Is it worth taking out a loan now? Is it worth buying a car on credit? Is it possible to take out bank loans now?

Is it profitable to take out a loan now? Many borrowers are interested. In general, it is very difficult to call a loan profitable, because in any case you will be overpaid.

However, in conditions of rising inflation, a loan from a bank can actually be profitable. For example, you purchased a camera for 12 thousand on credit for 1 year.

In a year you will return 15 thousand rubles, taking into account accrued interest. During this time, the cost of the camera can increase to 16 thousand, that is, your purchase turned out to be profitable.

It is advisable to live within your means, but some life situations simply force you to turn to the bank for help.

You shouldn't go to the first bank you come across. First, you should carefully study whether it is profitable to take out a loan from a particular bank now. This can be done without leaving home by reading the information on the official websites of credit financial organizations.

Today, loans are provided by banks, microfinance organizations and individuals. Banks can offer the most attractive conditions, and cooperation with them is the safest, since they are all under state control.

In addition, they have access to inexpensive financial resources from the state, which significantly reduces your costs.

Despite all the advantages of a bank loan over other loans, it is worth understanding that for this you will be subject to higher requirements, for example, a certificate of income, the presence of guarantors, collateral, etc.

If you find a loan under low percentage, do not rush to sign all the papers. Study the rest of the conditions carefully, there may be large commissions, large sum insurance premium, penalties for early repayment and other parameters.

Despite the low interest rate, such a loan can cost you a lot. A promotional loan at only 7-8% per annum can cost you 45-50%.

Not all consumers have the opportunity to get a loan from a bank, so some turn to microfinance organizations.

Such organizations are less thorough and more loyal to customers. They cover their risks with higher interest rates.

Loans are also provided by private individuals. But here you need to be careful not to be deceived by a scammer. Some private lenders ask for money to consider the client's candidacy, after which they do not provide a loan.

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The life of most of our compatriots is such that they have to save up for any more or less decent thing. But with the advent of loans, this problem began to be gradually solved - you can make a purchase now, and repay the debt to the bank gradually, while overpaying not so significant amounts. The crisis, as always, has confused our plans and now it is unclear whether it is now profitable to take out a bank loan for current needs, vacations, a car or a telephone? Is it worth doing this during a period of unstable economic situation in the country? Let's try to deal with this issue in our article.

Difficulties in receiving and repaying

First, you need to manage to take out this loan today. It's no secret that with the advent of the next wave of crisis, banking institutions began to curtail their lending programs. After all, they have lost foreign resources, and there is not as much of their own money left as they would like. This situation especially affected subsidiaries foreign banks - was affected by the crisis in their home country, which affected financial condition subsidiaries in Russia.

Another problem is the decrease in the real income of the population, and, accordingly, the solvency of citizens. This situation is accompanied rapid growth late payments, which negatively affects bank revenues.

Now the situation is quite difficult - it’s difficult to get a loan, there are few profitable offers, and all kinds of “15% per annum” hide a huge amount. Loans are extremely expensive, so it is important to correctly assess their feasibility. Do you really need a new car or refrigerator? And if you can’t postpone the purchase, then you should make every effort to get a loan without hidden fees.

Just getting a loan is half the battle. After all, it needs to be repaid. And times of crisis have always been accompanied by a decrease in income among the population. It’s good if your bonuses are simply “cut,” but you can also get laid off. And then you will be left with a new washing machine, but without a job and with a decent amount of debt. This is how many people ruined their credit history and were forever blacklisted banking institutions. And it’s not far from there.

So is it profitable to take out a loan today, if you look at the situation from the outside? personal finance? Most likely no. The risk is not comparable to the likely benefits.

Pricing policy in times of crisis

For the average person, the word “crisis” is always associated with rising prices for everything. It would seem, what do dollars have to do with it? The same bread is not baked from them. The thing is that when the ruble exchange rate falls, it is primarily fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) that become more expensive. And this is one of the key cost items for today's entrepreneurs, so prices rise for everything - from matches to real estate.

But now we will forget a little about the little things and remember those needs for which we need to save or take out a loan. During a crisis, your savings may no longer be enough to fulfill even a small dream. Rising prices “eats up” part of the savings. Therefore, some experts believe that in this situation, purchasing goods on credit is a justified decision. You can buy it now, at the old price, but later it will be much more expensive. And in some cases bank interest on a loan turn out to be much cheaper than the difference in the cost of the goods after the price increase.

But there is another opinion. The crisis does not last forever, after it prices may drop to their previous level, and you will already have a loan, and not always profitable and with attractive interest rates. And no one can guarantee that you will be able to service it at all.

