Investments in companies with state participation: advantages and disadvantages. Risks of PAMM investing

All the previous crises that Russia has experienced in recent years cannot be compared with the crisis that has occurred today. Accordingly, the consequences of such a financial decline will be much more global than in all previous times. Therefore, the question of where to invest money during a crisis is becoming increasingly relevant. Experts predict that the inflation rate in 2015 will be about 15%. And if we take into account the fact that the national currency has practically fallen, the cost of oil has been reduced to the limit, and the sanctions imposed by the West may be extended, then the situation seems completely disastrous. That is why the majority of Russians decided to look for effective investment instruments in order not only to preserve their savings, but also to earn money during a turning point.

Reasons for the crisis in 2015

Where is it profitable to invest money today? This dilemma plagues many Russian citizens. But in order to understand this issue, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the occurrence economic crisis in Russia in 2015. Today, almost all analysts in the world are waging “fierce battles” on this topic. If we collect all the options and votes for and against, we can identify several key areas that led to such an acute crisis in the country. The first and main reason for the decline is the sanctions imposed European Union and West. The second decisive factor is the cost of black gold, which in the period 2014-2015 decreased in price by almost 50%. The third reason is the outflow of capital, which was provoked by corruption, as well as the situation related to the conflict in Ukraine. All this has led to the fact that the cost national currency dropped to historical low, and Russian goods have ceased to be competitive. All this negatively affected, first of all, the standard of living of ordinary Russians, who today are wondering where it is better to invest their money.

Real estate: pros and cons

According to statistics, real estate has always been and remains one of the most profitable types of investments. Where to invest money in a crisis, if not in square meters, which always remain in price? This one financial instrument considered the safest in the long term and medium term. Experts advise purchasing real estate during a crisis. The only thing you shouldn’t do is wait until the cost of housing reaches its “bottom,” professionals emphasize. This significantly increases the risk of fraud in the square footage market. It is worth paying attention to those real estate options that will be profitable in the future. You can buy living space in a building that is still under construction; in the future, the cost of such square meters increases significantly. Experts advise avoiding the purchase of suburban and non-residential real estate, as well as the purchase of land that is located far from infrastructure. Most likely, these square meters will not be of interest to buyers in the coming years.

Gold or...

Should I invest money in gold? According to experts, today this will be extremely profitable. After all, it is this type of investment that is the most effective and reliable in times of political and economic instability. If you look at the cost of currencies and energy resources, you can draw very positive conclusions about what will happen to gold in the coming years. Professionals say that this precious metal will show excellent results in the next few years. Many investors use this simple method when the price of oil begins to rise (which can already be observed today). Trying to diversify risks, investors buy gold, because it is during this period that its price soars by 1.5-2 thousand dollars per ounce. Although many experts believe that good investment There will also be other metals, for example: silver, palladium, platinum, osmium and others. All of them will only become more expensive in the future in 2015-2016.

Stable deposit

One of the most favorite financial instruments among Russian citizens is a deposit. After all, what could be easier than investing money in a bank at stable interest rates? In addition, today the Central Bank of Russia offers its depositors quite tempting conditions. Key rate, which the Central Bank raised at the end of 2014, had a great impact on interest rates, and many citizens had the opportunity to use this financial instrument with greater benefit. The only thing that experts can advise investors is to carefully consider the choice banking organization. First of all, it is worth considering its rating indicators, which are compiled by independent rating analytical agencies. High interest rates may not always indicate the reliability and stability of a bank. Quite the contrary.

Stock market or world of shares

Where to invest money in a crisis? Every successful trader will confidently say that this must be done in the stock market. Investing money in stocks is almost half the success today. It is the stock market that shows the highest rates of passive income. But, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to manage securities. This requires not only a certain amount of knowledge, but also experience in the stock market. Of course, you can invest money in shares and use the trust management service, which is becoming increasingly popular today. After all, as experts say, today the value of securities, even of the largest Russian enterprises, has dropped critically. And this, in turn, provides an excellent opportunity to acquire securities that in the future will not only bring stable dividends, but will also show high growth by next year. The only risk that analysts point to is the manager’s low level of knowledge, so you should approach the selection of a manager with special attention!

Mutual funds. Is it worth it?

As mentioned earlier, the stock market is profitable. Where to invest money during a crisis in order not only to successfully survive this period, but also to remain in the black? Of course, in stocks and bonds! After all, even if an investor is completely unfamiliar with the stock market, he always has the opportunity to use this financial instrument by collaborating with mutual investment funds (UIFs). The advantages of mutual funds are that the investor can even use small amounts in order to cooperate with management company. At the same time, profitability ranges from 15% to 60% per annum, which significantly exceeds earnings from a standard deposit. The only disadvantage in using this financial instrument is the high dependence of profitability on the selected sector of the economy and low interest in profit.

