FSN find out your inn. Available information on TIN - what is TIN, how to get and find out, determining a person's personal data by TIN

Since 1999, every Russian citizen who is a potential taxpayer has been assigned an identification number(INN). Obtaining a TIN is a voluntary procedure, however, the absence of this requisite may lead to some complications when concluding legal transactions or applying for a job. Therefore, you should know how to get an identification code and how to find out the TIN from your passport via the Internet.

The identification number is a clear sequence of 12 digits, the combination of which takes on a meaning depending on specific factors:

  • numbers from 1 to 4 - indicate the code of the IFTS to which the citizen belongs, based on the place of residence;
  • numbers from 5 to 10 - serial number tax record in the accounting registers of the Federal Tax Service;
  • numbers 11-12 are control and are calculated by the tax authorities according to a special algorithm.

The original purpose of the TIN code is to control payment mandatory taxes individuals. Identification of taxpayers by personal data has been replaced by the presentation of the TIN code.

Attention! TIN of individuals for citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities as an individual entrepreneur does not differ from regular code assigned to a person by the tax service.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation, when employed in new job must obtain a taxpayer identification number, or TIN for short. To do this, you need to go through a certain procedure. You can find out the TIN from your passport only if you have already received it in your tax office. It is not assigned automatically.

To obtain a paper version of the Certificate of tax registration of an individual (TIN), a citizen must contact the territorial subdivision tax service with a statement prescribed form(f. No. 2-2-Accounting). You should have a document proving the identity of the applicant and confirmation of registration at the address of residence with you.

The regulation for obtaining a certificate of assignment of a TIN limits the period for issuing a document to five business days. In practice, a citizen can pick up a paper Certificate on the day of application, since the computer database of the Federal Tax Service usually has all the necessary information and it is enough for the inspector to print the necessary document.

Attention! In the issued Certificate, you can find out the TIN of an individual. To ensure that the identification code is always "at hand", it can be fixed on page 18 of the Russian passport. It is advisable to do this at the same time as obtaining a TIN.

Similar actions can be done by contacting the nearest MFC. This government agency provides citizens with the service of issuing a TIN certificate.

Changing the place of residence or personal data (last name, first name, patronymic) does not entail the need to change the TIN. The assigned code is assigned to the citizen for life. Only the Certificate form is subject to replacement, where the new data of the person will be indicated, and the TIN code itself remains the same.

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You can find out your TIN from your passport in the following ways:

  • Contact your tax office and get a duplicate if it is lost
  • Use special Internet services and find out the TIN online.

Attention! Upon receipt of a duplicate of the TIN certificate, the actions of the taxpayer are identical to the procedure for the initial issuance of the document. At the same time, you must pay state duty at 300 rubles. You will not be able to find out the TIN by last name without a passport.

How to find out TIN by passport via the Internet

If the TIN was previously assigned to a citizen and he does not need a paper certificate, then you can find your identification code via the Internet.

Such a service, in addition to numerous intermediary resources, is available on the following sites:

  • official portal of the Federal Tax Service at the address - https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do;
  • single portal of public services– https://www.gosuslugi.ru/pgu/fns/findInn.

Important! Before you find out the TIN from your passport via the Internet on official websites, you do not need to register or create a personal account. Information about the TIN is provided free of charge. At the same time, it is possible to find out not only your own TIN, but also the identification code of any citizen.

How to find out the TIN on the website of the Federal Tax Service

To obtain data on the assigned TIN, you need to go to a special section of the official portal of the tax service.

To send a request, you will be asked to fill out a simple form that includes the following information:

  • personal data of an individual - last name, first name, patronymic;
  • place of birth (this information is optional);
  • type of identity document and its details - full number and date of issue.

First of all, you need to fill in the following fields:

It is necessary to confirm the sending of the request by entering a random set of control digits (captcha). If the FTS database contains information about the assignment of a TIN to an individual and all the items in the form are filled out correctly, then within 5-10 seconds the system will return the result - the required identification number.

