Which line shows gross profit on the balance sheet? How to fill out an income statement Income statement 2100.

Report on financial results, an example of which can be found on the portals of information and legal systems, is a mandatory part of the annual accounting reports submitted by firms and individual entrepreneurs operating in the Russian Federation to fiscal structures. It must be submitted no later than three months from the end of the calendar year. The form contains information about the taxpayer’s income and expenses, economic results its activities over the past 12 months.

The form approved by the Ministry of Finance contains information for two years: the previous one (for which the document is prepared) and the year before (retrospective data from the last submitted FPR is transferred).

To obtain information for the period before last, you need to open a report compiled for the previous reporting date and copy the data from it line by line.

To fill out the latest information, the accountant will need to refer to the data accounting, namely:

  • SALT according to account 90, 91, 99;
  • completed income tax return for the year;
  • other information analytical accounting for the past 12 months, available in the enterprise’s accounting program.

If the form is being prepared by an accountant for the first time, he should be guided by an example of filling out a statement of financial results, which can be found in the public domain.

If the accountant does not have the data to fill in certain lines, they are crossed out.

Important! The FPR is mandatory for preparation by all business entities, regardless of the volume and scope of activity. Small businesses have the right to fill out a document using a simplified form.

Line 2110 of the income statement: contents

The indicated line of the form reflects the revenue of the company or individual entrepreneur for two periods: last year and the year before last. Current legislature classifies the following categories into this concept:

  • income from the sale of products self-made and purchased products;
  • funds received from the performance of work, provision of services within the framework of the company’s main activities;
  • rent if the company specializes in renting out real estate;
  • license fees (if the main direction of the company is providing third parties with rights of use);
  • other income from the main area of ​​work.

Filling out a statement of financial results line by line involves preliminary calculation of indicators in compliance with established accounting rules. For revenue, they are prescribed in PBU9/99 (Article 12). Failure to meet any of the criteria means that the accountant does not have the right to classify specific receipts as income.

To calculate revenue, the contract price adjusted to the amount of all discounts provided to the client is taken as the basis. The finished figure is “cleared” of VAT.

Line 2110 of the income statement is equal to the difference between:

  • turnover on the loan account. 90 (sub-account “Revenue”);
  • the amount of VAT and excise taxes “wired” into income (collected in the debit of account 90 in the corresponding sub-accounts).

For different types of revenues amounting to 5% or more in its total structure, the accountant enters separate lines in the financial statement. For example, it can crush general indicator on income from the sale of finished products, purchased goods, provision of agency services etc.

Line 2120 of the income statement

Using the indicated line, the company or individual entrepreneur reflects the cost, i.e. the amount of expenses for core activities included in the final price of manufactured products, services provided, etc.

The cost includes expenses for the purchase of goods for resale, for the production of own products, performance of work, preparation of real estate for rental, if this area is recognized as the main one for the business entity, etc.

To fill out this line of the financial results statement, it is accepted as a rule that expenses are determined based on the price of the contract with the supplier (contractor), reduced by the totality of the discounts provided.

According to PBU 10/99, expenses are recognized according to the following rules:

  • They are taken into account in connection with the receipt of income.
  • If expenses determine the receipts of several periods, the accountant needs to reasonably break them down.
  • For companies maintaining simplified accounting, the date of debt repayment is recognized as the moment of recognition of expenses.

Line 2120 of the financial results report is equal to the amount of turnover in the debit of the account. 90 in correspondence with cost accounts (20, 23, 29, 41, etc.). The accountant does not need to take into account the amounts corresponding to the account. 16 and 44. Other lines of the form are provided for them.

Cost of production in various areas of core business, amounting to more than 5% of general meaning, are divided into separate lines of the OFR. For example, an accountant highlights the value for the production of products, the provision of intermediary services, the preparation of offices for renting, etc.

Line 2100 of the income statement

The line is intended to reflect gross profit, i.e. the financial result of the activities of a business entity formed before taxation and calculated without subtracting administrative and commercial expenses (accounts 26 and 44).

To find the desired value, you must use the formula: subtract from total income cost price: 2110 – 2120.

If the calculations give a negative result (the company suffered losses in the past year), it is shown in parentheses.

Line 2210 of the income statement

This line is intended to reflect business expenses incurred by the business entity over the past 12 months. The latter include:

  • commissions paid to intermediary companies in the distribution chain;
  • expenses associated with packaging products for sale;
  • costs of delivering goods to retail outlets;
  • remuneration of sellers “on the spot”;
  • funds aimed at carrying out marketing campaigns;
  • expenses associated with negotiations regarding the sale of goods, etc.

To determine the number to indicate in the OFR, you need to look at the amount of debit turnover on the account. 90 in correspondence with account. 44. The resulting value is written in parentheses.

Line 2220 of the income statement

Designed to reflect management expenses that are collected on the account. 26. These include:

  • remuneration of managers and other personnel not directly related to the production process;
  • consulting costs;
  • office rental;
  • depreciation of office space;
  • acquisition of information, legal services etc.

The listed types of expenses have general characteristics– they are related to the management of the company and are required for its normal functioning as a business entity.

To determine the number to be indicated in the ODF, you need to build a “turnover” according to the account. 90 in correspondence with account. 26. The amount collected in the debit will turn out to be the desired value. It must be registered in reporting form in parentheses.

