Investment life insurance: real earnings or scam. Insurance or deposit: what you should know about investment insurance

The fact that effective economic development is the result of active investment activity is true not only for countries and states with developed market system, but also for individual businesses and individuals. The main purpose of investment is to make a profit from entrepreneurial activity as a result of the placement of free assets in one form or another. The amount of income that an investor can ultimately receive depends largely on the choice of type of activity. But this choice also determines the degree of risk of loss of invested funds, which will increase taking into account the increase in the amount of expected income.

Finding a middle ground, calculating the maximum possible profit under conditions of minimized risks means providing yourself with a guaranteed stable income for the entire investment period. This is the goal of many clients who are trying to find this middle ground by choosing a suitable investment object. The fact that demand creates supply has been known for a long time, therefore, in conditions economic development in the Russian Federation various programs, projects or products are being developed that meet necessary requirements and capable of becoming an effective tool for achieving such a goal.

New direction in investment programs

For the Russian services market, the idea of ​​combining high-yield deposit opportunities in combination with insurance protection is new, despite many years of successful practice abroad. The first investment life insurance programs developed for the Russian market began appearing on it in 2010. And almost immediately they won a certain share of it in the field of insurance services. The need for product development has provoked a vacuum in the offering of investment programs to individuals. Since independent activity on the stock exchange requires certain knowledge and skills that not every individual can boast of, as well as significant time expenditure, this segment of the market remained empty for a long time.

Investment insurance life is a new product that takes into account the lack of time and skills in stock trading ordinary citizens, but allowing them to master the basics and receive potentially high returns on deposits in conditions of market growth, as well as eliminate the possibility of loss in the event of its failure. The product allows you to make independent decisions in choosing an investment object, offering several to choose from and additionally providing insurance protection for the entire duration of the investment.

The role of banks in investment life insurance

Appeared on Russian market since 2010, the ILI product began to actively conquer banking sector. According to data for 2016, there is a significant increase in the collection of funds received from life protection contracts, but not in the field of lending as a result mandatory condition loan agreement, and as a result of offering a product whose purpose is life insurance with the payment of additional investment income.

The ILI product began to be offered by banks as a replacement for the usual deposits, since it allows the investor to receive a higher income if he successfully chooses a fund or strategy. According to the ILI product agreement, several strategies are offered for consideration by the policyholder. He has the right to independently monitor market dynamics to make a decision on choosing an investment object, or to trust experienced professionals and let them make such a choice.

Analysts' forecasts

The fact that investment life insurance today annually increases the number of premiums is explained by the fact that in 2015, based on the results of previously concluded contracts, the highest possible incomes were received. RAEX analysts predicted such growth rates and according to forecasts. They will continue until 2018. But some experts argue that the growth in volumes in this area will not slow down, but will continue in subsequent periods. By offering investment life insurance, the bank seeks to show regular depositors the opportunity to receive higher profits from investment activities than income from dividend deposits. At the same time, he explains the beneficial obligation to maintain the initial deposit, which cannot be guaranteed by independent activity in exchange trading conditions.

What does the ILI product include?

Investment life insurance, or ILI for short, is a product that originates from endowment insurance, but additionally includes financial instrument, allowing you to receive additional income at the end of the term. Therefore, it includes payment of a premium for mandatory insurance risks, which can be either a one-time payment or divided into equal payments throughout the entire insurance period and subsequent division of the invested amount into guarantee and risk funds.

This is done in order to be able to return to the investor invested amount through a guaranteed fund, which is invested in reliable government bonds. Small income from bonds in the amount of the fund itself by the end of the insurance period will be equal to the initial deposit. A risk fund is a part of a deposit that is actively invested in high-yield and high-risk stocks or deposits. Investment life insurance, the investment income that it allows you to receive, can significantly exceed the initial investment amount if you successfully select investment objects.

Insurance share of the ILI product:

  • creates the necessary insurance protection for the life of the investor;
  • guarantees the execution of the contract in favor of the beneficiaries in the event of insured events;
  • provides tax benefits.

