Problems of crime prevention in the consumer market. Crimes in the consumer market

The consumer market of the Russian Federation is highly criminalized and it is very difficult to resist this. Activities carried out by the authorities are faced with high level organization of criminal structures, coordination and planning of their actions, and often the significant status of participants.

In the area of ​​compliance consumer rights, which constitute the most important component of democratic freedoms, statistics do not reflect the true state of affairs in these areas. No one knows what, how much and by whom is actually produced; no one is really responsible for the quality of the products.

In a number of regions of the Russian Federation, every third medicine is of dubious origin. The market of biologically active food additives (BAA), which has grown to 1.5 billion dollars, is 90% falsified. At the same time, more than two thirds of dietary supplements sold on the market are positioned as supplements with a therapeutic effect. That is, there are practically no prohibitions in this regard. And, for example, in the USA the production and sale of only four groups of dietary supplements that have medicinal properties are permitted.

More than 100 types of tonic, or so-called “energy” non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks (“Ecstasy”, “Devil”, “Trance”, “Adrenaline Rush”, etc.) are sold on the market. The state does not control this industry, legislative and regulations are absent, but there are certificates of conformity and hygienic safety.

Advertising is not always honest with its consumers, emphasizing only the advantages of the product being promoted, which in most cases are either far-fetched or very exaggerated. Manufacturers also cheat by hiding the product’s ingredients in small letters on the back of the label behind a bright design.

It can be argued that in the economic field, market problems constitute a block in which corruption and the production of counterfeit products are combined, and in the socio-political field they lead to social stratification, since some can buy high-quality goods, while others can only buy counterfeit ones. In general, all this is detrimental to the health of consumers, which does not contribute in any way to solving demographic problems.

Let's look at the main dangers in the consumer market.

Production of counterfeit goods. This primarily applies to food products. The Russian Ministry of Health annually confirms the annual mortality rate from counterfeit vodka - 35-37 thousand people. That is, in peacetime the population of an entire city dies from it. The increase in alcohol consumption is causing concern, including due to a noticeable increase in the consumption of beer and low-alcohol drinks.

Enterprise managers sign dubious contracts for the supply of components, spare parts, basic raw materials and components from abroad. Butter cannot be of high quality if it is made not from milk or cream, but from vegetable fat mixtures that become marketable with the help of hydrogen or by hydrogenation.

Today in Russia there are few producers of milk powder (including for children) and concentrates for the production of reconstituted juice and juice-containing products. The market is flooded with surrogates, the suppliers and manufacturers of which are well known. But even these low-quality raw materials will only increase in price in the coming years.

Today, many enterprises in the pharmaceutical, meat, dairy, fat-and-oil, confectionery, canning, fishing, household chemicals, cold storage and dairy ice cream industries operate in a similar semi-criminal manner. Placed on a par with the production and turnover of commercial goods baby food, which has always referred to specialized products and was considered a social segment of the market.

Moreover, any intervention by government agencies or independent human rights structures causes aggressive opposition from such enterprises.

Falling consumer demand. What prevents people from eating quality, tasty and safe food? It would seem that the market is full, the range has been expanded, advertising encourages consumers to buy, but problems of food quality and quantity, and most importantly, food safety, remain acute.

Compared to advanced countries, we consume 59% of the necessary food, and compared to WHO biological standards - 63%. And this is in Russia, which has 10% of arable land and 50% of the world’s black soil. The greatest drop in consumption levels occurs in the most valuable foods, which contain protein, fats and vitamins. To be convinced of this, just look at conscripts or students.

Many people see a solution to the problem in the use of soy-based products and supplements. But no substitute for them can be better than meat, milk, eggs, containing protein created by nature. There are just not enough of them. What kind of sausages are they if they don’t even have five percent meat?

Our country continues to be considered by business circles in the West, as well as in Southeast Asia, as a large and promising market for goods that they do not sell to their customers.

Non-state regulation consumer market. In Russia, the leading role in the implementation of technical regulation of the market is played not by the state, but by some groups and expert commissions. Many of them are recipients of foreign grants. Of course, they will not defend the interests of our country. The tobacco market is 100% owned by foreign corporations; the share of Russian juice producers in the total volume is no more than 25%. It must be admitted that the authors of these projects are clearly not concerned with the interests of our state and consumers of the products offered. But the interests of business circles in other countries are visible.

Incorrect use of new technologies. The quality of many Russian products causes outrage among consumers. And they are surprised that these products were released on the recommendations and even under the control of medical hygienists, doctors and heads of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision system, as well as institutes of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Food products, additives and raw materials from cattle hooves and pork skins have already appeared on the market. Or the dietary supplement “Chitosan” from cockroach shells and hundreds of other exotic food items. Science says the products are safe. It is not clear what, for example, a food product called sour cream should be called if the main ingredients include modified starch and milk powder? But the fermented milk product sour cream is obtained by the natural fermentation of two components: fresh cream and sourdough. How can you call a product ketchup that does not contain any tomato component at all, but contains the same starch and other fillers, dyes and stabilizers? Many varieties of mayonnaise are the creation of chemists.

More information about the dangers of food is described in Chapter. 9.4.

Measuring, weighing, shortchanging, misleading about consumer properties. According to Art. 14.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, measuring, weighing, calculating, misleading regarding consumer properties, quality of goods, work, services or other deception of consumers in organizations selling goods, performing work or providing services to the population, as well as by citizens registered as individual entrepreneurs in the field of trade, services, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens and officials in the amount of one to two thousand rubles; for legal entities - from ten to twenty thousand rubles.

Measuring is the release of goods of a smaller size than the consumer should receive them under the purchase and sale agreement. Weighing means the release of goods of less weight than they should be in accordance with the payment for the purchase. The methods and time of measuring and weighing can be different: the use of incorrect, non-standard means, measuring instruments, measuring and weighing during packaging, direct sale of goods, etc. It is customary to call the receipt by the guilty party larger amount, how actual cost goods sold, services provided, withholding change. Misrepresentation regarding consumer properties, quality of goods, work, services is the sale of goods (provision of services, transfer of work results) that do not meet the requirements of the standards, technical specifications, the terms of the contract. Misrepresentation may be associated with deliberately distorted information or concealment from the consumer necessary information about a product, service, their quality, consumer properties, etc.

