How do you know if a $10 bill is real? How to distinguish real dollars from fake

US dollars are widely used in Russia, so there is nothing strange in the fact that they are counterfeited very often.

In this regard, the question of how to identify counterfeit dollars is very relevant. in banks and exchange offices there is special equipment with which you can quickly recognize a fake, but those who do not have cunning banking devices should not be upset either: there are ways by which you can determine the authenticity of the dollar, while using special equipment is not required. So how do you recognize counterfeit dollars?

Paper, paint and colored fibers

How to distinguish fake money from real? What features do real banknotes have?

First of all, you should pay attention to paper, since special paper is used in the manufacture of US dollars, the main components of which are linen and cotton. Such paper differs significantly from ordinary paper on which books are printed, it is very easy to distinguish it. If you feel it, then it is velvety and rough, reminiscent of matter. In addition, the paper of dollars is quite strong, it differs a high degree strength. It will take some effort to break it down. In addition, it is elastic to the touch.

Another sign to look out for when checking dollars is paint. In the manufacture of this currency, dyes of the highest quality are used, which is why the pattern on the banknotes does not fade and does not fade even after a long time. In order to check the authenticity of the paint, you just need to rub the bill hard. If the paint smudges a little or the fingers become at least slightly stained, then there is every reason to believe that the authenticity of such a banknote is doubtful.

Colored fibers will also help to recognize counterfeit money. This sign is one of the main ones. On real banknotes there are special magnetic inclusions that look like colored villi located in different places of the banknote. Such villi can be of various colors: red, black, blue. In order to find out if this is a fake, you need to take into account that these should be blotches, not drawings. On fake dollars, silk fibers are often imitated by pressing colored fibers to paper, there may be drawing of colored fibers by hand, however, on fake dollars, in most cases, such blotches are completely absent, since it is quite difficult to make them.

If there is any doubt about whether it is real money or not, you can simply use a pin. With its help, if the dollar is real, the villi will be pulled out, and the bill itself will remain safe and sound. Keep in mind that fake dollars can be made using genuine paper. In this case, everything that is printed on it is washed off with a special chemical agent from a genuine banknote of small denomination, after which the content of a genuine ticket of a large denomination banknote is printed on a bleached sheet. That is, from one dollar you can make 100 dollars. It happens that the paper of a real ticket consists of two glued sheets, between which colored silk fibers are scattered, and therefore it is not possible to remove them with a pin.

Portrait of the President as one of the main factors in determining the authenticity of a banknote

If the question arises of how to distinguish fake money, then you need to know that one of the most common ways of making counterfeit dollars is a simple addition of one zero to a banknote of low denomination. In order not to buy counterfeit money, information about which president is depicted on each bill will help. It is not necessary to know all the American presidents by sight - it is enough to know their names. It should be noted that making a portrait of the American president is one of the most difficult elements in the manufacture of counterfeit currency, so you need to look at the image carefully, as small details are often lost on counterfeit banknotes, especially the pupils of the eyes and the texture of the hair.

When it comes to the question of how to determine the authenticity of the dollar, it is the portrait of the president that is most often the fundamental factor. On counterfeit banknotes, the portrait is often retouched, this should be paid attention to. In order to identify counterfeit banknotes, you should pay attention to the frame, which consists of a mesh pattern. On the counterfeit banknotes ah, such a frame rarely turns out to be satisfactory, you can observe breaks in lines, spots, patterned sketches often merge. On real money, all lines of the pattern are clear, no gaps or thickenings are observed. It should be noted that fakes, where all the lines of the mesh pattern are made correctly, are extremely rare.

The main distinguishing feature on the reverse side of this currency is the characteristic bright green paint. It is very rare to make such paint on counterfeit money. In this regard, it is imitated with bright green or dull green paint. You should also pay attention to the frame of patterns, where the defects are most often the same as on the front side. On fake tickets, the drawing is most often poorly executed: some architectural and other details are missing, their vagueness is observed.

