How to make $ 1 million fast. How much does a million dollars weigh

Is it possible to make a million in a short period of time, say, a week or a month? if you have successful business or solid resources, a million can be obtained in a day. Such amounts are earned in one evening by famous actors, athletes and show hosts. But if fame is not your capital, your million dollar release period will be longer.

Is it realistic to earn a million rubles in a year or 6 months? Quite. But for this you need to arm yourself with patience, work on a strategy and choose effective method receiving income.

Each Internet user has a profile in one of the social networks. Most of them spend a lot of time on communication, viewing pictures and videos, games and other entertainment. The entrepreneurial and smarter minority makes good money on social media.

There are a lot of options. Just one example. Create a group. You can choose a popular topic or direction that is interesting to you personally. Actively fill your group with high-quality and engaging content, invite new users.

How to make money on it? Where there are many people, money always comes. You will be able to generate income from advertising. There are enough services that offer help in establishing contacts with advertisers.

You can sell your resource. Offers for a popular group with tens of thousands of visitors are calculated in millions of rubles.

"Create passive income"

A source passive income will not allow you to quickly earn the coveted million. But it can be viewed as a tool.

First, let's decide on what you can create a source that will generate income without your active participation. The most realistic ways:

If you own a property, rent it out. The profit will depend on the area, the location of the comfort. But in any case, a certain amount will accumulate.

Become a distributor of a successful network marketing company offering in-demand products. In the beginning, you will have to work hard and show miracles of activity. Your main goal is not to increase personal sales, although this is important, but to build an extensive network of junior partners. This will increase your profits much faster.

This method cannot be called a pure source of passive income. You will have to work with the team a lot. The most successful distributors manage to earn millions of rubles quite quickly from this activity alone. If you can wisely invest the percentage of the team's sales, you will have another source of income.

Create an informational website. It is important to choose a topic in which you are strong and can provide users with useful information... The second option is a demanded and popular topic in search engines. Ways to quickly reach high level attendance mass. But the most reliable is quality content. Advertisers who will pay you money for the right to post their content also take into account the quality of the site. Resources with attendance of 1,000 or more people per day. They bring their owners at least 10,000 rubles every month. The most successful webmasters receive a solid passive income.

Sources of passive income allow you to register entrepreneurial activity... You will pay minimum tax... But in return you will be able to open a bank account. In the presence of financial success and a stable replenishment of the account is much easier for an entrepreneur to get a loan for a million rubles. Profitable interest rate and the long maturity allows you to guarantee the return of the loan from passive sources. A loan can be invested in a solid project that will bring big profits.

"Sell your knowledge"

Remember what you are especially strong at. Do not discard, mistakenly believing that it is not interesting to anyone, nothing. Someone is looking for information on the correct preparation of okroshka. It is vital for someone to learn how to make wood crafts. Any knowledge is required. Record an interesting video or create a tutorial and post it online. This is not difficult to do, but you can make good money on views.

Nowadays, information about new ways of making money on the Internet is in great demand. Find a decent course, study it and offer your interpretation in the form of a training video. On the sales of this course, you can make solid money and earn your first million. It is important to offer people high-quality and useful knowledge.

“Create a profitable asset and sell it”

You can sell anything that makes a profit - from the website to the enterprise. The approximate value of an asset is calculated very simply:

The monthly income is multiplied by 24 (the number of months of the average rate of return to payback).

Example. You get about 35,000 rubles a month from the site. Multiply this amount by 24. It turns out 840,000 rubles. Just a little bit left to a million.

"Freelance earnings"

If you have a writing ability, look for copywriting exchanges. There are services on which you can make money by performing simple tasks, for example, processing an image, finding information or inviting new users to the site. Beginners earn little, skilled craftsmen pay big fees.

The good thing about exchanges like this is that you get access to information about the most demanded and highly paid services on the network. Choose what you have the ability for or the most profitable option and become a professional. After that, the coveted million will no longer seem so distant and unreal.

