What does the floor plan of the apartment look like? Where and how to get it? This is what the floor plan and explication look like

To carry out most transactions with residential premises, carry out redevelopment or simple repairs, register ownership of an apartment, or obtain a loan from a bank, you must provide an explanation and a floor plan to the necessary authorities.

Where and how are they issued, and how much does it cost? this service, you can find out from this article.

Floor plan and explication of the apartment - what is it?

It is called a detailed drawing of a residential premises with technical designations, which includes the design of the apartment itself.

It displays the location of window and door openings, walls, utility rooms, partitions, balconies, etc. If any changes have been made to the housing layout, they must be recorded in this document.

A floor plan can be useful to a property owner in the following cases:

  • when issuing a certificate of accession to inheritance rights;
  • for the implementation of housing privatization;
  • when conducting communications;
  • for redevelopment;
  • when registering ownership of an apartment;
  • to recognize non-residential premises as residential.

technical documentation, containing detailed characteristics of a specific property, with the information presented on paper in the form of a table.

The document is used to put a house into operation, determine the amount of payment for housing and communal services, calculate the amount of materials for carrying out repair and finishing work (for example, when purchasing wallpaper) and for many other purposes.

Both of these documents are appendices to the technical and cadastral passports of housing, but can be produced separately at the request of the owner.

Where can I get an explication and floor plan of the apartment?

The production of this technical documentation is carried out, however, in some cases, registration is possible through the MFC or portal public services.

Multifunctional centers have been created to ease the burden on the bureau. Typically, submitting an application to the MFC is much faster, although there may be queues.

When contacting the center, the process of preparing an explication or floor plan may take several days, since the employee government agency first checks the papers provided by the citizen, and then sends them directly to the BTI.

If necessary, the homeowner has the right to contact a third-party organization offering services for ordering these technical documents.

If you don't have the time to apply yourself, this option may be right for you. It is worth noting that the services of such companies are usually not cheap (on average, about 5 thousand rubles).

Document processing process

To obtain a floor plan and an explication of an apartment from the BTI or MFC, it is enough to contact the relevant authority with some documentation and pay a certain amount of fees. Its size directly depends on the region of the country, since local authorities have the right to regulate the amount of the fee.

In order for a citizen to be able to order the documents he needs from the BTI or MFC, he must present the following documents to the official:

  • identification;
  • (the form is usually issued by a government agency employee);
  • a document that could confirm that a citizen has rights to an apartment (for example, a purchase and sale agreement, deed of gift, certificate of inheritance rights, extract from the Unified State Register, etc.).

The owner of the residential premises has the right to contact the government agency through a legal representative. In this case, you will have to first issue a power of attorney in his name and have it certified by a notary.

When contacting the BTI, the authorized person must have with him not only the papers listed above, but also his own passport with a valid power of attorney.

If the premises are owned by an organization, the following papers are provided to the BTI:

  • applicant's passport;
  • a letter of guarantee drawn up on the company’s official letterhead (it must contain information about the type of document requested and the number of required copies);
  • power of attorney;
  • statement established form;
  • a document certifying that the organization has the right to dispose of the apartment (for example, a lease agreement).

If more than 5 years have passed since the production of the previous explication or floor plan, it may be necessary to call a specialist and take repeated measurements.

Expiration date of documents

Produced in the BTI or MFC, the explication and floor plan of the apartment do not have a validity period, however, these documents, like technical certificate housing must be updated every five years.

Everyone who has ever carried out any actions with their real estate, be it one of the apartments in apartment building, was faced with the need to prepare or obtain a document such as a floor plan of a house. What kind of document is this?
Floor plan is a graphic representation of all residential and non-residential premises, which are located on one separate level of the house.

Layout of all floors of a two-story cottage

This document includes all apartments located at a given level, with load-bearing walls, openings (windows and doors), partitions, etc. marked on it. A floor plan can be drawn up for both residential and non-residential premises.

The floor plan is included in the folder of documents accompanying any real estate, and is a continuation of the cadastral passport and one of the parts of the technical passport.

Firstly, it is impossible to do without a floor plan of a building when registering privatization or ownership of a particular type of real estate.

Secondly, a floor plan is required when carrying out any transactions with real estate, be it the execution of a purchase and sale or exchange agreement, the registration of an inheritance, a deed of gift or a will for this real estate, i.e. for any notarized transactions.

In this case, the floor plan of the building or house will make it possible to clearly determine the shared ownership of each participant in the transaction, assigning him a specific share of total area real estate.