Line 2200 of the income statement

This line is intended to reflect income (financial losses) from sales. To find the desired value, you need to subtract two indicators from the gross profit (its calculation is discussed above):

  • value according to page 2210;
  • total on page 2220.

There are two possible results. A positive indicator demonstrates that the company's sales in the past year were profitable. Negative indicates the presence of losses; it is indicated in brackets.

What is indicated in line 2310?

Instructions for filling out a statement of financial results state that this line is intended to reflect income from participation in other commercial entities. Such income includes:

  • dividend payments in favor of company participants;
  • receipts of property or cash after the closure of business structures, the capital of which (in whole or in part) belonged to the company.

Current guidance stipulates that dividends should be accounted for minus personal income tax, which was sent to the budget by the company that paid the income.

Important! If participation in the capital of other legal entities is the main direction of the company’s work, income from it is reflected on line 2110, and in 2310 a dash is added.

To find the amount to indicate in the line, you need to take the amount collected in the debit of the account. 91 for a subaccount intended to reflect income from contributions to the authorized capital of other legal entities.

Line 2320 of the income statement

This line is intended to reflect the amount of interest received. The current PBUs in this category include:

Important! When reflecting %% in accounting, the accountant should focus on the terms of the agreement with the counterparty.

The amount of interest received for the past period is collected in the credit account. 91 on a subaccount intended for their analytical accounting.

Line 2330 of the income statement

This is the line where the interest paid by the business entity during the year is indicated. It shows:

  • %% on loans taken out (both short-term and long-term);
  • discount on debt securities.

The desired value can be seen in the debit of the 91st account, in the subaccount intended to reflect paid %%. The number is indicated in the OFR in parentheses.

Line 2340 of the income statement

These are other income of the business entity. This category is formed from the following elements:

  • proceeds from the rental of premises;
  • receipts for the provision of licenses;
  • income from the sale of fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • fines and penalties received from counterparties;
  • positive exchange rate differences;
  • income from previous periods reflected in accounting for the past year, etc.

The required value is the “balance” of the account loan. 91, not included in the previous categories and reduced by the amount of VAT and excise taxes paid.

Line 2350 of the income statement

These are other expenses of the organization not mentioned in the previous categories. These include:

  • expenses caused by disposal of fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • expenses for preparing space for renting out;
  • expenses associated with organizing the issuance of licenses;
  • negative exchange rate differences, etc.

This is the previously “not covered” debit turnover on the 90th account, reduced by the amounts of VAT and excise taxes included in it.

Line 2300 of the income statement

This line reflects the financial result of the company's activities before taxes. The formula involves summing the values ​​of the following lines:

  • 2200th;
  • 2310th;
  • 2320th;
  • 2340th.

Indicators on two lines are subtracted from the total:

  • 2330;
  • 2350.

If the result is positive, the company has made a profit. A negative result demonstrates the size of the loss; it is shown in brackets.

Page 2410 income statement

This line is the income tax accrued for the year. The number to be indicated in the OFR must be taken from the finished tax return, compiled based on the results of 12 months.

If the company is on a preferential tax system, it puts a dash in the line and shows the amount of the accrued “special” tax on page 2460.

Page 2400 income statement

This is the logical result of drawing up a report - indicating the amount of net profit (loss) received by the company for the period. To get the required number, the accountant needs:

  • reduce line 2300 by the amount of accrued income tax
  • then add positive values ​​pp. 2430-2460 or subtract negative ones.

If the result is positive, the company made a profit, if negative, the operation in the past period brought losses. This value is indicated in parentheses.

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Balance sheet profit is a value that shows how successfully a company has operated. If the result in the calculation formula is a positive number, then the organization has a profit. If the value is negative, there is a loss.

Balance sheet profit is a key reporting indicator

Balance sheet profit is the amount of profit an enterprise received during the period of operation from its main and non-core activities. The indicator is reflected in the balance sheet.

The concept of “balance sheet profit of an enterprise” contains the results of production, activity of an enterprise, a company for a period. This is the main one financial indicator, which shows the profit or loss received by the organization.

Balance sheet profit in reporting (form 2)

There are several types of profit on the income statement.

The following indicators exist:

  • gross profit;
  • profit (loss) from sales;
  • profit (loss) before tax;
  • Net income (loss).

As you can see, the concept of balance sheet profit is absent in the reporting (Form 2). The fact is that the balance sheet profit of an enterprise is a value that is considered a cumulative total from the beginning of the year. But in annual reporting he's not there. The reason is the entries that the accountant makes at the end of the year and which reset certain accounting accounts. Therefore, we can say that the balance sheet profit of an enterprise is reflected in the reporting for the quarter, half a year and 9 months.

Formula for calculating gross profit:

Gross profit (line 2100) = Revenue (line 2110) - Cost (line 2120)

Line 2110 is a line in Form 2, which indicates revenue from the sale of products, goods, works, services. It is taken without value added tax and excise taxes.

Line 2120 shows the cost. That is, it includes expenses for ordinary activities.

To determine profit or loss from sales, do the calculation using the formula:

Profit (loss) from sales (line 2200) = Gross profit (line 2100) - Business expenses(line 2210) - Management expenses (line 2220)

Balance line 2210 is the sum of costs from ordinary activities organizations. That is, this element of the formula is associated with the sale of goods, works, and services.

Line 2220 is all the costs that the company had and that are associated with managing the organization.

