signs that are actively discussed on the Internet do not apply to all cards without exception. Therefore, I suggest using simple but proven methods:

  • look at the information in the agreement that you entered into when you issued the card;
  • go to the bank branch where the card was received and find out for yourself its type;
  • call the hotline and ask a question;
  • on the bank’s official website, view all the cards it issues and compare with yours.


A modern debit card is a convenient, affordable and reliable tool. At correct use it saves time and money. Anyone can get a card today. The bank does not require confirmation of our solvency. When choosing, you should spend a little time studying the information on the official websites of banks.

We will be glad if our article helped you understand what a debit card means and understand its issues effective use. Comment and ask questions, I will definitely answer everyone.