Sberbank loan rates for the current date. Loans

Loans have already become a part of our financial life. Almost every capable citizen took loans for the necessary needs. Of course, there are also those citizens who are categorically against this. Indeed, after receiving a loan, anything can happen in your life and no one knows whether he will be able to pay off the loans.

But the loan has not only negative sides but also positive. With the help of a loan, you facilitate your current financial condition and distribute payment Money for the required number of months... Also, a loan will help you out in unforeseen cases when you urgently need to find a large amount of money.

Now there are many different credit institutions and banks that provide cash loan almost on parole. But here is a hidden stone, because they give loans at inflated interest rates, which can reach from 35% to 250%! You will be surprised, but this is so. It will be quite difficult to pay off such a loan.

But do not despair, because there are organizations that provide loans at the lowest possible interest rates. One of these organizations is Sberbank of Russia.

Sberbank- This is the largest bank in our country, and in terms of reliability it is probably in the first place. The purpose of this bank is to help the client to increase and save money, as well as cash aid if necessary.

let's consider credit offers that this bank offers us.

Credit history in banks

How can I find out my credit history in order to be sure of issuing a new loan?

Due to the difficult financial situation in our country, and with sharp ups and downs in exchange rates, interest rates on loans are very often adjusted. For more relevant and up-to-date information, please contact the bank's specialists. You can also contact the one who is ready to advise you around the clock and help you solve problems.

How to get a loan from Sberbank Online?

To apply for a loan at Sberbank Online, go to the "Loans" section in the top menu.

Click "Take a loan from Sberbank". A form for selecting loan parameters will open. Choose the options that suit you, including the amount and term of the loan. Please note: the interest rate and monthly payment are calculated automatically. The loan repayment schedule is indicated next to the monthly payment amount. Choose a service office convenient for you and click the "Apply for a loan" button. Confirm the loan application with an SMS password and fill in all the fields of the questionnaire. After filling out the questionnaire, the button "Send an application" will become active. You can submit your application for review immediately or save it to send later. The postponed application will have the "Draft" status - you can find it in the "Loans" section.

How long does it take to consider an application for a loan at Sberbank?

The maximum period for consideration of an application is 2 working days.

How can I get money for an approved application?

You can receive money within 30 days from the date of approval. The term of enrollment is 1 business day after the approval and signing of the documents.

If you receive a salary or pension to accounts opened with Sberbank, you can get money in Sberbank Online in the "Loans" section. On the screen with the approved application, click "Apply for a loan". If this button is not there, go to Sberbank Online again or contact the Sberbank office specified in the application.

If you do not receive your salary or pension to your Sberbank accounts, contact the Sberbank office to receive a loan.

When applying for a loan at Sberbank Online, you can:

Choose insurance for the loan;

View a preliminary payment schedule;

Choose a convenient maturity date;

Look individual conditions lending;

Choose a card for crediting a loan (here you can also refuse a loan, for example, if you need to make a new application).

Important: the credit is credited to the debit card account opened in the region where the credit was issued.

Card requirements:

Overdraft is repaid or not used;

The card is active and there are more than 2 months left until the expiration date;

Card currency - rubles;

The card account has not been seized.

How do I know what my monthly loan payment consists of?

Information on your payment can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the "Loans" section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the monthly payment.

How to find out the debt on the loan?

Information on your debt can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the "Loans" section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the debt.

How can I find out if I have loans in arrears with Sberbank?

You can view all debts in Sberbank Online in the "Loans" section.

How do I know if I have outstanding loans at Sberbank?

You can view information on loans outstanding at Sberbank in Sberbank Online in the "Loans" section.

How can I arrange early repayment on a loan?

How can I find out what penalties I was charged if I did not repay the loan on time?

You can find out information on the accrued forfeits in Sberbank Online in the "Loans" section.

Various types of lending from the leading bank of the Russian Federation are especially popular among Russians. This is due to the simplicity of issuance and registration, as well as favorable rates, significantly different from this year from other banking organizations.

Most popular view credit program among Russians

Many are interested in the question of the rate for the most popular type of loan in 2017. It is this organization that is the leader in the issuance of borrowed funds. individuals.

Despite the fact that it is not so easy to take them from a bank, since it in every possible way reduces its own risks of not returning funds, most Russians prefer to apply for a loan exactly to this banking institution... This year, the bank's policy is aimed at reducing interest rates for individuals.

Clients have found favorable terms for unsecured loans, guaranteed by other individuals and for certain groups of borrowers.

