Raiffeisen capital funds. Open mutual funds of Raiffeisen Capital Management Company - Raiffeisen bonds

Good day, Dear readers and subscribers of the investment blog!

Back in the middle of summer, after I began to show results in , I promised to tell you about this type of investment, and specifically about an instrument from my portfolio - open Mutual fund Raiffeisen bonds which is under control Management Company "Raiffeisen Capital".

In one of the reports, I was asked a question about how I calculate the yield on bonds, because if you invest directly in bonds, it is not very simple, you need to deal with coupons, redemptions, etc. Everything depends on the fact that they exist and the profitability on them is calculated differently.

So, in order not to burden myself with all these subtleties and additional monitoring, I, as a preferential, selected the Raiffeisen Capital Mutual Fund for myself, especially since bonds must be in the portfolio on a par with shares, both as an independent investment instrument and to reduce risks when investing in securities.

If we talk about direct investment in bonds, then we cannot fail to note the fact that bonds are less risky (and, accordingly, less liquid) compared to.

Let's get back to discussing the product management company"Raiffeisen Capital" - Mutual Fund Raiffeisen Bonds:

  • Basic information about the fund:

  • In this open mutual fund, the main investments and distributions fall on shares of debt obligations (bonds) of the Government of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and major Russian companies, the so-called blue chips and a small share of shares foreign companies. The main strategy for managing a bond fund is aimed at preserving capital in the face of official inflation.

The fund is managed by investing in debt instruments with moderate returns that exceed average rates bank deposits and at the same time different increased level reliability.

  • Portfolio structure:

  • Investment is carried out in accordance with tariff plan:

— the acquisition of a share can occur at any time, while the value of the share is determined daily;

— the minimum investment level is 15 thousand rubles for the first purchase, and then the level is reduced to 3 thousand rubles, i.e. subsequent purchases can be made from 3 thousand rubles.

— if you study the investment conditions on the Raiffeisen Capital website, then for the purchase of bond units an investment period of more than 1 year is recommended and here’s why:

There is a commission when redeeming shares and the longer the investment period, the more profitable the redemption:

1) when repaying before 182 days, a 2% commission is charged

2) from 182 days to 365 days inclusive - 1%

3) after 365 days there is no charge.

At the time of preparation of the material, the yield of the Raiffeisen bond fund is as follows:

On the chart, which can be viewed at different time periods, by setting the desired one either at the bottom of the calendar, or by moving the lever to the right or left (everything is marked and shown with arrows), you can clearly see how the fund’s profitability and the volume of invested funds have changed.

The growth schedule is not ideal and this is quite typical for investments without a fixed profitability. Despite the drawdowns, the general trend remains positive, although a decline always confuses some investors and it is clear how much the fund’s capital has decreased after an unstable situation.

Many people psychologically cannot bear the disadvantages, but, often, this allows them to make big profits precisely at such moments when replenishing funds at a drawdown.

Of course, it is not a fact that as soon as you add funds, growth will immediately begin, the decline may continue, but sooner or later a rebound will occur and it will be possible to record additional profit from investing in the instrument. Exactly like this clear example(and it is almost perfect), appeared on the growth graph of the bond mutual fund.

  • In the information sections you can study:

- reporting, where PDF format reports on the fund are provided for different periods, certificates of the value of the fund’s assets, balance sheets and explanatory notes to these documents;

— documentation on the fund: tariffs, trust management rules, track possible changes in documentation;

— and also use an investment calculator that will help you navigate the returns of past periods:

First, you need to select the type of mutual fund, set the dates and click calculate or view the dynamics on the chart.

  • Also, in the line of Raiffeisen Capital mutual funds there are different open funds and, in the future, the investor has the right to exchange one share for another (except for the Raiffeisen - Precious Metals commodity market mutual fund) or invest in different ones after first studying their history:

  • You can purchase shares of Raiffeisen Capital Management Company through the nearest branches of Raiffeisen Bank. To do this, you just need to come with a passport and money, and then go through all the formalities (fill out application forms, questionnaires), and after all, you will only have to regularly monitor the selected investment instrument and review it every week. results via the Internet personal account and fix it.