Additional opportunity - partnership programs... All exchanges offer passive income for acquiring new users. Minor activity in this direction will bring a good additional profit.

“Mediate a major transaction”

This method is suitable for active and enterprising people who have the gift of persuasion and know how to conduct business negotiations.

Your remuneration for mediation can amount to a million rubles, if the transaction amount is several tens of millions.

To get that kind of money, you need to act in two directions:

Search major investor for a promising project.
Finding a buyer for an attractive and expensive asset.
The commission to the intermediary is paid by the party who receives the monetary benefit from the transaction.

Perhaps these methods will not bring you a million rubles in short time... But using them, you can significantly bring the output to this amount.

“What to do if you have to start from scratch”

Not everyone is lucky to be born into a wealthy family. But difficult starting conditions should not be considered a disadvantage. Many dollar millionaires started from scratch and are sure that this is what allowed them to achieve such significant heights. Read the recommendations of those who managed to earn huge capital solely on their own.

Always set aside a certain percentage of your money regardless of your income. Financial experts believe that 10% of all income is a real amount for any level of income. Can't afford it? Start at 5%. But do it strictly, put this money on a long-term deposit. This simple trick will develop the habit of being responsible about your finances. You will start calculating your spending and analyzing it. You will be surprised how easy it is to create a decent financial cushion that allows you to maintain your usual level of comfort during a difficult period.

Avoid impulse purchases. Plan your expenses and don't allow yourself to waste money on useless things. Impulse buying eats up a lot of money that can be invested in business development or a source of passive income.

Work tirelessly to improve your financial literacy... This is not taught even in economic universities. Develop a habit of self-education and you will begin to see opportunities where others only see problems.

Do not limit yourself to one source of income, even a very profitable one. You must have multiple threads. There is no perfect insurance against dismissal or bankruptcy. Other sources of income will make it possible to survive the crisis period with dignity and become the basis for a new start.

Create or purchase assets that you can use to generate passive income. No matter how many hours a week you work, there is always the opportunity to create an additional source of passive income. Gradually, the number and profitability of these sources will increase, and you will gain financial independence.

Build your environment of people who will help you succeed. This does not mean rich friends who can be used to fulfill their financial plans... Although such acquaintances are needed. It is about positive, successful and creative people. Such an environment is motivating, brings fresh ideas and supports during difficult times.

Time is the most valuable asset. Don't waste it. If you learn to value your time and start using every second rationally, you will make your first million much sooner than you thought.

Even with minimal income, start building capital. Many postpone creation financial condition until the moment when they start earning more. With this approach, you will never wait for a favorable period.

Constantly look for opportunities to make money multiply. Invest, buy assets. Very soon, you will be able to call yourself a millionaire and start looking for opportunities to make a billion.

It is difficult to find a person who has never dreamed of becoming a millionaire at least once in his life. According to the most conservative estimates, about 95% of citizens dream of earning a million dollars all the time, and only a modest 5% have either already earned that kind of money or abandoned their idea for ideological reasons.

Make a million - internet examples

Another million dollar idea turned out to be a social idea for classmates, it was launched in the USA by 15-year-old Katherine cook with 17 year old brother Dave... Of course, today Russia has an analogue, very successful, but for 2005 it was a novelty. has brought its creators several million dollars. True, the teenagers did not develop the project themselves, after a successful start, they poured more than 4 million forever green investment capital. I wrote about venture investing in.

One of the fascinating stories of how to become a millionaire is history. Michael Furdyk.1996, Michael I felt, understood, guessed, I was lucky (underline the necessary) the arrival of the information age, creating a T dedicated to computers. It is worth noting one feature, the guys filled the site on their own using the same Internet, the result exceeded expectations, after 4 years the site was sold, each of the partners received more than one million dollars in cleanliness.

