The best conditions for refinancing loans. Loan repayment methods

Refinancing - closing all old loans and merging them into one new one, usually for more favorable conditions. You can refinance a credit card, but only if the loan was obtained from other banks and if the borrower has a good credit history.

At the same time, the money received as a result of refinancing can only be spent on returning old debts, after which the client becomes indebted to the “new” bank. A credit card, in its essence, is a consumer, that is, non-targeted, loan, opened and paid repeatedly. The only one an important condition What distinguishes a credit card from a consumer loan is the monthly limit on the card: consumer loan

it is taken out one-time and repaid over a certain period of time, while with a credit card a loan can be taken out at any time and an unlimited number of times, while the amount of debt and payment terms depend on the monthly limit. Therefore, a credit card, like a regular loan, is issued loan agreement . Such an agreement is a banking product, which means credit card can be refinanced just like any other banking product . In the process of refinancing a credit card, debt obligations are transferred from one banking organization

to another, “new” one - this is refinancing. Important: large banks - VTB, Sberbank and others - always clarify for what purpose a citizen wants to refinance his loans. Think about your answer in advance, because... its absence may result in refusal of refinancing. You can, for example, indicate that in the new bank interest rate more profitable, too high for you monthly payment

good explanation too. These two answers are the most common and at the same time satisfactory for the bank.

What are the conditions for refinancing credit cards from other banks: 6 best offers

Before you look for the banking offers that best suit you, we advise you. The fact is that refinancing in most cases occurs on terms favorable to the client - with a reduced interest rate, with a reduced monthly payment, and so on. credit history can easily cause failure. Therefore, contact the BKI before submitting an application to the bank in order to refinance the credit card “as expected,” i.e. without refusals and paperwork.

In addition, it is worth considering that the bank’s offer and its conditions strongly depend on the following parameters:

  • Client's solvency;
  • Participation in salary project;
  • Credit history and criminal record;
  • Registration or refusal of comprehensive insurance;
  • New loan amount.

If everything is in order with the credit history and other parameters, six banking offers, the most profitable this year:


Sberbank offers the “Refinancing” program with not very favorable conditions compared to other banks on the list, but with high legal reliability and transparency of the transaction:

  • If a person refinances amounts up to 500 thousand rubles, the interest rate is 13.5% per annum. If more than 500 thousand rubles, then 12.5% ​​per annum;
  • The maximum amount of all debts should not exceed 3 million rubles;
  • The term of the new loan will be from 3 to 60 months;
  • The maximum number of loans is 5 (according to the terms of the refinancing program, several loans can be combined into one loan).


Many people come here to refinance a Sberbank credit card, because... No other bank offers such an attractive interest rate. However, clients do not take into account that Raiffeisenbank gives the most low rate only when taking out comprehensive insurance. For refusal of insurance, Raiffeisenbank “fines” the borrower an additional 5% per annum.

  • The maximum loan amount is 2 million rubles;
  • The loan term cannot be more than 5 years;
  • The maximum number of credits is 4;
  • The citizen must be over 23 years old;
  • The interest rate is from 10.99% per annum during the first year, 9.99% per annum for the second and subsequent years of loan repayment.


The organization attracts mainly individuals, offering low interest rates and long maximum payment terms. However, Rosselkhozbank is not suitable for everyone, because... The maximum loan amount may not be enough for the borrower.

  • The maximum loan amount is 750 thousand rubles;
  • The longest possible loan term is 7 years;
  • The interest rate is within the corridor from 10.5% to 11.5% per annum;
  • A total of 5 different loans can be combined.

Alfa Bank

Refinancing a credit card at Alfa-Bank is more suitable for wealthy people, because... The interest rate here is “unaffordable” for many, even if this is compensated by the large maximum loan amount.

  • The loan amount cannot exceed 3 million rubles;
  • Maximum term debt repayment - 7 years;
  • The interest rate is at least 11.9% per annum, but may rise to 13.9% if you do not agree to take out insurance;
  • You can refinance five loans at once.


VTB is ideal for those debtors who have a significant income, but are heavily in debt. Only VTB offers such large loan amounts - albeit at a high interest rate.

  • The loan amount, upon provision of all relevant certificates of income and existing property, can reach 5 million rubles;
  • The maximum repayment period can be 7 years;
  • The interest rate starts at 12.5% ​​per annum, and its maximum value is 16.5% per annum (in case of refusal of insurance, registration of refinancing in the branch and non-participation in salary projects);
  • You can refinance 6 loans at once.

Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff, unlike other Russian banks, focuses credit card refinancing exclusively on individuals from the “middle class”. This is easy to understand from the terms of refinancing:

  • The maximum loan amount is limited to only 300 thousand rubles;
  • Interest rate - from 15% to 29.9% per annum;
  • The maximum repayment period is 3 years;
  • Refinancing is possible for five loans.

We would not have included this bank in the list if it were not for the reliability of the organization and the availability of technologies introduced into the service. In this regard, Tinkoff can be recommended to people with small debts and those who value modernity and technology.

In addition to the above organizations, there are also less common, sometimes even little-known: Russian Standard, SKB-Bank, Russian Post and other banks. There is no point in including them in the list, since the total number of users in Russia - in percentage terms - is too small. In addition, the offers of other banks are often inferior to those given above.

General requirements for credit card refinancing

The terms and conditions of the program generally comply with the requirements of banks. This means that if the borrower fully meets the requirements, in addition to an easier procedure, he also receives more favorable conditions.

Therefore, you need to take care of your image with the utmost care, and it is advisable to do this in advance. Any Russian bank will definitely require:

  • Certificate of income in form 2-NDFL. In some cases, if the client has an “unofficial” permanent income - for example, thanks to freelancing or seasonal part-time work - certificates in the bank’s form are also accepted. Moreover, to approve really large loan amounts, the bank may request statements of accounts, a real estate purchase and sale agreement and other papers confirming the availability of liquid property. Do not forget that the approved credit amount- the higher the income, the more they can lend;
  • In most banks, the minimum age for registration is 21 years old, in some - 23 years old. The maximum age should not exceed 65 years at the time of debt repayment;
  • A military ID for men whose age has not reached 27 years is mandatory;
  • The borrower must be a citizen Russian Federation, and when contacting the bank, he must take with him an internal passport of the Russian Federation;
  • A work record book with notes on the total work experience of at least a year, at the last job - at least 3 months;
  • Most banks require that refinanced loans have at least 2 months left before expiration. Otherwise, it simply makes no sense for the bank to refinance a person for such a short period;
  • New loan in mandatory must be targeted. This means that the money received should only be spent on paying off previous debts. If the borrower wants to receive some more cash “on top”, he will have to carry additional income papers or even get a separate consumer loan.

Important: among other things, the interest rate depends on the insurance taken out and participation in the salary project; the final chance of refinancing approval depends on the attraction of guarantors and/or co-borrowers, as well as on the credit history. This is important for a client who wants to get the most favorable conditions.

How to apply for refinancing and how to close an old loan?

You can submit an application in two ways: online and in person at a local bank branch. It is worth noting that when submitting an application via the Internet, you will still eventually have to go to the branch for identification and transfer of documents. Thus, the online service is needed only for a preliminary assessment of your chances in order to understand in advance whether you can count on refinancing with this bank.

  • Submit an online application on the official website of the selected bank and wait for a response. If such a function is not available on the site, you can skip this step.
  • Come to a bank branch to submit an application. The organization's employees will give you a letterhead, and they will help you write the application correctly. After this, you will be given an exact list of required documents that are suitable specifically for your situation. As a rule, the list includes: Russian passport; loan agreements for all refinanced loans; certificates from banks about debt balances; a copy of the work record book, certified by the chief accountant and the head of the employing enterprise, as well as a certificate of income;
  • The application is reviewed within several days. The decision will be notified by telephone or SMS message. If the application is approved, the borrower is asked to come to the bank to sign the agreement;
  • Bank employees open an account for the client and transfer money to it. Funds must be transferred to a credit card, after which they will be automatically debited. Next, you need to go to the bank that issued the credit card and close the loan agreement based on its implementation.
  • In most cases, it will not be possible to close the card right away: it will take time until the money is processed by the system. Come to the bank the next day after payment. There, “without leaving the cash register”, take a certificate of debt repayment and a certificate of no claims - this paper may be requested from the new bank. In addition, such a certificate may reduce your interest rate, because... it will serve as confirmation of the targeted spending credit funds.