  • As for paying income taxes, here is the same as when investing in shares through a broker:

When making profit from investing in shares, income must be subject to personal income tax in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Raiffeisen Capital Management Company has the status of a tax agent for individuals investing in shares and, in accordance with Articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation 214.1 and 226, Chapter 26, after the redemption of shares, it is obliged to calculate, withhold and pay tax (personal income tax) to the budget.

Tax rates currently are:

1) 13% for tax residents RF;

2) 30% for tax non-residents of the Russian Federation.

Finishing tax period Raiffeisen Capital Management Company is obliged to provide the investor with a certificate of income if he needs one and he issues a written request.

If the shareholder is not individual, and the enterprise, i.e. If you are a legal entity, then all operations related to the calculation and payment of taxes are carried out independently. Tax rate in this case it will be 20%, which corresponds to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, art. 284 clause 1 and it will be the same both for enterprises resident in the Russian Federation and for those who do not have a representative office in Russia (Articles 284, 306-311 Tax Code RF).

When exchanging units, transactions are not subject to taxes.

  • Despite the small risks when investing in bond funds, they nevertheless remain, and at this point I would like to remind you and provide a link to an article on the blog, which I regularly recommend for reading, and also took a screenshot from the website of Raiffeisen Capital Management Company, where details Possible risks are outlined:

This concludes today’s review and I would like to wish that all instruments in your portfolio remain in a positive trend and risks are minimal.

Good luck and profit to everyone!


Often, ordinary citizens believe that in order to get maximum profits from mutual funds, you need to be a real expert who thoroughly understands all the intricacies. From this point of view, the most profitable and convenient option is Mutual Fund of Raiffeisenbank, where all work with investments will be performed by a reliable professional management company Raiffeisen-Capital.

Features of investing in Raiffeisenbank Mutual Fund

Thanks to the positive dynamics of Raiffeisenbank mutual funds are one of the most accessible and convenient tools designed to obtain maximum profit. Mutual investment funds are special shape joint investments, in which each participating client purchases shares, trusting his cash professional management company. All funds contributed by clients are combined into a single portfolio, and the management company, Raiffeisen Capital, exercises control over them.

According to reviews of Raiffeisen mutual funds, it is very convenient for clients to work using such a system, because all that is necessary in this case is to perform several sequential actions:

  • enter into an agreement with the management company Raiffeisen Capital, which will provide professional brokerage services;
  • create an investment portfolio;
  • deposit the required amount of money.

The most popular types of assets are stocks, bonds, as well as precious and industrial metals. When a client invests his funds in a mutual fund, he immediately becomes the owner of the share. And the cost of a certain share depends entirely on what is included in the investment portfolio formed by the client.

Depending on the client’s wishes, a share may contain one or several instruments. Thus, it can be formed on the basis of bonds only, or combined from precious metals and shares. In order to extract maximum profit when starting to form a combined share, it is necessary to analyze the current situation that has developed in the financial market. And to calculate your approximate income, you can use a special Raiffeisenbank mutual fund calculator. Formation investment income occurs on the basis of an increase in the value of the share. Consequently, the profit becomes the difference between the price of the shares at the time of their sale and the original amount investments.

What mutual funds does Raiffeisen-Capital offer to clients?

To choose the most profitable mutual funds Raiffeisen Capital, you should familiarize yourself with all the options presented today, as well as their conditions. You should also study the profitability chart of Raiffeisenbank mutual funds to determine which one is capable of bringing the highest profit.

The most relevant and popular mutual investment funds of Raiffeisen-Capital are:

Each type of mutual fund has its own individual characteristics:

  • Share funds of Russian companies are suitable for those clients who positively assess domestic economy and plan to invest for a period exceeding two years. Included investment portfolio There are shares of Russian companies belonging to all economic sectors. The potential level of profitability is high.
  • Foreign equity funds are the optimal solution for those clients who are interested in investing in assets in foreign currency for a period of two or more years. The investment portfolio includes shares of companies operating in the USA, Europe and Russia.
  • Commodity market funds will find a worthy place in the investment portfolios of those clients who are attracted by the prospects for the dynamics of precious metals. This type of investment provides reliable protection in situations characterized by instability in the economy and financial markets. From this point of view, it is recommended to allocate at least 5-10% of the investment portfolio to investments in gold and precious metals.
  • Bond funds are optimal choice for those investors who have very conservative views. This decision will allow you to receive stable profits under conditions of moderate risks. Minimum period investment in such funds is one year. The investment portfolio includes bonds of large European and American companies with a high reputation. The level of profitability of such mutual funds is moderate, but it is higher than the average level of rates on deposit accounts in the largest Russian and foreign banks.
  • A balanced fund is the best option for those clients who are looking for the optimal balance between profitability and safety. Recommended investment periods are from 1.5 to 2 years. Such a combined investment portfolio includes Russian and foreign instruments, which are characterized by fixed income of the highest credit quality.