A classic example of making a million on the Internet can be considered Adam Hildreth, a young man already at the age of 14 launched social network for teenagers, by and large, nothing special. True, to monetize income, Adam chose a non-trivial path, he suggested large company(producing products for young people) use the network as a focus group for developing marketing campaigns. As a result, the Dubit Limited company was founded, headed by Adam Hildreth, and the young man himself became the owner of over $ 4 million by the age of 20.

Often, in order to come up with an idea for a million, it is not necessary to be creative or invent new products, it is enough to correctly use the existing knowledge plus resources. So I did Jason Brian. Its Jason began his career working in the marketing department of one of the car trading companies. What did Jason Brian to make a million?

Quite simply, using his knowledge of car sales and advertising, Brian created his own website to help potential customers choose the best car. The money resource was brought by the sale of information about potential customers to manufacturers, car dealers. The resource quickly became popular, in the first year it was possible to attract 250 thousand investor money for the startup. Two years after the start of the project, the site's gross revenue exceeded $ 6 million, which is not profitable investment of money.

For young people and those who want to earn their million, the Internet is the most favorable place today, which once again confirms the experience of an 18-year-old Joshua Dzyabyak.To my 18th birthdayJoshua managed not only to create a plus to sell the Mediacatch company for $ 1 million, but also to invest in new project Showclix. Showclix - site selling tickets for concert halls, cultural centers, museums. The project not only raised about $ 1 million. venture investments, but generates about $ 9 million in revenue.

Make a million on trading, examples

You can trade in different ways, usually just by displaying the goods, or you can create conditions and offer a service. I took the last path Olga Nazarova, started trading in navigators, but not just a device was sold, but a full set of services, including programs that ensure movement control Vehicle... The idea of ​​control (and therefore saving) was liked not only by forwarding companies, but also by agricultural producers, and Olga became a millionaire

What could be simpler than glasses? Glasses have become a common attribute of society, it turns out that even on such ordinary things, you can earn a lot of capital. 21 year old Jamie Murray Wells proved that even there are possibilities. The essence of the idea is simple, creating an online glasses store, however, with a small amendment, glasses can be bought with a prescription. You enter the data, ready-made glasses come by mail, quickly, cheaply, cheerful. Jamie $ 2 million in revenue plus a multimillion dollar company.

How can you make a million? We often look for the answer anywhere, but not where it really is. Most likely it was this logic that was guided by Raymond Lee started selling T-shirts. Everything seems to be trite, Raymond ordered T-shirts in China and sold them in the United States on his website Simple and nothing brilliant, at the same time, in two years the sales volume increased to almost $ 1 million. The young man, carried away by his ideas, dropped out of school (he was 20 at that time), headlong into trading.

One of the most striking examples of earning money in trade, young people can serve Cameron Johnson. Cameron's business career began when he was 9 years old, with the development and sale of exclusive invitation cards, by the way, anyone can start such a business.

Further more, in the wake of the popularity of plush toys in the United States, Cameron Johnson began to trade in bears, monsters, using his own website Cheers and TearsandeBay, the children's business brought in quite normal 50 thousand profits.

Then the young entrepreneur implemented a number of projects, from the program (he invented it himself, and ordered its implementation from freelance programmers) for the sale of advertising to sale services gift certificates... By the age of 19, Johnson had sold one of his projects ( for several million bucks. True, he became a millionaire much earlier, according to the entrepreneur himself, by the age of 15, his earnings exceeded $ 1 million per year: “I was 15 years old, and every month I received checks in the amount of $ 300,000 and $ 400,000”.

Earn a million - production, services

It is rare to find startups that help not only make money, but carry a real social orientation, it was such a project that helped to become a millionaire Dmitry Yurchenko. Dmitry is the developer of the "life button", services with the help of which pensioners, just elderly people, can sound the alarm. After receiving a signal to the call center, doctors are sent to the pensioner, it is simply not intricate and turns out to be profitable.