Don’t know which banks offer loan refinancing to individuals? How to select the best offers of 2019 from all the variety? After reading this review you will find out which bank is profitable to apply for refinancing consumer loans other banks! The list was compiled by an independent expert on banking products and part-time author of a financial blog! So it will be interesting!

Due to the gradual decrease in loan rates, for many borrowers the issue of refinancing their loans that were taken in previous years. Most often, refinancing a loan with another bank is due to 2 main reasons: either the existing loan was taken out at a high interest rate, or the borrower has now changed financial position and it became much more difficult to pay under the loan agreement. In this case, it will be profitable to refinance your loan obligations and save on interest and monthly payments. In this article, I will tell you where it is best to refinance loans from other banks and what conditions are the most favorable for individuals in 2019.

Why refinance loans from other banks?

First, let's decide how taking out a new loan to pay off old ones can help us credit obligations in other banks. What are the advantages of refinancing programs for us, individuals:

  1. Reducing the interest rate on the loan. As I said above, if you took out a loan on conditions that were not very favorable for yourself, then refinancing is a way to correct your mistake and save on interest. But there is a nuance here. The fact is that most banks issue loans using a system of differentiated payments. What does it mean? This means that, at the beginning of the loan repayment, for example, in the first 3-6 months, the main share of interest is paid. And then the principal debt is paid off. Therefore, I recommend that if you refinance to reduce the rate, it is better to do it as early as possible. When there are several months left before the end of the loan term, there is no point in refinancing in order to save on interest. But if you need extra cash in hand, then refinancing is the way to go.
  2. Reduce your monthly loan payment. Anyone can find themselves in a situation where their financial situation changes dramatically. And naturally, this affects your ability to pay your loan obligations. To avoid delays and to make it more comfortable to repay your loan, you can use the services of banks for on-lending. With a new loan, you simply increase the term, and the payment becomes smaller. But here, do not forget about the other side of the coin - overpayment.
  3. Combining several loans into one. Most borrowers in Russia have two or more loans. Moreover, loans are usually different banks. This is not entirely convenient, because you have to pay 2 or more times a month. And this takes away our time, which could be usefully spent in other ways. In such cases, people consider refinancing to combine all loans and pay only one.
  4. Release the loan collateral. In this case, an issued car loan secured by a car or a mortgage can be refinanced with an unsecured loan, and thereby free the collateral from loan obligations. This is very convenient when you need to sell your car or apartment, which is pledged to a credit institution.

TOP 7 banks for refinancing loans to individuals

After analyzing a lot of offers for individuals from well-known banks in the country, I came to a list of the 7 best banks offering the most favorable conditions for refinancing, refinancing and consolidation programs for consumer loans, including credit cards, mortgages and microloans. I strongly recommend that anyone who wants to apply for refinancing first familiarize themselves with this rating, compare and choose suitable conditions for themselves, and without delay, submit an online application via the Internet.

The best offer of 2019 - refinancing at Alfa-Bank

In 2019, the refinancing program from Alfa-Bank is very popular. This credit institution is developing at a very fast pace and strives to attract as many clients as possible, offering very favorable conditions. And of course, this is good news, because the interest rate here is considered one of the lowest, and the process of obtaining a loan is fast!

Let's consider the terms of lending from Alfa-Bank

  • Low loan rate from 11.99%. Calculated individually.
  • Duration from 1 to 5 years. For salary clients maximum term 7 years.
  • Loan amount from 50 thousand to 4 million rubles.
  • No security is required (neither collateral nor guarantors).
  • They do not provide loans to individual entrepreneurs.
  • All types of refinancing are possible credit products, including microloans from microfinance organizations, car loans and mortgages.
  • A single application for refinancing and additional money (if necessary).
  • Decision on your application online in just 15 minutes!

Refinancing of consumer loans in Moscow from Interprombank

Are you looking for where to refinance your loans in Moscow and the Moscow region? Loan refinancing program in third party banks from the Moscow Interprombank is considered one of the most interesting for residents of Moscow and the region. Only residents of the capital and Moscow region aged 18 to 75 can submit an application here. Thus, even pensioners under 75 years of age can refinance a loan here.

Conditions for refinancing loans at Interprombank

  • Loan rate from 11% (minus 1% after refinancing is completed)
  • The term of the new contract is from 6 to 72 months.
  • The loan amount is not less than 45 thousand rubles and not more than 1.1 million rubles.
  • Registration and residence must be in Moscow or the Moscow region.
  • By applying for a loan under the refinancing program at Interprombank, you can combine all your loans and pay only one monthly payment. In addition, if your credit history allows, you will be offered additional money for any purpose.

Profitable refinancing without certificates and without interest for 120 days

Tinkoff Bank now has unique conditions that no other bank in Russia offers. The peculiarity of the conditions is that if you apply for a card at Tinkoff and you are approved for the required limit, then you can pay off a debt in another bank (loan, microloan or credit card) completely free of charge with this money. And the main advantage is that you will not accrue interest on the transferred amount of debt from another bank on your Tinkoff credit card for 120 days (4 full months)! This is a great way to refinance your consumer loans with third-party banks. If you have mortgage then take advantage of another offer - Tinkoff Mortgage .

To take advantage of the favorable conditions of “Refinancing without interest for 120 days” you need to:

  1. to your Tinkoff credit card and receive a decision within 5 minutes.
  2. If the card is approved, a bank specialist will deliver it to a place convenient for you.
  3. When activating the card over the phone, say that you want to transfer the debt from another bank.
  4. You will need to provide the Tinkoff operator with the details for transferring money to another bank.
  5. Within 1-2 business days the bank will transfer money from your credit card Tinkoff cards to pay off a debt from another bank. And you will receive 4 months of interest-free period for this amount of debt.

In case you are refused Tinkoff Bank on a credit card or you are not satisfied with the limit, Alfa Bank has a similar product. There you can also get a credit card, pay off a debt in another bank with this card and not pay interest on the card to Alfa Bank for 100 days. That is, a kind of interest holiday on the card. This is a great way to refinance a small loan or microloan with another bank. .

Loan for refinancing from UBRIR using a passport and income certificate

The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development offers quite favorable conditions for on-lending to individual borrowers. By submitting an application for refinancing with this bank, you can reduce the amount of payments, lower the interest rate, reduce the number of loans and credit cards, and also receive additional funds if necessary. For registration you will need only 2 documents - a passport and a certificate of income. Moreover, both hired employees of companies and individual entrepreneurs(IP).

Terms of offer at UBRIR

  • The loan rate is 15-19%, with the possibility of reducing after 2 months to 13-15% per annum.
  • Duration from 24 to 84 months.
  • Amount up to 1 million rubles.
  • The borrower's age is 21-75 years.
  • The application is reviewed as soon as possible - 1 day.

Refinancing loans from other banks without collateral or guarantors in Rosbank

Another bank that refinances consumer loans to individuals is ROSBANK. A credit organization gives you the opportunity to pay off existing loan obligations in another bank with a new loan, which will allow you to reduce the rate, payment, release collateral in another bank, combine several loans into one, or get additional money for any other purpose.

If you look at the refinancing conditions that Rosbank offers to individuals, they are one of the most profitable:

  • Low interest rate - from 11.99%.
  • Large amount up to 3 million rubles.
  • The maximum period is 60 months for new clients, 84 months for salary clients.

Fixed rate offer for individuals from Uralsib Bank

Bank Uralsib today offers to refinance all your loans in other banks and combine them into one loan under favorable interest rate lending. Unlike many other banks, Uralsib immediately announces a fixed rate at which it can approve a loan for you. This rate is currently 11.4 percent per annum, which is one of the lowest rates for refinancing.

Briefly about profitable loan refinancing from Uralsib

  • The loan rate is fixed - 11.4% per annum.
  • Duration from 13 to 84 months.
  • Amount up to 2 million rubles.
  • The ability to repay loans from other banks, as well as receive additional funds for any purpose.
  • The borrower must be at least 23 years old to apply.
  • If you need an amount for refinancing up to 250 thousand rubles, then you will only need 2 documents: a passport + a second document (driver’s license, SNILS, INN, international passport, and so on). If it is over 250 tr, then you will additionally need a document confirming your income - 2-NDFL.

