Which banks belong to VTB. State banks are financial levers for managing the economy

In the current economic realities in Russia, those financial institutions in which the state is the majority shareholder have a dominant position compared to other similar institutions. Bank with state participation is an organization where decisions are made mainly based on the interests of the state.

Financial analysts believe that thanks to government participation in banking system it remains reliable and stable. In addition, there are sectors in the economy where the injection of funds may be either unprofitable or have great risks for private lending institutions. For example, such an important sector for the life of the country as agriculture.

The influence of the state on the activities of credit institutions can be different. It can be divided into certain types, depending on the degree of government participation in these institutions.

A bank in which the state is the sole shareholder. We have only one such bank - .

There are banks with state participation, in which the state share is more than 50 percent of the shares. A certain percentage of shares in such credit institutions belongs to private shareholders, and these may be people who have citizenship of another country. The most famous of these financial institutions are " " and " ".

There are joint stock companies in which a package of shares purchased by the state gives it the opportunity to block any decisions made in this company.

There are financial institutions that public administration carried out through other state-owned companies that are the owners of these institutions. For example, in OAO Tatneft the main shareholder is the state, and this company owns a blocking stake in the financial institution Zenit. Thus, the state, through Tatneft, can influence this bank.

There are credit organizations whose financial activities have led to the fact that the state is forced to carry out certain procedures in them to improve the health of these organizations. As a result, they are managed by representatives of government agencies. For example, if a financial institution is undergoing reorganization, or if the Bank of Russia takes over its management, sending its representative to this institution.

If central bank carries out large lending to some commercial bank, he also definitely directs into this credit institution its authorized representative.

Since the participation of government agencies in the country's banking system can be different, its accounting is often difficult. For this reason, no one regularly keeps statistics. But according to general statistics in Russian Federation there are more than fifty banks with state participation. In Russia its financial activities

carried out by many credit institutions. According to available information, these are more than 900 banks. But almost 40 percent of the total number of own assets of the banking system of the Russian Federation is accounted for by banks with state participation. These financial institutions issued more than 45 percent of the total number of loans issued to legal entities and individuals. More than half of all deposits placed in the banking system of our country were attracted by these credit institutions. Analysts have mixed assessments of the impact of such financial institutions on banking sector Russia. When the country's economy is experiencing a crisis, these structures are the first to receive financial support from the state, expressed in their lending under low percentage . Thus, these credit institutions are a reliable stronghold for enterprises with private capital, as well as for ordinary investors. Thanks to these banks, the state can pursue its policy aimed at reducing the level of interest rates on loans issued real sector

economy. They also help regulate mortgage prices. For residents of our country, such activities of these banks provide assistance in purchasing housing.

In the leading countries of the world, the influence of the state on the banking sector is insignificant. Most often, this influence is limited to the fact that it regulates the overall financial system of the country. The state also provides financial support to banks during times of economic crisis. The state participates as a shareholder in banking structures ah mostly in economics developing countries. Together with economic growth countries share states in authorized capitals credit institutions gradually decreases.

List of major banks with state participation
1. Sberbank
2. VTB
3. Gazprombank
4. VTB 24
5. Rosselkhozbank
6. Bank of Moscow
7. National Clearing Center
8. Khanty-Mansiysk Bank
10. Svyaz-Bank
11. Globex
12. SME Bank
13. Tatfondbank
14. Russian Capital
15. All-Russian Regional Development Bank
16. Eurofinance Mosnarbank
17. Krayinvestbank
18. Far Eastern Bank
19. Akibank
20. Almazergienbank
21. GPB-Mortgage Does not work with individuals
22. Moscow Mortgage Agency
23. Roseximbank
24. Ruskobank
25. MAK-Bank
26. Rus'
27. Bank of Kazan
28. Khakass Municipal Bank
29. Kuban Universal Bank
30. Naratbank
31. Russian National Commercial Bank
32. Gelendzhik-Bank
33. Postbank
34. Bashprombank
35. Vnesheconombank

When choosing a banking structure, and not only for receiving credit loan, but to open a deposit account, most clients limit themselves only to information about the popularity of the organization in the world and the state, and the scope of its advertising campaign. Others, more experienced and knowledgeable people, pay no less attention to such an indicator as the level of government influence on a particular institution.

After all, the participation of the state in the work of a private financial institution gives investors additional guarantees that in the event of bankruptcy or other problems, the organization will receive certain reorganizations from the state and their assets, as well as the assets of their clients will not be lost. Naturally, such enterprises have increased trust, both from outside large companies, investors and private individuals.