Manufacturing is not always machine tools, machines, other global things, often millions of their owners bring crazy and stupid things. It was such a product that I made from Jason Wall a rich man. Jason first "invented" and started selling small ball-shaped caps for car antennas. The company he founded AntennaBalls for several years of work, it has stepped over the milestone of $ 1 million in income. Are you surprised? read on.

How about making a million on lids for glasses? True, the lid is not quite ordinary, but changes color as the temperature changes, its inventor Nick Base most likely did not count on such a success. At the same time, the idea brought him the coveted sum with six zeros. True, the inventor did not stop there and began to make money not only on covers, but also on advertising on the front side.

Innovation also brings money, this fact is confirmed by the story of Daniel Gomez Iñiguez. The basis of the idea is trivial - an oil squeeze press. Daniel began to develop his own press, which provides maximum oil output from school, the solutions applied by the student allowed him to increase the squeeze, provided good quality... Such oil could be used to produce biodiesel. The results were not long in coming, investors came, now Solben is valued at much more than $ 1 million.

Fraser Doherty is a prime example of teen earning opportunities. As a 14-year-old Fraser went into his own business, it is difficult to say whether the young man "guessed", or maybe he was lucky, his products hit the fashion trend of healthy eating. The young man began to make jams on his own according to old grandmother's recipes. The product came out not only useful (no preservatives, flavors were used in the preparation), but also nostalgically tasty. The market quickly appreciated the young entrepreneur, the startup attracted investments. Three years later, Fraser Doherty's firm had a turnover of over $ 1.5 million, selling its products throughout England.

I earned a Million dollars on a crazy idea in 5 months [storytelling]

new video stories $ 1,000,000 on a crazy idea in just 5 months. New ...

Upload date: 2014-01-31

Interesting on this topic

How much a million dollars weighs - it was this question that haunted me at one time. Those who have read my article on the topic "Why 10 kilograms or what this site is about" know about my choice and my financial goals. In the previous article, the answer was superficial, but in this one I decided to present it in a more detailed form.

On the Internet, you can find many answers to the question posed earlier, and in principle, most resources provide the same information. Depending on the denomination of the bills, a million dollars can turn out to be both a fairly light burden and a heavy load, even for a dozen weightlifters.

How much does a million dollars weigh in coins:

Issued from 1909 to 1982, the 1 cent coins weighed 3.11 grams each. Thus, a million dollars with such a trifle will cost 311 tons. In order to make it easier for you to assess these scales, I would like to note that the Soyuz rocket after full refueling weighs the same.

Modern coins are somewhat different from their predecessors, and a million dollars will weigh:

  • In coins of 1 cent - 250 tons. Each coin weighs 2.5 grams.
  • In coins of 5 cents - 100 tons. Each coin weighs 5 grams.
  • In coins of 10 cents - 22.68 tons. Each coin weighs 2.268 grams.
  • In coins of 25 cents - 22.68 tons. Each coin weighs 5.67 grams.
  • In coins of 50 cents - 22.68 tons. Each coin weighs 11.34 grams.
  • And with coins of 1 dollar - 8,100 kilograms (or 8.1 tons). One such coin weighs 8.1 grams.

How much does a million dollars weigh in bills:

Regardless of dignity, the weight of each bill is 1 gram... By not complicated mathematical calculations, it turns out that a million dollars:

  • In bills of 1 dollar, it weighs 1000 kilograms.
  • In bills of 2 dollars, weighs 500 kilograms.
  • In bills of 5 dollars, weighs 200 kilograms.
  • In bills of 10 dollars, weighs 100 kilograms.
  • In bills of 20 dollars, weighs 50 kilograms.
  • In bills of 50 dollars, weighs 20 kilograms.
  • In bills of 100 dollars, weighs exactly 10 kilograms.

