Acceptance committee act on acceptance of the constructed facility for operation. Draw up a certificate of completed redevelopment of premises

Approved by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia

From 10.30.97 No. 71a



Job title

____________ _________________

Signature decryption of signature

"___" _____________ 200 __ g.

ACT No. ______
acceptance of the completed construction site by the acceptance committee


OKUD form


Organization _____________________________________________________ OKPO

Location of the object ___________________________________________________

ADMISSION COMMISSION appointed by _____________________________________

Name of the body that appointed the commission

decision (order, resolution, etc.) dated “____” _____________ 200 __


1. The contractor presented the commission for acceptance __________________________

Name of the object and type of construction

located at ____________________________________________________

2. Construction was carried out in accordance with the building permit issued


name of the authority that issued the permit

3. __________________________________________ took part in the construction

Names of subcontractors, their details,


types of work performed by each of them

4. Design and estimate documentation for construction was developed by the general designer


name of the organization and its details

completed ______________________________________________________________

Name of parts or sections

And subcontractors ______________________________

Documentation name of the organization,


their details


completed parts and sections of documentation


the list of organizations can be indicated in the appendix

5. Initial data for design were issued by ________________________________

Name of scientific research,


survey and other organizations, their details.


The list of organizations may be indicated in the application.

6. Design and estimate documentation approved by _________________________________

Name of the body that approved (re-approved)


design and estimate documentation to the facility (queue, launch complex)

"___" ______________ 200 __, No. _____

7. Construction and installation work was carried out within the following terms:

Beginning of work _____________________________

Month year

Completion of work _______________________________

Month year

8. Option A. (for all objects except residential buildings)

Presented by the contractor for acceptance _________________________________

Object name

has the following main indicators of power, productivity, production area, length, capacity, volume, throughput, carrying capacity, number of jobs, etc.

Indicator (power, productivity, etc.)


According to the project


general, taking into account previously adopted

including the launch complex or queue

Option B. (for residential buildings)

A residential building presented for acceptance has the following indicators:



According to the project


Total (built-up area)

m 2

Number of floors


Total construction volume

m 3

Including the underground part

m 3

Area of ​​built-in, built-in and attached premises

m 2

Total apartments


Total area

m 2

Living space

m 2




Total area

m 2

Living space

m 2



Total area

m 2

Living space

m 2



Total area

m 2

Living space

m 2

four or more rooms


Total area

m 2

Living space

m 2

9. The equipment provided for by the project has been installed at the facility in the quantity in accordance with the acts on its acceptance after individual testing and comprehensive testing (the list of these acts is given in the appendix).

10. External external communications of cold and hot water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, energy supply and communications ensure normal operation of the facility and are accepted by users - city operating organizations (a list of certificates from users of city operating organizations is given in the appendix).

11. Work on landscaping, installation of the top covering of access roads to the building, sidewalks, utility, playgrounds and sports grounds, as well as finishing elements of building facades must be completed (if the deadline for the work is postponed):

12. Cost of the facility according to the approved design and estimate documentation

Total _____________________________________________________ rub. cop.


cost of construction and installation work _________________________ rub. cop.

cost of equipment, tools and inventory _________________ rub. cop.

13. Cost of accepted fixed assets __________________________ rub. cop.


cost of construction and installation work ______________________________ rub. cop.

cost of equipment, tools and inventory ______________________ rub. cop.

14. Inalienable integral part of this act is the documentation, the list of which is given in Appendix _________________ (in accordance with Appendix 3 of the RF ZSNiP).

15. Additional conditions _________________________________________________

The item is filled in when the acceptance is combined with the commissioning of the facility, turnkey acceptance, partial commissioning or acceptance, in the case of combining the functions of the customer and the performer of the work


Submitted for acceptance ___________________________________________________

Object name

executed in accordance with the project, meets sanitary-epidemiological, environmental, fire safety, building regulations and rules and state standards and put into effect

Chairman of the Commission ____________ ____________ _______________________

Members of the commission-representatives of the customer (developer):

general contractor ____________ ____________ _______________________

Position signature signature transcript

government agencies


Position signature signature transcript

environmental authorities

supervision ____________ ____________ _______________________

Position signature signature transcript

government agencies

fire supervision ____________ ____________ _______________________

Position signature signature transcript

government agencies

architectural and construction

supervision ____________ ____________ _______________________

Position signature signature transcript

general designer

other interested bodies

and organizations ____________ ____________ _______________________

Position signature signature transcript

KS-14is issued upon acceptance and commissioning of a completed construction facility. On the basis of this act, enrollment is made construction projects included in fixed assets.

Where is the KS-14 act used?

Form KS-14 is drawn up for real estate objects constructed and put into operation:

  • residential and non-residential of all forms of ownership (including state);
  • built under the program for issuing preferential loans.

