Showing the apartment to the buyer. Proper viewing of an apartment is a demonstration of How to control the work of a realtor; manual for an apartment seller

Before starting showing the apartment, it is important to decide whether we will show it to everyone or not to everyone. I am for selling an apartment with a minimum number of showings!

And not because time is a pity. But because each showing strengthens your confidence that your apartment is in high demand, and it doesn’t matter that most of the tourists who come simply do not have money. And false illusions are a serious thing.

And the second point: every show is an invasion of privacy, because... people often live in apartments for sale.

The main thing you need to understand when showing an apartment is You are not showing YOUR apartment, but the BUYER’S FUTURE APARTMENT! This means that instead of saying “from this window I like to look at the sunset,” it is better to say “from this window YOU will like to look at the sunset.” Lyrics, of course, but I hope the meaning is clear.

It is important that the Buyer felt how HE lives in this apartment. “Felt” is the key word. Often people make decisions based on emotions rather than logical conclusions.

How do you think buyers explain their decision to buy this or that apartment? Not at all because the price per meter is the lowest, or that the price/quality ratio is optimal, but because “I walked into the apartment and realized – this is MINE”.

How can you help the buyer mentally “live” in your apartment for now?

Firstly, this is the same “depersonalization” that I wrote about in pre-sale preparation. That is, it is necessary to free the room from personal belongings as much as possible.

Secondly, the room must be cleared of people. It is best to have your agent show the apartment. If there is none, then one (!) adult family member. Send the rest of the household to get some fresh air. If there are animals in the house, put them there too.

During the show, do not present too much text - you may blurt out too much. (We don’t have cockroaches - we just poisoned them). But don’t be silent like a fish. Answer the questions, pay attention to those advantages of the apartment that are not obvious. For example, that your double-glazed windows are not simple, but “breathable”.

I got ahead of myself a little here, missing one important thing:

You never get a second opportunity to make a good first impression, so start with the entryway and staircase - this is the first thing a buyer evaluates. If necessary, sweep and wash it, clean or remove the rug completely, replace burnt out light bulbs, tidy up the front door. Don't forget to remove bottles from the windowsill.

Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything! It is unlikely that you will be able to disperse the homeless people hanging out at the entrance to the entrance, since I suspect that they deeply care about your concerns. Unless you are two meters tall and about a hundred and twenty kilograms.

Once I was selling an apartment at a good price, in a good location. There were a lot of showings, but for some reason it still didn’t sell. And so I bring customers there (for the twentieth time), and a drunk man is sleeping on a bench at the entrance. Well, I think I'll be wasting my time again. And what do you think? It was these buyers who bought that apartment. So, personally, drunks on benches don’t bother me anymore.

One more nuance:

Don't force your customers to take off their shoes. Suddenly a person has a sock with a hole. And simply put, it’s time to quit with the scoop. It’s especially touching when gentlemen sellers thrust their slippers (worn and dirty) into buyers’ hands. You are our caring people! It’s better to be barefoot, and even better – not to walk at all. If you are really worried about the cleanliness of your laminate flooring, place a rug and a damp cloth at the entrance and invite guests to wipe their shoes on them.

And finally, respect to non-standard solutions! About five years ago I sold an expensive new building in the center. We sold out from one show, which I still remember. Shown at night, i.e. in the evening, but since it was winter, it was dark at night. There was no light in the apartment (it is new, unfinished and without light bulbs). The seller came to the showing with a candle(I couldn’t find a flashlight)! Everything went well: we walked around the mansions with that candle, the lights of the city at night outside the windows... In general, the buyers liked the apartment, and they ended up buying it. Of course, we watched it again during the day, but the first impression is difficult to beat.

Note: if the seller had come with a flashlight that time, things could have turned out completely differently. I didn’t understand it then, I just noticed the unusualness of the candle. And the trick is that in the light of a lantern, especially a bright one, all the flaws in the concrete wall become hypertrophied. That's it.

More than that, that's it.

Mostly people look at apartments after work, tired and hungry. Remember this and try not to bother your guests with your problems. Create a cozy and comfortable environment and be optimistic and friendly.

Have a nice and successful showing!

One careless word from the seller can ruin the impression of the best apartment and ruin the deal. We have collected typical mistakes things to avoid when showing an apartment to a potential buyer

Mistake 1. Persuasion

Nobody likes intrusiveness and excessive pressure from the seller. Therefore, during the showing, it is better to limit yourself to talking about the characteristics of the apartment and answering questions from potential buyers. At the same time, you should not openly praise your property: the seller’s excessive enthusiasm usually suggests his dishonesty. Professional realtors advise being completely silent during the showing: any careless word may seem rude, vulgar or tactless to the client, or simply be misinterpreted and ruin the entire impression of the apartment.

Mistake 2. Asking unnecessary questions

The apartment showing stage is the stage at which you answer questions. If the buyer shows real interest in the apartment and expresses a desire to conclude a deal, then it’s time for you to take an interest in his legal and financial viability. Until this moment has come, asking whether the potential buyer has money, where he got it from and how he can confirm its presence is extremely inappropriate. Some may simply be offended by such a question, while others may find it suspicious: they say, if the seller does not trust the buyer, it means that he himself is in trouble.

