After what contract can you take out a military mortgage? Housing mortgage system

The state has a number of responsibilities to military personnel who have entered into a contract. One of them is to provide the military man and his family with housing for the entire period of service after retirement.

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Relatively recently, the ineffective procedure for providing free housing was replaced by a funded mortgage system.

This made it possible to simplify and speed up the solution to the housing problem for many military families.


The basis for regulating relations between the state and military personnel regarding the provision of housing is the law of August 20, 2004.

To implement its provisions, a number of by-laws were subsequently adopted.

The essence of the innovations is as follows:

  • Instead of building houses for the military and further transferring ownership of apartments there free of charge, the state allocates a certain amount for the independent purchase of housing$
  • this saves the state from construction costs, and allows military personnel to choose exactly the housing that suits them best.


Under the mortgage program for military personnel, you can buy both a city apartment and a country house. It does not matter whether it is primary or secondary market the transaction is carried out.

But when planning to buy a house, you need to remember that a mortgage does not apply to a plot of land. That is, the land must be purchased at your own expense.

The loan term is at least 3 years. The upper limit is set by the age limit for military service - 45 years. But also the period cannot exceed the value indicated in the certificate of the right to receive a targeted loan - 15 years.

The loan size also has limitations. Minimum - 300,000.

The maximum depends on how much the service member can accumulate in his mortgage account over all the years. In 2018 this is about 2 million rubles.

Mandatory conditions are the assessment and insurance of the purchased housing. The costs are borne by the borrower.

The assessment is carried out by JSC AHML, and the insurance is carried out by one of the companies accredited by the bank. Life and health insurance is not required, but is recommended.

Accumulation system

Payment for housing purchased by military personnel falls on the state. For this purpose, every citizen entering into a contract becomes the owner special account, to which a certain amount is accrued annually until dismissal.

It does not depend on rank or type of military service. Its size is established by Government Decree taking into account the rate of inflation.

Three years after joining the NIS, a serviceman receives the right to a targeted loan and a mortgage. But you can continue saving further, right up to retirement.

It is understood that the amount accumulated up to this point should be enough for a two-room economy class apartment.

Who should?

You can become a member of NIS in a mandatory or voluntarily. Since 2005, all military personnel entering into a contract must be included in it.

Employees can join voluntarily from an earlier time.

Participants include:

  • soldiers and sailors;
  • midshipmen and warrant officers;
  • sergeants and foremen;
  • officers.

Mortgage for military personnel


A serviceman can pay a mortgage loan using NIS funds even after dismissal.

But only if this happened either after 10 years of service, or for good reasons:

  • illness that prevents further service;
  • reduction;
  • reaching the age limit.

In this case, the loan will be repaid in full or in part from the NIS account.

The interest rate will remain preferential.


Military personnel who retired before the start of the NIS, who are in line for housing, or military veterans have the right to apply for assistance under the Affordable Housing state program.

The repayment of the loan is partially borne by the state. To participate in the program, you must be on the waiting list before 2005.


To implement the Military Mortgage program, a specialized institution was created -:

  1. It ensures the functioning of the NIS.
  2. On its official website, this organization conducts awareness-raising work.
  3. IN personal account NIS participants can find out the status of their savings account and other necessary information.

Which banks should I contact?

Not all banks offer military mortgages. As a rule, these are the largest credit organizations that have been working in the mortgage lending industry for a long time.

The conditions are the same for everyone, but there are some minor differences.

Only NIS participants can use this program.


The maximum amount that can be approved for a military personnel is 1.93 million rubles.

How to calculate?

There are different kinds mortgage calculators, which allow you to make an approximate calculation. This will allow you to imagine how much you can expect and how long it will take to repay the debt.

The convenience of such programs is that by changing the conditions, you can determine the most profitable option for yourself.

But such calculations are for informational purposes only. Placing a loan calculator on the bank’s website does not oblige the bank to offer exactly such conditions to the borrower.

Everything can be finally clarified only with the bank immediately before concluding the contract.


But you can find out exactly how much money is in your savings account:

  1. To do this, you need to go to the Rosvoenipoteka website and register.
  2. After this, your personal account will become available.
  3. By entering additional data in special fields, you can obtain information on the account status, movement of documents, etc.

These data reflect the actual situation.

