System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. The basic provisions established by this standard are developed by a set of standards for systems for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction



Basic provisions

GOST 21778-81

(ST SEV 2045-79)




Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research and Design Institute of Standard and Experimental Housing Design (TsNIIEPzhilishcha) of the State Civil Engineering under the USSR State Construction Committee

Central Research Institute for Standard and Experimental Design of Schools, Preschool Institutions, Secondary and Higher Schools educational institutions(TsNIIEP educational buildings) Gosgrazhdanstroy under the USSR State Construction Committee.

Central Research and Design-Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (TsNIIOMTP) of the USSR State Construction Committee

Zonal Research and Design Institute of Standard and Experimental Design of Residential and Public Buildings (LenZNIIEP) of Gosgrazhdanstroy under the USSR State Construction Committee


S.A. Reznik, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (topic leader); A.V. Tsaregradsky; L.A. Wasserdam; L.S. Exler; D.M. Lakovsky; I.V. Kolechitskaya; V.N. Sverdlov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; R.A. Kagramanov, Ph.D. sciences; M.S. Kardakov; L.N. Kovalis

INTRODUCED by the Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor by the Research and Design Institute of Standard and Experimental Housing Design (TsNIIEPzhilishcha) of Gosgrazhdanstroy under the USSR State Construction Committee

Director B.R. Rubanenko

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by resolution State Committee USSR for Construction Affairs dated December 2, 1980 No. 184


By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated December 2, 1980 No. 184, the introduction date was established

from 07/01/1981

This standard applies to the design and construction of buildings and structures, as well as to the design and manufacture of building structures, parts and products for them and establishes the main accuracy characteristics and basic provisions for the purpose, technological support, control and assessment of the accuracy of geometric parameters, ensuring compliance with functional requirements to buildings, structures and their individual elements at all stages of construction design and production.

The basic provisions established by this standard are developed by a set of standards for the System for Ensuring the Accuracy of Geometric Parameters in Construction.

In accordance with the requirements of the System standards, in newly developed and revised standards and other regulatory and technical documents for specific elements and structures of buildings and structures, in working drawings and in technological documentation, requirements for the accuracy of structures, their elements and performance of work are established, as well as methods and means of technological support and accuracy control.

The terms used in the standard and their definitions are given in Appendix 1.

The standard complies with ST SEV 2045-79 in the part specified in Appendix 2.


Estimation of systematic deviation d m x with a normal distribution of the geometric parameter is the sample mean deviation d m x, i.e. the average value of deviations in the sample, determined by the formula

If the average value m x parameter practically does not differ from its nominal value xnom, then the relationship between the accuracy characteristics is characterized by the formulas:

Characteristics of the accuracy of a geometric parameter with a normal distribution


2.1 . The accuracy of geometric parameters at all stages of construction design and production should be established depending on the functional, structural, technological and economic requirements for buildings, structures and their individual elements.

2.2 . Compliance of the assigned accuracy with functional, design, technological and economic requirements is established by calculating the accuracy in accordance with GOST 21780-83 or other methods.

2.3 . The accuracy of geometric parameters should be established using the accuracy characteristics given in paragraph. 1.3 . The preferred characteristics are maximum deviations relative to the nominal value of the parameter X, accepted as a rule (withd x c= 0), equal in absolute value to half the value of the corresponding functional or technological tolerance adopted in the calculation of accuracy.

Note . In justified cases, if it is necessary to partially compensate for systematic errors in technological processes and operations that increase over time, the maximum deviations should be set asymmetrical (d x s¹ 0).

2.4 . Functional tolerances regulate the accuracy of geometric parameters in mates and the accuracy of the position of elements in structures.

The range of functional tolerances is established by GOST 21780-83, and their specific values ​​are determined by formula (4), in which xmin And xmax or d xinf And d x sup accepted on the basis of functional (strength, insulating or aesthetic) requirements for structures.

2.5 . Technological tolerances regulate the accuracy of technological processes and operations for the manufacture and installation of elements, as well as the performance of marking work.

Tolerance values ​​in millimeters or angular values ​​must correspond to the numerical series:

1 ; 1.6; 2.4; 4; 6; 10 or

1 ; 1,2; 1,6; 2; 2,4; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; 10.

Each number in a series can be increased or decreased by multiplying it by ten with an exponent equal to an integer.

The nomenclature and specific values ​​of technological tolerances for accuracy classes of processes and operations should be adopted in accordance with GOST 21779-82.

Accuracy classes are selected when performing accuracy calculations depending on the accepted means of technological support and accuracy control and production capabilities (see clause 4.5).


3.1 . When designing buildings, structures and their individual elements, developing technology for manufacturing elements and constructing buildings and structures, it is necessary to provide, and in production, apply the necessary means and rules for technological ensuring accuracy.

3.2 . The technology for manufacturing elements and constructing buildings and structures must comply with the conditions adopted when assigning accuracy.

3.3 . Technological processes and operations must contain as a component control of established accuracy (input, operational and acceptance).

3.4 . Depending on the results of operational accuracy control, in order to prevent defects, technological processes and operations should be regulated according to the tolerances for equipment adjustment established in the technological documentation.