Thirdly, the floor plan of a residential premises may be required if it is changed intended purpose, for example, in the case where the area of ​​residential real estate is planned to be used in the future for non-residential commercial premises. The floor plan clearly identifies all communications, window and door openings, partitions and structures, and therefore it will be easy to change to suit the new purpose.

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Store layout

If you are planning a store, then the floor plan will allow you to plan rooms for a storage room, a sales area, and even design the location of display cases, refrigerators, etc. It is important in this case, according to the rules fire safety, provide a fire evacuation plan. And in this case, again, you cannot do without a floor plan.

This is what the floor plan of a multi-story building looks like

Fourthly, when ordering the services of a room and interior designer, you will again be asked for a floor plan of the house, on the basis of which sketches of the future interior of an apartment or private house will be created.

How and where to get a floor plan of a building (house)

If you need to get a floor plan of a building or house, you need to follow clear instructions, and then no bureaucratic machines are afraid of you.

But before you begin the process of obtaining a floor plan, make sure that you have enough funds to pay the state fee (the amount of the state fee will be told to you by the BTI, and it will depend on the area of ​​the premises), and that your real estate documents are in order (a warrant for an apartment, owner's certificate, etc.).

If everything is in order, then proceed to obtain the floor plan. So where to start?

First, you need to determine the coordinates and contacts of the organization that issues the floor plan in your city.
The Bureau is in charge of this technical inventory(everyone knows BTI). But where you live, it may be called “Rostekhinventarizatsiya”.

Secondly, by calling the phone number listed in the BTI directory, sign up to receive a technical passport. The BTI does not always make a preliminary appointment, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to sit in a live queue for some time before you get to the inspector you need.

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Thirdly, prepare all real estate documents that confirm your right to this housing and go to the BTI. In the event that, for one reason or another, the owner cannot personally apply for a technical passport of an apartment (or house), he can issue a notarized power of attorney to a third party who, if he has documents for the property, a power of attorney and his passport, will be able to fully represent the interests of the owner in BTI and get a technical passport for it.

This is what the technical passport of the building looks like

The inspector will need to fill out an application of a certain sample, and also pay a state fee, the amount of which the inspector will tell you. After completing the procedures at the BTI, you must wait for notification of the time when inspectors will visit your apartment or house to draw up a floor plan. You will be required to be at home at the specified time to allow the inspector to freely enter your apartment.

After this, all you have to do is wait for your documents to be ready. On average, their preparation at BTI takes about one to two months. After the deadline for preparing the technical passport has expired, you will need to appear again at the BTI with your passport (or with your passport and power of attorney, if you are an authorized representative) and receive the treasured document in the indicated window.

Layout option for a multi-apartment residential building

As you can see, the procedure for obtaining a floor plan is not complicated, and you can easily handle it yourself, without turning to intermediary companies that will charge quite a lot of money for their services.

Each real estate transaction requires responsible preparation of all documentation provided by various government agencies and organizations. One of the most popular documents for carrying out various operations with real estate are the floor plan and explication of the apartment. Most often, you can get them yourself by contacting the BTI. Such official papers may be needed when:

Page content

  1. Various real estate transactions: sale, registration of deeds of gift and ownership, receipt of inheritance, etc.
  2. Redevelopment of an apartment that is just yet to come or when legalizing existing changes.
  3. Applying for loans secured by an apartment, etc.

Such papers determine specifications object. They are part of the technical plan for non-residential and residential premises, but they can be ordered separately.

What is an explication of an apartment and a floor plan?

Any real estate property undergoes an inventory procedure before being put into operation. Within its framework, the initial measurement of the premises and recording their quantity, sketching (drawing) is carried out. All this data is entered into a special file, which the owner of the property can receive at any stage of its operation.

A floor plan is a diagram of an object, made in the form of a detailed drawing with special symbols. It contains the following information:

  1. Inventory numbers of all premises included in the object, which are assigned to them initially.
  2. The presence and location of partitions (mezzanines, storage rooms, built-in wardrobes, etc.), load-bearing walls, door and window openings.
  3. The date of measurements, for which a technician goes to the site, personally inspects and measures it.
  4. The name of the organization that conducts the inventory and can subsequently provide the owner with a floor plan.

Such a document is part of the technical passport, but at the request of the property owner it can be provided separately by relevant organizations.