The calculation for profit before tax is as follows:

Profit (loss) before tax (line 2300) = profit (loss) from sales (line 2200) + Income from participation in other organizations (line 2310) + Interest receivable (line 2320) - Interest payable (line 2330) + Other income (line 2340) - Other expenses (line 2350)

To do this calculation, you must first complete lines 2310-2350 on your balance sheet income statement. Then we add the income to the figure of 2200, which was calculated earlier. Then we take into account expenses and get profit or loss. We look at the results in line 2300.

The formula for calculating book profit is next view:

Balance sheet profit = line 2110 - line 2120 - line 2210 - line 2220 + line 2310 + line 2320 - line 2330 + line 2340 - line 2350

In annual reporting, balance sheet profit can be calculated as the sum of retained earnings from line 1370 and income taxes that the company must pay for the year.

Balance sheet profit in accounting

Balance sheet profit in accounting can be obtained using accounting accounts. Profit or loss from the activities of an organization is obtained as a result of the accumulation of a certain amount during the year on the balance sheet account 99 “Profit and Loss”. These values ​​are also reflected in accounts 91 “Other income and expenses” and 90 “Sales”.

It turns out that the balance sheet profit or loss consists of the turnover of account 99 in correspondence with accounts 90 and 91.

When calculating book profit, do not take into account the amount of income tax payable (the current tax is line 2410 in Form 2). Taxes are reflected in account 68. Also do not take into account the final closure of account 84, which turns the accumulated profit or loss current year in profit or loss of previous years.

How to calculate book profit: calculation formula

BP = Dod+ PD-Rod-PR

Basic elements of calculation:

  • income from main activities (DoD);
  • other income (PD);
  • expenses from core activities (Gender);
  • other expenses (PR).

If the calculation results result in a positive value, then the company made a profit for the period under review. A negative value indicates a loss.

If we subtract income tax (IP) from the resulting result, we obtain net profit (NP):


Income includes:

However, the following is removed from income:

  • amounts of taxes, such as VAT, excise taxes;
  • sales tax and other taxes that apply to revenue;
  • amounts that debtors transferred to you to repay loans and credits;
  • prepayment amounts, advances;
  • deposits and pledges;
  • amounts collected under intermediary agreements to other individuals and companies.

Costs include:

  • expenses for ordinary activities;
  • operating expenses;
  • non-operating costs.

Expenses do not include:

  • acquisition and creation of fixed assets;
  • acquisition intangible assets and others non-current assets;
  • contributions to the capital of other organizations;
  • purchase of shares and other securities that are not intended to be resold in current operations;
  • translations Money under intermediary agreements;
  • repayment of loans and borrowings;
  • advance payment, advances issued, deposits towards payment.

The basis for constructing a profit and loss statement in Russia is the classification of income and expenses, established

Table 4.4. The procedure for filling out liability items balance sheet

Balance line

Balance line code

Authorized capital

Account balance 80

Own shares purchased from shareholders

Account balance 81 is shown in parentheses

Revaluation of non-current assets

Account balance 83 subaccount "Revaluation of non-current assets"

Additional capital (without revaluation)

Account balance 83 (without subaccount "Revaluation of non-current assets")

Reserve capital

Account balance 82

retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Account balance 84, 99 (collapsed)

Total for Section III

Sum of lines 1310, 1340, 1350, 1360 and 1370 minus line 1320

Borrowed funds

The balance of account 67, which reflects the debt on long-term loans and loans, as well as the amount of interest on them

Deferred tax liabilities

Account balance 77

Estimated liabilities

Account balance 96 parts of the balance of the unused reserve created for more than 12 months

Other obligations

Long-term liabilities that were not reflected in other lines of Section IV "Long-term liabilities"

Total for Section IV

Sum of lines 1410, 1420, 1430 and 1450

Borrowed funds

The balance of the subaccounts of account 66, which reflects debts on short-term loans and borrowings, as well as the amount of interest on them

Accounts payable

The sum of the balances of subaccounts of accounts 76 and 60, which reflect the debt to suppliers and contractors Credit balances of accounts 68, 69.70 Credit balance of subaccounts "Calculations"

on claims and "Settlements for property and personal insurance"accounts 76 and credit balance account 71 Credit balances of the subaccount "Settlements for the payment of income" of account 75 and the subaccount "Settlements with employees for the payment of income on shares and shares" of account 70

revenue of the future periods

Balance on accounts 98 and 86 (for commercial organizations)

Estimated liabilities

Balance of account 96 in terms of created reserves for a period of not more than 12 months

Other obligations

Short-term liabilities that cannot be classified as other items in the “Short-term liabilities” section

Total for Section V

Sum of lines 1510, 1520, 1530, 1540 and 1550

Sum of lines 1300, 1400 and 1500

naya PBU 9/99 “Income of the organization” and PBU 10/99 “Expenses of the organization”.

Income is an increase economic benefits and/or repayment of liabilities resulting in an increase in capital. Expenses are recognized as a decrease in economic benefits and (or) repayment of obligations, leading to a decrease in capital. The following receipts (payments) are not recognized as income (expenses):

  • - amounts of value added tax, excise taxes, export duties and other similar payments;
  • - under commission agreements, mandates and other agency agreements;
  • - advance payment for products (work, services);
  • - as collateral, if under contract mortgaged property transferred to the pledgee;
  • - to repay loans and borrowings provided to the borrower;
  • - as a contribution to the authorized capital.

For accounting and reporting purposes, income and expenses are divided into ordinary and other. The organization makes this distinction independently based on the nature of its activities, the input of income and expenses and the conditions for their receipt.