PAMM account. Leader 2014

Where is it profitable to invest money during the 2015 crisis? Perhaps it’s worth asking Forex market players about this. After all, at the end of 2014, it was PAMM accounts that took first place in terms of high income. In essence, PAMM accounts are an investment of your own funds into an account in trust management a trader who actively works in the Forex market. Such investments are made on special websites - registered Forex brokers. It is very important to familiarize yourself with all the information related to the work of brokers. The advantage of PAMM accounts is obvious, because the profitability of some shares reaches 100-150% per year. But it is worth considering that the risks here are quite high. The amount of income that the investor will receive at the end of the transaction will depend on how correctly the manager chooses the strategy. Therefore, it is very important to seriously approach the choice of a trader who will manage assets in the future. Unfortunately, high risks and taxes often scare off potential Forex clients.

Where is the best place to invest?

The 2015 crisis, according to analysts and experts, will be terrible in its consequences. This is why it is so difficult to say where it is better to invest money. Perhaps there is no exact answer to this question. You can endlessly compare the financial instruments and products that are offered to us modern world. But, in end result, it turns out that it is more profitable to use the financial instrument that the investor knows how to use well. After all, it is precisely the low level of knowledge and lack of experience that often leads to the fact that the investor loses not only possible income, but also all his savings. Well, for those who like to take risks, experts suggest using such non-standard types of investments as: private business, antiques and art, startups. These areas, if managed correctly, can generate significant revenues in the near future. For those who prefer stability and confidence, professionals advise distributing funds across several investment instruments. And most importantly, do not forget that “money is a good servant, but a bad master”!

Let's talk about investing, money, business and overall success in this field of activity.

I will not stop repeating that a person must constantly develop comprehensively, and not narrowly, purposefully, in one thing (this is why I broadcast on a variety of topics, and not just one thing, about sports, as was before).

Because our world is material - not a single person can feel good without money.

I hope that the articles that I will make from time to time will help many people to emphasize something for themselves, draw some appropriate conclusions, invest wisely, save and increase their capital...

I want to devote the first issue to the most important primary rules of investing, that is, let’s talk about how to properly invest money anywhere...

For those who don’t know, investing is investing money with the goal of making a profit in the future.

In my opinion, money should work, for this it needs to be invested somewhere. In the long term, saving and storing money is not wise, in my opinion, because of inflation, money depreciates.

Inflation eats up money. Therefore, in order to save and increase your money, you need to invest it somewhere (invest) and in order to be able to INCREASE (and not lose), you need to do it as correctly as possible.

The first thing to start investing is to acquire the necessary knowledge.

This means that it is best to invest your first money in yourself, and not somewhere else (stocks, gold, cryptocurrency and others). Investing in yourself always pays off many times over. Don’t ignore this advice, if only because two people recommend doing so richest person in the world - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

Only after you have the necessary knowledge and understanding of investing, different financial instruments, the principles of their operation, expected profits and risks, can you move on to practice.

#1. Control risks...

One of the extremely important principles of investing is to control risk.

  • Risks are something you will inevitably encounter if you decide to invest in anything.
  • Risks are something that absolutely every investor inevitably faces.

Tip 1: before investing your money anywhere, be sure to think about how much you can lose and only then how much you can earn (receive). Risk is what you need to think about first!

Trivial advice? Agree! But as practice shows, many people (newbies) think the other way around.

DOLLAR signs “light up” in their eyes)) and the poor people rub their hands in anticipation of millions, but in reality, very often they lose their money, for example, due to overestimating their strengths and experience.

Risk is an integral part of absolutely any investment and must be controlled.

To do this, you need to be able to correctly perceive probabilities and draw correct conclusions based on them.

#2. Carefully analyze the proposal from A to Z

Emotionally, people often make mistakes.

Your task is to be completely confident in what you are doing and why. Understand?

I’m trying to tell everything in a humane way (and it will continue to be the same). No fancy words, etc.

Your task as an investor is to fully analyze the proposal from A to Z without being distracted by anything.

You need to know your investment as well as possible.

And don’t run like Ivanushka the fool from the bay, invest money on emotions, with glass eyes in the form of DOLLAR... because everyone does it or on this moment there are some promotions, special offers, unique offers just for you, just now, hurry up, don't miss the opportunity, the most profitable terms, limited time, hurry up, otherwise you won’t have time, low price and many many others.

