Earn a million dollars in 5 years. How to earn a million rubles in a short time


Become President big company. Really large - both by Russian standards and by foreign ones. To do this, it is not at all necessary to create it yourself. It is enough to get an education in one of the best universities in the world and earn yourself a reputation as a top level. Depending on your skill level, you will be offered to head the boards of directors of large corporations and holdings. And with the successful operation of your enterprise, it will not be far off.

Become an international professional athlete. The fees of sports stars have long exceeded the monthly mark of a million dollars. For example, Schumacher agreed to join the Ferrari team for $50 million a year. Beckham signed a contract worth $250 million over 5 years.

If you have acting or directing data, make a career in Hollywood. The fees of famous Hollywood actors and directors for shooting one film amount to tens of millions.

You can regularly earn a million a month on the Internet. You don't have to look far for an example - the social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte bring income to their creators at about the same level. And the idea is simple - they just created a Russian-language analogue of Facebook - a network popular abroad.

The fastest and most obvious way to easily get a million dollars in a month is seen by many as winning the lottery or. Meanwhile, the average on their customers millions of "green" monthly. And for this he does not even need to cheat. Obviously, by creating your own casino or organizing your own lottery, it is quite possible to promote your business to such heights.

Create your own business and promote it at least to the level of the largest in the region. According to many large entrepreneurs, this is not as difficult as it seems. If business ideas don't come to your mind, look to the US, Japan, and Europe. Many new ideas, almost unknown to us, have begun to be implemented in these countries. Over time, they will come to Russia. And the one who first brings them to our country will be able to quickly build a large business that can bring profits of more than $ 1,000,000 per month.

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The answer to the question of how to make a million in a month in dollar terms is simple: famous actors, top-level professional athletes, as well as wealthy rentiers with solid bank accounts can do it. Western banks. Accordingly, today's topic - how to make a million in a month - is almost the same if we talk about dollars, and a 30 times simplified task if we talk about rubles.

Useful advice

And not just beauty salon- a mobile beauty salon, that is, one that can be ordered directly to your home. This is how you can get a million for a hobby. The full name of this miracle enterprise is: "Hollywood Mobile Animal Care Service." When you post an article, do not write: "How to make a million", "big money per month" and other nonsense, as a rule, such ads are ignored (looks like a scam).

5 million rubles is a significant amount for an ordinary worker. According to statistics, hundreds of millions of rubles pass through the hands of every second citizen of the Russian Federation during the period of his life. How to save at least a small part of this flow, and then effectively increase it?

1. Cut costs

You should not turn into Scrooge McDuck, counting every penny. It is enough to make a list, including in it all the items on which finances are spent. Then you need to cross out the least necessary of them, for example, alcohol and tobacco products.

Such a decision will help save a sufficient amount for further investment. You will learn about what it is better to invest money in this year in order to also make money on it from this article.

2. Make an investment

The traditional option is to put money on a deposit, which is quite justified in terms of reliability. That's just the income received in a relatively short period will not be large. In order for your deposit profit to be the most significant, you should look at offers with the most attractive conditions, some of them are presented.

Of the more effective alternatives, it is worth highlighting:

  1. investing in promising projects,
  2. purchase of shares
  3. trading in the foreign exchange markets.

There is no need to dwell on the lack of financial education, because you can get the necessary skills and knowledge by going through specialist training.

Other ways to earn 5 million rubles

Creation of an asset and its further sale;

Earn money by doing additional work with a flexible schedule, for example, on a freelance exchange. About how much you can earn on this, you will learn from this review;

Exploitation of services and knowledge. In this case, classes such as copywriting and rewriting are suitable for you. You can find out more about how much income writing articles brings.

Expert advice on finance and business

According to the conclusions of the experts of the Business Insider portal, the most promising in financially areas are:

  1. Cyber ​​protection.
  2. Platforms for the sale of high-tech products, such as smart watches, 3D printers, etc.
  3. Remote medicine.
  4. Cloud technologies.
  5. Digital marketing ng.