By drawing up an agreement, the investor can be sure of receiving 100% of the amount invested, subject to the terms and conditions provided for by investment life insurance. Profitability from risky activities is not guaranteed. At the time of completion of the contract for the product, it can be either zero or have very high indicators.

Conditions for concluding an agreement under the ILI program

Legal entities and individuals over 18 years of age can participate in the ILI program, while the insured can only be individual aged from 18 to 70 years. To conclude a contract, the policyholder must decide on the insurance period, possible additional risks, the number of beneficiaries in case an insured event occurs, as well as select the amount of investment and funds or strategy for operations with risky assets.

The contract must specify the terms, the amount of the deposit and the frequency of payment, the main insurance risks and the insurance company’s obligations under them, as well as the parties’ details for financial transfers. After all the individual characteristics and important points according to the agreement, it is signed by the interested parties and certified with seals. The contract is drawn up in triplicate, but the client-investor is issued an investment life insurance policy, which will be the basis for payment in the event of an insured event.

Distinctive advantages of ILI from conventional investments in exchange trading

That the new investment product has an advantage over mutual funds, is valid for guarantees of preservation of the invested amount. An insurance policy that allows you to guarantee the return of the initial amount and, at the same time, possibly earn additional income on high-risk operations (if you wish, you can perform them yourself or give the right to this activity to professionals), is very convenient for beginners who are unfamiliar with the basics of investing, but are ready to develop your skills and knowledge in this direction.

The ILI agreement allows you to study a rather complex investment instrument in practice and at the same time not lose the invested amounts. The product allows you to change the selected objects for investment throughout the duration of the contract. In addition to this, investment life insurance includes tax benefits:

  • They apply to all insurance payments.
  • Income from investment activities is taxed only on amounts exceeding the refinancing rate at the time of receipt of payment under the investment agreement.
  • Provided tax deduction, allowing you to return part of the funds from taxes on income (13%) exceeding the refinancing rate.

The insurance contract has protection from legal claims that may be brought against the policyholder during the term of the contract. Protection has legal force, but is explained by the absence of any policy value until the end of the fixed contract period. This means that under any unfavorable circumstances, such as foreclosure, seizure of property or divorce proceedings, the funds contributed under the agreement will not be confiscated. Securities purchased through a policy are not formally the property of the policyholder or investor, and no claims can be made against them.

What is impossible under the terms of the ILI agreement

The ILI program agreement does not provide for early dissolution with 100% payment of the amount of contributions. If for any reason it becomes necessary to suspend the agreement earlier established deadlines, then it will not be possible to return the amount paid. The maximum you can count on is the redemption amount, the amount of which is set in advance and largely depends on the duration of the contract. Long terms under the contract often provide maximum possible return. For example, investment life insurance "Rosgosstrakh" provides payments from 75% to 90% of the premiums paid in case of early termination.

What you need to pay attention to when concluding an ILI agreement

Investment life insurance does not guarantee income from the risky activities of an active fund. During the term of the contract, the market can not only rise, but also fall, and the income will largely depend on the chosen strategy. If during the validity of the contract the insurance company’s license is revoked or the organization is declared bankrupt, then settlements with this company may be in question. When concluding a contract, be sure to check the list of main risks included in the contract, since not all cases are considered insurable.

Selecting a company to draw up an agreement for the ILI product

When choosing a company to enter into a long-term product, you need to be sure of its stability. In the conditions of the Russian insurance market, such companies include:

  • "Rosgosstrakh";
  • "Renaissance Life";
  • "Alpha Insurance"

In addition to insurance companies, banks can also offer investment insurance products. Such interest financial institutions is explained by the financial side of the contract that investment life insurance has. Sberbank in this case acts as the leading stable bank offering this product. The Sberbank program provides investment insurance with an initial capital of 100,000 rubles and an investment period of 5 years. According to the conditions, the client can change the asset, deposit additional contributions, lock in profits or withdraw additional income without terminating investment life insurance. Sberbank regularly receives customer reviews. Those who managed to receive their first profit under contracts concluded at the very beginning of the product’s appearance on the Russian market note the convenience of the service offered.

