Thailand how much money is needed for 1 person. How much and in what currency to take money to Thailand

Since we started our YouTube channel, we have made many friends. These are mainly people planning to come to Thailand for vacation or permanent residence.

And almost everyone is interested in the question: “how much does it cost to vacation in Thailand or how much money to take with you on vacation?” Of course, we could answer briefly and clearly, saying that it all depends on your requests, but we still decided to give a detailed answer and name average amount, which your vacation will cost.

So, let's count. Let us immediately note that if you plan to relax here for 8 days, then it will be much more profitable to fly here on a tour. So, an eight-day holiday in the land of smiles with a package including round-trip flights, hotel accommodation and breakfast will cost you about 23,000 rubles per person in the low season.

This is much more profitable than flying on your own, since without a ticket you will have to pay at least 24,000 rubles just for a round trip flight, and you also need a hotel. So on short term It’s more profitable to fly on a tour, and even more profitable to fly with a last-minute tour.

And so we will continue, a trip here for 8 days costs approximately 23,000 rubles (this is the minimum) per person (at least this was the case before the ruble exchange rate fell). This includes flights, meals and breakfasts, which you will most likely sleep through. Then we count in baht. You will need approximately 500 baht per person per day for food. This is if you eat in Thai cafes and eat well and varied.

You can also dine at the night markets. It will turn out delicious, exotic and inexpensive.

Next, you will need a minimum of 500 baht per day for entertainment. You will also need to spend money on transport. Total, 1100 baht per day for a great time. This is despite the fact that you will travel to places of entertainment on your own. It will be more expensive with a tour.

So, one day in Thailand will cost you at least 1,100 baht. Of course, more is possible, but 1100 baht will be quite enough for an unspoiled tourist.

So, to find out how much an average vacation in Thailand costs, add another 1,100 baht to the cost of the trip, multiplied by the number of days of vacation. Also add in about 5,000 baht (don’t forget to convert baht to rubles at the current exchange rate) for gifts for family and small unexpected expenses, and you’ll get the total.

Before the ruble exchange rate fell, prices in Thailand were very pleasant for Russians. Now that a pancake costs not 40 baht, but already 80, many are postponing a trip to the land of smiles because it turns out to be a little expensive. But if you receive income in dollars, then nothing has changed for you and Thailand is still an inexpensive, but very interesting exotic holiday destination.

Be that as it may, we hope that we have answered your question, and now you can help us. If you were on holiday in Thailand, write in the comments how much the trip cost you, whether you liked it or not. Thank you for your attention, we look forward to your comments.

The question “How much money to take to Thailand” should be divided into two, “How much money to take if you go on a tour package” and “How much money to take for an independent trip.” You should also choose a suitable resort for yourself (Pattaya or Phuket), your vacation budget also depends on this.

If you are traveling to Thailand on a package tour, then part of the expenses (air tickets, insurance, hotel, breakfast, transfer) have already been paid by you and there is no point in worrying about it, but when traveling on your own, you should calculate your budget more carefully.

How much money to take to Thailand on a tour package

If your vacation takes place as part of a package tour, then you made part of the expenses back at home, in some cases it is more profitable to travel this way, and in some cases, planning your trip yourself is much cheaper and a hundred times more interesting. But nevertheless, in any case, you should have money for entertainment, excursions and other tourist pleasures.

The expenses of a package tourist consist of several conditionally obligatory items; of course, you can eliminate some of them and save every baht, but this will no longer be a vacation; doing this in Thailand is highly not recommended.

What do package tourists spend money on:

  • transport - you can walk, but when your hotel is located a kilometer from the beach, and it’s +30 outside, you won’t find much on foot;
  • food - most package tourists include breakfast in the price of the tour, but you won’t be full with breakfast alone;
  • excursions - you can’t do without excursions in Thailand, believe my experience;
  • souvenirs and shopping - you can do without souvenirs, but package tourists love souvenirs and actively buy them;
  • alcohol, cigarettes, entertainment and other bad habits - there is enough of this goodness here, there is entertainment for every taste and budget.

How much money to take for transport

Costs of transport and travel around Thailand greatly depend on the type and location of your holiday. If you are going on holiday to Phuket, then you should take into account that tuk-tuks and taxis are very expensive here, and public transport is in its infancy; the only way to save on transport is to rent a bike.