How to find out your TIN on the public services portal

A similar algorithm of actions is provided on the official web resource public services. Here, too, you will need to fill out the proposed form with the listing of full name, passport data and pictures with random numbers. The only thing you will need to have is an already activated account on the portal.

Important! You can find out the TIN (your own or someone else's) not only by passport, but also by any document identifying the identity of an individual. It is allowed to obtain information on a birth certificate, residence permit or passport foreign citizen. Desired view document is selected from the drop-down list when filling out the form.

Obtaining information about the TIN by last name

Official resources do not make it possible to find out the TIN by last name without a passport. The exception is individuals who have the status of an individual entrepreneur or head of a farm. When doing business, citizens are registered in tax structures like legal entities, and all information enters the Unified State Register.

For such individuals, it is possible to obtain information about the TIN without providing passport data.

An individual taxpayer number, or TIN for short, began to be assigned to all individuals Russian Federation since 1999, for legal entities even earlier - since 1995. Today, the TIN has become an integral part of our life and tax system states. It is thanks to this number, assigned to each individual and legal entity, individual entrepreneur, that the tax office can track whether taxes have been paid.

Our article is devoted to issues related to obtaining this number. We will consider in detail the procedure for obtaining a TIN number in the fastest and most convenient way - via the Internet, while avoiding long and painful queues at the tax office.

What is it for?

We have already touched on some aspects of the meaning and necessity of the TIN. Let's look at this in a little more detail. TIN is issued only once and does not change during the life of a person or the activities of the company.

If the document itself is lost for any reason, then you can get a duplicate of it. How to do this is in the following sections of the article. At the same time, the number itself remains unchanged, only a new certificate is issued.

The main purpose of the TIN is to control tax deductions, that is, all taxes and fees are received according to this identification code. This greatly simplifies the procedure for collecting taxes, since the registration of data and the search for information are accelerated several times thanks to a single taxpayer number.

TIN data does not contain personal information. Instead of a huge number of documents, you need to know just one number - twelve-digit for individuals or ten-digit for legal entities.

All the necessary information is encrypted in them, namely:

  • the first two digits are the code of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • third, fourth - local tax number;
  • from fifth to tenth - immediate unique number;
  • the last digits are control.

For legal entities, the immediate number consists of 5 characters, and the control character is one.

Despite the importance of this document, it is assigned to individuals only in voluntary. This is due to the fact that some people refuse to receive a number due to religious beliefs. Legal entities receive a number in without fail when registering. Therefore, further discussion will focus on individuals.

How to find out your TIN online?

If once you have already received a TIN number, but do not know where the issued certificate is located, then it is very easy to find it out online. It can be done on the website of the Federal Tax Service. To do this, go to the official website and select the "Find out your TIN" section in the menu on the right or follow this link. To send a request, you need to fill in the fields - full name, date of birth, series and number of an identity document, and the date of issue. After a few minutes, your number will appear on the screen.

The same service is provided by the public services website.

Please note that this method only works if the TIN has already been assigned to you. What if you want to get it for the first time? This will be discussed in the next section.

How to get a TIN for an individual?

For the first time, the Internet will help you get a TIN without wasting time and unnecessary hassle. What is needed for this? We go to the site of the tax service and in the list electronic services for individuals we find a section - filing an application for registration of an individual. Here we fill out the application form, you need to carefully enter all personal data in it. Carefully check all the entered information, typos or errors are unacceptable. Be sure to include your phone number and email address.

You can fill out the application in stages, saving your data. In the same service, you can also check the status of processing your application, this information will be sent to your email address if you enter it in the application.

In a response email, they will write to you the address of the tax service, its working hours, and the time to apply for a TIN. Your request may take up to 15 days to process. If you have an electronic signature, then you can receive an electronic version of the TIN certificate or pick up a registered letter by mail. If you do not have one, then you will have to go to the tax office located at the place of residence or at the place of stay. This can be done either in person, or it can be done by a proxy.

