Sberbank offers refinancing. Refinancing a loan at Sberbank for individuals

Usage credit products It has long been no longer considered something out of the ordinary. People calmly take out loans to meet their current needs and then gradually pay off the bank in order to take out a loan again in the future. Sometimes the “credit burden” turns out to be too heavy for family budget and then the borrower resorts to financial instruments that help you get out of the debt hole. Today we will discuss whether it is possible to refinance a loan in the same bank, specifically in Sberbank, and what pitfalls may appear in the borrower’s path.

Sberbank really offers its clients to refinance credit debt very favorable conditions. You can combine up to 5 loans into one with a significant reduction in the interest rate, a change in the currency of the loan and an increase in the loan term, but there are mandatory conditions.

  1. Firstly, the borrower must not have any outstanding loans. The presence of arrears, especially long ones, is reflected in the credit history and this is grounds for refusal to refinance.
  2. Secondly, only a borrower from whom at least one loan was taken out can apply for internal refinancing at Sberbank. third party bank.

If the borrower took out all the loans within Sberbank, he cannot refinance these debts at Sberbank.

  1. Thirdly, the borrower must regularly pay all existing loans for at least 180 days.
  2. Fourth, to the end of all credit obligations must remain at least 90 days.
  3. Fifthly, none of the refinanced loans had previously been restructured by Sberbank or a third-party bank.

Receipt procedure

You should start applying for refinancing by submitting an application. There are many subtleties in this matter, so it is better to come to the nearest branch of a credit institution and ask Sberbank employees to give you preliminary advice. During this consultation, employees will clarify the list of required documents and help you draw up an application form. You don’t need to write any applications in advance, you’ll just waste your time, but you can take the documents with you.

  1. Your passport.
  2. Loan agreements.
  3. Work record book and income certificate as for a regular loan.
  4. SNILS.

Refinancing your loans at Sberbank is possible only after approval of this operation by the credit department. The maximum time for consideration of your application will not exceed 30 calendar days. If all necessary documents were provided immediately, the minimum review time will be about two days.

After approval, the borrower will be invited to the bank branch to renegotiate loan agreement. Current debts will be consolidated, the interest rate will be reduced, and the loan term may also be extended. By agreement of the parties, a grace period may be established during which the borrower will not pay interest or principal.

Or maybe a restructuring is needed?

Having a debt with a third-party bank opens up the opportunity for the client to refinance the entire debt with Sberbank. If there is already a loan there, even just one small one, you can combine this debt with loans taken from Sberbank and refinance the whole thing under favorable interest rate. But what should those who have all their debts concentrated in Sberbank and did not take out any loans from other banks do? Maybe I should go and get it small loan somewhere?

There is no need to rush, because in addition to the refinancing program, Sberbank has a debt restructuring program. Only a borrower who:

  • lost his job as a result of staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise (confirmed by an entry in the work book and other documents);
  • was called up for compulsory military service;
  • is on parental leave to care for a child/children up to 1.5/3 years old;
  • lost his ability to work.

If none of the listed grounds apply to the borrower, or he has nothing to support these grounds with, it is better not to submit an application for restructuring - they will 100% refuse. A borrower who has been fired due to professional inconsistency, absenteeism, showing up at work while intoxicated, etc. cannot apply for restructuring.

Restructuring is formalized in much the same way as refinancing and entails similar legal consequences. If the restructuring is approved, the debtor receives a new agreement, a new payment schedule, a lower interest rate and more long term lending. Restructuring reduces debt load no worse than refinancing, but the conditions for obtaining it are more stringent.

So, you can refinance your own Sberbank loan only if you have at least one loan taken out from a third-party credit institution. Otherwise, there can be no talk of refinancing, but there is still a chance to restructure the debt, if, of course, there are serious reasons for this. Good luck!

Do you need information about where the online calculator from Sberbank is located, which allows you to calculate the benefits of the refinancing service, and how you can use it? We will discuss these issues in our review.

What are the benefits of this offer? You will have one single payment, one reporting date, a huge number of possibilities for repayment, because There are Sberbank branches and ATMs at almost every step.