Interesting offers on insurance programs can be offered by Russian Standard Bank, in whose portfolio you can find an offer for children with small contributions under the contract, which allows you to significantly increase the initial amount of payments.

Investment life insurance: reviews

The fact that the product appeared on the market relatively recently explains the numerous statements characterizing it both positively and negatively. The product owes its dual reputation to the stratum of society for which it was developed. An unfamiliar area of ​​activity for ordinary person related to stock markets And stock trading, which is present in the investment part insurance contract, causes mistrust and fear among the population.

Let us note that individuals who managed to conclude contracts at the very beginning of the product’s appearance on the Russian market and have now managed to receive significant income speak of the product as an indispensable tool. Along with them you can hear many dissatisfied statements. They mainly come from individuals who, for some reason, were offered an investment product as a complete alternative to a deposit, but with a higher return. At the same time, it was not explained that the size of such a high profitability is largely influenced by the chosen strategy; moreover, it was kept silent insurance part agreement, which, in addition to protection, provides significant tax benefits. Despite the incidents caused by the novelty of the program, and taking into account its further understanding among the masses, we hope that reviews of such a product as investment life insurance will have a more positive tone in the future.

Investment life insurance - good way save money for old age and earn profit. IN last years This type of insurance is especially popular, because thanks to it you can not only earn income, but also protect your family from a number of risks.

Investment life insurance is a two-in-one policy: insurance protection in case of death, disability and plus the opportunity to receive investment profit after surviving until a certain date specified in the insurance contract.

Main insurance risks:

  • death from any cause;
  • survival until the end of the policy term.

Additional risks:

  • establishment of I, II, III disability groups as a result of the consequences of an accident;
  • injuries, acute poisoning as a result of an accident;
  • deadly disease.

The insured does not need to think about where to invest his savings. The insurer does this for him, forming a balanced investment portfolio with the expectation of stable profits. The investment strategy (conservative or aggressive) is chosen by the client himself.

The choice of a particular investment product depends on the choice of strategy and set of risks. The most popular programs are designed to generate investment income for a specific purpose and create savings for your children.

ILI programs: basic operating principles

All ILI programs work according to approximately the same scheme. Only the investment strategies differ. The insurance premium received from the client is divided into a guaranteed part and an investment part. The guaranteed part is invested in conservative financial instruments with fixed income (for example, deposits and bonds).

The income received helps ensure the legally guaranteed payment amount. The investment part is invested in highly profitable, but at the same time high-risk assets, from which significant investment income is expected. For example, in stocks. Every year the client receives a report on how much he managed to earn and where exactly his money was invested.

How to become a participant in the ILI program

To become a participant in the program, you need to draw up an insurance contract with the selected insurer. To do this, you need to submit an application online on the company’s website or come directly to the office. The client will be offered different program options depending on their willingness to risk their money. You will also need to decide on the amount of insurance premiums, the insurance period, and the range of insurance risks.

Sums insured

The insurance amount is chosen by the client himself. This could be 1.2 million rubles or 100 thousand rubles, it all depends on the size of the budget. According to the risks of survival and death from any cause sum insured is 100% of the funds paid, increased by the amount of investment income.

Differences between savings and investment life insurance policies

Both policy options offer the opportunity to accumulate money by transferring premiums to the insurer. In both cases, when signing a contract for a period of 5 years or more, a social tax deduction is provided.

But only in the case of investment insurance, the client and the insurer jointly choose an investment strategy for using capital. The income from investment insurance should be an order of magnitude greater, unless, of course, there is a collapse in the financial market and a financial crisis in the country.

Drawing up an investment life insurance contract

To obtain insurance, you need to contact your chosen insurer. You need to have your passport and money with you. The company will prepare the text of the insurance contract in accordance with the selected insurance program and you only need to sign it.

What is stated in the contract:

  • sum insured and amount of insurance premiums;
  • insurance period;
  • the entire range of risks that the policy covers;
  • rights, obligations, responsibilities of the parties;
  • payment procedure and amount of compensation depending on the type of insured event.

As additional documents, after filling out the policyholder's questionnaire, the company may ask for medical certificates about the state of health. For example, this is possible if the client has had serious illnesses in the past.