The form of the act KS-14 is the basis for the final payment by the customer for the contract work performed by the contractor.

You may also find the document useful for conducting a subsequent inventory of commissioned facilities. It can be found.

Conditions for drawing up the form

The completed object is accepted by the representative acceptance committee and by the customer after they have examined and verified it. Also, before acceptance, all documents submitted by the contractor are examined, which must confirm that the property constructed by him corresponds not only to the approved project, but also to accepted norms and standards, and also that all conclusions of supervisory authorities were taken into account in the work.

Based on KS-14, the contractor prepares statistical reports, which are submitted in the prescribed manner. In this case, the corresponding property is shown in the report that is submitted during the period of its actual commissioning. To register the fact of commissioning, the user of real estate or the customer of contract work must contact the executive authorities at the location of the facility.

How the act is drawn up

Form KS-14 is filled out by the contractor in such a number of copies that there are enough copies for all parties to the transaction: the customer, the investor, the contractor, and representatives of the acceptance committee. In this case, the composition of this commission is agreed upon by the customer of the contract work or the investor.

If you study the sample KS-14 (it can be seen below), it will become clear that the form fits real prices for works that took place in the current year.

Relevant documents must be attached to the KS-14. Their list is given in the Temporary Regulations, which are not currently in force, recommended by the letter of Rosgosstroy dated 07/09/1993 No. BE-19/11-13. After the cancellation of this provision (letter of Rosgosstroy dated October 31, 2001 No. SK-5969/9), the list necessary documents, which are attached to KS-14, are approved by the parties in the contract agreement based on the norms current legislation and building codes.

Where to find KS-14 sample filling for 2017-2018

Despite the fact that the KS-14 form is mentioned in the album of unified forms, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee dated November 11, 1999 No. 100, the document form itself was approved by another resolution of this department - dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a.

You can download the current KS-14 form on our website.

Since 2013, it is not necessary to use forms approved by the State Statistics Committee. Now you can develop your own form, but many experts recommend maintaining the format of a unified document.

WITH full list standardized forms of documents can be found in our article “Unified forms of primary documents (list)”

In order not to get confused with what information should be entered in the appropriate column, we recommend that you study the sample filling out KS-14. It can also be downloaded from our website.

Document Section: Sample documents, Act

Approximate form


Moscow "___" _________ 200__

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (name of object, address, district, administrative District Moscow city)

The acceptance committee appointed by order of the prefect ___________________ administrative district city ​​of Moscow ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ dated "____"_______________ 200__ N ________________ consisting of: chairman of the commission (representative of the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow) ___________________________________________________________________________ members of the commission and representatives: tenant (customer) _________________________________________________________ contractor (work performer) __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ designer (if any) _____________________________________________ Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections ___________________________________________________________________________ District Administration ____________________________________________________________ Operating Organization _____________________________________________ Moskomarkhitektura ____________________________________________________________ Representatives of interested bodies and organizations: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (Full name, position)


1. The lessee (customer) _______________________________________________ submitted for acceptance into operation _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (name of the object and type of work) at the address: ________________________________________________________________ 2. The work was carried out on the basis of: 2.1. Town planning conclusion prepared by ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.2. Permits for the placement of the facility (arrangement, installation, construction, reconstruction), issued by ____________________________________ 3. The work was carried out in accordance with: 3.1. OATI order to carry out work ______________________________ 3.2. Design and technical documentation for architectural, structural, design solutions _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________, approved by ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. The work was performed by the contractor (manufacturer) of the work ________________ _______________________________________________________________ in full. 5. The conclusion of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Development (GUP "GlavAPU") on the actual compliance with architectural and artistic requirements (on the implementation of design solutions) was presented. 6. Certificates for completed installation work have been presented (if available). 7. At the site, work was carried out to install the equipment provided for by the project, it was tested and comprehensively tested, which ensures _______________________________________________ sq. m; b) object height __________________________________________________ m; c) number of sections (if any) ______________________________ units;

d) the material from which the object is made, ____________________________;

e) additional indicators __________________________________________ 9. Requirements for improvement (if any) of the adjacent territory have been met to the extent of ____________________________________________________________ 10. Proposals of the acceptance committee ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. The acceptance committee has been presented with the documentation in full and is an attachment to this act.

12. This form of act is intended to formalize the acceptance into operation of a non-capital facility in the city of Moscow, its operation on a short-term lease basis

land plot

and excludes the registration of rights to the object as a real estate property.


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Now the pace of construction is constantly increasing, and this is not surprising, given that the planet’s population is increasing every year. This area of ​​business is attracting more and more entrepreneurs and firms. However, it is impossible to simply erect buildings on unpurchased land.

In most cases, many building regulations must be followed and various activities must be coordinated. Permits, certificates, and inspections are required to perform certain actions. And, of course, one of the main points in such activities is design documentation. Documents and various acts indicate and regulate the relationship between the contractor and the company, and then between the company and the state.

