American economic model presentation. Presentation on the topic "American model of quality management"

“Property and Entrepreneurship” - The actual use of a thing. Leading place in a market economy. Relationship between people. Xenophon. Peculiarities. The essence of entrepreneurial activity. Individual. A complete bundle of rights. Number of participants. Acquisition of a controlling stake. Shareholder ownership. Ownership.

“Market relations in the economy” - Stock market. Economic systems. Free competition market. The proportion of exchange of goods for money. Monopoly. Correlation between m/y concepts. Markets by type of competition. Change in the quantity of demand. Types of markets. Market economy. Market mechanism. Competition. Quantity of demand. Market features. Plan. Offer.

“Models of economic systems” - German model of a mixed economy. Swedish model of mixed economy. Traditional economics. General scheme of a mixed economy. Command-administrative economy. Advantages of a market economy. Mixed economy. Mixed economy models. Types of economic systems. Conditions for the functioning of a market system.

“Mixed economic system” - Shadow economy. Today the mixed economy is an integral system. Mixed economy. Mixed economy. Factor income. Main features. A way of organizing economic life. Mixed economic system. Multi-layered character. Mixed economy of developed countries. Private sector.

“Economic systems and their types” - Three ways to solve basic economic issues. A way of organizing economic life. Table. What is an economic system. Method of decision making. Advantages. Economic system. Money. Advantages and disadvantages. Types of economic systems. A way of organizing the economic life of society.

“Modeling of economic systems” - Stages of development. Material balances. Model of rational bank behavior. Mathematical modeling of economic systems. Banking system. Ecomod system functions. Calculation results. Initial representations. Economics of independent state enterprises. Economy of the period of financial stabilization.

There are 18 presentations in total

This is a liberal market model,
implying priority
the role of private property
mechanism, high level
social differentiation. This
the model provides
carrying out liberal
social policy,
oriented towards reduction
government intervention in
solving individual problems
citizens, to provide them
possibly greater economic
freedom. She focuses on
strong manufacturer who
does not need protectionist

The formation and development of the American model took place in ideal conditions. This is due to various reasons:

The USA arose on the territory of relatively
free from previous traditions and
various layers of social
European settlers brought
entrepreneurial activity and
initiative based on strengthened
commodity-money relations in Europe. IN
As a result, many private
Scientific and technological revolution and
structural restructuring of the economy in the 80s.
The basis of scientific and technological progress is formed
microelectronics, robotics,
Information Systems,
production of new types of materials,
American model
economic system

The main features and characteristics of the American
states in the economy,
aimed at maintaining
stable market conditions and
economic balance;
full encouragement
American society and
public attitude towards
achieving success for everyone
person, regardless of his
origin and social
relatively low level
redistribution of GDP through
the state budget;
high performance
Providing benefits and allowances
low-income families.
Shaping a new look
orientation towards flexibility,
diversified and
production, its
adapt to quickly
changing needs
American population;
increasing its level
science intensity;
dominance of corporate
private property;
development of education,
culture, health
preparation and

Today, the main principle of the American model is only the minimally necessary but effective participation of the state in the economy. It

comes down to
to create conditions for the enrichment of the most active part of the population, and
also maintaining an acceptable standard of living for low-income groups
people through various types of benefits and allowances. State
ownership is represented only in nuclear energy, industrial
infrastructure (bridges, roads, pipelines), education and

But the main thing, undoubtedly, seems to be
macroeconomic regulatory role of the state,
carried out both through a constantly evolving
legislation, and through long-term
practice mechanisms of direct and indirect
regulation of economic processes, monetary policy, transactions with securities,
fiscal regulation.
Structure of tax revenues in the USA, % of total
IncomeTax from
insurance corporation tax
with physical
Chinese persons
Excise taxes
Tax on
All levels

There are 19 thousand economic
commissions under regional and local authorities
executive authorities who deal
encouraging entrepreneurship. IN
in the same series - creation and functioning so
so-called entrepreneurial “incubators”,
the number of which exceeded 600 in the mid-90s.
These are usually public or private government agencies that carry out
multifaceted support for newly created

High work morale, largely based on the Protestant ethic,
hard work and faith of the majority of citizens in their own strengths and as a result
high labor productivity and mass achievement orientation
personal success.
Top 10 countries with the highest productivity

Welfare is the collective name for special social programs
or benefits included in the All-American mutual aid system, especially
citizens who are unable to provide for themselves or belong to
categories of poor citizens. There are two types of benefits in the USA: cash
benefits, and benefits in kind.
The US government has created and maintains many social
programs that help people below the poverty line
buy food, pay for housing, kindergarten and other important expenses.