Rate on loans guaranteed by individuals

The most attractive conditions are provided for borrowers wishing to use the guarantee of individuals. Clients can take out a loan for any purpose up to 5 million rubles, using the privilege of attracting income from one of the spouses to increase the required amount. The size base rates next:

  • for salary borrowers and pensioners receiving a pension at the bank - from 12.9-17.9% (up to 2 years) and 13.9-18.9% (up to 5 years);
  • for the rest - 13.9-18.9% and 14.9-19.9%, respectively.

Interest for military personnel

Since May 1, 2017, the bank has developed a special offer to provide loans for Russian military personnel. All participants are cumulative - mortgage system who have received or are applying for a loan under the Military Mortgage program have a chance to get a loan for up to 5 years. Interest consumer loan for this category in Sberbank today the following:

  • without security - up to 500 thousand rubles - 13.5%;
  • with a guarantee - up to 1 million rubles - 14.5%.

Borrowers can use borrowed funds for any purpose, including as a supplement when buying a home.

Loan without collateral

The purpose of this banking product is to provide citizens with a chance to solve their pressing problems (buying household appliances, furniture, carrying out repairs, rest, etc.). For its registration, you do not need a pledge or surety, and you do not need to indicate the purpose of using the borrowed money. Maximum amount- up to 3 million rubles.

The size of the rate largely depends on several factors: the state of the credit history, the period for which the loan is taken.

The decisive role in reducing it is played by the fact whether the applicant receives a salary or a pension in this institution:

  • for those receiving salaries and pensions - 13.9-18.9% (from 3 months to 2 years) and 14.9-19.9% ​​(from 2-5 years);
  • for all others - 14.9-19.9% ​​and 15.9-20.9%, respectively.

For those who applied using online service, another surprise awaits - a decrease in percentages by 1 point in all categories. Thus, the lowest 12.9% is set for holders of salary cards and retirees who submitted an online application.

19 minutes reading

Updated: 28/09/2018

How to get a loan from Sberbank at a minimum interest rate and not to be denied? How to get a loan through Sberbank Online without leaving your home? Is it possible to take out a loan from Sberbank without certificates and guarantors? We will answer all these questions and give detailed step by step instructions in this article.

Sberbank continues to increase lending volumes. If last year 1.1 trillion rubles were issued as mortgage loans and for 968 billion rubles - consumer loans, then this year, according to the information of Sberbank, there is an almost twofold increase in lending compared to the past. Let's talk about how to get a loan from Sberbank on the most favorable terms, do not run into a refusal and use all the opportunities provided by the largest bank in the country.

When a bank in its advertisement invites everyone who has a passport for loans, it is slyness. In fact, in every financial institution there are restrictions on loan approval. And the first line of such restrictions is the "portrait of the borrower" - a set of requirements that anyone who wants to receive loans must meet. In Sberbank, this set contains several items:

  • Work experience. Unlike small banks, Sberbank always adheres to the rule: to provide loans only to people with a constant source of income. Therefore, only an employed person or an individual entrepreneur can take out a loan from Sberbank. For employees work experience in the current place must be at least 3 months (if there is a Sberbank salary card) and at least six months if there is no card. For entrepreneurs, it is important to have an account with Sberbank and the movement of funds through it. An unemployed person is eligible to apply, but the probability of approval is zero.
  • Registration at the place of residence... You can be a citizen of Russia or not a citizen, but in this case, temporary registration in the Russian Federation will be required, and a loan will be issued only for the period of validity of this registration.
  • Age. Your age must be at least 18 years old if you have a salary card in Sberbank and at least 21 years old if you do not have such a card. The upper limit is 65 years at the end of the contract. That is, if you take a loan for 5 years, then you need to apply to the bank at 60 years old and no later. The exception is judges, they are allowed to receive loans up to 70 years.

What loans can be taken from Sberbank

Now the largest bank in the country offers several credit products designed for both the mass consumer and individual groups of clients.

Loans for any needs without collateral

The least profitable loan for the borrower, but very popular: the money received can be spent on anything without restrictions and reporting to the bank. This type of loan requires a minimum number of documents, and approval is faster than with other types. The loan amount is from 30,000 to 5 million rubles. Term - from 3 months to 5 years. The interest rate fork is wide: the difference between the minimum and maximum is 8%. The most profitable proposition- for holders of Sberbank salary cards, who take more than a million rubles for the shortest possible time, by applying through Sberbank online. Most of the borrowers get into the upper part of the fork, getting a loan at an interest that exceeds the refinancing rate twice or more.


This is profile credit product Sberbank, which offers several options for different audiences on different terms.