Attention! If an unapproved redevelopment has been carried out in the apartment, all changes are marked on the diagram with red lines. In this case, the owner will have to pay a fine, legalize the changes, or return the property to its original form.

The explication is a table describing all the premises of the facility and indicating their area. The explication contains the following data:

  1. Individual characteristics of each room included in the object: its height, width, area, etc.
  2. Total area of ​​the apartment.
  3. Address of the object (if it has been changed, both the previous and the current version are indicated).
  4. The presence or absence of additional encumbrances.

The explication is part of the cadastre and technical passport of the apartment. But if necessary, it can be ordered separately from the relevant organizations.

How to get an apartment explication and floor plan

Having understood what role these documents play, you need to understand where they can be obtained. First, you need to find out which organization made the initial measurements of the object. So, for houses built before 2000, you need to order documentation from the BTI. Later buildings could be measured by both BTI and Rostekhinventarizatsiya. To obtain papers for objects in completely non-residential buildings, you must contact the BTI, regardless of the year of their construction.

Important! If you are not sure which organization you need to contact, you can call the BTI and Rostekhinventarizatsiya and ask them the question you are interested in.

If the housing is located in a new building, you can contact the developer directly or management company, and take inventory plans from them.

You can also obtain an explication and other documentation from any other organization by ordering a technician to visit the site. The specialist will take all measurements and draw up a detailed drawing. But in this case you will have to submit all working documentation and permission to put the facility into operation. This procedure is very complex and time-consuming. It is much easier to do this in Rostec, but they will need to provide an apartment plan taken from the detailed design according to which the building was erected.

How to order an apartment floor plan and explication through government services

To obtain archival copies of the floor plan and explication of the apartment in the BTI or Rostekhinventarizatsiya, you need to prepare a certain package of papers. In both organizations it is the same, as are the forms issued by them. The list includes:

  1. For individuals– an application for the issuance of the necessary papers, for legal entities – a letter of guarantee.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation confirming the identity of the applicant.
  3. Document confirming ownership.

Only the owner of the apartment can apply for a floor plan and BTI explication. If the request is made by another person, he must have a notarized power of attorney. Also, if the property has several owners at once, each of them can receive the relevant documents.

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How to order documents at the MFC

Sometimes, in addition to BTI and Rostec, you can order documentation at the MFC - a multifunctional center. Such organizations are specially created to reduce the load on the technical inventory bureau and allow citizens to save their own time. To obtain an explication and floor plan of an apartment, you must submit the same package of papers to the MFC as to the BTI. After this, government agency employees transfer the papers to the BTI without the participation of the apartment owner.

To obtain papers in Moscow or another city in the country, you can contact any MFC. But it is best to choose the organization that serves the area where the property is located.

Important! If measurements for drawing up a floor plan and explication are carried out by Rostec, it is impossible to obtain documents from the MFC. In this case, the application will be returned and the service will be denied, and you will simply waste your time.

In addition to BTI, Rostec and MFC, you can also contact other organizations and companies that provide such services. Many companies allow you to order legends and other documents online. On their website on the Internet you can fill out an application and receive an invoice for payment. You will have to forward everything Required documents via the Internet and pay several thousand rubles. But, despite some inconveniences, for many people applying for documents online through intermediaries is perhaps the only way.

Cost and production time

The cost of the service in different organizations may differ, depending on the type of object and the body itself working with it. Even the same organization can offer different prices depending on the region in which it is located.

When contacting BTI, the cost of services will be calculated taking into account the area of ​​the object. The price of the service will also be higher if you need a technician to come out to measure the premises. When requesting papers from Rostekhinventarizatsiya, be prepared to pay approximately twice as much, because issuing papers in this organization will cost more than in the BTI.

Speaking about the timing, we can say that the official issuance of the explication and other documents occurs within 10 days if the request was made at the BTI serving the area in which the apartment is located. The deadlines are affected by the workload of the office and the need for a technician to travel to the site. Without a specialist visit, it will take 5-10 working days to issue papers, with a specialist visit – 10-15. Rostekhinventarizatsiya has approximately the same deadlines. You will have to wait a little longer if the request was submitted to the BTI of another district or to the MFC.

Validity period of documents

BTI and Rostec do not have specific validity periods for the documentation they issue. But the organizations to which the homeowner will submit papers may have certain requirements for how they should look. To complete certain real estate transactions, you may need an apartment plan that was issued no more than six months or a year ago. Therefore, before going to BTI, Rostec or MFC, you need to clarify this point with the organization to which you need to provide documents.