Favorable conditions for refinancing from Raiffeisenbank

For clients aged 23 to 67 years, Raiffeisenbank offers to combine up to 5 existing loan agreements with other banks (mortgage, car loan, credit card or consumer loan in cash).

On the bank’s page you can find out detailed conditions, calculate the feasibility of combining loans using a calculator and send an application. And in just a few minutes you will receive an online solution.

Conditions of the offer at Raiffeisenbank

  • Favorable rate of 10.99% from the second year, 11.9% in the first year.
  • If within 90 days you do not close the loans for which you have refinanced at Raiffeisenbank, then the interest rate may be increased by 8 percent.
  • Combine up to 5 different loans.
  • The minimum amount is 90 thousand, the maximum is 2 million rubles.
  • Documents you will need are a passport and a 2-NDFL certificate for the last 3 months. If the amount is up to 300,000 rub. - only a passport!
  • Individual entrepreneurs are not given credit.

Where and how to refinance a loan if denied

Very often, those who are currently experiencing problems paying off current debt obligations want to refinance their loan. That is, a person is already in arrears on his loan and is trying to find where to refinance it. This is a fairly common situation and therefore it is necessary to clearly understand how to get out of this situation. As a person who worked in the credit department of a bank for 10 years, I can say what needs to be done:

  1. To begin with, you must understand that with late payment current loan up to 30 days there is still a good chance of getting a positive decision on the special refinancing programs listed above. If the delay is much more than 1 month, then the chances of refinancing your loans are significantly less. But in any case, to get out of this situation you need to act. Therefore, in any case, try to leave online applications from the above rating of banks.
  2. If all banks refuse or approve an insufficient limit for the refinancing program, then you need to try to get a cash loan from the banks listed below. There you can either apply for a loan without proof of income, or vice versa, secured by real estate or a vehicle title.
  3. If and on regular loan If they refuse cash, then the only way is to apply for a loan from your closest relative (husband/wife, brother/sister), who will help cover your arrears with the money received. And you will already give the money to him.

Below are 8 profitable banks that issue cash loans for any purpose, including refinancing loans from other banks. To apply for this type of loan for refinancing, you do not need to collect certificates of loans from other banks.

  1. Housing Finance Bank- for those whom banks refuse to refinance. At a credit institution you can get a loan for refinancing without refusal, secured by an apartment! Great option refinancing for those with bad credit history!
  2. — consumer cash loan at a favorable interest rate for those who want to refinance loans from other banks. If you are a budget employee, then feel free to send an application to this bank. The bank is loyal to this category of borrowers!
  3. — if the delays do not allow you to urgently refinance the loan, then the way out of the situation would be to issue a loan to another person, for example, to your parents or grandparents. UBRIR Bank offers favorable conditions for pensioners.

Watch the training video: “What is refinancing and how to do it correctly?”

An urgent need for money often forces borrowers to obtain loans on terms that cannot be called favorable. First of all, they are characterized by a high interest rate and a short period for returning the amounts received, which forces you to think about refinancing.

From this review, you will learn about the best refinancing offers for individuals. persons in 2019.

Such loans are difficult to repay, as a result of which the borrower may default on its obligations, entailing negative consequences such as fines and penalties. This should not be allowed. It is much better to find a financial solution that will be beneficial for the debtor himself.

With the help of refinancing in another bank, the situation can stabilize, and the debt can be repaid in full and ahead of schedule, which will significantly reduce the amount of estimated costs for servicing the loan.

What is loan refinancing?

One of financial instruments, allowing for refinancing of a client, is loan refinancing. In fact, this process involves obtaining a new loan, the terms of which are more favorable to the client.

A new loan allows you to close your current debt and get rid of the previous, less profitable loan in full. When using refinancing, it is necessary to thoroughly study the terms of the proposed loan. Particular attention should be paid to the interest rate. It should be lower than the original loan. The period should be longer.

Clients often identify the concept restructuring with refinancing, forgetting that their essence is completely different. If refinancing is expressed in obtaining a new loan, then restructuring includes the re-issuance of an existing loan obligation by establishing more favorable conditions.

The funds received through on-lending are of a targeted nature associated with the repayment of debt incurred to another creditor.

Using the funds received from the new loan, you can:

  • refinancing of consumer loans;
  • closing a mortgage;
  • return of funds to a credit card;
  • car loan repayment.

The loan refinancing program may apply to those clients who are not overdue on loan payments, and therefore the issue of refinancing should be raised in advance.

As a result of refinancing, the client has the opportunity to:

  • reduce the interest rate paid for servicing the loan;
  • change the monthly fee;
  • perform a consolidation of several loans;
  • withdraw mortgaged property from loan collateral.

Clients who have significant delays in payments and have never paid the loan cannot count on refinancing. In order to take advantage of refinancing opportunities, you must contact banking institutions. You can learn about which banks refinance loans from this article.

Is it profitable to refinance a consumer loan?

The widespread development of consumer lending has given rise to various conditions for the provision of loans by financial institutions. And, if some banks continue to be guided by the principles of loyalty, others do not limit themselves to interest rates, which gives rise to a certain number of loan defaulters.

The prevalence of consumer loans is justified by the fact that the provision of credit funds can be either targeted or non-targeted, and is aimed at:

  • meeting the client's household needs;
  • purchase of vehicles;
  • mortgage

Taking into account the fact that obtaining a new loan, with the help of which a previously received loan is repaid, the terms of repayment of which are less favorable, can significantly reduce the monthly burden on the debtor’s budget, increase the debt repayment period and combine the entire range of loan obligations in one, the undeniable benefits of refinancing can be argued.

10 best banks with refinancing offers 2019

We can talk about whether refinancing a consumer loan is profitable based on information about the conditions under which the most popular banks provide funds for loan refinancing. Fill out online applications and find out who will approve and under what conditions.

Rosbank - refinancing at a lower interest rate

Only 12% per annum, this is exactly the interest rate that Rosbank offers for its clients. Refinancing of any type from mortgages and car loans, to credit cards and overdrafts.

  • Duration from 12 to 84 months;
  • Interest rate from 11.99 to 17% per annum (12% is available for salary clients, for others from 13%).


  • Russian citizenship
  • Permanent registration in one of the regions where the bank operates.

Loan from Promsvyazbank with the possibility of reducing the rate to 6.9%

An excellent offer from Promsvyazbank. A loan with a decreasing interest rate and the possibility of refinancing other loans.

  • Amount from 50,000 to 3,000,000 rubles;
  • Duration up to 7 years;
  • Rate from 6,9 up to 9.9% per annum.


If the loan is repaid on time without delays, a maximum reduction in the initial rate of 3% (9.9% - 3% = 6.9%) is possible, 1% each year.

VTB Bank of Moscow - the best offer

Refinancing a loan with VTB Bank of Moscow is a reliable way to avoid delays. The bank is part of the VTB group, which includes VTB 24 and Post Bank, which indicates its reliability and government management.

The offered rates used for refinancing are considered to be the most favorable. The lender is ready to refinance loans issued by borrowers included in the group of public sector employees, as well as those clients who are employed in organizations of other forms of ownership.

  • Among the main conditions are:
  • rate set from 12.9%;
  • return period reaching 7 years;

the amount provided is within 3,000,000 rubles.

Foreign currency loans can be repaid using the agreed amount. Borrowers can use the opportunity to provide “Credit Holidays”, subject to making monthly payments for 3 months.

UBRIR - 13%

Credit "It's simple!" from UBRIR for repayment of existing consumer loans, credit cards in third-party banks. The offer from this bank offers perhaps the best rates on loans for refinancing.


  • Amount from 30,000 to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Duration from 24 to 84 months;
  • The rate is 13% per annum.

Requirements and documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of income according to f. 2-NDFL or according to the bank form for the last 6 months (Borrowers who are individual entrepreneurs, founders-co-founders of an enterprise, provide a certificate of registration and tax return, including in form 3-NDFL);
  • The borrower's age is from 21 to 75 years. on the loan repayment date.

Important! Application review time is 1 day. Depending on the assessment of the client’s creditworthiness, rates will change: 15-19% with the possibility of reducing to 13-15% within two months.

URALSIB – minimum documents and 11.4%

Just one visit to the bank, just two documents, that’s all you need to refinance a loan at URALSIB. The number of refinanced loans is not limited, providing additional funds for consumer needs.