When renting a bike, you should pay attention to many details (there will be a separate post about this), you should also have driver's license international standard and a must. In Pattaya, everything is much better with public transport, but renting a moped costs the same.

If you are a fan of beach holidays, then your expenses on transport will be minimal, but you are unlikely to be able to completely abandon transport.

For a standard package vacation lasting 14 days, according to the most conservative estimates (for renting a bike), you will spend 5,000 baht (14 days * 300 baht/day rental + gasoline). To this amount should be added (optional) fines for driving without a driver's license/without a helmet (the cops here are meticulous, but fair), etc. and the cost of insurance (required). About the baht to ruble exchange rate, read the link.

Minimum amount for Thai transport, if you are on a vacation package: 5,000 baht.

How much money to take for excursions

Excursions in Thailand are interesting and very colorful, but you have to pay for everything in this world. I have not yet met a single package tourist who did not attend numerous excursions. Excursion programs vary depending on the resort. For example, from Pattaya you can quite comfortably travel to Cambodia, and from Phuket to neighboring Malaysia. Read about

If you save a lot on excursions, you can organize them yourself. However, there are a number of excursions that everyone should visit, in Pattaya - this is the “Excursion to the River Kwai”, and in Phuket - “Similan Islands”. As a rule, visiting these excursions as part of an excursion group will be much cheaper and easier than organizing a similar trip on your own.

Minimum amount for excursions if you are on a vacation package: in Pattaya 2,500 baht per person (Excursion to the River Kwai), in Phuket 5,000 baht per person (Similan Islands). However, these expenses can be made before traveling to Thailand, so you will save some of your precious time at the resort.

How much money should you allocate for food?

How much money to take for food is a controversial and ambiguous issue. The first thing you should understand and accept is that high-quality and tasty food in Thailand is expensive. A simple example, the famous Thai Tom Yam soup costs on average 100 baht (about 200 rubles), I would not say that it is very cheap. In addition to standard tourist restaurants and cafes, there are luxury restaurants with Michelin stars and other attributes of status, where dinner can cost more than your ticket.

But let's return to the standard vacationer with his standard 14-day voucher. As a rule, in such cases, food costs about 1,000 baht per day (without alcohol and cigarettes), but it can be cheaper if you cook it yourself and buy food in supermarkets and markets (baggers practically don’t do this nonsense).

Minimum amount for food if you are on a vacation package: approximately 14,000 baht per person can be spent on food only (14 days of vacation * 1,000 baht).

How much money to take to Thailand for souvenirs and shopping

For me, buying souvenir magnets and fashionable crocodile shoes has long ceased to be relevant, but I can’t tell you how to resist if you see all this abundance of exotic things for the first time. I don’t dare talk about the need to buy up all the tourist trash in Thailand, but regularly Russian tourists flying out of this country pay for excess luggage - this is a fact.

What I strongly recommend that you buy in the form of souvenirs (so to speak), buy fresh fruit - this will be the best souvenir for your family and friends. A ripe, juicy Thai mango as a souvenir evokes more vivid emotions than a Chinese-Thai refrigerator magnet, I checked it a million times.

Minimum amount for Thai souvenirs if you are on a vacation package: my surveys of tourists revealed that the smallest amount that was spent on all sorts of nonsense was 3,000 baht.

How much money to take for alcohol, cigarettes and entertainment

High-quality alcohol and cigarettes in Thailand cost a decent amount, but what would a vacation be without alcohol, so every vacationer faces a dilemma: either try local unknown varieties, or overpay for familiar brands. A pack of Marlboros in Phuket costs around 100 baht, and imported beer is sold for 50 baht for a small 0.3 liter bottle.

The above prices apply only to shops; in restaurants and other entertainment venues their prices may vary greatly.

In tourist Thai cities there is entertainment for every taste and budget, from standard pub bars to trendy clubs with paid admission. You shouldn’t be fooled by free flyers and invitations that will be offered to you at every turn. Often, for free entry to a spicy show, you will be required to buy any drink from the menu (they will), and the price tag on the menu can start from 1,000 baht for a bottle of ordinary mineral water.

Coming to Thailand and not visiting a couple of dens with half-naked Thai women dancing on tables is blasphemy, so you should definitely allocate five thousand for such male entertainment.

