I banking rnkb personal account. How to register in RNKB Internet Banking

RNKB Russian National Commercial Bank was founded in January 1991 in Moscow. Became a leader in 2014 Russian bank in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Simferopol. All 100% of the shares belong to the state, therefore they are completely under the control of the Russian Federation.

Russian National Commercial Bank is a modern reliable bank. It also follows all current trends and provides all Internet services to its clients, including Internet banking.

To go to Personal Area you need to go to the official website www.rncb.ru then select at the top "Internet bank" individuals or legal entities.

A special secure program iBank 2 has been developed for legal entities; to gain access you will need to install the necessary plugins, have a token, login and password, all this will be set up for you in the RNKB bank department for working with legal entities and will show you how to log in.

Home page of the official website of the RNKB

For individuals, the procedure is much simpler and more convenient: when you go to the login page for your personal account, you only need to enter the login and password received during registration.

Next, you find yourself in the personal account of the RNKB bank, all the options you need are available there, you can make any payment, check current balance cards, accounts or deposits, make a transfer to a current account or card of any bank.

Recovering the password for your RNKB bank personal account

It happens that after entering your username and password, the system displays an error and informs you that the data entered was incorrect. You should not rush to enter the data again, as the system will think that they are scammers and will block the entrance to the Internet bank. First, make sure that the data is entered correctly, check the keyboard layout, what language you have selected and whether the Capslock function button is turned on, also check that you have entered numbers and symbols correctly, if any.

Login and password recovery page for RNKB Internet Banking

If you were unable to log in, but you will need to select the link on the login page “Forgot your username or password?” Next, the system will prompt you to go through the registration process again, which is described in more detail in the previous paragraph. After this, you will generate a new login and password, with which you will subsequently log into your online bank or personal account.

Mobile application of RNKB bank 24/7

The bank supports all modern technologies, so it did not stand aside and developed a special mobile application for its clients. Any client of RNKB Bank can use it.

The official application is called “RNKB 24/7”, which means that every client of RNKB Bank has access to Internet banking 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, that is, at any time convenient for the client. The application is developed for smartphones and tablets based on Android or iOS; you can officially download the application for free using the links below:

Activation in the application is similar to activation in Internet banking, through a browser on a computer, you will need to enter a login and password, then confirm security by entering the code sent to the phone number associated with this login.

Then you will need to create a short password for daily login to the application. All Internet banking features are available 24/7 in the application: making transfers and payments, checking balances, finding the nearest ATM, feedback from a bank representative to resolve any issues.

RNKB bank hotline phone number

A bank of such a scale as RNKB should have a well-developed system feedback clients with bank employees to resolve issues that arise with clients.

RNKB works well on this issue and offers its clients a wide list of possible contacts with the bank. The bank is present in everything modern social networks such as: Twitter, Vkontakte, Facebook, YouTube. Through these networks you can get the most last news about the bank and ask any questions you may have. Links to them are at the bottom home page RNKB bank.

Telephone hotline, is still the most popular method of communication. By single number you can solve any problem starting from clarification latest transactions before blocking lost card. To contact please call the following numbers:
8-800-234-27-27 for calls within Russia
+7-495-232-90-00 for calls from the Crimean Peninsula

At the top of the main page of the official website, you can select “Leave a review”, where you can clearly write your reviews, wishes or questions, and you will need to indicate your contact information to receive a response from bank representatives.

Russian national commercial Bank was founded in 1991 in Moscow. Today it is the largest credit and financial organization in the Republic of Crimea. The bank's headquarters is located in Simferopol. The year 2014 was a turning point in the history of the institution: RNKB is a pioneer among Russian banks in the Crimea. It is fully financed by the state - the full stake belongs to the Russian Federation ( Federal agency on state property management).

On this moment The bank occupies a leading position among all commercial enterprises in Crimea: it serves 1.5 million citizens and 50 thousand corporations. The current vector of development of the bank is to support regional business. It focuses on the fruitful growth dynamics of regional sustainability financial market. In addition, RNKB Bank has formed a large branch network (more than 180 branches) and internal infrastructure in the form of a sufficient number of ATMs (about 1.5 thousand devices).

The Bank focuses on innovative developments of our time, therefore it did not stand aside from the trend towards the transition to remote maintenance clients. Therefore, one of the bank’s services is providing access to the Internet banking system. This option frees the user from regular visits to bank branches, thereby helping to save resources. Now, instead of tedious waiting in line, the client is able to solve the task in the context of his own capital in a few clicks in his personal account.