  • Amount from 35,000 to 2,000,000 rubles;
  • Rate from 11.4% per annum;
  • Duration from 13 to 84 months.

Refinancing a loan to Rosselkhozbank

For its part, Rosselkhozbank also offers refinancing of loans from other banks. Honest and transparent working conditions have become the main principles of operation of this banking sector institution.

Already today, refinancing a loan at Rosselkhozbank can be carried out using the following conditions:

  • minimum rate - 13.5%;
  • coverage level – 1,000,000 rubles;
  • The return period is 5 years.

The calculator, which is available on the bank’s website, allows you to calculate the loan yourself, using the possibility of making differentiated and annuity payments. The ability to choose a payment system is used only by a few banks.

The bank refinances loans without certificates and guarantors, while providing the right to provide collateral and issue a guarantee.

Loans received in state currency, euros and dollars are allowed for refinancing, provided that payments on such loans were made by the borrower within a year, starting from the date of receipt of the loan.

Refinancing applications will be approved for clients who have a positive loan repayment history.

Interprombank refinancing for Moscow residents

Another proposal to refinance loans from other banks is presented by the Moscow bank Interprombank.

For residents of the capital and region, the bank has developed a special and most loyal offer, which will allow you to combine a number of loans with a high rate, as well as significantly reduce the cost of servicing them. At the same time, it is possible to increase the term of servicing a single loan.

The main principle by which approval or refusal of refinancing is granted is the presence of Moscow registration. The conditions also apply to residents of the region.

Taking into account the interests of pensioners, the bank increased the age criterion for a potential client to 75 years, which allows the most vulnerable group of citizens to use their financial opportunities on a par with persons of working age.

Main criteria:

  • applying a rate of 12%;
  • setting a return period from six months to 5 years;
  • provision of funds from 45 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles;
  • mandatory registration and residence in the capital and region.

In addition to the refinancing itself, the bank offers clients to receive additional funds in the form of a loan provided to fulfill any of their wishes.

Loan refinancing at Sberbank for individuals

An advantageous offer from Sberbank makes it possible for a wide range of people, namely those clients classified as salary clients, to refinance those loans that were received in other financial companies. Additional privileges are provided to civil servants and public sector employees.

Sberbank is ready to provide on-lending to those clients who have not previously cooperated with the bank. Special conditions have been developed for them.

Basic conditions for loan refinancing:

  • minimum applicable rate of 13.9%;
  • the time allowed for return is no more than 5 years;
  • loan size – no more than 3 million rubles;
  • consolidation of up to 5 loans received from other banks, including secured car loans.

Considering that Sberbank is classified as a group of state banks, we can safely talk about a certain status of the bank, the level of its reliability, and the presence of permanent partners.

The application can be completed not only as a result of a personal visit to the branch, but also online, which makes it possible to obtain the required credit decision without leaving your own computer.

Refinancing program from Svyaz-Bank

One of best offers 2017 on refinancing loans from other banks was presented by Svyaz Bank. The procedure requires the provision of a loan agreement and a certificate of debt, indicating the bank details to which the newly received loan must be transferred.

The following are subject to refinancing:

  • consumer loans;
  • credit card debt;
  • car loan balances.

The total loan size can reach 3 million rubles, with a maximum term of 84 months. The interest rate is determined individually. The rate ranges from 13.9%.

A nice bonus There is no need to pay commissions and provide collateral.

To calculate the approximate amount of the fee for using a loan, you can use the calculator, which is located on the bank’s page.

Alfa Bank refinancing loans from other banks

  • Max. amount up to 4,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 10.99%;
  • Loan term from 1 to 7 years;
  • Review in 15 minutes.

The institution is ready exclusively to refinance targeted loans, namely mortgage lending. Some conditions of provision are related to the fulfillment of additional requirements, namely insurance of the client’s life, his health and the mortgaged object itself.

If there is insurance, Alfa Bank refinances loans from other banks, setting the interest rate at 10,9% . Refusal of insurance serves as a basis for increasing the interest rate.

A bank engaged in refinancing mortgages has set the minimum loan amount at 600 thousand rubles. Maximum indicator should not be more than 85% of the price of the real estate itself, which is the subject of a mortgage.

You can receive a bank decision on the possibility of refinancing after submitting an electronic application, as well as by visiting the institution yourself. Cooperation with a banking institution is one of the most acceptable ways to resolve the issue of refinancing and get rid of loans with enslaving conditions.

Pervomaisky Bank - will help you repay loans from other banks

The offer from Pervomaisky Bank is suitable for those who want to quickly “understand” unsecured consumer loans, credit cards, and overdrafts from other banks.

  • Amount up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Rate from 13.55%;
  • Duration up to 60 months;
  • Extra money for any purpose.


  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • A document confirming income, a document indicating the balance of debt under contracts subject to refinancing.

Important! The number of refinanced loans is not limited, the amount of monthly payments is significantly reduced, additional cash for any purpose and debit card For a present.

Gazprombank refinancing up to 7 years

For those who have a consumer loan, service it without delay for at least six months, and will have to repay it for at least another six months, Gazprombank offers refinancing of loans from other banks with the appropriate purpose.

Clients are guaranteed the opportunity to refinance:

  • for a period of up to 7 years;
  • interest rate starting from 12.25%;
  • maximum amount up to 3,500,000 rubles.

The interest rate depends on the repayment period required by the client. Essential condition is insurance. Refusal to fulfill it entails an automatic increase in interest by 0.5 points. Offers for current clients may differ slightly from the terms and conditions that apply to new clients.

Perform an approximate calculation total cost The loan received can be calculated using a special calculator located on the bank’s website on the Internet.

Post Bank - refinancing

Applying for loans in a hurry often leads to the discovery of pitfalls in loan agreements and high loan servicing fees, which can significantly affect the financial position of the borrower. You can get rid of such loans only by full repayment.

You can speed up repayment by refinancing such a loan. Post Bank refinances loans from other banks, which allows not only to reduce the amount of overpayment, but also to combine all existing obligations into one, using the most favorable repayment conditions.

The bank is focused on working with various groups population, paying Special attention category such as pensioners. Special programs have been prepared for them, allowing them to carry out the most profitable refinancing.

The standard interest rate is fixed at 12.9%. The final conditions for consolidating loan obligations are determined individually, depending on the information obtained from the client’s documents.

Binbank - lowers rates in 2018

B&N Bank was included in the list of banks ready to refinance the obligations of existing and potential clients. Among the proposed conditions:

  • interest – from 14.99%;
  • return period – no more than 7 years;
  • amount – within 2,000,000 rubles;
  • collateral is missing.

Loans in national currency are accepted for refinancing, provided that at least three payments are made and the debt balance is at least 30 thousand rubles.

Transparent conditions, simplicity and reliability of the bank provide it with a large number of new clients.

Raiffeisenbank refinancing at a rate of 10.5% per annum

Focusing on mortgage credit lending, Raiffeisenbank refinances mortgage obligations, along with loans without a specific purpose.

When refinancing a mortgage, a rate of 10.5% is applied (from the second year 9.99%). Clients who have other types of loans (except those issued for the purpose of doing business) can receive a new targeted loan with a rate of 17.25%.

Consultations regarding refinancing issues are provided in any way convenient for the client:

  • by telephone (client contacting a call center, call back);
  • V online mode;
  • upon individual contact at a bank branch.

SKB-Bank - combine all loans into one

Do you have loans with high percentage and installment purchases? Tired of keeping track of your monthly payment schedule? Combine loans from other banks and reduce your payments! Refinancing consumer loans at SKB Bank is a great way to combine up to 10 loans and cards into one and pay less.

Refinancing conditions:

  • Amount from 30,000 to 1,300,000 rubles
  • Early repayment without restrictions and commissions
  • Fixed loan rate 11.9% per year
  • Duration up to 60 months
  • NO collateral required
  • Application review time is from 1 to 2 days
  • It is possible to attract 1 joint borrower to increase the maximum loan amount

Requirements for borrowers:

  • Age from 23 to 70 years
  • Russian citizenship
  • At least 3 months of work experience at last place of employment

Important! The loan amount cannot be less than the amount of debt under loan agreements subject to refinancing, plus 3%. The maximum loan amount depends on the solvency of the Borrower, Co-borrower (if any). When refinancing a loan opened at PJSC SKB-Bank, when determining the amount of a new loan, 3% is not added; only the amount of the principal debt is subject to refinancing. The amount remaining after refinancing is used by the Borrower for consumer needs.