In addition, you get the opportunity to significantly reduce the interest rate on your current agreement, issue more profitable insurance or abandon it altogether. When the rate decreases, so does the burden on the family budget.

Who can receive this service? Only a borrower with a positive credit history. If you have arrears in CI, open overdue debts, courts, disputes with collectors, then you will not be able to refinance. Even if you belong to the category of salary clients.

What programs does Sberbank offer?

If you are interested in re-issuing an existing debt in this or another bank, then for this offer there are two programs with completely different conditions:

  1. Refinancing a consumer loan, which can include a regular loan, a car loan or card debt, can be combined with up to 5 different loans. They will be able to offer you an amount from 30 thousand to 3 million rubles, the repayment period is from 3 to 60 months, and the maximum amount cannot exceed the size of your existing debt. Interest - from 11.5 to 13.5% per annum. No issuance fee or additional security.
  2. Refinancing secured by real estate requires that you have existing mortgage, which you should definitely refinance here. To this you can add re-issuance of a consumer loan, as well as receiving cash for any purpose you need. The conditions are as follows: amount from 500 thousand, rate - from 9.5 to 11.5% per annum, contract term - no more than 30 years. At the same time you will have additional expenses related to the assessment of real estate and its insurance.
Interest rate per year:
Duration (months):
Amount of credit:
Monthly payment:
Total you will pay:
Overpayment on loan
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Use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculation early repayment you can on this page.

On the official website of Sberbank there is a special online calculator that will allow you to make preliminary calculations to assess your benefits. There is a separate link for each type of refinancing:

  • if you were planning to re-register consumer loan, then you need to follow this link,
  • if you want to transfer your mortgage here, then the calculations will take place on a special portal on the link.

You will need to know the debt balance, current monthly payment and the period for which you would like to sign the contract. Example:

What should be done?

You need to find out on the official portal of the bank or at the branch the conditions under which they will agree to approve this proposal.

Next, you need to use this data to determine the amount of the monthly payment and the total overpayment under the new conditions, and compare them with the old ones. If the resulting numbers are less than those that were in effect previously, then this offer is worth taking advantage of.

After entering the required data, click the “Calculate repayment” button and you will receive data on what the term and amount will be borrowed money, monthly payment, as well as the amount of your overpayment for all this time (all this can be viewed in the table and also printed).

However, remember that the data obtained will be approximate, because this does not include various allowances and discounts that apply to the bank for different categories clients. You can get an accurate calculation only by contacting one of the bank branches.

How to get a refinancing service from Sberbank?

You need to study all the necessary information and conditions on the company’s official website, collect the necessary documents (the list is indicated there) and contact personally the nearest branch of this company to submit an application. Registration for consumer loans is possible only in the office.

If we're talking about about a mortgage, you can fill out the form online on the portal. We recommend creating there first Personal Area so that you can conveniently track the status of your application. As a rule, it is considered no more than 5-8 working days.

Along with other banks, Sberbank offers its clients a refinancing program - the transfer of any loans from other banks (except mortgages) on more favorable terms. By using this service, you will receive a fixed interest rate and smaller regular payments. It is possible to combine up to 5 credits at the same time. Moreover, Sberbank invites borrowers to choose a convenient debt repayment schedule. Pleasant bonus is to receive an additional amount for consumer needs without increasing the monthly payment. The refinancing project from Sberbank can be used by persons aged 21 to 65 years, whose work experience in their last place is at least six months.

Refinancing for individuals

Only ruble loans are eligible for the program. Amounts that can be transferred to Sberbank range from 30 thousand to 3 million rubles. It is important that you do not have any overdue payments in other banks, and the period of time before the expiration of the contract must be at least 3 months. The repayment period under the new loan agreement can be up to 7 years. Interest rate from 11.5% to 12.5% ​​per annum.

Required documents

To start the refinancing procedure and receive a loan on more favorable terms, you must provide the following:

  • Application form.
  • Civil passport of the Russian Federation with registration in one of the regions of Russia.
  • Certificate of income 2-NDFL or according to the bank form.
  • Certificate from the bank where you plan to transfer from debentures With exact amount account balance.

How to apply

First you need to prepare the package of documents listed above. Then visit any Sberbank branch and submit an application. It takes up to 2 business days to process your request. After which a representative will contact you financial organization and will set a date for you to sign a new loan agreement.