The seal of the treasury is also one of those factors that you should pay attention to. Even a high-quality fake very rarely has a high-quality print: its pale color is observed, the teeth of the circle are of unequal size, the execution of the key is primitive. Significant distortions are observed in the image of the seal: some fragments are missing, dots appear on the shield instead of stars.

As for the serial number, it must necessarily begin with the letter that is on the seal of the Federal reserve bank. Fakes often differ in that they have a difference in the size of numbers and letters, and the legibility is uneven. Often the letters before or after the number differ significantly in size. The serial number may have the wrong coloration. You need to know that there should be only 8 digits.

There is a control letter inside the seal, it is located to the left of the president's portrait. The letter must match serial number in English alphabet, the number is printed next to the seal (to the left of it), in different corners of the light part of the bill, the number is printed three more times.

All of the above techniques contribute to the detection of counterfeits of all US banknotes. It should be noted that since 1996, the US Department of the Treasury has begun issuing new banknotes, which are made using the most modern technology. Printing ink is used, which optically changes color, special watermarks, microprinting. These new banknotes are of very high quality, with many signs of authenticity, which is remarkable. You can notice them without difficulty, without the need to arm yourself with special equipment, and the question of where to check the authenticity of banknotes is no longer so relevant.

Modern citizens are familiar with the currency exchange process firsthand, many go through this procedure quite often, but even they do not always know how to check the quality of banknotes and make sure they are authentic. What to say about those who are faced with this issue for the first time?

If you change dollars and euros in a bank, then many potential problems can be avoided, but this approach is not always the most profitable. In order to be able to change money anywhere and anytime without fear of being deceived, you need to study the basic principles of checking banknotes for authenticity and remember a number of important nuances.

Basic rules for working with currency

Compliance the following rules will help to significantly reduce the risk of receiving counterfeit banknotes:

  1. In this case, you can’t rush, you need to calculate the time so that it is possible to check each bill, and not several to choose from. Fraudsters often mix fakes with genuine ones, confusing customers.
  2. The procedure is highly not recommended for people who are in a state of intoxication or in poor lighting conditions.
  3. Without the slightest idea of appearance banknotes and affordable denominations, you should not resort to the services of private individuals. It is better to contact the bank, even if it is not so profitable.
  4. You should not get involved with organizations and people who offer amazingly favorable exchange rates.

In addition, you need to know in advance what real dollars and euros look like, study them distinctive features and methods of protection available to ordinary citizens.

How to check dollars for authenticity?

It is possible to establish the authenticity of dollars without the help of special equipment, you just need to know what points to pay attention to:

  • The presence of a watermark. This is the first point to check. We just point the product to the light and make sure that there is a hidden picture on one of the light parts of the paper.
  • existing denominations. Dollars are issued in the form of denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 units. In addition to this, there are banknotes in 500, 1000, 5,000 and 10,000 dollars, but they are withdrawn from circulation and are collectible.
  • paper features. To check the bill for authenticity, you need to walk your fingers along its surface. Real dollars are made from cotton and linen, which gives them an unusual roughness.
  • Image quality. You can lightly rub the bills against each other. If at the same time at least a little faded or crumbled paint, we are talking about 100% fake. Drawing on real dollars does not blur or fade.

Tip: It is strictly forbidden to use only one of the verification approaches, because fraudsters are also aware of the degrees of protection of banknotes and try to fill in all the gaps as much as possible. For your own safety, you need to learn as many techniques as possible and put all of them into practice.

  • Portraits of presidents. $1 features George Washington, $2 features Thomas Jefferson, $5 features Abraham Lincoln, $10 features Alexander Hamilton, $20 features Andrew Jackson, $50 features Ulysses Grant, and $100 features Benjamin Franklin.
  • Used colors. On the front side, the dollar is covered with inscriptions and images in black. This paint has magnetic properties. The reverse side consists mainly of green paint, which has no magnetic properties. Particular attention should be paid to the denomination located on the front side, in the lower right corner. When changing the viewing angle, it can change color from black to green.
  • The presence of microprinting. Separate inscriptions and drawings consist of words printed in small print. True, you can check this only if you look at dollars under a magnifying glass.