Profitability from investment life insurance policies

Insurers make little money compared to high-risk investments in stocks or real estate. The average annual yield rarely exceeds 6-8% per annum in rubles. However, the risks of a collapse in profitability for insurers are several times lower than, for example, for mutual funds. Basically, companies choose balanced conservative strategies and moderate, but stable income.

When to expect to receive payments

Payments are made after recognition of the insurance event. This is done within the time frame specified in the contract (usually within a month). Insurers often limit the total amount of the insured amount for each risk, with the exception of an accident or plane crash. For example, the contract states that payments cannot exceed 1.5-2 million rubles. If the client dies, the heirs will need to wait 6 months to receive the payment.

An insured event has occurred: what to do?

If an insured event occurs, you must notify the insurer within a month. Documents for payment are also submitted in accordance with the list specified in the contract. This is done either by the insured himself or his heirs.

The following is submitted to the insurance company:

  • application for insurance payment;
  • copy of the passport;
  • life insurance contract;
  • full Bank details to transfer insurance payments;
  • medical certificates confirming the occurrence of disability or illness (for example, an ITU certificate establishing a disability group, etc.);
  • death certificate and other documents.

If all formalities are met, the insurer pays the money to the client’s bank account. For example, for the insurance risk “Survival”, 100% of the insured amount and accrued additional investment income on the date of the insured event are paid at a time.

According to the risk “Death” in the first few years it is done lump sum payment, equal to the amount of insurance premiums payable before the date of the insured event plus investment income. If the client dies from an accident or is involved in a traffic accident, then 100% of the insured amount is paid to his heirs.

Current ILI programs: review of the best

Rosgosstrakh Life. The company offers a range of life insurance programs. The most popular: “Caring for the future: Prestige”, “Caring for the future: Comfort for children”, “Comfort for adults”. The insurer offers the possibility of insuring basic risks for a period of 5-15 years. Amount accrued additional income is not guaranteed and is determined depending on the results of the company's investment activities.

INGOSSTRAKH-Life. For those who are interested in investment products, the insurer offers the Vector program with a minimum insurance premium of 30 thousand rubles per year. Three investment strategies are available to clients. The first is based on the dynamics of asset growth of four investment funds, the second - investments in companies operating in the healthcare market, and the third - investments in the Sextant Grand Large fund from the French management company Amiral Gestion. Sextant Grand Large. Minimum term investment is 3.5 years.

SOGAZ-Life. The company’s line of programs includes the “Trust Index” product, within which you can receive not only insurance protection in case of death or disability, but also receive investment income from investments in assets with high growth potential. Additional financial support for loved ones is provided for clients ( insurance payment 200% of the premium upon the death of the insured person as a result of an accident; payment of 300% of the contribution in case of death as a result of an accident).

RESO-Garantiya. The company offers the programs “Capital and Protection-Asset”, “Capital and Protection-Prestige”, “Capital and Protection-Maximum” and many others. The contract term is from 5 to 30 years.
The insurer is ready to accept contributions in a lump sum or in installments (once a year, six months, quarter, month).
Minimum size The annual fee is 3 thousand rubles, and the monthly fee is 500 rubles.

ALPHA INSURANCE. The insurer has investment programs: “Capital Plus”, “Forward Maximum”, “Forward Multicurrency”. The minimum insurance premium is 30 thousand rubles. The company declares an average annual return over the last 5 years at a level above 12% per annum. Basically, money is invested in reliable bonds and shares of promising companies, including pharmaceuticals, producing medicines, medical equipment and providing medical service. The minimum contract period is 3 years.

Is it worth investing in investment life insurance - pros and cons

Investment insurance is very profitable in long term. A bank deposit does not guarantee payment in the event of sudden death or disability, but an insurance policy does the opposite. In addition, savings transferred to the insurer are not subject to division upon divorce of spouses, and cannot be confiscated or seized until payment is made.

Benefits from investing:

  • the opportunity to receive additional income;
  • Survival payments are not subject to personal income tax in the amount of the contribution under the contract, increased by the average annual refinancing rate, if the policyholder and the beneficiary are close relatives;
  • payments for retirement and in connection with the establishment of 1st group of disability are not subject to personal income tax;
  • there is the possibility of a tax deduction in the amount of up to 15.6 thousand rubles for long-term insurance (from 5 years).

