What is pocket money called? How to teach the rules of pocket spending to children? Money loves an account

Children from an early age come into contact with stories that are related to money. These are observations of how adults make purchases, how they pay for entertainment and discuss their income. On TV and on the Internet, among friends at school, they are constantly confronted with all sorts of information about money. How successfully children will handle money in the future depends directly on financial upbringing and education in childhood. The first money and pocket expenses will determine the main bookmark in the art of handling money in adulthood.

The first money games.

The first stage of children's acquaintance with money occurs during games that replicate commodity-money situations; game in the store, family, where dad brings a salary. As adults, children tend to get addicted to the strategy of getting rich in games like Monopoly.
You can start teaching your baby how to manage money only when he wants to. If the child’s money issues are not yet of interest, you should not force him with conversations and influence, it means that the moment has not yet come, postpone education for later. For example, some children at the age of 7 can tear up money, which will cause concern to their parents, and at 11, having changed dramatically, they will begin to scrupulously save and save. Knowledge about finances must necessarily come to a child with a neutral tint, without the negative experience that parents may have encountered. Give your heir the opportunity to receive the thesis, basic information about and their role in relations between people.

First money and pocket money, as an introduction to budget management.

When is pocket money?

Then when your child is trained to use money on their own. Gradually and carefully, at first, instill in the baby elementary knowledge about what money is and about opportunities:

1. Receiving money, the source for him so far are parents, relatives, gifts and maybe finds. If you are selling his children's toys or furniture, tell the child about it and give out part of the amount as a reward.

2. Keeping money. Your wallet, piggy bank, long-term savings box.

3. Use. Give your child early money for quick needs, such as where the time factor between receiving and spending will be fairly short. Let the baby get used to managing finances gradually. For example, when you plan to make a purchase in a store, give the child money before leaving the house and let him pay for it at the checkout. Walking around the mall, play with him, let him remember how much money he has and compare prices for goods similar to the planned waste.

For how long to issue pocket money and how much?

At first, when the child is at school and it becomes necessary to buy lunches, give him money daily. Subsequently, increase the amount of payments to a week.
Include in it, in addition to the mandatory expenses for school lunches, a 20% allowance, in order to teach your child to plan. A weekly issuance of pocket funds can be timed to coincide with the first smartphone in a child's life. As a useful bonus, install a free or advanced financial management program on his phone. Usually for the humble financial transactions the baby is enough and the free version. This will allow the child to visually monitor the movement of money, increase personal capital, will also teach you how to set your first long-term financial goals and achieve them.

First capital.

Teach your child to accumulate surplus, this is the percentage of the allowance that you have taken into account in pocket money. A child can spend part of them on entertainment, while trying to gently show by example, teaching patience that if he does not buy bars every day, then in two weeks an amount will accumulate that will allow him to spend unforgettable time in the entertainment center. And save the rest in your financial well-being fund, or whatever you want, call it. The financial management program will help track and encourage the baby to spend less in order to reduce the accumulation period.

The art of managing the first money.

The need to have personal money allows the heir to learn responsibility and independence. The kid can spend the money saved and received as a gift as he wants. Don't interfere harshly, just watch. In the beginning, of course, there will be some mistakes, do not pay attention to them. special attention, calmly discuss the situation with the child and invite him to find a way out of it himself.

When refusing to buy something for a child, make it clear that he will receive it, but not necessarily immediately. Don't tell your child anything that means "never" and "no money." For example, going on vacation, discuss with the baby how much money and what you are going to allocate to him and give a separate amount. Always remember that your care, gentleness, attention and patience will definitely bear fruit in the future. Good luck to you and your family.

While the child is small, all his needs are provided by the parents. Often the baby does not even suspect that all his whims are worth something - he only needs to point his finger, and the desired is immediately bought. And the point here is not in the income of mom and dad, but in their attitude towards their beloved child. The toys are only enough for one evening, and tomorrow - a new “I want”. Pocket money - pros and cons?