There are more common ways to solve the problem of how and where you can earn a million, not related to capital investment, in particular:

  1. Instagram is visited by a huge number of people, including owners of expensive mobile phones. The income from advertising placed on the social network reaches several hundred thousand rubles per month. If you want to learn more about how to make money on the Instagram network, read this article.
  2. Other sources of income include renting out real estate or creating a website with advertising. Read about how to make money on reselling or renting an apartment.
  3. Distributor activity.
  4. Creating training courses and selling to an interested audience. There is an opportunity to place interesting videos with lessons on the popular YouTube video hosting, and you will learn how to make money on them from this review.

As practice shows, a million can be earned in a year with a guarantee, and with due effort and advanced training, the period can be significantly reduced. Note: The books of Robert Kiyosaki can become a motivational impetus for a potential millionaire.

TOP 5 profitable ideas

Don't know how to make a million in a year? Our site will help you with this. In this article, we decided to offer for the most ambitious 5 ideas for earning money, which after 12 months will bring you the first million.
By the way, you have already set yourself a specific goal (earn a million rubles) and set yourself a deadline (one year). This is a great start! After all, achieving the goal by 50% depends on how specific it is. In turn, the time frame makes you work in the mode they set, and not stretch the execution of tasks indefinitely. For more ideas on making a million, read the article:

How to make a million in a year?
Idea number 1. Boom goods

In order to earn quickly and a lot, you can sell products that are wildly popular. Remember the talking hamster that repeats all the words after the person? Many pages on the Internet were full of advertisements for this toy, and after 2-3 months the boom subsided.

Such things bring quickly and a lot, but then you have to look for a new “fashion peep” and sell it already.

Idea number 2. Working with legal entities

Any business develops gradually. But working with sales individuals, you increase your profits more slowly than it happens with wholesale sales. After all, for own needs a person buys one product. Working with wholesalers, you sell a lot and at once.

The best wholesale niches are found in two environments: industrial and consumer. In the first case, you sell goods to businesses. Most of the time it's the raw material. Examine all the enterprises in your city: they may have waste from their production that they do not use. But this waste may be needed by another company.
In the second case, your attention should be directed to the shops and services of your city. You can offer bulk supplies for merchants or supplies for service centers.

Idea number 3. Resale of real estate

You can make a lot of money selling real estate. But you will have to invest heavily in this business. Therefore, if you have no experience with such a market, start small. For example, try working as a realtor. First, you will study the real estate niche. And secondly, you will know about the most tasty morsels faster than others.

By the way, we have already written about buying real estate at auctions. Many bankrupt firms, in order to pay off accounts payable, sell their real estate at a reduced price. You can buy it at such auctions and resell it at exorbitant prices. And sometimes you can buy real estate here for only 10% of its real price.

Idea number 4. Buying an existing business

Many businessmen sell their business for various reasons. Of course, no one will simply sell an existing and profitable business, there are reasons for everything. Most often, such a business is unprofitable for its owner. But if you can see the prospects and growth paths in it, then you can earn millions in a year, as you dreamed.
The disadvantage of this option is that it requires a large investment. But there is an alternative option, which we will describe in the next idea.

Idea number 5. Purchase and development of sites

Many startups do not know how to grow their website to high profits. For this reason, online sites are sold by the hundreds on special exchanges and forums. It is quite possible to find in this mass a dozen sites that can bring you money in a couple of months.
The pros of this option is that websites are one of the highly profitable businesses. Try it too!


We have already said that specifics and time frames are important to achieve the goal. True, this may not always work, because there are two more components of success: the reality of the goals set and action. And the last one is the most important. Get started today and don't be afraid to fail. Failure is more valuable than profit, because it brings useful experience.

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We all want to make a million dollars, preferably from scratch and as quickly as possible! How realistic it is to become a millionaire in a year, month or week - we will consider in detail in this article

Hello dear reader! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

The schemes for earning a million, which will be discussed below, have been tested by ordinary people with average abilities, they all work 100%. The article is compiled in the form of an overview of the ways to earn money with which you can get such an impressive amount.

From the article you will learn how today you can earn the first million rubles from scratch in 3-5 months in several working ways.

Go ahead, friends!

1. Is it really possible to make a million dollars in a day/week/month/year?

It's quite real if you already have necessary resources, for example, a running business, real estate, a high position or good connections.

Also, your name (reputation) or outstanding talent can be a resource for quickly earning a million.

For example, if you are a famous football player, actor or singer.

But what if you don't have any of the above benefits?

In this case, earning the first million will require more time and effort from you, but they will pay off many times over.