The right decision is to purchase real estate. In times of unstable economic conditions, the demand for housing drops significantly, but developers still need to sell it and earn their piece of bread and butter. Therefore, with each crisis period, experts begin to predict a decline in real estate prices. Indeed, some are reducing them, especially if before the crisis these prices were sky-high. But as practice shows, in general the upward trend in the cost of housing stock continues.

Is it profitable to take mortgage? Here, too, the opinion is twofold. If you observe a decrease in prices from this particular developer, you can try to get a mortgage and purchase an apartment (house), especially if this was planned in the near future. But there is no need to panic and rush headlong into the pool either. Remember that you will have to pay the mortgage for at least 10 years. The crisis, as we have already said, will not last forever, and after it, interest rates on loans, including mortgages, will certainly decrease. Maybe it makes sense to wait a little?

Attempts to make money using credit funds

The majority of our fellow citizens react to the crisis as in wartime - they stock up on everything they need to the maximum and take the position of a modest, quiet observer. But there are also brave comrades who recommend making money during a crisis using credit money.

Indeed, it is possible. Taking consumer non-targeted loan, you can easily buy with all your money foreign currency and wait for it to rise in price. In a crisis, you won’t have to wait long - the ruble will definitely fall, and you will be able to repay the loan, and even keep the amount of the exchange rate difference.

On paper everything works out perfectly, but in life surprises come unexpectedly, as in the famous saying: “smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines.” And the predicted increase or decrease in the exchange rate is not always justified. To make such money, it is important to be a financially savvy person and be able to predict the state of exchange rates at least a day in advance. To be honest, not all experienced stock market players can do this. If tomorrow the dollar you bought suddenly falls in price, you will be left with an amount that is much less than the original, and even a loan along with its interest. How will you give, good people, eh?

Summarizing all of the above, one conclusion can be drawn - taking out a loan during a crisis is unprofitable, especially for the common man. Banking credit programs Now they are completely unattractive, and therefore all the risks cannot be called justified. Financially savvy citizens will in most cases be able to benefit from a crisis situation, but this is not guaranteed for them either.

Well, to be honest, taking a loan is never profitable, unless it is an investment in the development of your own business, which in the near future will bring benefits that cover the overpayment on the loan received. But this is a completely different topic...

Unfortunately, economic situation in our country has left much to be desired for a long time. Every person has needs. But the means to satisfy them are not always available. That’s why many people decide to take out a loan. However, this is serious decision. So people have to carefully look for a financial institution that offers the most profitable terms loans Only after comparing several options can you understand which one to take out a loan from.

Clear leader

This financial institution offers several Take, for example, consumer. It can be issued at Sberbank even without collateral. The maximum amount is 1,500,000 rubles, the rate is from 16.9%, and the term can reach five years.

More favorable conditions are offered to people for whom he can vouch. individual. Then the possible loan amount increases to 3,000,000 rubles, and the interest rate starts at 13.9%. Only the deadline remains unchanged.

Many people, wondering what better than a jar take out a loan, they like to make preliminary calculations so that the potential benefits can be seen. Well, we can give an example. A person with an income of 60,000 rubles per month, receiving a salary on a Sberbank card, has the opportunity to take about 640,000 rubles for two years. For him, the interest rate will be 13.9% per annum. Every month you will need to pay about 30,550 rubles, and the amount of overpayment will ultimately be 95,000 rubles.

"VTB 24"

When talking about which bank is best to take out a loan from, one cannot help but mention VTB-24. After all, in the ratings this organization takes second place.

"VTB-24" offers several "Large" - from 400,000 to 3,000,000 rubles, for a period of 37-60 months, with a rate of 15.9-17.9% per annum. “Fast” - from 100 tr. up to 3 million. The period within which you will have to meet when paying off the debt ranges from 6 to 36 months. And the last type is a “Convenient” loan. You can use it for an amount starting from 100 thousand rubles. up to RUR 399,999 Term - from 37 to 60 months, rate - 16.9 - 25%.

By the way, many people, wondering which bank is better to take out a mortgage loan from, are advised to contact VTB-24. This organization has truly excellent conditions. Let’s say a person wants to buy a 1-room apartment for 4,000,000 rubles. An initial payment of 1,200,000 will be required. The amount for people who want to buy such housing is usually escalating. In this case, VTB-24 offers to issue a mortgage for 10 years. If a person receives about 65,000 rubles per month, then the rate for him will be only 11.4% per annum. And you will need to pay 39,000 rubles/m.