Registration procedure

A contract soldier who has received the right to use NIS funds turns to the commander of his military unit with a report. In it, he expresses a desire to receive a targeted housing loan.

The report is registered, the information is transferred to Rosvoenipoteka for document processing.

Once the serviceman has a certificate of entitlement to a mortgage loan in his hands, he can apply with it to one of the banks implementing the Military Mortgage program.

The problem of lack of own housing is relevant for many Russian military personnel. To solve this problem, the state adopted a special law dedicated to the savings-mortgage system for providing housing for military personnel. This law allows military personnel serving in the Russian army not to wait, as before, to receive an apartment after completing their service, but to acquire the necessary housing much faster with the help of a mortgage and government support.

Participants in the state military mortgage lending program

By law, only some military personnel have the right to take advantage of the savings-mortgage system developed for the military.

Mandatory participation in the developed savings-mortgage program is provided for military personnel of the Republic of Armenia who entered into the first contract for military service in the Russian army after 01.01.2005, namely for:

  • graduates who graduated from higher military educational institutions;
  • midshipmen and warrant officers (with a contract duration of military service of 3 years)
    officers called up or voluntarily enlisted for military service to the Russian army from the reserve.

In addition, voluntary participation of the military in the savings-mortgage system developed by the state is also possible. This opportunity is available to certain categories of military personnel who entered into an initial contract for military service in the Republic of Armenia before 01/01/2005:

  • graduates of higher military educational institutions who received their first military officer rank, starting from the beginning of 2005;
  • warrant officers and midshipmen whose duration of contract military service in the army will be 3 years, starting in January 2005.

To participate in the preferential military mortgage program, a serviceman must be entered into a special register of participants in the NIS.

This register is a list of persons participating in the state mortgage program for military personnel, indicating information about these participants. Federal legislation determines that the formation and maintenance of such a register of military personnel participating in the savings and mortgage state system, falls within the competence federal bodies executive power, in which Russian legislation provides for military service.

As already mentioned, today both voluntary and mandatory inclusion in this register are possible. If a serviceman voluntarily expresses a desire to participate in the program, in order to be included in the register, he needs to write a corresponding report to the commander of the military unit in which he serves.

Inclusion in the register of military personnel occurs 10 days after Rosvoenipoteka receives the relevant lists from military units.

To include a military personnel in the list of those wishing to participate in the mortgage program, you must present:

  1. Application for participation;
  2. Passport of the military personnel applying for participation;
  3. A copy of the contract.

Mechanism for implementing the mortgage program

The main idea of ​​a military mortgage is to replace the state obligation to provide housing for military personnel with the issuance of financial resources for the purchase of this housing.

The State Mortgage Program for Military Personnel of the Republic of Armenia gives military personnel the opportunity to purchase an apartment or other home ownership using mortgage credit lending, at any time after completion three years participation of these persons in the savings-mortgage system. Thanks to this program, Russian military personnel receive their own housing without waiting for the end of their military service.

A serviceman included in the register becomes a participant mortgage program. After this, he has the right to count on receiving funded contributions from the state, which he can use only in strictly defined cases by the legislator.

Each military personnel participating in the savings-mortgage system opens a special personal savings mortgage account for the state to transfer monthly cash contributions.

Such transfers for military personnel are carried out at the expense of financial resources federal budget. The amount of funded contributions is determined by Russian legislation and is indexed annually. By the amount government contributions, subject to transfer to the serviceman’s savings account, do not affect either his military rank or the branch of the military in which he serves.

At the time of the introduction of the mortgage program for the military, the size of the financial contribution was set at 37,000 rubles per year, and in the current 2014 this contribution is already 233,100 rubles. Accounting and transfer of savings is carried out by the Federal Institution “Rosvoenipoteka”.

Today, there are several options for military personnel to receive accumulated financial resources:

  • after 20 years of military service in the Russian army;
  • upon expiration of 10 years of service in the army upon dismissal, including dismissal upon reaching the military of a certain age, recognition of him for some reason as limitedly fit for military service or as a result of a reduction that has occurred;
  • at any time after 3 years of participation in the military mortgage program by receiving a target home loan provided to a serviceman who participated in the state mortgage program by Rosvoenipoteka.

Obviously, the accumulated amount in a serviceman’s personal account is not always enough to purchase his own home. Therefore, many military personnel turn to banks lending under the military mortgage program for the missing amount.