Which banks refinance loans? Almost everyone has loans. And some people quite easily take out three or even four loans for themselves. So did Alexey, one of my comrades.

Gradually, his life began to fall apart - divorce, illness of his parents, and due to the crisis, he was laid off at work. There was enough money to live on, but the loans accrued earlier...

In the end, he reached a point where he thought about another loan to repay existing ones.

Moreover, the interest rate of the new one was significantly lower than that of the old ones! This is called loan refinancing. Let's take a closer look at which banks refinance loans.

If you have taken out a loan from any bank for a long period of time, this does not mean that you will definitely only cooperate with them all this time. Other banks would also like to have you as a client. And even if you don’t need another loan, they will happily take this one.

What is refinancing

For this reason, they may offer you more low percentage and more favorable conditions in general. They will give you money to repay the loan from the previous bank so that all your debts are transferred to new bank.

So, if you are having a hard time living with your debts, then reborrow somewhere else.

If there is a delay

It sometimes happens that, for reasons beyond our control (or sometimes beyond our control), we are unable to make the next loan payment on time. Before you find out which banks refinance overdue loans, answer one very important question:

Why did this happen?

The reasons can be very different, stupid or serious, respectful or not. But, in any case, the record of your delinquency automatically ends up in the Credit History Bureau and spoils this very credit history for you. Even if you simply forgot to take into account some commission and did not pay an additional 2 rubles.

How to fix it

The worm in your head is probably gnawing disgustingly and creaking disgustingly: “You should have thought before!” But, it happens. It’s too late to think earlier, but now is the time to think about further actions.

The first thing you need is an explanation about your debt. The more certificates and documents you can get to justify yourself, the better. These could be bank statements as proof that your wages were delayed, or certificates from a doctor or hospital.

Along with your explanation, go to the bank to pay all late fees. There you can also discuss the possibility of refinancing; perhaps the bank will not want to lose a client because of nonsense (if the delay was due to nonsense) or will understand your position and accept your sincere desire to honestly repay the debt further.


In a new, different bank, you are unlikely to be joyfully greeted with a huge number of offers, but they will not turn you around at the door either. You will also need to provide an explanation for the delay and convince the bank that this will not happen again and they can count on you.

To be more convincing, you may need to leave a deposit or find a guarantor, then the chances of refinancing increase.

And correct your credit history, fill it with good records. For example, this can be done if you take small and quick loans and successfully repay them on time.

Quick loans for Not a large amount They are issued without a thorough check, so they can be obtained even with a not very good credit history. But a record of their successful repayment will appeal to larger organizations.

Where to go?

Nowadays it is not so difficult to find which banks are engaged in refinancing loans; it is more difficult to say which ones are NOT engaged in this.

Your choice may be limited only by the type of loan, since in some places they will not take on a mortgage, while at the same time in other banks they are only waiting for it.


First of all, contact the bank into which you receive your salary and whose client you are already. There you will not be a “person from the street”; you will have a little more trust and, perhaps, more loyal conditions.

I hope that these tips will help you improve your current situation and prevent delays in the future. Take care of your honor and credit history from a young age.


On-lending. Various refinancing methods

There are several refinancing schemes. We proceed from the fact that the creditor bank that issued the loan does not need to change the rate to the borrower on an already issued loan.

Refinancing is necessary for the borrower, but not for the lending bank that issued the loan to the borrower. Moreover: it’s good for the bank: the loan is issued, the borrower pays regularly. The higher the borrower’s interest rate on the loan, the more money the bank will receive. What? Does the borrower want to refinance the loan? Does he want the bank to not feel so good anymore?

The bank that issued the loan to the borrower (the primary lender) does not want to lose a profitable client. And therefore, in every possible way prevents the refinancing of the loan by another bank. AND various ways refinancing, in essence, is a way to circumvent the bank’s reluctance to let its client go.

“Curve scheme” of refinancing

To implement it you need a “good uncle”. If there is a “good uncle”, then everything is simple:

  1. “Good Uncle” gives money to pay off his bank.
  2. You repay the loan to your bank.
  3. You remove the deposit from your property.
  4. Using your real estate as collateral, you take out a loan from another bank, where the interest rates are lower and the conditions are better.
  5. Return the money to the “good uncle”.
  6. Then you pay off the loan with the new bank.

The advantages of this refinancing scheme: The choice of banks issuing loans secured by existing real estate is quite large. There are more of them than those that have actually working refinancing programs. You can choose a program with more favorable conditions than those provided by refinancing programs.

Disadvantages of the “crooked scheme” of refinancing: to implement it you need a “good uncle”. First, this “good guy” needs to be found. And it's not easy. (Of course: there are few people willing to provide a large amount of money, even for a short period (two months), without any security).

And therefore, even if this “good uncle” is found, it may turn out that he is not so kind. (Of course: although he gives money, he asked for such an interest rate for using his money that no refinancing is needed!)

Classic refinancing scheme

The new bank gives money to pay off the old creditor bank.
That is, no “good uncle” is needed. The bank simply gives money and takes an obligation from you to mortgage an apartment (or other real estate) when you pay off “your” creditor bank.

Technically it looks like this:

1.You go to a new bank, submit documents confirming your solvency and receive a decision from the credit committee that the bank is ready to provide you with a loan. The decision of the credit committee indicates the size of the loan.


The loan size depends not only on your solvency, but also on the value of your apartment. Therefore, the apartment must be assessed in advance appraisal company, accredited by the bank, whose assessment the bank trusts.

2. In “your” bank you write a statement, with a request to accept from you sum of money in the amount of the balance of your debt to the bank.

3.Your bank, in turn, gives you consent to accept the amount of money for early repayment of debt.

This consent is necessary so that it does not turn out that you take out a loan from a new bank, pay interest on it, but cannot use it for its intended purpose, because your bank is not ready to accept money from you for early repayment.

4. With this consent, you go to the new bank. The bank signs a loan agreement with you and gives you money. How money is issued depends on the specific bank refinancing the loan: money can be issued in cash at the cash desk of the new creditor bank, or it can be transferred to your account at the previous creditor bank.

The amount of money may be equal to the amount of your debt to the previous creditor bank, or it may be greater than your debt to the bank, and then, free funds (the difference between the loan issued by the new creditor bank and the amount of debt to the previous creditor bank) you you can use at your discretion.

5.You pay off the debt to the previous creditor bank and remove the collateral from the real estate. Until the property is pledged to the new creditor bank, the bank does not have collateral for the loan and, it believes that such a loan is riskier. Therefore, the bank compensates for the risk with a higher interest rate
6.You mortgage your property to a new lender bank, refinancing loan.

After the new creditor bank has received the property as collateral, the loan is secured and, if you paid at a higher interest rate, then from the moment of collateral, you begin to pay at a lower interest rate.

The advantages of the “classic scheme” of refinancing: no need to look for a “good uncle”. All the money is provided by the new creditor bank.
Disadvantages of the “classic scheme” of refinancing: banks have just begun to engage in refinancing.

Many simply say that they are ready to refinance the loan: “Come, you will be the first, we will train on you how to do it.”


There are only a few of those banks that actually, not in words, but in deeds, refinance loans. Therefore, while the refinancing scheme is not available to everyone: they are not ready to give a loan for every property, and not all of the borrower’s income can be taken into account by those banks that actually deal with refinancing.


How to refinance loans from other banks?

Refinancing or refinancing of loans is obtaining a new loan on more favorable terms (for example, with a lower interest rate) for full or partial repayment current loan.

Until recently, this procedure could only be used in the bank where the first loan was taken out, but now the situation has changed dramatically, and you can refinance the loan in another bank. However, it is worth noting that not all banks have a loan refinancing program.

For example, you can refinance a mortgage loan issued in another bank at Sberbank and VTB 24. The list of banks involved in refinancing consumer loans from other banks includes Sberbank, VTB 24, Rosbank, IntechBank, Bank of Moscow, etc.

Raiffeisenbank mainly specializes in issuing car loans and refinancing them, moreover, it allows you to refinance car loans from other banks. Uniastrum Bank, unlike others, specializes in refinancing credit cards and unsecured loans by issuing its own credit cards.