Today, the VTB group of companies is one of the largest Russian international financial associations with state participation. On par with countries former USSR The holding also covers many countries in Western Europe, Asia, and Africa. It has large subsidiaries in the following countries and states:

  • Great Britain;
  • Cyprus;
  • India;
  • Serbia;
  • Georgia;
  • Angola;
  • China;
  • Singapore;
  • United Arab Emirates.

In total, the group includes more than twenty different institutions that operate in all significant segments of the world financial market. VTB is not easy government agency, but also one of the most important systemically important enterprises influencing the financial life of the state.

Information about VTB in numbers

VTB is a universal commercial credit institution with state participation, in which 60.9% of the organization's assets are owned and controlled by the state. Today, the group of companies occupies a leading position among Russian banks in terms of authorized capital, and second place in terms of assets. Founded in 1990.

Mergers of VTB with other financial structures

The group of companies began its history immediately after the collapse of the USSR in 1990 as a state institution of foreign trade or Vneshtorgbank. The organization was founded in the form of a closed joint stock company, and was intended to carry out external economic government operations in Russia.

At the beginning of 1996, Vneshtorgbank acquired a controlling stake in the financial and credit organization JSCB Tula Regional Bank. Having received active development in 1998, it is transformed from closed to open Joint-Stock Company with the state share represented by the Central Bank of Russia at 96.8%. In 2004, it absorbs CJSC CB Guta-Bank, purchasing 85.51% of the latter's shares. In total, since 2005, Vneshtorgbank has acquired and added to its holding:

  • OJSC Industrial Construction Bank - 2005;
  • French state-owned Eurobank, which later becomes VTB Bank (France) - 2005;
  • British Moscow Narodny Bank – 2005;
  • German "Ost-West Handelsbank AG" - 2005;
  • Georgian “United Georgian Bank” - 2005;
  • Ukrainian National Bank“Mriya” - 2006 (in the same year Vneshtorgbank received the new name VTB, and Vneshtogrbank24 - VTB24);
  • Belarusian state financial and credit organization "Slavneftebank" - 2007;
  • Azerbaijani state "AF-Bank";
  • State Bank of Moscow - 2009;
  • OJSC TransCreditBank – 2012

List of major banks with state participation

Name of the organizationState share
PochtaBank50% + 1 share
Russian capital0.51

A state financial institution is considered to be one in which a controlling stake (more than 50 percent) belongs to a state structure, be it the Central Bank, the Federal Property Management Agency or simply a municipal body, a separate region or city.

Are you interested in the list of state-owned banks in Russia, which is valid for 2019? Here you can find full list financial organizations owned by our state.

Private and public banks: what is the difference?

On this moment All financial and credit organizations in our country are divided into two large categories - private and public. The second category includes those banks where the controlling stake belongs to the state, usually 50% and 1 share (this is the case with).

At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the bank was initially created by the state itself. On the contrary, very often there are cases when the Government decides to purchase a private bank if it is large, systemic and experiencing significant difficulties.

The purchase helps to “save a drowning man” - instead of revoking the license, a significant injection of money is made into the company, “healing” its economy, putting things in order. At the same time, 51% of the shares are transferred to the state company DIA. Thus, Russian state banks will be able to lose their license only in the most extreme cases.

In fact, in our country there is only one truly state bank - the Central Bank of Russia. All others have only state participation in their activities and assets.

Do not confuse state-owned banks and banks with state participation. In the second case, it is implied that the state has partial shares (from 15% to 49%), and the controlling stake is held by private or even foreign investors.

This type of ownership is typical for regional financial institutions that are controlled by the local administration or state-owned companies. The advantages are obvious - if an institution experiences difficulties, then in most cases it will be able to count on financial support and injections.

Deposit insurance system

Each banking organization operating on the territory of the Russian Federation takes part in the deposit insurance system, which is “managed” by state organization called ASV. It is the management of this institution that makes decisions about which bank should be checked for reliability, and if the license is revoked, then to whom all the assets and liabilities of the closed bank will pass.

In order to secure cash citizens of our country, the Government decided to increase insurance amount from 700,000 rubles to 1,400,000 rubles. It is within these limits that the compensation that you can be guaranteed to receive in the event that your bank closes is located.

What does it mean? Revocation of a license is an insured event. If you had no more than 100,000 rubles in your closed bank, you can get it back. Within 14 days from the date of revocation, the DIA will appoint a company that will be responsible for paying compensation to citizens.