You can log in to your personal account of the RNCB Internet bank on the official website of the organization: https://www.rncb.ru/. Hover the cursor over the “Internet Bank” position in the right corner of the page, the user must choose between the “Individuals” and “Legal Entities” options. By opening the “Individuals” tab, he will be on the authorization page in the RNKB Internet bank. Another way to go here: via a direct link - https://online.rncb.ru/web_banking/protected/welcome.jsf. You must enter authentication information in the appropriate “Login” and “Password” fields.

Home page of the official website of the RNKB

In the RNKB personal account, the client can carry out transfer operations (both within the network and to third-party accounts), pay for services (housing and communal services, telephony, government services: fines, taxes, etc.), control work with finances, find out the balance, change profile interface in online banking.

For entrepreneurs, RNKB Bank has developed a special a complex system Internet bank – iBank2. You can get here either by clicking on the value “Legal entities”, or by following the direct link - https://ibank.rncb.ru/. This system is a special complex data encryption.

To connect to it you need to install software, and at a bank branch, an employee will provide a USB key (otherwise known as a token), which allows access to the profile in your personal account.

If authentication data has not been received, it can be purchased during the registration process. To do this, you need to go to the area for the civilian population and under the authentication fields in your personal online bank account, find the “Register” position. This procedure takes place in 6 stages:

  • Selecting a registration method: by card number, by account number, by agreement number;
  • Filling out an application for connection;
  • Creating authorization information;
  • Creating security questions to confirm your identity;
  • Confirmation of online registration via SMS notification;
  • Selecting an image for your profile avatar.

Registration of Internet bank RNKB

After successful data processing, the Internet bank user should call the hotline to re-confirm their identity, after which access to the web bank will be provided.

Attempting to enter inauthentic registration information will result in a system error. In this case, it is recommended to check the correctness of the data:

  • Is the caps lock key activated (if so, disable it);
  • Is the keyboard layout language selected correctly?
  • Whether the alternation of uppercase and lowercase characters represents the correct password value.

Login and password recovery page for RNKB Internet Banking

If a repeated attempt fails, the authentication information is considered forgotten or lost. This situation is provided for in the RNKB Internet banking system: to obtain new up-to-date data, you must re-register by clicking on the value “Forgot your login or password” or using the direct link https://online.rncb.ru/web_banking/registration/registration.jsf.

Mobile application of RNKB bank 24/7

The Internet banking service helps save valuable resources. The main advantage of the personal account system is the simplification of control procedures and transactions. When using Internet banking, time and place do not matter: to successfully use the option, you only need a stable Internet and a device connected to it. However, the bank’s technical developers have optimized the profile in the personal account for the format of mobile devices. In this regard, the client received access to the Internet bank not only from convenient places such as home, office or cafe, but also from absolutely any space. Mobile application features:

  1. Online transfers to Visa/Mastercard cards;
  2. Payment for housing and communal services in the Crimean region;
  3. Access to games and social networks;
  4. Possibility of purchasing railway and air tickets;
  5. Transfers to electronic wallets;
  6. Usage

History of the Russian National Commercial Bank started in 1991. During its existence, it changed owners several times. At the moment, 100% of the shares of RNKB belong to the Federal Property Management Agency. Purchase this financial organization state was associated with the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

The head office of RNKB is located in Simferopol, among its clients there are thousands of individuals and legal entities living and working on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. In addition, the bank finances several large regional projects.

More than 180 RNKB branches are now open in Crimea, here you can get a variety of Banking services quickly and efficiently. For greater customer convenience, the bank launched an online resource that allows you to manage personal accounts remotely.

Thanks to modern technologies, each bank card holder can independently conduct financial transactions, pay bills, open deposits, apply for a loan and much more.

Login to your personal account for individuals

Financial management is carried out on a personal page in your own account, the entrance to which is on the page online.rncb.ru. To get to your personal page, you will need to enter the following data:

  • login. This is the email address that was specified by the client when registering in Internet banking;
  • password. This is a secret code consisting of letters and numbers, created by Internet banking users at the time of registration.

If the entered data is correct, then after pressing the LOGIN button, the main page of the resource automatically opens.

New User Registration

Only those RNKB clients who have registered in the system can use the benefits of Internet banking. You can do this yourself or with the help of bank employees. To register, you will need to go to the official website of RNCB and go to the Internet banking section ibank.rncb.ru.

The registration procedure will begin after the user clicks the REGISTER button.