Disadvantages of life insurance:

  • unfavorable conditions for terminating the contract;
  • there is no clear guarantee of the amount of investment profit;
  • large amounts to start with - as a rule, insurers offer programs with insurance premiums of at least 30-60 thousand rubles.

Another drawback investment programs: few people know about them. The population is already accustomed to banks and actively uses their services, but in most cases they are not at all interested in what life insurers do. However, over the years, the population's interest in investment products is actively growing. For example, for last year There has been an increase in the investment insurance market by almost 50%.

Dynamics of investments by insurance companies

If you analyze where insurers invest money, you can see that these are mainly bank deposits, government and corporate bonds, real estate and shares. This brings a stable income of at least 5-8%, and sometimes 11-13% per annum, that is, comparable to earnings on bank deposits. Over the past three years, market leaders have not earned more than 6-9% per annum, which is even slightly less than the return on deposits in some banks.

1 Funds invested in the program are not subject to division in the event of divorce, confiscation, arrest, and cannot be blocked as a result of the suspension of operations on a bank account.

Insurance contract, as well as cash, which are an insurance premium under such a contract, are not subject to division in the event of a divorce due to the lack of legal grounds for this. In this case, exceptions are possible, provided for in Art. 34, 36, 40 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, in relation to property rights of claim and payments arising from the insurance contract.

According to current customs, criminal, administrative legislation, as well as copyright legislation, an insurance contract and funds that constitute an insurance premium under such a contract cannot be the subject of confiscation.

Seizure of an insurance contract or funds that constitute an insurance premium under such a contract is not enforceable due to the lack of legal grounds. In this case, arrest may be imposed on property rights requirements arising from the insurance contract.

The insurance contract does not imply the opening special account The insured in the bank, in connection with which such an insurance contract, as well as funds that are an insurance premium under such a contract, cannot be the object of suspension of operations on a bank account.

2 The right to receive the insurance amount belongs to the person in whose favor the contract was concluded. If the insurance contract does not name another person as a beneficiary, the contract is considered concluded in favor of the insured person, in the event of whose death the heirs of the insured person are recognized as beneficiaries. Exceptions and limitations are possible, according to Art. 1149 “The right to an obligatory share in the inheritance” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3 TKB Investment Partners (JSC), license of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia No. 21-000-1-00069, license of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia No. 040-09042-001000.

4 The service is provided by the Limited Liability Company " Insurance Company"CiV Life", license of the Bank of Russia (Central Bank of the Russian Federation) SZh No. 4105 dated 09/08/2015, SL No. 4105 dated 09/08/2015, When an insured event occurs under the risk “Death of the insured as a result of an accident,” the insurance payment will be the sum of payments for the risks “Death of the insured as a result of an accident” and “Death of the insured for any reason.” The insured amount for each of these risks is 100% of the amount of the insurance premium paid by the Insured. Full insurance conditions and Insurance Rules are available on the website of IC CV Life LLC.

5 The calculation was made based on the US dollar exchange rate - 65.00 rubles. at the time of entering the program and 75.00 rub. at the time of completion of the program, the index grew by 30%, the participation rate (PF) was 150%. The amount of investment income depends on the CG, the currency of the contract, the US dollar exchange rate at the time of concluding the contract and payment, the dynamics of the index and may differ from that presented.

6 Club of privileged clients UniCredit Prime Club.

We draw your attention to the fact that the data presented is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes a public offer as defined by the provisions of Article 437 (2) Civil Code Russian Federation and do not constitute individual investment advice.

In recent years, the investment life insurance market has grown sharply, the essence of which is to issue a life insurance policy with the opportunity to invest funds in various areas economy in order to increase profits and the insured amount.

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The interest in these products is explained by favorable conditions and the wide capabilities of these products.

Main aspects

Since the establishment of the investment insurance institute, the insurance market has changed significantly.

On this moment the share of such products is growing significantly, changing the market and introducing significant adjustments to it.