Are all deposits insured? No, some deposit programs are not insurable, we talk about them.

Is that all financial companies, for example, cooperatives, insure their deposits with the state? Also no, because this payable service which must be paid quarterly. How to check whether the bank you have chosen is part of the deposit insurance system is described in detail in.

How to choose a bank to open a deposit or account?

If you decide to transfer part of your savings to a bank account or deposit, then you probably might have problems choosing a company to which you can entrust your savings. Indeed, today in the Russian Federation there are about, and judging by the advertising, each of them promises very profitable terms service.

Most Russians who choose a bank to apply for a loan or open a deposit pay attention not only to the conditions of the product itself, i.e. amounts and interest rates, but also to the program that provides them with these programs.

And this is really very important, because... namely work experience, length of service, financial indicators, as well as the participation of the state in the activities of the bank are points that are worth paying attention to.

And often, individuals and legal entities prefer to turn to state-owned companies, because they guarantee them the safety of their money. We'll bring it for you comparison table, which indicates the state’s share in a particular Russian company:

  1. — 100%,
  2. — 100%,
  3. RNKB Bank (Russian National Commercial Bank) - 100%,
  4. Roseximbank - 100%.
  5. All-Russian Regional Development Bank - 84.67%,
  6. VTB - 60.93%,
  7. — 64,222%,

February 2019

All banks on the territory of the Russian Federation are divided into two large groups: state and private organizations. This article will focus exclusively on banks with state participation.

Features of banks with state support

The main link in the entire banking structure of the Russian Federation is the Central Bank. Its task is to issue money and control all financial system in the country. Rest banking organizations engage in lending activities under the supervision of the Central Bank. Main Bank States have the right to prohibit or allow other financial organizations to operate in the country.

State banks are owned entirely or partially by the state. They can be divided into several main types:

  • banks that are wholly owned by the state;
  • banks in which a controlling stake is owned by the state (more than 50%);
  • banks whose blocking stake of shares belongs to government agencies(more than 25% shares);
  • banks that are owned indirectly by the state (through third-party structures).

With the help of its banking structures, the state performs a number of functions:

  1. Implementation government programs preferential lending.
  2. Formation of interest rates in the market.

List of state banks in Russia for 2019

The table below presents a structured list of banks with state participation.

Bank's name State share
1 Sberbank 50% owned by the Central Bank
2 VTB 60.93% owned by the Federal Property Management Agency
3 Gazprombank 46.02% owned by PJSC Gazprom
4 Rosselkhozbank
5 SME Bank 70.59% owned by Rosimushchestvo
6 BM-Bank part of the VTB group
7 Opening
8 National Bank"Trust" 99.9% owned by the Central Bank
9 Post Bank part of the VTB group
10 DOM.RF 100% owned by Rosimushchestvo
11 Russian National Commercial Bank (RNCB) 100% owned by Rosimushchestvo
12 Krayinvestbank 99.99% owned by RNKB
13 VEB.RF (formerly Vnesheconombank) state corporation
14 Svyaz-Bank 99.85% owned by VEB.RF
15 Globex absorbed by Svyaz-Bank
16 All-Russian Bank Regional Development (RRDB) control over the bank is exercised by the Rosneft company
17 Bank of Kazan controlled by the Kazan City Hall
18 AK Bars 88.499% belongs to the Republic of Tatarstan
19 Rus 48.6% belongs to the Orenburg region
20 Khakass Municipal Bank 31.56% belongs to the Committee municipal economy Administration of the city of Abakan
21 Roseximbank 100% owned by VEB.RF
22 Novikombank controlled by the Rostec state corporation
23 Eurofinance Mosnarbank 25% of shares are controlled by VTB, another 25% by Gazprombank
24 Almazergienbank 92.09% is controlled by the Ministry of Property and Land Relations of the Republic of Sakha
25 Moscow Mortgage Agency the bank is completely controlled by the Moscow Government
26 Promsvyazbank 99.99% owned by DIA

In the table you can see that BM-Bank is part of the VTB group, and VTB Bank belongs to the Federal Property Management Agency. Accordingly, all these banks belong to the state in one way or another.

Is it worth choosing a bank with state support?

To choose a bank for lending or investing own funds should be approached with maximum responsibility. Banks with state support are distinguished by a high level of reliability and attractive interest rates on loans.