The process includes several stages:

  1. First, the system will prompt you to select a registration method. An RNKB client can use his payment card number, deposit number or loan agreement.
  2. Familiarization with the standard application form for connecting the service and confirmation of agreement with the public offer agreement. If you decide not to accept the proposed conditions, then further registration will be impossible.
  3. Receiving information for further login to your account (login and password). The system uses the user's email address as a login. It is entered into the form twice, a letter with a link will be sent to the specified address, by clicking on which the RNKB client will confirm that the personal data has been entered correctly. The password is created by the user independently, and the system evaluates the level of security of the entered code.
  4. Selecting a security question. From the list provided, you must select the question necessary to independently restore access to Internet banking if you lose your password. The answer should be written down, otherwise it will be possible to gain access to the resource again only by contacting a bank branch.
  5. To confirm registration, you must enter a code sent by the system to your financial phone.

Once the user image is uploaded and the DONE button is clicked, registration will be completed.

A registered user can log into his personal page at any convenient time. But in order to be able to make payments, transfers and other financial transactions, you will need to call the unified call center immediately after registration. toll free number 8 800 234-27-27.

Internet banking for individuals

  • transfer of personal funds between your own accounts at RNKB. This could be replenishing a deposit or making loan payments from your payment card, etc.;
  • payment for kindergartens, housing and communal services, Internet access, television. You can top up your account mobile phone or payment card without leaving home;
  • transfer of finances to accounts in third party banks. This operation can be carried out in rubles or be converted;
  • appointment of regular payments and their implementation;
  • currency transfers. This operation can be intrabank or interbank;
  • filing an application for a refund of funds sent by currency transfer;
  • blocking the card and reporting its loss or theft;
  • opening deposits without having to visit a bank branch;
  • ordering certificates, for example, about payment of utilities or about the balance of funds in the account;
  • gaining access to information on credit debts;
  • viewing information about the movement of funds and the current status of all open accounts and contributions to RNKB;
  • receiving statements of all accounts and transactions.

Operations are accessed through the menu. To carry out specific actions, just select the appropriate section. The resource is easy to use even for a beginner. When performing any operation, the system provides prompts, also You can use the built-in help service.

General information about RNKB

When conducting banking operations details must be indicated financial institutions involved in the transaction. If payments and transfers are made using the client's Internet banking system, then all the necessary information is provided by the resource automatically, but for control you need to know the details and the full name of the bank.

Basic data on RNKB looks like this:

  • Bank name – Russian National Commercial Bank (public Joint-Stock Company). In an abbreviated version, the name looks like this - RNKB Bank (PJSC). When making international payments, you may be asked to indicate the name of the bank in English - Russian National Commercial Bank or RNCB.
  • Register number National Bank: 1354.
  • Bank Identification Code (BIC): 043510607
  • Taxpayer identification number (TIN of the Bank): 7701105460.
  • Main state registration number (OGRN of the Bank): 1027700381290.
  • Codes in the Unified State Register of Pools: Gearbox 910201001, Gearbox largest taxpayer 997950001, OKPO 09610705, OKTMO 35701000001, OKVED 64.19, OKOGU 1500010, OKATO 35401000000, OKFS 41, OKOPF 12247.
  • Payment details: correspondent account No. 30101810335100000607 in the Republic of Crimea Branch, BIC 043510607.
  • Bank's actual and postal address: Russian Federation, Republic of Crimea, 295000, Simferopol, st. Embankment named after the 60th anniversary of the USSR, no. 34.

Using this information, you can create payment document independently, without contacting the servicing bank branch.

Internet banking options for legal entities

RNKB Internet Bank gives great opportunities not only to ordinary citizens, but also to legal entities. For corporate clients The following options become available:

  1. Obtaining information about any counterparties. The system uses the “Indicator” service, collecting information from various sources (courts, bailiff services, tax authorities etc.) allows you to evaluate the recipient of your funds before making the payment.
  2. The Internet banking system can be integrated with the servicing accounting program (1C:Enterprise). As a result, the exchange of documentation with the bank can be carried out in in electronic format straight from the program. At the same time, greater protection is provided: all information is transmitted via secure channels, and used to confirm transactions. electronic signatures and special keys. To activate this service, you will need to submit a corresponding application and enter into an additional agreement with the bank.
  3. Conduct correspondence with the bank online.
  4. Promptly receive reference information from the bank and much more.

Each bank client can receive technical support. For organizations, the system is installed and configured, personnel are trained in how to work with the resource, software updates are guaranteed when new versions are released, as well as consultations over the telephone.

