The efficiency of pig farming and ways to improve it. Prospects for increasing the economic efficiency of pig production Brief characteristics of the farm

The economic efficiency of pig farming is characterized by a system of natural and cost indicators. TO natural indicators relate:

  • productivity - average daily increase in live weight of young animals or fattening pigs; the amount of pork produced (in live weight) per one main or average annual sow, as well as per 1 fattening head;
  • fertility - the yield of offspring per 100 queens; the yield of commercial piglets per one main or tested sow - the ratio of offspring at two months of age to the number of queens at the beginning of the year or on average for the year; brood turnover ratio of the main queens - the ratio of the number of farrowed queens to their availability at the beginning of the year or on average for the year;
  • duration of raising and fattening pigs to established standards;
  • pork production per 100 hectares of arable land;
  • payment for feed or its consumption per unit of growth;
  • labor productivity (pork produced per average annual worker employed in pig production) or labor intensity of pork production.

Cost indicators are:

  • production of gross and commercial pig production per 100 hectares of arable land;
  • production of gross output per average annual worker in the industry;
  • the cost of 1 centner of live weight gain, as well as one head of reared young animals;
  • profit from the sale of 1 quintal of live weight;
  • level of profitability or return on production costs. The industry has a number of specific features, which in

largely determine its economic efficiency:

  • absence of seasonality of production, products are produced and sold evenly throughout the year, which is especially important when inflation is high;
  • pork is an essential product, regardless of economic and political situation the demand for it cannot disappear completely;
  • pork goes directly to sale and processing, i.e. its market is the market of direct and indirect demand;
  • pig farming has greater flexibility in changing the scale of production compared to other sectors of livestock farming; here, the dependence of the livestock on the quantity and quality of land is less evident;
  • commodity producers are specialized enterprises (breeding, fattening, reproduction), during the production process the products go through several stages;
  • the main part of the diet consists of purchased feed (compound feed), therefore there is a strong dependence on the grain market (production volume and quality of feed);
  • Pigs are characterized by multiple births, a short embryonic period, early maturity, and a high yield of slaughter products, which makes it possible to obtain a lot of products with economical consumption of feed.

The biological capabilities of animals (multiple pregnancy, short gestation period, precociousness, omnivorousness, high slaughter yield, good taste and technological qualities of meat), as well as organizational and economic features of the industry (fast turnover of the herd, consumption of predominantly low-volume and highly profitable feed with a high return on production, division of the production process into separate stages) allow pork production to be carried out profitably.

And yet, the disparity in prices for agricultural and industrial products, inflation, ill-considered credit policy, the breakdown of production ties in AP K led to a sharp decrease in the number of pigs and the volume of production at agricultural enterprises (Table 28.2).

Table 28.2

Economic efficiency of pig farming at agricultural enterprises in Russia

End of table. 28.2



Average daily increase, g

Yield of piglets per 100 main sows, heads.

Feed consumption per 1 quintal of growth, feed. units

Labor costs per 1 quintal of increase, man-hours

Total cost of 1 quintal of pork (in live weight), rub.

Selling price of 1 quintal of pork (in live weight), rub.

Profit per 1 c, rub.

Profitability level, °/o

For 1991-2011 the volume of pork production at agricultural enterprises decreased by 43.7% as a result of a sharp reduction in the number of pigs. The number of livestock decreased by 19.8 million heads, or 63.5%. At the same time, the productivity of pig farming increased: the average daily increase was 482 g, or increased by 1.7 times.

The increase in productivity when fattening young animals is explained mainly by strengthening the food supply and increasing the level of feeding. It is important to meet the pigs' protein needs. For normal development and ensuring good productivity of animals in 1 feed. units A complete feed should contain approximately 100-130 g of digestible protein.

The final results of pig farming are largely determined by the fertility of the animals. IN last years this indicator has a positive trend. During the analyzed period, at agricultural enterprises the yield of piglets per 100 main sows increased 1.8 times and amounted to 2312 heads.

It is necessary to receive from them during the period of operation of sows greatest number offspring, maintain high reproductive abilities of animals. The biological characteristics of pigs are such that one sow can produce more than two farrows per year, and 13 piglets can be raised in each litter.

There has been a tendency towards an increase in the cost of pig production. During the period under review, the cost of 1 centner of pig growth increased 15.8 times. The cost can be reduced if, firstly, the amount of costs decreases while the output remains unchanged; secondly, if the growth rate of gross output exceeds the growth rate of production costs.

The factors for reducing the cost of pig production are diverse: material incentives for workers, resource-saving technologies for pork production, increasing the productivity of pigs, increasing labor productivity, etc.

Prices for pig products grew at a faster pace and increased by 17.3 times. As a result, the profitability level of pork production increased from 15 to 26.2%.

Increasing production profitability is, first of all, identifying factors for profit growth. They can be divided into two groups: internal factors that depend on product manufacturers and are subjective in nature; external factors independent of product manufacturers, objective. The factors of the first group include the volume of products sold, their quality, production costs; the second factor is market demand for pig products, its supply and competition among producers, size state support industries, taxation, price disparity for agricultural and industrial products. High or low demand for pork, as well as the presence or absence of competitors, determine both the volume of product sales and the level of prices for it, which ultimately affects the amount of profit.

In the current conditions, the reserves for increasing the profitability of pork production at agricultural enterprises are, on the one hand, an increase in cash revenue from the sale of products, and on the other, a reduction in its cost.

An important direction for increasing the profitability of pork production is increasing animal productivity and reducing production costs through the widespread use of intensive technologies.

Intensive technology makes it possible to achieve the following indicators: the number of farrows per year per sow is 2-2.2; the number of piglets per sow per farrowing is 11 - 13; age of weaning of piglets from the sow is 26-45 days; average daily increase in live weight 550-600 g; feed costs for the production of 1 quintal of pork are 350-400 feed, units; labor costs for 1 quintal of pork are 3-3.5 man-hours. Intensive technology is based on adequate feeding of pigs and continuous production.

The main elements of intensive (flow-shop) technology are the following: flow of production processes; separate-shop organization of labor; rhythm of production.

In industrial pig farming, three-phase and two-phase technologies are used. Three-phase technology involves producing piglets, raising them and fattening pigs. In accordance with this, the following workshops are organized: reproduction and farrowing, growing and fattening. With two-phase technology, there is no growing shop. Piglets are reared in the same pens where farrowing was carried out. After weaning the sows, the piglets are transferred to another workshop, and the piglets up to 120 days of age are left in the same pens. Fattening of pigs takes place in the fattening workshop.

In practice, three-phase pork production technology is more often used. But scientific research and practice have proven the feasibility of switching to two-phase technology, while productivity increases by 5-10%.

It is very important to transfer existing complexes and pig farms to intensive technology with a complete pig production cycle and the use of our own feed. Only with this method can the profitability and competitiveness of pig products be ensured.

An indispensable condition for effective pig farming is improvement of breeding work. the main task breeding service - further improvement of breeds and increase in the productive qualities of the broodstock.

Breeding work includes the following elements: selection and evaluation of replacement gilts, selection of boars for purebred breeding and crossing, organization of individual selection on the breeding farm and group selection in the industrial part of the herd. The main purpose of the breeding farm is the production of replacement young stock.

One of the factors in the intensification of pig production is the comprehensive mechanization of the main production processes, which allows not only to sharply increase labor productivity, but also to greatly improve the conditions at the performers’ workplaces.