Depositors who put their savings in a state bank can be sure that their deposits will be insured by the state. More information about the deposit insurance system can be found in

The crisis has traditionally hit the banking system, especially under sanctions, when ensuring stability is planned to be achieved by providing support to key organizations with the largest capitalization. 10 banks have been identified that the state will save through regular financial injections. Selected structures are classified as systemically important organizations that fall under the requirements of the Basel 3 rules. The Central Bank, taking into account new requirements and due to crisis phenomena, has determined a list of structures that can count on state support.


The financial institution has own capital in the amount of $33 billion and annually makes a profit of $520 million. The commercial structure provides services to representatives of medium and small businesses and cooperates with 3.5 million individuals. The bank has 180 branches throughout Russia and services 12 thousand ATMs. Having entered the list of 10 banks that the state will save, the organization received assistance in the amount of $9 billion.


It is one of the largest commercial banks in Russia and has an equity capital of $45 billion, earning a profit of $4 billion annually. The bank stands out for its developed network of branches and mainly operates in 51 regions, its position is especially strong in Bashkortostan, where social payment instruments are being introduced - “Electronic universal card" The organization takes part in the implementation of social programs:

  • "Education"
  • "Children of Russia"
  • "Health"
  • "Affordable and comfortable housing"

Finding itself on the list of 10 banks, the organization received $12 billion from the state.

8. Bank Russia

The structure has its own capital in the amount of $27 billion and annually makes a profit of $2 billion. The organization specializes in asset control in various economic areas. The Bank owns stakes in the following organizations:

  • "SOGAZ"
  • "First channel"
  • newspaper "Izvestia"
  • "Gazfond"

The organization is under US sanctions, which have frozen the assets of the structure under the jurisdiction of this country. International payment VISA systems, Mastercard does not service bank cards. Standard & Poor's assessed the structure's rating as negative - BB-/B. Taking into account the current situation, the financial organization was included in the list of 10 banks that will be rescued by the state due to the negative external background. The amount of assistance amounted to $13 billion.


The largest commercial Bank country, with a net worth of $215 billion and making a profit of $74 billion per year. The organization cooperates with individuals and legal entities and has 110 branches located in Russia, USA, UK, Cyprus. A group of credit institutions with the same name operating in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus has been created. Finding itself on the list of 10 banks that will receive government support, the financial structure received $62.8 billion.


Finding itself among the 10 banks that will be rescued by the state, Raiffeisenbank has authorized capital in the amount of 36 trillion. $ and has high reliability ratings in all categories:

  • stability bbb-;
  • deposit rating in rubles on the national scale - Aa2;
  • short-term rating in foreign currency - F3.

Despite this, the organization received a negative long-term deposit rating, both in rubles and in foreign currency - Ba2, received the same rating credit risk. Russians are recommended to make deposits in rubles, since on the national scale the long-term rating is rated as AAA with a stable outlook. The bank was included in the additional capitalization program, but has not yet made a decision on participating in it.


Promsvyazbank, part of the Promsvyaz Capital B.V. community, is quite modest, but quite considered. Volume of own funds financial organization reaches $125 billion. The organization cooperates with 100,000 domestic enterprises and serves 2,000,000 private clients. The amount of assistance has not been established at this time. Being included in the list of 10 banks that the state will rescue, the structure has sufficient assets and will receive assistance in the event of a risk of crisis development.

4. Bank Otkritie

A general retailer with $18 billion in equity and $6 billion in annual profits. The organization sponsors the activities of social projects “Good Deeds”, “Vera” and cooperates with the football club “Spartak” Moscow. The bank is part of the Otkritie group, which has a fully functional financial structure with assets in the amount of 2 trillion. $. The bank will receive $65 billion from the state.


The organization is government-owned and has a net worth of $218 billion, with assets worth $2 billion. Loan portfolio structure is 1 trillion. $270 billion. The bank issues loans to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses and takes a leading position in lending to the agricultural and industrial complex. Since 2008, total amount issued loans amounted to 2.3 trillion. $. Finding itself among the 10 banks that the state plans to rescue first, the organization received assistance in the amount of $69 billion.


One of the key organizations is Gazprombank, included in the list of 10 banks that will be rescued by the state, thanks to high level capitalization equal to $272 billion. Annual profits are $34 billion and assets exceed $3 trillion. $. The bank operates in the gas industry and cooperates with individuals and legal entities. The organization sponsors the construction of the largest projects in the country:

  • "Blue Stream"
  • "Yamal-Europe"
  • "The Power of Siberia"

Size state support is $125 billion.

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