Dancing of drunken, half-naked Thai women may not be of interest to everyone, but what I definitely recommend you to visit are local massage parlors, please do not confuse them with massage parlors for men, of which there are many in Thailand. A standard foot massage for an hour costs 300 baht, I can’t talk about its usefulness and healing properties (doctors write about it), but it relieves fatigue. Sometimes I go to similar salons twice a day, which I advise you to do as well.

Minimum amount for entertainment: according to the most conservative estimates, this is 5,000 baht per person for 14 days of vacation.

Minimum amount of money for a holiday in Thailand on a tour package

Let's summarize how much money to take if you are traveling on a 14-day tour; all the figures are very, very approximate and are designed for one tourist.

  • transport - 5,000 baht for renting a moped for all 14 days of vacation;
  • excursions - for Pattaya 2,500 baht per person, for Phuket 5,000 baht per person;
  • food - 14,000 baht per person, you will have a delicious dinner and lunch all 14 days of your vacation;
  • souvenirs - 3,000 baht is enough for gifts and other tourist tinsel that tourists bring home;
  • entertainment is the very essence of a holiday in Thailand, here you need to spend at least 5,000 baht, you shouldn’t skimp on it.

The total minimum amount of spending for a package tourist (14 days of vacation excluding the cost of the tour) is approximately as follows: for Phuket - 32,000 baht per person, for Pattaya - 29,500 baht per person.

How much money to take to Thailand when traveling independently

If you are traveling to Thailand on your own, then your expenses will be slightly different from those of tourists who vacation on a package tour, but many of the points from the above list will also be relevant for you. In this part of the post I will tell you about those financial aspects that differ from the usual expenses of a package tourist.

The main difference between an independent tourist and a package tourist is greater freedom and, as a rule, greater savings Money. A simple example: if a package tourist is accommodated in the most tourist place (does the package tourist have a choice?), then be prepared to spend a lot more money for the same fruits, which are much cheaper in a non-tourist place, and so on with everything else.

What do independent tourists spend money on in Thailand:

  • An air ticket is one of the important expenses when traveling on your own; take care to purchase it in advance;
  • insurance - it is advisable to have a good one health insurance with a large amount of coverage;
  • housing - the choice of housing is huge and every tourist can choose the right one for himself;
  • emergency reserve - it should be and preferably the more, the better.

How much money do you need for an air ticket?

With the advent of the Internet and modern convenient services for searching and purchasing air tickets, independent travel has become much easier and the cost has decreased significantly. Today you can monitor changes in prices for air tickets in real time and in any convenient place you just need to install the application on your phone (for iOS, for Android, for WindowsPhone) and compare current offers on many websites and so on, and besides, all this is almost automatic, you just need to subscribe to alerts about reduced prices on air tickets.

There are several tricks that will help you buy an air ticket even cheaper:

  • buy a plane ticket in advance - this way you can catch good price. For example, today (July 24, 2016) I found an air ticket from Moscow to Bangkok with a departure on December 7, 2016 for 13,667 rubles (I am attaching a screenshot), the probability of buying a ticket to Thailand for 13,667 rubles in December tends to zero;
  • subscribe to price updates - if you have enough time before your trip, be sure to subscribe to price updates and when the price drops you will receive an alert by email;
  • promotions and special fares for air tickets - sometimes there are very tasty prices, some of which are the result of marketing or ordinary sloppiness, don’t miss your chance ().

Read about all the tricks and features of hunting for cheap air tickets at this link and at this one, I told you the most best ways searching for air tickets, which I actively use myself.

Minimum amount for an air ticket to Thailand: as of today (July 24, 2016) I found it at a price of 13,667 rubles (7,400 baht) one way, but I’m sure that with a more thorough search you can find it cheaper.

How much money do you need for insurance in Thailand?

About the need to have good insurance It’s useless to talk, you just need to take this fact for granted. Why is it mandatory for all independent travelers to have insurance when visiting Thailand? There are several important points, now I’ll tell you about it.

Translated into human language, the essence of the law is clear and to some extent fair, now the state does not bear any responsibility if something happens to a Russian abroad and he does not have insurance policy.

What is also important to know when traveling independently in Thailand is that medicine here is very expensive and a simple fracture can be operated on for 1,000,000 baht or more. Regularly in in social networks I see posts raising funds for tourists who have been involved in moped accidents, as a rule, these are very young people and they are literally shocked by the amounts that are announced to them in local hospitals.

