Alexa von Tobel 50 20 30. The golden rule of sanctions

According to a survey by the Public Opinion Foundation conducted in June 2015, only 11% of Russian residents purposefully save money, while 53% do not have any savings, living from paycheck to paycheck. It’s simple to explain: firstly, many simply have difficulty making ends meet and cannot afford to save, and secondly, during the Soviet and post-Soviet period, people have developed the idea that no matter how much they save, it’s still too early to save or they will burn out later, and therefore it is better to spend the remaining money right away.

Save money

using the rule 50/20/30

In the United States, savings are also not easy for citizens. According to Alexa von Tobel, founder of startup LearnVest and author of Financially Fearless, up to 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The reasons, however, are different: most young people enter adulthood with significant college debt. They are unable to save money: almost all their earnings are spent on rent, loan payments and other obligatory expenses.

Von Tobel names the ideal ratio of what the salary should be spent on:

50% SHOULD BE GOING FOR ALL NECESSARY EXPENSES: rent or mortgage, transportation, groceries, utilities and other things you can’t live without. Of course, not everyone can afford this right away: many spend half their salary or more just on renting an apartment. But it makes sense to strive for this.

20% SHOULD BE GOING TO SAVINGS OR PAYING OFF DEBT, if they are. It’s also better to automate work with this part by transferring money to a deposit or somewhere else immediately after you receive your salary.

THE REMAINING 30% CAN BE GOING FOR ENTERTAINMENT: shopping, restaurants, personal care and more. Although the most important part in this formula is 20%, von Tobel asks to be sure to leave some money for yourself so as not to lose motivation.

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There is an effective way that will help you focus on important work and finish it on time. This, in turn, will allow you to accomplish more and plan your day wisely. This method is used by both senior managers and those who want to live not only by studying.

We are in website decided to talk about this effective method and how it works.


“50-10-50” is a method that tells you how to wisely distribute your time and manage to get everything done on time. It implies that you will devote 50 minutes of your time to work, then completely change your occupation for 10 minutes, and then, after resting, return to work again for 50 minutes.

If your work involves a computer, then during your vacation, relax not only your brain, but also your eyes: take a walk, drink tea or chat with a colleague. Don’t switch to your phone and immediately check your email or social networks. Try to really relax, and not just sit for 10 minutes staring at your phone or laptop screen, but not for work.

The cycle “50 minutes of work - 10 minutes of rest - 50 minutes of work” can be repeated as many times as you need to solve the problem. This is one of the most effective ways deal with it.

Why the method works

Working hard until you feel too tired is like running a marathon for a few miles and then giving up. Plus, the more you work on a task, the longer rest you think you deserve. But it is not always possible to devote 2-3 hours in a row to relaxation.

In any business, it is important to properly distribute your strength and give yourself rest. And the “50-10-50” method helps to achieve this. Moreover, research shows that after short breaks during the day, a person’s productivity increases. And simply moving more often is healthier than sitting still for several hours in a row.

Main advantages

One of the students practicing this method in teaching spoke about its 5 main advantages:

  1. When you think about spending 6-8 hours on a single task, you can get discouraged. But 50 minutes is better. 50 minutes of work is less than one hour episode of your favorite TV series. And you could spend 6 hours watching 6 episodes, but you probably wouldn't watch one 6-hour episode. This is why it is worth taking breaks from work, since in this case the thought of it is not depressing. As a result, you will develop endurance: Within 50 minutes you will feel energized and work efficiently.
  2. The method allows you to better focus on work. You realize that you have 50 minutes and it would be better to solve some problem or part of it during this time. So put your phone aside, log off from social media, and ask your colleagues or family members not to distract you. React only to an alarm that tells you that 50 minutes have passed.
  3. Regular 10 minutes of rest can increase your productivity in something else. During this time, you can do everything you've always wanted to do but never had time for: hone your writing skills, draw, sing, or charm your colleagues with your sense of humor.
  4. Method "50-10-50" allows you to accurately determine how much time you spent on solving one problem. As a result, in the future you will be able to better plan your working hours and use them more efficiently.
  5. The method allows you to develop your skills. Research from the late 20th century claims that it takes 10,000 hours for a person to become a pro in a highly specialized, highly competitive field. The 50-10-50 method allows you to look back and calculate how much time you have already devoted to becoming a professional in your business.