The procedure for purchasing housing under the mortgage program for military personnel is similar to conventional mortgage loans. The main difference is that in order to obtain a bank mortgage, a serviceman must submit to the credit institution a certificate of participation in the savings-mortgage system.

To exercise his right to a military mortgage, a serviceman who meets the requirements for participants in the state program must:

  • get into the register of persons participating in the savings mortgage system;
  • after 3 years of participation in the mortgage program, submit a corresponding report to receive a special certificate confirming the right of the military personnel participating in the mortgage program to receive targeted funds credit funds for purchasing housing;
  • receive this certificate;
  • choose the right one residential real estate, meeting the serviceman’s own requirements, as well as the requirements Russian Ministry defense, credit institution and insurance company;
  • apply for a mortgage from a bank that provides loans to military personnel;
  • open a special account and transfer existing funds to it financial resources from a personal savings account, which will become the down payment;
  • wait for the bank’s decision and sign the mortgage agreement, which is drawn up between the military personnel participating in the preferential military mortgage program, the bank issuing the loan, and the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka”;
  • conclude an appropriate transaction for the purchase of housing;
  • obtain a registration certificate.

Documents for military mortgage

To obtain bank approval for mortgage lending, as a rule, a military personnel needs the following documents:

  • certificate of a military serviceman about the right of an NIS participant to housing mortgage lending;
  • military ID;
  • the identity card of the serviceman applying for a mortgage and the identity card of the spouse of the serviceman, if necessary - the passport of an authorized person who has a notarized power of attorney from the purchaser of the home;
  • certificates of marriage by a military personnel (divorce), birth certificates of children;
  • certificate from management company from the place of registration from the applicant-soldier and members of his family;
  • certificate of TIN of the applicant-military;
  • certificate of education of a military personnel;
  • certificates from the place of service;
  • consent from the spouse - if the participant in the military mortgage is married;
  • power of attorney - if the serviceman is not personally present at the transaction.

The bank issuing a mortgage under the government program may require other documentation to approve the loan.

Basic program conditions

Summarizing the above about the state program, we can highlight the main conditions for participation in military mortgage:

  • the term of the contract for military personnel is of fundamental importance when participating in the mortgage program;
  • a serviceman can purchase housing with the help of state savings contributions no earlier than 3 years after concluding a contract;
  • a serviceman can himself determine the parameters of the purchased housing and the region in which it is purchased;
  • the maximum amount allocated by the state for the purchase of housing for military personnel is 2.2 million rubles, and the minimum credit amount for a mortgage issued by the bank - 300,000 rubles. Dimensions mortgage loan for military personnel depend on two factors: the size of the savings contribution available in the personal account of the NIS military participant, and the term of the mortgage. Issuing everyone mortgage loans the program is carried out in ruble equivalent;
  • Mortgage loans for military personnel can be issued for a period from 3 to 25 years. The military mortgage loan must be repaid in full before the military borrower turns 45 years of age.

Continues to operate successfully in 2019 Government program military mortgage.

Its main principle has been preserved - the state provides financial resources to military personnel to purchase housing free of charge (subject to compliance with a number of legally established requirements).

The attractive aspects of the state program are the minimum number of documents when applying for a mortgage, the freedom of the program participant to choose the type of residential premises and its territorial location, and, most importantly, the opportunity to exercise the right to housing without spending their own savings.

Legislative regulation

The fundamental document of the state program is Federal Law of August 20, 2004 No. 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system housing provision military personnel."

The law establishes requirements for its participants, stipulates the rights and obligations of military personnel and government agencies, the mechanism for collecting and using targeted housing loans is regulated.

A more detailed understanding of the stages of the military mortgage program, documents and instructions for officials and participants of the state program can be obtained from the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Also standard forms documents and procedures for military mortgage procedures are contained in Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Who is allowed to participate in the state program

In the state program can take part the following groups of people:

Also, credit organizations participating in the military mortgage program can set age restrictions for borrowers (see the section of the article on the mortgage conditions of individual banks).

Conditions and registration algorithm

The process of obtaining residential premises under the military mortgage program consists of several steps.

First of all, a soldier must become a participant in the savings and mortgage system. To do this, he must meet the requirements established by Law about the mortgage system. An employee of a military organization responsible for implementing the provisions of the state program is obliged to monitor the moment when the employee’s rights to participate in a military mortgage arise. It is he who must submit documents about the employee to the personnel department and the head of the military institution. Then the papers are sent to the regional department responsible for housing provision for military personnel. After considering the application and making a positive decision, the citizen is included in the register of participants in the funded mortgage system and receives a message about this fact.