Cumulative (or) voluntary insurance is one of the products that insurance companies provide along with standard offers.

Such products have arisen in Western Europe, where a citizen can enter into an agreement, according to which part of his income can be “transferred” to the appropriate fund for the purpose of financial investments into various industries.

In our country, such programs arose relatively recently. However, similar products existed back in the USSR, where it was possible to open savings deposit for a specific event, for example, the birth of children or a wedding.

Important Concepts

What are the conditions?

Investment life insurance is different special conditions, which may differ slightly depending on the policyholder, but in general the features are as follows:

The specific terms will depend on the organization with which the contract was concluded. Rates, reliability and investment programs may vary significantly.

Legal grounds

Any contract concluded on the territory of the Russian Federation must comply with the requirements, which contains the basic rules of contractual relations, the necessary conditions and features.

In addition, Chapter 48 of this code, called “Insurance,” defines the basic rules of this institution.

The insurance institute is also regulated by the following legal acts:

There are also other legal acts, which affect insurance issues indirectly.

What is investment life insurance?

Investment life insurance is a product that involves payment of an insurance premium in the event of the occurrence of conditions specified in the contract.

However, unlike ordinary contract insurance, funds transferred to the organization providing insurance are used in investment activities.

Transferring funds to invest in various areas allows you to increase the size of the insurance premium. However, there are also some risks.

Thus, the areas to which funds are transferred may, in practice, turn out to be less profitable and promising than expected, and therefore will bring less profit or not bring it at all.

In order to minimize risks, it is proposed to use various areas of investment.

If one turns out to be a failure, the other, with a certain probability, will bring profit. But anyway initial amount will be paid to the insured person.

In what cases is it used?

This product is used in cases where the insured person wishes to provide some financial support in situations where an insured event occurs.

The most common option. Depending on the terms of the transaction, various restrictions may be imposed on the occurrence of an insured event.

Thus, in the case of health insurance, it may be established that payments will be made when a person receives the first, second group or certain diseases.

In some cases, a list of conditions is indicated when the insured event does not occur (for example, if damage occurs through the fault of the insured).

Nuances when concluding a contract

When concluding a contract, you must carefully evaluate its terms. First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Conditions for the occurrence of an insured event and the restrictions existing in this regard.
  2. Contract time.
  3. Rights and obligations of the parties.
  4. Conditions upon the occurrence of which payments may be cancelled.
  5. Jurisdiction.

It is worth choosing the most profitable, but at the same time reliable options. Otherwise, the risk of losing a significant part of your funds increases.

How to calculate profitability

Profitability will depend on the directions of investment, which are chosen either by the bank or by the client independently.

That is why it is worth treating this moment with the utmost care. Some organizations offer income regardless of investment outcome

However, often such income is not very high, or the company making this offer does not seem too reliable.

Banks providing this service

The most stable offers come from banks. Other organizations also have similar products, but they cannot always be called stable partners who will provide high profits.

Undoubtedly interest rates These companies offer much higher prices. But it is rare that any organization will be able to provide citizens with a real payment.

Various fraudulent schemes are often used, as a result of which a person pays a fee to a company, but when a real case occurs, payments are not made, citizens are forced to protect their rights through legal proceedings.


Rosgosstrakh offers the Capital Management program, which is an investment life insurance product.

Conditions Peculiarities
The contract assumes that certain conditions are the reason for refusal of payment. These include - intentional actions of the insured, damage as a result of taking alcohol and drugs, military actions, exposure to radiation, suicide, psychological illnesses, as well as a number of diseases such as AIDS, blood diseases, gastrointestinal tract, heart and some others. The amount of contributions and their frequency can also be chosen by a person based on his actual capabilities Investments will consist of two parts - bonds and shares. The policyholder has the right to independently choose the balance of these parts


Sberbank also offers investment life insurance. Your personal account will allow you to manage the service, and the conditions will be approximately as follows:


Otkritie Bank, as one of the largest Russian banks, also offers a similar program:


In addition to the mentioned banks similar proposals also come from other companies:

In addition to these organizations, similar products are offered, for example, by Russian Standard Bank, Alfastrakhovanie and many others.