Minimum insurance amount for Thailand: Today (July 24, 2016) insurance can be purchased at a price of 2,889 rubles (1,560 baht) for a month per person from Liberty Insurance, but this is the simplest without driving a motorcycle and other important things.

How much money do you need for housing?

The variety of accommodation in Thailand is enormous, and every traveler can find acceptable living conditions. For example, in Phuket you can choose from more than 1,500 hotels and hotels on the island; prices are also different, from 100 baht per day for a bed, to $1,000 per day or more for a luxury villa on the seashore.

In the vast majority of cases, independent travelers choose cottages and apartments in condominiums, where rental prices are lower than in classic hotels. The cost of living is also strongly influenced by the location of the property and the proximity of the tourist season. You can rent a simple house for around 10,000 baht per month; when renting, it’s worth checking what expenses are included rent(water, electricity, garbage collection, internet, etc.) and which ones not.

Minimum amount for housing: a modest house far from the sea can be rented for 10,000 baht, but it all depends on the season.

How much money do you need for an emergency reserve?

The concept of NZ (emergency reserve) is very vague and everyone has the right to understand it in their own way, for some NZ is 100 dollars in the cover of a passport in case the bill at a restaurant turns out to be more than planned, for others it is a whole financial structure etc.

For every traveler, I would recommend having some kind of “safety cushion” in case of unforeseen circumstances that can happen to anyone. Practice has shown that $1,000 per person is quite enough, and it is important that this $1,000 be available to you at any time and preferably in different places. This could be a separate bank card (specifically a separate one, not the one you use every day), an agreement with family and friends that they will be able to transfer the required amount by money transfer, hiding places in your clothes, etc. For these purposes I use a credit card, which is my “safety bag”, since in ordinary life it is not even activated.

In what situations should you resort to emergency reserve (emergency supply)? There can be many cases (you were robbed, the bank blocked your card, etc.), but it is important to understand that these funds should help you return home, i.e. they should be enough for a plane ticket.

Minimum amount of NZ: approximately $1,000 per person (35,000 baht).

Let’s summarize how much money to take to Thailand if you are traveling on your own; all the figures indicated are very, very approximate and are designed for one traveler. I will give all the calculations for half a month (so that you can compare them with the expenses of a package tourist) and for a month.

  • air ticket - as I wrote earlier, a one-way air ticket can be bought for 13,667 rubles (7,400 baht), i.e. our expenses are 13,667 rubles (7,400 baht) * 2 (return ticket) = 27,337 rubles (14,800 baht);
  • transport - 5,000 baht for renting a moped for all 14 days of vacation; if you rent a bike for a month, then the rental amount can be the same as for half a month for a daily rental;
  • insurance - minimum insurance for a month from Liberty Insurance costs about 2,889 rubles (1,560 baht);
  • housing - renting a simple house in Phuket will cost about 10,000 baht per month;
  • excursions - for Pattaya 2,500 baht per person, for Phuket 5,000 baht per person, as a rule, independent travelers organize excursions for themselves, but they also require money;
  • food - 14,000 baht per person you will be allowed to have a delicious dinner and lunch all 14 days of your vacation, if you rented a house with a kitchen, then you can spend less on food per month than package tourists for half a month;
  • souvenirs - 3,000 baht is quite enough for gifts and other tourist trinkets that tourists take home; as a rule, independent travelers do not buy them;
  • entertainment is the very essence of a holiday in Thailand, here you need to spend at least 5,000 baht, it all depends on personal preferences and hobbies, but you can spend 5,000 baht;
  • emergency reserve - $1,000 per person (35,000 baht).

The total amount spent by an independent traveler (for 14 days) in Thailand is approximately as follows:

  • for Phuket - 77,600 baht per person (air ticket 14,800 baht + transport 5,000 baht + insurance 800 baht + housing 5,000 baht + excursions 5,000 baht + food 7,000 baht + souvenirs 0 baht + entertainment 5,000 baht + NZ 35,000 baht);
  • for Pattaya - 75,100 baht per person (air ticket 14,800 baht + transport 5,000 baht + insurance 800 baht + housing 5,000 baht + excursions 2,500 baht + food 7,000 baht + souvenirs 0 baht + entertainment 5,000 baht + NZ 35,000 baht).