Comprehensive mechanization of production processes on pig-breeding complexes and farms should be subject to the requirements of intensive technology for keeping and feeding pigs, ensuring minimal costs of feed and labor per unit of increase in live weight of animals and production of products at a minimum cost.

The economic efficiency of the industry largely depends on the organization of herd reproduction, the intensity of use of queens and boars as the main means of production, and the uniformity of pork production across the seasons.

In the process of improving herd reproduction, the following tasks are solved:

  • improvement of breed qualities that ensure high fertility of queens, viability of piglets and their early maturity;
  • increasing the fertility of queens and extending their service life;
  • establishing the correct proportions between the main and one-time queens;
  • correct selection of replacement young animals and their timely mating;
  • ensuring the safety of the offspring and its good development;
  • prevention of idleness of breeding stock and reduction of animal mortality;
  • systematic selection for the reproduction of the best pigs in terms of productivity, obtaining and raising offspring from them and their subsequent use for expanded reproduction of the herd.

Expanded reproduction of a pig herd largely depends on proper planning of the timing of insemination, farrowing and the production of offspring throughout the year.

The timing of insemination and farrowing has a significant impact on the uniformity of pork production throughout the year, the level of use of the main broodstock, the production of offspring during favorable periods of the year, the formation of groups of animals for fattening, the organization of labor and the economic efficiency of the industry as a whole.

In pig farms, two types of farrowing schedules are used: uniform year-round (sometimes called conveyor) and pronounced seasonal (cyclical). For both seasonal and year-round farrowing, farms widely use a system of round farrowing. Tour farrowing refers to the farrowing of a group of queens in a short period of time (3-5 days).

It is advisable to use seasonal farrowing on small pig farms, planning them depending on the conditions of the year, the adopted technology and the availability of premises. With a year-round schedule, farrowings are distributed evenly across months. It is advisable to use it in large pig farms and complexes.

The economic efficiency of pig farming is directly related to the creation of a highly productive pig herd, improving the quality of the livestock and the structure of the herd.

The structure of the herd largely determines the cost of feed per unit of growth, pork production per main sow, unit cost of production, and, consequently, the profitability of pig farming.

One of the decisive directions for the further development of pig farming and increasing its economic efficiency is the creation of a strong and sustainable feed base. Therefore, every pig-breeding farm should plan and implement measures to strengthen it.

The productivity of pigs and other indicators of economic efficiency of production depend on the level of feeding. It has been established that a protein deficiency in pig diets of 20-25% leads to a shortage of 30-35% of production, an increase in unproductive feed costs by 1.4-1.5 times and an increase in their cost by 1.5 times.

Large reserves for increasing animal productivity lie in the use of mixed feed. It has been established that mixed feed, balanced in basic nutrients and enriched with vitamins, microelements, and other biologically active substances, compared to grain fodder, provides a 25-30% increase in productivity while simultaneously reducing production costs.

In the current conditions, there is a need to organize the production of compound feed directly on farms. The experience of some pig-breeding enterprises confirms the possibility of producing feed based on their own grain raw materials and production waste. To fortify mixed feed, purchased fortification additives are used (premixes, minerals, medicinal preparations, etc.).

African swine fever causes great damage to the industry. This is an incurable disease; when it is detected, not individual sick animals are destroyed, but the entire pig population. Prevention and eradication African plague pigs largely determine the development of the industry.

One of the ways to reduce unprofitability and stabilize the production of pig products is to use marketing methods that allow you to study effective demand, form a portfolio of orders for products based on key indicators (meat processing plant, other wholesalers) and assess the possible volumes of its sales through other channels (collective farm and wholesale markets, retail trading enterprises, etc.). Based on the results of marketing research, a production program is formed (gross volume of production, livestock, need for feed and other material and technical resources).

Thus, agricultural enterprises have significant reserves for increasing pork production and increasing its economic efficiency, which, with government regulation, will make the industry profitable.

Test questions and assignments

  • 1. What is the national economic significance of pig farming?
  • 2. Characterize the development of pig farming in modern stage.
  • 3. Name the main regions of commercial pig farming.
  • 4. What are the features of pig farming?
  • 5. What indicators characterize the economic efficiency of pig farming?
  • 6. Name ways to increase the economic efficiency of pig farming.

Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ural State

agricultural Academy

Department of Organization and Forecasting

Course work

Organization and ways to improve the production and marketing of meat at the pig farm at LLC Agricultural Enterprise "RybPromKompleks"

Completed by: 6th year student

FTZ code - 03-21

Checked by: Dorokhova L.I.

Ekaterinburg 2008

Introduction. 3

1. a brief description of farms.. 4

1.1. General characteristics of the farm... 4

1.2. Analysis of indicators characterizing livestock farming 8

2. Assessing the efficiency of organizing the production and marketing of meat at a pig farm. 10

2.1. Organization of meat production.. 10

Equipment and technology.. 10

Insemination area.. 11

Section for pregnant sows... 12

Farrowing area.. 13

Growing area.. 14

Feeding area.. 15

Automatic feed distribution system.. 16

Receiving funnel.. 16

Labor organization.. 17

Remuneration.. 18

2.2. Organization of meat sales.. 19

3. Ways to improve production and marketing activities at a pig farm. 21

Conclusions and suggestions.. 29

List of used literature... 31


With the increase in population on the globe, the share of pig farming in meat production as the fastest growing branch of animal husbandry is increasing. Modern pig farming in the leading countries of the world is characterized by dynamic development, the development of intensive technologies, and a constant increase in animal productivity, which ensures a sustainable increase in pork production.

In Russia, pig farming also plays an important role in providing the population with food, accounting for about 30% of total meat production. Pork ranks second in its share in the country’s meat balance, second only to beef (43%). It is known that pigs have a number of very valuable biological features, such as high prolificacy, growth rate, feed payment and slaughter yield. The nutritional value of pork, calorie content, digestibility, and the ability to prepare a wide variety of dishes and finished products put it almost beyond competition with the meat of other types of domestic animals.

The purpose of this course work– identifying the main ways to improve the production and marketing of pig meat.

The following tasks are set in the work: consider the organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise, conduct an analysis current state enterprises, outline the main directions for increasing the production and sales of pig meat.

The course work was carried out on the basis of primary accounting data, annual reports for 2006-2007 and other documentation, as well as special literature.

1. Brief description of the farm


General characteristics of the farm

The pig farm with a design capacity of 200 sows was organized in 1986. The farm began its activities under the leadership of SHP RybPromKompleks LLC. From 01.06. In 2006, the farm became independent. The head of the peasant farm is Alexander Ivanovich Lezhnev.

The pig farm is located 110 km from the regional center - the city of Yekaterinburg, 18 km from the city of Asbest.

The pig farm is located in a continental climate zone, the temperature in winter is 320C, in summer +190C. The amount of precipitation per year is 399mm. The winds are mostly southwestern, the speed of movement is 3.3 m/s, the average depth of soil freezing is 1.9 m.

The vegetation is dense, natural forestation: pine, birch with an admixture of spruce plantations.

From the south, the entire length of the pig farm is limited by the territory allocated for the ash dumps of the Reftinskaya State District Power Plant of stages I and II.

Water supply, heat supply and electricity supply to the pig farm are provided by the Reftinskaya State District Power Plant, which is located 0.5 km from it.

The pig farm is connected to the village by an asphalt road.

The pig farm includes: 2 buildings with 500 cattle stalls each, a sanitary slaughterhouse, a feed warehouse, a root crop storage facility, a feed shop, a veterinary station, an administrative building with a utility room, and a garage.