If the product has a defect, the seller takes measures to make it more difficult to examine: expresses dissatisfaction if the buyer wants to hold the item in his hands; demonstrating the product, manipulates quickly and superficially, etc.

Suspicious products must first be purchased in small quantities - for testing. You should have the determination to tell the seller your decisive “I changed my mind about buying” if you notice a defect in the product at the very last moment. It is necessary to monitor the release date and deadline for the sale of the product. If there is no date on the package or the meaning of the date is unclear, it is better to discard the product.

Often, stale goods are sold cheaply, as well as defective goods, which must be disposed of as quickly as possible before the control authorities take over.

When buying fruits, vegetables, etc., you need to take a small amount in a transparent plastic bag: the seller is then less tempted to slip rotten or underdeveloped fruit. It is convenient to hide a defective fruit in the mass of normal fruits, so it is more profitable for the goods to be weighed in front of the buyer, rather than packaged in advance.

The following methods of deceiving buyers by sellers are known:

  • - dilution: you can add milk to the sour cream, and add the second to the first grade;
  • - moistening: hold over steam, or store in a damp room, or simply sprinkle with water - sugar, cloth, etc.;
  • - weighing: hold the scales with your finger; throw the product on the scale and immediately remove it; weigh the package without taking into account its weight; place the scales so that the scale is poorly visible to the buyer; file the weights; spoil the scales;
  • - shortchange: first throw money into the cash register, then say: “You still have a ruble!”;
  • - do not yawn if the buyer mixes up a banknote or puts out more pieces of paper than necessary;
  • - overpricing: set a slightly higher price than the one prescribed by the boss or prescribed by the state;
  • - manipulation with numbers: people pay more attention to the first and last digits of a number; if instead of 132 you name or write 134, it will be more noticeable than if you slip, for example, 152; the more numbers there are, the more unnoticeably such a forgery can be committed;
  • - re-sorting: sell a second-class product as a first-class product;
  • - selling defects: if a meticulous buyer finds a defect in the TV, slip this TV to the simpleton;
  • - substitution: you ask: “Wrap that piece for me,” and hurry to the cash register with the money. While you are away, your piece is replaced with an almost identical one, but smaller.

Manufacturers are also known to deceive customers:

  • - theft of a trademark: for example, when buying jeans of the “Levi" S brand, only at home can you guess that they were made in Georgia;
  • - underestimation of portions: the cake may weigh less than what is written on the label. A metal can can contain the product indicated on the label in much smaller quantities than its volume allows. The rest is filled with liquid, so it is impossible to determine the scam by weight. If these are tomatoes in tomato juice, then the loss is small. But if instead of densely packed pieces of beef stew there are several stringy slices floating in the liquid, it is unpleasant;
  • - transparent packaging is preferable. The same tomatoes may end up in an iron can along with the remains of the stems. This is not harmful, but it will ruin your appetite;
  • - cheap recipes. In such and such sausage you need to put so much pork, so much beef, etc. The buyer probably won’t notice the differences, and if he does, he won’t prove anything;
  • - sellers can take into account the pickiness of buyers: women are chosen carefully, men and children are given something worse. Experienced sellers know that buyers easily agree to overpay for the following goods:
  • - low-cost items that are used rarely or in small quantities, for example, toothpicks;
  • - proving love, gratitude to someone, for example, flowers;
  • - providing prestige, demonstrating the ability to spend money, for example, Parker fountain pens;
  • - being a means of self-sacrifice: the higher the price, the more significant and pleasant the self-torture, for example, out-of-season oranges for a child in the hospital.

Having bought a complex item (for example, a refrigerator) in reserve, you need to use it immediately, since most defects are detected at the beginning of use. Until the warranty expires, you will have the opportunity to make free repairs or get rid of the item altogether.

It is risky to buy used items. The previous owner could have dismantled them and partially damaged them. Perhaps they are being sold precisely because some defects have been discovered that they are trying to keep silent about.

There is undeserved trust in imported goods. The buyer hopes that the country struggling for foreign markets makes special efforts to ensure the quality of exports. No matter how it is! It can be easier to sell bad goods in a foreign country than in your own. Let the deceived clients be indignant: they are far away. Something else can be presented to domestic hacks, but no one will go abroad for this.

The least risky foreign goods are non-exportable ones, that is, without inscriptions in Russian. Domestic goods registered for export should also not receive concessions. If he didn't get abroad, it means something is wrong with him. Perhaps it was not intended to be there: they simply wanted to lull the vigilance of domestic buyers with the label.

A private company is more reliable than a limited liability company, since the latter can be created precisely for the purpose of avoiding liability.

Firms organized by fraudsters to deceive clients or to rob the state, as a rule, avoid publicity: they have a slippery, unmemorable name, do not use an office, communicate with clients through a rented mailbox or via telephone, do not identify themselves in advertisements, and make do with a vague “the organization offers ", "the company will buy."

It also happens the other way around: scammers pretend to be respectable with all their might (loud name, abundant advertising, luxurious office). First of all, newly formed companies should be suspected of dishonesty.

Solidarity of shareholders does not guarantee a company's integrity: shareholders themselves could be victims of deception. It is also possible that a small, old, proven company, acquired specifically for a major scam, may be used for dishonest purposes.

In order for the buyer to check the correctness of the measure and weight of the purchased goods, appropriate measuring equipment - check scales - must be installed in an accessible place on the sales floor. All measuring instruments are in accordance with and. 7 of the Rules for the Sale of Certain Goods No. 55 dated January 19, 1998 must be kept in good condition, while the seller is obliged to carry out metrological verification in a timely manner and in the prescribed manner and, at the request of the consumer, present documents evidencing verification. Such a document is called, for example, “Results of technical examination by special control bodies.”