Based on its purpose and these data, it was not difficult to find a domain name for this site. Just imagine, two small purses with money, each weighing five kilograms, can solve all your problems!

Although, this is still not the lightest million dollars. The fact is that during 1928-1945, banknotes with a higher denomination were issued in the United States of America, which are accepted to this day.

  • A million dollars in $ 500 bills, weighs 2 kilograms.
  • A million dollars in $ 1,000 bills, weighs 1 kilogram.
  • A million dollars in bills of $ 5,000, weighs 200 grams.
  • Million dollar bills of $ 10,000, weighs only 100 grams.

However, the use of these banknotes outside the country is prohibited. In other words, they can only be obtained and spent within the United States.

But it is not worth dwelling on this either. Only a few know about the existence of an absolute champion in this weight category - $ 100,000 bills... Yes - this is not a myth. Only 42 thousand of such banknotes were issued and, accordingly, one a million dollars will weigh only 10 grams, i.e. ten pieces of paper. The disadvantage of such a million in comparison with previous bills is that it can be spent only within the walls of the federal reserve banks of the United States of America, and nothing else.

Video: how much a million dollars weigh.

PS: If you suddenly decide to commit a crime and demand a ransom, you will not be mistaken in the calculations, otherwise you will not carry it away.

Now you know how much a million dollars weighs, and I wish everyone to get it.

Ekaterina Bochkareva

It took me 15 months to earn my first million.

Forget it. In fact, it was not like that.

It took six years. I had to earn half a million, then completely lose it (and not only it). Twice I found myself on the street and every summer I suffered from "dissatisfaction with myself, bordering on suicide."

Forget it. In fact, this was not the case either.

It took me 29 years to earn my $ 1,000,000. Whole life.

As much as I would like to provide you step by step instructions on how to make your first million dollars. I can not. I have no doubt that there will be enough greedy / unscrupulous people willing to take your money in exchange for the plan on "How to make $ 1,000,000." Besides, my path to a million is clearly not to your liking.

It turned out to be not easy at all.

How to Make $ 1,000,000: The Hardcore Way

Step # 1 Try everything

If you are the same as me, and absolutely do not know how to make decisions, then this method will not work. Try something else and let the results decide for you.

Even if you fork out for market research, it won't tell you anything important. In order to make effective business decisions, you need to be guided by reliable data. You can buy them (for a thousand or two dollars) or do active research yourself. Acting.

The latter is much more efficient ( and cheaper).

« Will this headline drive users to my landing page?

Run traffic on it and find out.

« Will the book I write sell well?»

Publish, market and see.

« Will this blog post attract my dream clients? Will anyone read it

Check it out and find out.

I started a chocolates company, a pay-for-performance SEO firm, a reputation risk management agency, an information marketing company, a t-shirt business, a full-blown internet advertising agency, a health blog, a copywriting agency, created seven fictional literary pseudonyms and one not invented.

Of all of the above, nothing fired, except for three projects ( I'm going to abandon them too).

I wrote 36 books, hired and fired 47 people, made and lost, and made a fortune again, and so on twice. I've collected and then trimmed, reassembled and laid off staff at the same company at least five times in the past year.

I do not wait until I make up my mind. I just do it.

If I have an idea for a book, I don't think about writing it, I write it.

If you are still reading this article, it means that ideas are wandering in your head that need to be implemented. We need to check everything in action. Receive reliable data. Stop contemplating that you can predict the future. You can not. Instead, try every possible option.

Step # 2. Stop whining and start working for people

Then stop writing books for yourself, start writing books for your audience.

Your bank account directly reflects the benefits that you bring to people in the market. Both in general terms and at the level of each person individually. But it is not so easy ...

I hate to write. As a child, I promised myself that I would never, under any circumstances, work, sitting inseparably at the table. Today I spend 12-14 hours a day sitting in a windowless room and typing in front of a monitor screen. However, it is through writing that I benefit people. I have hardly reached such heights in writing that I was paid to do it.