Ordinary activities, as a rule, include the type of activity specified in the charter and (or) constituent documents. During registration legal entity The territorial statistics authorities assign a species code economic activity(OKVED). In addition, ordinary activities may include income that is significant in total amount income and are of a regular nature. Expenses in the income statement are recognized taking into account the relationship between expenses incurred and revenues (the principle of matching income and expenses).

Lines 2110-2220 provide information on income and expenses from ordinary activities, which discloses the indicators of revenue from the sale of products (works, services) and the total cost, formed by the cumulative total for the year on account 90 “Sales”.

Revenue (line 2110) - the amount recorded on the credit of account 90 “Sales” in correspondence with account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”. The amounts of VAT, excise taxes, export duties and other similar payments are excluded from the total revenue.

In accordance with clause 12 of PBU 9/99 “Income of organizations”, revenue is recognized in accounting when the following conditions are met:

  • a) the organization has the right to receive this revenue arising from a specific agreement or confirmed in another appropriate manner;
  • b) the amount of revenue can be determined;
  • c) there is confidence that as a result of a specific transaction there will be an increase in the economic benefits of the organization (when the asset is received or there is no uncertainty regarding the receipt of the asset);
  • d) the right of ownership (possession, use and disposal) of the goods has passed from the organization to the buyer, the work has been accepted by the customer, the service has been provided (a certificate of completion has been signed);
  • e) the expenses that have been incurred or will be incurred in connection with this operation can be determined.

If in relation to cash and other assets received by the organization in payment, at least one of the above conditions is not fulfilled, then it is recognized in accounting accounts payable(advances received), not revenue.

To recognize in accounting revenue from the provision for a fee for temporary use of one's assets, rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property and from participation in the authorized capital of other organizations, the conditions defined in the above paragraphs must be simultaneously met. "a", "b" and "c".

An organization may recognize in accounting revenue from the performance of work, the provision of services, the sale of products with a long production cycle as soon as the work, service, product is ready (using account 46 “Completed stages of work in progress”) or upon completion of all work, services, production products in general. The option for revenue recognition arises from the contract with the customer and must be specified in accounting policy. In relation to work that is different in nature and conditions of performance, an organization can apply reporting period different ways revenue recognition.

Revenue is accepted for accounting in an amount calculated in monetary terms equal to the amount of receipt of cash and other property and (or) the amount accounts receivable. The amount of receipts and (or) receivables is determined on the basis of agreements concluded with the buyer. If the price for products, works, services is not determined by the contract, then to determine revenue, the price at which, in comparable circumstances, the organization determines revenue in relation to similar products, works, services is taken.

When selling products, works, services on the terms commercial loan provided in the form of deferment or installment payment, the proceeds are accepted for accounting in the full amount of receivables.

The amount of receipts and (or) receivables under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-monetary means is accepted for accounting at the cost of goods to be received by the organization. The cost of goods (valuables) received by the organization is established based on the price at which, in comparable circumstances, the organization usually determines the value of similar assets. If it is impossible to determine the cost of goods (valuables), revenue is determined at the cost of the transferred goods based on the price at which, in comparable circumstances, the organization usually determines revenue in relation to similar products.

In cases where the obligation under the contract changes, the initial amount of receipts and (or) receivables is adjusted based on the value of the asset to be received by the organization. The value of the asset to be received is determined based on the price at which, in comparable circumstances, the entity would normally determine the value of similar assets. The amount of receipts and (or) receivables is determined taking into account all discounts (allowances) provided by the organization in accordance with the agreement.

When forming in accordance with the accounting rules of the reserve for doubtful debts the amount of revenue does not change.

Some features of revenue recognition exist in trading organizations. Revenue from the sale of goods is turnover, i.e. cost of goods shipped (in wholesale) or released (in retail) to customers by sales prices excluding VAT and other similar fees and charges. Revenue from intermediary organizations (commission agents.

agent, etc.) the amount of commission is recognized.

The indicator “Revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services” is a general indicator. In case of carrying out several types of activities, organizations must disclose income separately for each type of activity if they are significant for the characteristics financial condition organizations. To do this, you can use free lines and place them below the considered indicator.

Cost of sales (line 2120) - the indicator reveals the amount of costs associated with the production of products, performance of work, provision of services, the proceeds from the sale of which are reflected in line 2110 of the profit and loss statement. For the purpose of generating financial results, the cost is determined on the basis of expenses for ordinary activities. The procedure for recognizing expenses is determined by PBU 10/99 “Expenses of organizations”.

Expenses for ordinary activities include the following elements which may be disclosed in a separate table in the Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement:

  • - material costs;
  • - labor costs;
  • - contributions for social needs;
  • - depreciation;
  • - other costs.

The amount of expenses is determined based on prices and terms of supply contracts material assets, employment contracts, etc. Cost includes the share of expenses recognized both in the reporting period and in previous periods, and carryover expenses related to the receipt of income in subsequent reporting periods, taking into account adjustments depending on the specifics of production, performance of work, provision of services and their sale.

Actual cost products sold reflected in accounting by the entry: D-t accounts 90 "Sales" - Invoice set 43 " Finished products". If accounting policy provided for the use of account 40 "Product Output", then this line reflects the value of the standard cost of shipped products reflected record D-t account 90 “Sales” - Inventory of account 43 “Finished products”, as well as the amount of deviations of the actual cost from the standard cost for products released from production, written off wiring D-t account 90 “Sales” - Account number 40 “Product output” with an additional or reversal entry.