Major social programs in the USA
1. Temporary financial assistance for the poor
The program is federally and individually regulated and provides financial assistance.
for low-income families until they find a well-paid job.
2. Tax refund
Tax refund programs from the IRS - the American tax service - for US residents with
low income.
3. Additional social income
Federal benefit program for low-income individuals. Can take part in the program
elderly people over 65 years of age or disabled and blind people (including children).
4. American program for preferential purchase of goods
The so-called SNAP program is designed for people who have very low income or no
work at all. Allows you to buy food for a certain amount that is received
to a special debit card.
5. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children
The WIC program is for low-income women who are expecting a baby, breastfeeding
mothers, infants and children under five years of age. Program participants receive free
healthy products in online stores.
6. Food for children
7. Educational grant from the state
The program pays up to $5,500 to low-income people to help them achieve secondary
special and higher education.
8. Children's health insurance program
9. Medicaid
10. Educational program for children “Good start”
Free educational programs for children from 2 to 5 years old for low-income families. WITH
With this program, the child will have access to first-class medical care and healthy
nutrition, and the “Good Start” Center can help parents find employment.

The spread of a new stage of scientific and technological progress and an increase in the level of knowledge intensity
They are widely used both in material production and in the service sector.
techniques and technologies of new generations based on the use
microelectronics and especially microprocessors, programmable
automation and bioengineering. At the same time, the level of scientific
research and development costs.

It also seems strategic to increase the degree
priority in the social budget of the federal government
investment in human capital, i.e. values
allocations for education, culture, professional
training and retraining, as well as healthcare.
The main socio-economic priority of the current
American administration - the development of higher education.
Each year, training grants are awarded to the following:
By the US government.
Federal Pell Grant - Pell grants - state
Available to college students who have not yet received
Bachelor's degree returned by student recipients
after employment for 10-15 years
Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grant provides grants
students whose parents or guardians have died
as a result of military service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

United States
America is the owner of the most
expensive system
health care in the world.
In the USA, about 84% of citizens
have medical
There are two in the USA
programs for which
can help you for free
get people over 65
years old and low-income
population - Medicare and

Medicare program.
The program covers 40.3 million patients and
consistently provides from 35 to 50% of income
hospitals. . As sources of financing
taxes appear. . The program has been adopted for
protecting the interests of pensioners
Medicaid program
This is a federal affiliate program
budget and state budget, designed for
helping people with low incomes. . By
This program provides 5 services:
inpatient and outpatient treatment, consultations
specialists, stay in nursing homes,
laboratory diagnostics and radiological
research methods.

The main advantages of this
Negative factors
greater flexibility
economic mechanism,
quickly focusing on
changing conditions
high degree
activity and orientation towards
innovations due to
opportunities for profitable
application of capital.
This one is especially effective
high level model
enrichment the most
active part of the population;
lack of task
social equality;
creating an acceptable
standard of living
low-income groups.

The special role of entrepreneurship and the dominant role of private
sectors in the economy and society, a relatively low share
states in the redistribution of GDP, high work ethic
population, desire for success, absence of many bureaucratic
and status barriers is what makes this model special and
distinguishes it from other mechanisms.
This economic model is not an ideal economic
mechanism. Nevertheless, the American model is among
the most successful and exemplary economic models in the world.

The main features of the modern American economic model are:

unconditional priority of private property; strong competition; flexible labor and product markets;

insignificant government regulation (with legislative restrictions on the possibilities of government intervention);

relatively low taxes;

shareholder capitalism, which stimulates the extraction of maximum profits;

strong social differentiation.

Liberal market economy (USA)

In the social sphere, the liberal model presupposes the creation of equal opportunities for everyone, but the results of activity depend only on the economic entities themselves and on the circumstances.