Project documentation is a whole complex of architectural, functional-technological, engineering, constructive, documented solutions for construction and major renovation. Almost no building can be built without such a package of papers. And not the last places here are occupied by KS-11 and KS-14 - special acts. Many people confuse these papers, because their interpretation is really similar. However, they are different, and very much so. And every company and employees should know about all these points in advance, so as not to suffer later during audits and inspections. But before moving on to the acts of acceptance of construction projects, you need to understand some points related to previous events and the construction itself.

Important points and types of construction projects

Not all buildings need to be issued KS-11 and 14. The list of objects is given in many laws. This includes the following buildings and systems:

  1. Objects industrial purposes(productions, factories, technical buildings, including those used for defensive purposes).
  2. Objects of involuntary purpose (buildings housing stock, socio-cultural and communal buildings).
  3. Linear structures (roads, pipelines).

When constructing such facilities, forms KS-11 and 14 are needed. Design documentation for such buildings can only be created and prepared by an individual entrepreneur, legal entities and companies that have special permissions to carry out and witness such work. Permitting documents are issued by the SRO authority.

Reception and delivery of completed work

Upon completion of construction, the developer provides the company with a work completion certificate - KS-11. You may also need form number 14. These are two different documents; their differences will be discussed later. The completion of construction is confirmed by the transfer of a package of documents from the contractor to the customer.

Under contract construction contract the contractor assumes the responsibility to construct the building or carry out repairs within the specified time frame. The customer takes on the burden of creating necessary conditions for this purpose, and then pays for the work. Also, according to the Civil Code, as soon as the contractor reports the completion of work, the company must accept it as quickly as possible, without delay. The results are accepted either at the very end of the work, or in stages - this is fixed in the contract.

The results of the work and its acceptance end with the signing of the acceptance certificate KS-11. There are also situations when one of the parties refuses to sign. This is noted directly in the document, and only one party signs it. In such a situation, a trial is then held. If the reasons were serious, then the act is declared invalid. But if both sides signed COP-11, then it will be very difficult to prove that they are right.

In general, most often the customer refuses to sign if he sees that the object does not meet technical or other standards. Expert advice says that it is more difficult to accept the stages of work than overall result. After all, if at some point you give the green light for further actions, then the entire construction may go wrong, and it is the customer who will be responsible for the failure of the building and the death of people.

Differences between KS-11 and KS-14

To an inexperienced person, it may seem that these documents are extremely similar to each other and can be confused. However, certificates in forms 11 and 14 are not the same thing. They differ in the following important components:

  • filling;
  • content;
  • form.

So, when preparing the KS-14, the receiving party is always the acceptance committee, and this does not exclude the possibility that in general there may be several parties to the document. In KS-11 there are often only two persons - the contractor and the customer, and they also put their signatures.

If you fill out KS-14, then you should indicate how all communications function and operate; the construction project here must meet not only the estimate and design, but also all standards related to safety and operation. Act number 11 is pure evidence that the building meets all the points specified in the order. Here the timing, area, presence of floors and floors, and so on can be checked. It is worth noting that such a document contains general final information on the object.

Other important differences that should not be forgotten

Act number 11 is signed at the end of the work by the customer and the contractor. But KS-14 is a mandatory certificate, it is the main document that allows a building to be put into operation and confirms that it will not collapse and will not be dangerous to humans. It is issued by the competent authorities. Also, when preparing and confirming this certificate, the inclusion of the building in the housing and fixed assets is evidenced.

For the accounting department of a company, usually only act number 11 is sufficient. But if an acceptance committee is created next or registration is required government agencies, then it is important to immediately draw up the second document.

Practice shows that not all companies are engaged in registration of KS-14; they do this if necessary. But KS-11 is almost always filled out, because this paper regulates the relationship between the customer and the contractor. This certificate indicates both the deadlines for delivery and the cost of all services. A list and disclosure of the work carried out at the facility is provided, and its address is indicated.

After the final completion of the construction of the building (residential or industrial, production), an acceptance certificate for the object is drawn up and signed. In most cases, a single document form is used. Ready example, a blank form of the act, the rules for filling it out can be found in the article.

The type and purpose of the building do not matter - residential buildings, office centers, industrial premises and others immovable objects. In a legal sense, signing the act means that the receiving party has no claims against the developer.

Thus, the document performs 4 functions:

  1. Confirms the fact of acceptance of the object.
  2. Serves as the main evidence that the receiving party has no complaints about the quality of the developer’s work.
  3. Serves as the basis for further inclusion of the finished object in fixed assets.
  4. Reflects information about the cost of the object, which was initially provided for in the project (in the estimate), as well as actual cost(accepted fixed assets).