What does the apartment layout and floor plan contain and what does it look like?

The information provided in the floor drawing is regulated taking into account the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Economic Development dated August 17, 2006 No. 244. The document must contain data on the location of walls, lintels, partitions, openings, residential and non-residential premises. Information provided in the floor plan:

  1. Apartment address.
  2. The floor she is on.
  3. The exact date of the site inspection.
  4. Reasons for conducting the survey.
  5. Object parameters.
  6. The area of ​​all premises.

The plan must indicate how many floors there are in the house, how many residential and non-residential premises it includes, etc.

Explication included in the technical and cadastral passport, can be provided separately or as part of an inventory plan. Explication is indispensable when:

  1. Putting the apartment into operation.
  2. Registration of the object for cadastral registration.
  3. Using real estate as collateral for a loan.
  4. When there is a change of owner.
  5. When changing the layout, etc.

The information presented in the explication helps to correctly calculate utility bills, find out approximately how much repairs will cost taking into account the square footage, assess the reliability of the data in cadastral documents (if you decide to buy a home), etc.

Most often, the explication is provided to apartment owners in the form of a table in which the data appears in the following order:

  1. Total area of ​​the apartment.
  2. Parameters of each room in it.
  3. Height of rooms.

The table also indicates the symbols for each room, their characteristics and the date of the survey. The explication is compiled according to a unique inventory number, initially assigned to each property.

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Among the technical documents related to the apartment, an explication and a floor plan are often used. They will be needed in a number of cases - for example, when obtaining permission for redevelopment. Therefore, it is better for each owner to order these documents in advance from the local BTI branch. How this is done, as well as what the samples look like, is described in detail in the article.

Technical documentation for an apartment characterizes its area, the material of the house, a drawing of the premises with a description of each parameter. The explication and floor plan are 2 sheets of A4 format.

The floor plan indicates the floor number where the room is located, as well as its drawing. The drawing indicates all walls and openings, the area of ​​each room, designations of width, length and height. Conventional symbols distinguish toilet and bathtub, balcony, window and door openings.

The legend is a table explaining the drawing. The document indicates the address of the apartment, as well as:

  • the names of each room (hallway, kitchen), including pantries and built-in wardrobes;
  • the area of ​​each of these premises;
  • height;
  • total area of ​​the apartment.

A table is also compiled separately with data about the customer of the measurements taken (the owner of the apartment), the company that carried out the work on site, the signature of the engineer and the date of compilation.

The table is always marked “before redevelopment” or “after redevelopment” to reflect the current state of the apartment in fact. Thus, the explication and the floor plan represent single document: the table is an explanation of the drawing (plan) of the room.

4 cases when explication is needed

The main documents for an apartment are (extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate) and a technical passport. However, an explication and a floor plan are also useful in such cases:

  1. One of the most common options is redevelopment, i.e. any inseparable improvement that is made with a partial change in the structure of the building (dismantling walls, moving window and/or door openings, changing the design of a balcony, loggia, installing an extension on the 1st floor, etc.).
  2. Conducting a real estate transaction through a notary. This refers to those cases when contracts are registered by a notary - a certificate of inheritance, an agreement of exchange, donation, purchase and sale, etc. If the transaction is carried out without the participation of a notary (regular purchase), then it is enough to bring only.
  3. . For example, if the tenant has previously received or signed a contract social hiring, the property belongs to the state represented by the local Administration. For certain reasons, an apartment can be privatized - for this you will need an explanation.
  4. Finally, papers can also be useful in cases where the owner has decided to (use) the premises. This usually applies to apartments located on the 1st floor: the owner can transfer it to the fund commercial real estate for a small store, hairdresser, etc.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

An apartment plan may also be needed in unforeseen situations - in litigation. For example, if we're talking about about illegal redevelopment carried out by the previous owner, the court will require the provision of an explanation and a floor plan along with other evidence. Therefore, it is better for the owner to order the preparation of this documentation from the BTI in advance.