But ... Serving people is not easy. For the most part, they are all ungrateful, negative curmudgeons. They are constantly demanding more. You will have to work for hours to keep them happy. You will not always enjoy it. Sometimes you have to work for an idea. Go through this step. I went through.

If you think that you are creating something for the audience, and not for yourself, only people of art from despair ... then do not complain that no one is buying your product ( something is wrong with your ideas about art)

Find a way to serve people that suits you. Don't whine, do it. You will have to wait a long time until you get paid.

You can look for yourself in different areas... I looked. It turned out that I cannot earn by building business connections. I hate cold calling, I hate calling clients when they are offline. I can't sleep well when I have to sell product information.

Maybe you can do well. The bottom line is to find what you can be useful to people, and do it your best. Even if it's hard.

Step # 3. Set yourself the bar

Do not give up. Never. Pick one thing and don't give up until you've completed it.

This is my second post on Medium. The first one got zero views. I will be writing on Medium until I get 1,000,000 views. Guided by the principle not “if I don’t get it”, but the principle “ while will not get".

How long will it take?

Who knows.

What if it doesn't?

What if happens? Reaching the milestone of a million views is one win. The true goal is mastery.

Even if I can't do it now, I can do it in the future. This is the idea.

True story: $ 1,000,000 alone is worthless

First, the state will attack you and take half the money. Your accountants, lawyers, financial managers part of the earnings will also be received. Do you have a loan? Pay off all debts right away, otherwise they will gobble up most of your budget in the future.

Suppose you are lucky and you have $ 400 thousand of a million left. Not very much.

I'm 29. I can't quit my job with 400 thousand dollars in my pocket. I still have to work tirelessly. A million dollars didn't buy me the freedom I longed for. If I want to buy myself a second home, then $ 400,000 won't go far, especially in Portland. Especially with children.

Depressing ... if you only care about money, I don't. A million dollars is just a figure. A tangible way to measure success.

It doesn't matter if you end up making $ 1,000,000. This is not the point. When you set the bar for yourself, two scenarios emerge:

A. You are achieving the indicators that you have set for yourself. You achieve your goals and get additional benefits.

B. You die before reaching the milestone. The goal is not achieved, but you receive an incentive bonus in the form additional bonuses.

There is an alternative to this:

You give up too soon. If you don't achieve your goal, you miss out on a long list of additional bonuses that awaited you on the way.

What else remains? Play video games?

This is the most important step. Get out of your mind what you just read and form your strategy. You have to do this if you want a million dollars.

There is no unique recipe, instructions "How to make a million", maps of hidden treasures. One hundred people who have read this article will try to earn it, and perhaps one of them will succeed. Perhaps. But very few people will manage to keep this wealth.

The boring adage that “the main thing is not victory, but participation” actually works.

Take a chance and earn $ 1,000,000. You have the right to do so. Just be prepared for many pleasant things to happen to you on the way to a million.

Although the $ 1,000,000 banknotes are printed on the US Mint and meet all the requirements for ordinary money, they do not participate in circulation and have no face value. In other words, it’s not money!

The million dollar bill is printed to all common standards. dollar bills Bureau of Engraving and Printing of the Federal Reserve. But she is not involved in money circulation and has no face value, being just a beautiful souvenir and collectible.

In the 2000s. new versions of the American eagle note were issued.

The idea of ​​creating a $ 1 million bill was born back in March 1987. Then many people invested in the release of this amazing product. But after 17 years, only one person was completely involved in every aspect of the ideas of development, design, issuance, legalization, advertising and sale of securities of $ 1 million (Millio Dollar Bill - M $ B).

His name is Tari Steward. In April 1987, Teri convinced his friend, a millionaire from Hawaii, to form the International Association of Millionaires (IAM) and began negotiations with the US authorities about the possibility of issuing $ 1 million banknotes. Teri wanted "his money" to be performed at a high artistic level and well protected. Therefore, he tempered the design and printing of American Bank Note Company (ABNC) notes.