Form KS-14 is compiled in several original copies that have the same legal force. The number of copies depends on the number of interested parties:

  1. Customer of the work.
  2. Investor.
  3. Contractor (developer).
  4. Representative of the commission for acceptance of the object.

Thus, the act not only reflects the very fact of acceptance of the object, but also serves as a legal basis for the final transfer of funds from the customer (and other interested parties) in favor of the contractor ( construction company) for all construction work carried out.

The need to sign the act is indicated in Civil Code(Article 753). It is the signing of the document that gives rise to the fact that the customer is obligated to make all payments in favor of the developer.

Form and sample 2018

Each organization can use not only a single form of act, but also samples that have been developed independently. However, in any case, they must reflect all the essential details:

  • number, date and title of the document;
  • contractor's name;
  • full address of the constructed facility;
  • receiving party: name, data for each member of the commission;
  • characteristics of the object (for more details, see below);
  • the cost of all work;
  • fact of acceptance of the building (signatures, transcripts of signatures, date).

A blank form and a finished sample are given below.

Instructions for filling

Although a construction company may use its own form, the use approved form KS-14 is in most cases more convenient. When filling out, you must take into account several rules described below.

Page 1 (title)

On title page write down basic information about the object, the construction company (contractor) and information about the timing of the work:

  1. Visa “I approve” general director, date of approval, signature of the director and transcript of the signature.
  2. Act number (numbering is arbitrary, the order is determined by the company).
  3. Codes for OKUD and OKPO.
  4. Name of the construction company - as in constituent documents. An abbreviated version is allowed, for example, Technoservice-Stroy LLC.
  5. Date of preparation.
  6. Codes for the type of operation, site, object and developer.
  7. Full name of the facility address indicating settlement, region, street and house number (as indicated in the passport).
  8. The name of the organization that appointed the selection committee, the date of the corresponding order.
  9. Name of the authority that authorized the holding construction work– most often this is the department of architecture and urban planning under the local Administration.
  10. Who took part in the construction work?
  11. Who developed the design and estimate documentation and who approved it.
  12. Start and end dates of construction and installation work (indicate month and year).

Page 2

The second page provides information about the indicators of the object. The information is presented in the table. You should fill in exactly the one that corresponds to the object:

  1. Option A – these are all objects except residential buildings (industrial complexes, commercial real estate, warehouses, etc.). For them, information is entered for each indicator (productivity, power, and others). Indicate the unit of measurement of the indicator and the value (based on the project and actual).
  2. Option B is residential buildings (including those with commercial premises on the 1st and other floors). Here is the data for all apartments, floors and area:
  • the total area of ​​all residential premises;
  • the total number of floors in the building;
  • total construction volume (the volume of the underground part is separately distinguished);
  • the total area of ​​all built-in and attached premises (if any);
  • total number of apartments (in units);
  • general and living space all apartments (regardless of the number of rooms);
  • data on one-, two-, three-, four-room apartments (and more): areas for each category.

Page 3

The third page provides the following information:

  1. A note that all the necessary equipment that was initially provided for by the project was installed at the constructed facility. Each of these objects (for example, electrical substations) is accepted under separate acts. A list of the names and dates of all these acts is included in the appendix to form KS-14.
  2. A note that all external communications are completed in full and ensure normal supply to the facility:
  • cold water;
  • hot water;
  • sewerage;
  • warmth;
  • gas;
  • electricity.

All user references are also listed in a list that is transferred to another application.

  1. A note on the completion of landscaping, landscaping, and completion of all roads (asphalt pavement, fencing, markings, etc.). The report on these works is given in tabular form:
  • name of the work (for example, “paving slabs”);
  • unit of measurement of work;
  • total volume completed;
  • completion date (month and year).
  1. The final part provides total cost facility, which was initially approved for the project. Provided Exact sum in the form of numbers (up to kopecks). It describes in detail which part relates to construction and installation work, and which represents the costs of purchasing tools, construction equipment and other equipment.
  2. Next, indicate the cost of fixed assets that the commission accepts. This amount must match the cost of the building according to the project.
  3. Point o additional conditions is prescribed in cases where acceptance coincides with the simultaneous commissioning of a constructed building.

Finally, the act must be signed by all members of the acceptance committee, as well as representatives of regulatory government bodies:

  1. Chairman of the commission.
  2. Representatives of environmental control authorities.
  3. Representatives of authorities monitoring the sanitary and epidemiological situation.
  4. Fire supervision.
  5. Architectural supervision.
  6. The general designer should also sign.

Form KS-11 and KS-14

These 2 acceptance certificates are similar in purpose and form. They have several common properties:

  1. Serve as documentary evidence of acceptance of the object.
  2. They are the basis for recognizing the absence of claims by the receiving party against the contractor.
  3. They contain information about the cost of the object, which is the basis for the transfer of funds in favor of the contractor (developer) from the customer.

However, there are also differences between them.