How to order an explication: step-by-step instructions

Either the owner himself or his representative can order:

  • parents or guardians of the child (if the apartment is registered in his name);
  • a representative of an adult owner, acting under a notarized power of attorney.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The owner collects all the necessary documents for the apartments - a certificate of ownership (for properties purchased after July 2016, an extract from the Unified State Register is issued instead of a certificate), the agreement on the basis of which the premises were purchased, as well as a passport and application (the form is provided on the spot).
  2. Then, after 10-15 working days, a BTI representative (engineer) goes to the site on a certain, pre-agreed date. In the apartment with the help special equipment measurements are taken (approximately 15-30 minutes). The owner signs the acceptance certificate for the work performed.
  3. After another 5-10 working days, the document is issued, after which the applicant can personally pick up the papers. Thus, deadline waiting time according to the regulations is 20 working days(from the moment of registration of the application). In remote areas it can increase significantly.
  4. Then the applicant takes the finished floor plan and an explanation for it. It is necessary to carefully check all the specified data, because if there are even minor inaccuracies, the documents will not be considered valid.
  5. They can refuse to provide a service only in cases where an outsider has applied, if not all documents have been submitted, or if there are inaccuracies or errors in the documents. Owners who fill out the application incorrectly/illegibly are also refused (there is no information on the apartment address, contact information of the applicant, etc.). Thus, the presence of debts on utility or mortgage payments is not grounds for refusal.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

If measurements have already been carried out in the past, and since then no information has been recorded about possible redevelopments, there is no need for a specialist to visit your home. Then the applicant will be provided with a response in 10-15 business days. However, if there are doubts about illegal redevelopment, it is better to take new measurements.

5 ways to order documents

In most cases, the owner personally or through his representative contacts the BTI department, since it is its representatives who carry out all measurements of the premises during the commissioning of the house. However, in some cases, these same functions are performed by representatives of Rostekhinventarizatsiya (especially often in the case of commercial premises). Another option is to use the services of private companies, which allows you to obtain the necessary documentation as quickly as possible. short time(1-3 business days).

Method 1. Personal visit to BTI

The applicant can contact any branch of the BTI, but it is best to visit the branch that is geographically related to this particular apartment. In this case, it will take less time to complete the explication. You can contact the BTI in person, through the MFC or online (through the State Services portal).

During a personal visit, it is enough to take a passport, a certificate of ownership and an agreement on the basis of which the apartment became the property. The owner fills out such an application on site.

The employee accepts the application and issues a corresponding receipt. A few days later the answer comes (or an engineer goes to the site). Then, in the same department, you can pick up the finished floor plan with an explanation.

Expert opinion

Kharitonov Andrey

Leading Mortgage Lending Expert

COST OF SERVICES. The services are quite affordable - about 20-25 rubles per 1 square meter measurements. The standard price of the service is about 500-1000 rubles for 1 apartment. If its area exceeds 100 m2, and also if the house is located at a great distance from the BTI, increasing factors are applied. The cost will be 2-5 thousand rubles.

Method 2. Personal visit to the MFC

The applicant can contact any center for the provision of public services to citizens (MFC). It is possible to make an appointment by phone, on the official website or using the State Services portal. At the same time, the waiting time in line is reduced to 15-30 minutes (the state fee and registration procedure are the same). The applicant should keep in mind that the review period may increase to 1-1.5 months. This is due to the exchange of data between the MFC and the BTI, which does not always occur quickly.

Method 3. Contact Rostekhinventarizatsiya

If measurements in the building were initially carried out by representatives of this department, it will not be possible to order a plan from the BTI (either in person or through the MFC or State Services) - you will have to contact this department. Waiting times remain the same, however, the cost of services may increase - information must be clarified at the Rostec branch.

Method 4. Order online through State Services

Another convenient way– submit an application online through the State Services portal. First, you need to confirm your details on it. Then, in the service catalog, select “Providing a floor plan and explication” and follow the instructions of the service.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply online in all regions. You will still have to receive the documents in person.

Residents of the city of Moscow can additionally use the mayor's website.

Method 5. Contact a private company

This method guarantees paperwork in 1-3 working days, but the cost of services will be about 3-5 thousand rubles and more (depending on the region, area, remoteness of the apartment and other factors). The company must have the appropriate license from the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

How to obtain a floor plan and explication of an apartment from the BTI depends on the year the house was built. For buildings built before 2000, documents are issued by the technical inventory bureau, and for buildings built after this date - by Rostekhinventarizatsiya institutions. When the apartment is in a new building, you should contact the developers.

In order to make a request for technical documentation, you will need three documents:

  • passport;
  • cadastral documents;
  • certificate of ownership of the apartment.

A more extensive package of documentation is required for legal entities:

  • power of attorney for a representative;
  • printed request;
  • payment receipts;
  • state certificate registration of rights, as well as a lease agreement.