Constant pressure, our world is full of various manipulations to varying degrees.

I am telling this in words that you now understand - which are now clear to everyone.

But in reality - manipulations in certain industries/etc. sometimes they are so skillful (professional) that for many people (especially beginners) they are not noticeable...

Your task is to be completely cool and focused on your work.

You don’t need to be fooled and invest money quickly - without thinking everything through from A to Z! No! You must think through and analyze all options for the development of events. And based on them - on the basis of all the work done - on the basis of all the information - all the analytics / in-depth analysis - make the right conclusions.

Deep analysis does not guarantee your success, but at the same time it will increase your chances of success.

At the same time, this process should not last too long, otherwise you might miss the moment...

#3. Invest as much as you are willing to lose

Advice 3: under no circumstances invest with your last money or, even worse, with money borrowed or on credit, etc. because this is not reasonable and if it fails, it can all end very badly...

Invest only own funds, which are not your last and invest as much as you can afford to lose without any “damage” to yourself and your family.

That is, to put it simply, when you invest money, you kind of mentally say goodbye to it.

It shouldn’t be that you have invested = and are directly praying for the business to burn out, because you bet everything on this to happen. That is, we return to rule No. 1. Control the risks and be prepared to lose everything.

After all, if you fail - when you have bet everything - you will have nothing left and you will end up in the ass.

And being in the ass will make you feel very bad. Therefore, I categorically do not recommend making this mistake.

#4. Diversify your risks

To put it simply, you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Otherwise, all your eggs (investments) may break/disappear in an instant.

By diversifying your risks, you have several baskets of eggs.

If one basket fills up, you have other baskets. That is, you know, an analogy, right?

Never invest everything in one thing/project (basket).

Personally, I distribute mine investment capital depending on potential risks.

#5. Have a financial airbag

Tip 5: before investing anywhere, be sure to create and have a financial cushion (in my opinion, it is vital for absolutely every person for his own protection).

We live in a material world - without money you are nobody and there is no way to call you.

Therefore, in simple terms: a financial cushion is the amount of money that, in the event of the disappearance of a source of income (or an unsuccessful investment, failure, loss of money), will give you and your family the opportunity to live for three/six months (minimum), without any deterioration in quality of your life.

You can create a financial cushion regularly (for example, monthly) by setting aside some part (this is best for you - the figure is individual for everyone) of financial income.

Congratulations, administrator.

7 reasons why investing in Sportvest is profitable and safe

As an addition, I would like to highlight 7 main reasons why investing in Sportvest Capital is profitable and safe!

1) Profit from 1.8% to 3.2% per day for the WHOLE YEAR. The investment pays off at least 6 times over time!

2) A bonus from each contribution of 2.5% that our blog provides is additional income to the already high profit in the project!

3) Lifetime protection against losses from our blog in the amount of $2000 - this is an additional reason to be confident in the reliability of the project! We will cover your losses in case of force majeure!

4) While the current deposit is working, you can increase it at any time WITHOUT CHANGING ITS WORK DURATION, and increase the tariff to a higher one! It is very comfortable!

5) When you deposit over $1000 (in dollars), you receive a huge deposit bonus of 10%, which the project provides! Additionally, with a bonus from the blog, you get an immediate increase in your deposit of +12.5%, which is very serious! IMPORTANT! You can top up your account in dollars and receive a 10% bonus even if you have rubles in your hands. We can exchange your rubles for dollars at the best rate and the deposit will be credited in dollars with an increase of +10% and our bonus of 2.5%! Contact us on Telegram

6) Now you can withdraw funds both instantly with a small commission to all payment systems, and without any commissions with manual but FAST processing. In recent days, withdrawals occur instantly both on Yandex and on Qiwi with MasterCard/Visa.

7) We are investing in the most dynamically developing and stable asset of the fall, which has already attracted more than $3,455,000 in investments and paid out $1,636,000 to investors. Satisfied investors - 12476! And our team’s deposits at the moment are $770,000!

We invest in a truly strong, stable, leading and most profitable project of 2018, and reach new level investment!