3.5 . The accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures and their individual elements is considered ensured if it is established that the actual values ​​of these parameters comply with regulatory and design requirements.


4.1 . The accuracy of geometric parameters is controlled by determining their actual values, as well as accuracy characteristics and comparing them with the requirements established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

4.2 . Depending on the control tasks, the type of products or operations being controlled, as well as production volumes, accuracy control is established as continuous or selective.

4.3 . Control rules, including geometric parameters selected for control, means, methods, conditions and number of measurements taken, as well as rules for processing their results, must ensure the necessary accuracy and comparability of the results of determining the actual values ​​of the parameters and be established in standards and other normative and technical documentation along with accuracy specification values.

4.4 . The accuracy of geometric parameters should be controlled in accordance with GOST 23616-79.

4.5 . An assessment of the accuracy of a geometric parameter in the totality of its actual values, which can be ensured by a certain technological process or operation, in order to assign the process or operation to the corresponding accuracy class is performed based on the results of control and statistical analysis accuracy in GOST 23615-79.




Assemblability of structures is the property of independently manufactured elements to ensure the possibility of assembling from them the structures of buildings and structures with the accuracy of their geometric parameters corresponding to the operational requirements for the structures. A quantitative characteristic of assembly is the level of assembly, which is estimated by the share of assembly work performed without additional operations on selection, fitting or adjustment of parameters of elements

The interchangeability of elements - in a system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction - is the property of independently manufactured elements of the same type to ensure the possibility of using one of them instead of another without additional processing at a given level of assembled structures. The interchangeability of elements is achieved by complying with uniform requirements for the accuracy of their geometric parameters

Accuracy of a geometric parameter - the degree of approximation of the actual value of a geometric parameter to its nominal value

Geometric parameter - linear or angular quantity

Size - the numerical value of a linear quantity in the selected units of measurement

Nominal value of a geometric parameter (nominal size for a linear value) - the value of a geometric parameter specified in the project and which is the starting point for deviations

The actual value of a geometric parameter (actual size) is the value of a geometric parameter established as a result of measurement with a certain accuracy

Limit values ​​of a geometric parameter (limit dimensions) - values ​​of a geometric parameter between which its actual values ​​must lie with a certain probability

Tolerance - the absolute value of the difference between the limit values ​​of a geometric parameter

Tolerance field - a set of values ​​of a geometric parameter limited by its limit values

Actual deviation of a geometric parameter (actual size deviation) - the algebraic difference between the actual and nominal values ​​of a geometric parameter

Systematic deviation of a geometric parameter (systematic deviation of size) - the difference between the average and nominal values ​​of a geometric parameter

Maximum deviation of a geometric parameter (maximum size deviation) - the algebraic difference between the limit and nominal values ​​of a geometric parameter

Upper limit deviation of a geometric parameter (upper limit deviation of size) - the algebraic difference between the largest limit and nominal values ​​of a geometric parameter

Lower limit deviation of a geometric parameter (lower limit deviation of size) - the algebraic difference between the smallest limit and nominal values ​​of a geometric parameter

Deviation of the middle of the tolerance field - the algebraic difference between the middle of the tolerance field and the nominal value of the geometric parameter

Functional tolerance is a tolerance of a geometric parameter that establishes the accuracy of the assembled structure from the condition of ensuring the functional requirements placed on it

Technological tolerance - tolerance of a geometric parameter that establishes the accuracy of the corresponding technological process or operation

Accuracy class is a set of technological tolerance values ​​depending on the nominal values ​​of geometric parameters.

Each accuracy class contains a number of tolerances corresponding to the same degree of accuracy for all nominal values ​​of a given geometric parameter.

Note . In the standards of some CMEA member countries, instead of the term “Nominal value of a geometric parameter”, the term “Basic value of a geometric parameter” is used.




The fourth paragraph of the introductory part of GOST 21778-81 corresponds to the introductory part of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 1.1 of GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 1.1 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Crap. 1 GOST 21778-81 corresponds to features. 1 ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 1.2 of GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 1.2 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 1.3 GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 1.3 ST SEV 2045-79

Clause 1.4 of GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 1.4 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 1.5 of GOST 21778-81 corresponds to clause 1.5 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 1.6 GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 1.6 ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 1.7 GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 1.7 ST SEV 2045-79.

Crap. 2 GOST 21778-81 corresponds to features. 2 ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 2.1 of GOST 21778-81 corresponds to clause 2.1 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 2.2 of GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 2.2 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 2.3 of GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 2.3 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 2.5 of GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clause 2.4 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Chapter 3 GOST 21778-81 corresponds to section 3 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 4.1 of GOST 21778-81 corresponds to clause 4.1 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 4.2 of GOST 21778-81 corresponds to clause 4.2 of ST SEV 2045-79.

Clause 4.3 GOST 21778-81 includes the requirements of clauses. 4.3 and 4.4 ST SEV 2045-79.

Mandatory Appendix 1 GOST 21778-81 includes information Appendix 1 ST SEV 2045-79.

The note to the mandatory Appendix 1 of GOST 21778-81 includes these notes to clause 1.2 of ST SEV 2045-79.

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(ST SEV 3740-82)



By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated December 13, 1983 No. 320, the introduction date was established

from 01/31/84

This standard applies to the design of buildings, structures and their elements and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and the procedure for calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction.