Trade organizations under this article indicate the purchase price goods sold(Account item 90 “Sales” - Account item 41 “Goods”). If goods were accounted for at sales prices (in organizations retail), then you should exclude (reverse) the share of the trade margin attributable to the goods sold (Account 90 Sales - Account 42 Trade Margin). If in the profit and loss statement the proceeds from the sale of products, work, services are disclosed by type of activity, then the cost indicator should show the expenses that provided these incomes, broken down by the specified types of activity.

Gross profit (loss) (line 2100) - the indicator is defined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (work, services) and the cost value.

Business expenses (line 2210) - the organization’s costs associated with the sale of products and recorded in account 44 “Sales expenses”. Selling expenses can be recognized in accounting in full in the year of their recognition or distributed between sold and unsold (shipped) products. The method of recognition of selling expenses must be specified in the accounting policy and disclosed in the explanatory note.

Trade organizations reflect under the item "Commercial expenses" the amount of distribution costs recorded on account 44

"Sale expenses." Distribution costs increase the cost of sales in full in the year of their recognition, with the exception of the item “Transportation costs” (if the amount transport costs in accordance with accounting policies is reflected in distribution costs, and not in the cost of goods). The item "Transportation costs" is divided into the cost of sold and unsold goods. The share of transportation costs related to the cost of goods sold is written off to the cost of sales (Account 90 “Sales” - Account 44 “Sales expenses”).

Administrative expenses (line 2220) - the indicator is used in organizations that, in accordance with accounting policies, form a reduced cost of products (works, services). In this case, management expenses are collected in account 26" General running costs" and are written off in full to the credit of account 90 "Sales".

If management expenses are attributed to the cost of production (D-t account 20 - K-t account 26), their value will be included in the indicator “Cost of products, works, services” on line 2120 of the profit and loss statement. Consequently, under the item “Administrative expenses” you can put a dash or not include it in the report.

Profit (loss) from sales (line 2200) - the final indicator between income and expenses for ordinary activities, which is determined by subtracting the amount of commercial and administrative expenses from the "Gross profit" indicator.

Line 2200 = line 2100 - line 2210 - line 2220.

The following lines of the income statement disclose information about other income and expenses.

Income from participation in other organizations (line 2310) - reflects the amount of dividends on shares, interest on contributions to the authorized capital of other organizations, including subsidiaries and dependent companies. The basis for recognition is the decision of the meeting of founders of organizations that distribute profits between participants. Most often, such events relate to events after the reporting date: D-t account 76 “Settlements with other debtors and creditors” D-t account 91 - “Other income and expenses”.

Interest receivable (line 2320) - the amount of interest that the organization must receive on bonds, deposits, government securities, loans provided, as well as for storing funds in bank accounts. The organization's income in the form of interest is reflected by the entry: D-t account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" - D-t account 91 Other income and expenses." Interest is accrued for each expired reporting period based on the terms of the agreement. At the same time, the conditions for recognizing interest in accounting conditions are similar to the conditions for recognizing revenue from sales of products.

Percentage to be paid (line 2330) - interest that an organization must pay on its own debt securities, loans and borrowings. Expenses in the form of interest are reflected by the entry: Account D-t 91 “Other income and expenses” - Account D-t 66 “Calculations for short-term loans and credits”, 67 “Calculations for long-term loans and credits”. Interest is accrued for each expired reporting period in accordance with the terms of the agreements.

Other income (line 2340) - the amount of expenses recognized as such in accordance with PBU 9/99 “Income of organizations” is disclosed:

  • - fines, penalties, penalties - to be received for violation of the terms of business contracts (D-t account 76 - D-t account 91);
  • - value of assets received free of charge, recognition state aid(Account kit 98 - Account kit 91);
  • - receipts related to compensation of losses to the organization (Account 76 - Account 91);
  • - profit of previous years identified in the reporting year ( D-t different accounts - Account set 91);
  • - amounts of accounts payable and depositors written off upon expiration limitation period(D-t of accounts 60, 76 K-t of account 91);
  • - positive exchange rate differences (account set 50, 52, 60, 62, 71, etc. account set 91);
  • - surpluses identified during inventory (account kit 01, 10, 41, etc. - account kit 91), etc.;
  • - income (revenue excluding VAT and other similar payments) from the sale of fixed assets, material assets, foreign currency and other property of the organization;
  • - payment for the use of fixed assets transferred under a current lease agreement (if this is not the main activity);
  • - license payments for the use of intellectual property (if this is not the main activity);
  • - profit received by the organization as a result of joint activities (under a simple partnership agreement);
  • - the amount of additional valuation of fixed assets (intangible assets) within the amount of depreciation of this fixed asset (intangible asset) in previous reporting periods, charged to other expenses;
  • - income that may arise as a result of emergency circumstances: amounts insurance compensation, the cost of material assets remaining from the write-off that are unsuitable for further restoration and further use of the organization’s assets, etc.