Tell us what helps you get more done and manage your time wisely?

We tend to categorize our wants as “needs” and factor that into our budget.

How to save your family budget? When you look at sales household appliances and electronics, it becomes clear that Almost all the goods in the store are clearly superfluous. I do NOT need a large flat screen TV. I DO NOT need a smartphone. I do NOT need a fancy new laptop.

The most interesting thing is that Often we classify all these as “needs.”

For example, take a cell phone. It is clear that it is necessary for emergency situations. But a simple phone at hand will do a great job of calling 112 if something happens. Such phones are cheap - you don’t even need a plan to buy one. However, most people have more expensive smartphones.

The same analogy can be drawn with television. The only reason why a TV may be necessary is emergency messages, and even then, they can be found on the Internet. Despite this, most families have at least one television at home.

But this is not an argument to throw away your TV or cell phone. The point is different. You need to understand that almost Anything that costs a lot of money is not really necessary.

Why you shouldn't add the latest model phones to your needs category and factor them into your budget.

First of all: people live from paycheck to paycheck.

This means that if their income drops a little for some reason, it will be a financial hardship for them for at least a month. Some of them are also

This means there are families who have a cell phone and a TV, and spend money with a credit card.

This is where the conclusion comes in - this is a recipe for disaster. People with this or similar situations have increased desires - new smartphones and TVs, which they equate with needs - normal food, clothing and shelter.

Secondly: when desires are perceived as needs.

There is a feeling that you will never be satisfied with your desires, despite constant purchases. The phone will satisfy you, but you will probably also want to pay for an application or game for it or a new case and screen protector. The situation is the same with TV.

Nevertheless, when you see it all as a need, you may feel like you're not spending enough on yourself. With bills for cell phone, mobile and home Internet, paying for a new smartphone when the old one breaks down, a computer and several TVs, and so on, you can easily spend thousands of rubles every month on what you want, simply because you considered these things necessary. You will easily feel that it has been a long time since you spent on yourself.

Thirdly: when you spend thousands of rubles a month on various desires, it becomes very difficult to achieve financial goals.

Especially when the income is not very high. Let's imagine that your cell phone bill is 1,250 ₽, payment for the Internet is 450 ₽, buying a new TV is 18,000 ₽ every five years (that's 300 ₽ per month), replacement cell phone- 48,000 ₽ every two years (that’s another 2,000 ₽ per month). And in total we receive 4,000 rubles a month for desires that people define as needs.

This system is quite simple - it suggests spending 50% of income on mandatory needs (utilities and rent), 30% on desires (entertainment, telephone, Internet, cafes, etc.), and leaving 20% ​​for the future (for example, for paying off debts and for savings, which can be increased using ).

Does this make sense? Yes, because many people often turn “wants” into “needs.” Their budget is more like 80/20/0 because 80% of their income goes to “needs,” some of which are actual needs, like utilities, and others that are simply converted into needs, like a new phone.

They still need something to show off, this lifestyle leaves little to spare to save and save for the future. This main reason why people live paycheck to paycheck.

Second: calculate your actual expenses during a typical month.

Look at bills and expenses. find out total amount regular payments and excess needs like Starbucks, fast food and new clothes and see if you can fit it all into 30% of your salary.

For the vast majority, this amount will not be close to 30%. Desires will take up at least half or even more of your monthly expenses.

Browse the list you will understand that most expenses for “wishlist” are simply unacceptable. A significant amount will be something you don’t even remember. There will be other expenses from which you gained little or no benefit, even if you remember them.

This is what needs to be removed to get to the 30% figure, not things like cell phone or internet. The best cost cuts come from those purchases that are so insignificant to you that you won't even notice a thing after getting rid of them.

Third: Take time to discuss your family budget using the 30/25/45 model.

30% needs, 25% wants and 45% savings. Divide 25% between two. For example, you don’t really like TV, while your wife is nagging you to watch something, therefore, the cable TV bill falls on her. Divide your phone and internet bills equally. From what is left, you, as a family, go to a restaurant a couple of times, with (and share this too) and somehow relax, while everyone is “allowed” to do what they want.