  • mortgage on housing under construction - the most profitable product as it gets into the program government subsidies interest rates plus additional discounts from developers. Minimum bet as a result, it turns out to be even lower than the refinancing rate (that is, less than 7.25% at the time of this writing - July 2018). Discounts are provided upon checkout additional insurances and when using the service of electronic registration of the transaction from Sberbank. Even clients who purchase housing not from Sberbank partners can receive a rate of no more than 10%. The bank regulates risks using not interest, but down payment... Let's say when taking mortgage loan according to two documents (without confirmation of income), the first installment must exceed 50%, and with a 2-NDFL certificate - 15%. As in the case of consumer loans, the most profitable are home loans for large sums, taken for a relatively short (no more than 12 years) period. Refusal of insurance and use of the electronic registration service significantly increase the interest rate.
  • mortgage for finished housing - interest rates here are on average 2-3% higher than when buying a new building. But the requirements for the initial payment are loyal: from 15% for all clients. The rate depends on the size of the loan (the smaller the amount and the longer the term, the higher the percentage), the availability of life and health insurance, and the use of the electronic registration service. If you don't have salary card Sberbank, pay 0.5-1% more.
  • mortgage for families with children - the cells of society participate in which the second or third child is born from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. With an initial payment of 20%, the interest rate due to government subsidies is set at 6%. But not for the entire term of the loan, but for 3 years at the birth of the second child and for 5 years at the birth of the third child. After the grace period, the rate turns to 9.25%. You can buy both housing under construction and "secondary housing"; both an apartment and an individual residential building.
  • military mortgage - a loan for the purchase of finished housing at a preferential rate (9.25% as of July 2018) for participants in the savings and mortgage system, in which the state compensates military personnel for a monthly payment on a housing loan.
  • mortgage for a garage or parking space - "new-old" type of lending, resumed by Sberbank in 2018. With a first installment of 25% of the value of the object, you can buy a garage (along with the land on which it stands) on credit at a rate of 10% per annum.
  • mortgage on home and other suburban real estate - you can build or buy a residential building, a summer residence, a bathhouse - anything for an amount of 300,000 rubles or more. The object is pledged to the bank. Interest rate for payroll clients banks that have taken out insurance - from 9.5%, for the rest by 1-2% more. The first installment is 25%.
  • non-targeted mortgage - a convenient tool for those who do not have a down payment or have not decided on the object (for example, has several options). Loan amount - from 500,000 rubles to 10 million. True, the maximum term of such a mortgage is only 20 years, and the interest rate is from 12% per annum.

In all cases, you can use maternal capital: either as a down payment or to repay the loan.

Refinancing loans

Judging by the reviews on, mortgage refinancing is in the greatest demand. Sberbank now offers a rate below 10% per annum when taking out insurance. This is not very profitable, because mortgages, as a rule, insure the property every year, many of them have life and health insured when lending at another bank (that is, it turns out that this money is wasted). In each case, you need to consider economic effect... Sberbank repays mortgages in other banks for up to 5 million rubles. Together with housing loan you can also refinance others (consumer, car loans).

Refinancing of consumer and car loans, as well as credit cards is also a popular product of Sberbank. Its essence is to take money for more low interest and pay them less lucrative loans both in other banks and in Sberbank itself. A refinancing loan can be taken for up to 7 years. Of the documents, only a passport is required, but without a 2-NDFL certificate, it is very problematic to get money for refinancing. An exception - if you have a salary card, then the inspector will see receipts for it anyway.

Read also on refinancing:

Why are they denied a loan at Sberbank

Average percentage loan approval at Sberbank is quite high - about 75% for mortgages and over 65% for unsecured consumer loans, but it differs significantly for different audiences. For example, for students aged 21-25, only every third application is approved.

The reasons for refusal for applicants of all ages are usually the following:

  • Overdue loans from other banks
  • Bad credit history
  • Low official income
  • Inaccurate information specified in the questionnaire
  • Incomplete package of documents
  • Signs of document forgery (for example, 2-NDFL certificates)
  • Trying to get a loan from another person's passport

And here are the factors on which approval or rejection often depends:

  • Registration and accommodation in different regions. For the bank, this means that in case of your refusal to pay the loan, you will have to spend additional resources on finding a client.
  • Work experience on the verge of the minimum level. Despite the fact that Sberbank allows the provision of loans to persons with 3 months of work experience at the current place of work, they are reluctant to give money to such workers. Such employees are considered the first candidates for dismissal in the event of a reduction in the organization's staff. The same restriction applies to borrowers close to the upper limit (60-65 years). They are most often approved small amounts for a short time.
  • There is a wide variation in the amount of income by months. Lack of stability in wages (if it comes not about cyclicality - for example, about quarterly awards) the bank perceives it as a risk, especially if minimum size income does not allow the normal servicing of debt.
  • A large number of children and other dependents. The bank gives money to a borrower with three children in a family less willingly than a client with one child. Moreover, in this case, the amount of the applicant's income is secondary: even if it fits into the requirements, the creditor always implies the likelihood that in the event of a job loss, it will be more difficult to get a job with a mother of three or four children similar to that of a mother.
  • Availability of valid loans. Sberbank has its own bureau of credit histories, which reflects information on far from all banks, so you can take the risk of applying even if you have a large loan from a third party credit institution... However, if information is available, then the likelihood of approval of the second loan decreases. If you get rejected over and over again, check to see if you have any issued but unused (or not taken from a bank branch) credit cards. The bank can perceive the limit on them as valid credit.