A similar procedure for obtaining information applies to residential and non-residential buildings. Inconsistencies in the schemes are marked in red. If incorrect registration is detected, you should contact authorized employees to change the data. It takes ten days to receive a floor plan.

You can choose any division of the technical inventory bureau where you can obtain certificates. The application will be accepted by any department in locality, where the object is located. But the request will be fulfilled faster if you apply at the location of the property.

It’s convenient that you can make an appointment for free on the website of the technical inventory bureau. In addition, you can independently check the status of the application’s readiness.

There is another option for obtaining a floor plan and explications - contact the My Documents public service center (MFC). These organizations are intermediaries and transmit the request for execution to the authorized body.

Obtaining a floor plan and BTI explication through the public services portal

The question of how the owner can obtain a floor plan and an explication of an apartment from the BTI can be solved without leaving the house. To do this, you need to register on the gosuslugi.ru portal. The service was created to simplify the lives of citizens and improve the quality of public services.

6 actions to obtain information:

  1. Prepare a passport, SNILS, certificates of rights to living space.
  2. Go to the portal gosuslugi.ru and register.
  3. Get password.
  4. Log in to the site using the password you received.
  5. Fill out the form where to indicate necessary information about the apartment.
  6. Wait for a call from an authorized specialist. The date of the visit to the organization will be announced by phone.

In the section of the Rosreestr website where the technical documentation is located, you should enter data about the object. Then you need to send an application, indicate your contact number and e-mail. Rosreestr employees will contact the applicant and inform them of the date when the explanation and plan will be ready. The service is provided after the original documents are presented.

The owner can receive the documents

Other interested parties cannot order a floor plan. The exception is when the application is submitted by a proxy. Authority is confirmed by a notarized power of attorney. The developer does not provide a technical certificate for the apartment after putting the house into operation. A general technical document is issued for the entire house at once. Owners will have to obtain documents for their apartments on their own.
Service price
The price for obtaining technical information in Moscow and other Russian cities is:

  1. A copy of the plan. 1,008 rub. costs one sheet of A4, 1,153 rubles. It costs a sheet larger than A4.
  2. A copy of the explication. 956 rub. – price for one sheet of A4 format.
  3. Making a new floor plan. 5.71 rub. – without calling an authorized employee.
  4. 20.3 rubles - provided that the area of ​​the apartment is less than 1,000 sq.m., 10.3 rubles. – when the area is more than 1,000 sq.m.
  5. 234 rub. – price for each page of explication.

Important! The cost of the explication and plan depends on three factors: the footage of the object, the need to call a measurer and the organization that provides the services. When you order documents for an apartment through Rostekhinventarizatsiya, the price of services will be higher. The approximate cost of documentation for an apartment ranges from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

The footage of the loggia and balconies may differ from the actual area, since it is multiplied by a factor of 0.3 and 0.5.

It is more convenient to order documents from BTI than from Rostekhinventarizatsiya

It is more convenient to take the documentation to the technical inventory office. There it is easier to reconcile existing errors, and the service fee will be lower. By appearance The documents are not much different; the date of issue is also indicated. If there are illegal alterations, a note must be made about this.

To save money, it is better to entrust the work to the same company that originally did the measurements. If you order certificates from another company, you will additionally have to pay for calling a specialist. When the company has already taken measurements, you can simply request documents from the archive.

If the measurements were made by Rostec, then you cannot order documents through the MFC

When Rostec made the measurements, the documents could not be obtained through the public services center. The applicant will simply be wasting his time. The question of how to obtain a BTI plan is being resolved in Rostec. The application should indicate that you need to issue a copy of existing data or make new measurements.

Initially, it makes sense to order existing data. Compare the information received with the existing layout. It is possible that the renovation was done by the previous owner, but the new owner does not know about it. It makes sense to take measurements when the reconstruction has been agreed upon and the order to carry it out has already been received.

How to order documents for an apartment

After the applicant’s documentation is accepted, he is given a receipt. A list of accepted documents is indicated there, as well as the date when you need to appear to receive the result. It is imperative to check the list of accepted documentation, as well as the correctness of the stamp indicating acceptance of the application for information about the apartment. You can pay the invoice for work performed directly to government agency via terminal. The next day after the date specified in the receipt, you can already pick up the completed documents.

The validity period for apartment documents in the BTI has not been established. The organization to which the certificates are submitted determines this time independently. Usually, maximum term The validity of the document is one year from the date of its provision.

Attention! Due to latest changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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