These manipulations are more than enough to determine the authenticity of banknotes. The main thing is not to rush and check all the important points.

How to quickly check the euro for authenticity?

The methods for checking euros are very similar to those used when examining dollars, but there are some specific points. Practice shows that fraudsters try to fake these products much less often than US currency, but such cases do occur.

  • The paper is made from pure cotton, it is very dense to the touch with obvious roughness. The product cannot be waxy or flexible.
  • In the production of the euro, a special printing technique is used, due to which the letters, denomination and pattern on the front side are convex, which can be easily felt with the fingertips. So that the authenticity of banknotes can be easily checked by visually impaired people, special convex inserts are made on banknotes of 200 and 500 euros.
  • In addition to the traditional watermark, which can be found with the help of light, there is another degree of verification. Due to the noticeable difference in paper thickness, when pointing the banknote against a dark background, some of the white details will darken.
  • Euro bills have a folding effect. Marks in the upper corners of products, which appear scattered and illogical, form a single pattern when judged in the light. Even the most protected dollars cannot boast of such a move.
  • A security thread has been introduced into the banknotes. With a light, it becomes dark with a clearly visible denomination and the inscription "euro".
  • In addition to traditional microprinting, there is a microperforation effect. This is especially clearly visible on the hologram of the euro badge, it is, as it were, pierced with very small holes.
  • In addition, banknotes of various denominations are able to change their color depending on the viewing angle.

If you pay attention to all these points, thought out by experts specifically for ordinary citizens, you can almost 100% accurately check the quality of a banknote and establish its authenticity. You should not agree to a deal if there is even the slightest doubt about the quality of the bill. It is better to refuse a profitable and honest offer once than to cry over counterfeit money because of your gullibility and lack of confidence in your knowledge.

Counterfeiting banknotes is as ancient and ineradicable as issuing them. Despite the fact that today such actions entail serious punishments, this craft has not gone into oblivion, but continues to flourish in certain circles.

In order not to run into trouble and not lose money, you need to be sure to check banknotes for authenticity especially when it comes to large sums.

Basic rules for working with currency

In practice, you may encounter two directions of counterfeiting banknotes- partial and complete.

  1. Partial fake. A number of details that testify to the dignity of banknotes are replaced by the details of a banknote of a higher denomination by means of some method. Alteration is usually done manually using publicly available methods and materials. Removal of details is carried out mechanically, or they are painted over. The drawing of new images is manual, which can be easily recognized with a minimum number and skill level.
  2. Complete fake. In this situation, full ad hoc resources and technologies are applied. Forgery can be rough and made on high level, have an imitation of watermarks, threads, special fibers. According to tactile sensations, the bill may not bear any resemblance to the original version. The quality of manufacturing such banknotes depends on the technical equipment and professional skills of counterfeiters, as well as on the conditions in which marketing activities are carried out.

Banknote denominations

If we talk about dollars, then they represent the official currency unit of the United States. Bank code - USD. The currency code is 840. The denominations available in circulation are 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1. Here are a few rules that original (not fake) dollars:

  • on the front side there is an image of political figures of the country (Grant, Franklin, Jackson, Washington, Hamilton, etc. on modern banknotes);
  • The back shows historical monuments, for example, Independence Hall, the Capitol, the Treasury, the Lincoln Memorial, etc.

For the production of world currency, it is customary to use paper, which 75% cotton and 25% linen. Silk fibers with a red and blue tint are embedded in it in a chaotic manner and in a small amount. The base itself has a pale yellow color and is elastic to the touch. Under UV light, the resource used to produce the fiber does not luminesce.