The accrual of income is reflected in the entries: D-t account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, 62 “Settlements with customers and customers” - D-t account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

other expenses (line 2350) - reflects the amount of expenses recognized by them in accordance with PBU 10/99 “Expenses of organizations”:

  • - fines, penalties, penalties - payable for violation of the terms of business contracts (D-t account 91 - Set of accounts 62, 76.60);
  • - compensation for losses to other organizations (D-t account 91 D-t account 76);
  • - losses of previous years identified in the reporting year (D-t account 91 - Set of different accounts);
  • - amounts of receivables written off after the expiration of the limitation period (D-t account 91 - Set of accounts 62, 76);
  • - negative exchange rate differences (D-t account 91 - Set of accounts 52, 60, 62, 71, etc.);
  • - shortages identified during the inventory, for which the perpetrators have not been identified (Account 91 - Invoice 94), etc.;
  • - expenses associated with the sale, disposal and other write-off of fixed assets, material assets, currency and other property of organizations (D-t account 91 - Set of accounts 01, 10, 57, etc.);
  • - expenses associated with the provision of fixed assets for temporary use (depreciation: D-t account 91 - D-t account 02; major renovation: D-t account 91 - Set of accounts 10, 70, 69, 60, etc.);
  • - expenses associated with the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other intellectual property (D-t account 91 - Set account 04, etc.);
  • - expenses associated with payment for services provided by credit organizations (Account 91 - Account 51);
  • - deductions to valuation reserves created in accordance with accounting rules (reserves for doubtful debts: D-t account 91 - K-t account 63; reserves for reduction in the value of material assets: D-t account 91 - K-t account 14; reserves under impairment financial investments: D-t of account 91 - K-t of account 59);
  • - loss received by organizations as a result of joint activities (Account 91 - Account 76);
  • - regional and local taxes(Account set 91 - Account set 68);
  • - the amount of depreciation of fixed assets (intangible assets) in excess of the amount of its revaluation credited to additional capital during revaluation in previous reporting periods;
  • - emergency expenses: losses resulting from emergency circumstances: natural disaster, fire, accident, etc.

These expenses are also taken into account in the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

Other expenses may not be shown in the income statement in relation to the corresponding income when:

  • - this is provided for or not prohibited by the relevant accounting rules;
  • - expenses and related income arising as a result of the fact economic activity, not essential for the characteristics financial situation organizations.

In the above cases, the income statement may show the balance of income and expenses.

Profit (loss) before tax (line 2300) - determined by calculation: “Profit (loss) from sales” plus other income minus other expenses:

Line 2300 = line 2200 + line 2310 + line 2320 -- line 2330 + line 2340 - line 2350.

Further generation of report indicators is carried out in compliance with the requirements established by PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations”.

Current income tax (line 2410) is the amount of income tax accrued for payment to the budget. Its value, calculated for the reporting period, is reflected in the income tax return. In accounting, the amount of income tax is formed taking into account the requirements of PBU 18/02 as follows:

±TNP = ±URNP(UDNP) + IONA - IONO + PNO - PNA, (4.1)

where TNP is the current income tax (tax calculated based on data tax accounting) or current tax loss;

URNP (UDNP) - conditional expense (+) for income tax (tax calculated according to accounting data: D-t of account 99 - K-t of account 68) or conditional income (-) for profit tax, reflected by the entry: Debit account 68 Credit account 99 (if according to accounting data there is a loss);

IONA - changes in deferred tax asset (the amount of income tax, which in the reporting period increases the amount of tax accrued to the budget (D-t account 09 - D-t account 68), and in future tax periods will be taken for deduction (D-t account 68 - Kt account 09), which means the difference between the debit and credit turnover on account 09, where this account was used in correspondence with account 68;

IONO - changes in deferred tax liability (the amount of income tax that was excluded from the tax calculation in the reporting period (D-t of account 68 - K-t of account 77), and in future reporting periods will be accepted for accrual (Debit of account 77 Credit of account 68 ), which means the difference between credit and debit turnover on account 77, where this account was used in correspondence with account 68;

PNO - permanent tax liability (the amount of income tax that leads to an increase in income tax in the reporting period and is not accepted for deduction in subsequent tax periods) (Account 99 - Account 68);

PNA is a permanent tax asset (the amount of income tax that leads to a decrease in income tax in the reporting period and is not accepted for deduction in subsequent tax periods) (Account 68 - Account 99).

Permanent tax liabilities (assets) (line 2421). Information about PNO (PNA) in the income statement is balanced and shown as the difference on this line. In this case, PNA is understood as the amount of profit tax that is excluded from the calculation of profit tax in the reporting period and is not recognized in the following tax periods: D-t account 68 - D-t account 99. PNA, on the contrary, increases the amount of profit tax in reporting period at a time: D-t of account 99 - K-t of account 68.

The permanent tax liability is determined as the product of the permanent difference that arose in the reporting period and the income tax rate. Permanent differences arise as a result of:

  • - excess of actual expenses taken into account when forming accounting profit, over expenses accepted for profit tax purposes within the limits of the norms;
  • - non-recognition for tax purposes of expenses associated with gratuitous transfer property to other organizations;
  • - the formation of a loss carried forward, which after a certain time will not be accepted to reduce the tax base for income tax;
  • - non-recognition for profit tax purposes of losses associated with the appearance of a difference between the book value and agreed value of property when it is added to the authorized capital of other organizations;
  • - other similar differences.