This financial organization is in third place in the ranking. Many, having studied in detail the question of which bank is best to take out a loan from, make a choice in favor of Rosselkhoz. This solution is especially beneficial for those people who participate in the program “ salary project» of this organization. For them, the interest on a consumer loan without guarantee starts at 15.5% per annum. If a person wants to take 750,000 rubles (this is the maximum amount) for 36 months, with a monthly income of 60,000 rubles, then he will have to pay only 26,000 rubles/m, at a rate of 16.9% per annum. It is not surprising that many people choose Rosselkhoz if they have a question regarding which bank is better to take out a loan from.

Besides here profitable offer on mortgage. For housing in the Tsaritsyno residential complex, for example, a minimum annual rate at 7.5%. And there is also military mortgage, loans for the purchase of real estate with state support and many other offers. You can even apply using two documents! Only for this you will have to make an initial payment of 40%. A person’s ability to immediately give away such an amount is verbal confirmation of his income. If he wants, say, to take 1,000,000 rubles for 36 months, then the rate for him will be 14.4% per annum. Only monthly income should be 60 tr. Because every 30 days you will have to pay 40 thousand rubles. as payment.

"Alfa Bank"

In many ratings that clearly demonstrate which bank is better to take out a cash loan, this organization is included in the top three. The conditions are favorable. The maximum amount is 2,000,000 rubles. Duration - from one year to five years. There are no fees, no guarantor is required, APR starts at 13.99%, and issuance decisions are made within a day. And early repayment is possible, which can be negotiated even over the phone.

Also, salary clients of this organization are offered good conditions on mortgage. If a person wants to buy an apartment in secondary market, then he can be given funds for 5-25 years with an initial payment of 30% and execution of only one document. The rate will be 17.3% per annum. If you want to purchase a residential building, you will have to pay 40% of the total amount.


Many people assure that it is better to make a choice in favor of this organization, since the question has already arisen regarding which bank is better to take out a loan. Many call it one of the best.

If you take out a loan for a period of up to a year, the rate will be 13% with collateral and 14% without it. Do you need a loan for a longer period? If it varies from year to three years, then the annual rate will increase to 13.5% with security and to 14.5% if there is none. And on a loan for a period of 36-60 months you will have to pay 14% and 15%, respectively. By the way, for Gazprombank clients the rate is 0.5% lower.


This organization is also not in last place in the ranking of verified financial organizations. Moreover, many people recommend it if a person is interested in which bank is better to take consumer loan.

OTP loans are issued in cash and for any purpose. Let’s say a person needs to borrow 500,000 rubles. for a period of 24 months. He may be offered a rate of 14.9% per annum and a monthly payment of 24,220 rubles.

A mortgage in OTP is also profitable, especially for “our” clients. Maximum term- 30 years. For mortgages with state support, rates start from 11.2%. For new buildings - from 12%, as well as for finished housing.

By the way, many companies cooperate with OTP, and when purchasing at their centers you can get an installment plan or a loan. These are DNS, Svyaznoy, Euroset, Media Markt, Techno-Sila, MegaFon, 585, Elena Furs and many other popular brands.


This is also a fairly well-known commercial financial organization. Many people often advise turning there if a person is interested in which bank is best to take out a profitable loan.

Minimum amount- 100,000 t.r., maximum - million. Terms can vary from 24 to 84 months. The rate starts at 16.5%, and the decision on issuance is made within three working days.

If a person is a client of BinBank, then he can be given 1,000,000 rubles at 16.5% per annum, while the monthly payment will be 26 thousand rubles.

You can also get a mortgage here. The minimum annual rate is 11.25%, the term is 5-25 years. An initial fee should be 15%. The maximum loan amount is not limited, but the minimum is 600 tr. (Moscow) and 300 tr. (other regions). The decision is made within five days. By the way, it is still possible to partially reduce the loan, the amount of payment or early repayment.


This is a joint stock commercial organization. When talking about which bank is best to take out a loan from (the list of names, as one can already understand, is very wide), one cannot help but mention Ugra. It issues four types of consumer loans. There are “Friendly”, “For any purpose”, “Loyal” and “Pension”. The peculiarity of this bank is that there are no universal conditions - here an offer is individually selected for each client, in accordance with his income and capabilities. So to apply, you need to fill out an application first.

The same goes for mortgages. But there are some standards here. The down payment must be 20% of the total amount. The mortgage term is from three to thirty years. The minimum amount is 300,000 rubles, the maximum is 10,000,000 rubles.