For a year and a half Teri pondered the design of the banknote. And for a year and a half, he asked himself the same question: "What should a 1 million dollar banknote look like?" His reasoning was simple: "Since the denomination of the bill is so large, it should look much better than the banknotes of 20, 50 and 100 dollars. The design should be beautiful and expressive. On the other hand, 1 million should be, as it were, a part of monetary system USA, at the very least, the style of the banknote should overlap with the style of the American currency. "

In search of the truth, Teri studied the $ 10,000 design (the largest denomination in circulation in the United States). He really liked the colors of gold and yellow used in the design of the banknote. Based on their own thoughts and wanting to make the bill as close as possible in style to real money, Teri Steward and a group of designers at ABNC created I.A.M. M $ B.

It took 7 months to work on the clichés on both sides of the million, after which I.A.M. The million has been printed on Banknote Multi Colors, using the largest and most sophisticated press in the world, located at ABNC's Chicago factory. Each 1 million paper has its own individual serial number and was created using the most sophisticated security methods: micro-font, invisible fluorescent inscriptions, special paper composition and others.

In 200 years of its existence, ABNC has never created anything like I.A.M. M $ B both in the technique of performance and in the originality of the idea. And never again will the $ 1 million bills be printed in native clichés, as ABNC destroyed them to avoid an increase in Limited Edition circulation.

The total volume of issue was 825.800 notes in 1 million, and 700 uncut full sheets. 820,000 banknotes and 665 uncut sheets were sold in 1989-1990. In 1998 I.A.M. Enterprises completed the sale of their stocks and in 1999 Teri Stewart renamed his business to MILLIONAIRE MARKETING INC., Thereby completely closing the sale of I.A.M. banknotes.

1,000,000 I.A.M. - became the first banknote of this denomination printed in the United States. I.A.M. M $ B is not a US currency and cannot be used in calculations. I.A.M. M $ B can only be viewed as a "pass" to a millionaire club or as a collectible.

Anyone can buy 1,000,000 dollars

Moreover, the buyer does not have to shell out $ 1 million at all. Everything is much more prosaic and simpler. Here are the prices for December 2004 at which these banknotes were offered for sale on the site
Number of bills 10 pieces (Price for 1 bill 50 $) Purchase price 500 $
25 pieces (40 $) 1000 $
50 pieces (30 $) 1500 $
100 pieces (20 $) 2000 $

Although the bill has no par value and does not participate in money turnover, more than twenty years after the issue of the bill, there have been repeated adventurous attempts to change the banknote through banks and other cases of scams with the one million dollar bill.

In 2012, a local businessman was arrested in Volgograd, and a US one million dollar banknote was seized by police officers. The banknote was sent to the capital, and, according to experts from one of the Moscow banks, the banknote turned out to be genuine, with all the degrees of protection used in the issuance of US banknotes.

In response to a request sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to the Federal reserve bank USA, it was said that currently the highest denomination of banknotes in circulation in the United States is $ 100. More large bills in denominations of $ 500, $ 1,000, $ 5,000 and $ 10,000 were seized back in the 70s in order to complicate the cash payments, which are used by illegal elements around the world.

It was also reported that if the Statue of Liberty is depicted on the banknote instead of the traditional portrait of the President of the United States, then this is a souvenir banknote issued by order of the so-called International Association of Millionaires for people who love extravagant gifts and jokes. On the back, instead of the words "legal tender" it reads: "This product is the embodiment of the real American dream." And such a banknote in the United States costs 15 dollars.

In the United States, a million dollar bill is sold in a transparent case that reliably protects it from damage. It is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, a gold-embossed envelope and a booklet with the history of the banknote.

Today, its value can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Collectors are willing to pay amounts of this order.

Gladkov Alexey Valerievich,,