If, as a result of weighing on control scales, it is discovered that the weight of the purchased goods does not correspond to the weight indicated in the cash register receipt or the readings of the scales in the sales department during the initial weighing, then the buyer has the right on the basis of Articles 12, 13, 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 g No. 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights”:

  • - demand a refund of the amount overpaid as a result of the weighting for the goods;
  • - demand compensation for moral damage.

In case of refusal to satisfy the requirements in voluntarily the buyer has the right to go to court at his choice: at the location of the organization, at the place of residence or stay, or at the place of conclusion or execution of the contract. In this case, it is necessary to attach a copy to the application as evidence of the arguments cash receipt, claims to the seller, etc. Otherwise, it becomes very difficult to prove the seller’s intent to deceive the consumer.

Regarding the arguments about incorrect (rude) treatment of the seller, the legislation on the protection of consumer rights does not contain requirements for the behavior of sellers when servicing buyers; therefore, it is impossible to take any administrative measures against a person who has allowed incorrect treatment of the buyer, however, in accordance with Articles 1099, 1100 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you can go to court demanding compensation for moral damage caused.

The danger of advertising. Advertising usually does not so much notify the buyer as manipulate his consciousness. When reporting specific characteristics of goods, the seller usually does not lie, because there is a penalty for this. But advertising does not always tell the whole truth about the product. The wider the advertising of a product, the more expensive it will cost customers. Non-specific characteristics (“prestigious”, “most fashionable”, etc.) cannot become the subject of legal proceedings, and therefore one should not pay attention to them at all.

It is believed that a company prospers if its advertising appears regularly. But desperate, especially daring advertising can appear at the end of the day - as the last attempt of a bankrupt company to stay in the market. Therefore, you should never rely on advertising; you need to carefully check the product yourself.

Sales promotion. So-called “sales promotion” is largely a play on human weaknesses. Those who fall for the trick may find themselves at a disadvantage compared to those who were careful. Let's look at some “stimulation” techniques:

  • - guarantee: the seller declares that the product purchased from him is repaired free of charge within a certain number of months, and in the event of an irreparable defect, it is replaced with a new one. It is usually forgotten that the cost of warranty services is included in the price of the product. Meanwhile, reliable things do not need warranty service;
  • - bonus: one of the thousand packages includes some small surprise. Or, a numbered picture is placed in each package, and when a complete set of such pictures is collected, their owner receives a gift from the company. Children especially like it. The cost of all joys is included in the price of the goods;
  • - seasonal sale: the seller keeps high prices for some time, manages to sell something, and also torment low-income customers. Then he announces a price reduction due to the “seasonal sale.” Buyers fall for price cuts under the “seasonal” pretext and buy more than they need, while the price has just dropped to a normal level;
  • - presentation: the seller gathers the audience, praises himself and the product, sells the first batch at a discounted price. This benefit is compensated by the following buyers attracted by the hype;
  • - user club: manufacturer, sellers create a society of consumers of their product for the purpose of “exchanging experience.” Potential customers are less afraid of purchasing risks. Meanwhile, a good product is, perhaps, just one that does not need additional club service.

A large number of low-quality goods. Low-quality products include: products with expired shelf life and sales; non-compliant with regulatory and technical documentation; having a non-marketable appearance; which does not have excise duty stamps; products that are under customs control are confiscated.

One of the main provisions of the legislation on the quality of goods is compliance by sellers with the expiration date of products. For food products, perfumes and cosmetics, medicines, household chemicals and other similar products, the manufacturer is required to set an expiration date. But most often, problems with expired products arise from manufacturers and sellers of goods with short term suitability, for example, of food. The shelf life of the product is calculated from the date of its manufacture. Typically, this is the date before which the product is fit for use, or the period of time during which the product is fit for use.

Expired products are a source of potential danger to human health. Unfortunately, there are cases of low-quality products being sold, so consumers should know how to avoid the danger.

Even visitors to supermarkets are exposed to danger, the owners of which are not at all inclined to suffer losses. Store staff know many ways to sell stale food. Perhaps the most common is packaging products in foam pallets. Expired goods are removed from the boxes, which bear the date of manufacture, and are packaged in store packaging, which never bears the date of manufacture - only the date of packaging, and it can be refilled at least every day. Mixing good goods with stale goods is used. Especially minced meat, ready-made salads, vegetables. Sometimes products are processed into other types of products (smoked, pickled, grilled, pickled and culinary products, etc.). The main types of violations in the sale of products that can lead to diseases: violation of the rules for the sale of goods, non-compliance with temperature conditions, sanitary and hygienic conditions, etc.

Consumer rights Protection - is an intersectoral legal institution, which is a set of normatively established rules and norms designed to protect the rights of a citizen-consumer who has entered into a contract civil contract with an enterprise (commercial organization or enterprise without education legal entity) from abuse by the latter. Only an individual who intends to order or use goods (work, services) exclusively for personal or household needs not related to making a profit can act as a consumer. Consumer rights are protected by civil, civil procedural, administrative and even criminal legislation.

The buyer has the right:

  • - to ensure that the goods are normal conditions its use, storage, transportation and disposal was safe for his life, health, environment, and also did not cause damage to the consumer’s property;
  • - for full compensation for harm caused to the life, health or property of the consumer due to design, manufacturing, prescription or other defects of the product;
  • - for reimbursement of expenses associated with correcting defects in the goods by the consumer himself or a third party engaged by him for this purpose, as well as compensation for losses caused to the consumer by termination of the sales contract (return of goods of inadequate quality to the manufacturer). The seller must satisfy the buyer's request to review the claim within 10 days. If a dispute arises about the reasons for the appearance of defects in the goods, the seller or an organization performing the functions of the seller on the basis of an agreement with him is obliged to conduct an examination of the goods at his own expense. The buyer has the right to challenge the conclusion of such an examination in court;
  • - to receive compensation for moral damage if the seller (manufacturer) is at fault. Moreover, compensation for moral damage is carried out regardless of compensation for property damage and losses incurred by the consumer;
  • - to replace poor quality goods for a product of a similar brand good quality with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
  • - refuse the purchased product and demand a refund of the price paid for the product sum of money. The buyer's request for an exchange or return of goods must be satisfied if the goods have not been used, their presentation, consumer properties, seals, labels are preserved, and there is also evidence of purchasing the goods from this seller. However, the buyer’s absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of the purchase of goods is not a basis for refusal to satisfy his demands and does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to witness testimony in confirmation of the conclusion of the contract and its terms.