Pocket money

Having become accustomed to this kind of attitude, the child does not even later understand how much he can demand from his parents to fulfill his whims.

And desires are becoming more serious, and now to replace soap bubbles and turntables receive demands to buy a Barbie doll, Spider-Man, then - all sorts of fashionable school accessories, a cell phone "like Lyonka" and so on.

Suddenly, the moment comes when the requirements come up against a categorical “no”. Further - scandal and misunderstanding. And why? Because the kid from childhood is not used to appreciating finances, which means that he does not understand where and how much you can spend.

Refuse baby in acquisition "disposable" toys can and even need. Already at the age of three, the child will understand if it is explained to him that this whim can cost him a ride on two rides in the park. Let him choose for himself - what is more important in this moment! The child will not be offended - he will just think about what he really needs.

It's time personal money The child comes at age 6. It was at this time that relatives sometimes begin to give not toys, but money for a birthday or other holiday. Then proceeds from the "tooth fairy" begin. At the disposal of the child appears quite decent amount that can be spent...

And now it starts hard work to explain where you can spend your pocket money. It is worth immediately specifying which of their desires the child can satisfy on their own.

For example, buy a souvenir at sea, take extra money on a trip with a class to buy ice cream or toys there, or just treat yourself to something pleasant on a walk with the whole family.

It is important to teach the child to evaluate whether he really needs what he wants to buy, especially if the thing is expensive. It is immediately necessary to explain that new income may not come soon, which means that funds must be managed carefully and smartly.

Finally, the child begins to receive pocket money from the age of 13-14. Gradually need Teach teenagers how to manage finances wisely for all existing needs.

Now he himself can save money for food in the school cafeteria, buy the necessary hygiene products for personal use, and even such intimate items as underwear, socks and tights. I.e pocket money- is not financial resources for entertainment only, this is the amount allocated by the parents for the maintenance of the child and given to him for reasonable use.

Of course, everything will not work out right away, and you will have to jointly distribute money several times, planning how much you need to set aside for each expense item. That's why better to start with issuing pocket money for 2-3 days, gradually increasing the period of independence up to two weeks.

In high school, the child receives his finances once a month - just like the parents. The rule then says: if you didn’t have enough money until the next “pay” - these are your problems (but cellular telephone should always be within reach!).

Probably, if every adult went through a similar school of proper money management as a child, there would hardly be student situations when only pasta remains from food a week before the scholarship, and cash are only the amount needed to travel home.

And how many young families suffer from the inability to spend money - this is one of the main reasons for the breakdown of many marriages! Hence the conclusion: pocket money is serious. You may be interested in an article on such an important issue - ?

As a child, I was friends with one boy. He did not have a dad, and his mother worked two jobs to put her son on his feet. Yura from the age of five went to Kindergarten and came home, one went to the store for bread, and in the evening met my mother from work. From each salary, mother gave Yura a certain amount of money, for which he had to buy bread and milk for a whole month. Yura kept the change left at the end of the month for pocket expenses. His peers (including me) were very jealous of him, because he can do anything and no one will scold him. In addition, Yura always had personal money (despite the fact that his mother received very little). And our parents whispered, looking at Yura: "Who will grow out of him? The child is completely abandoned. Why does his mother give him money?" Everyone expected that Yura was about to go down a crooked path: he would start drinking, smoking and stop studying, but nothing like that happened, rather, on the contrary. Yura grew up, graduated with honors from the institute, and now he has his own business (and a very prosperous one at that). He doesn't smoke (why waste money on poison?) and only drinks on holidays. And Yura spent his first earned money not on entertainment (as we did), but on a gift for his mother and English courses. Now, looking at Yuri, I think that in many ways his achievements are the merit of his mother, who taught the child in time to independence, the ability to plan expenses and did not follow him around. Of course, earlier times were calmer. Yes, and we did not live in Moscow, but in a quiet town near Moscow, where everyone knew each other. But, in spite of everything, it is still necessary to teach a child to plan his expenses, but when and how to do it?