If you are not afraid of these difficulties, then go ahead!

Let's count together. For example, earning 200 000 rubles per month, you will earn 1,000,000 rubles for 5 months.

Big money can be made much faster, but I don't think you're going to rob a bank or scam. Therefore, the article will focus only on legal and reliable ways to become a millionaire, even if not in one month.

2. 7 proven ways to earn your first million rubles

The million earning models described below are used by leading Russian and foreign personal finance management experts, businessmen and investors. Among them:

  1. Robert Kiyosaki- the legendary American investor, businessman, expert in the field of personal finance management, author of the world famous financial game "".
  2. Bodo Schaeffer- foreign speaker, successful businessman, author of books on financial literacy and success in life.
  3. Sergey Zmeev- Russian millionaire, business psychologist, expert in personal finance.

Also in the review of ways to make big money, I will use the methods of successful entrepreneurs of the Russian-speaking Internet.

So, let's move on to the methods themselves.

Method 1. Earn 1,000,000 rubles using the Internet

As you know, now only a lazy or completely dense person has not heard about Internet millionaires and great opportunities for making money on the Internet.

Today, on the Web, you can really earn the first million in a few months, and there are several ways to do this:

  • social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram);
  • sale of information and knowledge;
  • earnings on online games;
  • building a business on the Internet;
  • earnings on the promotion of affiliate programs;
  • create your own website and make money on it.

Already interested? Then just read my article. There I talked about how you can make money on games, in in social networks, on the sale of information from 50,000 rubles a month and gave examples of real people who are already doing this. Some of them I personally now earn.

Take and implement these methods to create your own wealth.

Method 2. Create passive income and take a loan against it

If you are interested in the topic of money and finance, want to become a millionaire, then you are probably familiar with such a concept as " passive income».

It is this tool that we can use in order to get our treasured million.

For an average person, you can earn a million rubles in this way in about 1 year.

Here's the gist:

You create a small passive income (20,000 - 30,000 rubles), legalize it, for example, by registering as a bank and take a loan against it.

Under such passive income, they will give you just 1,000,000 rubles with installments for several years.

What does it look like in practice and in what ways can you create passive income?

Passive income can be created in several ways, but we will look at 3 of the most real ones:

  1. Rent out existing property. The easiest and surest way if you have this same property.
  2. Create an information site on the Internet. This method is suitable for people who are good at computers and who want to develop in the field of Internet technologies. Having created a website, you will need to bring it to good traffic and place ads on it, which can monthly bring from 10 to 50 thousand rubles of passive income. How to make money on your site was described in our article "".
  3. Become a distributor of a good network marketing company. This method is suitable for energetic and sociable people. Someone underestimates the amount of income that can be received here. In some cases, they run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.

With such an income, you automatically become a ruble millionaire, and even a dollar one is within easy reach. With persistence, $1,000 in passive income in the network marketing industry can be achieved in about 1 year.

If you still have an official wage, then in combination with such passive income, you will easily be given a loan of 1,000,000 rubles in a bank, and your passive income will gradually pay this amount.

So it turns out that you earned a million rubles this year.

Method 3. Make money by selling your knowledge

If you know how to do something well, then why not make good money on it. You can sell your knowledge in many ways. This way refers in general to the sale of information on the Web. After all, you will transfer your knowledge and skills as valuable information to interested people.

You can teach via Skype, conduct live trainings, or package your knowledge and sell it as your own training course.

I already wrote how to make money selling knowledge in one of the sections of the article about ways to make money on the Internet. Be sure to check out this article, because it is it that can change your whole life and help you earn the coveted million.

In each of the methods described in this article, I provide real examples, brief descriptions of the methods and real people who have already improved their financial position with internet business.

Method 4. Create an asset and sell it for a million

This method is a logical continuation of method No. 2. If you already have an asset in the form of your account with a network marketing company (your personal number, which the company assigns to you upon registration) or your own site that generates profit, then you can sell your account or site as a ready-made business.

In this case, the estimated amount of the sale of such an asset is calculated by the formula:

Your monthly passive income * 24 (two year payback period).

For example, if you receive passive income from your website (business) or being a distributor of a network marketing company in the amount of 40,000 rubles (about $ 1,000), then multiplying this amount by 24 we get 960,000 rubles.