The main advantages of investing in Raiffeisenbank mutual funds

Investing in mutual funds opens up the following opportunities and advantages for Raiffeisenbank clients:

  • no need to monitor the situation and study the nuances of the stock market - all this is undertaken by qualified specialists of the management company Raiffeisen-Capital;
  • customized solutions that meet risk and return expectations;
  • high level of investment reliability.

Raiffeisenbank mutual funds are one of the best options obtaining stable passive income at low costs. Raiffeisen-Capital specialists will help clients choose the right mutual fund for the most profitable investment.

Is it worth investing in mutual funds (video)

The management company Raiffeisen Capital was established by the financial corporation ZAO Raiffeisenbank. The company is an advanced player in the financial market and is a member of the Association for the Protection of Investor Rights and the National League of Managers NP.

Investing with funds

The main activity of the management company is the coordination of capital investments of individuals and legal entities through mutual funds and trust management. The structure of Raiffeisen Capital Management Company includes:

  1. "Raiffeisen - Shares" - investment fund, designed for capitalists considering long-term investments to Russian companies as one of the priority tasks. The main tools for making a profit are shares of stable companies.
  2. "Raiffeisen - Bonds" - fund open type, whose main clients are conservative investors aimed at investing in bonds and other debentures, backed by state monetary reserves.
  3. "Raiffeisen - Balanced" is a fund that attracts the attention of capitalists seeking to achieve a balance of high-risk and reliable instruments in one portfolio. The company's dominant asset is shares, losses on which are offset by the presence of bonds with guaranteed coupon income.
  4. "Raiffeisen - USA" is a fund of the management company "Raiffeisen Capital", created to carry out profitable transactions on the US stock market
  5. "Raiffeisen - Consumer Sector" is a fund that satisfies the interests of capitalists who highly value the possibilities for developing the consumer sector of the economy. The core of the fund is securities of large retailers, as well as companies closely related to the production of consumer goods.
  6. "Raiffeisen - Raw Materials Sector" is a fund that fulfills the financial needs of capitalists who are ready to invest monetary resources in the raw materials sector.
  7. "Raiffeisen - Information Technologies" is an open-ended fund that provides financial investments into the information business. The fund makes daily transactions involving shares of information, telecommunications and other similar companies.
  8. "Raiffeisen - Electric Power" is a fund intended for capitalists who expect to make a profit through financial investments in shares of companies operating in the electric power industry.
  9. "Raiffeisen - MICEX Index" fund that uses the main trends as a guide stock exchange. Priority is given to transactions with shares of companies forming the blue chip segment, as well as corporations in the field of trade and communications.
  10. "Raiffeisen - Industrial" - the company invests monetary assets for the implementation of infrastructure projects.
  11. "Raiffeisen - Asia" is a fund of the management company "Raiffeisen Capital" created to carry out profitable transactions on the stock market of the Asian region.
  12. "Raiffeisen - BRIC" is a fund created to carry out profitable transactions on the stock market of countries included in the BRIC structure.
  13. "Raiffeisen - Gold". The fund's financial injections are aimed at completing transactions for the acquisition of precious metals. The fund is an attractive object for investors who adhere to classical thinking and seek to place financial resources for the long term.
  14. "Raiffeisen - Treasury" is a fund that attracts the attention of investors who have faith in receiving coupon income on bonds;
  15. "Raiffeisen - Foundation active control" is a fund created to carry out profitable transactions on the stock markets of the USA, Europe and Asia. Aimed at capitalists who are ready to place financial resources for a period of 2 years or more.
  16. "Raiffeisen - Eurobonds", the Raiffeisen Capital fund of the management company, which is based on the principle of investing in dollar assets, which during the period of ruble stagnation are an effective means of generating profit.
  17. "Raiffeisen - Second Tier Equity Fund" - the company is focused on acquiring shares of little-known corporations that are at the stage of intensive development.