A serviceman can verify that he is on the list of persons applying for the purchase of housing under the military mortgage program and track the number and status of the application through a request to the regional housing authority and also by registering on the website of the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” in your personal account.

After three years, a person included in the register may apply to the head of a military unit for the issuance of a mortgage certificate housing loan. You can do this later - this will ensure a large amount money in a personal savings account.

Application for issuance of a certificate is reviewed by the regional housing organization, after which information about the person is sent to the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka" for issuing a certificate. After receiving the certificate, the serviceman has six months to select residential premises, and if there is insufficient funds for the desired object, to apply for a mortgage in a bank participating in the state military program. After this time, the certificate becomes invalid and the application must be submitted again. Bank mortgage programs allow the certificate holder to purchase both an apartment on the secondary real estate market and a new building. In addition, you can choose a house with land for purchase. The main thing is that the property is approved by the bank - a participant in the state program.

If the housing option is selected and approved, then the next step is signing a loan agreement, targeted housing loan agreements and direct purchase and sale agreements for residential premises.

Afterwards, you should register the transfer of ownership of the purchased object (however, it will be secured until the end of the mortgage payments).

The program participant is allowed to deposit own funds for the purchase of real estate in addition to a residential mortgage loan and for early repayment of the mortgage.

Nuances of registration and payments during divorce

The problem of dividing property, including that obtained through the participation of a husband or wife in the military mortgage program, inevitably arises during divorce proceedings.

It should be remembered that residential premises purchased by a military personnel with funds from a housing mortgage loan have a strictly intended purpose and an exact addressee, and therefore, according to Russian legislation cannot be classified as jointly acquired marital property. Thus, the other party in a divorce cannot count on his share in the apartment or house received under the state program. An exception to the rule is a situation where both spouses are participants in the savings mortgage system and purchase joint housing.

On the other hand, in the event of a termination of a mortgage loan agreement with a military personnel, the other party to the marriage is not obligated to fulfill it. In addition, if one of the non-military spouses used their own money to purchase housing under the military mortgage program (for example, early repayment mortgage loan), he can contact judiciary with a claim for their compensation (with the presentation of evidence of costs).

Features of lending upon dismissal

Upon dismissal of his own free will or due to non-compliance with the terms of the contract, a serviceman obliged to return to the state funds from a targeted housing loan (within 10 years from the date of dismissal) and repay the mortgage using your own funds. Otherwise, the credit institution and the state represented by the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka" are entitled to file a claim with the judicial authorities to recover the debt.

A different procedure is provided for military personnel whose service life is more than 20 years, as well as persons who have served for more than 10 years and who resigned for health reasons, due to organizational and staffing events or special family circumstances. Such military personnel do not repay the targeted housing loan and have the right to use the funds accumulated in their personal account to purchase housing. At the same time, persons with more than 20 years of experience can use the savings of a personal account for any needs.

Payment procedure funds accumulated in the account is determined by order of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation dated February 28, 2013 No. 166. Anyone wishing to exercise the right must write an application and submit it to the management of the organization. Additional funds for housing provided for by Government Decree No. 676 are also available to the above categories of persons.

Finally, the funds from the personal savings account are returned to the state if the serviceman did not use the targeted housing loan to purchase real estate.

Innovations of 2016 in the state military mortgage program:

  • It is allowed to conclude a single targeted housing loan agreement for joint purchase residential premises for spouses if both of them are participants in the savings-mortgage system. The legislator suggested that the new right will allow military families to choose a more expensive and comfortable housing option.
  • The rules for the payment of additional funds provided for by the state program have been changed.
    Previously, a serviceman could not use additional funds to eliminate military mortgage debt if he or members of his family owned other residential premises. Very often this forced the borrower to re-register or sell the property. The amendment to the mortgage law allows such program participants to receive additional funds to fulfill their mortgage obligations.
  • Military personnel cannot compensate additional expenses for obtaining a mortgage using funds from a targeted mortgage loan, for example, for insurance services, the work of a realtor, and real estate valuation. An exception is made for persons who completed a housing loan transaction before May 6, 2016. It is assumed that this measure encourages participants in military mortgages to more carefully select the loaned object and the offices accompanying the purchase of real estate.