Here we are with you millionaires once again.

Method 5. Make a large intermediary transaction

You can earn big money both in several parts, and at a time.

Sometimes this requires a combination of favorable circumstances, but as they say, lucky are those who are lucky.

The fifth method is suitable for people with pronounced entrepreneurial abilities who understand the principles of business functioning and are able to negotiate.

The easiest way is to earn 1,000,000 rubles by making an intermediary transaction for several million, and your treasured amount will be the percentage that you receive for the work done.

  1. Search major investor for any developing project;
  2. Look for a buyer for an expensive business or real estate.

In the first case, you find a project that requires large investments and agree with its manager that he will give you a percentage in the form of a million rubles if, for example, you attract ten million investments.

In the second case, you find the owner enough big business or real estate and in the same way agree with him on a percentage if a buyer is found for their investment object.

By the way, almost all people earn more than one million rubles in their life, some total amount of all their salaries is more than a million dollars, but oddly enough, the vast majority are in need of money all the time and often sit in mortgage and credit bondage.

The above ideas can serve as a good basis for you to increase your income and savings. Here everything depends on the individual.

For some, all these methods may seem too complicated, but the fact is that most people work almost all their lives for money and by the time they retire, they don’t even have a couple of thousand dollars in savings.

So it's up to you whether to invest a year or two of your time to become a millionaire or continue to live the gray life of an inhabitant.

4. What to do if there are no rich parents and a good inheritance - 7 recommendations from financial experts to earn a million dollars

Not everyone grew up in a Rothschild or Rockefeller family. Maybe that's for the best. But when you become a millionaire from scratch, you will proudly tell everyone that you made yourself.

This principle is especially appreciated in America, where children, reaching the age of majority, leave their parental home. There it is not at all accepted to “sit on the neck” of parents and it is believed that a person must achieve everything himself.

If you also want to learn how to become a millionaire from scratch, then read the recommendations of millionaires and financial experts to earn a million dollars.

You should immediately understand that this path usually takes years, even with the right and systematic actions.

  1. Always set aside some money for any income that comes to you. So you will form the right financial habit and free up funds for investment. Set aside at least 10%, then gradually increase this amount. This is also done so that you have a minimum pillow. financial security. Typically, such a pillow assumes that you have Money on which you can live without working for 6 months. After all, almost all attempts to earn money entail certain risks, including financial ones.
  2. Be frugal and don't make impulse purchases. If you look at all the things you've bought for Last year, then do not be surprised that becoming unnecessary, they made you poorer by several thousand rubles or dollars.
  3. Engage in improving your financial education. Many people now have secondary and higher education, but they do not teach in any educational institution financial literacy. And this is not surprising, because the teachers themselves often live off extortions from students or simply survive on their small salaries. To understand how money works, we recommend you read the Rich Dad Poor Dad series by Robert Kiyosaki and The Path to Financial Freedom by Bodo Schaeffer.
  4. Strive to have multiple sources of income. Most people get paid by working at a job, but what happens if they get fired?! Think daily about how to get your total income from different sources.
  5. Create passive income generating assets. Even if you spend most of your time earning money for current expenses, regularly take actions that create a system for generating money for you that brings passive income.
  6. Build a successful environment. It is always easier to achieve success in a team of like-minded people than to go through this difficult path on your own. Your goal-oriented friends can become your support and think tank for generating money-making ideas. If your environment does not share your aspirations and declares that this is all nonsense - if possible, refuse to communicate with such pessimistic people.
  7. Don't waste your time. Time is our most valuable asset. If you manage your time correctly, you can earn your first million dollars from scratch much sooner than you think.

    There is a wise saying about this: "Rich people differ from poor people in what they do in their spare time."

Even if you don't have a lot of money yet, do money actions that help you become richer. Work on your security, and do not have fun and do not squander money.

Quite a few people think about how to earn a million rubles. And in a short amount of time. In fact, this question is quite difficult. But if you try, you can find some pretty interesting answers. Some of them will actually help you get rich. True, not very fast. It is worth immediately taking into account the fact that for each person there are a lot of individual solutions to the problem with earnings. Let's quickly figure out how to earn a million rubles from scratch with different approaches.