Visual signs and check at home

The basic category of methods for recognizing counterfeit banknotes and coins includes those signs that every person can see even with the naked eye. Every year, the recognition criteria are improved and become as accurate as possible. The answer to the question of how to authenticate in this situation is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to several characteristic features:

  1. Water marks. This is the most common parameter by which a fake is recognized. Pictures shown on paper media different densities are noticeable if you look at the bill in the light.
  2. Denomination. In everyday and familiar circulation, if we talk about dollars, there are only banknotes in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 dollars. As for the rest of the units, they can be considered a fake, even without additional checks.
  3. Paper. Dollars are made from linen and cotton material. This is what provides the bills with strength and roughness to the touch.
  4. Drawings. If you rub a bill one against one, and the paint peels off, this is 100% not the original. Images must be clear and not fade or fade.
  5. Leader portrait. It is necessary to take into account and take into account the fact that there are portraits of certain people on certain banknotes. So, on 1 dollar - Washington, on 2 - Jefferson, 5 - Lincoln, 10 - Hamilton, 20 - Jackson, 50 - Grant, 100 - Franklin. If there is a deviation of up to 2 mm, it is not a fact that this is a fake, additional verification is required.
  6. Color characteristics. Within the framework of the front part of the bill, inscriptions and images, with the exception of alphabetic and numeric codes, seals, are written in black inks with magnetic properties. For printed events on the reverse side, it is customary to use green ink, which does not have such characteristics. The denomination in this case can change its color, based on the angle from which it is looked at.
  7. Dimensional indicator. Since 1928, all dollar banknotes have been issued in the size of 156 * 66 mm; a deviation of up to 2 mm cannot be considered a fake.
  8. Seal. A number of symbols contributing to the designation of a bank or denomination can only be seen with a magnifying glass. For example, in the area of ​​​​the portrait and the protective strip under a magnifying glass, you can see the words that are printed in small letters. On the largest denomination note ($100), each digit that makes up the number includes a repeating "USA 100" inscription.

Knowing these signs and being able to distinguish them "by eye" is extremely necessary. After all, this factor will avoid numerous problems. But it is best to purchase special equipment.

Detection with tools

Currency detector- a device that allows you to determine whether a bill is a fake or an original. Such systems are used in financial institutions(banks), as well as in other institutions conducting transactions with a large number of banknotes.

If through your hands pass large sums, then for authentication it is worth purchasing this type of equipment. If big deals are made one-time, you can contact the bank and ask employees to check the originality of finances on their devices.

Methods of marketing and responsibility for it

Exists several ways through which counterfeit banknotes are sold.

  1. More often ordinary citizens Those who do not know how to check money are deceived by the classic "artisanal" method, in which the criminal can hardly be caught. In this case, fakes are made at home, and then reset to zero, that is, several zeros are added to the face value.
  2. Both sides of the banknote are drawn on separate paper sheets, which are glued together, but very carefully. Before the direct connection of the reverse and obverse, a strip of protection is laid between them, which allegedly acts as a guarantor of authenticity.

But such tricks have been used before. Now appeared a large number of technologies that only make it easier for criminals. There is Several variants through which this money is distributed:

  • offering them to people who do not know what the originals look like (pensioners, poor people, villagers);
  • slipping fakes to people who are not sober;
  • sale of fakes at night, when it is problematic to see something;
  • the haste factor is another way to rush the opponent and slip him a fake;
  • providing fakes along with the originals.

For such acts, serious punishment is provided for under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which implies imprisonment.

More information can be found on the video.

In modern times, the question of how to check dollars for authenticity is acute. Few people have not encountered buying them, and this is not surprising: most goods and services are valued based on the exchange rate. Many people keep their savings in dollars, and you don’t always have to buy “green” in a bank, and even when you are paid in dollars for something, you basically have to rely on the decency of a partner. And here everyone has the question of how to distinguish counterfeit dollars, because not everyone can determine at a glance whether you are holding a fake or real American money.