Investing money profitably at interest is not as easy as it might seem from the outside. However, there are quite a few available sources of information, so everyone can figure out how to do everything correctly in order to ensure a passive stable income. Investments must be made in such a way that the profit on them significantly exceeds inflation, otherwise there will be no benefit from the investment. Let's consider the basic rules and methods of increasing savings.

general information

A person who understands where and how to profitably invest money at interest must immediately clarify the key market indicators at the moment. In particular, in our country, last year’s final inflation rate was 2.5%. If we consider the period from 2015, the depreciation reaches one fifth. Since no bank will offer deposits with such interest rates, we can safely say that cooperation with such structures is according to classical savings programs not profitable. What to do with money and how to make it work? Let's first turn to key rules- they will help you understand how to properly manage your finances.

When planning to invest money at interest, you must immediately set yourself a condition: you are allowed to work only with your own money. Every person, even very experienced ones, has the risk of making a bad investment. If your own savings were used in this way, you can lose them, but if it was borrowed capital, you also need to return what you spent - this can be a serious problem. It is equally important to provide yourself with backup options. There is no need to invest everything at once into a seemingly promising project - there are risks even when collaborating with a very reliable company. If suddenly something goes wrong or a new unpredictable crisis occurs, the investor will have money left for everyday life.

Responsibility comes first

When planning to invest money at interest, you must immediately formulate a working plan. It describes in detail where and in what ways the finances will be directed. The plan must be formed before the real investment program begins. This makes it much easier to analyze prospects. If you managed to invest your money successfully, a profit appears, a certain percentage of it should also be used in business. This way, turnover will grow, and along with it, the citizen’s profit. Some people make mistakes after achieving initial success: they buy expensive goods, indulge themselves with unjustified luxury in everyday life. Experts advise you to think twice whether this will interfere with the matter. If the profits are very large, you can combine everything, but if they are enough for either luxury or increasing turnover, it is better to choose the second. Without an additional cash injection, no business will be able to develop.

In order for investing money at interest to be profitable, you need to be able to control yourself. One of the main problems of an investor is emotionality. Overly euphoric and overly pessimistic attitudes are equally dangerous. An investor plunged into depression simply does not have enough strength to implement his plans, and an overly positive state will provoke unjustified risks that can cause losses. Only a cold-blooded person can achieve success. If your emotional state is unstable, you need to give yourself a break. It is believed that any emotions fade away within 72 hours - this is exactly how much you need to give yourself. Only after this time do they begin to analyze the current circumstances and look for the optimal solution.


For investments to be profitable, you need to carefully analyze everything. Even before the first payment for the chosen program, it is necessary to assess what the profit will be from it and what losses you may encounter. They only enter into an agreement in which the advantages significantly outweigh the possible disadvantages.

One of the basic rules of investing is risk diversification. In common parlance this is called “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” The best success awaits an investor who is able to immediately engage in several projects. If one of them fails, the profit of the others will cover the failure, so significant losses will be avoided.

Simple and fast: how to increase your savings without leaving home

You can invest money at interest every day on the Internet through the Forex system. It is rightfully considered the most typical, famous and popular option for making money on the World Wide Web. The profit of the participants is determined by the difference in exchange rates. First, the user purchases some currency, then sells it when the value rises. The greater the difference in rates, the more significant the profit will be. Among the main aspects of this method of earning money are accessibility to the general public (a thousand rubles are enough to get started), ease of operations that only require a smartphone, a computer and a connection to the World Wide Web. There are many courses that teach people who are far from trading - they explain in detail the essence of making money and allow you to master all the wisdom of the market, even if the person was previously very far from this area.

However, as with everything, there are drawbacks. Forex is risky, especially for a beginner. A good profit here will be received only by a constantly working person who daily monitors exchange rate changes and monitors which currency pairs are the most profitable.

Investments: PAMM

When planning to invest money at interest daily on the Internet, you can take a closer look at this option. The point here is to unite with other persons who have some capital. All these people choose a single manager whom they trust and transfer their savings to him. The responsible person will continue to work with the funds - invest them, receive profit and divide it between all participants. Mainly the managers of such accounts earn money through the Forex market. The profitability here will be less than trading currencies at your own discretion, but the risks are also weakened: for a professional, the likelihood of financial losses is less, since he has experience and the ability to foresee the development of the situation.

The main advantage of such cooperation is the minimal danger for each participant in the program. The entry threshold is also low; you can invest in PAMM if you have no more than a thousand or two of free money (in rubles). In addition, PAMM can be safely called a classic option passive income, because you don’t need to conclude any deals yourself. On the other hand, there are also weaknesses. Investment is limited and it will not be possible to get back what you invested earlier than stipulated by the agreement, and in principle there are no guarantees of return. Insurance programs operating at the state level for bank accounts do not cover PAMM. This option is optimal if a person is interested in the Forex market, but does not have experience and information.