Procedure for calculating cash payments

Specialized mortgage programs for military personnel are implemented in most large banks. Each of them determines the interest rate for the use of mortgage funds and the “ceiling” of the mortgage loan. Regular loan payments are set in the amount of targeted contributions transferred by the state to the participant’s personal account savings program. In 2016, the amount of such contributions amounted to 245,880 rubles monthly.

Let's focus on the largest participants in the state program.

Sberbank offers borrowers following conditions military mortgage:

  • the loan amount cannot exceed 2,010,000 rubles and 80 percent of the price of the housing being financed (under contract or expert assessment) or the price specified in the shared construction agreement;
  • loan rate of the program – 12%;
  • lending period – up to 20 years, but not longer than the term of the targeted loan.
  • the ability to liquidate debt ahead of schedule without commission.
  • The person borrowed must be at least 21 years old.

Bank's military program VTB provides:

  • the loan amount does not exceed 2,010,000 rubles and 80 percent of the price of the housing being financed (under contract or expert assessment) or the price specified in the shared construction agreement;
  • loan rate of the program - 12.1-13.1% (the rate increases when leaving the savings system);
  • lending period – up to 14 years, but not longer than the term of the targeted loan;
  • making a down payment of at least 15 percent of the property price;
  • the person being credited must be:
    • with at least one year of work experience;
    • at least 21 years of age when receiving a loan;
    • not older than 45 years at the time of debt liquidation.

Rosselkhozbank offers borrowers more low rate on a loan (11.3%) with a total loan amount from 300 thousand to 2 million 200 thousand rubles. The mortgage can be issued for a period not exceeding 23 years.

Military mortgage program from Gazprombank provides credit allocations of no more than 2 million rubles for a period of up to 25 years at a rate of 12% per annum. The down payment for mortgage housing must be at least 20% of the price of the property.

Minimum interest rate under the military mortgage program Svyazbank– 9.5%. The mortgage can be issued for a period of no more than 20 years, its size is 400 thousand - 2,200 thousand rubles.

It is advisable to look at detailed information about the conditions for obtaining a military mortgage loan on the websites of these credit institutions.

Since 2006, a state program for mortgage lending for military personnel (NIS) has been launched. This allows citizens to quickly acquire residential property, without waiting for the allocation of funds from the federal budget as part of other projects.

general information

NIS operates on the basis Federal Law dated August 20, 2004 No. 117-FZ.

A military mortgage is the purchase of residential premises by a military personnel on credit. Wherein an initial fee is paid as a subsidy to the citizen's account, and the remaining monthly payments are made directly from the budget of the Ministry of Defense.

In fact, the employee does not repay the loan on his own; payment is made with federal subsidies.

The term military mortgage is synonymous with the term free housing for military personnel. This is a unified support program that has been implemented quite successfully for many years. Download and print for free

Who can get a mortgage?

Mortgage lending with state support Not available to all military personnel.

You can receive funds to purchase housing:

  • warrant officers and midshipmen whose service life exceeds 3 years, starting from January 1, 2005, if they entered into their first contracts for military service before January 1, 2005 and the total duration of their contract military service as of January 1, 2005 was no more than 3 years;
  • who graduated from military educational professional organizations or military universities and received their first military rank as an officer, starting from January 1, 2005, if they entered into contracts for military service for the first time before January 1, 2005,
  • those called up for military service or those who entered there voluntarily from the reserve and entered into the first contract for military service, starting from January 1, 2005;
  • graduated from military vocational education institutions in the period 01/01/2005 - 01/01/2008. and those who received their first military officer rank during the training process;
  • who received their first military officer rank due to entering contract military service in a military position for which the state provides for a military officer rank, starting from January 1, 2005, if they received such a rank before January 1, 2008.

A complete list of participants in the military mortgage program is presented in Art. 9 FZ-117.

Citizens who have been “working” in the armed forces for more than three years can enter the program at any time of their own free will. The mortgage is of a declarative nature, therefore they cannot be forced to participate and are not required to notify about the opportunity to receive a loan on favorable terms.

Civilian personnel who work for the Armed Forces are not eligible to participate in the program because they do not have military status. The exception is those who were transferred to the civil service for reasons beyond their control.