The total amount spent by an independent traveler (per month) in Thailand is approximately as follows:

  • for Phuket - 89,560 baht per person (air ticket 14,800 baht + transport 5,000 baht + insurance 1,560 baht + housing 10,000 baht + excursions 5,000 baht + food 14,000 baht + souvenirs 0 baht + entertainment 5,000 baht + NZ 35 000 baht);
  • for Pattaya - 87,060 baht per person (air ticket 14,800 baht + transport 5,000 baht + insurance 1,560 baht + housing 10,000 baht + excursions 2,500 baht + food 14,000 baht + souvenirs 0 baht + entertainment 5,000 baht + NZ 35 000 baht).

What currency to travel to Thailand with?

What currency to travel with is the very first question asked by tourists who have purchased tours to resorts in Thailand. To be brief, the only correct answer will be something like this: bring anything, but not rubles. Now I will explain in detail my position on the currency issue.

A little earlier, I wrote an article in which I described in detail all the features of currencies and their relationship to the Thai baht. I will try to briefly talk about the dollar, euro, ruble and their relationship to the baht.

Dollar in Thailand

They will exchange dollars for you everywhere, but in some places they may find fault with old bills (they may not accept dollars older than 1996). When exchanging dollars into baht, there is a rate for different denominations of dollars, the most unfavorable for 1 dollar bills, the most profitable for 100 dollar bills.

Euro in Thailand

The euro in Thailand feels even better than the dollar, they don’t find fault with old banknotes (however, such banknotes do not exist in nature), they change the euro everywhere.

Ruble in Thailand

The ruble is not considered a currency as such, however, most Russian export companies treat the ruble the same way and sell Russia’s wealth exclusively for dollars and euros.

The ruble can be exchanged in Thailand, but at a very unfavorable rate. The value of the ruble for Thais is on the same level as Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian bunnies, Kyrgyz soms and other Zimbabwean dollars. Unfortunately, the ruble should be used exclusively as Russia’s internal currency; this state of affairs can only be understood and forgiven. :)

How to bring money to Thailand

There are several standard ways to bring money and use it in Thailand; we’ll talk about the most popular ones in this part of the post.

Bank cards

The most convenient and safest way to store and transport money is a bank card, and for reliability you should have several bank cards. How to choose a bank card that is profitable for travel, read the link.

To avoid blocking your card by the bank, before your trip, inform us that you are going to Thailand. Some banks still practice blocking cards if money is withdrawn from Southeast Asian countries, which are considered very unreliable. How to secure your bank card, read the link.

There are several nuances when withdrawing money from a bank card in Thailand:

foreign currency account - it is advisable to have a foreign currency account, otherwise you will lose on double conversion, your rubles will be converted into foreign currency Visa systems or Master (and here the ruble is out of place), and then dollars or euros are converted into baht;
commission - when withdrawing cash, you will be charged several commissions, your bank (approximately 1 - 2% of the amount) + Thai ATM commission (100 - 200 baht);
limit on cash withdrawals - a Thai ATM will allow you to withdraw no more than 20,000 baht at a time, sometimes this is not convenient.

Cash currency

If you are bringing dollars or euros, then when exchanging for baht there are no commissions or restrictions, which is very profitable. How to choose a currency for a trip abroad, read the link.

Cash in your pocket is a big risk of “losing” it without any possibility of getting it back.

Cash currency and bank cards

The best way to minimize the risk of losing money in Thailand is to correctly divide the amount allocated for vacation and place it on several accounts (several bank cards) plus part of the amount should be brought to cash currency. My selection of bank cards for travel, read the link.

Have a nice holiday.

Updated 02/08/2020 Views 144675 Comments 15

I've been to Thailand many times already. Both as a winterer with a long stay, and as an ordinary tourist who comes to the resort for a couple of weeks, lives in a normal hotel, goes to restaurants, etc. Therefore, I can perfectly imagine how much a vacation costs for a person who goes on vacation. I'll talk about this below.

How much money to take to Thailand

Renting a scooter (bike) costs about 200-400 baht per day for a Honda Click 125i (if you take a large scooter, such as the Honda PCX 150, it will be more expensive). The scooter is rented right on the spot, sometimes it even makes sense to rent it at your hotel if they offer such a service.