The state regulates the operation of the market, but the government's efforts are aimed at providing the country with public goods (national defense, etc.).

The economy is based primarily on private property, market principles are respected, but the state pays more attention to equalizing not only the opportunities for entrepreneurial activity, but also equalizing the results of this activity, i.e. income.

The degree of income redistribution is high, hence the high level of taxation. The share of government spending in the gross national product is quite high, and the state budget is of significant size.

Social market economy (Europe)

On the one hand, this helps reduce the wealth stratification of people, making society more consolidated and less differentiated. On the other hand, a high level of taxation slows down economic growth and reduces interest in effective work.

The higher the level of government regulation, the inevitably stronger the bureaucracy, as a result of which the economic mechanism becomes less flexible.

High unemployment is also a consequence of developed social support: high wages and taxes reduce the incentive of firms to hire more workers, high unemployment benefits reduce incentives to look for work.

A national economic system based on private ownership and adherence to basic market principles, but with very significant government intervention in the functioning of the market.

Taxes are very high, but so are various social benefits. Accordingly, social differentiation of the population is less than in other developed countries, including European ones. There is a certain level of unemployment

Model of “Scandinavian socialism”

A distinctive feature of the Scandinavian model is the significant role not only of the state, but also of various public organizations, for example, trade unions, in regulating economic processes. Relations between employers and employees are regulated at the national level.

This model has such disadvantages as inflexibility, low motivation for entrepreneurial activity, etc.

These shortcomings are mitigated by such a feature of the Scandinavian countries as a very low (perhaps the lowest in the world) level of corruption in the state apparatus.

Japanese economic model

Private property is fundamental, and the role of the state, measured by the share of state ownership, or the size of the state budget relative to gross domestic product, is extremely small.

Formally remaining independent, economic entities attach great importance to interaction with their partners, competitors, and other entities. State regulation in such conditions takes the form mainly not of direct instructions, but of advice, recommendations, consultations, to which subjects listen.

Japanese economic model

The state, on the one hand, supports competition between entities, but on the other hand, pays no less attention to cooperation between them. The economy is based on market motivations, but the strategies of the subjects are very long-term in nature.

The pursuit of short-term, quick profits, characteristic of the flexible liberal model of the American economy, is replaced by the desire for long-term stable development in the Japanese model. Long-term, promising projects are being implemented well, but a flexible response to a rapidly changing market situation is difficult.

Chinese model

Cannot be classified as a model entirely based on market principles. This is a mixed economy, but rather with the dominance of socialist principles of state regulation.

A rapid influx of foreign investment, the development of private property and market relations are all characteristic of China, but a developed state apparatus that regulates most processes of economic activity is also characteristic.

Chinese model

There is significant regional differentiation - new market enterprises are concentrated in certain regions, while others still live in a socialist regime.

China is developing towards a market economy in its own specific way.

Type of economy The United States is characterized by a mixed type of economic system. Its distinctive features are: the priority of the market organization of the economy; multi-sectoral economy; public entrepreneurship is combined with private entrepreneurship with its full support; orientation of state financial, credit and tax policies towards economic growth and social stability; social protection of the population.

Role of the Government in the US Economy: The most important role of the federal government is that it controls the overall pace of economic activity, trying to ensure continued economic growth, high employment, and stable prices by changing government spending and tax rates (fiscal policy) or by managing the money supply and controlling the use of credit (monetary policy), they can slow down or speed up the rate of economic growth and simultaneously influence price and employment levels.

According to data for February 2009, the average time to search for a job in the United States remained unchanged compared to the previous month and was almost 20 weeks or 5 months. However, the distribution of the number of unemployed people by duration of unemployment has changed. Consequently, in general, in February 2009, the state of the labor market in the United States worsened, as the increase in the number of unemployed was accompanied by an increase in the duration of the job search period. In 2007, GDP per capita in the United States increased by $397, or 1.1%, over the previous year and was equal to $US in real terms.

Conclusion The modern market economy of a mixed type today appears to be the most perfect system that has ever existed. Its main feature is that it successfully combines the features of completely different economic systems: pure capitalism and command economy, although the features of pure capitalism predominate. It is most adapted to changing internal and external conditions, i.e. flexible.