Options on Forex

If your goal is to invest money at interest every day, you can take a closer look at the programs binary options offering to work with exchange rates. At the same time, the income component is not determined by the margin. The user must correctly guess how the exchange rates each other relative to each other. If you make a successful decision, you can stay in the black. The amount of profit is regulated already at the stage of offering a deal, before setting the option. By placing a bet, you can lose or gain exactly that much, and it does not matter how large the change in exchange rates will be.

The program is attractive for its predictability, since you can immediately understand what a possible loss is and how much you can get. At the same time, the work is simple, there is no need to assume and predict how great the changes will be, you just need to correctly indicate the direction. Another plus is the opportunity to learn completely free of charge. But there was a “fly in the ointment”. Like any work in Forex, options are a danger to your savings. It is impossible to predict what the market dynamics will be, and the tools at an investor’s disposal are limited. There are about a dozen types of currencies, but you cannot work with securities.


When planning to invest money at interest on a daily basis, it is worth considering the possibility of working with shares through the Forex exchange. The logic of making money here is close to that described above for currency pairs. The user's task is to select and buy a security that seems promising to him, and then sell when the price becomes higher. The more significant the difference, the more revenue you can get. If we compare currencies and stocks, the latter attract attention with an additional type of income component. In addition to price changes, there is profit in dividends. A certain percentage of the financial advantage of the enterprise is annually divided among all security holders.

The key advantages of such a program are double the opportunity to generate income and good profitability. If you manage to find securities of a promising enterprise for sale, the annual income can reach a third of the invested amount. There were some downsides too. To work, you need a bank account, and all financial benefits received by a citizen are subject to taxes - 13%. This mechanism is most suitable for people who are well versed in the peculiarities of the work of different enterprises. By being able to correctly imagine what the prospects of different companies are, you can get good bonuses. If you can’t figure it out on your own, you can turn to the services of a professional, but it costs money.

Everything is mine - and profitable

When developing a program for investing money at interest, it is worth taking a closer look at the opportunities provided by the World Wide Web: you can create your own website on its expanses. The profit that is made through it is due to advertising. The more users of the portal, the more successfully the area of ​​work was chosen, the better it will be financial position owner. As experts say, if you open your own project dedicated to business and ensure daily traffic of at least a thousand original users, you can earn several tens of thousands of rubles monthly. But, for example, gaming topics are a much less valuable niche.

The main profit is provided not only by contextual and direct advertising, but also by partnership. You can make a deal with a store that will charge money every time portal users purchase something or order any service. As analysts say, in just a year the site can reach a profitability level of about 50 thousand rubles per month. The owner can determine the topic himself, choose the one in which he is oriented, and start in this area from scratch. You can write a simple website yourself. The income from it is passive, since all obligations to support the project can be delegated employees. An equally important advantage is scalability. If you succeed with one site, you can develop the second in the same way. If you want to undergo training first before starting, it will require small investment- the most expensive courses will cost no more than 30 thousand.

When choosing this particular option for investing money at interest on the Internet, you need to understand that it is not without its drawbacks. The main disadvantages are the need to pay for training and the problems of getting into business. Without specialized knowledge, it is unlikely that you will be able to promote the project, and in the first year there will be a lot of work. On the other hand, as many believe, this investment option is the most profitable one available to modern people.


You can invest money at interest online or in real life, choosing a startup for yourself, that is, a small enterprise uniting a select group. This option of cooperation is associated with certain risks, but there are also considerable benefits: the annual income component can reach 200%. A startup begins with a group of people with a burning idea and a precise project. They have an understanding of the nuances of implementation, but not enough money to start. The investor invests his money and receives a profit in return.

There are two categories of startups: innovative and those using existing technological solutions that developers improve with their ideas. In the first case, the profit is more significant, the second is considered more reliable. In addition to the financial advantage, the obvious advantage of this opportunity is a large selection of investment areas. There are especially many options in technopolises - here there are an abundance of young professionals who need money to implement promising ideas. On the other hand, the risks are also considerable, the product may not be of interest to the audience, and there is no insurance system. Another subtle point is the choice of project. There are no generally accepted parameters to “separate the wheat from the chaff.” You can, of course, hire an analyst, but this will not be cheap.

Classic: time-tested

Investing money at interest in Sberbank or another reliable financial company looks promising. In our country, among all the ways to obtain passive income, this is the most popular among the general population. According to analysts, in the fall current year total value bank deposits citizens of our country reached 27.4 trillion rubles. From an investor's point of view, this method of making a profit is the simplest. You just need to come to the company’s office, give the manager the money and sign the agreement. Interest accrued on it will be automatically credited to the account until the service period expires.