The subject of the farm's activities is:

– industrial pig farming;

– production and sale of pig products (meat, live piglets);

The farm is engaged in the cultivation and sale of meat and live pigs. The farm sees its mission in satisfying the consumers of the population of Reftinsky and the Sverdlovsk region. The purpose of the activity is the systematic receipt of profit.

The advantage of the farm in the field of pig breeding is that: currently, productive breeds of pigs are used - Landrace, Duroc, large white Russian; in 2007, large black English was imported.

Table No. 1 – Herd structure

Analyzing this table, we can conclude that there have been no significant changes in the structure of the herd over the past two years. The share in the structure of the herd is occupied by piglets aged 0 to 2 months and fattening pigs, which is 40% and 44%, respectively.

Each level of development of productive forces, intensity of agriculture and its specialization corresponds to its own specific enterprise size. The main indicators of the size of an agricultural enterprise are the volume of gross output produced per year in value terms and the cost of products sold. Additional indicators are the area of ​​land; the amount of fixed assets of production; number of employees; number of animals.

The size and production potential of the farm are presented in Table 2.

Table No. 2 – Dimensions, production potential

Data from table No. 2 indicate that gross output increased by 1.5 times or by 105 thousand rubles, which is associated with an increase in prices and production volumes. At the same time, the average annual cost of fixed production assets increased from 0 to 2,000,000 rubles, due to the acquisition of equipment by the enterprise. Average annual number The number of employees in 2007 changed slightly compared to 2006, decreasing by 2 people.

The goal of any enterprise is to make a profit. Profit is a general indicator economic activity enterprises. Part of the profit is used to fulfill obligations to the budget and the bank. The other part remains at his complete disposal and, together with funds for wages, is the source of production activity of the enterprise. To manage profit, it is necessary to conduct an objective systematic analysis of the formation, distribution and use of profit, since this indicator reflects the level of organization of production, the efficiency of resource use, economic relationships between the enterprise and the state, buyers and suppliers.

Profitability is the most important economic category, meaning the profitability of an enterprise.

Profitability indicators are necessary to assess the economic efficiency of managing and using the resources of an enterprise: the higher the profitability of production, the greater the opportunity to carry out scientific and technological progress, comprehensive intensification of production, solve social problems and increase the amount of material incentives for employees of the enterprise.

Table No. 3 presents the financial results of the enterprise’s production activities, characterizing the economic efficiency of product production.

Table No. 3 – Sales of products and their financial results

Table No. 3 shows that revenue from product sales in 2007 compared to 2006 increased by 1.4 times or by 2,105 thousand rubles, while the total cost of products sold increased by 1.4 times or by 2,085 thousand. rubles, while profit increased by only 20 thousand rubles, which led to a decrease in profitability by 2% and amounted to 5.8% in 2007.

1.2. Analysis of indicators characterizing livestock farming

Table No. 4 – Production and cost of livestock products

Table No. 4 shows that the total number of pigs decreased by 137 heads, but the number of sows increased by 3 heads. The average daily gain of pigs increased by 22 g, which indicates good feeding and living conditions for the animals. The gross production of pigs also increased by 1.2 times or by 280 quintals. Feed consumption per 1 centner unit. the growth rate of pigs increased by 1.03 times, while the cost of 1 centner, rub. the growth rate of pigs also increased by 1.1 times or by 405 rubles.

Table No. 5 – Level and structure of the cost of the main types of livestock products

In the structure of the cost of 1t of pig meat, the largest share falls on feed and labor costs, 61.6% and 16%, respectively. In general, there have been no significant changes in the structure of production costs over the past two years. From the structure of the cost of 1t of pork meat it is clear that the increase in cost for this type of product was 20%, from 6,500 rubles in 2006 to 7,800 rubles in 2007.

2. Assessing the efficiency of organizing the production and marketing of meat at a pig farm

2.1. Organization of meat production

The organization of meat production covers not only the system of breeding work on the farm, which ensures increased productivity and reproduction of the herd, but also the organization of basic work processes: proper feeding of animals and preparation of feed for feeding. Mechanization of labor-intensive processes (feed distribution, manure removal), creation good conditions for keeping animals, as well as veterinary and preventive measures aimed at preventing various animal diseases.

Provision of feed for animals being raised and fattened on the farm.

Feed is delivered from the Bogdanovsky feed mill. The feed recipe does not require any modification, since it is already fully balanced in all nutrients.

Engineering and technology

It's no secret that the basis of all pig farming is highly productive animals adapted to the conditions of industrial technology.

In turn, when keeping pigs, their biological characteristics should be taken into account as much as possible. It is especially important to pay attention to the reproductive qualities of sows and boars, as well as the average period of their economic use.

The first insemination of a sow is carried out at the age of 7-8 months, when her body reaches physiological maturity. The average duration of economic use of sows is 3-3.5 years, after which they are culled and sent to a meat processing plant.

Provided that on average 21-22 weeks pass between farrowings (reproduction cycle), 2.3 farrows are obtained from one sow per year. In each farrowing she brings 10-12 piglets.

Further loss of livestock is 10-12% during the suckling period, 4-5% during the growing period and 2-3% during fattening.

Most effective for producing more pork best quality is a flow production system, which provides for the division of all production facilities into specialized technological areas.

Insemination area (individual housing for 30 days);

Area for pregnant sows (maintenance for 77 days);

Area for farrowing and suckling period of piglets (21-28 days);

Area for rearing weaned piglets (8-35 kg);

Fattening area (from 30 kg to 110 kg)

First, sows go to the insemination area, then to the gestation area and then to the farrowing area. The sows are kept in the pen or farrowing section with the piglets for 3-4 weeks, after which they are again transferred to the insemination area and the cycle begins all over again.

Insemination area

At the insemination area, replacement gilts and sows are kept in individual pens on partially slatted floors for 5-7 days before insemination and the first 30 days of gestation. Individual housing ensures that the animals remain inactive, which prevents the leakage of semen. In addition, this reduces the risk of embryonic mortality, the high level of which is characterized by this period of gestation.

At the insemination area, pens stand in a row of 10, opposite each other, leaving a 1.5 m wide transverse passage for the passage of the boar. In this passage, with the help of partitions installed every five pens, arenas are organized for boars in which mating takes place. Since natural mating is carried out on the farm, pens with a front door are installed, which allows the sow to go into the arena to the boar for mating.

Section for pregnant sows

After establishing pregnancy, the sows are transferred to the gestation area.

In the department for pregnant sows, individual-walk housing is used, which provides for the presence of free sections for group housing in boxes on straw. In this case, the department sections meet the following requirements:

the minimum area per main sow is 1.3 m2 and 0.95 m2 for the test sow.

The floors are durable and not smooth to prevent sows from slipping and falling. The section maintains the required temperature and ventilation conditions.

Feeding of pregnant sows is strictly dosed. Each feeder has a nipple drinker. The sow herself regulates the amount of water in the feeder. This system allows you to combine the advantages of wet feeding in relation to animal health with the simplicity and accessibility of a dry food distribution system.

Pens with restraint for pregnant sows have a completely open top, without any pipes or ceilings, which provides easy access for staff to the sows for monitoring and caring for them. Only one sow can enter the pen, after which the door closes behind her and opens only when the sow leaves. It should be noted that the door opens and closes automatically, without operator assistance.