The buyer’s right to exchange or return purchased goods cannot be exercised only in relation to certain types of goods, the list of which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55. Such goods include, in particular: goods for the prevention and treatment of diseases in the home conditions, personal hygiene items, sewing and knitwear, products from precious metals and other goods;

  • - demand for the period of repair or replacement of a product of inadequate quality a similar product of adequate quality;
  • - participate in checking the quality of goods;
  • - make claims regarding product defects if they are discovered during the warranty period or expiration date.

The warranty period for the product is calculated from the date of sale of the product to the buyer. If the day of sale cannot be determined, this period is calculated from the date of manufacture of the goods. The shelf life of a product is determined by the period calculated from the date of manufacture of the product, during which it is suitable for use, or the date before which the product is suitable for use. For seasonal goods (clothing, fur goods, shoes, etc.) guarantee period is calculated from the beginning of the relevant season, the date of which is determined by the authorized government agency subject of the Russian Federation based on the climatic conditions of the buyers’ location;

The main responsibility of the buyer under a retail purchase and sale agreement is payment for the purchased goods.

What to do with a questionable bill?

If there are doubts about its authenticity, it is best to refuse and take two 500-ruble bills instead of 1000. And if you’re unlucky, then you shouldn’t try to “fuse” counterfeit bill, it's better to take it to the police. Unfortunately, real banknote They won’t give you a fake one in return; this is a kind of punishment for being “loose.” Lost money can only be returned in court by proving who exactly deceived. It is even more difficult to prove that the bill came from a specific ATM. You shouldn’t try to buy something that’s fake, you might get a deadline. Punishment for counterfeiting state-issued banknotes is provided for in Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

Assignments and questions

  • 1. The concept of “poverty”, its causes. Characteristics of the problem of the “social bottom”.
  • 2. Federal Law "On living wage V Russian Federation».
  • 3. Methods of saving and fighting poverty in the family and at home.
  • 4. The concept of “unemployment”, its causes, types and consequences.
  • 5. Methods of survival and combating unemployment.
  • 6. Economic and financial security families.
  • 7. Problems of the financial and credit sector of Russia.
  • 8. Types of crimes in the banking sector.
  • 9. Dangers associated with credit. The dangers of guaranteeing. The danger of collection bureaus.
  • 10. Disadvantages credit cards, consumer loans, bank loans and express loans.
  • 11. Dangers of the consumer market: counterfeiting, measuring, weighing, shortchanging, advertising of low-quality goods.
  • 12. Rights and obligations of the buyer in the fight for the quality of the goods.
  • 13. Tell us about outstanding films that show the problems of poverty and survival in difficult living conditions.

In coordination relations, their organizing nature comes to the fore based on the primacy of the coordinating entity, regardless of the subordination of all participants in the activity. At the same time, it becomes obvious and natural that the coordination powers of the management entity performing the coordination function should be normatively (internal departmental acts) enshrined, because clearly defined rights provide the basis for ensuring these activities. Ignoring the regulatory aspect in coordinating activities often leads to subjectivism, managerial “distortions,” disproportion of rights and responsibilities of subjects of joint activities and ultimately reduces the efficiency of all work and leads to irrational use of resources.

Like any other type of activity, coordination of activities to combat economic crime requires its organization, which includes: criminological forecasting of the development of the criminal situation at consumer market facilities for the next year or two and for a five-year period; formulating goals, objectives and planning activities to stabilize it; legal, information and other resource support for this activity, as well as direct organizational support from the point of view of actually ensuring the implementation of planned activities aimed at achieving the set objectives.

The variety of forms of interaction is explained by the versatility of the operational and service tasks being solved, the dynamics and variety of specific conditions in which the activities of departments of internal affairs bodies that ensure law and order in the consumer market take place. The manager organizing interaction must keep in mind that in a number of cases the parameters of the activities of internal affairs bodies and their structural divisions are regulated by various laws and regulations. Consequently, the organization of interaction presupposes joint activities with a strict delineation of competence, forms and methods of work established for each service by the relevant legislative and regulatory acts.

At the same time, in the object of influence of the system of internal affairs bodies there are areas that are not directly related to the competence of any individual service. It is these areas that should primarily be in the field of view of the manager organizing work coordination and interaction. Otherwise, the effectiveness of this organizational form of management is sharply reduced.

Complexity as an objective property of any system is achieved in this case as a result of the establishment of certain managerial connections and relationships that manifest themselves during the functioning of the system. Ensuring unity, coherence, coordination and responsibility in achieving a common goal is the main idea of ​​interaction. Violation of the balance between these components can lead to a decrease in control over the state of affairs in one or another area of ​​official activity, depersonalization of responsibility, shifting it onto each other, which ultimately leads to a weakening of official activity in solving private and general problems.

§ 2. The role and place of internal affairs bodies in combating crimes in the Russian consumer market

Support Mechanism economic security country involves the interaction of a huge number of bodies of all branches of government. In this regard, it is necessary to note the special role of the internal affairs bodies, which are responsible for ensuring economic security within the country. A special area of ​​activity of internal affairs bodies is combating crimes in the consumer market. The requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to protect the legitimate interests of citizens, expressed in the provision of goods and services of proper quality at reasonable prices, have become one of the priority tasks of the internal affairs bodies.

Happening in Russian society The transition from an administrative-command economy to market relations with renewed vigor and with particular urgency confronts the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Combating Economic Crimes (OBEP) with the problem of combating crime in the sphere of monetary and commodity circulation, i.e. primarily at consumer market facilities.