The main advantage of this option is the minimum risk. Usually they choose to invest money at interest in Sberbank and others financial enterprises people who have relatively small savings, which, however, they do not want to risk. The country has an insurance program that allows you to protect all deposits, the size of which is no more than 1.4 million rubles. Even if the structure becomes bankrupt, the citizen will receive this amount back.

An equally important factor is convenience, because bank offices available in almost any locality, and through the virtual Web you can create a contribution in just a few minutes. On the other hand, the profit is small - up to 8% per year, and you won’t be able to control your money. The agreements are such that the movement of money is limited, so part of the potential profit is lost.

mutual fund

When choosing where to invest money at interest, you should take a closer look at the programs mutual funds. Expected to work on stock market. Mutual funds are formed by several people who have savings. Everyone invests a certain amount, for which they receive a share in the common enterprise. Often management is entrusted to a hired employee. The more professional the manager is, the better he will be able to invest the fund funds entrusted to him, which means that all participants in the program will receive greater profits. Such a program involves cooperation with experienced people who are able to see prospects where everything seems hopeless to a beginner. By working with a manager, you can avoid the risk of investing money in a highly advertised but low-quality project.

The manager's services are paid from general fund funds. Usually the profit is enough to pay the manager and divide the remainder among the investors. This format allows you to invest money under high interest with minimal danger, since the authorities strictly control the work of all large funds, and only a person with a certificate can become a manager. To enter the project you do not need to have very big money- For many, the start starts with a thousand rubles. The profit will be passive, you don’t need to do anything, and the income will be monthly. There are quite a few programs, the user can decide which one suits him best.

One of the weaknesses is the lack of guarantees. If the fund goes bankrupt, participants lose their investments. Another disadvantage is the inability to independently control capital transactions. The agreement usually specifies restrictions on withdrawing money before a certain period. Other conditions may apply.


If investing money at interest in Sberbank seems unprofitable, Internet programs do not inspire confidence, and funds look unreliable, you can invest your savings in immovable objects. Having a certain amount, you can buy an apartment, room, house or other square meters, which are then transferred for use to those who wish under a lease agreement. The payment that the tenant will pay every month is the first part of the owner’s income. It is noted that it is much more profitable to purchase commercial space for further rental than residential space. These are often located on the first floors of residential buildings. If the areas are very large, you can design them as warehouses.

One of the advantages of such a program is double profitability. In addition to rent, there is also an increase in prices per square meter. From year to year, prices increase quite significantly, coupled with rent this gives a profit of several hundred thousand in just a couple of years. If we compare such an offer with the opportunities, for example, to invest money at interest daily in Sberbank, it is worth noting: real estate is more functional. You can purchase a home and use it for your own needs, or transfer it to a tenant and start a business yourself. You won’t have to doubt liquidity, and if you need to sell, it will be easier to say goodbye to square meters than to your own business. Analysts pay attention to the absence of risks. To do this, it is necessary to document relationships with tenants.

Are there any disadvantages?

Of course, there were some drawbacks. There is a danger of downtime. If the choice is made poorly and the area is unattractive, it will be difficult to find a tenant. The entire period of absence of such a person is unprofitable for the investor.

If we compare the program for investing money under monthly interest through exchanges and financial companies With the purchase of real estate, you will have to note another drawback: repairs. Renting out square meters always involves the risk of the areas being returned in poor condition. It is very difficult to predict when repairs will be needed and how large they will be.

Another important drawback is utility bills. There is no escape from them; such expenses are constant and there is no profit from them.

Compulsory medical insurance

One of the ways to invest money at interest through VTB 24 and other financial corporations is to open your own compulsory medical insurance, that is, an impersonal account in which money is converted into precious metals. Today, not only silver and gold are available to those who wish, but also more interesting materials - palladium and platinum. By signing an agreement with the bank, a person does not receive any real bullion, but only becomes the owner of the account. This includes the amount of money corresponding to the purchased metal. As the price of the material increases, the investor will make a profit, and the greater the increase, the greater the financial benefit.

Among the main advantages of this program are reliability and minimal risks. The price of precious metals rises even during crisis periods, which means you can minimize the impact of instability on your own economic situation. There were some downsides too. If the goal is compulsory medical insurance, it will greatly disappoint - there are time periods when prices do not rise. There are no insurance programs provided. If the financial company goes bankrupt, the investor loses everything. Another disadvantage is the need to pay the tax burden when cashing out an account (that is, when withdrawing metal from the account in the form of physical bullion).