Personal investment tactics

Conditions of increased market volatility often dictate to investors the choice of a personal management strategy financial means. Ex. the company is ready to provide a manager to develop unique investment tactics for both ordinary and corporate investors.

Limited Liability Company Management Company "Raiffeisen Capital" actively cooperates with institutional investors, such as non-state pension funds And Insurance companies. The main activity is investment of own and attracted financial resources investors in the most profitable instruments.

Funds managed by Raiffeisen Capital Management Company

Funds managed by Raiffeisen Capital Management Company


It is Raiffeisen Capital Management Company (the company belongs to financial structure In recent years, Raiffeisenbank has increasingly been called the leader of the domestic trust management market.

Experts note the highly qualified staff, effective risk management and transparency of the investment process.

And in November 2013, this management company again became the first among its competitors in terms of the volume of funds raised into open mutual funds.

In this article we will talk about Raiffeisen Capital Management Company and analyze the results of this company's mutual funds over the past three years.

Units from Raiffeisen Capital

A mutual fund is considered one of the most affordable investment instruments for a small investor. A mutual fund allows an individual to buy “pieces” (shares, bonds) of several companies at once, combined into one share. An investor can receive his income (if he is lucky) due to the increase in the value of such “pieces of shares” over time.

The minimum investment in Raiffeisen Capital Management Company is 15,000 rubles. It is recommended to invest in the fund for a period of 1.5-2 years.

There are three types of operations for mutual investment funds from Raiffeisen: purchase of shares, their exchange and sale (redemption). Mutual funds (especially open-end ones) are classified as investment instruments with high liquidity, since an application for transactions with them can be submitted on any working day.

By the way, out of 18 Raiffeisen mutual funds, 17 are of the open type.

An investor can purchase additional shares using the “Standing Order” service or through the R-Connect Internet bank. In all other cases (purchase, exchange and redemption of shares), he will have to personally visit the bank branch.

How to become a Raiffeisen Capital client?

To begin, a future shareholder of the Raiffeisen Capital Management Company needs to contact any of the branches listed on the official website (http://www.raiffeisen-capital.ru) in the “Where to buy?” section.

By the way, you can get acquainted with the detailed terms of service at Raiffeisen Capital only during a personal meeting with a bank employee. Unfortunately, you will not find this information on the website.

But in any case, you will need to conclude a trust management agreement with Raiffeisen Capital Management Company, sign an Agreement to accede to the Electronic Document Management Regulations and obtain a simple electronic signature key certificate.

What expenses does the shareholder bear?

The main costs of the shareholder are the fees for entering and exiting the fund (“surcharge” and “discount”, respectively).

The management company does not charge a premium from the shareholder. In other words, the investor does not need to pay for “entry” to one or another Raiffeisen mutual fund. You invested 20,000 rubles, which means you will receive shares in your hands total cost at 20,000 rubles.

But the size of the discount at Raiffeisen Capital (charged upon redemption) directly depends on the term of the share and varies from 0% to 2% of its estimated value.

Note! All other shareholder expenses related to fund management (for example, remuneration to the management company) are already taken into account in the estimated value of the share.

What funds does Raiffeisen Capital manage?

IN trust management Raiffeisen Capital Management Company currently manages eighteen investment funds.

Let's look at what they have “delighted” or “disappointed” their investors over the past three years.

Let us conditionally divide all Raiffeisen Capital mutual funds into “promising” (highly profitable), “so-so” (unprofitable or with a yield below the average interest rate on bank deposits) and “dark horses”.

"Promising" mutual funds

Open Investment Fund "Raiffeisen - USA"

The fund is designed for long-term investment (minimum 2-3 years) in stock market USA. The portfolio includes ETF units made up of shares of US companies.

It is interesting that the USA Fund allows the investor to receive additional income during periods of strengthening of the dollar against the ruble; shares of the mutual fund are denominated in American currency.

Behind Last year the value of the USA Fund unit increased by 22.7%, and since 2011 the difference in price was +76.07%.