Based on this standard, we are developing methodological documents, establishing the features of calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters of structures of various types.

The standard complies with ST SEV 3740-82 in the part specified in reference Appendix 1.

The terms used in this standard and explanations are given in mandatory Appendix 2.


1.1. Calculation of the accuracy of geometric parameters must be carried out in the process of designing standard, experimental and individual structures of buildings and structures and their elements in order to ensure the assembly of structures with specified operational properties at the lowest cost.

1.2. Accuracy is calculated based on:

functional requirements for building structures of buildings and structures;

data on the accuracy of the applied technological processes and operations for manufacturing elements, laying out axes and assembling structures.

1.3. In the process of calculating the accuracy in accordance with the adopted design scheme, based on the accuracy characteristics of the component geometric parameters, the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined, which are then compared with the permissible limit values ​​of this parameter established on the basis of functional requirements (by calculating strength and stability, in accordance with test results or based on insulation, aesthetic and other requirements).

1.4. Compliance of the accuracy of the resulting parameter with the functional requirements is ensured if the following conditions are met:

where and are the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter X;

and - permissible limit values ​​of the resulting parameter X. The difference constitutes the functional tolerance.

1.5. The task of calculating accuracy can be:

direct, when the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined based on the known accuracy characteristics of the component parameters (test calculation);

reverse, when the necessary requirements for the accuracy of the component parameters are determined based on the established permissible limit values ​​of the resulting parameter.

1.6. According to the accuracy calculation results:

in the regulatory and technical documentation for the building structures of buildings, structures and their elements and in the working drawings, the nominal values ​​of the resulting and component parameters are specified, if necessary, the requirements for the accuracy of these parameters and the rules for accuracy control are established;

in the technological documentation for the manufacture of elements, the layout of axes and the performance of construction and installation work, they establish the methods and sequence of performing technological processes and operations, methods and means of ensuring their accuracy.


2.1. The decisions made as a result of calculating the accuracy must ensure minimal labor and material costs during the construction of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of their elements.

For this purpose, the maximum possible tolerance values ​​should be provided, as well as design and technological measures to reduce the influence of the accuracy of technological processes and operations on the accuracy of the resulting parameters.

2.2. Accuracy calculations should be made, as a rule, based on the condition of complete assembly of structures.

In some cases, if technically possible and economic feasibility partial collection may be provided. In this case, for cases where the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter will go beyond the limits, additional operations must be provided for selecting elements or adjusting individual sizes.

2.3. The initial equation for calculating the accuracy is equation (3), expressing the relationship between the resulting and component parameters included in the calculation scheme:

where is the resulting parameter;

Component parameter;

The number of component parameters in the design scheme;

Coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resulting parameter X from the component parameter Xk.

As a rule, the resulting parameters in the preparation of design diagrams are the dimensions at the interface nodes of the elements and other dimensions with which, in the accepted sequence of assembly of the structure, a certain cycle of technological operations is completed that determines the accuracy of the component parameters, and in which the errors of these operations are compensated (recommended Appendix 3 ).

The constituent parameters are considered to be the dimensions of the elements, the dimensions that determine the distances between the axes, elevation marks and other landmarks, as well as others obtained as a result of fulfilling the specified technological operations parameters whose accuracy affects the accuracy of the resulting parameter.

If the component geometric parameters are statistically dependent, then when determining the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, this dependence must be taken into account. Statistical dependence can be characterized by a correlation coefficient.

2.4. Accuracy is calculated based on statistical methods. In the general case, during statistical calculations, the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter and for checking conditions (1) and (2) are determined using the following accuracy equations:

where is the nominal value of the resulting parameter X;

Systematic deviation of the resulting parameter X;

Standard deviation of the resulting parameter X;

and are the values ​​of a standardized random variable, depending on the permissible probability of the occurrence of values ​​of the resulting parameter below and.

Determination of the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter based on statistical characteristics using equations 4 and 5 is carried out in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 4.

2.5. In most practical cases, calculation of accuracy should be carried out according to tolerances using a simplified statistical method, the use of which makes it possible to ensure complete assembly of the structure when using acceptance control plans for the accuracy of component parameters established by current standards with an acceptance level of defects of 4% according to GOST 23616-79.

In this case, the accuracy equations for determining the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter take the form:

where is the nominal value of the resulting parameter;

Estimated deviation of the middle of the tolerance field of the resulting parameter;

The calculated tolerance of the resulting parameter.

2.6. Nominal values ​​and design characteristics The accuracy of the resulting parameter with statistically independent component parameters is determined based on the original equation (3) using the following formulas:

where are the nominal values ​​of the component parameters;

Deviations of the midpoints of the technological tolerance fields of the component parameters;

Technological tolerances of component parameters.

2.7. If there is a small number of component parameters (up to three) and there is no data on the statistical characteristics of their distribution, accuracy calculations can be performed using the “minimum-maximum” method in accordance with mandatory Appendix 5.


3.1. To calculate the accuracy in accordance with clause 2.2, the resulting geometric parameters are identified, the accuracy of which determines the fulfillment of the functional requirements for the building structures of the building and structure, and in accordance with clause 1.3 the permissible limit values ​​of these parameters are determined.