How to get a cash loan at Sberbank

Sberbank does not issue cash to borrowers right at the cash desk. Loan funds are transferred to the card (your current one or, in its absence, to open card Momentum, with which you can withdraw them at any ATM). Therefore, in this section we will consider exactly the procedure for obtaining a consumer loan. To do this, you need to come to the bank, taking a package of documents with you. It makes no sense to focus on Sberbank's promotional offers: for any product (even “preferential” and “special offers”, the application is considered in the same way.

So, how is crediting a person “off the street” (this is a special term used by banks to denote a client who independently decided to take out a loan, without the proposal of a financial institution):

1 We go to the Sberbank website (, find the type of loan we need, look at interest rates, terms and the necessary documents.

2 Preparing a package of documents.

3 We come to the department, we turn to the operator.

4 We express our wishes to the operator on the parameters of the loan: type, amount, term. To increase your chances, it is recommended to pre-calculate (using, for example, an online calculator on the Sberbank website) the monthly payment in order to understand how much the bank can approve and for how long. More than 40% of the average monthly income will not approve, you need to understand this (for example, if your salary is 40,000 rubles, then the maximum loan payment should not be more than 16,000 - and then if you have no children or other dependents. Otherwise, deduct from your income living wage for each dependent, and 40% is calculated from the remainder. That is, a mother with a child who earns 40,000 rubles will in any case not approve a loan with a monthly payment of more than (40,000 - 10,400) * 40% = 11,840 rubles). Also at this stage, the operator will clarify whether you are a preferential client (with a Sberbank salary / pension card).

5 The manager calculates the loan according to your parameters and reports whether approval is possible. If it turns out that you have requested too much, and the stated loan term is not enough for an adequate monthly payment, the operator will offer other options: a decrease in the loan amount or an increase in the term (if not the maximum stated). Keep in mind that the longer the loan period, the greater the overpayment.

6 We provide the operator with a passport and other documents (a 2-NDFL certificate, a copy of a work book, a certificate of pension accrual, and so on, depending on the type of loan).

7 The operator draws up an application for a loan, prints it out. We carefully read and sign the application.

8 The operator sends an application to the credit department.

9 Approval (or refusal) usually takes 15 minutes to two days. Therefore, the operator sends the customer home. If the bank needs to clarify any information, experts make an additional call to a potential borrower - be prepared to explain the subtleties of paying your salary or the peculiarities of marital status.

10 Upon approval of the loan, a Sberbank specialist (usually the same inspector to whom you applied) draws up a loan agreement and invites you to sign it.

12 After the agreement is signed, the operator will inform you when the money will be transferred to your bank card... If there is no card, then the operator will issue it in your presence, free of charge.

How to get a loan from Sberbank Online

If you have a Sberbank card and are registered in the Sberbank Online system, you can apply for a loan directly through this service. Moreover, Sberbank even encourages clients to apply for loans in in electronic format... For example, without collateral, the rate when applying through Sberbank Online is lower than when placing an application at the bank, by 0.5% per annum.

To apply for a consumer loan online, proceed as follows:

1 Log in with your username and password to Sberbank Online.

2 In the main menu, select one of two options:

Click to enlarge image

3 On loan calculator we set the loan amount we need, the term, we look at the monthly payment and the payment schedule.

Click to enlarge image

4 Pay attention to the upper columns (" Normal conditions"/" I receive a salary or a pension at Sberbank ") - the interest on the loan will depend on them. Here you can also choose to join the "credit protection insurance program" or refuse. This is not an individual insurance, it will be difficult to return it after receiving a loan.

Click to enlarge image

Click to enlarge image

6 We fill out the form, confirm it, send it to the bank.

7 Do not think that the approval will happen automatically - usually within an hour the specialist of the credit department of Sberbank calls back and clarifies the information you provided. Be ready to answer, among other things, the same questions that were in the questionnaire: this is how the inspector checks whether you yourself filled out the questionnaire, whether pressure was put on you.

8 Within three days (most often, on the day of application) you will receive an SMS with information about loan approval or refusal.