In order to ensure state control over the circulation of alcohol and tobacco products in the territorial departments of the Internal Affairs, by orders of the heads of the regional departments of the Internal Affairs, independent inter-district police departments were created in the consumer market to combat offenses and crimes related to the illicit trafficking of alcohol and tobacco products.

In accordance with the requirements of current legislation, police personnel are focused on preventing and suppressing crimes at an early stage of their preparation, on the active application of legislative norms on administrative and criminal liability for crimes in the consumer market, ensuring the principle of inevitability of punishment for crimes committed, preventing attacks on legal interests and rights of both citizen-consumers and the state.

In connection with frequent changes in administrative and criminal legislation, the transition of some crimes of an economic nature from the competence of the criminal police to the competence of the public security police, measures are being taken to improve the qualifications of internal affairs officers in the public security police in identifying and documenting illegal acts in the consumer market.

A special place among the measures to combat crimes in the consumer market is occupied by regularly carried out comprehensive targeted operational and preventive operations, the main of which are: “Excise”, “Winemaker”, “Kommersant” and “Surrogate”.

The most important areas of activity of the MOB units in identifying and suppressing crimes and offenses in the consumer market are:

Combating illegal business and illegal use of a trademark;


Ensuring state control over the circulation of alcoholic products;

Protection of consumer rights from substandard products;

Identification and suppression of administrative offenses in the field of trade;

Activities aimed at implementing the interdepartmental plan to replenish the revenue side of the federal budget;

Interaction with regulatory organizations.

An analysis of the crime situation in the sphere of circulation of alcohol and tobacco products indicates that a significant part of the purchase and sale transactions involving alcohol and tobacco products occurs in gross violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Alcohol and tobacco products sold often do not meet the requirements of GOST and sanitary supervision.

It is no coincidence that on April 30, 1997, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 442 “On additional measures to prevent the illegal production and trafficking of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products,” which determined priority areas work of departments for combating economic crimes of the Internal Affairs Directorate to ensure state control over the circulation of alcoholic products:

a) identification and suppression of the activities of underground workshops for the production of counterfeit alcohol products;

b) conducting mass inspections of retail outlets engaged in the wholesale and retail sale of alcoholic beverages and the seizure of alcoholic beverages that are in illegal circulation.

In accordance with these goals, public security police officers ensure control over the circulation of alcoholic beverages and suppress the illegal movement of alcoholic beverages without the appropriate documents confirming the legality of production and sale. Timely identification and suppression of the activities of organizations, enterprises and commercial structures engaged in illegal production and wholesale distribution is carried out ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products, and also establish and suppress channels for the supply of alcohol produced in clandestine enterprises.

Confiscated and seized in accordance with current legislation Alcohol products must be stored in specially equipped places (warehouses) until a case of administrative offenses is considered.

At the same time, the decision on the use of alcoholic products withdrawn from illegal circulation is made by special commissions created on the basis of local government bodies.

In case of violation of the rules for the purchase and sale of alcoholic beverages, measures provided for by the criminal and administrative legislation of the Russian Federation should be applied to the guilty persons, after which submissions are sent to the relevant authorities to resolve the issue of cancellation or suspension of previously issued licenses for the right to sell alcohol.

In their work to confiscate alcoholic products that are in illegal circulation, public security police officers of the Department of Internal Affairs are guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 883 of December 11, 2002, according to which the decision on the confiscation of alcoholic products seized from illegal circulation is made by a judge, these actions of the procedural character are also reflected in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In development market relations New forms of criminal attacks have begun to appear in the economy, countering which poses a certain difficulty for law enforcement agencies. One of them is illegal entrepreneurship; this type of crime is currently becoming increasingly widespread.

At the same time, the basic principle of the existence of a market


§ 2. Consumer market of the Russian Federation: meaning and concept

§ 3. System of crimes and criminal legal characteristics committed in the consumer market

Chapter 2. Measures to combat crimes in the consumer market

§ 1. Coordination of combating offenses and crimes in the consumer market

§ 2. The role and place of internal affairs bodies in combating crimes in the Russian consumer market


List of sources and literature


Relevance of the research topic. The revolutionary transformations that began in the USSR and continued in the post-Soviet space were carried out under the slogan of the inefficiency of the socialist economy and the need to develop market relations. The market was presented as a panacea for all problems; publications by economists on this topic had a literally bewitching, magical effect on the country's population. Suffice it to recall that the economist N. Shmelev, who proved the usefulness of unemployment and the advisability of the transition to market relations in this regard, became a national hero in the late 1980s. Time has dispelled illusions. The market, which has established itself in the territory previously occupied by the socialist economy, has shown its capitalist essence, where there is no place for social justice, where conscience is an abstract category and, as a rule, not involved in the economy, where “the survival of the fittest” is the one who has more power and money. It has been proven that the next revolution in Russia led to catastrophic consequences. During the years of reforms, the country was thrown back decades in terms of socio-economic development. Never in the foreseeable period, even after the destruction caused by the war of 1941-1945, has there been such a long and deep decline in the level of production in almost all industries domestic economy.

The natural result of the economic catastrophe was the development of crime, the most dangerous manifestations of which were concentrated primarily in the economic sphere. Organized crime has infiltrated the economy and, by strengthening its relationship with the corrupt bureaucracy, continues to contribute to its further criminalization. According to researchers, criminalization economic relations most clearly manifested itself in the country's consumer market. An analysis of the current situation has revealed a significant scope of operations in this area, carried out through the conclusion of fictitious contracts for the supply of consumer goods, unlawful retention and misuse of funds received as an advance payment. High customs duties on imported goods led to the expansion of smuggling of low-quality products from developing countries. Over the past three years, a third of detected crimes have occurred in the consumer market.