In this case, those of the same type of repeating parameters whose calculated accuracy characteristics can obtain the greatest absolute value are selected for calculation.

3.2. For each of the selected resulting parameters, in accordance with the designed technology and the sequence of alignment and assembly work, a base is established that serves as the beginning of a certain cycle of technological operations and is the beginning of the accumulation of errors that must be compensated by this parameter, the constituent parameters are identified and a design diagram and initial equation are drawn up .

3.3. For each design scheme, a calculation method is selected and accuracy equations are drawn up, as well as equations for determining the nominal size and accuracy characteristics of the resulting parameter.

The accuracy characteristics of the component parameters resulting from a certain technological process or operation are accepted based on the requirements of the relevant standards or assigned according to GOST 21779-82. In cases where a component parameter is the result of several technological processes or operations, its accuracy characteristics should be determined using calculation.

When drawing up equations to determine the accuracy characteristics of the resulting parameter, one should also take into account the own deviations of the component parameters that arise during the installation and operation of structures as a result of temperature and other external influences.

3.4. Depending on the type of problem, accuracy equations are solved using trial calculations based on the condition of fulfilling requirements (1) and (2).

In the direct problem, based on the accepted accuracy characteristics and nominal values ​​of the component parameters, the calculated nominal and limiting values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined and the accuracy conditions are checked.

In the inverse problem, based on accuracy conditions, the nominal values ​​and accuracy characteristics of some component parameters are determined from the permissible limit and nominal values ​​of the resulting parameter.

3.5. If, as a result of the calculation, it is established that with the accepted constructive solution, production technology and other initial data, accuracy conditions are not met, then, depending on technical feasibility and economic feasibility, one of the following decisions should be made:

increase the accuracy of the component parameters that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of the resulting parameter through the introduction of more advanced technological processes;

reduce the influence of component parameters on the accuracy of the resulting parameter by reducing the number of these parameters in the design scheme by changing the method of orientation (base) and the sequence of technological processes and operations;

revise design solutions for components of building structures of buildings, structures and their elements in order to change the permissible limit and nominal values ​​of the resulting parameter;

provide for incomplete assembly of structures.




Full collection - collection, the level of which is equal to or exceeds 99.73%.

Incomplete collection - collection, the level of which is below 99.73%.

Base - a surface or axis relative to which the position of other surfaces or axes is determined.



Name of the resulting parameter


1. Gap between elements

Nominal value of the gap;

Permissible clearance limits;

Functional clearance tolerance

2. Depth of element support

Nominal value of support depth;

Permissible limit values ​​of support depth;

Functional tolerance of support depth

3. Misalignment of elements

Rated misalignment value;

Permissible misalignment limits;

Functional alignment tolerance

4. Mismatch of element surfaces

Nominal misalignment value;

Permissible limit values ​​of surface mismatch;

Functional surface matching tolerance

5. Non-verticality

Nominal value of non-verticality;

Permissible limit values ​​of non-verticality;

Functional vertical tolerance

Note. When considering the parameters characterizing the position of the elements, it should be taken into account that a are equal in absolute value and determine the maximum deviation of the elements relative to each other. The min and max indices are taken conditionally to indicate the direction of the shift.




(general case of statistical calculation of accuracy)

1. In the general case of statistical calculation of the accuracy of the structure and elements of buildings and structures, the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter for checking conditions (1) and (2) are determined using formulas (4) and (5) of this standard.

2. The calculated nominal value of the resulting parameter based on the original equation (3) is determined by formula (8) of this standard, and the calculated characteristics of accuracy and - by the formulas:

where are systematic deviations of the component parameters;

Mean square deviations of the component parameters.

3. Characteristics and, depending on the initial data available for calculation, should be determined based on the results of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of the relevant technological processes and operations in accordance with GOST 23615-79 or according to the accuracy characteristics and control plans established in the relevant standards or other regulatory and technical documents.

4. To move from accuracy characteristics and control plans established in standards and other regulatory and technical documents to statistical accuracy characteristics, the following expressions are used:

where is the deviation of the middle of the technological tolerance field of the component parameter;

Technological tolerance of the component parameter;

The value of a standardized random variable characterizing the acceptance level of defects in a plan for monitoring the accuracy of a component parameter according to GOST 23616-79.

5. Values ​​of quantities: both in equations (4) and (5) of this standard, as well as the values ​​for each component parameter are determined from the table. 1 depending, respectively, on the level of collectability and acceptance level of defectiveness adopted in the calculation of the established plan for monitoring the accuracy of the component parameter.

Table 1

Level of assembly of the structure, %

Acceptance level of defects, %

Meaning t

6. The share of assembly work that requires additional operations to select elements or adjust individual parameters is determined separately for cases when and according to table. 2.

table 2




The calculated limit values ​​and the resulting parameter in conditions (1) and (2) using the “minimum-maximum” method are determined using the formulas of this standard

where is the calculated nominal value of the resulting parameter X, determined by formula (8) of this standard;

Estimated deviation of the middle of the tolerance field of the resulting parameter X, determined by formula (9) of this standard;

Calculated tolerance value of the resulting parameter X.