History of occurrence

The dollar got its name from the European thaler, which the British renamed "dollar". Back in 1786, in the young country of the United States, the dollar was declared national currency. Since 1792, it has been minted in both gold and silver (this is called bimetallism), and only after almost 100 years, free coinage ends and only gold coins remain in use. The gold standard was introduced only in 1900: the metal content is 1.50463 g. The currency of the States was the only one that could be exchanged for gold, until 1934 both government agencies and individuals could do this, then such a right left only for the latter.

After the Second World War, the United States of America, which the war did not affect as European countries occupied a leading position in the global economy. In addition, their money was convertible into gold. The dollar poured into Europe. By the beginning of 1960, there were more "greens" than America's gold reserves could cover, and already in 1971 President Nixon depegged the dollar to gold, but by that time most of the world's population already used this currency and trusted it.

How to identify counterfeit dollars?

Since the Greens were no longer tied to gold, they have become a common commodity, and their price has been determined in the market based on supply and demand. So it turns out that the United States earns on the export of its money. It takes about 10 cents to make one bill (regardless of the denomination), and here it’s already simple arithmetic. It is worth noting that there are about 8 trillion dollars in the world, only a tenth of which is in use, the rest is electronic money, but about 80% of the funds in circulation among the population are 100 dollar bills. The profit from the sale of such a banknote is $99.9. Not bad, right?

The most popular banknote is the one that earns almost its full face value. The United States sends money to all continents by air, and the dollar is distributed among the banks, then the banks sell it to their customers, including us. But there are people who are not averse to making money by selling their banknotes, simply printed on a color printer, or making super fakes in a complicated way. How not to fall for the tricks of such criminals and identify counterfeit dollars?

How to determine the authenticity of US dollars? This task is not very difficult, and some of the methods are interesting, if only because they are given for the first time, and even after studying a few nuances, it will become known how to distinguish a fake on your own when there is no special equipment nearby. You will find that checking dollars for authenticity is not so difficult, unless they are super fakes of the highest quality.

Let's start with the fact that dollars exist in certain denominations. These are denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100 dollars. The rest is fake. But here you still need to pay attention to the portraits of presidents, since some criminals have adapted from small denominations to make money 10 times larger by adding zero. So out of 10 dollars they get 100, out of 5 - 50. Therefore, you need to remember that on a bill of 1 dollar there should be a portrait of George Washington, on a deuce - Thomas Jefferson, on 5 dollars there is a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, on 10 - Alexander Hamilton, on twenty the Americans placed Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Grant was assigned to the face value of 50 dollars, as for the 100 dollar bill, Benjamin Franklin is depicted on it.

Watermarks are perhaps the first to be checked. And this is right, because it is very difficult to make an image that comes to light due to different paper weights in a handicraft way, although this does not apply to super fakes, the manufacture of which involves especially sophisticated counterfeiters.

They repeat most of the security features, and in some cases even experts do not doubt the authenticity of counterfeit dollars, which are in fact a high quality fake. Therefore, the signs of the authenticity of dollars are determined by many criteria.

Paper, sizes and color

How to check the authenticity of dollars at first glance has already been clarified, but if the question concerns the super fake of a dollar unit, then a more thorough check will come in handy. To begin with, you should pay attention to the paper from which the banknote is made: it is rough and durable, for its manufacture linen and cotton are used in a ratio of 1: 3 and reinforced with synthetic fibers. Security strips are sewn into the paper at the stage of its preparation. They are very clearly visible if you look through the bill into the light. The size of the dollar has never changed since 1928 and is 156x66 mm, although a deviation of 2 mm is not considered a fake.

American currency ink is produced specifically for the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, it is very durable, that is, if you rub the bill and leave any traces after that, be sure it is a fake.

You also need to pay attention to colors: on the front side, the inscriptions and drawings are made with black paint with magnetic properties. On the reverse side, green paint is used without a magnet. If you look at the denomination icon at the bottom right on the face of the bill, you will notice that at different viewing angles it changes color from green to black. If such changes are not noticed, the banknotes are not real.

Reversible Special attention the most common 100 dollar bill. Looking at the lapel of Franklin's coat through a magnifying glass, you can see the inscription "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", the portrait itself is shifted from the center to the left.