Regular work

The first scenario is extremely banal. To earn money you just have to...work. And nothing more. In other words, sooner or later any working citizen will earn his first million. True, it will take a lot of time. Especially if you are the most ordinary sales manager.

In reality, this way, of course, does not satisfy everyone. Often people think how to earn a million rubles in a month, sitting at home on the couch (or, for example, in a year). And in this case, the usual work will not work. If average earnings employee is 15 thousand rubles, then it will take more than 6 years to earn your first million. Not very fast, right? Therefore, let's think further about what can help us cope with the task.


To be honest, if you are thinking about how to earn a million rubles, then you will have to try hard. What are you in without fail You will need to have certain skills and abilities to apply them in practice. Programmers are making pretty good money these days. Do not confuse this with normal work. After all, here in most cases you independently control your earnings. If you succeed, but you don’t have to think about how to quickly earn 1 million rubles.

For example, you can always get a job in some prestigious company (preferably international), and then just do your job. Programmers all over the world are now paid very well. Especially those who cooperate with large well-known companies. So you can answer the question of how to earn a million rubles for short term. A good programmer in a decent place is able to receive from 200 thousand rubles. Compared with the same clerk or office "plankton" the difference is visible to the naked eye. True, in 6 months in this case you will have to work hard and earn your first million. Maybe a little more or a little less. But it's still not as short a time as we would like. We'll have to look for other options for the development of events.


The next way to get what you want is against the law. But he has a place to be. Very often, those who think about how to earn a million rubles in one day cannot think of anything better than theft. That is, you just have to steal the money. As a rule, banks and collectors are "attacked".

For this option, you will have to try hard. Develop an action plan (it needs to be thought out to the smallest detail), select the right and convenient time, and then - "go ahead". Only now it is worth considering the fact that you will definitely be caught. And that you can't do that. It is better to look for other options than to earn a prison term together with a million. But sometimes people are pushed to steal different circumstances. For example, a serious illness of relatives. However, this does not excuse the thieves. They will still be caught and punished according to the law.


How to quickly earn a million rubles? To be honest, you can just get it. To do this, you will have to apply to the bank for ... a loan. It is he who will be able to give you a certain sum of money. But over time, it will have to give. How about with interest. Plus, loans are not given to everyone.

You will have to carefully select a bank, study annual rates, and prepare documents (without fail - a passport and income statement). If you are recognized as an insolvent borrower, you can leave the idea of ​​obtaining a loan. Otherwise, you no longer have to think about how to quickly earn a million rubles.

But then again - this "earnings" will need to be paid for some time with interest. Sometimes they add up to a huge amount. And you will need a good reason for issuing a loan. Banks just don't give you money. For example, to buy an apartment / cottage / car. Such requests are usually satisfied extremely quickly. It also takes into account the serious illness of relatives, need (current expenses with evidence of large expenses), and so on. If you "just want" a lot of money, then no one will issue a loan.

Little tip: don't go to credit organizations from the series "Quick money only with a passport". They will deceive you and give you money at huge interest. And for late payments, they will threaten and spoil your property. Do you need it? Of course no. So, let's think further about how to earn 1 million rubles in a year or another rather short period.


For example, every modern person can be a real genius in the field of computers. And this will help him earn big money. True, do not confuse "computerization" with programming. These are slightly different concepts.

For example, you can process photos, graphic files and videos. Both for hire (privately), and in some prestigious firms. but it's better to do it yourself. "Private traders" are paid more. You can also choose design, 3d graphics, music processing, and so on. Everything that can be done on a computer can bring a very good income. And then you don’t have to think about how to earn a million rubles in a year.

A bit of math. 1 million is approximately 83.5 thousand per month. With this earnings in exactly 12 months you will receive the right amount. A professional photo and multimedia editor earns from 30,000, and a designer (including 3D graphics) - about 40-50 thousand. In principle, if you combine several professions or find yourself wealthy customers (better - a combination), then you can quite quickly earn the required amount. And often this is done without too much stress. You can be at home on the couch in front of a laptop or computer and still earn income. But usually this option is well suited for those who are interested in computers in themselves. After all, such people usually end up special courses that validate their skills. And that's a decent pay raise.

So if you are at odds with computers, then you will again have to look for some other approaches to solving the issue of quickly earning a million. Fortunately, in modern world there are quite a few alternatives. Which ones?