The special arched shape of the central part of the rear door of the pens allows farm employees to enter the pen and vaccinate sows without opening the back door. At the same time, standing in one pen, you can simultaneously service two sows located in adjacent pens, thereby reducing time and labor costs

In this area, pregnant sows are kept for 12-16 weeks. 5-7 days before farrowing they are transferred to farrowing units.

Farrowing area

5-7 days before farrowing, deep-pregnant sows are driven to the farrowing area in groups of 5 heads with preliminary washing in a specially designated room. Washing is carried out with warm water (25-30 °C) using detergents.

In the farrowing area, sows with suckling piglets are kept in specially equipped farrowing pens on partially slatted floors with a heated lair for piglets. Heating of the den (den) for piglets is carried out using infrared irradiation lamps.

Farrowing lasts from 3 to 6 hours and takes place without operator participation. The weight of a newborn piglet is 1000 grams. - 1500 gr.

The immune system of piglets is underdeveloped at birth. Therefore, in the first 48 hours of life they should receive colostrum, which will provide them with colostral immunity.

Immediately after birth, piglets are weighed, tattooed or tagged, and their teeth filed down.

On days 3-5, the boars are castrated, their tails are debashed and injections of an iron-containing drug are given.

The design of the farrowing pen provides for the isolation of the sow from the piglets to prevent crushing.

For the same purpose, the sidewalls that limit the space for the sow have special crossbars that prevent her from falling sharply on her side.

The feed trough and drinking bowl in the farrowing pen are fixed at a height from the floor, thereby freeing up additional space for the uterus.

In the first 3-5 days after farrowing, pens are equipped with trays with infrared lamps. The temperature under the lamp is 30ºС, at the same time the temperature of the floor under the uterus should be 16-18 degrees.

Taking into account that in the area of ​​pregnant sows the animals were kept in a loose condition, it is very important to provide free space for the sow in the farrowing pen. In farrowing pens, the sides of the pen can be extended, thereby releasing an additional 30% total area farrowing sections.

Particular attention should be paid to ventilation in the farrowing section.

As noted above, sows are kept in the farrowing area with their suckling piglets for 3-4 weeks after farrowing, after which they are returned to the breeding area. The piglets are sent to the rearing area.

Growing area

3-4 weeks after farrowing, the piglets weigh 6-8 kg and are transferred to the rearing area. They stay here for 11 weeks and by the end of this period their weight will reach 25-30 kg. Sections for growing piglets should be equipped with: a canopy in the piglets' rest area, a heating system for sections for keeping piglets, automatic feeding and water distribution systems, solid and slatted floors in the following proportion: 1/3 slatted floors and 2/3 - solid, barrier - limiting straw spillage onto slatted floors. As a rule, such a barrier is installed under the cut of the canopy. Under the canopy the floor is concrete, while in the rest of the section the floor is lattice.

Manure seeps through the cracks in the floors, enters the storage channel and is removed from there by a special manure removal system. Thus, the surface of the floor remains relatively clean, which reduces the operator’s time for washing and disinfecting it, and also significantly reduces the possible incidence of illness in piglets.

When moving piglets from the farrowing pen to the nursery section, there is a high risk of them becoming infected with diarrhea bacteria. It is necessary to carefully monitor this danger and promptly treat infected piglets with antibiotics, including by adding them to drinking water through a special device.

In the department of growing piglets, automatic dry or liquid feeding systems are installed “ad libitum”.

When the piglets reach a weight of 30 kg, they are transferred to the fattening area.

Feeding area

Piglets are fed at the age of 11-12 weeks with a live weight of 25-30 kg. In 3 months, they gain weight of 110-120 kg, after which they are sent to slaughter.

The farm premises for keeping fattening piglets are divided into boxes for housing 15-30 piglets in each. The ratio of length to width of the box is 2:1.

The area of ​​the box is taken at the rate of 0.65 m2 per piglet.

In the fattening piglet departments, the use of premises is “empty - occupied”.

Piglets are fed using an automatic system for dispensing dry or liquid feed. For fattening piglets up to 120 kg. Approximately 300-320 feed units are used. At the same time, fattening piglets consume an average of 2.3 kg of dry feed per day, and their average daily gain in live weight is 0.75-0.80 kg.

The ad libitum feeding technology has the following advantages:

1. Pigs consume as much feed as they need to carry out their life activities and achieve maximum weight gain;

2. There is no cannibalism and a hierarchy is established between pigs in time and feeding periods;

3. Since the pig has the possibility of unlimited portioned nutrition, there are no conditions for overeating and obesity;

4. While eating, the animal can drink in doses without leaving the feeder.

5. Saliva, entering the feeder, creates favorable conditions for the start of feed fermentation.

The introduction of this technology ensures an increase in weight gain from 600 to 900 grams per day, depending on the quality of the feed and the breed of pigs.

Automatic feed distribution system

The automatic feed distribution system consists of the following units:

Operational stock bins for storing 2-3 days of feed stock

Electrically driven hopper

Chain and washer feed conveyor

Electric drive of the conveyor

Conveyor feed pipe

Conveyor stop sensor

Hopper feeder or dispenser

Receiving funnel

The receiving funnel regulates the flow of feed into the system. Filling the feeders with food is carried out automatically according to a given program, 3 times a day.

The sensor gives a command to stop the conveyor after filling all the feeders. New for 2005 is a reversible conveyor drive, which makes it possible to deliver loose mixed feed of the same quality to all feeders, since when the feed moves in one direction, it is stratified, and different fractions of feed are delivered to feeders at different distances.

Dispensers are used in sow departments to strictly adhere to the feeding ration according to the program.

Feeding piglets during growing and fattening is carried out using automatic feeders using ad libitum technology.

The piglets push the bell of the feeder, and the feed is dosed out into the trough, where the piglet eats it. The feeders are equipped with nipple drinkers on both sides, installed at an angle of 45 degrees.

Labour Organization

The pig farm employs 14 people. The form of labor organization is brigade. The entire technological process is serviced by one team consisting of 8 operators, of which: 6 are main, 2 are night. The rest is made up of the management team:


Deputy boss



Livestock specialist


The team works on a rotating schedule of 6 working days, 2 days off. The duration of the work shift is from Monday to Thursday from 8-00 to 17-00, from Friday to Sunday from 8-00 to 16-00. On average, there are 6-7 days off per month per operator, 182-190 hours worked.

The service standards per operator are as follows:

1 operator serves 2 groups of piglets at a rate of 442 piglets. at the age of 0-2 months, 2-4 months;

1 operator serves fattening pigs at a rate of 446 heads;

1 operator serves boars - producers and replacement young animals, with a norm of 71 heads;

1 operator serves pregnant sows, with a norm of 33 heads;

1 operator serves farrowed sows, with a norm of 31 heads.


The pig farm uses a piecework-bonus wage system for the quantity and quality of products received per month. Payments to industry workers are made at rates calculated based on the production rate and the tariff wage fund. In order to strengthen the material interest of beef cattle workers, an additional payment for class is provided. For employees who have been awarded the title “Master of Livestock Husbandry 1st Class,” the additional payment is 20% of the amount of wages accrued for the production and servicing of livestock and 10% for those who have the title of “Master of Livestock Husbandry 2nd Class.”

In addition, bonuses are paid for continuous work experience on the farm. Additional payment to workers whose work experience on the farm is: over 20 years - 18%, from 15 to 20 years - 15%, from 10 to 15 years - 13%, from 5 to 10 years - 10%, from 2 to 5 years - 5%.