Debt repayment methods

Various options are available to repay a cash loan from Sberbank:

  • WITH bank card.
  • Through the Sberbank Online service.
  • Transfer through any bank.
  • At the cash desks of your native bank.

Return Money carried out by annuity (equal) payments. Early repayment is permitted.

Anyone can find themselves in a difficult situation in which they urgently need money, and because of the urgent need for funds, or because the necessary documents are missing, we apply for a loan on terms that are not favorable to us - this could be a loan with large percentages or too much short term. If you wish, you have the opportunity to change the terms of the loan. If you resort to loan refinancing, this will help you reduce your loan burden and also significantly reduce the amount of your overpayments on the loan. Not all banks offer this service clients, however, Sberbank of Russia offers this.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the parameters indicating the benefits of refinancing loans at Sberbank.

Loan refinancing at Sberbank for individuals:

1. Possibility of obtaining loans under , resulting in less overpayment for received loans and monthly payment amounts.

2. The possibility of increasing the loan repayment period reduces the size of monthly payments.

3. Possibility of combining no more than 5 credits taken in different banks, in one loan from Sberbank of Russia.

4. The possibility of converting a foreign currency consumer loan into ruble, and ruble into foreign currency, which brings benefits to the client. After all, everyone knows about certain changes in the ruble exchange rate on foreign exchange market.

Refinancing a mortgage loan from Sberbank to an individual:

1. By re-issuing a loan at a lower interest rate, you receive lower monthly payments and overpay less money.

2. It is possible to increase the loan repayment period to 5 years. But this is not very profitable, since the amount of the monthly payment decreases slightly.

Conditions for refinancing a loan at Sberbank

Upon registration consumer loans:

1. Loan repayment terms range from 3 months to 5 years.

2. Minimum loan is issued in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. Maximum amount The loan is 3 million rubles.

3. There are no commissions.

4. You receive a loan in rubles.

5. are different and comprise:

The interest rate will be from 12.5% ​​to 13.5% per annum (depending on the amount)

Loan amount: from 500,000 ₽ Interest rate: 12.5%

Loan amount: up to 500,000 ₽ Interest rate: 13.5%

Requirements for borrowers to obtain a loan

To receive a loan, you must meet the following age and length of service requirements. Your age must be between 21 and 65 years (up to 75 years if home loan). Work experience of 6 months at the last place of work and total work experience of 1 year over the last 5 years *.

* For clients receiving a salary/pension into an account with Sberbank of Russia, the requirement to have a total work experience of at least 1 year over 5 years does not apply. For working clients receiving a pension into an account with Sberbank of Russia, the total work experience over the last 5 years must be at least 6 months.

What loans can be refinanced at Sberbank

Received from other banks

Received from Sberbank*

  • Consumer loans
  • Car loans

* Subject to simultaneous refinancing of at least one loan provided by a third-party bank.

Requirements for refinanced loans

  • Timely repayment of debt within the last 12 months
  • The validity period of the refinanced loan at the time of application is at least 180 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement
  • The period of time before the end of the loan agreement is at least 90 calendar days
  • No restructuring of refinanced loans for the entire period of their validity

Necessary documents for refinancing at Sberbank

In order to apply for refinancing, you must provide the following documents to Sberbank of Russia:

  • Your application form;
  • Your passport of a Russian citizen with a registration mark;
  • Number and date of loan conclusion;
  • Certificate with information about the refinanced loan:
  1. The expiration date of the loan agreement or the validity period of the credit card/debit bank card for which the overdraft has been opened;
  2. Amount and currency of the loan under the agreement, lending limit according to credit card or overdraft limit on a debit bank card;
  3. The interest rate on the loan;
  4. Monthly payment amount;
  5. Remaining debt.
  • Certificate with details of your account opened for the purpose of repaying the refinanced loan:
  1. Number of the Borrower's account from which the loan is repaid from the Primary Lender (number of the current account/deposit account/bank card account of the Borrower);
  2. Details of the Primary Creditor: correspondent account number, BIC, INN, name, location address, as well as current account number.

How to get refinancing?