But in any case, it is better to buy currency at a bank, where you can check the dollar for authenticity using special equipment and you have a guarantee that you will not be deceived. To finish off, watch a video where a US resident provides a very interesting way to verify the authenticity of US dollars.

If you have a banknote whose authenticity you are not sure, read this article and you will learn how to distinguish real banknotes from fake ones. The possession, production and use of counterfeit money are all against the law; if the accuser proves that you deliberately committed the acts described, then you will receive a considerable prison term. If you come across a counterfeit banknote, report it to the relevant authorities.


To the touch

    The paper structure of a counterfeit banknote differs markedly from the paper structure of a genuine banknote.

    • Genuine banknotes are printed on paper made from cotton and linen. Ordinary paper is made from cellulose (wood). The paper of real banknotes does not lose its strength over time, while ordinary paper is torn.
    • The paper and ink used in the printing of banknotes have a special composition (which is kept secret) and they are not in free circulation. Therefore, the quality of a real banknote is very different from the quality of a counterfeit banknote. Even if you have little experience in recognizing counterfeit banknotes, you will most likely immediately notice the difference in the structure of the paper.
    • The ink on a genuine banknote is applied in relief, which is achieved in the intaglio printing process. You should feel the relief of the print, especially when you hold a new dollar bill in your hands.
    • Run your fingernail along the clothes of the person depicted on the bill. You will feel its relief. Counterfeiters can't fake it.
  1. Pay attention to the thickness of the bills. Genuine money is thinner than counterfeit money.

    Compare a bill with another of the same denomination and series. Since bills of different denominations look different, take a bill of the same denomination.

    • If you are not sure about the authenticity of a bill, compare it with another (genuine) one.
    • All but the $1 and $2 bills have been changed at least once since 1990, so it's best to compare the suspicious bill to a similar bill of the same series or year.
    • Although the design of the banknotes has changed, the feel of the paper has remained the same as it has for decades. To the touch, a bill printed 50 years ago should be the same as a brand new bill.

    By the look

    1. Look closely at the print quality. Pay attention to the lack of relief and detail on the fake. Real money is printed using a secret technology that cannot be replicated, forcing counterfeiters to experiment with printing methods.

      • Real US currency is printed using methods that are not replicated by conventional offset printing or digital printing (these are the most popular printing methods for experienced counterfeiters). Look for blurry details, especially fine details such as fringing.
      • Look for colored fibers. All US banknotes have tiny red and blue fibers embedded in the paper. Counterfeiters sometimes attempt to replicate this defense by printing or drawing fibers on paper; but on close inspection, one can see that the fibers are printed on the paper and not part of the paper itself.
    2. Consider the border (frame). For real banknotes, it is clear and continuous.

      • On Federal Reserve and Treasury seals, sawtooth ends should be sharp and well defined, while on counterfeit money they are blurry and have blunt ends.
      • Due to the difference in printing methods between real and counterfeit money, the border ink on counterfeit money may be smudged.
    3. Consider the portrait. By the portrait of the person depicted on the bill, you can determine its authenticity.

      • The portraits on counterfeit banknotes are dull, blurry and not embossed, while on real banknotes they are clear, with fine detail.
      • The portrait on a genuine bill looks realistic and stands out clearly from the background. Portrait details on fakes tend to blend in, and the background is often too dark or uneven.
      • Use a magnifying glass to view the portrait. On one side of the portrait you can see the words (microprint) "The United States of America". To the naked eye, these words blend into a thin line. Such microprinting cannot be counterfeited.
    4. Check serial numbers. They are located in two places - on the front side of the bill on different sides of the portrait. Make sure the serial numbers match.

    Security features

      Look at the bill. Look for security features on all banknotes except $1 and $2. Look at the security thread (band) that goes from top to bottom.