Money loves an account

To give or not to give a child money? If given, at what age and in what quantity? These questions concern almost all parents. According to child psychologists, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to give money to a child, it is only necessary to take into account a few important points to get the most out of it. The first question is: how to give money to a child? There are several different ways here. Some give children money from time to time, according to their mood. For example, when dad came home a little tipsy and he wants to make everyone around him happy. For a long time I could not understand why my neighbor's son gets upset if dad comes home from work sober. It turned out that the neighbor, only being in a drunken stupor, always gives the child money (and then he can never remember how much he gave). The boy, not yet able to count properly, had already learned to use weakness. But pocket money thus obtained is of little use. In this case, the child is unlikely to learn to value money and plan his budget, since it is completely unknown when the next installment will be and in what amount. In addition, it is highly likely that the child will connect two concepts: if he drank, there will be money. According to the organization of anonymous alcoholics, children whom parents indulge, only being "under a degree", having matured, often cannot do without doping (alcohol, drugs).

Another way to allocate out of pocket expenses is a reward system. "Since I give the child money, then for something, and not just like that." That is, the parents pay the child for good behavior, grades or housework. In this case, there is a risk that the child will no longer behave well, study or help with the housework for free. If you pay a child a certain amount for washing dishes or cleaning toys, then he will no longer agree to do this work for free. Of course, it is necessary to encourage, but you should know the measure and do it only in special cases. For example, each family member has certain duties (cleaning his room, taking out the trash, studying, etc.) that he must perform for free. But if you ask a child to do something that is not part of his duties (to remove his brother's things) - then he can be rewarded in monetary terms for this.

The third option for allocating pocket expenses (the most successful) is to regularly, for example, on payday, give the baby a certain amount. Then the child, firstly, will learn to plan his expenses, as he will clearly know when the next installment will be. And secondly, the baby will understand that money is given to parents for a reason, but for hard work. Personally, for a long time I was sure that money is taken from the box, and my parents go to work just like that (I go to kindergarten, and they go to work). And when my parents explained that they had no money, I persistently suggested that they look into the box. I still remember my disappointment from contemplating an empty box ... Naturally, you can’t give the child the last. It all depends on your income. The amount must match the family income. For example, in the West it is customary to allocate 10% of pocket expenses to minor children. net income family, that is, from what remains after paying all utilities and insurance. This decision seems quite logical to me.

Better sooner than later

At what age can you give money to a child? There is no single answer to this question. Some children, even at 3-4 years old, can plan their purchases on their own and do not need the constant attention of their parents. And others, even at 10 years old, are not able to calculate how many chocolates you can buy for twenty rubles. Much depends on the character and temperament of the child. But if you are not going to support your child until retirement, it is necessary to give him a taste of personal money in a timely manner. Of course, it’s not easy to decide on this, but anyway, the moment will soon come when you have to let the grown-up child out from under your wing (at least to the store), and the sooner this happens, the better. According to psychologists, the optimal age for accustoming to pocket spending is 5-6 years. Firstly, at this age the child already has an idea of ​​what is possible and what is not, and guesses the consequences. He is unlikely to spend the entire amount on ice cream just because his mother usually buys him only one glass. On the other hand, at the age of 6, a child still has enough childish interests and does not have a desire to spend his money on a forbidden fruit (for example, on cigarettes). "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is much more attractive and interesting." Secondly, this is a good workout before school. It is with the help of personal money that a child will quickly learn to count in his mind. And thirdly, the sooner the child learns the value of money, the more carefully he will treat them in the future.

Many parents believe that their five-, six-, seven-year-old child will not be able to put money to good use. "The child is still too young, he will either lose money or spend it on some nonsense." In fact, the readiness to own finances does not appear suddenly, it is created in the children themselves. And if it is not developed, it may not manifest itself by the age of twenty or thirty. First of all, stop being nervous. Until you believe that the child has grown and become quite an adult, he will not learn how to spend money on his own. It is believed that the sooner a child has his own money, the more useful they are. You will see, the result will exceed even your wildest expectations.