There is another site where you can send a request for a TIN - government portal. The procedure is similar there, the only difference is the need pre-registration on the portal. In the taxes and fees section you will find a form to fill out.

Once again about the step-by-step receipt of the TIN - in the following video:

Making a certificate for children

As for obtaining a certificate for a child under 14, it can be issued by legal representatives - usually parents. This is done in the same way with adults, with the exception of one nuance - the child should be listed as the applicant, not the representative. On the website of the tax service, exactly the same application is filled out as described above. There is also a request tracking service.

After receiving a passport, the child can already independently apply for a certificate.

The process of recovering a TIN via the Internet

If your TIN certificate has been lost or lost, you can apply for a reissue of the certificate. Unfortunately, it is impossible to restore the TIN via the Internet. This is another reason why you need to be very careful about your documents and not lose them. If, nevertheless, the certificate is lost, then the application must be submitted in person, through mail or a representative.

Re-issuance requires payment of a state duty in the amount of 200 rubles. In case of urgent restoration, the amount of payment is doubled. You can pay it both at the bank and at a special service of the tax service.

Be sure to include proof of payment with your application. In addition, you must have a passport or other document proving your identity and proof of registration at the place of residence. If you prefer to act through a representative, you must also provide a copy of the power of attorney for an individual.

Duplicate is issued within 5 working days from the date of receipt by the relevant authority of the application for its extradition. You can pick it up in person or by a representative. If you do not appear for the certificate, the tax office will send it to you by registered mail.

The advantage of applying online

The main advantage is, of course, time. You save your precious minutes, which you can spend with benefit, instead of standing at the office of the tax inspectorate. Yes, if you do not have an electronic signature, like most residents of the Russian Federation, then you will have to go to the tax office once. As practice shows, it takes no more than 10 minutes: you call the request number, present your passport or power of attorney, and they bring you a ready-made certificate.

An additional advantage is that you can correct a typo in the form in an electronic request, a paper version of the application does not give such a chance. And one more thing - you track the progress of your request and its processing. When you come to pick up a certificate, you will not hear the phrase: “it is not ready yet.”

Thus, we told you about the possibilities of the Internet when obtaining a TIN. We hope that our article has helped you save time and get rid of bureaucratic red tape.

Each taxpayer (regardless of whether it is an individual or a legal entity) in Russia has its own individual identification number (TIN), which is indicated in the certificate of registration with the tax authority. The TIN allows you to personalize the taxpayer, and this number is also very important information that allows tax services to work successfully. This certificate is issued in tax organization at the place of registration of a citizen.

This number must be indicated when applying for a job, when performing certain financial transactions(for example, the sale and purchase of movable and real estate; registration of an inheritance), when opening a current account in a bank or when registering one's activity as an individual entrepreneur.

For individuals, the TIN is a code consisting of 12 digits:

  • the first two characters are the code of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • the next two digits are the number tax authority;
  • the next six characters are the taxpayer number;
  • the last two digits are control.

For legal entities, the TIN consists of 10 digits, unlike the TIN for individuals, the legal entity number includes five digits and only one control number.

Getting information about your TIN is easy

Is it possible to find out the TIN of a person who already has a certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation? The question arises, how is it possible that a person does not know his TIN? Everything is very simple: the fact is that not everyone to an individual assign a TIN. Receiving occurs in two cases:

  • if an individual has submitted a personal application;
  • if an individual is the owner of property that is taxed (this happens automatically, and sometimes a person does not even realize that he has been assigned a number).

How to find out a person's TIN from passport data? This can be done easily via the Internet (online) using your passport details. Just make a request to the tax service by filling out a specific form on the site, and wait for a response containing the TIN. At the same time, you do not need to go to the tax organization, stand in a long queue, write an application, and then wait for a duplicate document to be issued.