For example, there is another far from the most honest and legal way to make a profit. But he is punished not so severely and not so often. After all we are talking about deceiving people who trust you. With this approach, you do not have to think about how to earn a million rubles in one year without special skills. All that is required of you is a fantasy (and it starts working when you understand how much you will receive per month), as well as an idea for deceiving people. In fact, everything is not so complicated as it might seem at first glance.

For example, quite often people prefer fraudulent schemes on the World Wide Web. Then you do not have to think about how to earn a million rubles on the Internet. Everything will work out by itself. It's just important to come up with a good plan. Which one?

There is an opinion that there are several very interesting schemes for deceiving people. And the funny thing is, humanity understands that they are being deceived, but they are still led to different "scam". For example, you can post an ad "PC operator required" (typist), and then in a virtual interview say that you need to pay an insurance premium before starting work. Usually it is 250-450 rubles. Also mention that it will be given with the first salary. That's all. From one person you will receive the specified amount. Many people are now looking for work from home. And most will definitely pay attention to this deception. But consider it a reality. After receiving the money, simply do not respond to the messages of the deceived person.

Many people have already complained about this scheme. But no one punished anyone - you were not forced to send money to the specified wallet, right? You could opt out of this process. Therefore, by your own negligence, you lost money. Basically, there are many scams. But it's better to use honest ways that will help you figure out how to earn a million rubles in a short time.


In the modern world, such a thing as "freelance" has appeared. To be honest, then in simple words, this process characterizes hired work. At what regular or not - it is unimportant. The main thing is that in most cases it turns out to be virtual. This means you can work from the comfort of your home.

Depending on your direction, you will receive a different salary. Sometimes your client can pay about 20,000 rubles a month or for 1 order, sometimes the amount rises or falls. But on average, a good freelancer is able to receive about 100 thousand rubles a month. And often without too much stress. Just doing your normal job. Special success awaits those who combine their hobby with this work.

How to quickly earn a million rubles freelancing? You can sell your photos, knitted or wicker items, provide one-time services (for example, earn extra money as a plumber or accountant), and so on. Basically everything you can imagine. Handicrafts are very popular. It can be made to order or simply put up for sale via the Internet. Some things will help you get huge earnings. And then you don’t have to think about how to earn a million rubles over the weekend. After all, you will get a good salary anyway.


There is another rather interesting and already common technique. Usually it is used by those who do not really like working for their uncle. It's all about starting your own business. And here everyone can independently take care of their own earnings. It can be a million a year, two, three, and even 10,000,000 in 12 months. Everything depends on your success.

Thinking how to earn a million rubles? Do you have many ambitions, ideas and a good imagination? Then try to open your own business. With a flourishing idea, a million a year is a very small figure. You will receive much more.

What can you do? For example, it is now very popular and fashionable to open specialized computer help centers. It is especially good if somewhere you will provide services yourself. Or try opening your own store (clothes, shoes, cosmetics). It's also a pretty lucrative business. The main thing is to make your company competitive and popular. If it does not work out, look for more mundane options for earning money. But we never know if a business is right for us or not until we try. Don't be afraid. The main thing is to think carefully about your idea. This approach is extremely good for your business in the future. Especially if you can open a company that will be beyond any competition. Or if there are few opponents in the current market. There are few such ideas now, but you can come up with something worthwhile.

Computer Club

How to earn a million rubles in a short time? For example, you can open your own computer club or Internet cafe. And just wait until the money itself floats into your hands. Why? Let's take a look at this tricky issue.

First, do not confuse the creation of a computer club with a business. In the labor market now, everything that relates to computers is usually allocated to separate category. But more "serious things" such as shops and the provision of certain services are more related to real business.

Secondly, computers are now something without which it is impossible to imagine a modern person. Thus, creating a cozy place where a person can enjoy time behind this car is a great way to earn extra money. Especially if there are a lot of teenagers and young people in the city.

A fairly popular technique for those who are thinking about earning their first million is the "built-in" cafe. So people not only use computers, but also eat without looking up from their business. It is very convenient for visitors and profitable for the director of the institution. Recently, even special computer booths have begun to be created in Europe. There you can live in peace for a while. A very interesting technique that allows students to live separately from their parents without compromising themselves and their studies. Yes, this is not a full-fledged apartment, but still, sometimes it is better than listening to the tantrums of relatives every day. So why not create something similar in Russia? This technique will definitely save you from the question of how to earn a million rubles.