There are incentives that provide motivation for work: a bonus to wages of 100%, bonuses for high weight gain of pigs, material aid(for a wedding, anniversary, funeral), vouchers at the expense of the farm to a health resort.

2.2. Organization of meat sales

Meat is sold through a retail outlet in the village of Reftinsky, as well as through meat processing plants.

Table 6 – Characteristics of sales channels

The price of the product is set depending on the prices of competitors, taking into account demand.

The average price of goods is (per 1 kg):

Pork meat – 120 rub.

By-products – 49 rub.

Piglets – 150 rub.

Pigs – 75 rub.

In order to notify the population in the village of Reftinsky, the company places weekly advertisements in the local newspaper and in the media. Advertising expenses are not high, since the main sales are made through our own retail outlet.

Wholesale buyers receive information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Sverdlovsk Region.

With an increase in production and expansion of the range, advertising costs will increase, since access to Sverdlovsk and other regions of the Urals is necessary.

Great importance for the formation cash flow has uniform pork production throughout the year.

The price of the goods depends on market prices; today the farm sells pork meat and offal at an average price of 76 rubles per 1 kg, and live pigs at an average price of 50 rubles per 1 kg of live weight.

Based on the results of 2007, meat production in slaughter weight is 100,849 kg or 5.6 kg per 1 resident of the village of Reftinsky. In the future, the farm will reduce the cost of production by reducing the cost of its production. In connection with the indicator of pork meat production per 1 resident of the village of Reftinsky for 2007, there are no competitive farms of the Asbestovsky urban district for the production and provision of the population of the village of Reftinsky.

3. Ways to improve production and marketing activities at a pig farm

In recent years, there have been certain positive changes in the development of agricultural production in our country. In 2005, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the priority national project “Development of the agro-industrial complex”, which includes one of the most important areas - “Accelerated development of livestock farming”. In accordance with it, it provides for the implementation of a number of main tasks for the implementation of this program.

Firstly, expanding the availability of cheap long-term credit resources for the construction and modernization of livestock complexes (farms).

Secondly, an increase in supplies through the federal leasing system of breeding livestock, machinery and equipment for livestock breeding.

Thirdly, ensuring the predictability of the state customs and tariff policy in terms of regulating import supplies of meat (approval of quotas and import customs duties) and technological equipment for livestock farming (abolition of customs duties).

To achieve the assigned tasks, pig farming is the most efficient and mobile branch of livestock farming. Pork accounts for more than 37% of the country's meat balance. Therefore, the intensive development of pig farming will allow increasing meat production in a fairly short time. By creating optimal feeding and housing conditions, one sow per year can produce 2-2.5 tons of pork, spending 400-450 feed units per 100 kg of live weight gain.

The main components of pork production are feeding, housing technology and breeding system. The most important step is the choice best options in the system of crossing and industrial hybridization in order to obtain highly productive offspring based on the manifestation of the effect of heterosis and better compatibility of mated animals.

As part of state support and implementation of the priority national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”, the Peasant (farm) economy presents a development program.

The goals of the farm are to create a profitable production based on the full cycle of raising pigs.

Farm tasks:

Purchase equipment for the reconstruction of a pig farm for 200 productive sows.

Provide peasant farms with the necessary technological and auxiliary equipment and materials for reconstruction.

Provide effective feedstuffs to all age groups according to the physiological state of the individuals.

Provide breeding pigs.

It is necessary to purchase equipment for slaughtering and processing pork meat.

It is necessary to carry out reconstruction for 200 productive sows in two stages:

In 2008, reconstruction was carried out with the replacement of old equipment with new equipment from BigDutchman in the insemination zone with 72 stalls and a fattening building with capacity for 1,100 heads.

In 2009, it is planned to reconstruct the waiting building for 120 places, the farrowing building for 45 places, the rearing building for 720 places and the fattening building for 450 places.

After achieving the set goals, it is planned to increase the volume of production by increasing livestock spaces, by reducing energy costs, increasing the yield of piglets per farrowing, as well as increasing weight gain.

The company plans to produce pork in 2008 in the amount of 180 tons in live weight.

Table 7 – Planned indicators for 2006, 2007

As can be seen from Table 7, an increase in pork production is planned due to the reconstruction of the pig farm, which means improving the conditions for keeping and raising pigs, which makes it possible to achieve maximum productivity by increasing the average daily gain in the fattening group from 750g. up to 800g

It is also necessary to provide effective feed for all age groups pigs.

Purchase breeding stock of sows. In November 2008, switch to artificial insemination.

To create a system that allows you to make pig farming a profitable business, in addition to the listed stages, it is necessary to purchase equipment for slaughter and processing shops. Buildings and premises are available.

To implement the plan in the period from 2008 to 2010 it is necessary:

purchase the following equipment in the amount of 3,466,378 rubles, namely:

1. Insemination area – cost 1,526,966 rubles

2. Feeding area for 1,100 places - cost 1,939,412 rubles.

Reconstruction of a pig farm for 200 productive sows allows:

100% mechanized feed distribution, which allows you to ration feed for all groups of animals.

The water supply system is nipple drinkers for all groups of animals.

To create a microclimate, computer software will be used on all groups of animals.

The manure removal system will be carried out through pipes, which will reduce costs.

In turn, after complete reconstruction, the farm will receive the following indicators:

Insemination zone - the feed supply system is used for individual feeding of animals through a volumetric dispenser, which facilitates control of feeding and rationing, and also reduces the cost per person/hour per unit of production.

The water supply system provides animals with always clean and fresh water, which is an important condition to use animals to their full potential. At the same time, animals must be provided with a sufficient amount of clean and easily accessible water. This system It also allows you to save water consumption and man/hour costs when servicing animals.

Manure removal system.

An optimal manure removal system plays a very important role in modern pig production. The Big Dutchman company offers a high-quality manure removal system, the operating principle of which is based on gravity. This allows you to save energy resources, as well as maintain the microclimate in livestock buildings.

The feeding area also provides automated systems water supply, creation of the necessary microclimate, feeding and manure removal. All this as a whole will reduce costs per unit of production, which will entail a reduction in costs, and therefore a profit.

Table 8 – Production plan

The data presented in table No. 8 show that in the future, from 2007 to 2011, it is planned to increase the pig population by 3.9 times or by 2977 heads, and animal productivity will also increase by 1.9 times or by 142 tons. It is planned to keep the cost of 1 kg of meat at the same level, but to increase commercial output by almost 3 times.

Financial plan and financing strategy.

Economic efficiency.

First, we determine the financial condition of the farm using the formula:

where: B – sales revenue

BP – balance sheet profit

KZ – accounts payable

K – coefficient

KZ as of 2007 = 217,000 rubles

B is for 2007 = 7,700 thousand rubles


BP >0 K< 0,5

In 2007, the farm belonged to group 1 of agro-industrial complex enterprises, that is, it is solvent.

Table 9 – Balance of income and expenses



Planned years
2007 2008 2009 2010
1. Sales volume by type of product, i.e.
2. Unit price RUB. /T.
3. Revenue from sales, total thousand rubles.
4. Costs of products sold, thousand rubles.
5. Result from sales, thousand rubles.
6. Income and expenses from non-realized operations, thousand rubles.
7. Balance sheet profit, thousand rubles.
8. Payments to the budget and off-budget funds, thousand roubles.
9. Net profit, thousand rubles.

The need for investment and sources of financing for planned activities

Table 10 – Purchase of equipment based on BigDutchman’s offer

Table 11 – Calculation of repayment of credit resources

Table 12 - Efficiency of plan activities for the period from 2008 to 2011.