The calculated tolerance value of the resulting parameter is determined taking into account the most unfavorable combination of deviations of the component parameters according to the formula compiled on the basis of the original equation (3) of this standard

where is the tolerance of the component parameter;

A coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resulting parameter on the component parameter.

6. GOST 23615-79. Support system geometric accuracy in construction. – M.: Gosstroy USSR, 1979.

7. GOST 23616-79. System for ensuring geometric accuracy in construction. General rules accuracy control. – M.: Gosstroy USSR, 1979.

8. GOST R 21.1701-97. Execution Rules working documentation highways.

9. Fedotov G.A. Engineering geodesy: Textbook/G.A. Fedotov. – 2nd ed., corrected. – M.: Higher. school, 2004.-463 p.

10. Klyushin E.B. The engineering geodesy. Textbook for universities/E.B.Klyushin, M.I.Kiselev, D.Sh.Mikhelev, V.D.Feldman; Ed. D.Sh.Mikhelev. – 4th ed., rev. – M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2004. – 480 s.

11. Klyushin E.B. The engineering geodesy. Textbook for universities /E.B.Klyushin, M.I.Kiselev, D.Sh.Mikhelev, V.D.Feldman; Ed. D.Sh.Mikhelev. – M.: Higher. school, 2000. – 464 p.

12. Measuring horizontal and vertical angles: Guidelines To laboratory work in the discipline "Engineering Geodesy" / Compiled by: Yu.V. Stolbov, A.A. Poberezhny. – Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2005. –19s.

13. Guidelines for laboratory work “Construction of a longitudinal profile”, “Construction of a design line of a longitudinal profile” / Compiled by: T.P. Sinyutina, L.Yu. Mikolyshyn. – Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2006. – 27s.

14. Tracing of linear structures: Guidelines for performing calculation and graphic work for students of construction specialties of full-time and part-time forms of study / Compiled by: T.P. Sinyutina, L.Yu. Mikolishina, T.V. Kotova. – Omsk: Publishing house in SibADI, 2007. – 34 p.

15. Solving problems on topographic maps: Guidelines and assignments for laboratory work for students of construction specialties of full-time and part-time forms of study / Compiled by: T.P. Sinyutina, L.Yu. Mikolishina, T.V. Kotova. – Omsk: Publishing House -in SibADI, 2007. – 37 p.

16. Production of topographic surveys: Guidelines for 1st year students for the period of summer geodetic practice / Compiled by: A.V. Vinogradov, T.P. Sinyutina. – SibADI Publishing House, 1997. – 16 p.

17. Guidelines for practical classes by discipline " Engineering training territories” / Compiled by: N.S. Volovnik, T.P. Sinyutina. – Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2006. – 28 p.

18. Guidelines and assignments for students " Engineering survey for construction” / Compiled by: T.P. Sinyutina, L.Yu. Mikolishina, T.V. Kotova. – Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2009. – 38 p.

19. Engineering support for construction (geodesy): teaching aid/T.P.Sinyutina, L.Yu.Mikolishina, T.V.Kotova, N.S.Volovnik. – Omsk: SibADI, 2012. – 96 p.

20. Conventional signs for topographic plans scales 1:5000, 1:2000,

1:1000, 1:500. M. "Nedra", 1989

21. Matveev S.I. Engineering geodesy and geoinformatics - M. Mir Foundation 2012.

22. Instructions for topographic surveying at scales of 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000 and 1:500 (GKINP-02-033-82). GUGiK, 1983

23. Instructions for conducting technological verification of geodetic instruments. Roscartography, 1999

Introduction 4

General provisions 4

1.1. Purpose, objectives and procedure for conducting educational practice 4

1.2. Safety rules and handling of geodetic instruments 5

1.2.1. General requirements security 5

1.2.2. Safety requirements before starting work 5

1.2.3. Safety requirements during operation 6

1.2.4. Safety requirements in an emergency 6

1.2.5. Safety requirements after completion of work 6

Checking and adjusting geodetic instruments 7

2.1. Theodolite verification 7

2.2. Level checking 11

2.3. Checking racks 13

2.4. Comparing tapes and roulettes 14

Angular measurements 15

3.1. Measuring vertical angles 15

3.2. Measuring horizontal angles using method 17

Leveling 19

4.1. Geometric leveling 19

Layout of the site for an inclined plane 22

5.1. Preparation of initial data 23

5.2. Processing the leveling log 26

5.3. Construction of an elevation plan of site 27

5.4. Initial data for designing a site for

inclined plane 28

5.6. Determination of design slopes along axes 29

5.7. Calculation of the design elevation of the site's center of gravity

subject to zero balance of earth masses 30

5.8. Calculation of design elevations of grid nodes 30

5.9. Calculation of working marks 32

5.10. Determination of the planned position of the line of zero works 32

5.11. Drawing up a cartogram of earth masses 33

5.12. Compiling a volume table earthworks 33




GOST 23616-79
(ST SEV 4234-83)




State Committee for Civil Engineering and Architecture under the USSR State Construction Committee

USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs


A.V. Tsaregradsky; M.S. Kardakov (topic leaders); S.A. Reznik, Ph.D. tech. sciences; G.A. Rastorova; L.N. Kovalis; S.N. Nersesov, Ph.D. sciences; IN AND. Innovators; B.G. Borisenkov; V.D. Feldman; L.A. Vasserda, G.B. Shoikhet; D.M. Lakovsky; I.V. Kolechitskaya