Excursions and entertainment

Prices for excursions in Thailand start from 300 baht for a simple transfer to the zoo or the beach and back, and more serious ones, with a guide, from 600 baht. Excursions for 1-2 days cost from 1500-3000 baht and above, depending on the program. Excursions to the islands, boat trips, prices start from 1,500 baht. Prices for excursions and reviews can be found at, very convenient service.

Rent a motor boat (speedboat) with a driver - from 3,000 baht per day for a small boat to 6,000 for a large one. Ride a jet ski - from 300 baht for 10 minutes.

Prices for visiting water parks in Thailand start from about 1,200 baht.

Entrance to museums depends on the popularity of the place, from several tens of baht for provincial attractions to 300-500 baht for places known and visited by foreigners. Entrance to the national park usually costs 200 baht.

How much you will ride at such events depends only on you.

Shopping and entertainment

This is a separate article from the question, since there will always be an opportunity to spend money, if you have it. For some, just relaxing on the beach is enough, while others cannot imagine a vacation without bars, discos and spicy entertainment.

If we talk separately about bars, they are also very different. For example, a bottle of beer may cost 80 baht in one place, while in another place a glass of cocktail will cost you 300 baht.

There are enough shopping centers in Thailand where you can leave decent amounts for well-known and not so well-known brands. So shopping and purchases will cost you exactly as much as you are willing to spend on them.

Summary - so how much to take

Based on the numbers above, you yourself can now estimate your budget per day or per week. But, if you really don’t want to count anything, then I’ll try to say it differently.

The minimum amount WITHOUT HOTEL that most people will need to spend a day's holiday in Thailand is 1500-3000 baht per person (3,047-6,094 rubles) or $50-100.

That is, this is the amount that you need to take with you to pocket money. For a week it will cost 350-700$, for 10 days 500-1000$.

Of course, this is again approximately. But based on my experience, the experience of friends, and various advice on the forum, it seems to me that this particular figure will suit the majority as a guide.

In any case, how much money to take to Thailand is up to you, and no one can say for sure whether you have enough or not. You can spend either $10 a day or $1000, it all depends on you, your needs and the format of your vacation.

P.S. You might be interested in when you come for 1-3 months and spend as much time relaxing as you live on your own ordinary life. Painted from personal experience wintering in Phuket and Koh Samui.

Life hack #1 - how to buy good insurance

Choosing insurance now is incredibly difficult, so to help all travelers. To do this, I constantly monitor forums and study insurance contracts I also use insurance myself.

In Thailand, it's time to think about how much money you will need for a comfortable holiday.

Have you thought about how much money to take with you on a trip to Thailand? That's right, the question is not simple, so it should be seriously thought about. No one wants to be left without a livelihood in the midst of a vacation or count every penny, denying themselves the purchase of souvenirs or visiting an excursion. To avoid ending up in any of these situations, your travel budget should be calculated carefully and in every detail.

What are the prices in Thailand?

Depending on which tourists plan to visit, you can start calculating the tourist budget. There are places that are quite expensive, such as Phuket and Samui, there are places that are average in terms of prices and quality of service - Hua Hin, and there are the most affordable and cheap ones, including Chang, Samet and Pattaya. Each of these resorts is attractive in its own way; everywhere you can have a quality rest, the only difference is how much the guest is willing to spend his own finances.

Cost of food

Food can safely be called the most important source of costs that await a tourist in Thailand. Of course, visiting inexpensive cafes or even eating at a hotel can help save money, but buying local fruits and tasting traditional dishes still cannot be avoided. So, for example, dinner in a picturesque place (of which there are plenty in any resort town in the country) will cost no less than 300-500 baht (7-11 euros), a higher-class establishment has prices in the region of 700-1500 baht (16-35 euros ) and higher.

Money for travel expenses

Public transport in Thailand is quite inexpensive for guests of the country, so they use it actively. A ride in a minibus around the city at most resorts costs from 10-20 to 40 baht, a trip in a regular taxi will cost 100-300 baht. More expensive resort places dictate other prices - up to 100 baht for a minibus and up to 500 baht for a taxi.

Costs for souvenirs

If guests bring clothes and shoes as souvenirs, then they made right choice. Here you can buy items from world brands at prices that are quite European. As for the products of local craftsmen, the goods they produce are quite cheap - T-shirts sell for up to 100 baht (2-3 euros), shoes - from 700 baht (16 euros), and for any item you can, with a fair amount of haggling, reduce the price.

total amount

According to experienced tourists, a holiday in this country - even taking into account visiting the most elite resorts - is not an expensive pleasure. You won’t need to take more than 2,000 euros to Thailand, and this money includes a lot of exquisite pleasures, such as visiting a variety of excursions and relaxing in local spa centers.