One of my young mothers I know is tired of the endless requests of her three-year-old daughter for ice cream, sweets and chewing gum. Once again received child allowance(for which, unfortunately, practically nothing can be bought), she gave it entirely to her daughter and said that it was for a whole month. What is most surprising is that at first the girl spent the entire amount on sweets. And now, a year later, she is saving up for "serious" things - clothes for dolls and hairpins for herself.

Where does the money go?

Often parents are afraid that money will bring harm: after all, having a certain amount at their disposal, a child can acquire something that was not allowed to him before. Of course, the first time it is better to control the costs. But this must be done carefully. To begin with, give the child maximum freedom in your presence. For example, if you want to buy a toy for your little one, allocate to him the amount that you were going to spend, and let the child make his own choice. Your task is to help the child make oral mathematical calculations in order to understand what he has enough money for and what he does not. And refrain from commenting if, instead of developing a designer, he buys ten cars and a hundred and first boomerang. The child must understand that this is his personal money and he can spend it on anything.

If the child went to the store on his own, do not immediately rush to check what he spent the money on. Better calmly ask him what he bought himself. Even if you notice that the baby tells you, to put it mildly, "not everything" and tries to hide the bulk of his purchases, do not bring him to clean water. Perhaps the child is afraid of your anger or, conversely, wants to surprise you. Pretend you believe him. By the way, if a child is not afraid to show you his purchases or even asks for advice, then he really trusts you. Even if his purchases seem stupid and unnecessary to you, refrain from caustic comments. Agree, you, too, sometimes make absolutely meaningless purchases. The ability to spend money (like any other skill) comes with experience. Only having bought twenty-five soldiers, the child will understand that he does not need them at all in such a quantity, and will stop spending his income on them. Try to show maximum patience and tact. Often, children, having received their own money for the first time, spend it on all sorts of nonsense, not because they really want it, but to test the reaction of their parents. "This is my money and if I buy a lot of chocolate with it, my mother won't tell me anything! Or will she?" If you do not swear strongly, the child will quickly get bored in this way to test parental patience. Well, if you give your child money and at the same time indicate what to spend it on, such money is worthless. In this case, out of pocket expenses will not be of any use.

Once again about the benefits of money

  • The kid will quickly learn to count, as well as add and subtract. The brain, like muscles, needs constant training, and it is mental counting from early childhood that contributes to the active development of mental abilities.
  • The child will learn to plan his budget and live from paycheck to paycheck, which not all adults can do.
  • The child will understand that money is given to parents with difficulty, and will learn to appreciate it.
  • The kid will understand that not everything in the world can be bought.
  • Having learned the price of things, he will become more frugal and accurate. If earlier, having spoiled a toy, he knew that he could always beg a new one from his parents, now the child understands that he will have to buy a new toy with his own money.
  • The child will understand that you trust him and therefore do not require a purchase report.
  • You will finally find out what the child is really interested in.

Safety regulations

And finally, some safety precautions. Be sure to explain to your child that money is not only an opportunity to buy the right things, but also some danger. The child must clearly learn that one must be very careful with money. Here are some of the most common "don'ts". You may add a few of your requirements to this list.

  • You can not show your money to outsiders (including peers).
  • You can not borrow from other people's uncles and aunts.
  • You cannot give your money to strangers if they promise to give it back (I forgot my wallet at home, come with me, I will return the money to you).
  • You can not leave your money in the pockets of your clothes (in the locker room).
  • You can not carry all your savings with you (you can lose it).
  • If someone threatens the child and demands money (and other valuables), they must be given without resistance. Life is priceless.