This limited liability company is also worth noting when talking about which bank is better to take out a loan from. The rating mainly shows popular names of financial organizations. Few people have heard of Avtotorgbank. But it offers favorable conditions for car loans.

This organization has many partners, including famous foreign manufacturers. The bank issues money for a car loan in euros, dollars and rubles. The minimum amount is 300,000 rubles, the maximum is 5 million. The period can vary from 6 to 60 months. The down payment must be at least 20% of the cost of the car. A deposit is not required, since the purchased car becomes the deposit (you will need to transfer the title to the bank for safekeeping).

If a person takes an amount for a period of 6 to 12 months, then the annual rate will be 18%. From 13 to 36 - 19%. And from 37 to 60 - 19.5%, respectively. Many people take out a loan in euros or dollars, since in any case, no matter what term the client chooses, the rate will be 15%. But in this case, there is also a risk, and it lies in the unpredictable exchange rate.


This organization is also worth noting with attention, talking about which bank is better to take mostly positive things about it. After all, Sovcombank makes favorable offers to its clients. True, the services of this organization are suitable for those people who need small amounts. So, for example, 100,000 rubles can be issued at a bank at 12% per annum. The requirements for borrowers are low - Russian citizenship, age from 20 to 85 years, 4 months of work experience at the last job and permanent registration in the region (also at least 120 days).

There is a consumer loan “Standard” with a maximum amount of 200,000 rubles, “Superplus” (600,000 rubles), “Pension”, “Express” and even the so-called loan “For those responsible”, provided upon presentation of a passport and a higher education diploma .

What do clients say?

Finally, we can talk a little about what kind of reviews about the work of banks are left by people who have used their services.

When you take out a loan, you make calculations one way or another - what will the payment be, how long will it take me to pay off and how much money will they give me on credit?
You come to the bank, apply for a loan, and based on the results, the bank says that your salary is not enough for a loan for 1 year. You can take out this loan for 3 years, while monthly payment there will be less.
Cool, you think. But there is a small nuance - the overpayment on the loan if you decide to take out a loan for 3 years will be more.
And more than 3 times. I'll try to explain this with an example consumer loan.
Consider a loan of 100 thousand rubles at 20%. This is a typical consumer loan from HomeCredit Bank.
For how long to take out a loan? - you ask. For a shorter period of time it is better. The overpayment will be less.
If you calculate this loan with annuity payments for 1 year using a loan calculator

If we take out a loan for 3 years, we get

As can be seen from the calculations, the overpayment on a loan in the case of 3 years is more than the overpayment for 1 year

33781.81/11170.38 = 3

When is a long-term loan more profitable?

Let's turn to mathematics: Take out a loan for a longer period without early repayments not profitable. You will earn more interest in 3 years than in 1 year. For equal bets, this rule always applies.
But there is one exception. This rule does not apply if you repay the loan in full ahead of schedule. If you repay early, you close the loan agreement and stop paying interest. The question arises: when is it better to repay a loan early?

Let's consider the case when a loan for 3 years will be more profitable than a loan for 1 year.

To do this, let's look at the payment schedule for 3 years

We need to find the month after which the amount of interest paid on loan 1 will be less than on loan 2.

Overpayment amount on the first loan = 11170.38

Let's calculate loan payments for the first 7 months

1696.83 + 1659.78 + 1520.11 + 1587.74 + 1501.62 + 1514.16 + 1429.21= 10909.45

Thus, we will pay the same amount of interest on the second loan as for the entire term of the first, but only for 7 months.
To make the second loan more profitable, you need to repay the loan early before 7 months
Let's illustrate this with a payment schedule. Let's say we paid off the balance of the debt on June 15, 2012. As a result, we obtain the following loan repayment schedule:

As you can see in this case, the overpayment on the 2nd loan will be less than the overpayment on the first

10909.45 < 11170.38

But I repeat again, you need to correctly calculate your strength. Still, it is better to take out a loan for a shorter period. What time period is up to you. You still have to estimate the monthly payment.

Bank offers for different periods

For how long to take out a mortgage?

These arguments are valid for a consumer loan. For mortgages, this principle also applies, but for mortgage loan You can apply for a tax deduction. And the funds themselves received in the form tax deduction can be used for early repayments. Those. it is more profitable to take out a mortgage for more long term. In this case, in general, the overpayment will be higher, but if you make early repayments correctly, you will only benefit.
It should be taken into account that there are different types early repayments - to reduce the term and change the amount of the principal debt. These calculations are valid in case of early payments to reduce the principal amount.