The payback period of the project T (years) is determined by the following formula:

where: B – investments in the project – 4,000,000 rubles

P – income received as a result of project implementation from 2008 to 2010. – 29,400,000 rubles

T = 4,000,000/29,400,000 = 0.14*36 = 5 months

The problems of marketing products for the farm are no less pressing than providing them with raw materials and feed.

In order to maximize the potential opportunities and improve the financial condition of the farm, it is necessary to:

Their integration with feed mills on the basis of contractual relations providing for mutual responsibility and interest in the final results;

Activation of the activities of production and scientific systems. Strict compliance with technological standards;

Timely diagnosis of infectious diseases of pigs and control of its immunity after each vaccination;

Increasing the volume of own retail and wholesale trade;

Reduction of non-production costs in all areas of production through self-financing;

Personnel training.

Life has shown that only highly qualified managers and specialists are able to actively influence the production and financial activities of farms and effectively manage them in a market economy. Each of them can improve their professional level through regularly organized courses and seminars.

Conclusions and offers

Farming in this moment directs all efforts to increase pork production, reconstructing the building and replacing old equipment with new ones.

The following factors had a significant impact on the positive trend in the development of the enterprise:

1. The enterprise makes every effort to reduce the cost of pig products:

Through the use of energy-saving technologies in pig farming;

Rational use of feed;

Due to the genetic potential of pig breeds.

2. commercial activity enterprise is aimed at:

Expansion of our own retail network.

In accordance with the conclusions made, I propose the following measures to streamline production processes at a pig farm:

Improving product quality.

Improving product quality is one of the most important areas for increasing enterprise efficiency. The efficiency of an enterprise can increase even with a reduction in sales volume, but this is only possible if the quality of products increases more than at a fast pace. What is the rate of decline in production and sales volumes?

To determine the economic efficiency of product quality conditions, the following must be taken into account:

to improve product quality, additional ongoing one-time costs are required;

the economic effect of improving product quality is manifested mainly not by the manufacturer, but by its consumer;

it is necessary to take into account the savings from reducing defects;

When quality improves, the enterprise receives economic benefits and ultimately receives additional profits.

The main ways to improve product quality:

Increasing the technical level of production;

Increasing the level of personnel qualifications;

Improving the organization of labor and production;

Improving the quality of quality control department work. The main emphasis should be placed not on the development of manufactured products, but on production prevention in order to prevent the release of low-quality products;

Educating the team in the spirit of pride in the quality of products produced; creation of a marketing service;

Introduction of higher quality materials in the manufacture of products;

Reducing costs for sales and production of products;

Establishing the optimal selling price, etc.

List of used literature

1. Minakov N.A. Agricultural Economics. – M.: Kolos, 2001.

2. Savich I.A. Pig breeding and pork production technology. – M.: Agropromizdat, 1986.

3. Semenko L.G., Krylov A.K. Raising and fattening pigs. – M.: Agropromizdat, 1989.

4. Serkov V.M. Problems and prospects of the industry. // Pig farming. – 2002

5. Solovykh A.G., Ovchinnikov A.V., Kalashnikova G.I. Growth and fattening qualities of gilts in different crossing options // Collection of scientific papers “Current problems of pork production in the Russian Federation” Persianovka: DonGAU Publishing House, 2003.

6. Temiraev V., Tibilov V. And pigs grow faster, and the meat tastes better // Animal husbandry of Russia. – 2003. No. 12.

7. Ushachev I.O. Main directions of socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex / Economist 2003. No. 6

8. Shapochkin V. State and prospects for the development of livestock farming in the Russian Federation // Pig breeding. – 2002 No. 4


M.Yu. Karev, R.V. Kostromin

Ways to increase the economic efficiency of pig meat production and the competitiveness of the industry in market conditions are substantiated, including the development of proposals for improving the organization of feed production and increasing the efficiency of their use in pork production, improving the organization of reproduction of pig livestock, and intensifying pork production. The trends in the development of marketing in pork production are revealed based on the creation of marketing services and conducting a sociological survey of pork buyers.

Key words: organization, marketing, pork production.

Reliable provision of the country's population with food is one of the main tasks, the solution of which is associated with the formation of a full-fledged food market.

One of the largest segments of the Russian food market is the market for meat and meat products, including pork. In the country's meat balance in 2006, pork accounted for 32%. Pork is used for human food not only directly in fresh form, but also as a raw material for the production of ham, bacon, sausages, sausages and various kinds of canned food. Leather, bristles and pig slaughter waste are raw materials for light industry.

In recent years, pig farming in the country has been experiencing a serious crisis. The number of pigs in all categories of farms in the Russian Federation decreased from 35.4 million heads. in 1991 to 13.5 million goals. in 2006, and the production of pig meat in slaughter weight during this period decreased from 3.4 million tons to 1.6 million tons, which is comparable to the level of 1960. Pork consumption per capita decreased to 15.3 kg in 2005 .at a norm of 24 kg and above. In 2005, pork imports amounted to 562 thousand tons (34.2% of its production), which poses a threat to the country's food security in meat products.

The reform of the agrarian sector of the agro-industrial complex has made significant changes to the economic conditions of operation and prospects for the development of the pig farming industry. Increasing volumes and increasing the efficiency of pig meat production is hampered by price disparity, rising costs of credit resources, reduced government support, decreased purchasing power of the population, insufficient

provision of material and technical

resources and the lack of proper material interest of agricultural producers in the introduction of scientific and technological advances in pig farming.

Therefore, at present, the problem of increasing the volume and increasing the economic efficiency of the production and sale of pig meat is becoming urgent in order to restore lost positions in the coming years and reach a high-quality new level meat production and consumption.

Pig farming is the leading livestock industry in the world. About 85 million tons of pork are produced annually, which is 40% of total meat production. More than half of the world's pork production is concentrated in China, 21% in countries European Union, 10% - in the United States of America and only about 2% in Russia. If in general the production of livestock products in the world has increased since 1970 by different countries by 1.5-4.5 times, in Russia it decreased by half. The number of pigs on household farms has increased by only 515 thousand since 1990, while in enterprises it has decreased by 22 million, while sales of pork on household farms have decreased by 12%, and in agricultural enterprises by 79%. It is difficult to expect a significant increase in pork production from households in the future. Therefore, only relatively large enterprises, including private ones, are able to revive the pig breeding industry.

The reasons for the catastrophic decline in the number of farm animals and their productivity are known to everyone. This

rapid growth in prices for industrial products, energy sources, lack of investment, affordable lending and reasonable quotas for imported products. Russia has become the largest importer of meat and meat products; meat comes to us at artificially low prices, often of low quality, stored for a long time in warehouses.

Reform economists often point to America as a model of a market economy. But there government subsidy agriculture is considered as the most effective way to stimulate it and ensure stable development in a market environment. IN Lately In the United States, $55 billion is spent annually on agriculture, which is 4.5% of the annual US budget, or 27% of the annual value of all agricultural products.

The lack of support from the state certainly hinders the development of our agriculture. On the other hand, there was often no one to provide such assistance. Most managers were not ready for the transition to market relations. In specialized farms, after the fall in pork prices, they began to focus on selling grain at bargain prices in pursuit of short-term profit and, as a result, were left without their own funds with huge debts for wages, budgets of all levels, energy and other resources.