If the bank where the loan was issued does not refinance, then the borrower will have to contact another credit institution that refinances loans from other banks. After signing an agreement to refinance the loan, the bank repays the client’s debt with another bank by transferring the entire remaining amount to it.

It is worth noting that the amount of the new loan may be greater than the actual debt on the loan, and the borrower can dispose of the remaining amount after repaying the debt as he wishes. If a secured loan is refinanced, the collateral must be transferred to a new bank.

Until the collateral is reissued, the refinancing interest rate will be increased. Once the collateral is confirmed with the new bank, the refinancing rate will be reduced to the previously agreed upon.


The most favorable conditions for refinancing a secured loan are available in the bank where the secured loan was issued, because in this case, there will be no need to re-register the collateral to another bank, which will save on possible costs and significantly speed up the process.

The loan refinancing service allows the borrower to reduce the amount of the monthly payment by lowering the interest rate and increasing the loan term. Also, within the framework of the refinancing program, you can combine several previously taken loans into one large one, and thereby reduce possible expenses for the maintenance of the loan, but that’s not all.

You can also reduce costs by refinancing foreign currency loan, because It is much more convenient and profitable when monthly loan payments are made in the currency of the borrower’s salary.

From all of the above it is clear that refinancing a loan is quite profitable service for borrowers who want to change the terms of lending for the better for themselves, and, thanks to this, not overpay “extra” money. In order to refinance, the borrower needs to contact the bank where he already has open loan, and find out if the bank provides a refinancing service.

If a loan refinancing service is provided, the borrower can use it, because banks where the borrower has a loan, as a rule, offer the most favorable conditions for refinancing existing loans.

Otherwise, the borrower needs to look for credit institutions that refinance loans from other banks, and choose among them the bank with the most favorable conditions.


Before refinancing, every borrower should find out whether it is possible to early repayment previously taken loan and whether any penalties are expected for this.

If the possibility of early repayment is prohibited by the loan agreement, then refinancing will not be possible. If such a possibility exists, then the borrower must carefully calculate all possible costs associated with the loan refinancing procedure and compare them with possible savings.

In order to calculate possible savings, it is necessary to compare the interest rate of the existing loan with the refinancing rate. If the difference in interest rates does not exceed 2%, then it is not worth refinancing the loan, because it will not bring any savings.

When refinancing a loan, the bank carries out standard verification procedures, which include checking the solvency and credit history of the future borrower. After completing the inspection, the credit institution decides whether or not to issue a loan to the borrower.


Which banks offer loan refinancing?

The crisis in our economy has hit citizens' incomes, depriving many of the opportunity to pay loan installments in full and on time. To avoid becoming a violator and ruining your credit history, you can use different ways, including refinancing services.

We will look at which banks refinance loans, and in what cases refinancing is unprofitable for the borrower.

What does refinancing give?

Refinancing your loan will give you the following options:

  • reduce the interest rate on the loan;
  • extend loan terms;
  • reduce the amount of monthly contributions;
  • the loan currency may be changed;
  • If you have several issued loans in different banks, open one instead.

Where to go?

Today, several large banks are engaged in refinancing loans, among which it is preferable to apply for the type of loan to the following banks:

  1. car loans - Raiffeisenbank;
  2. mortgage - VTB24, Sberbank;
  3. credit cards, unsecured loans – Uniastrum Bank;
  4. consumer loans – Intechbank.

Find suitable bank to refinance, you can visit numerous online resources dedicated to credit services, for example, the well-known portal

Of course, we have not listed all the banks that provide refinancing, but we have listed the largest and most reliable ones. First, you should apply to your bank.


Refinancing will require collecting a full package of documents and justifying the need to renew the loan agreement on new terms. Banks' requirements for refinancing include that at least half of the loan has been paid off and that there have been no violations on the part of the borrower.

If the borrower is unable to fulfill the requirements of the loan agreement, it can be terminated. You can read about how to terminate a loan agreement with a bank here.

Is refinancing profitable?

Despite all the above advantages, refinancing loans does not always solve the problems of borrowers. When deciding to take out a new loan in order to pay off the previous one, it would be useful to calculate what possible expenses are possible and whether they will exceed the savings from the reduced interest rate.

We advise you to find out from banks that deal with refinancing about all the pitfalls, that is, penalties for early repayment, costs for refinancing and compare interest rates. If the difference is less than 2%, refinancing is considered inappropriate.


Banks providing refinancing services

Abundance credit offers and the large number of loans actually issued to individuals led to the formation in Russia of a whole layer of the population living off credit funds. Some Russians have more than 3 simultaneously repaid loans.

Of course, borrowers are not always able to accurately calculate their own financial capabilities - after all, sometimes unforeseen circumstances happen in our lives that require immediate financial costs.


If you pay loan payments becomes difficult or impossible, then it makes sense to contact the bank and use the loan refinancing service, thereby avoiding falling into debt trap and to the lists of unreliable borrowers.

Which banks refinance loans?

Of course, not all banks provide the opportunity to refinance a loan - in some financial institutions this service is not available at all, in others it involves significant restrictions or requires even more serious financial costs than payments on existing loans.

When choosing a bank to refinance a loan (or loans, if you have several of them), you should first strive to get this service exactly at the bank where the initial loan was taken. If for some reason this is not possible, then the terms of reference for refinancing a loan at a bank offering such a service will become a guideline.

Banks engaged in refinancing loans differ not only in the terms of refinancing, but also in the types of loans that are available for refinancing.

For example, Alfa Bank refinances mainly consumer loans, and Otkritie Bank offers refinancing only to employees of accredited companies or holders of their own salary cards.

In addition, there are banks that only refinance loans from other banks and banks that provide this service only for their clients.

Conditions for refinancing loans from banks

Rosbank. Rosbank's loan refinancing program is perhaps one of the most powerful refinancing programs among Russian banks. Refinancing of mortgage, consumer and car loans is available.

The terms of refinancing are determined by the client’s belonging to one of more than 10 categories of borrowers. You can clarify the refinancing parameters on the bank’s official website at


The undeniable advantage of refinancing at Rosbank is its versatility - almost any borrower who does not have long-term arrears on loans can find favorable conditions.

Sberbank. The largest bank in Russia offers extremely simple conditions for refinancing two types of loans: mortgages - at 12.25% ( minimum bid) and consumer loans - at 17%.

Favorable interest rates attract many potential clients, but getting such a loan is not so easy - Sberbank very carefully checks and analyzes the solvency of its clients.

Bank opening. Refinancing loans at Otkritie Bank (as mentioned earlier) is only available to employees of organizations that are partners of the bank. Such organizations are divided into three groups – A, B C.

Belonging to one or another group also determines the interest rate that will be assigned to the client when refinancing a loan at Otkritie Bank: for group A - from 15.9 to 17.9%, for group B - from 17.9 to 19.9%, for group C - from 20.9 to 23.9%.

The interest charged is also affected by the term of the new loan. In addition, the bank actively offers borrowers from other banks who are not employees of accredited companies to simply apply for a consumer loan at an individually determined interest rate (which is not always beneficial when refinancing).

VTB 24. A representative of that part of the banks involved in loan refinancing that have a special refinancing program and are focused on the mass use of this financial product.

At the same time, refinancing of loans from banks that are part of the VTB group (Bank of Moscow, Leto-Bank, Transcreditbank) is not provided at VTB 24 - this is one of those banks that make it possible to refinance loans only from other banks.

Refinancing loans at VTB 24 Bank is quite a profitable business, especially for owners of VTB Bank salary cards - refinancing loans for such clients is carried out at a rate of only 15.5% per annum. For other clients, the percentages are slightly higher - from 17.5%.


Mandatory conditions for refinancing a loan at VTB Bank are the absence of debts on refinanced loans in other banks, the term of remaining payments is at least 3 months. You can refinance for an amount from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles.

Moreover, if you need an amount of up to 500 thousand rubles, then you can send an application for loan refinancing to VTB 24 bank directly on the bank’s official website - default.aspx?geo=ob

Bank of Moscow. The loan refinancing program at the Bank of Moscow differs from the program of the “parent” bank - VTB. Here you can refinance loans not only from other banks, but also those issued by the Bank of Moscow itself, but only for a mortgage - you cannot refinance a car loan or consumer loan at the Bank of Moscow.