When making contributions to reduce the term, you just need to calculate the overpayment using the above calculator and compare loan options. With less overpayment, you can choose the most profitable loan. However, you should be wary of hidden fees and charges. The loan agreement is the main document when issuing a loan. Carefully reading the loan agreement will save you from problems in the future.

Today, many of our readers are wondering whether it is worth taking out loans in 2019, given the current crisis? We will try to give a detailed answer to it in this article, citing some excerpts from the opinions of prominent experts in terms of finance and credit.

Current situation

So, today in Russia it is truly a difficult time for both ordinary citizens and large financial enterprises. Too many things have happened Lately, which significantly affected the country’s economy, in particular:

  • devaluation of the ruble due to the collapse of its exchange rate,
  • promotion key rate Central Bank,
  • imposition of sanctions by Western and European countries etc.

Many of our fellow citizens feared that the country was in danger of default, as it was in time immemorial, but we hasten to reassure you - there are no prerequisites for this.

In Russia there are still richest reserves mineral, gold and foreign exchange reserves not exhausted, but external debts are not critical, as, for example, in Ukraine.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply 1 time. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17%, this is a clear robbery. Search best deals. They exist, we must look for them. And don’t forget to read this note before submitting applications, it will help you avoid making serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Eastern has more chancesFrom 9.9%Design
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 9.9%Design
Home loan worth a try too From 9.9%Design
Alfa Bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Svyaznoy: installment card Conscience credit cardfrom 10% per annumApplication
Home Credit: installment card Freedom credit cardfrom 12% per annumApplication
Sovcombank if everyone refused From 12%Design

Why did they stop issuing loans?

Many borrowers mistakenly believe that banks have stopped lending money to the public. This is not at all true; loans are issued as often as before, but only now they are not issued to everyone who wants them, but only to reliable clients.

Despite the fact that the key percentage has been reduced, and banks can again obtain “cheap” loans and offer them to the population, credit companies significantly tightened their requirements for borrowers. Most companies now impose the following conditions:

  • Age from 21-23 years, you can take out a loan until retirement age;
  • Availability of official employment,
  • Earnings of at least 10-15 thousand rubles per month, which must be confirmed by a certificate of income;
  • Must have a common seniority from 1 year, and at the current place of work - from 6 months (all this must be confirmed by an extract from the work record book or contract).

Small “indulgences” can only be received by certain categories of clients, often these are employees budget areas, or salary clients jar. You can read about loans for participants in the Sberbank salary project in this article.

Let's look at the nuances

  • Cash loan

If you are faced with the question of whether it is worth taking out a consumer loan now, then there cannot be a clear answer. Some experts say it’s worth it, others don’t, it all depends on the choice of the bank itself and its program.

The fact is that it is impossible to say with certainty which banking organization offers the most favorable loan due to the fact that for each person the concept of “benefit” is individual: some want to have maximum amount, others - low percentage, others - no commissions, etc.

Of course, it is best to choose offers with the lowest rate, because it is this that affects the size of your final overpayment. You can reduce it by collecting documents, registering collateral or attracting guarantors. Where can you get profitable loans now? minimum percentage, we tell.

  • Car loan

If you are thinking about buying a car, now the most profitable are domestic cars produced in 2018-2019, the cost of which does not exceed 1.5 million rubles. They can be purchased from government subsidies under the “First Car” or “Family Car” program.

Co-financing interest rate not here, but borrowers are given a discount of 10% of the cost of the car. At the same time, there are requirements for both vehicles, and to the customers themselves. We describe in detail how exactly you can take advantage of this subsidy.

  • Housing loan

If you are planning to take out a mortgage, then experts say that it is definitely profitable to do so now. Here are some of the reasons:

  1. Decrease in real estate prices;
  2. Availability of many promotional programs for housing loans;
  3. Rendering state aid large families by providing subsidies under the “Young Family” program and Maternal capital. Also now a very popular project is providing annual mortgages for families where a second or third baby was born after January 1, 2018.

If your total family income will allow you to cover about 40-50% of the appraised value of the apartment, that is, it makes sense not to take out a mortgage loan, but to enter into share building at the very beginning of the construction of a new house.

In this case, the cost of the apartment will be one third lower than its estimated value upon commissioning of the housing. During the time that construction is underway, you will be able to accumulate the remaining amount or borrow it from relatives and friends.

If your savings are barely enough for 10-20% of the expected cost of the apartment, then it makes sense to take out a mortgage loan. When choosing a bank, focus not only on the conditions loan agreement, but also on the reputation of the organization itself.