Comment on the article "Pocket expenses"

Oh come on! If everything was so simple, then the problem would not exist! How many people I know, it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions that if they gave money, then they know how to plan expenses, if they didn’t, it means that they will grow, there will be a spender. All wrong. This problem does not lie only in the plane “to give or not to give”, it is much broader: how parents themselves relate to money (for example, they give it out on a whim); whether there is a cult of money or material well-being in the family (as an expression of the possession of a large amount of money); Much depends on the financial situation of the family and, of course, on the nature of the child. I think that many have come across families where two children were raised by the same parents, and as a result, one is a spender, the other is Plyushkin. You can just as well learn to count in your head by playing Monopoly. In short, IMHO, a person's attitude to money is the same individual trait as, for example, love of order. And God forbid, 25 percent depends on upbringing here. Thank you for the “Safety Rules”, very clearly and correctly. I will give it to my children.

2003-10-17 17.10.2003 14:22:55, osik 2004-03-25 25.03.2004 01:32:38, Larisa

My daughter will soon be 9. It seems to me that if a child is just given money, he will not value it as much as earned money. After all, they are not given to parents for nothing. advise. What do I need to do for this?" She offered me help around the house, but I shamed her and she agreed with me. Then we decided that she would practice reading Russian and writing every day, and I told her for it I give a certain amount (not much, but every time after the work done). The fact is that we live in America and children read and even speak Russian reluctantly, we have to somehow encourage them. She spent part of the money she earned on a gift for his brother's birthday, and continues to save the rest. Sometimes, when we go to the store, he takes them with him, but does not dare to spend.

2004-03-25 25.03.2004 01:32:15, Larisa

I began to give my pocket money since September. He is a 7.5 year old sophomore. 10r/working day, 5/r. day off. while officially grandparents buy chewing gum, sweets, lollipops and puffed rice. Rebecca is forbidden to spend this money on chips (he is not allowed) and gambling. As a result, in 2 months I collected 260 rubles, there is no problem in the BUY store!!! he has money and is now thinking of buying gum or collecting for a new Bionicle. he plans what and when he will buy, how much he will collect and when he is even going to make small prizes for his friends. I was very worried when I started, but now I’m happy, I was afraid he would let everything down, and he began to think, to appreciate his capabilities and the need for acquisition.

2003-10-21 21.10.2003 13:24:49,

Yes, it is more difficult in practice. I give money to my 9-year-old son, probably 50 rubles a week. He takes the bus home or to class 2-3 times a week. So this is his way of saving. Don't ride buses. And don’t pay on the bus - he met the conductors and they don’t take money from him (he’s small for his height, but still doesn’t pull on a preschooler). On the one hand, I think you have to pay. And on the other hand, if you always wait for the bus like that, you can freeze completely or be late for English. While my admonitions do not help :(

2003-10-19 19.10.2003 23:03:30,

We give from 5 years. First every day, then once a week, now he asked to give him 1 time per month (more amount is obtained). He buys what he wants, we only allow ourselves to advise on something (for example, on the quality of the goods). He often bought sweets for my dad and me :) Now he saves for toys, we have completely disappeared the problem of begging for another typewriter or some other "nonsense" :)

2003-10-24 24.10.2003 09:49:24,

Horoshaya stat "ya. Podrastet det" nemnogo, stanem probovat "sovety. Hot" umenie tratit" den "gi mozhet zavisit" i ot haraktera tozhe, pomoch "rebenku pouchit" sya s detstva i popytata "sya skorrektirovat" oshibki nikak ne pomeshaet. Razve esli voobwe ne davat" den" gi i ne uchit" budet luchse?

2003-10-17 17.10.2003 20:20:57,

There are 14 reviews in total.

“Mom, yesterday a cake cost 50 kopecks, and today the same one costs 60 kopecks. I barely had enough for a fruit drink,” says our reader Olga’s third-grader daughter after returning from school. Is it necessary to give money to children at this age? Should children be encouraged with money for help or good studies? And when in general to start talking with children about the contents of the wallet. the site tried to find answers to the most popular parenting questions.