This “allowing” is the last part of your monthly “wants”. This money can be used for hobbies, or for anything random that you might want.

Another useful tactic in the question of how to properly save the family budget.

Taken together with the above, this automation of savings. All you need to do is activate the service automatic translation from your account a certain amount into a savings account every month. Set the date of this regular operation to the next day after payday.

This guarantees that you will save money, in addition, it will immediately impose a limit on your desires. You could say this is a double victory, because 2 goals are achieved at once - spending less money on desires and saving for the future. After connecting this option, no additional effort will be required to save.

Use these tools to ensure that unnecessary demands do not harm your budget. Following these steps will keep "wants" in check without creating a feeling of deprivation, partly because you have removed the most wasteful of desires, and partly because you pay attention to the "excessive needs" in life and mark them as desires, because you have there is so much in life.

See how a family of 4 with one less family member's income living wage, in which only the husband works, the wife is on maternity leave, renovates the apartment, pays the loan, knows and makes savings.

There is another way to use the distribution system in your piggy bank family budget.

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No matter how much we earn, we always want to spend more than we can afford. To have a stable financial situation, it is not at all necessary to increase your income. There are simple rules for regulating a personal or family budget that allow you to create cash savings, despite the payment costs that cannot be avoided. The 50-20-30 rule is designed to streamline everyday spending while creating cash savings.

What do the numbers 50-20-30 mean?

The numbers collected in a peculiar formula 50-20-30 represent the recommended proportions financial balance when planning the distribution of earned funds:

1. 50% of all proceeds must be used to pay for current daily expenses, which are mandatory for us:
rent or mortgage payments;
payment utilities;
fare, including the maintenance of a car, if any;
payment for long-term credit amounts, training.

2. It is recommended to set aside 20% of income in the form of savings, which will accumulate to achieve certain financial goals:
insurance in case of temporary loss of source of income;
repayment financial obligations like borrowed money Money or short-term loans;
accumulation of funds for upcoming expensive purchases in the long term.

3. 30% of the money earned should be attributed to upcoming expenses that you can do without:
more refined food, visiting restaurants;
entertainment, country picnics and tours;
self-care with visits to spa salons.

Peculiarities practical application rules 50-20-30

As European experts note, compliance with the proportions of this rule does not cause any particular difficulties if you clearly understand the features of each of the recommended expense items.

1. Mandatory expenses (50%)
To learn how to “fit” into the established limit of mandatory expenses, you need to make a list of essential items and decide on monthly expenses for shopping and entertainment events. Financial planning should in no way be accompanied by dietary restrictions, deterioration in the quality of household sanitation and personal hygiene, or other deprivations in everyday life. A saturated commodity market allows for variation in costs classified as current daily payments. For example, in many families more than 30% is spent on food. wages. But there is a choice - to make homemade preparations on the market or buy ready-made semi-finished products, that is, mandatory expenses can be adjusted to your needs with appropriate adjustments to the content of the compiled list. In the same way, expenses for mobile communications, avoiding excessive excesses on social networks except for business conversations over the phone.
It is important! It is necessary to strictly control the planned mandatory expenses so that they do not exceed 50% of all money earned. Otherwise, you will either have to increase income, which is not always possible, or reduce the number of mandatory payments.

2. Savings for financial purposes (20%)
Figuratively speaking, this is the money that needs to be “put aside in a box”! In the 21st century, the traditional piggy bank will be successfully replaced by a separate bank account opened specifically for this expense item. Among financiers, the funds in this account are called a “safety cushion”, allowing the owner to be protected during the period of losing a source of income and searching for a new one. Banking specialists By pension deposits recommend using this account to save for your future retirement and possible investment for reliable projects, even if retirement age is still far away. Availability savings account will allow you to correctly distribute debt payments. For those with a mountain of debt, experts advise against spending more than you can save. To pay off debt, it is recommended to decide on a repayment deadline and distribute monthly payments from this account. As the debt or loan is repaid, the account holder will be able to use the reserved savings more effectively.
It is important! Required condition It should be possible to use a savings account partial withdrawal money in emergencies without interest charges. However, you should not convince yourself that buying a new fur coat on sale is an emergency!