9 If the loan is approved, you can proceed in two ways:

  • if you do not have a Sberbank salary card or do not want to receive a loan for it, for signing loan agreement have to go to the bank branch. Here, the specialist will issue a Momentum card, which will receive money after some time (from 15 minutes to three days).
  • if you have a card, go to the page of your application (see paragraphs 1 and 2). We select the item "Get money". The text of the loan agreement will open. We read carefully. We sign (put a tick in the appropriate box). A code for confirmation comes from number 900 to the phone - we enter it in the window that opens. We confirm. If you need the original loan agreement, you will need to go to the bank branch where the loan was issued.

How to take a mortgage at Sberbank

General order obtaining a mortgage in Sberbank is as follows:

1 Collection of a preliminary package of documents by the borrower (passport, 2-NDFL certificate, copy of work book, etc.).

2 Submitting an application to the bank. There can be two ways:

7 The bank reviews the documents and, if approved, transfers the money to the seller's account after state registration sales contracts.

How to get a loan from Sberbank to a card

In this section, we'll talk about how to get a Sberbank credit card. Sberbank is, of course, not Tinkoff, but there is a chance to become the owner of a credit card, especially if you already have a salary. You can get a Sberbank credit card from the street (without a pre-approved offer - we'll talk about it below) of only one type - instant (Momentum Visa and MasterCard) and only at a bank branch. You need a passport, but if you are not a client of Sberbank (there is no debit card, you do not receive a salary to the account), then the limit will be minimal, or the application will be rejected altogether. The application procedure is the same as for consumer credit.

With a pre-approved offer, you can receive up to 600,000 rubles, while the application process will be faster, since such a form is provided only for existing customers, information about which is already in the Sberbank database. Information about the credit card pre-approved for you will come in an SMS message, it will appear in Sberbank Online, as well as in an ATM / terminal when using your debit card.

The application can be submitted through Sberbank Online, its form is similar to the application for a consumer loan (for details on how to make an online application for a Sberbank credit card, read here: You can get the card only at the bank's office.

The cost of owning Sberbank credit cards is quite high: the interest on the loan exceeds the refinancing rate by more than three times.

“Sberbank has high stakes issuing credit cards is a priority over other projects. I wanted to refinance a loan for 180,000 rubles, came to the bank, wrote an application. My income is 70,000 rubles, I have a salary card. A day later, an SMS comes in: a refinancing loan was denied. In another 5 minutes: a credit card with a limit of 215,000 rubles has been approved for you. I took the card, but I had to refinance in another bank, everything went smoothly there ”.

What is a Pre-Approved Offer

For clients who have been using the bank's services for several months (usually from six months), Sberbank can send so-called pre-approved offers. The bank calculates the loan option using its own algorithms and sends the client (via SMS from number 900 or in Sberbank online) an offer. It looks something like this:

"Ivan Ivanovich, you have been preliminarily approved for a consumer loan without collateral on two documents in the amount of 150,000 rubles for 5 years at 14.9% per annum."

Note: such an offer does not mean that the money is already in your pocket. This only means that you meet the formal criteria of an average bank borrower: you have a steady income, you are suitable for age, you have a bank card, and so on.

In order to weed out clients who do not fit the conditions, after you click the "Checkout" button, the bank informs you of the basic requirements: official employment with the possibility of confirmation, citizenship of the Russian Federation and age from 21 to 65 years.

Further, registration is the same as in the chapter "How to get a loan from Sberbank Online". As a rule, the approval of the loan offered to the client is much faster than at the request of the client "from the street".

If you have a Sberbank salary card for a long time, but you do not receive a pre-approved loan offer, you can check its availability yourself:


How to get a loan from Sberbank if I am a pensioner?

Since the maximum age at the time of full repayment of the loan from Sberbank is 65 years old, a pensioner will not be able to take out a loan, being older than this age. Also, they will not give a loan, for example, for 5 years, if you are already 61 years old. Otherwise, the conditions are the same as for all other categories of borrowers. A pensioner can apply for any type of loan using the algorithms described in our article. As a confirmation of income, a certificate of the amount of pension issued by By the Pension Fund... A big plus for the approval of a loan can be the deposit available in Sberbank.

I heard that individual entrepreneurs are almost not given loans in Sberbank, is this really so?

If we are talking about consumer loans for personal (non-commercial) needs or a mortgage, then the main difficulty for an entrepreneur is the confirmation of income. This is especially true of individual entrepreneurs who have been working recently and do not have a current account with Sberbank. To get a loan, it is advisable to open a deposit with Sberbank, or use some other product (debit card, for example). So that the loan officer can see the movement of money in your account and can roughly estimate your solvency. When the first tax period has passed (for example, after the expiration of the first year of activity), as evidence of your financial solvency, you can provide tax reporting.

Although there are different cases.