Registration in the Internet Bank-Client system for legal entities

Corporate clients also get the opportunity to fully use the system after registration. For legal entities it will be two-stage:

  • Pre-registration is carried out independently on the Internet banking service for corporate clients. Registration of a new client is carried out on the page used to enter your personal account. Following the system prompts, you must enter all the requested data. This includes the type of organization being registered, payment details, etc. After this, an electronic signature is generated;
  • final registration is carried out at the bank's service branch after a personal application from the new user. You will need to provide two copies of the electronic signature certificate, certified by the seals and signatures of authorized persons. After activating the keys in the bank, you can start working in the Internet banking system.

Electronic signatures are stored on special electronic devices - USB tokens; login to the system is carried out using them. To do this, you need to select the device name from the list displayed on the login page.

If the keys are stored in a file on your computer, you will need to specify the path to it. After the system detects the key, the user will be required to enter a password. After checking the correctness of the entered data, access to personal pages in the resource.

RNKB mobile application 24/7

RNKB Internet Bank is available to users who have access to the World Wide Web through personal computers.

To work on mobile devices, you will need to download and install the bank’s mobile application - RNKB 24/7. With its help, you can control the movement of funds in your accounts and carry out basic operations.

The mobile application from RNKB gives users the following opportunities:

  1. Making transfers to payment cards of Russian banks.
  2. Payment for housing and communal services received on the territory of Crimea.
  3. Replenishment of electronic wallets (Qiwi, Webmoney, Yandex.money).
  4. Payment for communication services, including the Internet.
  5. Purchasing train and plane tickets.
  6. Payment for goods from leading network companies and large online stores.
  7. Application loan payments, payment of fines issued by traffic police officers.
  8. Working with payments in national system"World", and much more.

Some services are not available in the mobile application, but its advantage is the ability to access your accounts anywhere, without being tied to a desktop computer.

Bonus programs

Each RNKB client who has a payment card becomes a participant in the “Your Bonus” loyalty program. This service is activated automatically when you issue a payment card. To activate it, you must specify a phone number that is activated as a financial one.

Terms and conditions of the “Your Bonus” program:

  • pay for purchases payment card in one of 871 retail outlets, which is a partner of the promotion;
  • receive points to your bonus account. The size of the reward depends on the features trade organization and may be 3% or more. Accurate information about bonuses is placed on special stickers at the entrance to the store;
  • pay for new purchases with accumulated points. One bonus is equal to one ruble. The more purchases you make, the greater your reward will be.

In addition, RNKB management regularly holds promotions and prize draws for its clients. Using Internet banking, you can control the accrual of bonuses, and in the news section you can find out about the start of new promotions.

Russian National Commercial Bank (RNCB) is a commercial bank operating in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Renders Financial services population and commercial organizations. Clients have round-the-clock access to bank accounts and services through their personal account, including through the application mobile bank RNKB 24/7.

Having gained access to their personal account, bank clients can use services remotely without having to visit the bank’s representative office. Let's look at the bank's main features below.

Functions and capabilities of your personal account

RNKB clients have access to the following bank functions online in their personal account:

  • Open accounts and deposits.
  • Check information by financial transactions and account status.
  • Transfer money to accounts and bank cards.
  • Apply for a loan online.
  • View details of monetary transactions.
  • Pay public utilities And online payments, including fines.
  • Order a new credit card.
  • Make purchases in online stores.
  • Top up accounts mobile communications, Internet, electronic wallets.

How to register a personal account?

Registration of a personal account is possible after signing an agreement with the bank on the provision of services. When drawing up an agreement, the client provides the bank with his data, including his email address and mobile phone number. The bank assigns an account number, issues bank card with the number, or the number of the loan agreement. It is these numbers (one of three) that are needed to register a personal account on the official Web banking website. At the time of registration, you enter one of the authorization methods in the system. Next, the site checks this data and if it matches, the client will be able to continue the registration procedure online.

How to log into your personal account?

Login to your RNKB personal account is carried out from the main page of the site, or via the link below (contact block). To log in, use the login and password received during registration. If a client has forgotten their login details, they cannot be restored.

You can only go through the registration procedure for your personal account again.

Contacts RNKB

  • Official website: http://www.rncb.ru
  • Personal account: https://online.rncb.ru
  • Hotline phone number: 8 800 234-27-27

Top up your mobile phone account in the Internet banking of RNKB Bank

RNKB mobile application

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