Types of fraudulent schemes

Large organizations that are partners of banks, as a rule, work honestly and do not allow themselves to engage in fraudulent activities.

However, smaller firms often resort to “veiling” some provisions; the client finds himself in a situation where the occurrence of an insured event is almost impossible

Clients are also not always honest. Many people stage insurance case in order to receive payments. Both cases are illegal.

Possible risks

The main risk is the lack of profit from investment activities. However, the amounts are distributed across several areas at once, so this is almost impossible. The amount of contributions, according to the terms of the agreement, is always refundable.

Advantages and disadvantages

This program has the following advantages:

  1. Higher profitability compared to .
  2. Wide range of management options.
  3. Guaranteed return of investment amount.

The disadvantages include the fact that often the list of insured events is significantly limited. Otherwise, the program seems profitable, and the institute seems promising.

Investment life insurance is a fairly promising program, which represents the transfer of funds on behalf of an insurance company for the purpose of investing them in financial sectors and making a profit.

» Dmitry Zhukov.

To bookmarks

In just a few years, life insurance has become the fastest growing segment of the insurance industry, and perhaps the fastest growing segment of all. financial market. In the first half of 2017, life insurance surpassed the previous leader in collections - OSAGO.

The main driver of growth was investment life insurance (ILI), whose share in life insurance is more than 60% and is growing steadily. The product is sold primarily through the banking channel and is often positioned as a higher-yielding alternative to deposits, the rates on which are slowly but surely falling.

Experts differ in their assessments of the future prospects of the ILI. Some believe that in the near future, after the expiration of the first such contracts, people, having received no income, will be disappointed in the product. Others see the product's potential to increase transparency and reduce intermediary fees.

The fears of the former were indirectly confirmed in September 2017 CEO leader of the ILI market, Sberbank Life Insurance. He said that under the first ILI contracts the profitability tends to zero. This is explained by the fact that five years ago the main underlying assets for investment were gold and the RTS index, whose quotes decreased.

The ILI product is much more complex than usual bank deposits, it requires the client to understand insurance and investment nuances, and from the seller - high level responsibility. There are certain problems with each of these factors in the market: most clients do not understand the details of the product, insurers do not seek to increase its transparency, and bank managers, motivated by high commissions, often remain silent about the nuances, and sometimes simply position the ILI as a deposit with a higher profitability .

What you need to know about investment life insurance

ILI is an analogue of a structural note wrapped in an insurance shell. Insurance risks in their pure form in such contracts are minimal. The principal amount is invested in financial instruments of varying degrees of risk and varying potential returns.

The majority of the contribution is made up of a guarantee fund, which is invested in conservative instruments (deposits, bonds), which ensures payment of the deposited amount upon expiration of the contract. The remaining part belongs to the risk fund, on which the income depends; it is placed in high-risk financial instruments.

The direction of investment of a risk fund is either initially written into the contract, or is offered to the client to choose from in the form of an investment strategy. The strategies are usually related to economic sectors such as the oil business and information Technology, or with underlying assets - gold and oil. Investment in an economic sector is usually made in an index developed by the insurer, which includes securities many companies. There are also products that involve investing in pre-determined securities.

The standard insurance risk in ILI is survival until the end of the contract and the death of the insured for any reason. The insurance amount for these risks is set in the amount of the premium increased by the amount of investment income received. The contract may include additional risks, for example, death as a result of an accident, for which a separate insurance amount is established. If such a risk materializes, it is assumed that each of the established insurance amounts will be paid.

ILI agreements are usually concluded for a period of three to five years, but there are also longer periods. Payment insurance premium Most often it is made immediately upon conclusion of the contract, but there are programs with periodic contributions.

It is important to understand that ILI does not guarantee profit. If selected investment strategy did not work, then at the end of the contract only the guaranteed amount will be paid, which usually does not exceed 100% of the deposited funds. Simply put, it turns out that your money has not worked all these years, but has only become cheaper at the rate of inflation.


Life insurance, including ILI, makes it possible to receive a tax deduction in the amount of 13% of the payment made. And taxes are not collected on payments. But there are some peculiarities.