The transition to market relations, accompanied by a sharp weakening of government regulation, had a painful impact on the situation in the sphere of consumption. The consumer market is saturated with counterfeit products, which often pose a danger to public health. This applies primarily to food and medicines. In the structure of market relations continue to remain high specific gravity unorganized trade, share of illegal circulation of goods and services. The work of regulatory government bodies in the consumer market is not effective enough and is often associated with official abuses. In Concept national security Russian Federation says: “Transition to a highly efficient and socially oriented market economy should be carried out through the gradual formation of optimal mechanisms for organizing the production and distribution of goods and services in order to maximize the welfare of society and each citizen.” Of great importance in this regard is counteraction to the criminalization of public relations in the sphere of the consumer market.

Decriminalization of economic relations in the consumer market is aimed, firstly, at ensuring the safety of the population in terms of blocking a wide range of threats: from national (food security) to individual (the life and health of an individual consumer). Secondly, effective activities in this direction can, to a certain extent, support citizens with low incomes, and thus ease social tension in society. Thirdly, decriminalization of market relations is associated with the elimination of the causes and conditions of administrative “racketeering” against entrepreneurs and thereby contributes to business development, competition, and expansion of the market for goods and services. Crimes and delinquency in the consumer market are phenomena that are recorded by departmental statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. However, from a scientific point of view, relevant categories have not been developed or defined. At the same time, it should be noted that their use in analytical practice lacks the necessary precision: they act rather as conventional semantic units that have a “fuzzy” character. The above indicates the relevance of the topic of the thesis research.

Theoretical target- knowledge of the patterns of emergence and development of crime in the consumer market, development of problematic and controversial issues of decriminalization of market relations, applied goal - the formation and improvement of a system of measures of criminological and criminal legal control over the phenomenon under consideration.

The above goals are realized in solving the following tasks:

Study of the concept and structure of crimes in the consumer market;

Criminal legal analysis of crimes against consumer rights;

Criminal-legal characteristics of crimes against the order of legitimate competition in the market;

Consideration of the range of crimes against the established procedure for the production, transportation, storage, sale of goods (goods, services);

Study and assessment of the state of crime in the consumer market;

Determination of the main directions of crime prevention in the consumer market;

Formulating proposals aimed at improving criminal legislation in the field of combating economic crimes;

Object of study are public relations in the consumer market. Subject of research is the criminal legal and criminological characteristics of crimes in this area, the system for their prevention.

Methodological basis of the study is dialectics. Collection, processing, generalization, analysis, interpretation of research material was carried out using various methods: induction, deduction, historical analysis, comparison, statistical (summaries and groupings, tabulation, regression analysis, etc.).

Scientific novelty determined by the fact that this is essentially the first comprehensive study of crime and criminality in the consumer market. The work presents modern problems of economic, criminal law and criminological problems of combating economic crimes. A number of questions were raised and analyzed by the author independently. Novelty is characterized by development theoretical foundations systemically overcoming unfavorable trends in the development of market relations in Russia and consistently limiting the grounds for criminal activity of subjects economic activity.

Theoretical and practical significanceresearch is that the main provisions, conclusions and recommendations can be used both in the relevant branches of economic and legal science, and in the practice of combating economic crime.

Work structure. Graduate work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

Chapter 1. Concept and criminal legal regulation of the fight against crimes in the consumer market

§ 1. Government regulation relations in the consumer market (historical and legal aspect)

Destructive economic phenomena arose in ancient times, as evidenced indirectly by the measures of responsibility contained in the ancient sources of Russian legislation. Even in the Russian Pravda, the oldest known source of information about the laws of Ancient Rus', liability was established for tabba (theft), destruction or damage to someone else’s property, illegal use other people's property. The Law Code of King Casemir Jagiellovich, given to Lithuania on February 19, 1468 and considered the first collection of laws issued for the entire state, consists almost exclusively of regulations on theft.

Under Ivan the Terrible, a collection of laws appeared - the Tsarsky Code of Laws (1550), which highlights separate species crimes - fraud. In the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1649) we're talking about on the punishability of, for example, counterfeiting, evasion of various types of duties and taxes, violation of creditor obligations (in particular, false bankruptcy), acquisition of stolen property, coercion to enter into a transaction or fraudulent accusations of such coercion, smuggling, violations of trade rules, etc. .

One of the most important aspects economic security Russian state is to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of bona fide participants in market relations - producers and consumers of goods and services. Trends in the development of crime on the territory of the Russian Federation are expressed, among other things, in an increase in the number of crimes committed in the consumer market, which pose a serious threat to the security of the individual, society and the state.

Encroachments in the consumer market are almost an everyday occurrence modern life. Society has already managed to transition from life under administrative economics to the market structure. However, during the transformation period, many processes in the consumer market took place chaotically, causing increased interest on the part of the criminal element. Consumer market is the most important part modern economy, where the daily needs of the population are realized, the level of satisfaction of which ultimately determines the efficiency of the economy as a whole. Encroachments in the sphere of the consumer market should, in our opinion, include guilty acts of subjects of legal relations in the sphere of the consumer market, aimed at disrupting the system of functioning of the consumer market and its individual elements protected by law. At the same time, the system of these attacks should be distinguished from offenses in the sphere of the consumer market, which cover the entirety of illegal interventions in the sphere of functioning of the consumer market.

Offenses in the sphere of the consumer market are an independent type, which is characterized by both general socio-legal characteristics (illegality, guilt, punishability) and specific ones (special subject, special object of encroachment), which indicates the reality of the offense in the objective world and the possibility of its isolation from the entire mass of illegal acts. Depending on the degree of public danger of attacks in the consumer market, crimes and administrative offenses in the consumer market should be distinguished.