What money to take to Thailand

Any trip always comes down to calculating the budget for it. The quality of your vacation and the impressions received during it will depend on the correct determination of the amount of resources. But it is also very important to determine what money to take with you to Thailand.

A favorite and long-proven option is cash. However, there is one caveat: if the visit is short-term, then there is no need to worry. But if a person intends to stay in an Asian country for a long time (a month or more), then he needs to take with him a heavy bag of banknotes. Besides the fact that this may attract the attention of burglars, it is worth noting that in Thailand there are no special places for storing valuables. Hotel rooms, of course, are equipped with a safe, but, as experts say, it looks like an ordinary box, locked with the same key. Leaving money and jewelry at the reception is also not safe, but safe deposit boxes There is always a long queue, booked several months in advance. Conclusion: taking only cash with you on a trip is not the best idea.

Which currency is preferable? Both US dollars and euros will do - they can be exchanged anywhere without any problems. Also any bank will accept Australian dollar, Japanese yen. Some resorts also accept Russian rubles(Pattaya, Bangkok), but experienced travelers note that the exchange rate for such an exchange is extremely unfavorable.

Traveler's checks are especially popular in Thailand. You can buy them at home at any bank, and upon arrival at a hot resort they can be profitably exchanged for local currency. Cash checks at a special exchanger or bank branch, charging a small commission for this. The advantage of storing money this way is that in case of theft (or loss), the owner can restore the check, and the robber will not use it: you need a passport and the signature of the person who bought it.

Plastic cards are a reliable and convenient option. The issue of currency is not so acute: if a person receives money in rubles, then such a card is quite suitable for a guest in Thailand. A dollar card is beneficial if you have one and the income comes from American currency. You need to be careful with a card with a euro account: you should find out how the conversion takes place: if the euro is transferred to the dollar, and then to the baht, then it is better to refuse this option. Therefore, there is no need to open a currency card for travel, since you can also use a ruble one. It’s better to open an account in a Thai bank (beneficial for those who visit the country often and for a long time).

I (Christina Endless) and my boyfriend Stanislav are living on Koh Samui (Thailand) for the second time.

Me and Stas on the beach in Thailand (January)

At the time of writing, we have been living on the island for 3 months.

In this article I will tell you how much money you will need for two to live in Thailand for a month, for 2 weeks and for a week.

First, I will tell you how much and where we spent money for each expense item, and at the end I will sum up all the costs and get a clear result of how much money will be needed in Thailand.



Renting a Honda Click motorbike costs us 3,000 baht/month, taking into account that we rent it for 3 months in a row in one office.

Our Honda motorbike (right) in Thailand

On average, renting a Honda Click motorbike for a month costs from 3,500 baht.

When choosing a motorbike, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the tires so that they are not worn out, in order to avoid future tragedies due to unsuccessful braking.

Of course, it is important to check the motorbike before renting it for a long time.

Usually a photocopy of a foreign passport or a cash deposit is enough to reach an agreement with the bike renter.

1 liter of gasoline per o. Samui, at gas stations it costs an average of 27 baht. If you buy gasoline in glass bottles from locals, then 40 baht.


In the left hand is a yellow purchased mango, and on the right side is a mango that we collect near the house


Most often we eat at home, buying food at morning and evening markets and in large supermarkets like Tesco Lotus or Big C.

Also, opposite our rented house, you can buy the following fruits from the Thais:

  1. Papaya~ 10 baht/kg;
  2. Bananas ~ 20 baht for a large bundle ;
  3. Open coconut ~ 15 baht ;
  4. Local small mango~ 20 baht/kg .

Cafes, restaurants and fairs

About once every 2 days we ate in cafes, restaurants and fairs.

Green curry with rice

Prices for dishes in Thailand are approximately as follows:

  1. Tom Yum soup ~ 60 baht;
  2. French fries with ketchup ~ 60 baht;
  3. Green curry + rice ~ 80 baht;
  4. Fruit fresh juice ~ 60 baht;
  5. Pad Thai (local shrimp noodles)~ 70 baht;
  6. Ice cream portion ~ 80 baht;
  7. Deep-fried shrimp (4 pcs.) ~ 60 baht;
  8. Glass of cappuccino in coffee shops ~ 80 baht ;
  9. Raw green soup ~ 100 baht;
  10. Raw coconut sweets ~ 40 baht/piece etc.