I want my own business

As you can conclude from the reviews, quite a lot of people decide to invest money at interest in the field of entrepreneurship every day. True, there are a lot of risks here - but if everything works out, the success will be significant. To succeed, you need to start with a good idea. A clear plan is formed for the enterprise, then an investor is sought. As analysts note, by building business relationships with Chinese suppliers, you can ensure a profit of up to 1000% from each transaction. Another plus is the opportunity to work in an area of ​​interest. Entrepreneurship stimulates improvement and development, and the business owner increases his connections with other people and acquires useful contacts.

The weakest point of this option is the need to invest a fairly large amount at the start. If you can invest money at interest monthly through banks and virtual offers from a thousand rubles or more, then here the start starts with tens and hundreds of thousands. The disadvantages include the need to be in touch around the clock, always at work, weekends are unacceptable, because it is beneficial for the entrepreneur that everything goes according to the developed plan.


When choosing where and at interest for 24 hours, you can consider shares on the stock market, through Forex, but much more reliability and profit are inherent in programs for working with securities. It is expected to acquire obligations from enterprises or the state. The owner receives profit at a given frequency (month, part of the year, year). This may be a certain percentage or a strictly specified amount. Stocks and bonds are popular.

The main advantages are a large selection of offers and the opportunity to simultaneously practice several strategies while managing your money. Among the disadvantages are the problem of adequately assessing the supply, the danger of losses and a low percentage of profitability.

Where is the best place to invest rubles today? What investment areas are most profitable during a crisis? How to invest rubles wisely so that they do not depreciate?

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine “”! Alexander Berezhnov, the founder of the resource, is with you.

The topic of the new publication is profitable financial investments.

The article will be useful to everyone who wants to manage their money with maximum benefit and not lose savings in conditions of economic instability.

So, let's begin!

1. Where to invest rubles so as not to lose - why it is better not to store money in rubles, but to invest it

Deposits in rubles have never been a particularly reliable investment of funds, and in times of economic instability they are even a high-risk investment.

The conclusion is obvious: keeping money in rubles is not only unprofitable, but also unprofitable. if you have financial resources(even small ones) it is better to make them work than to lose profit every month as a result of devaluation and inflation.

Investing is a more progressive method of managing assets than keeping it in a stocking, and when it comes to rubles, the benefits this method becomes especially obvious.

You can observe the results of ruble devaluation and price increases personally by visiting stores and using paid services. To roughly estimate the scale of inflation, you do not have to be a financial analyst or have an economic education.

In a nutshell, why the ruble is depreciating:

  • the Russian currency is firmly tied to oil prices - a fall in prices for raw materials inevitably affects the purchasing power of the ruble;
  • Sanctions from Western countries are further aggravating the position of the ruble against the euro and dollar.

In such a situation, storing ruble capital (especially a fairly large one) leads to the inevitable loss of a certain percentage of funds, or more precisely, to a decrease in the objective value of the asset.

If you do not store the money, but invest it, the monetary losses will be compensated and even returned with a profit.

Investing now so that they do not depreciate means ensuring economic stability and at least partially insuring yourself against shocks that may await our currency in the future.

The amount of income from investing depends on hundreds of factors. And the most important of them is the amount with which you operate. It can be small or quite large: in both cases, it is better not to store it, but to invest it.

For example, in one of the articles in our magazine we specifically talk about.

Cash deposits– by default a risky activity, but if successful, guaranteeing a stable income and financial security to you and your family.

The main reasons for the mistakes of novice investors:

  • ill-conceived approach;
  • decisions made based on emotions;
  • low level of financial literacy.

From typical mistakes For newcomers, we will try to protect our readers within the framework of this publication, as well as in other articles of the resource. Just follow our advice, always use common sense and do not choose dubious partners in your investment projects.

2. Where is it more profitable to invest rubles now - TOP-5 most reliable investment directions

Risks and returns largely depend on the size of the investment. There is an article on our website that explains in detail and more large sums.

There is an opinion that during times of economic and financial instability, only professionals can make profitable investments. This is true, but only partly. Smart investments are available to everyone who understands the laws of the market and relies on common sense in their actions.

In this publication, we indicate the most profitable areas of investment that will help preserve capital and increase it.

Direction 1. Shares

The principle of investing in shares is extremely simple: you buy them at one price and sell them at another – higher price.

Stocksecurities, confirming their owner’s share in the capital of the company and giving the right to a portion of the profits.