3. Universal expenses (30%)
The purpose of the 30% expense item—spending “on yourself,” to buy what you really want—is puzzling. The first two articles of the rule require the strictest savings and control of expenses, the final part of the 50-20-30 rule literally obliges you to spend money on purchases that you can easily do without.

The author of the 50-20-30 rule is Alexa von Tobel, founder and CEO American service LearnVest. In her opinion, the obligatory leaving of part of the money for expenses “for yourself” is necessary to maintain motivation financial planning. Although Alexa considers 20% deductions to be the most important element in her formula...

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to maintain the balance recommended by the 50-20-30 rule in the required proportions. The financial situation in each family is purely individual. Expenses for housing and food often approach 100%, which already introduces an imbalance in planning expenses according to Mrs. von Tobel’s scheme. The main thing here is to understand that if you keep your finances in sight, financial well-being will definitely come. As von Tobel figuratively put it, money is not a means of worship, but an excellent tool for correct use through life.

You don't have to earn a lot to financial position was stable, it is enough to develop useful financial habits. Just like you get into the habit of brushing your teeth twice a day and playing sports, you can develop the habit of being smart about the distribution of expenses and income.

21 days is exactly how long it takes to consolidate a habit so that it is deposited in the subconscious.

We present to your attention the main rule that you can follow for the next 21 days and then for the rest of your life - the 50/20/30 rule.

50/20/30 is the key to competent distribution of income and expenses.

This rule was invented by Alexa von Tobel, founder and head of the American financial service LearnVest.

  • 50% of your income should go to everyday expenses: food, rent, housing and communal services, transportation costs. These are the expenses that you cannot live without.
  • 20% is the amount of your savings or, if you have debts, money to pay off loans.
  • 30% – spending on restaurants, entertainment, other purchases, that is, those costs that you can do without.

Not everyone can maintain the balance of this proportion: some have more expenses on loans, some spend more on entertainment, but 50/20/30 is what we should strive for in order to live for pleasure.

Remember: you will always be limited in your income, no matter how much you earn, you will always want more than you can afford.

Here are some simple tips to help you achieve a 50/20/30 balance.

Calculate how much you spend per day/week/month and compare the amounts with the money you earn. The assessment of your expenses should be as accurate as possible: the options “I spent approximately 15 thousand on vacation” are not accepted, since you can make a large error and forget about missing expenses.

Many banks, for example, TKS Bank and Sberbank, have their own expense analytics system, where you can see where the most savings are spent and reduce expenses in the right category in a timely manner.

The easiest way to save a certain amount from your salary is to open a savings account in a bank. An additional account will allow you to transfer part of your salary and receive from this amount monthly income in the form of interest charges. Remember that the ideal ratio is to save 20% of your income.

Suppose your salary is 35,000 rubles, which means 20% is 7,000 rubles, which goes into the piggy bank. For a year you receive 7,000 x 12 = 84,000 rubles.

If you keep money in a savings account, you will receive an additional monthly interest of about 6% per annum, depending on the interest rate set by the bank. Your profit at the end of the year will be 86,348.94 rubles.

The effect is obvious: by saving only 20% of your salary, you will always have a reserve fund. The sooner you start saving, the faster you can achieve your goals.

The reality is that many people spend money unnecessarily. Having barely paid off their loans, they go and take out a new one, accumulating more and more more debts. Unconsciously, they live “from paycheck to paycheck.” But you can always borrow money on our website. Although, that’s not what we’re talking about now.

To get out of the ill-fated circle, it is enough to redistribute your income and learn to live a little more economically. Spend less on mobile communications, save on electricity, buy used equipment. Once you develop the habit of saving, you will notice how quickly you will have free money and the ability to purchase things without loans.

If, at some point, you still need money, you can contact an MFO. It is worth remembering that you should take out a microloan only in extreme cases and preferably for a long term. Long term, implies lower interest rate, a convenient repayment schedule, for example, from, and the length of the period leaves room for maneuver.

The simple truth is that once you start spending less than you earn, you will stop worrying about your financial situation.