How to find out a person's TIN using the Internet? We recommend that you find out information about this only on two official resources: on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and the State Services portal. The information posted on these sites is stored in the database of government agencies.

Important! If some other site offers you options on how to find out the TIN of a person, then you should not trust him (after all, you will have to enter your passport data, which no one knows who will get).

By the way, it is not necessary to enter only passport data. You can use the data indicated in the birth certificate, residence permit in Russia, temporary residence permit in the country or in other documents.

Algorithm of actions on the website of the tax service

Using the service online on the website of the tax service (nalog.ru), how to find out if a person has a TIN will not be difficult for you. The algorithm of your actions:

  • Click on the "Electronic Services" button on the main page.
  • After reading the provision on the conditions under which information is provided to you, press the "Find out the TIN" button.
  • Fill out the form posted on the site. If you do not have a middle name, check the box "No middle name". You mark the date of birth in the proposed calendar or type it manually. The column "Place of birth" can not be filled. In the column "Type of identity document" indicate "Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation" or any other document that you have chosen in the list provided. Fill in the “Pictures with numbers” column (it is needed as confirmation that the form is filled out by a person, and not computer program): if the numbers are not quite legible, then click the "Update picture with numbers" button.
  • If you made any mistakes during the filling process, then click the "Clear form" button and start filling it out again.
  • In case of correct filling, press the "Submit Request" button and wait for a response.

Benefits this method are speed, convenience and, of course, safety. Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear how to find out a person's TIN with minimal computer skills.

What you need to do to register with the tax authority

If you do not have and have never had a document on registration with a tax organization, then you can get it by personally appearing at any tax office (this rule is enshrined in tax code) or send an application with a corresponding request by mail or via the Internet.

Important! Regardless of where an individual is registered, he is registered.

When you personally apply to the inspection, you must have a document with you, either proving your identity (that is, a passport) or confirming the authority of a representative (that is, a power of attorney).

On a note! Persons applying for a TIN in the prescribed manner for the first time do not pay a state fee.

Another thing is if you are a legal entity or an individual intending to engage in entrepreneurial activity(IP). These persons also do not need to pay such a state duty, but at the same time, no one has canceled the state duty for registering activities, during which they assign a TIN.

Important! In the event that the certificate is lost, then it will not be possible to avoid paying the state duty (in 2015, its amount was 200 rubles).

How to recover a lost certificate

What needs to be done to obtain a second certificate from the Federal Tax Service of Russia (in person)? Algorithm:

  • pay the state duty (preferably in Sberbank);
  • fill out and submit an application in the prescribed manner to the tax organization at the place of registration;
  • after 5 working days, come and receive the "cherished" document.

How to get a TIN using an electronic service

To obtain a TIN using the State Services portal (section "Registration of an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur"), perform the following steps:

  • Go to the site and register.

On a note! If you have previously registered on this site, then you do not need to do it again. Enter the site using the following data: full name (indicated in full), numbers mobile phone or Email.

  • Fill out the proposed questionnaire and application, which you must save online.
  • In case of incorrect filling, the application is returned to you, and you carry out the whole procedure again (of course, making sure that the filling is correct).
  • You will receive information about all stages of your application by e-mail.
  • After receiving information about the readiness of your document, you either personally or your representative go to the tax authority and receive a certificate.

On a note! There is only one option, in order not to visit the tax organization in person - you must be the owner of an electronic or electronic digital signature (ES or EDS). In this case, you will receive a file in your mail, which shows a certified and digitally signed certificate.

How to get an electronic signature

An electronic signature is an analogue of a handwritten one, that is, it has the same legal force. Individuals use it to significantly speed up and simplify the process of interaction with various government agencies, employers and educational institutions.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs use ES (EDS) in order to minimize the costs of the enterprise and increase work efficiency, for example, to submit reports to the tax authorities without personal presence, receive public services through an electronic portal, participate in auctions, gain access to specialized resources etc.