For those who want to work from home and earn good money at the same time, I can advise you to try yourself in the field of copywriting, rewriting and translation. In truth, this is a very popular way to make a profit. And it is often referred to as freelancing. Only this is not entirely true. After all, any copywriter is individual entrepreneur. So, there can be no talk of any freelance.

What will you need to do? Translate texts and write them to order. This is especially popular with mothers on maternity leave. What is worth writing about? About everything. You can start with simple culinary recipes, and end with a description of complex ones. computer programs. The most popular topics: cooking, education, education, computers, hobbies (embroidery, sewing, weaving, and so on).

How much does a copywriter earn? Average, starting price for 1,000 characters - 30 rubles. But especially good workers are able to receive 100-200 rubles for a "thousand". With all this, a good copywriter earns from 40,000 per month from one customer. And there are usually a lot of clients. So, this is a good approach that will help you figure out how to make a million rubles. Just do not hope that you will be able to realize your idea very quickly. After all, to begin with, you will have to practice, as well as develop a client base for yourself. This is perhaps the most difficult thing imaginable. If you are good at copywriting and rewriting, then consider yourself lucky.

Most of the population simply can not stand the work of copywriters. After all, it is hard work. Every day you will have to write various texts and translations all the time, as well as edit them. Purposefulness and perseverance are highly valued here. After all, your earnings will depend only on you. You can get 100 thousand a month, or you can get 5. The main thing is to practice and have good motivation. And the rest will come with time.


True, there is another very popular technique. This is writing. It is this case that helps answer how to earn a million rubles in a short time. Especially if you have a good "suspended language", and you also know how to write.

Here you should take into account the fact that you will not receive the required amount very quickly (in 2-3 days). After all, to begin with, you will have to become famous for your "writing". And only then rake in a bunch of fees from your bestsellers. To be honest, writing a book is half the battle. But to prove that it is really interesting - this is exactly what causes great difficulties.

Nevertheless, writers make good money. Especially abroad. There, such shots are highly valued. If you can translate your book into foreign language- generally great. Then you can hope that you will receive most of the profit from overseas sales.

When writing books, it is important to know what is interesting to the public. Now fantasy, novels (especially erotic ones), as well as stories written based on the film, are very popular. For example, the same "Resident Evil", which was "licked" from the film of the same name (and a separate series of Resident Evil books, taken from the game). There is fantasy, zombies (which, by the way, are also popular now), action and very sharp, unpredictable plot twists. Just what the modern reader needs.

It will also be quite difficult to find a publisher that will take you under its wing. There are many beginning writers. And you will have to prove for a long time that you are the most worthy candidate who can become famous and glorify the publishing house. If you try, everything will work out. When your book starts selling, you can just sit back and wait for the profit. So, it will not work to answer how to earn a million rubles in one day.


So it's time to sum up some results of our today's conversation. The thing is that in our time, and even in a short time, to earn a million, as practice shows, is very difficult. Especially if you don't have any connections anywhere.

What to do if you really need money, and even more? For example, buying an apartment. The most popular of all the methods listed are:

  • copywriting;
  • writing;
  • business;
  • normal work.

Moreover, all these options, as a rule, are combined. That is, a person initially goes to a regular job. In parallel, he opens his own business, and on weekends he writes articles to order and composes a book. To be honest, this move is really worthy of respect. But is it worth it?

People just get obsessed. And they get tired quickly. After that, they stop getting the elementary things that are needed for work. It is important to understand that it is worth finding a middle ground in everything. So if you really want to make a million quickly, then you should think about creating your own business. It is this approach that is valued the most. It won’t work - just get a good job with a salary, and then try yourself in freelancing and copywriting. The main thing is to have a desire. And the rest is nonsense. How to earn 1 million rubles per month? Just work and earn. Find a calling that will generate income.

Do not forget that everyone needs to rest. No need to make yourself a "draft horse" that hunchbacks for money. Indeed, often in such situations, all earnings are spent not on the initial idea (car, apartment, repairs, vacation, and so on), but on treating oneself. In pursuit of profit, allow yourself to systematically relax and go on vacation. And then you will succeed.