      • Embedded (not printed) security thread is added to all bills except $1 and $2. It is located to the left of the Federal Reserve seal.
      • If you hold the bill up to the light, you will see the word "USA" printed on the strip, followed by the denomination of the bill in words for the $10 and $20 bills and in numbers for the $5, $50, and $100 bills. These threads are located in different places on bills of different denominations in order to make it difficult to convert a lower denomination bill (on which the seal is washed off) into a denomination of a higher denomination.
      • The symbols on the strip can be read both from the front and from the back of the bill. Moreover, this can be done only by looking at the bill in the light.
    1. Substitute a bill under an ultraviolet lamp. The strip (security thread) will glow in a certain color.

      • If the bill is genuine, the security thread will glow: the $5 bill is blue, the $10 is orange, the $20 is green, the $50 is yellow, and the $100 is pink.
      • If the bill does not glow in any color, then it is counterfeit.
    2. Check the watermark. Hold the bill up to the light to see the face (portrait) watermark.

      • The face (portrait) watermark can be found on $10, $20, $50, and $100 bills from 1996 and later, and $5 bills from 1999 and later.
      • The watermark is embedded in the paper to the right of the portrait and can be seen on both sides of the banknote.
    3. Tilt the bill to check the color-changing ink.

      • Color-changing ink (ink that changes color when the bill is tilted) can be found on $100, $50, and $20 bills from 1996 and later, and $10 bills from 1999 and later.
      • $5 bills and lower denominations do not yet have this protection. The color changes from green to black, but in the latest denominations from copper (golden red) to green.
    4. Learn microprinting. It includes words or numbers that are not visible to the naked eye (can only be read with a magnifying glass).

      • Since 1990, microprinting has been applied in certain places on bills (which changed periodically) in denominations of $5 and above.
      • Since microprinting is almost impossible to replicate, counterfeiters prefer to do without it altogether.
      • The microprinting (numbers and letters) on fakes is blurry, while on genuine banknotes it is crisp and clear.

    Handling counterfeit banknotes

    1. Don't fake money. The possession, production and use of counterfeit money are all against the law; if the accuser proves that you deliberately committed the acts described, then you will receive a considerable prison term.

      • If you get a counterfeit bill, do not give it to other people. If you think a banknote is fake, examine it immediately and remember who you got it from.
      • If you come across a counterfeit banknote, report it to the relevant authorities; otherwise, you may be accused of complicity in counterfeiting.
    2. Remember the person (his appearance in detail) from whom you received a counterfeit banknote. Also pay attention to his possible accomplices. If possible, write down the numbers of their cars.

      • The person who gave you the counterfeit bill may not be the counterfeiter. He may just be a victim of fraud by counterfeiters.
      • Of course, it is impossible to remember every person from whom you received this or that banknote. Therefore, study the bill as soon as you have suspicions. For example, cashiers in stores examine any bill of great denomination before accepting it as payment. Thus, the cashier automatically remembers the person who is trying to pay with such a bill.
    3. Contact the relevant authorities. For example, to the police or the FSB. The addresses of their local branches can be found on the Internet.

      When you receive and recognize a counterfeit bill, immediately place it in an envelope or where you cannot touch it. This must be done in order to preserve as much evidence as possible on the banknote: fingerprints, chemicals used in printing, and so on. Also, you will not forget what is in the envelope. counterfeit banknote and do not confuse it with other banknotes.

      Write the required information. Write your initials and the date on the white margin of the banknote or on the envelope. The date and initials will indicate when and by whom the counterfeit bill was noticed.

    4. Fill out a special form. If you find a counterfeit bill and contact law enforcement, you will have to fill out a special form.

      • After you hand over the banknote with the completed form to the relevant authorities, it will be considered counterfeit (unless proven otherwise).
      • Fill out a separate form for each suspicious bill.
      • Such forms are usually designed to be filled out by bank employees when counterfeit banknotes are found, but ordinary citizens can also fill out such a form. If you find a counterfeit banknote in a bank, but you are not a bank employee, contact your management and complete this form on behalf of your company.