But the conditions for refinancing a mortgage at the Bank of Moscow are very favorable - the bank refinances its loans at a rate of 11.45%, and loans from other banks at 10.95%.

Bank Trust. Mass-oriented customer credit Bank Trust also provides the opportunity to refinance existing loans, but not for its clients.
Refinancing loans at Trust Bank is possible only for consumer and car loans; you cannot refinance a mortgage at this bank.

For refinanced loans, there is a “fork” in the loan amount – from 50 to 300 thousand. Also mandatory conditions To refinance a loan at Trust Bank, there are no delays in repaid loans, the remaining payment period is at least 3 months, and the loan is no less than six months old. One of the strengths of Bank Trust is remote services that are convenient for clients, including those available on the bank’s official website.

This also applies to refinancing programs - a loan refinancing calculator at Trust Bank is available on the bank’s official website - and an online application for loan refinancing at Trust Bank - https:// These services will allow you to remotely calculate the terms and submit a preliminary application for loan refinancing.

Orient Express Bank. Special loan refinancing program in Orient Express no jar. However, potential clients, just like at Otkritie Bank, are invited to apply for a cash loan at a rate of 14.9% and spend the funds received to repay loans taken from other banks.

Home Credit Bank. Refinancing at Home Credit Bank is available only to clients of third-party banks, but you can refinance any type of loan - car loan, mortgage or consumer loan. Favorable interest rate - from 19.9%, loan term 1 to 5 years for amounts from 50 thousand to half a million rubles.


Banks involved in loan refinancing focus primarily on their own needs. As you can see, the number of banks offering refinancing to their own clients is not so large - after all, it is not very profitable for the bank to delay the receipt of funds, but luring a client from another bank is in any case a justified move.

When choosing a bank for refinancing, consider not only the fact that this service is provided in a particular credit institution, but also the final terms of refinancing.


Which banks typically refinance loans?

Loan refinancing should be understood as complete or partial repayment debt by covering an old loan with a new one, but on more favorable terms.

Loan refinancing can be done either at your bank or at a new one. Moreover, not every bank undertakes to refinance its own loan, so for each borrower the question is how to find banks that refinance loans.

Many banks today offer refinancing programs. Banks that refinance loans usually offer programs for all types: consumer, mortgage or car loans. If, when lending, the borrower took out a secured loan, then it is necessary to go through a special procedure to re-register it with a new bank.

The refinancing procedure is similar to a regular loan. The new creditor bank issues cash or pays off the entire debt on the old loan. At the same time, it is possible to get new loan in an amount that exceeds the creditor's debt. In this case, the borrower can himself dispose of the loan balances that remain after repaying the old debt.


When refinancing, it is necessary to foresee or find out what troubles may await him with a new loan. The main thing you need to look at before applying to a new bank is the interest rate. It should not be less than 2%, otherwise the deal will become unprofitable and the loan will only be reduced slightly.

But if we take into account that refinancing also requires additional investments on the part of the borrower - funds will be required for new insurance, loan renewal, etc. - then it will become completely unprofitable.

It is also necessary to find out whether it will accrue old bank the borrower will be fined if the loan is repaid ahead of schedule and whether it is possible to refinance at all. Some banks, not wanting to lose customers, indicate a clause in the agreement that states that refinancing the loan is impossible.

Banks engaged in refinancing consumer loans, car loans and mortgages take into account the financial situation of the new client and his credit history. This will require new documents confirming your income.

If the borrower’s financial situation has deteriorated significantly as a result of taking out the first loan, then the possibility of obtaining a new loan is minimal. The same thing happens with credit history: not every bank will agree to have an unreliable client.

Typically, banks involved in loan refinancing always carefully check the new borrower: his credit history, the veracity of income information and the payment schedule. If they meet all these requirements, then the borrower is provided with a special refinancing program, which is developed for each client separately, taking into account its advantages and some disadvantages.

This banking product, loan refinancing, can significantly help every borrower. But, the lender must carefully select a banking institution for a new loan. Therefore, always first find out which banks provide loan refinancing and compare their refinancing programs.

In Russia today you can not get refinancing from every bank. It should be said that the most acceptable refinancing conditions, with fairly favorable programs for the borrower, exist in the following banking institutions:

1 . "Rosbank". Special program refinancing, created in this bank under the same name, offers new clients quite favorable conditions. Rosbank is engaged in on-lending of all types of loans: consumer, mortgage and car loans. Each of them has its own refinancing program, with different maximum amounts and terms:

  • up to 15 million in rubles are allocated for a mortgage, starting from 500 thousand, and is made for a period of at least 6 months, with a maximum of 25 years at a 12.75% annual rate;
  • for consumer - 20 thousand - 1.5 million in rubles, produced up to five years at 16–19% annual rate;
  • car loan - from 60 thousand–1 million. rub., at 16–18.5%.

2. VTB 24. The bank also has favorable terms for refinancing. The only point that needs to be taken into account is the credit history, which does not have a very good reputation. VTB 24 tries not to deal with such clients, so the borrower needs to make sure of its reputation by reviewing it in advance before applying for refinancing.

This bank deals with all types of refinancing, but the conditions for refinancing for a car loan and a consumer loan are the same: from 30 thousand to 1 million. rub., produced up to five years at 16–17.5%. The amount for a mortgage is from 500 thousand to 75 million rubles, the refinancing period can be 50 years. Loan interest depends on many reasons and can vary between 15–17%.

3. Rosselkhozbank. The bank provides clients with refinancing for all types of loans.
Consumer loans and car loans can be refinanced: under annual interest 18.8–20%, up to 5 years, maximum loan - 1 million, in rubles. Mortgage - from 11.9% with a maximum of up to 14.5%, in the amount of 500 thousand - 26 million rubles, up to 25 years.

4. Sberbank. This bank has developed a refinancing program for all loans. An important factor is that there are no commissions here. Depending on the refinancing term and loan amount, the interest rate can vary from 17–21.5%. The refinancing period is up to 5 years, with an amount of 1 million, in rubles.

Consumer loan refinancing has the same parameters, but the annual rate can increase to 25.5%.
Mortgage refinancing by Sberbank is carried out with annual rate at 13.25, with a maximum of 13.75%, for a period of up to 30 years. The amount the borrower may have available cannot exceed the remaining mortgage debt and is only 20% less than collateral value housing.


Even if you know which banks offer loan refinancing, you always need to thoroughly research all of their refinancing programs and take into account all the possible pros and cons. But one of the main requirements of every bank is an excellent CI.

Therefore, before making such a request to a banking institution, the borrower should pay special attention to the CI, and, if necessary, try to “clean” it.


Which banks refinance loans?

Currently on the market banking services The refinancing sector is expanding, and an increasing number of credit organizations offer this service to the public. It is quite difficult to choose from a huge number of options. In addition, it is worth understanding that refinancing is a targeted consumer loan, which has its own characteristics.

Choosing a refinancing program

What you should pay special attention to when choosing a refinancing program: the range of loan rates and the conditions for their provision.

For example, VTB Bank of Moscow offers, depending on the loan term and loan amount, a reduced rate of 13.9% for salary clients employed in certain areas, in particular for healthcare workers, education workers, certain types of law enforcement agencies and representatives of government administration .

For other clients base rate is 14.9%. The discrepancy between different financial institutions may be greater, so this point is very important, because most banks announce the wording “from” and the rate. The top interest rate of the loan may not be entirely profitable.

Providing an additional loan amount in addition to what will be used for refinancing

Maximum period and conditions for its provision. This point makes it possible to reduce financial burden to the budget by reducing the monthly payment. For example, the maximum period for refinancing consumer loans is 84 months.


If it is necessary to reduce the monthly payment and have a long remaining term of existing debt obligations, for example, 4-5 years, such proposals should be considered first.

The ability to choose a loan repayment date convenient for the client within the stipulated maximum period.