Changes to pending tax obligations(IONO) (line 2430). When filling out this line, you should take into account that deferred tax liabilities are equal to the amount of taxable temporary differences that arose in the reporting period, multiplied by the income tax rate. Their accrual is reflected by the entry D-t of account 68 - K-t of account 77. In the following tax period part of IT increases the amount of income tax: D-t of account 77 - K-t of account 68. IT written off to the profit and loss account upon disposal of the asset for which they were calculated, in an amount by which taxable profit as a reporting one will not be reduced , and subsequent periods, are reflected as follows: D-t account 77 “Deferred tax liability” - D-t account 99 “Profits and losses”. Thus, this line should reflect the difference between credit and debit turnover for the reporting period in account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities”. If the credit turnover (accrual of liabilities) exceeds the debit turnover (write-off or repayment of IT), then the result will reduce the profit (increase the loss). Otherwise, the profit will be increased (loss will be reduced). The order of entry on line 2430 (in parentheses or without parentheses) depends on these circumstances.

Changes to pending tax assets(AND SHE) (2450). Note that the recognition of IT in accounting is reflected by the entry: D-t account 09 - K-t account 68. In the reporting period, the amounts of income tax recognized in previous reporting periods can be deducted: D-t account 68 - K- t of account 09. In addition, IT, written off to the profit and loss account upon disposal of the asset for which they were calculated, in the amount by which the taxable profit of both the reporting and subsequent periods will not be reduced, is reflected as follows: D-t account 99 “Profits and losses” - Account number 09 “Deferred tax assets”. To fill out this line, it is necessary to determine the difference between the assets recognized in the reporting period and those accepted for deduction (written off) (the difference between the debit and credit turnover on account 09). Thus, the ONA indicator can be obtained with both a positive and negative value. If this difference is positive, then the result is added to profit before tax (loss is reduced). If the difference is negative, then the result must be subtracted from the profit (added to the loss) and reflected in parentheses.

By line "Other" (2460) the amount of penalties for late payments, understatement may be reflected tax bases and so on.

Net income (loss) (line 2400) is calculated using the formula

PE = PN - TNP ± IONA ± IONO, where PE is net profit (loss) for the reporting period (line 2400);

PN - profit (loss) before tax (line 2300);

TNP - current income tax (line 2410);

IONO - change in deferred tax liabilities, i.e. the difference between the income tax amounts recognized for reduction (credit turnover of account 77) and accrued amounts of income tax (debit turnover of account 77) in the reporting period (line 2430);

IONA - change in deferred tax assets, i.e. the difference between the recognized value (debit turnover of account 09) and accepted for deduction (credit turnover of account 09) in the reporting period (line 2450).

The indicator “Net profit (loss)” informs the user about the financial result of the organization’s activities for the reporting period and is the basis for the distribution of profits between the founders (shareholders). The line-by-line formula for determining the amount of net profit will look like this:

line 2400 = line 2300 - line 2410 - line 2421 - line 2430 + line 2450.

To summarize, we present an algorithm for calculating the indicator “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”, which is disclosed in the balance sheet on line 1370 and is formed in the following order:

  • 1) Gross profit (loss) - the difference between net revenue and production (full or reduced) cost of sales;
  • 2) profit (loss) from sales - the difference between gross profit and the amount of administrative expenses and commercial expenses;
  • 3) profit (loss) before tax - the difference between profit (loss) from sales and other income and expenses;
  • 4) Net income (loss) - the difference between profit (loss) before tax and the amount of accrued current tax on profit, taking into account PNO (PNA), ONO and ONA, as well as accrued penalties for violation of tax laws;
  • 5) retained earnings (loss) - the difference between net profit (loss) and the amount of income accrued to the founders, as well as taking into account other decisions on the distribution of net profit of the reporting year.

The indicator "Net profit (loss)", calculated in the income statement, may correspond to the difference between the indicators at the beginning and end of the reporting period in the line "Retained profit (uncovered loss)" of the balance sheet, if the profit is not distributed among the founders during the reporting period period. Otherwise, it is not possible to link these indicators.

The result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in net profit (loss) (line 2510). Here they show the results from the revaluation of non-current assets, to cover which additional capital was used. It is determined on the basis of turnover in account 83, subaccount “Result of revaluation of non-current assets”, subtracting debit turnover from credit turnover.

The result of other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period (line 2520). This line shows the balanced result obtained as a result of the movement of capital according to such business transactions, How:

  • - usage reserve capital to repay bonds of a joint stock company (Debit 82 Credit 66.67);
  • - attribution of the amount of the difference between the sale and par value of shares received during the formation process authorized capital through the sale of shares at a price exceeding the par value (Debit 75 Credit 83);
  • - distribution of amounts additional capital between the founders (Debit 83 Credit 75), etc.

Cumulative financial result of the period (line 2500). This indicator is borrowed from international standards and allows you to transform the income statement into a statement of comprehensive income under IFRS. This line shows not only net profit (loss), but also the result from the revaluation of non-current assets, i.e. all transactions of a revaluation nature that are included in capital.

Basic profit (loss) per share (line 2900). This indicator is calculated joint stock companies in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for Disclosure of Information on Profit per Share, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 21, 2000 No. 29n. Index basic profit per share reflects part of the profit of the reporting period attributable to shareholders - owners ordinary shares. The calculation of profit attributable to preferred shares is made in accordance with constituent documents (methodological recommendations the calculation procedure is not considered).

Basic earnings per share are determined by dividing basic earnings (loss) for the reporting period by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the reporting period. Basic profit is understood as the part of profit remaining after paying all taxes and dividends on preferred shares. The weighted average number of ordinary shares is determined by dividing the number of ordinary shares outstanding on each 1st day of the month of the reporting period by the number of months in the reporting period.