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs

Member of the Board IN AND. Sychev

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated April 12, 1979 No. 55


(Gosstroy USSR)


On the introduction of the standard of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance “Accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy control" and changes state standard“System for ensuring geometric accuracy in construction. General rules for control accuracy"

The USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs DECIDES:

1. To put into effect from July 1, 1985, for use in the national economy of the USSR and in contractual legal relations for cooperation with CMEA member countries, approved at the 53rd meeting of the CMEA Standing Commission on Cooperation in the Field of Standardization, the standard of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance “Accuracy of geometric parameters” in construction. Accuracy control" (ST SEV 4234-83), by introducing it into the state standard "System for ensuring geometric accuracy in construction. General rules for accuracy control" (GOST 23616-79).

2. To consolidate the standard of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance “Accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy control" (ST SEV 4234-83) for LenZNIIEP Gosgrazhdanstroy.

3. Approve and put into effect from July 1, 1985, change No. 1 GOST 23616-79 “System for ensuring geometric accuracy in construction. General rules for accuracy control”, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated April 12, 1979 No. 55.

Chairman of the USSR State Construction Committee. Bashilov


By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated April 12, 1979 No. 55, the implementation period was established

from 01.01.80

This standard applies to the construction of buildings and structures, the manufacture of elements for them (structures, products, parts) and establishes the basic rules and methods for monitoring the accuracy of geometric parameters.

Rules for monitoring the accuracy of geometric parameters of specific types of structures of buildings and structures and their elements, as well as work performed, are prescribed on the basis of this standard in the relevant standards or in other regulatory, technical, and technological documents.

The terms used in the standard for statistical control correspond to those given in GOST 15895-77.

The standard corresponds to ST SEV 4234-83 (see. reference application A).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


determination with a given probability of compliance of the accuracy of geometric parameters with the requirements of regulatory, technical, technological and design documentation for control objects;

obtaining the necessary information to assess and regulate the accuracy of technological processes.

geometric parameters of elements and parameters that determine the position of landmarks of alignment axes and landmarks for installing elements, as well as the position of elements in structures (the range of tolerances for these parameters is given in GOST 21779-82 and GOST 21780-83);

geometric parameters of technological equipment, shapes and accessories that influence the accuracy of the manufacture of elements and their installation in structures and are specified in the relevant technological documents.

controlled parameters;

applied control method;

control plan and procedure for its implementation;

control means, implementation rules and requirements for measurement accuracy;

method for assessing control results.

1.3. - 1.6.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.7. At enterprises and in construction organizations it is necessary to develop enterprise standards, maps and control sheets and other technological documents for control processes and operations that determine for specific control objects the placement of control posts for the technological process, performers, the volume and content of control work, measurement methods and schemes, rules for collecting, processing and use of information about control results.

1.8. Regulatory, technical and technological documents establishing the rules for accuracy control must undergo metrological examination in accordance with the requirements of the standards State system ensuring uniformity of measurements.


for small production volumes, when selective control is not feasible;

when the nature of production is unstable, including during the period of adjustment of technological processes;

with increased requirements for ensuring a given accuracy associated with the need to use large samples.

2.3. Sampling control should be prescribed when stable production is established, when statistical homogeneity of the technological process is ensured.

2.4. When using the sampling method, it is preferable to use control based on an alternative characteristic.

Control by quantitative criteria is used for the most critical parameters, when their number is small and there is a need for further development of the process, and also if, due to production conditions, it is advisable to reduce the volume of samples compared to control by an alternative criterion. This method is applicable when the controlled parameters are independent of each other and have a normal distribution.

If necessary, some parameters can be controlled by a quantitative criterion, and some by an alternative one.

2.5. Inspection control should be carried out using the methods established in the relevant regulatory and technical documents for acceptance control.


The possibility of using effective sampling control is established based on the results of statistical analysis of accuracy according to GOST 23615-79.

In justified cases, the use of other control plans in accordance with GOST 18242-72 is allowed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.4. When monitoring by an alternative criterion, the number of defective control objects (product units) in the sample is determined by means of its continuous control in accordance with Section. .

4.5. The batch is accepted if the number of defective control objects in the sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number Ac 1, and is not accepted if this number is greater than or equal to the rejection number Re 1.

With two-stage inspection, in cases where the number of defective inspection objects in the sample is greater Ac 1 and less Re 1 the second sample is retrieved. If the total number of defective units in two samples is less than or equal to the acceptance number Ac 2 , the batch is accepted if it is greater than or equal to the rejection number Re 2 - not acceptable.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2 dXmet£ 0,4 Dx, (3)

Where dXmet- limit value of absolute measurement error;

DX- tolerance of the controlled parameter.



Information data on compliance with GOST 23616-79 ST SEV 4234-83

Clause of this standard

Clause ST SEV 4234-83

Clause of this standard

Clause ST SEV 4234-83

2.1 and 2.2

2.4 and 2.5

2.3 and 2.5


Annex 1.