The loan can be issued in the same way as other loans. To do this, go to necessary package documents and write an application form. After reviewing your application, the bank will call you and notify you of the result. Once the loan is approved, you can receive the money within 30 days.

What is the processing time for a loan application at Sberbank?

The main application processing period is 2 business days. The period may be increased to 7 days at the discretion of the bank.

Sberbank is a top bank in Russia with millions of clients. His proposal for individuals on refinancing loans from other banks is attracting a lot of attention, especially after the next interest rate reduction. But let’s first understand all the conditions and compare them with competitors, after which we will draw a conclusion about the profitability of this financial product.

In Sberbank you can refinance loans from both other banks and issued for its clients, subject to its combination with any other third-party debt. Own debt must be issued for consumer needs or for the purchase of a car. For other people's refinanced loans, the list is slightly longer and includes:

Everything can be combined together up to 5 debts. Sberbank provides the opportunity to receive funds in excess of necessary to close all active loans. The refinanced debts of an individual must not have been in arrears for the last 12 months and there must not have been a restructuring (agreed change in payment terms) during the entire term of the agreement. Conditions and deadlines are set. So, at least 180 days must pass from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement, and at least 90 days must pass before its expiration.

Loan refinancing calculator

We invite you to make a calculation on our online calculator refinancing loans. It allows you to compare the parameters of your current debt with the conditions after refinancing. You can calculate with a decrease in the size of the monthly payment or the total duration of the contract.

Basic conditions

The basic conditions of Sberbank look like this:

  • Fixed interest rate depending on the term and amount of the loan. – from 12.9% per annum.
  • More details can be found in the table below. Loan terms - from 3 to 60 months.
  • If an individual has temporary registration, then the period for issuing a new loan cannot exceed its duration.

The refinancing amount is up to 3,000,000 rubles, but not less than 30,000 rubles. Compulsory insurance

the borrower’s life and ability to work do not exist, but this does not mean that you will not be offered to issue it. If you refuse insurance at Sberbank, you may well be denied refinancing.

List of documents and requirements for borrowers

  • The list of requirements for borrowers is quite loyal and consists of:
  • Age from 21 to 65 years (at the end of the loan agreement).

Official employment and work experience at the current place of work is at least 6 months, and the total for the last 5 years is at least 12 months. work experience for the last 5 years does not apply, and for pensioners it is reduced to 6 months.

To approve a refinancing program, an individual must submit the following documents to Sberbank:

  • Application for the issuance of funds for refinancing debts. Its contents can be found on the bank’s official website, but the form must be filled out at the branch in the presence of the manager.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a mandatory registration mark. In case of temporary registration, you will additionally need to provide a certificate confirming the actual location of the individual at the specified address.
  • Information about refinanced loans. This may be a certificate from the bank about the balance of debt including interest, the number of the loan agreement and information about it (if any), payment details in another bank for early repayment.
  • No proof of income required if you request an amount not exceeding existing debts. But in certain situations, managers can still request a certificate of income.

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Issue and redemption

Refinancing is possible only if contacting a Sberbank branch at the place of registration of the individual. Inability to submit online applications is significant drawback. This condition does not apply to clients of employees of enterprises served by the Salary Project credit institution.

You must come to the bank with a complete package of documents already collected. An application is filled out in the presence of the manager, the review of which may take up to 2 days. The decision on your application will be sent via SMS or a Sberbank employee will contact you. If the decision is positive, you have 30 days to receive a new loan, during which the approval is valid. The start date of the refinancing program is the date of transfer of funds to the individual’s account. At the client’s direction, bank employees can transfer money to repay loans in other credit organizations(the operation is carried out without additional commissions). The borrower can also do this themselves. Sberbank does not require confirmation of loan repayment in other banks from an individual.

Refinancing is repaid in equal (annuity) installments over the entire term of the agreement. The bank provides the possibility of partial or full early repayment of the loan. This can be done through Sberbank Online or by submitting a written application at the branch indicating the date, amount and source of the funds transfer. The amount of early repayment is not limited and does not provide for additional commissions. In case of untimely making of the next payment, Sberbank will charge a fine in the amount 20% per annum from the debt incurred for each day of delay.