Conditions for receiving

There are a certain number of conditions that must be met in order to participate in the program.

Thus, in 2019, only those citizens who are able to pay the minimum down payment - 10% of the total amount - can take advantage of a military mortgage. The amount of the annual savings contribution in 2019 is 280,009.7 rubles.

It is not necessary to save funds yourself, since the terms of the program imply a simpler but longer step.

Down payment

The program participant receives a personal target account to which funds are transferred over three years. They cannot be used until three years have passed. The funds accumulated in the account are used for the down payment when applying for a mortgage. That is why military personnel do not need to save on their own.

In addition to the down payment prerequisite is a targeted spending federal subsidies. In particular, you can purchase:

  • private or cottage house;
  • an apartment on the primary or secondary market;
  • communal apartment (with ownership rights for the entire area of ​​housing);
  • townhouse (semi-detached house, a type of cottage housing).

Funds for purchase land plot It is impossible to obtain a military mortgage within the framework of the project, since this does not correspond to the target expenditure. Exception - purchase individual house along with the site.

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Long-term contract

The state is interested in supporting those military personnel who are aimed at long-term service in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. That is why a mandatory condition for obtaining a mortgage for a military personnel is the conclusion of a long-term contract.

The legislation does not clearly stipulate how long the contract should be, so the default value is 5 years.

If a contract is concluded for a shorter period, participation in the program may be prohibited. Therefore, those who have a contract for 5 years or more should apply for a “state” mortgage.

Features of obtaining a mortgage

There are a number of features that need to be considered before participating in the program.

In particular:

  • You can purchase housing anywhere in the country, regardless of the region in which the citizen serves;
  • the average size interest rate is 11.5-12.5% ​​per annum;
  • the maximum mortgage term is 20 years, despite the fact that banks offer loans for 15 years;
  • all loan payments must be repaid before the borrower’s 45th birthday;
  • “young” officers and employees starting from the age of 25 can receive mortgage funds;
  • a serviceman's long experience implies the most profitable terms lending.

Any serviceman who has served under a contract for more than 3 years and re-signed for a longer period can join the program.

Payment amounts

Military mortgage is provided under certain conditions, one of which is maximum size payments.

For 2018 it was 2 million 400 thousand rubles excluding interest. That is, a serviceman can purchase housing for this amount at the expense of the state.

If the cost of the residential premises is higher, then funds in excess of the limit are paid on their own.

The bank issues funds for the purchase of housing in non-cash form. That is, the purchase and sale transaction takes place through the bank without issuing cash to the borrower.

How to receive funds

Since the employee does not receive cash, he must initially apply for a mortgage loan at his place of duty.

After opening a personal trust account, 3 years must pass. During this period, you can look for suitable residential premises to purchase.

After the expiration of the three-year period, you must contact the bank to conclude loan agreement For a mortgage on a selected property, the first installment is paid from a personal account.

All subsequent payments occur automatically without the participation of the citizen himself from the federal budget to the bank account.

You can fully dispose of real estate (donate, sell, rent out) only after the last payment has been made. Until this time, housing is the property of the bank and the state.

Which banks work under the program?

Everyone is involved in providing military mortgages in 2019 state banks. The most favorable and convenient conditions are offered by Sberbank of Russia and Rosselkhozbank.

Also participating in the program:

  • Gazprombank;
  • "VTB";
  • "Svyaz Bank"

Each bank offers its own conditions, but none of them offers less than 10% per annum. That is why you can apply for a loan at any location available on a territorial basis.

The program is supervised by the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka”. The institution together with partner credit organizations a transition was made to lending programs for military personnel on the terms of repaying mortgage loans with fixed (annuity) payments for the entire loan term.

From January 1, 2018, mortgage loans to military personnel are provided only under such lending programs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that the state is trying to fulfill its constitutional duty as much as possible and provide housing for citizens, the military mortgage program has a number of shortcomings.

Thus, you can use the funds only after a three-year waiting period after joining the project. That is, during this period the serviceman will not own housing. Besides, significant drawback is the unstable allocation of funds from the federal budget. Amount for target account may accumulate beyond the mandatory three years.

A huge advantage of the program is the full provision of citizens. Employees are not required to contribute their own funds to the loan, since the agreement stipulates payments from the federal budget of the Ministry of Defense.

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Last changes

According to experts, mortgage rates will continue to decline in 2018.