Key Features

In the selection process, you need to take into account the basic features of refinancing:

  1. The versatility of the offer allows you to combine all your existing loans into one, for example, mortgages, car loans, credit card debt and cash loans. Such offers are available at Citibank and Transcapitalbank.
  2. Changes in interest rates over the life of the loan. Thus, some banks provide a small rate for a certain time, usually for 3 months, after which they raise it by 2-3 points. Here you need to clarify the maximum final bid.
  3. Application approval period. It is important if the client faces the possibility of delay during this period. For example, Sberbank and B&N Bank consider applications as quickly as possible.
  4. Presence/absence of delay. There are banks that approve a loan for refinancing only if there are no arrears on existing debt obligations, and there are those for whom it is important for detailed compliance with the payment schedule for certain period, usually for the last 6 months at the time of receiving a new loan. Before determining the creditor, you need to study this condition.
  5. The duration of actual debt obligations at the time of refinancing. Varies between banks, but is usually 6 months. For example, the corresponding demand is put forward by Zapsibkombank and Avtogradbank.
  6. According to various banks, there should be from 3 to 12 months left until the end of payments under the loan agreement. In particular, VTB 24 makes it possible to refinance loans that have at least 3 months left to repay.
  7. Profitability of loan recalculation. When refinancing loans that were issued in foreign currency, with the mandatory conversion into rubles in a new bank, it is worth making sure that the funds received in debt are sufficient to fully repay the existing loan and the feasibility of such on-lending.

To reduce as much as possible financial risks the client should carefully consider all selected options. Indeed, in some cases, a new loan may differ from the previous one by only 0.5%, and the difference between payments will ultimately result in a decent amount. In others, the seemingly profitable 2-3% is not worth the hassle of re-registration.

Minimum percentage, the best for refinancing, can be obtained by studying the programs of leading Russian banks. A credit calculator, posted on this page, will allow you to evaluate the benefits that refinancing a loan provides. The lowest percentage is usually offered to existing clients (salary holders, pension cards, depositors) or those who will reduce lending risks by taking out insurance.

3 reasons to refinance

Refinancing (refinancing) is obtaining a new loan to repay the existing one on more favorable terms. Many banks have such programs, and there are more of them every day.

What does refinancing provide:

    Saving money by reducing the interest rate and, accordingly, the final overpayment.

    Reducing the monthly payment by increasing the loan term and lowering the rate.

    Reducing the repayment period without increasing the monthly payment.

The benefit depends on which option the client chooses - refinance for the same period as the previous loan remained to be repaid, ask to increase the validity period of the loan agreement, or, conversely, draw up an agreement for a longer period. short term to pay off your mortgage faster. All these options are possible, since the bank draws up a new loan agreement. Reducing the interest rate allows you to reduce payments without increasing the period of use of credit funds.

Refinancing is beneficial for those who find themselves in a difficult situation when the monthly payment has become a serious burden on the budget, which also applies to foreign currency loans. The bank will issue a loan for a longer period, due to which the payment will be reduced. Such a program will be of interest to those who want to save money and spend it not on paying interest to the lender, but on themselves.

However, you should not hesitate to make a decision. Today, a situation has developed in the lending market where refinancing a mortgage at a lower interest rate has become interesting to everyone. During recent years The Central Bank of the Russian Federation reduced the key rate several times, which had a positive effect on the cost of loans. Banks have reduced interest rates on almost all programs, including mortgages. Rates on it decreased by 3-5%. This opened up new opportunities to refinance the loan and get a lower interest rate.

But today there is a reverse trend. Promotion key rate by the Central Bank in September - this is a signal that the cost of loans (rates on them) will increase. Accordingly, the longer you doubt, the less likely it is that banks will offer low interest rates for refinancing consumer loans or mortgages. Which bank is it profitable to refinance today?

Which bank can you refinance a loan or mortgage at the lowest interest rate?

The choice of the appropriate offer depends on the needs of the borrower - whether he wants to reduce the payment amount, get the lowest rate, or simply change the lender. A low interest rate in many cases is the most important factor that influences a borrower's decision. To choose the most profitable bank To refinance, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

    requirements for the borrower;

    mortgage requirements;

    requirements for a refinanced loan;

    the ability to take into account the income of co-borrowers;

    features of income confirmation;

    maximum amount and deadline;

    the presence of additional commissions;

    Availability of a remote access service for debt control.

Before receiving a loan, you need to carefully study the agreement and the basic terms of the loan.

Which bank has the lowest interest rates for mortgage refinancing? Many people offer refinancing today financial organizations. Favorable and transparent conditions are found in large, systemic banks, such as:

Bank Interest rate Sum
from 8.7% 300.000 - 9.500.000₽
Investtorgbank from 8.7% 300.000 - 9.500.000₽
Promsvyazbank from 9.5% 1.000.000 - 15.000.000₽
Bank opening from 9.9% 50.000 - 3.000.000₽
ROSBANK from 9.99% 50.000 - 3.000.000₽
Moscow Industrial Bank from 10.9% 50.000 - 3.000.000₽
Interprombank from 11% 45.000 - 1.100.000₽
from 11.4% 35.000 - 2.000.000₽
from 11.9% 300.000 - 1.300.000₽
from 11.99% 700.000 - 4.000.000₽
Full list of banks with the ability to leave a request

    Sberbank - offers the opportunity to refinance a mortgage at a low interest rate in the amount of up to 7 million rubles for 30 years at a rate of 9.5%. The application is reviewed within 8 days. In one transaction you can refinance your mortgage and consumer loans, receive part of the loan in cash. To apply, you do not need a certificate about the amount of debt or permission from the primary creditor.

    VTB - offers to refinance mortgage loan up to 30 million rubles at a rate of 9%, maximum period - 30 years. Review of the application takes up to 5 days, the decision is valid for 4 months. It is possible to apply without proof of income, but in this case the period will be reduced to 20 years.

    Gazprombank - offers the opportunity to refinance a mortgage loan in the amount of up to 45 million rubles at a rate of 9% per annum. Review of the application takes up to 10 days. It is possible to receive an amount greater than the loan balance. The loan period is up to 30 years.

    Rosselkhozbank - the program involves the allocation of financing up to 20 million rubles for mortgage refinancing. The loan period is up to 30 years, the rate is from 10%. Employees budgetary organizations can get preferential terms. The advantage is that the consent of the primary creditor is not required. The application is processed within 5 days.

    Alfa Bank - offers to refinance a mortgage in the amount of up to 50 million rubles, the rate is from 8.99%, the term is up to 30 years. Both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners can use the program. The application is reviewed within 5 days. If the transaction is concluded within 30 days of approval, the borrower is given a discount.

    Rosbank - there is an on-lending program for mortgage loans other banks for a period of up to 25 years at a rate of 10%. The maximum amount cannot exceed the outstanding balance, limited to a maximum of 80% of the assessed value of the collateral. Review of the application - up to 3 days.

    Tinkoff - offers a mortgage refinancing program at the lowest rate - from 8.7%. The maximum amount is up to 100 million rubles, the term is up to 25 years. You can apply without proof of income and without insurance. The application review period is up to 3 days.

    Transcapitalbank has a program that allows you to refinance a mortgage loan in the amount of up to 9.5 million rubles for a period of up to 25 years. Registration without a certificate of income is allowed; the interest rate may be reduced if a one-time fee is paid. Rate - from 8.7%.

    Deltacredit - the program implies the possibility of receiving up to 120 million rubles for refinancing a mortgage at a rate of 9.75%. The maximum term is 25 years. Issuance to foreigners is allowed, and co-borrowers can be attracted.

    Today, many banks offer refinancing programs. Their conditions, as well as the requirements for the borrower, may vary. For example, some offer refinancing for individual entrepreneurs at a low interest rate, others - exclusively for individuals. On average, the interest rate ranges from 9-12%, the maximum amount can reach 30 million rubles, and the loan period is up to 30 years. When choosing a program that is beneficial to the borrower, it is necessary to take into account that the new bank will carefully check the client. Therefore, you need to prepare properly so as not to be rejected. First of all, it is recommended to consider the bank in which the borrower previously received loans, receives a salary (pension), and has or had a deposit.

    To avoid making a mistake in choosing profitable program, we recommend using a calculator to calculate your benefits.

    Let's calculate the benefits using the refinancing calculator

    An online calculator is a special service that allows you to instantly calculate the amount of payment and the amount of overpayment. This is the optimal tool for those who are looking for a loan refinancing program at the most favorable interest rate. You don't need any special skills to use the calculator. Just enter the original data in the appropriate fields and click the “Calculate” button. By comparing the final indicators, you can choose the bank that offers the lowest interest rate and favorable conditions.

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