House rent

We rent a house for 10,000 baht/month + pay separately for electricity (about 350 baht/month).

Our main room of the house (hall)

The house has everything you need for life:

  1. Large kitchen with cooking and eating equipment, microwave, kettle, gas stove, trash can;
  2. Large room with large table and chairs, two fans, a lamp, a sofa and a wardrobe (we even had friends from Russia fly to us twice and we placed them in the hall);
  3. Bathroom with toilet, shower, mirror, shelves for cosmetics and household chemicals;
  4. Bedroom with air conditioning, fan, bed, TV (which we don’t watch), nightstand
  5. Balcony overlooking palm trees, with a table, chairs...neighbor's cats included))

Our kitchen in Thailand, where culinary creations happen

Get travel health insurance

Entertainment or additional expenses

Additional expenses may include:

  1. Thai massage ( from 300 baht );
  2. Sauna ( from 300 baht);
  3. Excursions ( from 500 baht);
  4. Gasoline ( 27 baht/liter);
  5. Salon ( from 200 baht for a men's haircut);
  6. Attending paid courses, lectures, master classes ( from 500 baht);
  7. Additional household items (music speakers, yoga mat, towels, stationery, blender, garbage bags, etc.);
  8. New clothes ( from 150 baht per T-shirt );
  9. Cinema ( from 120 baht/person. per viewing of one film);
  10. Washing things ( from 30 baht for one load in the washing machine), etc.

Total expenses in Thailand

How much money do you need for a month (30 days) in Thailand?

I'm on Maenam beach in Thailand

The exchange rate of 1 ruble to 1 Thai baht is now 2:1.

I counted all our expenses and in a month (30 days) it turned out that we spend 30,000 baht for two including house rental.

More exact amount You will find out your future expenses in Thailand if you sum up your current expenses in your hometown/month, and add to them the cost of renting a house in Thailand/month. and add 15-25% on top of these amounts... it will be.

How much money will you need to live in Thailand for 2 weeks?

The exchange rate of 1 ruble to 1 Thai baht is now 2:1.

In the first days, when you arrive in Thailand on vacation, you spend the most money due to additional purchases of everything you need for the house, the beach, and for yourself.

Also, before departure, many people buy souvenirs and a considerable part of the budget is spent on this.

Plus, if you rent a house and a motorbike for 2 weeks, it will cost a little more than if you rented for a month.

Therefore, to 15,000 baht, which we pay for 2 weeks of living in Thailand (for two), we should add the amount of additional expenses for the first days and additional souvenirs + 2,000 baht + 500 baht surcharge for a motorbike (approximately) + 4,000 baht for housing (approximately).

Average, from 20,000 baht expenses for two for 2 weeks traveling in Thailand you will surely experience.

Airplane landing in Thailand

I would like to note that if you are used to saving on restaurants, additional amenities in the form of purchasing things, cosmetics and souvenirs in stores, massages, and excursions, then you can subtract a little from total amount, which we got ( ~about 5,000 baht ).

For budget option accommodation in Thailand for 2 weeks (for two) can cost 15,000 baht.

And if you are used to living in improved comfort, which is what we live in, and not wasting time on cooking at home and living in European houses, then you should add more to the amount ~ 10,000 baht .

With a comfortable accommodation option in Thailand, the price tag can be from 30,000 baht (for two).

How much money will you need for 1 week of living in Thailand?

Everything is simpler here.

To the amount of expenses for the week 7,500 baht (of the total amount for the month 30,000 baht), we will add the 4,000 baht calculated above for additional expenses in the first days + 500 baht (estimated surcharge for a motorbike) + 4,000 baht for housing (approximately) ~ 16,000 baht.

Eventually: from 16,000 baht for two will be your weekly expenses in Thailand (not counting the cost of air tickets and transport costs to Thailand).


Thus, traveling to Thailand for a period of at least a month will have a beneficial effect on your wallet.

The more days you stay in Thailand, the cheaper your daily stay on the island will cost.

I wish you a happy journey to this fabulous country!

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments below!