“I am an individual entrepreneur, I have been working for six months, I have an account with Sberbank, the business has just started, the movement of money on the account is minimal. The period of validity of a personal debit card has just expired, I went to receive a reissued one. The inspector fills out the papers, gives out the card and suddenly says: do you want to take a consumer loan, do you have a pre-approved offer for 200 thousand? I am skeptical to her: they will not give it, I am an individual entrepreneur, so far there is nothing special to confirm the income. Plus I have two children, my wife has a salary of 25 thousand - in short, a dead option. She suggests: let's try. Okay, come on. Submitted an application, the income was written "from the bulldozer" - 50 thousand per month. Monthly payment they counted 5,200 on the loan, but did not refuse insurance. The application was accepted, I was sent home. Two hours later they call from Moscow, from the bank's security service. For half an hour, a woman tortured me with a metallic voice to see if I was taking money for business development. I had to say that I was going to buy the last two iPhones and give one to my wife. The loan was approved about an hour and a half after this call, the money was transferred in the evening ”.

Can I get a second loan from Sberbank?

Sberbank is considering the possibility of issuing a loan to a client primarily on formal grounds. Therefore, if you have sufficient income, you regularly pay off the existing loan, then you can count on the second one. It is better if it is of a different type: for example, when current mortgage Sberbank approves small consumer loans without any problems and issues credit cards.

How to behave correctly when applying at the bank to increase your chances of getting a loan?

Many clients are sure that in the loan documentation filled out by the operator there is a column with the title of the type “How does a person behave when answering questions”. And if a tick is put in front of the answer “I'm not sure of myself, it seems that he is hiding something and I did not like him at all,” then the loan will not be approved. This is actually a myth. The inspector at the bank does not care how you behave. Answer questions with a breath and a pleading voice or grumbling angrily and in monosyllables. The main thing is that the information is accurate and complete. And here the operator can pay attention to your intonation in order to understand if you are not deceiving him. Therefore, it is recommended to answer questions about the amount of income (your own or your spouse, guarantors, and so on - if documentary evidence is not required) calmly and confidently. The same applies to answers about the composition of the family, place of work (if you were fired from your job, and you are temporarily working part-time, you do not need to try to hide this fact: it is better to let you be given less money than they will refuse completely after verification). Do not hesitate to carefully read all the papers that are given to you for signature, but the inspector does not need to be harmful either. In any case, do not forget that the decision to grant you a loan will not be made by the girl sitting opposite, but by some bearded uncle who is, perhaps, half a thousand kilometers away from you.

What if the application was not approved?

Refusal of a loan from Sberbank is a specific decision on a specific application. It does not apply to the identity of the borrower. It's just that at this particular moment you did not fit some criteria for Sberbank's parameters - for example, the amount of payment on a loan you already have in another bank exceeds the allowable one for your income by 10 rubles. Inspectors are not always informed of the reasons for refusal (especially if they are related to the identification of inaccurate information transmitted by the client). Therefore, there is no need to press on female operators. Better to apply in a month, having received new help 2-NDFL. Also try to pay more on other loans to improve your credit history.

“I was going to take out a loan to refinance a loan from Renaissance. There I paid 8500 a month, in Sberbank the payment would have been 6700. I brought all the documents, a copy of the work book, 2-NDFL. Work in budgetary sphere, official salary, net more than 30,000, crystal credit history, there have never been any delinquencies. The inspector has already started to draw up the card - and suddenly a refusal comes. She opened her mouth already. I called the credit department. They say there is little income. What nonsense, I think? It turned out that Sberbank issued a credit card to me six months ago, which I did not take. According to it, the limit is 50,000, and it is considered a loan. I went, I closed it, and a month later I applied again and it was approved. "


Sberbank carefully arranges its work with potential borrowers. The cornerstone of the bank's strategy is customer loyalty. Therefore, Sberbank's services are aimed primarily at existing consumers of services. It is much easier for the holder of a salary card to get a loan here than for a person “off the street”.

You can take out a loan from Sberbank in two ways: by submitting an application at the office or through Sberbank-online. The first option is suitable for everyone, the second - for Sberbank clients who have debit card... In the first case, you must definitely come to the branch, in the second, under certain conditions, you can receive money remotely.

Sberbank's requirements for customers are quite strict, but the terms of lending are more favorable, and the level of service is much higher than that of most other banks in the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the income level of the potential client: Sber practically does not give loans to unemployed or informal workers. Individual entrepreneurs getting a mortgage or consumer credit for personal needs is also very difficult.

Consumer loans are very popular among the population - they provide an opportunity to short time receive the required amount on own needs... At the same time, there is no need to borrow from relatives, acquaintances or colleagues, to depend on someone. Let us consider the attractiveness of loans offered by Sberbank of the Russian Federation, and what needs to be done to obtain them.