Example. At the beginning of the reporting period, the number of ordinary shares outstanding was 15,000; On July 1, the organization bought back 3,000 shares from shareholders, and on September 1, an additional issue took place, which amounted to 7,500 shares.

Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (15,000 pieces x 6 months + 12,000 pieces x 2 months + + 19,500 pieces x 4 months): 12 months. = 16,000 pcs.

If net profit (NP) is, for example, RUB 480,000, then basic earnings per share (BPA) is RUB 480,000. : 16,000 pcs. = = 30 rub.

Diluted earnings (loss) per share (line 2910) - a value that reflects a possible decrease in the level of basic earnings per share in the reporting period. Earnings per share dilution refers to a decrease in earnings that may occur as a result of:

  • o conversion of securities issued by the company (preferred shares, bonds, etc.) into ordinary shares;
  • o execution by the company of a contract for the purchase and sale of ordinary shares from the issuer at a price below their market value;
  • o additional issue of ordinary shares, etc.

Unlike basic earnings per share, diluted earnings show a possible worst-case situation. Such information serves as a warning to shareholders that less of the company's profits will be distributed over a larger number of shares, i.e. diluted.

Example. Net profit of the organization (PE) 480,000 rubles. The weighted average number of ordinary shares in circulation is 16,000. Bonds (each convertible into 1.5 ordinary shares) 1000 pcs. Payment of interest on bonds is 20 rubles. x 1000 pcs. = 20,000 rub. Adjustment of net profit RUB 480,000. + 20,000 rub. = 500,000 rub. The number of ordinary shares as a result of conversion of bonds is 16,000. + + 1000 pcs. x 1.5 pcs. = 17,500 pcs.

Basic earnings per share of BPA RUB 480,000. : 16,000 pcs. = = 30 rub.

Diluted earnings per share RPA RUB 500,000: 17,500 pcs. = = 28.57 rub.

If placement additional shares occurred in the reporting year, then basic and diluted earnings are adjusted. If additional release occurred after the reporting date, but before signing the statements, then information about this should be disclosed in the explanatory note.

In table 4.5 presents the procedure for filling out the articles of the Profit and Loss Statement based on accounting data.

Table 4.5. The procedure for filling out the items of the Profit and Loss Statement

Report line

Line code

The procedure for forming the indicator

The difference between the credit turnover of the “Revenue” subaccount of account 90 and the debit turnover of the “Value Added Tax” and “Excise Tax” subaccounts. "Export customs duties" account 90

Cost of sales

Debit turnover on the “Cost of Sales” subaccount of account 90 in correspondence with accounts 20, 41, 43 and 45. Organizations that use account 40 to account for production costs must adjust the debit turnover on the “Cost of Sales” subaccount of account 90 by the difference between the actual and standard production costs. If the actual cost turns out to be higher than the standard cost, then the excess amount is added to the debit turnover in the “Cost of Sales” subaccount, and if lower, it is subtracted from it

Gross profit (loss)

Difference between lines 2110 and 2120

Business expenses

Debit turnover of the “Cost of sales” subaccount of account 90 in correspondence with account 44

Administrative expenses

Debit turnover of the “Cost of sales” subaccount of account 90 in correspondence with account 26

Profit (loss) from sales

Difference between line 2110 and lines 2120, 2210 and 2220

Income from participation in other organizations

Credit turnover of subaccounts of account 91, which show the amount of income from equity participation in other organizations

Interest receivable

Credit turnover of subaccounts of account 91, which show interest receivable

Percentage to be paid

Debit turnover of subaccounts of account 91, which reflects interest payable

Other income

Credit turnover on subaccounts of account 91, where other income is indicated, minus the amount of VAT

other expenses

Debit turnover on subaccounts of account 91, which reflect other expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Line 2200 + line 2310 + line 2320 -- line 2330 + line 2340 - line 2350

Current income tax

The difference between the credit and debit turnover of the subaccount “Calculations with the budget for income tax” of account 68 for the reporting period

Permanent tax liabilities (assets)

The difference between the entries Debit 99 Credit 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax in terms of permanent tax liabilities” and Debit 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax in terms of permanent tax assets” Credit 99. A positive difference is recorded in parentheses, and a negative difference - without parentheses

Changes in deferred tax liabilities

The difference between the credit and debit turnover of account 77 (if the result is positive, then it is written in parentheses and subtracted from line 2300, if negative, it is added to line 2300)

Changes in deferred tax assets

The difference between the debit and credit turnover of account 09 (if the result is positive, it is added to line 2300, if negative, it is written in parentheses and subtracted from line 2300)

Amounts of penalties accrued to the budget for late payments, understatement of tax bases, etc., reflected in the entry: D-t account 99 "Profits and losses" - K-t account 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees"

Net income (loss)

Line 2300 - line 2410 ± line 2421 ± line 2430 ± line 2450 - line 2460

Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in net profit (loss)

The difference between credit and debit turnover in account 83 subaccount "Result from the revaluation of non-current assets"

Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period

The result of capital movements reflected in the entries: Debit 82 Credit 66, 67; Debit 75 Credit 83; Debit 83 Credit 75, etc.

Total financial result of the period

Line 2400 ±2510 ±2520

Basic earnings (loss) per share

The portion of profit remaining after payment of all taxes and dividends on preferred shares for the reporting period

Diluted earnings (loss) per share

Estimated value that reflects a possible decrease in the level of basic earnings per share in the reporting period