An important direction for increasing the profitability of pork production is to increase animal productivity and reduce production costs through the widespread use of intensive technologies.

Intensive technologies provide for the achievement of the following indicators: the number of farrows per year per sow is 2-2.2; the number of piglets per sow per farrowing is 9-10; weaning age of piglets is 26-45 days; average daily gain 550 g; feed costs for the production of 1 quintal of pork are 4-4.5 quintals of feed. units; labor costs for 1 quintal of pork are 3-4 man-hours.

Intensive pig farming is based on adequate feeding of pigs and continuous production organization. The main elements of such an organization of production are the following: flow of production

processes, separate-shop organization of labor, rhythm of production.

In a market economy, it is very important to transfer existing complexes and pig farms to intensive technology with a complete pig production cycle and the use of their own feed. This is the only way to ensure the profitability and competitiveness of pig products.

An indispensable condition for effective pig farming is breeding work. The main task of the breeding service is to improve breeds and increase the productive qualities of the broodstock. Breeding work includes the following elements: selection and evaluation of replacement gilts, selection of boars for purebred breeding and crossing, organization of individual selection on the breeding farm and group selection in the industrial part of the herd. The main purpose of a breeding farm is to produce young animals for the repair of the herd.

One of the factors in the intensification of pig production is the comprehensive mechanization of the main production processes on farms, which allows not only to dramatically increase productivity, but also to significantly improve working conditions at the performers’ workplaces.

Integrated mechanization of production processes on pig farms should be subject to the requirements of intensive technology for keeping and feeding pigs, contribute to its successful implementation, ensure minimal feed and labor costs per unit of increase in live weight of pigs and production of products at a minimum cost.

The main reasons hindering the implementation of comprehensive mechanization of pig farming at the present stage can be considered: the insolvency of many agricultural enterprises, the unprofitability of the industry, the lack of a sufficient number of machines for mechanization, the low level of concentration of production, the unsuitability of some pig-breeding buildings for the mechanization of individual production processes.

The economic efficiency of the pig farming industry largely depends on the organization of herd reproduction, the intensity

the use of queens and boars as the main means of production and the uniformity of pork production across the seasons.

In the process of improving herd reproduction, the following tasks are solved:

Improving breed qualities that ensure high fertility of queens, viability of piglets and their early maturity;

Increasing the fertility of queens and extending the period of their use;

Establishing the correct proportions between the main and one-time queens;

Correct selection of replacement young animals and their timely mating;

Ensuring the safety of the offspring and its good development;

Prevention of idleness of breeding stock and reduction of animal mortality;

Systematic selection for the reproduction of the best pigs in terms of productivity, obtaining and raising offspring from them and their subsequent use for expanded reproduction of the herd.

Expanded reproduction of a pig herd largely depends on proper planning of the timing of insemination, farrowing and the production of offspring throughout the year.

The timing of insemination and farrowing has a significant impact on the uniformity of pork production throughout the year, the level of use of the main broodstock, the production of offspring during favorable periods of the year, the formation of groups of animals for fattening, the organization of labor and the economic efficiency of the industry as a whole.

In pig farms, two types of farrowing schedules are used: uniform year-round (sometimes called conveyor) and pronounced seasonal (cyclical). For both seasonal and year-round farrowing, farms widely use a system of round farrowing. Tour farrowing refers to the farrowing of a group of queens in a short period of time (3-5 days). It is advisable to use seasonal farrowing on small pig farms, planning them depending on the conditions of the year, the adopted technology and the availability of premises.

With a year-round schedule, farrowings are distributed evenly across the months of the year.

Yes. It is advisable to use such a schedule on large pig farms and complexes.

The economic efficiency of pig farming is directly related to the creation of a highly productive pig herd, improving the quality of the livestock and the structure of the herd.

The structure of the herd largely determines the cost of feed per unit of growth, the production of pork per main sow, the cost per unit of production, and, consequently, the profitability of the industry. The percentage ratio of sex and age groups of pigs in a farm with a completed herd turnover and in highly specialized enterprises is different.

With normal reproduction of a herd with a completed turnover, it is advisable to have the following ratio of sex and age groups, %: main sows - 4-5, test sows - 4-10, piglets up to 4 months of age - 40-45 and young animals for fattening - 45-50.

At pig-breeding enterprises with a seasonal farrowing system, we can recommend the following herd structure, %: stud boars - 1, replacement boars older than 6 months. - 2, main sows - 7-8, replacement sows older than 9 months. - 15-16, piglets 3-4 months. - 11, fattening pigs -62-64.

In the herd structure of breeding reproductive farms, it is recommended to increase the share of sows by 9% and replacement young stock to 50-55% by reducing the fattening population by 35%. However, it should be borne in mind that a very high percentage of sows in a herd indicates poor utilization and low yield of piglets. It has been established that with a decrease in the proportion of main sows in the herd, the yield of pork per uterus increases, the cost of production decreases and the payment for feed increases.

One of the decisive directions for the further development of pig farming and increasing its economic efficiency in the conditions of the formation of market relations is the creation of a strong and sustainable feed base.

It is necessary that the feed supply for pig farming meets the following requirements:

the volume of feed produced must correspond to the planned volume of production;

the supply of necessary feed must be uninterrupted and rhythmic;

feed balance must be ensured using high-quality and cheap components;

feed should be used rationally, minimizing losses during procurement and storage;

labor and material costs for feed production should be minimal.

Based on these requirements, every pig farm should develop and implement measures to strengthen the feed supply.

The productivity of pigs and other indicators of economic efficiency of production depend on the level of feeding. It has been established that a protein deficiency in pig diets of 20-25% leads to a shortage of 30-34% of production, an increase in unproductive feed costs by 1.4-1.5 times and an increase in their cost by 1.5 times.

Large reserves for increasing animal productivity lie in the use of mixed feed. It has been established that the use of mixed feed, balanced in basic nutrients and enriched with vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances, compared to feeding pigs with various types of grain fodder, provides an increase in productivity by 25-30% while simultaneously reducing production costs.

However, due to the lack of funds from agricultural enterprises and the high cost of feed, there is a need to organize their production directly on farms. Experience of some pig farms

enterprises confirms the possibility of producing mixed feed based on their own grain raw materials and production waste. To fortify mixed feed, purchased fortification additives are used (premix, minerals, medicinal preparations, etc.).

One of the ways to reduce unprofitability and stabilize the production of pig products is the use of marketing methods. To do this, it is necessary to study, firstly, the solvent

demand in order to form a portfolio of orders for products based on key indicators (meat processing plant, other wholesalers), and secondly, to estimate possible sales volumes through other channels (collective farm and wholesale markets, retail trade enterprises, etc.). Based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained, a production program is formed (gross volume of production, livestock, need for feed and other material and technical resources).

Existing distribution channels do not guarantee profit. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate centralized subsidies to ensure break-even production for all normally operating farms. At the same time, producers of pig products must constantly expand direct connections that ensure their sales without intermediaries. This will allow you to increase average selling prices and get a larger profit or minimize losses. Such channels can be collective farm markets, retail stores, including their own retail outlets.

A promising sales channel is a network of wholesale food markets. It is advisable to create wholesale markets of two types: for the sale of meat and meat products and for the sale of livestock.

In any case, the industry needs government support.

1. Sosnovsky K. B. Specialization and efficiency of pig production. // Efficient the economic growth Agroindustrial complex of Kuban. Krasnodar, 2003.

2. Sorokin V.S. On-farm accounting and collective contracting on collective and state farms // Animal husbandry. 1987. No. 11.