Compared to other investment options, the purchase of shares does not guarantee a mandatory profit, but the increase in the value of securities does not have a certain limit. In other words, these are promising and highly profitable investments, especially if you know what you are investing in.

Ideally, investments should be made stock broker– a professional who understands securities quotes and is able to predict the direction of market movements.

If you have a large amount of money and do not know (or more), it is advisable to hire such a person and entrust the issue of choosing an investment object to him.

An example of the most successful investment

Over 10 years (from 1985 to 1995), Microsoft's stock price rose from 1,3 before 90 . If you had invested in corporations in 1985 $10 000 , then in just 10 years they would have earned almost $500 000 American rubles.

Direction 2. Bank deposits in foreign currency

Theoretically, in banks you can get income from deposits and foreign currency up to 4-5% per year. In 2016, interest rates in many financial companies decreased slightly, but not critically.

Deposits are investments with minimal risk and fixed income. This is the most understandable and accessible type of investment for ordinary citizens, although in our country you need to choose a bank for deposits with extreme caution.

How do banks work? In a nutshell, the scheme of activity of financial organizations is as follows: you invest your money at 4% per annum, and bankers circulate your funds in various ways.

For example, they give them on credit to other clients (at 10% per annum). The difference of 6% is the income of the banking organization.

The advantage of bank deposits is clear: you know in advance how much you will receive at the end of the term. Other financial instruments do not always guarantee such accuracy. But the profitability of such operations is low.

It is important to know

Citizens' deposits in Russian banks up to 1 million 400 rubles are insured by the state.

True, not all financial companies transmit data on deposits to government agencies. In some cases, depositors simply cannot prove the existence of a deposit in a specific financial organization in the event of its bankruptcy.

Direction 3. Precious metals

Gold and other metals remain at all times a safe investment funds. The value of these metals almost never decreases, but on the contrary, it steadily rises regardless of currency fluctuations.

Some people prefer to purchase gold in coins because they are tax-free, but experts prefer bullion. Coins are not so easy to sell if necessary, but bullion is accepted everywhere and always.

Where to buy gold? For example, Sberbank sells precious bullion. In addition to gold, you can purchase bars of silver, platinum and palladium. The procedure for purchasing gold is confirmed by a certificate, the safety of which is no less important than the safety of the bullion itself.

Banks also offer the opening of “metal accounts”, where the account currency is precious metals.

Direction 4. Business

Investments in business are the most promising, although very risky. Owning your own business is an opportunity to work for yourself, rather than working 8-10 hours a day as a hired force. A profitable business is long-term investment with a theoretically unlimited amount of income.

You can invest in an existing business or develop new projects from scratch. There is an intermediate option - to purchase a franchise and become a partner of a large company with the authority of the head of a regional branch.

By the way, we already wrote about this in one of our publications.

Direction 5. Mutual funds

A very popular area of ​​investment. Mutual funds (share investment funds) are a financial instrument designed for relatively quick profits.

The work flow is as follows:

  • a group of investors invests money in a common pot;
  • professional managers manage money in order to multiply it;
  • profit is distributed according to the invested shares.

Shareholders invest their finances in securities, currencies, and bonds, choosing the most promising options. The point is to get maximum profit quickly and without hassle, without having any experience in investing.

For clarity, I collected all the data listed above investment directions to the final table:

Direction of investment Risk level Possible annual income, %
1 Shares and securitiesaveragefrom 0 to 1000
2 Bank deposits in foreign currencyshort4 - 5 %
3 Precious metalsshort10 - 15%
4 Businesshighnot fixed
5 Mutual fundsaverage5 - 25 %

3. Where not to invest money during a crisis

In addition to the above investment areas, there are dozens of others. Some methods are quite reliable, others do not provide certain guarantees.

In addition, in times of crisis, some quite traditional methods investments may become risky and uncertain.

Experienced investors do not advise citizens to transfer large sums in rubles into foreign currency. You can engage in such operations by having close ties with banks and currency exchanges (that is, receiving first-hand information).

Transactions with currencies will not bring profit if you are not a professional player on the stock exchange.

You can create a so-called “basket of currencies”, which to some extent will protect you from the consequences of ruble devaluation.

In such a basket, 35% of money is kept in euros, 35% in dollars, 30% in rubles.

Another dubious area for investments is real estate. Its value in foreign currency Last year sank well.

It is enough to open any website dedicated to the purchase/sale of housing, and it will become clear that supply exceeds demand, and the cost square meter real estate (in dollars) even in large cities is declining.