Crimes in the sphere of the consumer market should be understood as socially dangerous acts that encroach on social relations protected by criminal law, related to the production and sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services to consumers, guiltyly committed by the subjects of these relations. An administrative offense should be called an unlawful act that encroaches on social relations protected by law related to the production and sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services to consumers, guiltyly committed by the subjects of these relations when carrying out activities that in themselves are or may be of a legal nature, for which The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide for administrative liability. The consumer market is the most important strategic part economic system Russia. It is he who ultimately determines social stability through its influence on the life of every citizen. It is proposed to include the following main features of crimes in the consumer market: 1) illegality of the act; 2) the social danger of the act; 3) existence of liability for the act provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; 4) the presence of an encroachment on public relations associated with the production and sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services to consumers; 5) the subject of the act - the subject of relations in the consumer market. A crime that simultaneously has all of the above characteristics belongs to the category of crimes in the consumer market. The consumer market is an independent and specific sphere of economic activity. Its fundamental basis is, firstly, free relations of purchase and sale of goods (works, services). This natural exchange gives people everything they want, and not what they should want according to the understanding of some group. The seller must sell quality goods, and the manufacturer must ensure their production in accordance with established standards. Secondly, in the process of implementing market purchase and sale relations, conditions must be created for the development of healthy competition. Thirdly, the consumer market should be focused on respecting consumer rights. Market relations must be structured in such a way that the rights of the consumer to purchase goods and services of adequate quality that are safe for life and health are respected. At the same time, the consumer must receive reliable information about goods (works, services) and their manufacturers (sellers).

Russian consumer market for last years received the widest development. During the privatization process, more than 90% of its facilities became private property. Most of working population country is directly related to the production or circulation of consumer goods. In the same area, there are huge cash. All this attracts members of criminal groups and criminal capital.

The consumer market is an important industry Russian economy, affecting the rights and interests of not only entrepreneurs, but also the rest of the population (consumers). Therefore, crimes in the consumer market have an anti-social orientation, and their tendency to increase in recent years has a negative impact on the pace of socio-economic reforms.

Due to the lack of skills in economic behavior in market conditions and insufficient awareness of the procedures and rules for making transactions and others business transactions The protection of the vast majority of legal entities and individuals from crimes and administrative offenses committed in the consumer market has significantly decreased.
The basis for the criminalization of the consumer market is the practice of unaccounted cash payments between business entities (the so-called “black cash”).

Practice shows that crimes and administrative offenses crimes committed in the consumer market are becoming increasingly sophisticated, which complicates the crime situation.

Steady growth in wholesale and retail trade turnover and sales household services population in recent years has been accompanied by a constant increase in the number of crimes committed at enterprises (facilities) of the consumer market, as well as a change in their quality and an increase in the degree of public danger.

Currently, the most significant are the following areas of criminal attacks in the consumer market:
- commercial fraud;
- crimes related to the circulation of consumer goods;
- crimes related to illegal trafficking of low-quality goods, incl. counterfeit products;

Analysis of positive and negative experiences in identifying, preventing and solving crimes

The most important area remains the identification, prevention and detection of fraud.
Employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region established that the leaders of UTK "Mercury" LLC T. and G. through deception using a network of front men commercial organizations misappropriated inventory items belonging to Lebedyansky OJSC in the amount of 11 million rubles. A criminal case was initiated against T. and G. under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Mari El established that the director of the Elegant LLC shopping center G., in a preliminary conspiracy with engineer B., forged the relevant documents, re-registered the organization's building as the property of citizen V., causing damage to the state in the amount of 8 million rubles. Regarding G.,B. and V., a criminal case was initiated under Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The practice of identifying, preventing and solving theft of entrusted property continues to spread widely.

Thus, employees of the OBEP of the Avtozavodsky Department of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan established that Chief Accountant LLC "Wallpaper Center" Sh., being the financially responsible person, under the pretext of carrying out mutual settlements with wallpaper suppliers through an unjustified transfer of funds to current accounts LLC "Antoros" in CJSC State Commercial Bank "Avtogradbank" and in the "Tatarstan" branch of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, illegally misappropriated the company's funds in the amount of 10 million rubles. A criminal case has been initiated against Sh. under Part 3 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan established that the director of the state unitary enterprise Vinsovkhoz "Mutsalalsky" (Mutsalaul village, Khasavyurt district) T., abusing his official powers, embezzled funds from the enterprise in the amount of 2 million rubles. A criminal case was initiated against T. under Part 3 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The practice of identifying, preventing and solving crimes related to illegal entrepreneurship is developing.

Thus, employees of the OBEP at the station of Surgut of the Sredneuralsk UVDT discovered and seized 14 containers with alcoholic beverages specified in the commodity accompanying documents as confectionery products, worth about 12 million rubles, the sender is Megotek LLC, the recipients are URALCONTAINER CJSC, RIKON LLC, TITANIC LLC, who do not have the appropriate license. Based on these facts, a number of criminal cases have been initiated under Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Department for Economic Crimes of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region established that the director of Shabrovskie LLC Electricity of the net» F., as a result of providing energy to the population without an appropriate license, received income in the amount of 4 million rubles. Based on these materials, a criminal case was initiated against F. on the grounds of Part 2 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Numerous cases of foreign citizens engaging in illegal business on the territory of the Russian Federation have been established.

Employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Rostov Region established:

Chinese citizen Ts., without being registered as an entrepreneur, in 2001-2003. in the territory of the “Classic” market of the Aksai district, as a result of the sale of imported consumer goods, received income in the amount of 800 thousand rubles. Goods worth 300 thousand rubles were seized. A criminal case has been initiated against Ts. under Part 2 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Citizen of Afghanistan A., without being registered as an entrepreneur, as a result of the sale of pyrotechnic products, received income in the amount of 900 thousand rubles. A criminal case was initiated against A. under Part 2 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Illegal business is often accompanied by the commission of other crimes, including: production and sale of counterfeit excise and special stamps; illegal use of a trademark; production, storage, transportation, sale of goods that do not meet safety requirements.
Thus, the employees of the ORCh at the ED of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Samara revealed the fact of the illegal production of counterfeit alcohol products by Rodnik OJSC and SVZ OJSC with the illegal use of a trademark and counterfeit special brands in an underground workshop owned by N. and K. (Samara) . A criminal case has been initiated against these persons under Part 2 of Article 171, Part 3 of Article 180 and Part 2 of Article 327-1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Employees of the UBEP Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan identified the fact of production and sale of counterfeit alcoholic products through store No. 50 “Food Products” (Sterlitamak) by citizens I-v, I-va, and B. Counterfeit goods, special brands, as well as materials and equipment for them productions were seized. Based on the results of the inspections, a criminal case was initiated under Art. 180, 238, part 2 of article 327-1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. I-v, I-va and B. were convicted by the Sterlitamak City Court.