Type of control


Objects of control

Production control methods

1. Incoming control

Manufacturing of elements

Project documentation

Products, parts and semi-finished products entering production

Working bodies and control devices of equipment and accessories


Construction and installation work (when organizing work for each subsequent stage)

Project documentation

Landmarks for alignment of axes, marks of the bottom of the pit, elements of building structures after completion of the work of the previous stage

Selective by alternative or quantitative characteristics

Elements of prefabricated structures of buildings and structures supplied to construction site

Selective by alternative criterion

In some cases - continuous

Accessories and mounting equipment


2. Operational control

Manufacturing of elements

Results of technological operations that affect the accuracy of geometric parameters finished products

Selective based on quantitative or alternative characteristics; if necessary - continuous

Technological equipment, molds and accessories

Continuous or selective

Construction and installation work (in the process of performing work at a certain stage)

Landmarks for laying out points and axes, elevations of reference planes and installation landmarks

Selective based on quantitative or alternative characteristics, or continuous

Elements of prefabricated structures during installation and temporary fastening


Equipment used to install elements


3. Acceptance control

Manufacturing of elements

Elements of prefabricated structures after completion of the manufacturing cycle

Continuous or selective according to alternative or quantitative characteristics or characteristics

Construction and installation work (after completion of work at a certain stage)

Axes alignment landmarks, reference plane elevations and installation landmarks

Selective by alternative criterion

Elements of prefabricated structures after permanent fastening, as well as their mating

Selective on an alternative basis; in some cases - continuous

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1. Single-stage control

Batch size

Sample size

Acceptance Ac and rejection Re numbers at the acceptance level of defects, %

Up to 25

Continuous control zone

From 26 to 90

From 91 to 280

From 281 to 500

From 501 to 1200

From 1201 to 3200

10 11

From 3201 to 10000

14 15

From 10001 to 35000

10 11

21 22

More than 35000

14 15


1. ¯ - that part of the plan, including the sample size, which is located under the arrow, is applied.

2. ­ - that part of the plan, including the sample size, which is located above the arrow, is applied.

3. The acceptance number Ac is located on the left, the rejection number Re is on the right.

2. Two-stage control

Batch size

Sample number

Sample size

Acceptance Ac 1 and Ac 3 and rejection Re 1 and Re 2 numbers at the acceptance defect level, %

Up to 25

Single stage zone

or complete control

From 26 to 90

From 91 to 280

From 281 to 500

From 501 to 1200

From 1201 to 3200

12 13

From 3201 to 10000

7 11

18 19

From 10001 to 35000

11 16

12 13

26 27

More than 35000

7 11

18 19


1. ¯ - that part of the plan, including the sample size, which is located under the arrow, is applied.

2. ­ - that part of the plan, including the sample size, which is located above the arrow, is applied.

3. Acceptance numbers Ac 1, Ac 2 are located on the left, and rejection numbersRe 1 And

Parameters that are components or results when calculating the accuracy of structures according to GOST 21780-83, as well as affecting the operational properties of the test object.


Violation of the requirements for the accuracy of the specified parameters is a significant defect

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Parameters that are not included in the initial equations when calculating the accuracy of structures according to GOST 21780-83 or are adjusted locally. Violation of the requirements for the accuracy of the specified parameters is a minor defect



Method for taking into account the additional risk of incorrect assessment of control results caused by measurement error

1. When assigning accuracy and choosing measurement tools, it should be taken into account that measurement errors increase the risk of incorrect assessment of control results. At the same time, the probability of rejecting a suitable control object or accepting a defective object as suitable increases.

2. If it is necessary to maintain the standard values ​​of the specified risk adopted in control plans in accordance with GOST 18242-72 and GOST 20736-75, when assigning sampling plans, the sample volume can be increased.The table shows the values ​​of the increased sample size¢ nd, calculated for the normal distribution law of the controlled parameter and measurement error = ± 2,5 x met, calculated for the normal distribution law of the controlled parameter and measurement error s


Where The table shows the values ​​of the increased sample sizeaccording to the formula

x met- sample size according to the control plan;x

x met, calculated for the normal distribution law of the controlled parameter and measurement error- standard deviation of the measured geometric parameter;

- mean square measurement error. Criteria for assessing control results based on an increased sample size are adopted according to the control plan for the sample

1,23Criteria for assessing control results based on an increased sample size are adopted according to the control plan for the sample

1,15Criteria for assessing control results based on an increased sample size are adopted according to the control plan for the sample

1,11Criteria for assessing control results based on an increased sample size are adopted according to the control plan for the sample

1,065 The table shows the values ​​of the increased sample size



I like


System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction


System of ensuring geometric parameters accuracy in building. Rules for measuring parameters of buildings and works

OKS 91.040 OKSTU 2009 Date of introduction 1996-01-01

1 DEVELOPED by the St. Petersburg Zonal Research and Design Institute of Housing and Civil Buildings (SPb ZNIPI)

INTRODUCED by the Main Directorate of Standardization, Technical Standardization and Certification of the Ministry of Construction of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction on November 17, 1994.

3 ENTERED INTO EFFECT from 01/01/96 as a state standard Russian Federation Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated April 20, 1995 No. 18-38


Application area

This standard establishes the basic rules for measuring geometric parameters during the performance and acceptance of construction and installation work completed by the construction of buildings, structures and their parts. The range of parameters measured in accordance with this standard is defined by GOST 21779 and GOST 26607.

Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rulers. Technical specifications GOST 3749-77 Test squares 90°. Technical specifications GOST 5378-88 Goniometers with vernier. Technical specifications GOST 7502-89 Metal measuring tapes Technical specifications GOST 7948-80 Steel plumb lines for construction. Technical specifications GOST 9389-75 Carbon steel spring wire. Technical specifications GOST 10528-90 Levels. General technical conditions GOST 10529-86 Theodolites. General technical conditions GOST 17435-72 Drawing rulers. Technical specifications GOST 19223-90 Geodetic rangefinders. General technical conditions GOST 21779-82 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological approvals GOST 26433.0-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Factory-made elements GOST 26607-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Functional tolerances



4.1 General requirements for the selection of methods and measuring instruments, performing measurements and processing their results - in accordance with GOST 26433.0.

4.2 Measurements are carried out in accordance with the diagrams given in Appendix A. Direct measurements of the parameter are preferred. If direct measurement is impossible or ineffective, indirect measurement is performed. In this case, the value of the parameter is determined from the given dependencies based on the results of direct measurements of other parameters. When taking measurements using geodetic instruments, one should take into account methods certified in the prescribed manner.

4.3 To measure linear dimensions and their deviations, rulers in accordance with GOST 427 and GOST 17435, tape measures in accordance with GOST 7502, light range finders in accordance with GOST 19223 and other special measuring instruments certified in the prescribed manner are used.

4.4 To measure horizontal and vertical angles, theodolites are used in accordance with GOST 10529, for measuring vertical angles - optical quadrants according to the current NTD, and for measuring angles between the faces and edges of building structures and their elements - inclinometers in accordance with GOST 5378 and calibration squares in accordance with GOST 3749.

4.5 To measure elevations between points, levels in accordance with GOST 10528 and hydrostatic altimeters are used.

4.6 To measure deviations from verticality, plumb lines in accordance with GOST 7948 and theodolites are used together with linear measuring instruments, as well as special production, certified in the prescribed manner.

4.7 To measure deviations from straightness (openness) and flatness, theodolites, levels, sighting tubes, as well as specially made means (steel strings, marking cord, nylon fishing lines, optical plane meters, laser sighting devices, etc.) are used together with linear measuring instruments.

4.8 The rules for measurements performed with caliper tools, bore gauges, staples, gauges, dial indicators, probes, microscopes are adopted in accordance with GOST 26433.1.

4.9 Measuring instruments that provide the measurement accuracy required by GOST 26433.0, as well as the values ​​of the maximum errors of measuring instruments that can be used when choosing measurement instruments and methods, are given in Appendix B. Examples of calculating measurement accuracy, choosing methods and means of ensuring it are given in Appendix IN.

4.10 Locations for measuring geometric parameters for operational control during construction and installation work and acceptance control of completed stages or finished buildings and structures are accepted in accordance with the design and technological documentation. In the absence of instructions in the design and technological documentation, measurement locations are taken according to this standard.

4.11 Dimensions of rooms - length, width, height are measured in extreme sections drawn at a distance of 50-100 mm from the edges and in the middle section with the dimensions of the rooms being St. 3 m no more than 12 m. With dimensions of St. 12 m between the extreme sections, measurements are carried out in additional sections.

4.12 Deviations from the flatness of the surfaces of structures and deviations from the plane of the installation horizon are measured at points marked on the controlled surface along a rectangular grid or grid of squares with a step of 0.5 to 3 m. In this case, the extreme points should be located 50-100 mm from the edge of the controlled surfaces.

4.13 Deviations from straightness are determined by the results of measuring the distances of the real line from the base line at three points, marked at distances of 50-100 mm from its edges and in the middle, or at points marked with a pitch specified in the project.

4.14 Deviation from verticality is determined by measuring the distance from the plumb base line to two points of the structure, marked in one vertical section at distances of 50-100 mm from the top and bottom edges of the structure. The verticality of columns and tower-type structures is controlled in two mutually perpendicular sections, and the verticality of walls is controlled in the extreme sections, as well as in additional sections, depending on the design features.

4.15 Measurements of gaps, ledges, depth of support, eccentricities are carried out in characteristic places that affect the operation of butt joints.

4.16 Measurement of the deviation of structural elements, as well as buildings and structures from a given position in plan and height, is carried out at points located in the extreme sections or at distances of 50-100 mm from the edge.

4.17 Geodetic points of alignment networks and landmarks of axes are fixed on the ground and on building structures signs that ensure the required accuracy of alignment work and the safety of landmarks during construction and operation (if necessary).

4.18 Depending on the material, dimensions, features of the geometric shape and purpose of buildings and structures, means not provided for by this standard may also be used to ensure the required measurement accuracy in accordance with GOST 26433.0.

1 area of ​​use

3 Designations

1 Basic means of ensuring the accuracy of alignment work

2 Errors of the main methods and means of measuring deviations from the alignment axis or alignment

3 Errors of basic methods and instruments for measuring deviations from a plumb line

4 Errors of the main methods and instruments for measuring deviations from design elevations and a given slope