You can order an electronic signature in special centers that have received appropriate accreditation within the territory of Russia. Together with the EDS, you receive a certificate that contains the data of the owner of the electronic signature, the period during which it is valid, and the scope of its application.

Is it possible to find out the TIN by last name

TIN data by last name legal entity or an individual doing business is pretty easy to get. To do this, just do the following:

  • go to the public services website and click the "All services" tab;
  • click on the "Business Risks" button;
  • click the "Individual Entrepreneur / KFH" button;
  • write the full name of the person whose TIN you are trying to find, as well as the region of his residence;
  • the search is completed - the TIN is in front of you.

On a note! Using this service, you will not be able to find the TIN of any individual. You will be able to do this only if he has been registered as an individual entrepreneur.

But how to find out a person's data by TIN? You are unlikely to get such information, knowing only this number.

What information can be obtained using the TIN

Every businessman is interested in having a maximum useful information about your counterparty. Therefore, having his full name and TIN, he can request an extract from the USRIP at the tax organization (at the place of registration of the IP). Having this document in hand, its owner has the following information: IP registration number, date of registration, types of its activities and data on licenses issued.

Important! The following data will remain inaccessible: bank account information, data from the passport and the address at which the person is registered. This information is personal, it is issued only at the request of the court or government agencies.

Debts: how to find out about them

How to recognize a person who has certain tax debts by the TIN of an individual? To do this, go to the public services portal and in a few minutes you already have all the information you are interested in. You simply enter either the data from your passport or TIN, and then click on the "Find Debt" button.

Important! If you enter only the last name on the site, then you are unlikely to receive information about tax debts.


How to find out the passport data of a person by TIN? Don't even try, it won't work. The maximum that you can count on is information about whether he is an entrepreneur or not. But if you yourself have lost the certificate and do not remember your TIN, then you have the opportunity to find it out quite quickly.

It often happens that there is no tax registration certificate at hand, but there is a need for the identification number itself. Is it possible, without wasting time on trips to government agency, find out the TIN by last name via the Internet? We will answer here.

What is my TIN?

There are several situations when a TIN is required. Firstly, it may be a personal necessity when filling out documents if the TIN certificate is not at hand. Secondly, the reason may be the desire of the entrepreneur to check the IP of the counterparty for consistency and activity. Let's see how this is done.

Today, anyone can find out their tax number in just a few minutes. Various online services offer this opportunity:

  • Portal "Gosuslugi".

Anyone can find out their tax number in just a few minutes.

And you can do it absolutely free. , but knowledge of passport data is required (full name, date and place of birth, series, number and date of issue of the certificate). What to do if there is no document, but you don’t remember the details or they don’t exist?

Is it possible to find out the TIN only by last name?

It is impossible and illegal to obtain information about an individual. But find the TIN by the name of the person leading commercial activity, - easily. To search, you only need to know the full name and the region where the individual entrepreneur is registered.

How to determine the IP TIN online?

You can find out the TIN of an IP by last name directly on the tax website. Among electronic services offered on the portal of the Federal Tax Service, you must select the heading "Business risks: check yourself and the counterparty" and enter the required data. Thus, you will receive not only the IP identification number, but also information about the date and place of registration, type economic activity, accounting in the tax authority. The information is stored in a separate PDF document.

If you doubt the competence of the counterparty (and if you have no doubt, this is a typical procedure), do not be too lazy to check it. Find out TIN individual entrepreneur by his last name - the procedure is quick and uncomplicated. But the information received will become an important criterion in determining the potential for further cooperation.

According to current legislation individuals must pay obligatory payments in the form of taxes, report on certain forms, etc. In the tax office, each person is assigned a unique identification number, according to which he is in it as a taxpayer. How to get a TIN for an individual? For the first time, you can get a TIN via the Internet, or by directly contacting the IFTS or MFC.