You will have to pay tax on income if it exceeds that calculated for the same period using the refinancing rate, and only on the amount of such excess. For example, if you earned 9% and average rate refinancing for the period of validity of the agreement was 8.25%, then the tax will need to be paid on 0.75% of income.

Maximum amount, from which you can get a tax deduction - 120 thousand rubles per year. And it applies only to contracts for a period of five years or more. Thus, the maximum you can reimburse is 15,600 rubles per year, however, this does not apply to contracts with a one-time contribution, for which the deduction can only be received once.

ILI also has useful legal nuances:

  • Funds contributed under such an agreement are not considered the property of the policyholder and cannot be confiscated, seized or collected in court.
  • Contributions to ILI are not subject to division during divorce and do not need to be declared.
  • The contract can be concluded in favor of any person (beneficiary), who will receive payment, including in the event of the death of the insured, without waiting for the inheritance.
  • A refund of the deposited amount is guaranteed and the threshold for entering the product is relatively low on average - from 100 thousand rubles.


The main disadvantages of ILI are the opacity of investing in the risk part and significant remuneration to intermediaries (mainly banks), which affects the profitability of the investment. The average remuneration is 8% of the contract premium, but sometimes it reaches 15%.

The opacity lies in the fact that the structure of the underlying asset (index) in which the investment is made is often known only to the insurer and is not available in open sources. The dynamics of changes in the value of the index in such cases can only be tracked in personal account insurer, if such a service exists at all. Thus, the classic investment risks may also be superimposed on the risks of unfair behavior of the insurer.

There are also a number of relative disadvantages of the product. They can cause acute rejection if the policyholder is not aware of them at the stage of concluding the contract:

  • There is no possibility of a full refund until the end of the contract. With standard contract terms ranging from three to seven years, this can become a significant problem, since upon termination of the contract the client can only receive the redemption amount. With a one-time payment, the redemption amount is usually 70-90% of the contribution amount. Depending on the terms of the contract, the amount of the redemption amount may be significantly lower.
  • Lack of guaranteed income. If the strategy develops negatively, at the end of the contract, the client will receive only the payment guaranteed by this contract.
  • Possible exceptions, according to which not every case of death is recognized as insurable. At a minimum, these are standard exceptions from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (intention, military actions, harm from radiation), but the list of exceptions can be expanded by agreement. If one of these scenarios occurs, the heirs of the insured are usually paid the redemption amount, but theoretically, the contract may also provide for other scenarios.
  • Lack of a guarantee similar to a deposit insurance agency in the banking market. If the insurer's license is revoked or it goes bankrupt, it will be difficult to receive payment. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is currently developing a mechanism for the rehabilitation of insurers, which will potentially reduce the likelihood of negative scenarios for clients.


When choosing an ILI product, be sure to pay attention to such an indicator as the “participation rate”. It shows what share in the growth of the selected asset the policyholder can claim. The size of the coefficient can vary significantly depending on the insurer and the chosen strategy.

A coefficient of 100% means that to calculate the yield under the contract, the yield of the selected asset fixed at the end of the contract will be used. If the indicator is higher or lower than 100%, the asset's return will be multiplied by the set coefficient. The participation coefficient depends on the terms of the contract with a particular insurer and can be applied both to the entire premium and to the risk part, which significantly affects the final profitability.

Useful options in the ILI product are the ability to change the strategy and fix income during the contract. The opportunity to change the strategy is provided a limited number of times. The option should be used when high degree confidence that the negative trend is protracted.

Since mid-2016, registration of ILI agreements online has become available. This innovation is especially important for owners of existing products, since changes to the contract, for example, in terms of choosing an asset for investment, or fixing profitability, can be done on the insurer’s website in your personal account. There you can also track the dynamics of changes in the value of the investment part. It is better to give preference to insurers who have implemented an online service.

When deciding to enter into an ILI agreement, it is important to understand that this product has nothing to do with a deposit. This is a separate financial instrument with its own positive and negative sides. And if the market dynamics are unsuccessful, it may not bring the expected or promised income.