Facts of production, acquisition, storage and sale of unlabeled goods and products were common.

Employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ryazan Region established the following facts:

Unlabeled tobacco products worth 600 thousand US dollars were discovered on the territory of the Iberdskoye municipal enterprise (Ibred village, Shilovsky district). Based on this fact, a criminal case was initiated under paragraph “c” of Part 2 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

On the territory of PSK “Luch” (Ekaterinovka village, Putyatinsky district) a warehouse with unlabeled counterfeit tobacco products, allegedly imported, worth 200 thousand US dollars, actually produced in the Shilovskaya Tobacco Factory municipal unitary enterprise, was discovered. Based on this fact, a criminal case was initiated under paragraph “c” of Part 2 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Positive experience has been accumulated in identifying, preventing and solving crimes in the field of taxation.

Employees of the ORB for ENP of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District found that the management of Krasproduct LLC (Moscow), which imported meat products, did not submit tax authority financial statements for the 3rd quarter of 2002-2003, and in the previously submitted one he introduced deliberately false information about the alleged transfer of customs duties to fly-by-night companies. As a result, the company evaded paying income tax and VAT on total amount 82 million rubles. A criminal case has been initiated against the management of Krasproduct LLC, the Investigative Department at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow, under paragraph “b”, Part 2, Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnodar Territory established that the management of CJSC Kristall, as a result of submitting a VAT return to the tax authority containing deliberately false information, evaded paying taxes to the budget of the Russian Federation in the amount of 38 million rubles. In a relationship general director CJSC T. and the chief accountant S., criminal cases were initiated under Part 3 of Article 159 and Parts 1,2 of Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Beloretsk Interdistrict ORCh for NP of the Republic of Bashkortostan established that individual entrepreneur S., engaged in food trade, by entering distorted data into tax returns, evaded paying taxes and fees to the Russian budget in the amount of 2 million rubles. A criminal case was initiated against S. under Part 2 of Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which was sent to court.

Much attention is paid to identifying, preventing and solving crimes related to the illegal trafficking of intellectual property products.

Thus, employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central federal district The illegal activities of citizen S. (Moscow) in the production and sale of counterfeit DVDs and VHS videotapes, with audio and video recordings, were stopped. Counterfeit goods were seized. The Lublin interdistrict prosecutor's office of Moscow opened a criminal case against S. under Part 2 of Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Department for Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan identified the fact of illegal distribution of counterfeit audio and video products belonging to private entrepreneur E. Counterfeit goods, as well as materials and equipment for their production, were seized. The damage caused amounted to 3 million rubles. The prosecutor's office of the Republic of Bashkortostan opened a criminal case against E. under Part 2 of Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which, upon completion of the investigation, was sent to court.

Work is being carried out to identify, prevent and solve malfeasance.
Employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Saratov region was detained for receiving a bribe in the amount of 20 thousand rubles for issuing a fictitious report on the results of an inspection of a computer salon, the head of the laboratory of the Regional Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, M. A criminal case was opened against M. under Part 1 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Oktyabrsky district court The city of Saratov M. was convicted.
Activities to identify, prevent and solve crimes of this category do not always lead to positive results.

Thus, employees of the UBEP GUVD of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region established that unknown persons, illegally using the details of Sphinx LLC, sold goods to the population, in particular counterfeit dietary supplements, using forged documents, using the fraudulent teleshopping industry. Counterfeit products worth more than 8 million rubles were seized. The State Investigative Directorate at the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region initiated a criminal case under paragraph “b”, Part 3, Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Positive results have been achieved in identifying, preventing and solving administrative offenses.

Employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Altai Territory in the city of Gornyak, S. was detained for the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The alcoholic beverages were confiscated. In relation to S., material was compiled under Part 2 of Art. 14.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory, discovered the fact of selling red caviar without the appropriate documents of the private enterprise "Arutyunov V.P." The specified goods in the amount of 24 thousand 650 rubles were seized. On this violation, administrative protocols were drawn up under clause 1 of Article 14.4, clause 2 of Article 14.4 and Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vladimir Region, during an inspection of the IPBOYUL Sh. (Vladimir), found that the latter was selling counterfeit sunflower oil, allegedly produced by Zolotaya Semechka LLC (Rostov-on-Don). 1085 liters of counterfeit goods and documents on the facts of its delivery and sale were seized. An administrative protocol was drawn up in relation to Sh. under Article 14.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The damage caused in the amount of 3 thousand rubles was compensated.

Legal regulation of the turnover of goods in the consumer market

The consumer market is actually a complex of wholesale and retail trading enterprises interacting with each other through financial and economic transactions for the purchase and sale of goods with the ultimate goal of selling them to a specific consumer (individual or legal entity).

The main objects of the consumer market are:
- enterprises - manufacturers that independently sell their own products;
- wholesale and retail;
- citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity;
- mass catering establishments;
- food and manufactured goods warehouses;
- refrigerators and cold storage plants;
- various trading and intermediary firms.

Wholesale trade enterprises include large wholesale warehouses, bases of product manufacturers or trade intermediary firms. The commercial departments of these enterprises carry out wholesale sales of their goods to both wholesale intermediary organizations and retail enterprises. The functions of wholesale intermediary trade include the purchase of goods from the manufacturer, their warehousing (storage) and the sale of goods to retail and small wholesale trading enterprises.

Retail enterprises of trade, mass catering and personal services include stationary enterprises, temporary kiosks, trays, clothing, collective farm, municipal and wholesale (including small wholesale) markets.

Retail trade is divided into in-store and non-store.

Store trade is carried out:
- from the counter;
- self-service method (in department stores, supermarkets and supermarkets).
- sending goods by mail;
- exit: from cars or street from trays;
- market.