After talking with a dozen parents, we found out that all families are divided into several categories. Most give money regularly, like a salary (most often once a week) and control the spending of their child. Some do the same, but without control. Some parents basically give out cash only as payment for doing some work or academic performance. There are also those whose children receive rubles only as gifts for the holidays. And finally, someone gives nothing at all.

It is worth noting that, according to the psychologist, the last option is the most ineffective. It will be much more difficult for these children to learn how to properly manage money. They will face all the difficulties of the first purchases, including impulsive spending. “On the other hand, if the child is not given money, but helped to participate in the family budget - calculations and planning, then this may be avoided,” advises the candidate of psychological sciences Tatyana Yurochkina. - You can also go shopping together and make Joint purchases. The main thing is not to “cut off” children from money at all.”

"Children's" stash "sometimes saves the whole family"

The girl Liza, who was indignant at the rise in price of a shortbread in the school cafeteria, has been carrying her wallet with money to school since the second grade.

“For a week, she always has an amount of 5 rubles, divided into pennies, among other things. Usually she herself rents water in the classroom, if I forget, ”says her mother Olga. “May have a bite to eat at the canteen or buffet if I’m late or can’t go home for lunch because of circles.”

Spontaneous spending, according to my mother, does not happen at the same time: “If I see that the amount has not been dispersed in a week or the remaining is enough for lunch, then I may not replenish the “balance”. And it happened that it was pocket money that helped out the schoolgirl as a pledge, when an excursion was announced in the class with a restriction: “The first 5-10-15 who passed” go. The remaining amount the girl reported the next day.

At home, Lisa has a piggy bank where all the money donated to her by her relatives goes. “Together we decide what to buy or how much to save for a larger purchase,” says Olga. “Sometimes her “stash” helps the whole family a lot if there were big expenses the day before or the vacation has passed, and the salary has to wait a month. She is very proud of this help and, of course, does not forget to remind that, they say, the debt in payment is red.

The psychologist supports such a "policy" of parents. “In fact, money should be given only for a specific purpose, otherwise you will just spoil the child,” says Tatyana Yurochkina. - But parents need to discuss with him at the end of the week: what was bought; how much, say, is some water or juice; which he liked best.

It turns out that satisfaction with the purchase is very important. The child wanted to drink, so he bought water, drank and it got better - it's great. If, for example, he wanted to eat and bought a chocolate bar, and after that he feels sick, then the child begins to understand that he should have bought something else. “This dissatisfaction will become a transition to new stage when the child begins to spend money more deliberately, ”says the specialist. More conscious spending is also strongly influenced by the example of parents who themselves are wise with money.

“A child must understand that money can run out”

Another important rule According to the psychologist, the child must understand that money is a very limited resource. Therefore, it is best to still give out money every week and in no case make up for the gap in the children's budget ahead of schedule without special reasons. If he unreasonably spent all the money on some “Wishlist”, then he should remain without funds until the next “salary”. This will lead the child to realize that the money is running out.

At the same time, in each specific case, the degree of freedom of the child and the amount of extradition, the parents must choose for themselves. "It all depends on the trust in the child, his maturity." The same applies to the accumulation of large amounts - everything should be under the supervision of parents.

“When a child collects money, there are both positive and negative sides simultaneously. If he saves only so that he has a lot of money, then a money-grubber and a miser can grow up, for whom only the amount of money will be important, - explains Tatyana Yurochkina. - It is better that savings be treated as a tool - for example, for making large purchases. When a child collects money, say, for an expensive toy, he, firstly, learns to wait. Secondly, he begins to understand that money does not just get there. Thirdly, the toy itself will be more valuable for the child after such efforts and expectations.

During the accumulation time, goals can also be adjusted - the child will understand that he does not really want this particular toy and switch to something more important. “Thanks to this, a need-motivational sphere in relation to things begins to form in him - as a result, unnecessary, emotional purchases can be avoided,” the expert says.