TIN is the identification number of taxpayers, which is assigned to them by the relevant authority, and is reflected in the certificate issued to them in their hands.

At present, it is assigned to every citizen, and this is carried out even in early childhood, if children become payers of such mandatory payments.

The initiator of the appropriation can be both the citizens themselves or their representatives, and the tax authorities.

This identification number for an individual consists of twelve digits:

  • The first two reflect the number of the region in which the certificate is issued, the next - the number of the tax authority that issued it.
  • The numbers 5-10 reflect the immediate number of the taxpayer.
  • The last two digits represent checksum, by which the TIN is checked.

Attention! Since 2017 Registration is carried out in any tax office.

TIN is affixed in all payment documents for which taxes are paid by an individual. According to this number, the tax authorities keep records, accrue and receive mandatory payments.

Individuals can get information about property taxes, personal income tax, only if they know their TIN.

Despite the fact that the TIN certificate is not in the mandatory list, its copy is often asked to be given by the personnel of the company.

Important! TIN must have not only citizens of our country, but also foreigners. This obligation has been imposed on them since 2016. Now they will not be able to obtain a patent for work if they do not first register.

What documents are needed for TIN

Regardless of how to make a TIN - via the Internet, mail or in person, you must submit a certain package of documents.

  • An application (in the form 2-2-Accounting) can be printed from the IFTS website or taken directly from the tax office. If a certificate is issued for a person under the age of 14, then the application is drawn up from one of his parents.

Important! When applying to the IFTS for issuing a TIN, such an application is filled out by the inspector on his own (in most cases), based on the documents submitted.

  • A copy of the taxpayer's passport or other similar document identifying the person. For a minor who is not yet 14 years old, a copy of the birth certificate is submitted.
  • A copy of the applicant's passport - must be presented to the parents of minors when they apply for a TIN.
  • A copy of the certificate of registration at the address of residence - is required for minors who do not have a passport and there is no such mark in the birth certificate.

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Where to get a TIN for an individual

It is possible to obtain a TIN in general order in the IFTS locally permanent residence. To do this, you can order a TIN via the Internet, apply by mail, or bring a package of documents to the tax or MFC in person.

When sending documents by mail, copies of documents must first be certified by a notary.

If at the time of receipt of this certificate a person does not have a permanent residence permit, then the certificate is issued at the address of his temporary location or at the location of his property.

Is it possible to get a TIN at a place of residence

Attention! Since 2017, you can get a TIN at any tax office, but you will be registered at the place of registration. The basis is the federal law No. 243-FZ of July 03, 2017. The amendments were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation Art. 83, p. 7. How to find out the TIN number from a passport or other document, if you have already received it, read here.

How to get a TIN for an individual

An individual can obtain a TIN in various ways.

How to get a TIN via the Internet

This method makes it possible not to stand in line, and send an application for extradition at any time of the day or night. Currently, there are two ways to issue a TIN using the Internet - on or through the State Services portal.

These options differ in design and procedure, but in practice they provide two opportunities to apply and receive a form:

  • If a citizen does not have an enhanced one, you must register on the site using an email address (or SNILS) and a password. For the Gosulugi portal, it will still be necessary to pass an identity confirmation in the manner prescribed by it. After that in personal account you will need to specify personal data, information about the passport and registration, contacts. The generated application for extradition can be sent to the Federal Tax Service in this way, but it will be possible to receive it only in person with the provision of original documents.
  • If a citizen has an enhanced electronic signature, then it is necessary with the help of special program prepare an encrypted request and send it to the Federal Tax Service. The completed form can be received by registered mail or in an electronic PDF file certified by a qualified electronic signature tax service.

Obtaining a TIN at the MFC

Recently, it has become available to issue a TIN through the multifunctional centers (MFC) "My Documents". At the same time, you can contact the institution both personally and through your authorized representative. The process of obtaining the form is included in the “One window” mode, which means that all the necessary procedures can be performed on the spot with one operator.