3. Nosalenko P.A. An exemplary profitable agricultural enterprise // Russian Agricultural Economics. 2006. No. 1.

Received by the editor on January 11, 2008.

Karev M.Y., Kostromin R.V. Organizational-economic bases of increase of efficiency of pork production. The authors propose ways to increase economic efficiency

science of pork production and competitiveness of the branch in the market conditions, including working out of suggestions on perfection of forage production organization and increase of efficiency of use of forage in pork production, on perfection of organization of pigs' livestock reproduction, on pork production intensification. Tendencies of development of marketing in pork production based on creation of marketing services and conducting pork consumers’ sociological survey are shown.

Key words: organization, marketing, pork production.



1 Food and economic importance of pig farming and its place in the formation of meat resources of the Republic of Belarus

2 The national economic significance of increasing the efficiency of pork production and characteristics of the system of indicators for measuring it

3 Trends in the development of global and domestic pig farming

4 Factors and indicators of effective pork production in a competitive environment


1 Characteristics of the enterprise and the efficiency of using its resource potential

2 Production potential industry and its place in the sectoral economic structure

3 Analysis of the economic efficiency of pork production

4 Analysis of cost structure and efficiency of feed use

5 Economic assessment strengths and weaknesses of industry development

6 Analysis financial results work of the enterprise


1 Ways to realize technological reserves for industry development

2 Increasing the intensity and efficiency of feed production

3 Reducing costs and increasing the profitability of pork production




In Belarus, pig farming is the second most important livestock sector after cattle breeding. It plays a decisive role in the implementation of the meat production program.

Pig farming is a traditional agricultural sector for Belarus with a fairly high level of development. This is a very important industry for people’s livelihoods, widespread in most regions of the globe. It provides a high-calorie food product for the population - meat, which is high in protein, carbohydrates and other valuable nutrients. In the diet of Belarusians, pork accounts for about 50% of consumed meat products and provides 27% of consumed calories. With an annual meat requirement of 85 kg per capita in Belarus, pork accounts for 40-45 kg per year. Currently, no more than two-thirds of the population's need for pork is satisfied.

In the structure of gross meat production in Belarus, pork occupies about one third, and commercial products - no more than one quarter. This is explained by the fact that most of the internal needs of meat producing farms and the population are satisfied through pig products. In addition to meat, pig farming produces valuable raw hides, blood, bristles and other by-products used in various industries.

Problems that have become acute in the development of agricultural enterprises require urgent solutions. But their solution only by the state cannot lead to a certain effect, since the main aspect in their solution should be the improvement of the management mechanism within the agricultural enterprises themselves. Today, every enterprise has reserves for increasing productivity, reducing production costs, and improving its quality.


1.1 Food and economic importance of pig farming and its place in the formation of meat resources of the Republic of Belarus

According to the State Program for Rural Revival and Development for 2011-2015, by the year of its completion, it is planned to produce 1,440 thousand tons of meat of all types in live weight throughout the country’s entire agriculture.

Based on the well-founded rational structure of meat production, pork in the Republic of Belarus should account for at least 40% (according to FAO, in the world - 39%), or an absolute volume of live weight of 576 thousand tons, including slaughter weight of about 450 thousand tons

In total, the production of all types of meat in slaughter weight is determined at 972.1 thousand tons and per capita of the republic will be 98.7 kg (in 1990 - 116 kg) with the recommended medical consumption rate - 80 kg (fact 1990) . - 76 kg). Under these conditions, in addition to fully meeting the needs of the population (788 thousand tons of meat), it will be possible to have an additional significant state reserve resource of meat and meat products (approximately 184 thousand tons) for export and the creation of an extreme insurance fund.

It will be very difficult to produce the specified amount of meat. To reach a pork production volume of 576 thousand tons in live weight, it will be necessary in the public sector (complexes + farms) to increase the weight gain of pigs during growing and fattening to 600 g per 1 head per day, intensively use breeding stock, eliminate the allowed Currently, there is a large mortality rate of young animals, in particular piglets, to create an optimal microclimate system on farms and complexes, etc. This can be achieved by solving the problem of organizing an intensive feed supply, adequate feeding of the entire pig population based on the accelerated growth of our own production of balanced and less costly concentrated feed, introducing and mastering the effective structure of sown areas of grain crops with a high protein content, expanding to the optimum the crops of legumes - peas, lupine, vetch (up to 13-15% in the composition of grains), rapeseed for seeds with their subsequent processing into high-protein feed additives - meal and cakes, preparing and using concentrated feed (mixed feed) up to 120 g per 1 cu.

1.2 The national economic significance of increasing the efficiency of pork production and characteristics of the system of indicators for measuring it

Pig breeding is of great economic importance as the most early-ripening and prolific branch of animal husbandry. It provides meat and lard, fat for feeding the population, as well as leather, bristles and other raw materials for light industry. Pork can be preserved well, it is most suitable for preparing sausages, smoked meats, first and second courses, and fat successfully replaces various oils. Research has found that pork does not increase cholesterol levels in the blood and does not contribute to atherosclerosis. New complexes for 12, 24 and 54 thousand animals are being built. At the same time, old farms are being reconstructed using elements of industrial technology. At the same time, maximum mechanization of all production processes and the introduction of continuous production of pork on all farms are provided. The latest scientific achievements and best practices are widely used in production, allowing us to obtain more high-quality products with the available resources.

Pig farming is one of the most productive branches of livestock farming. These are high-quality and relatively cheap products, which in Belarus are right behind beef in production volumes.

In the gross production of meat, pork ranks second after beef. In the structure of meat products produced in farms of all categories, pork accounts for about 40%, in the structure of meat products of collective and state farms - up to 30%, and in the structure of all commercial agricultural products - 10 - 12%. Pig farming goes well with dairy farming and vegetable farming, but is not compatible with poultry farming and potato production. Modern pig farming has its own characteristics. The main one is further intensification and gradual transfer to an industrial basis. The number of large pig-breeding complexes is growing every year, and at the same time old farms are being reconstructed using elements of industrial technology. At the same time, maximum mechanization of all production processes and the introduction of continuous production of pork on all farms are provided. The latest scientific achievements and best practices are widely used in production, allowing us to obtain more high-quality products with the available resources.

Domestic breeds of pigs, when used rationally, make it possible to obtain an average daily gain during fattening from 500 g to 1000 g or more at a feed cost of 3.9 feed units or less per 1 centner of gain. They have a strong constitution. They are characterized by high rates of natural resistance, which is essential when keeping animals in industrial complexes.

Pigs differ from other farm animals in a number of biological features, the rational use of which in production makes them highly profitable. The most important of them are high prolificacy and good maternal quality of sows, a relatively short period of gestation, early maturity, high productivity and usefulness of meat, omnivorousness and wide adaptation capabilities.

In recent years, much attention has been paid to strengthening the feed base and expanding the network of feed mills. Science has developed fundamentally new approaches to the issues of feeding and keeping pigs, proposed new biotechnical methods for regulating their reproductive functions, ensuring continuous production. The specialization and concentration of production is further strengthened and deepened. All this requires pig breeding workers to have deep special knowledge, high professional level.

The main task of agriculture in our republic is the production of essential food products to meet the needs of the population and for export to purchase energy resources and other material and technical means not produced in the country in exchange.

Agriculture is the most important industry material production, since it provides the population with food and the processing industry with raw materials.

The main goal of economic activity of enterprises is to

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