And by the way, control at all stages is also necessary because money for a child can become a “key” to some forbidden things. Let's say he is not allowed to play computer games - he goes to a computer club and plays there. Or he buys alcohol or cigarettes.

By law, children can only make “small household transactions”

Belarusian legislation does not contain any serious restrictions that could hinder the financial education of children. However, it should be remembered that Civil Code(Articles 25 and 27) defines the right of children (minors under 18) to make only "small household transactions".

“This concept is evaluative,” the lawyer explains. legal advice Partizansky district of the capital Marina Naumovich. “It is not disclosed anywhere in the legislation.”

But we can assume that small purchases in stores fall into this category and nothing prevents your children from learning how to handle money.

Invite your child to partially pay for calls on a mobile phone from pocket money

Children should use their money not only for entertainment, but also for some useful things.

“Financial education consists not only of issuing money, but also of a story about what the funds are used for. family budget: on the phone, light, electricity, food and so on. The child must also be taught how to pay in the store, that you should always check the change, ”the specialist recalls.

A child, for example, can be assigned part of the financial burden of paying for a mobile phone. Then he will have more control over his conversations.

By the way, in Finland children are taught how to fill out bills, tell them what the payment is for, and introduce them to approximate calculations of the cost of food and clothing. “This is all done so that the child can compare his cash expenses. Let's imagine that he wants an expensive toy that is comparable to or even more than his grandmother's pension. And then it's great that he knows how much the same money can buy another - food, clothes.

Much attention is also paid to financial education in other countries. Here are the Germans child with the world of finance literally from an early age. For example, from the age of 5, parents can give their children half a euro a week so that the child is aware of the value of money, and tell him how much, for example, sweets or entertainment cost.

Some parents in Germany teach their children to pay taxes. For example, they take part of their pocket money (on average, German schoolchildren receive from their parents from 5 to 20 euros per week).

Preschoolers still find it difficult to control their spending

Another of our readers, Anna, also tried to teach her children financial tricks.

“For some time (about six months) we gave our sons (8 and 5 years old) every Sunday 5 rubles. At first, the children spent money on the same day, then they began to divide it into parts, then save it, - says my mother. - If the children go with me to the store, they can buy whatever they want, but from their wallet. I bought gelatin and Kinder - wait until next Sunday. If you want an expensive toy, collect it. Now the elder saves all the money that he gets from a kind grandmother, periodically converts them into currency. And the youngest, as he spent everything at once, he spends.

Anna worries that one son will be thrifty while the other will always be penniless. But the psychologist reassures: “It is difficult for preschoolers to operate with money. They still can't control themselves. He needs help in choosing, pacifying impulses, delaying purchases in order to test his desires. And the amount for issuance should be adequate so that it would not be a pity if the child loses money, ”Tatyana Yurochkina gives advice.

“A child should have duties that he performs for free”

Another big question is whether it's worth paying for helping parents or getting good grades. For example, our reader Sergei says that this summer, when he went to the forest with his middle daughter, he offered her a ruble per liter of berries as an incentive. “And she worked in the forest with great pleasure,” says the father. - Of course, the children themselves later ate these blueberries with sour cream, but for the very fact of picking there was a payment. I just don't give money to my pocket. At the same time, cleaning the apartment is the responsibility of girls, which is not encouraged in any way.

Tatyana Yurochkina considers this approach to be competent. “There are experts who believe that a child should also earn money,” she says. - But here there is a danger of monetization of one's own assistance to parents. The child must still have a specific set of duties that he must do absolutely free of charge. And in addition to these duties, if the child shows some kind of help and additional efforts, you can also encourage.

But it is better to start using such schemes not earlier than the younger adolescence, that is, from the age of 11-12. The main thing is that this does not concern some emotional things related to the manifestation of kindness and care. If you give money for the fact that the child was affectionate and caring, you can raise a person who will focus on money in the manifestation of relationships, manipulate.