Open Investment Fund "Raiffeisen - Active Management Fund"

The Fund's portfolio consists of various instruments of the foreign exchange and stock market. Over the year, the value of the share increased by 20.45%.

By the way, experts say that during periods of financial instability and sharp fluctuations in the markets, it is on such mutual funds that entire fortunes are earned.

OPIF mixed investments"Raiffeisen - Developing markets»

The fund provides an opportunity to invest in company securities developing countries: Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea and others. An investor can count on high returns taking into account the diversification of investments between countries with different GDP structures.

Over the year, the value of the Emerging Markets Fund unit increased by 14.65%, and over the past three years - by 18.47%.

Open mutual investment fund "Raiffeisen - Balanced"

“Balanced” combines investments in shares (an income instrument), bonds, deposits and cash (with a low level of risk).

Over the past year, the value of a share of the Raiffeisen-Balanced Open Investment Fund has increased by 10.97%. But the growth over the past three years was only 4.21%.

“So-so” mutual funds

Open investment fund "Raiffeisen - Gold"

The fund is intended for "conservative" investors who simply want to protect their capital during periods of financial instability. The portfolio is focused on the gold futures price index with different expiration dates.

Unfortunately, over the past year the Gold fund has shown negative dynamics - the value of the unit fell by 5.9%.

Open investment fund "Raiffeisen-Bonds"

The fund is of interest to investors investing in low-risk instruments. Already from the name of the fund it is clear that the portfolio consists exclusively of debt obligations, for example, government valuable papers RF.

Despite its conservatism (and perhaps because of it), the Bonds fund is showing small but stable growth. Over the course of a year, the cost of one share increased by 4.09%, and over three years – by 18.07%.

Open investment fund "Raiffeisen - Raw Materials Sector"

The portfolio consists of shares of companies associated with the extraction, processing and marketing of raw materials: oil, gas, metallurgy, mineral fertilizers.

Expectations regarding the Fund's profitability were not met. Over the year, the value of the share increased by only 8.9%, and over the last three years it generally fell by 17.67%.

"Dark Horses"

Open Investment Fund "Raiffeisen - Consumer Sector"

The fund's portfolio includes shares of enterprises focused on rapidly growing domestic demand: finance, retail, IT, transport, construction, pharmaceuticals.

Despite the high potential, the value of the Consumer Sector Fund’s shares did not grow as quickly as we would like. Over the past year, the investor's profit was 8.73%, and over three years - only 4.4%.

Open Investment Fund "Raiffeisen - MICEX Blue Chip Index"

Managing this fund involves following the dynamics of the MICEX Blue Chip Index. Currently, this index includes fifteen Russian companies from leading sectors of the economy. The share of shares of each company in the Fund's portfolio corresponds to their share in the index.

Over the course of a year, the value of the Fund’s shares increased by 11.31%, but over three years the same shares became cheaper by 10.02%.

Raiffeisen Bank mutual funds are effective and reliable investment instruments. Raiffeisen Capital's assets are managed by a team of managers. Each fund is individual. To select a mutual fund, you should consider in detail the characteristics of each of them, as well as the features of cooperation with the management company.

Features of investing in Raiffeisen Capital mutual funds

The management company Raiffeisen Capital offers investors several mutual funds. Each of them differs in the structure of the investment portfolio and trading strategy, which allows you to purchase an asset in accordance with the individual preferences of each potential client. The company manages mutual funds with relatively low returns, which are not much higher than the profit on bank deposits.

The company's arsenal also includes high-yield funds with high risks. They include commodity raw materials, as well as shares of companies specializing in the development of high technologies.