Loan name% Rate per yearCredit termCredit amountLoan securityProof of income
Military mortgage for the purchase of finished housing from 9.5% up to 20 years up to 2,398 million rubles. Pledge of the loaned premises Not required
Military mortgage for the purchase of housing under construction from 9.5% up to 20 years up to 2,398 million rubles. Pledge of the loaned premises Not required
Loan for suburban real estate from 9.5% up to 30 years old from 300 thous. Pledge of the lent premises,
Sureties nat. persons.
Bank form help
Loan for the purchase of finished housing from 8.6% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand to 15 million rubles Pledge of the lent premises,
Sureties nat. persons
Not required
Loan for the purchase of housing under construction from 6.7% up to 30 years old from 3.8 million to 8 million rubles Pledge of the loaned premises Not required
Loan for the construction of a residential building from 10% up to 30 years old from 300 thous. Pledge of the loaned premises Bank form help
Loans to individuals with personal subsidiary plots 17,00 % from 3 months up to 5 years from 30 thousand to 1.5 million rubles Bank form help
from 12% up to 20 years from 500 thousand to 10 million rubles Pledge of the loaned premises Bank form help
Educational loan with state support from 7.5% term of study increased by 10 years up to 100% of the cost of training Without collateral Not required
Unsecured consumer loan from 12.9% up to 5 years up to 3 million rubles. No collateral, no guarantors Bank form help
Consumer loan for military personnel - NIS participants from 16.5% from 3 months up to 5 years from 30 thousand to 1 million rubles. up to 500 thousand without collateral Bank form help
Consumer loan for loan refinancing from 11.5% up to 7 years RUB 3 million Not required Not required
Consumer loan for problem debt refinancing Equal to ref. credit from 6 months to 5 years the amount for the full repayment of problem loans. Individuals' sureties Bank form help
Consumer loan guaranteed by individuals from 11.4% from 3 months up to 5 years up to 3 million rubles. Individuals' sureties Bank form help
Refinancing secured by real estate from 9.5% up to 30 years old from 300 thous. Not required Bank form help

Did you know? "Sberbank of Russia - oldest bank country. His birthday is November 12, 1841, the day when the decree of Nicholas I on the establishment of savings banks was issued. Sberbank enjoys the highest level of trust among the population of the Russian Federation, attracts customers by introducing loyalty programs and holding regular promotions.

"Unsecured consumer loan": documents and conditions for obtaining a loan

Borrowers have the opportunity to receive up to one and a half million rubles for 5 years and at the same time - many pleasant bonuses:

  • lack of any collateral;
  • the right to spend money at your own discretion (without reporting to the bank);
  • no commission;
  • favorable rate - from 14.9 to 21.9% per year.

Calculate a loan by contacting Sberbank and arrange it within the capacity of every paying and able-bodied citizen of the Russian Federation. There are some age restrictions: the borrower must be over 21 years old and at the time of final settlement - not over 65 years old.

Important! "Sberbank "allows temporary registration (with the term of the loan limited by its action), but requires the provision of a certificate from the passport office with confirmation of the borrower's residence at the specified address.

To apply for a loan, you need the following documents:

  1. application form(its form is on the site);
  2. passport;
  3. certificate of registration form No. 9... If you have a temporary registration, you can get a loan only for the period of its validity;
  4. guarantor documents(passport, employment certificates);
  5. evidence of solvency and employment(valid for 30 days from the date of issue);
  6. documents for mortgaged property if provided;
  7. work book and certificate of experience.

Did you know? Documents about solvency: certificates - from work in the form of 2-NDFL, about the amount of the pension, a certified copy of the tax declaration (form 3-NDFL).Employment documents: copies of the work book (agreement, certificate, contract from the place of work), certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurship.

Applications are considered in two working days (but with the bank's right to extend this period). Time starts counting from the submission of the entire set of required papers. Borrowers-clients of Sberbank - with salary and pension cards have benefits:

  • time for consideration of their applications - up to two hours;
  • provide only a passport;
  • receive benefits on rates, etc.

Sberbank online loan calculator

To correctly calculate the loan conditions with all additional opportunities and services, use. Here you can get all the necessary information about the proposed loan and decide for yourself which conditions will be more profitable for you.

How to apply for a loan online?

You can apply for any type of loan not only at the Sberbank branch, but also online. To do this, log in to "Sberbank Online" and go to the "Loans" section.
The system will provide an application where you will need to fill in the following fields:

  1. Loan type;
  2. Loan conditions (standard, secured, with a surety);
  3. Credit term;
  4. Credit amount;
  5. Currency.