“I also have differentiated tuition fees,” Sergey continues. But only for a quarter. If the scores are good, then one amount, if they get worse, then it decreases and vice versa. For example, over the past quarter, my daughter received 17 rubles.

The psychologist believes that such encouragement is also possible. “The main thing is that this does not lead to lies and hiding bad grades.”

How much money should be given to a child in order to take into account his interests and at the same time not spoil him?

American psychologists believe that it is necessary to tie the amount of out of pocket expenses to the age of the child, i.e., if 6 years old - $ 6 per week, 10 years old - $ 10, etc.
In Germany, the amount of out of pocket expenses is fixed by law. A child under the age of six should receive 50 cents a week, a 7-year-old child - 1.5-2 euros, a 10-year-old - 10-12 euros, and from 13 years old - already 20 euros, a 15-year-old teenager - 25- 30 euros per week. Parents who fail to pay are subject to fines.
In Russia, there is no regulation on the issuance of pocket money to children, so it is rather difficult to judge the amount of pocket money. There are no official statistics. There are no recommended sizes either. However, as practice shows, the amount of money issued depends on various factors: financial opportunities parents, the amount of money given to other children, the maturity of the child, his age, as well as common sense, etc.

1 Financial situation of parents

For wealthy parents, the problem is not to give too much. For the low-income - to find at least something to give for pocket expenses, without developing an inferiority complex in the child and opening up opportunities to earn money for their needs. Although practice shows that often wealthy people do not give children a lot of money. So Rockefeller allocated a very limited amount to his children, which forced the children to constantly earn money for their needs. Large amounts usually received by the offspring of parents belonging to the middle class in terms of their income.
As for people with modest income, then you should not go out of your way to reach your son or daughter to some standards. You give as much as you can, but be sure to give! And constantly encourage the child that he, in spite of everything, can achieve a lot in life.

2. The amount of pocket money depends on the maturity of the child.

The maturity of a child in relation to money is usually manifested in the fact that all the money that falls into his hands is not wasted: something useful is bought with it, some part is saved, something is invested in order to increase.
So one of my acquaintances, whose son has been living with his grandmother for family reasons for a couple of years, gives her son a certain amount, which includes the payment of teachers, the purchase of clothes, textbooks, and quite a bit more for pleasure. But whenever she asks if he has money, the son always says that he does, and he makes all the calculations with his teachers himself, keeps track of payment dates and never wastes money.

3. The amount of money given out is influenced by the amount of money received by peers.

Children always know how much their peers receive from their parents, and they want to have the same. If the amount does not reach the size given to peers, one should not be afraid to explain the difficulties to the child financial position families, without fail emphasizing that this does not affect the child's ability to build a financially secure life when he becomes an adult. There are many examples in history when people who did not have a very wealthy childhood became millionaires.

4. Common sense in determining the amount of pocket money has not prevented anyone yet.

So, if today we will focus on the recommendations of American experts and tie the amount expressed in our national currency, by the age of the child, there will be little common sense here, because the 10 rubles that should be given to a 10-year-old child is, of course, too little, because with this money the child will not be able to buy anything for himself except chewing gum, but accumulate for weeks for a toy, the simplest of which costs more than 100 rubles, the child simply cannot. Therefore, it can be considered reasonable to issue, for example, 30 rubles a week, and if you need more, offer to earn.

5. Family problems.

In single-parent families or families where parents are too busy with their work, business, career and spend little time with children, the amounts of money received by children can be very significant. Thus, parents try to make amends with their children. But this is the wrong approach. A child needs parental attention and love, not gifts and money that parents try to replace it with.
It should be noted that the size of the pocket should increase with age and cover some minimum of pleasure in accordance with age requirements.
Thus, how much to give a child for pocket expenses, parents must determine for themselves, based on their own life situation. But most importantly, we must remember that the money given to the child is a learning tool through which parents help the child learn all the financial skills that he will need in adulthood.