Main types of funds and their characteristics

Raiffeisen Capital currently manages 18 mutual funds. Some of them are very similar in asset management strategy and investment portfolio structure. Below is a list of the best mutual funds, which is worth paying attention to when compiling your own investment portfolio. Their yield is relatively low, which is compensated by high reliability. Taking into account commissions and taxes, contributions will be justified only for long-term investments.
  1. Raiffeisen - Bonds. The fund is designed primarily for conservative investors. The object of investment is state and municipal bonds of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. The fund's return in 2015 was 29%, and in 2017 only 8%. This can be compensated by the high reliability of investments with minimal risks.
  2. Mutual Fund "Shares". The main direction of investment is shares of leading domestic enterprises, which ensure the development of the state economy in long term. These primarily include organizations in the industrial and mining sectors, whose products are in high demand. The investment portfolio is compiled in accordance with risk diversification standards. The average return rate is 35% for 3 years. Even the difficult geopolitical situation did not affect the fund’s high profit figures.
  3. MICEX index of blue chips. The most profitable fund, yield can reach 15% per annum. The investment portfolio consists of assets of large Russian companies, whose services are in high demand among consumers and on the world market.
  4. Mutual Fund "Raiffeisen - Raw Materials Sector". A highly specialized investment fund whose activities are aimed at financing the industrial sector, namely in:
    • oil production and oil refining industry;
    • mineral extraction;
    • production of metallurgical structures.
      The average annual return of the fund is 12% per annum.
  5. Mutual Fund "Consumer Sector". Despite the global economic crisis, which has a detrimental effect on the solvency of the population, which in turn negatively affects the profits of companies in the consumer sector, this fund over the past 3 years has shown a stable return of 8% per annum.
  6. Mutual Fund "Industrial" Investors' investments are distributed between shares of Russian companies in the metallurgical sector, as well as industrial enterprises in the chemical industry, as well as mechanical engineering and construction. The average annual yield is 9% per annum.
  1. Mutual Fund "USA". Involves investment in the US economy. The profitability for 2017 was 12%.
  2. Active management fund. Effective financial instrument with proper risk diversification. The structure of the investment portfolio includes shares of leading domestic and foreign commercial organizations. The average annual return of the fund is 11%.
  3. Mutual Fund "Debt Markets" developed countries" The portfolio consists of corporate debt assets of companies mainly from Europe and the USA, which have a high credit rating. There is virtually no risk. The average annual return of the mutual fund is 6% -7% per annum.
  4. Mutual Fund "Information Technologies". Investments in this fund can be considered a win-win because information Technology Today they are developing more than rapidly. The structure of the investment portfolio assumes the most optimal balance of risks and potential returns, even in conditions economic crisis. The average annual yield is about 10% per annum.

You should choose a mutual fund for investment in accordance with your personal trading strategy. With a conservative approach to investment activities you can select 2-3 funds from those offered and distribute between them up to 40% of the total capital. This will neutralize the negative impact of inflation on the trading account and will also ensure high risk diversification.

The dynamics of profitability can be found using the price chart, which is presented on the official website of the management company for each mutual fund.

Opportunities and advantages of investing

Investments in Raiffeisen Capital mutual funds have a number of advantages:

  1. The return on some assets is 2 times higher than the profit on bank deposits, while the risks are almost identical. In other words, mutual funds from this management company are a cross between direct investments in the stock market and bank deposits.
  2. Passive income. The assets of each fund are managed by professional portfolio managers. The investor can only transfer funds and monitor the development of the value of the shares through his personal account.
  3. The minimum investment is only 10,000 rubles if shares are purchased directly at the offices of the management company.

While there are obvious benefits to such investments, you should also pay attention to one significant drawback - commission fees and taxation. Raiffeisen Capital regularly changes the terms of cooperation. At the same time, there is no advance information to customers. The company, at the request of the investor, can act as a tax agent. An additional fee will apply for this.

How to become a client of the fund

To invest in Raiffeisen Capital mutual funds, you should personally contact the office of the management company or its agent. You must have a civil passport with you. When purchasing shares without intermediaries minimum amount investments range from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles (depending on the chosen mutual fund). The company's conditions provide for additional investments in the selected fund. Their size must be at least 10,000 rubles. If a transaction to purchase shares is carried out between an investor and an intermediary organization, then the minimum deposit amount must be from 150,000 rubles.

To register, you will need to fill out the appropriate application at the office of the company or intermediary, and then transfer the desired amount to the details specified in the contract after signing it.

The company's terms and conditions do not provide for a minimum investment period, however, portfolio managers and consultants recommend not considering a period of less than 3 years. Otherwise, commissions and tax fees will take most of the profits.

Despite many negative reviews that can be seen on specialized information sites, investments in Raiffeisen Capital mutual funds can still be considered one of the most reliable. Negative opinions about the work of this management company are primarily due to the fact that the citizens who left them did short-term work (up to 6 months). As a result, after deducting tax and management commissions, the profit turned out to be insignificant.