As you fill in the required fields, keep an eye on the additional fields. As practice shows, it is better to fill in all fields with additional information so that later there is no need to visit the Sberbank branch once again. When the application is processed, a bank employee will contact you to tell you about further steps.

How to get a "Consumer loan secured by individuals" in Sberbank

This type of loan offers three million rubles for a five-year period with a rate of 13.9-20.9% for its clients and 15.9-21.9% for other borrowers. It is possible to increase the amount of the expected loan, taking into account the income of the spouse. A calculator will help you to roughly calculate a consumer loan from Sberbank of Russia.

The necessary conditions in order to take out a loan from Sberbank:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age. The bank has established some age restrictions: the age category from 18 to 20 years old is prohibited from having co-borrowers, and the guarantors are parents. Maximum age - no older than 75 years old at the time of payment for the loan;
  • work experience (last six months and at least 1 year in 5 years).

Papers are fed:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • confirmation of solvency and employment;
  • confirmation of kinship of clients 18-20 years old and guarantors.

Important! To save time, you can apply online. However, an online loan application does not guarantee a positive result - one cannot do without a personal visit to Sberbank.

"Consumer loan for military personnel - NIS participants": who is entitled to a preferential loan

A special lending scheme is provided for military personnel who participate in the NIS. They are invited to:

  • receive five hundred thousand rubles with 16.5% (without security), a million - with 15.5% (with a guarantee) for a period of five years;
  • the purpose of lending does not matter (for the purchase of housing, recreation, etc.).

A serviceman who wants to get a loan must be at least 21 years old and hold a loan for " Military mortgage»Or apply for this loan to Sberbank. Upon registration, the following are submitted:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • the confirmation financial security and employment of the applicant;
  • a certificate of military service (if there is a mortgage).

Important! Clients of Sberbank (receive pensions, salaries, scholarships), applying for loans, receive preferences and benefits (reduction of rates by 1-2%, unnecessary provision of a number of certificates, etc.).

How to get a "Non-targeted loan secured by real estate" in "Sberbank" and what you need for this

Popular are long-term loans(20 years) in the amount of 500 thousand to 10 million rubles. They attract low interest rates - 14% (calculator will help to calculate the correct loan from Sberbank).

It is not required to pay a commission and bring confirmation of the use of the money received. Housing (apartments and private houses) is left as a deposit, land and other property. The loan amount will be up to 60% of the appraisal of the collateralized real estate, but not more than 10 million rubles.

Insurance is required from the client-borrower (if it is absent, the rate increases by 1%). The age qualification of the borrower is 21 years and older (at the time of settlement with the bank - not older than 75 years).

The loan will not be issued if the borrower or one of the co-borrowers:

  • is engaged in individual entrepreneurship;
  • has the right to sign financial documents small business;
  • has more than 5% of the capital of a small enterprise;
  • is engaged in farming.

In addition to an application and a passport, the following are required:

  • certificate from the passport office (with temporary registration);
  • confirmation of solvency and employment.

If the decision is positive, the documents on real estate must be submitted to the bank (no later than 60 days). The bank presents the exact list of securities. Usually this is a confirmation of ownership, an estimate of the value, a certificate of state registration of ownership, a registration certificate, a spouse's consent to a pledge, a marriage contract, a certificate from a housing office, etc.

The application is considered in 2-8 working days.

"Consumer loan for refinancing": conditions and interest rates

Its purpose is to reduce payments on previously taken loans, remove the burden from a car bought on credit, repay up to five different loans, replacing them with only one. The loan is provided by Sberbank (no more than 1 million rubles), the online calculator will show all the profitability of such refinancing within a five-year period.

The bank sets rates from 19.9 to 21.9% pending confirmation of the designated purpose. After confirmation - already from 14.9 to 16.9%. Interest rates the number of bank clients is 1-2% less.

For registration, you need to write an application and prepare a certificate of income, documentation on previous loans (statements of residual debt, details, dates and numbers of contracts, rates, etc.). All papers must be provided within a month from the date of registration.

How to get a "Loan to individuals running a personal subsidiary farm" in "Sberbank"

Sberbank offers consumer loans to owners of land plots throughout the Russian Federation (except for Moscow). The owner is entitled to a loan of up to 700 thousand rubles with a 20% interest rate for 5 years. The offer can be used by land owners, Russian citizens aged 21 and older, who have submitted an application, passport, proof of work experience and solvency, an extract from the household book.

Did you know? Charging a commission for the loan repayment earlier the deadline forbidden. This operation is free of charge. To avoid standing in queues, you can pay for a loan from Sberbank via the Internet with a bank card.

Thus, it will be most profitable to use the offered loans from Sberbank to its clients. The lending procedure is identical: application, preparation required documents and, if the criteria are met, a one-time money transfer.