Mistake 3. Creating too much comfort

An apartment prepared for sale or rent must be a “clean slate” - tabula rasa. That is, even if someone lives in it at the time of the show, the interior should be as impersonal as possible. No decor, bright spots or flashy colors. A potential client's taste may be very different from yours, and what you think creates a feeling of coziness and warmth may seem off-putting to buyers. For example, some colors of furniture upholstery and carpets visually “age” the apartment, and an excessive number of small furniture - chairs, bedside tables, cabinets, etc. - clutter and reduce the living space.

Mistake 4. Mess, things in the aisle

It goes without saying that before showing your apartment, you should put it in perfect order. In addition, take care to free up the passages and at least the central part of the rooms and kitchen as much as possible. Remove shoes, toys, boxes, building materials from the floor (if the apartment is being shown at the stage of renovation) - in general, everything that will distract the attention of buyers and that they can simply trip over. It is also worth ensuring free access to windows and radiators.

Mistake 5. Poor lighting

Remember: poorly lit and especially dark rooms always look extremely uncomfortable and unattractive. This means that poor lighting - and even more so the absence of it - can turn any, even the most well-planned and spacious apartment into a closet. If you are selling an apartment without renovation, ensure good lighting in every room, right down to the corridors and, of course, the bathroom. And you shouldn’t rely on large windows and white ceilings: it’s not at all a fact that potential buyers will want to inspect the apartment during the daylight hours.

Mistake 6. Wrong smell

Strong smells of food, tobacco and even perfume can spoil the impression of viewing an apartment, so before showing the seller it is better not to overdo it with perfume, not to smoke or indulge in food flavored with onions and garlic. If you are showing the apartment you live in, be sure to ventilate it before the buyer arrives: you may not feel the smells you are used to, but the “person on the street” may find them repulsive. Aerobatics is to fill the apartment with the aromas of freshly ground coffee, bread or vanilla. They create a feeling of comfort for guests and encourage them to buy.

Mistake 7. Meeting the tenants

The fewer people in the apartment during the showing, the better. If the apartment is residential, all residents may well go somewhere for those 15–30 minutes during which the apartment will be inspected. If one of your household members is still present at the show, let him not participate in it; that is, there should be one “host” for the event. If it happens that your entire family is at home during the showing, under no circumstances try to play the hospitable host and introduce all your relatives to potential buyers. Excessive hospitality may seem intrusive and will simply put people in an uncomfortable position.

Mistake 8. Not knowing your apartment and your area

It is impossible to predict absolutely all the questions that potential buyers may have. Realtors say that some clients are even interested in the level of radiation in the house or the exact distance to the nearest bike paths. However, if the seller and buyer like each other, you can answer such exotic questions later, explaining that you don’t know this, you weren’t interested in it before, but be sure to find out and tell the buyers.

All the preliminary work done to prepare an apartment for sale: searching for a suitable property, negotiating with the owner, collecting a package of documents - may not lead to the expected result if you fail to properly organize the showing of the apartment. Of course, sooner or later any object is sold. But every realtor is interested in selling an apartment for minimum number impressions and focus on other objects. How to organize a property showing so that it is carried out as efficiently as possible?

Any home buyer, before making a purchase, wants to look at several options in order to choose the apartment that is right for him. You can simply show the calling buyer the option that he saw in the ad, and if the apartment does not suit him, politely say goodbye, wishing him further success.

It is better, of course, to make a selection of several apartment options that meet the basic parameters. Show the entire list to the client and then tour all these apartments with him. How long will it take? One day, or two...

There is a third option. Meet with the buyer in advance in the office or maybe in a cafe, and show him all the objects that meet the client’s basic requirements. Moreover, this can be done without leaving the office or cafe. How to do it? It’s very simple if you have a computer, tablet or smartphone to which the service is connected ReCRM. What does he give to the realtor?

The service allows you to create a unified information space among agency employees and create a centralized database. If the agency has enough for sale a large number of objects, it is quite difficult to retain information about all objects in your head, especially since different options can be assigned to different realtors. Having a CRM system, it is enough to enter the parameters voiced by the buyer, and the search engine will return all available options that meet the entered criteria: total area, kitchen footage, number of rooms, layout, floor. The client has chosen the appropriate option, which means the display can begin.

With ReCRM you can carry out virtual show any object without leaving the room, because the system contains the maximum full information about each object. Where do we start? From the location of the house. On the map you can see not only the house you are interested in, but also see what infrastructure facilities are nearby.

Next, you need to inspect the courtyard area. It is very important what is in the courtyard of the house, especially if the client has children: a park, a playground, or garages with a vacant lot. Assess the condition of the yard, as well as appearance at home, you can on street panoramas.

Fits? You can go up to the apartment. The state of repair, the view from the window - all this can also be see in the photo.

Of the several proposed options, was there one that interested the buyer? This means that now you can call the seller, arrange a meeting and conduct a real showing of the apartment. Before leaving for the showing, do not forget to grab the apartment showing certificate, which ReCRM generates automatically.

Your continued success depends on how professionally you can conduct traditional apartment showings. And here it would be useful to recall a few rules for successful display:

  1. Before bringing buyers, inspect the apartment yourself in advance, meet the owner and instruct him on the inspection procedure. Also make sure that the apartment is in order.
  2. A modern buyer comes to an inspection, as a rule, prepared, having obtained information not only from friends, but also from the Internet. Therefore, be prepared for questions, think in advance about what might interest the client, and prepare answers.
  3. A married couple comes for an examination - try to determine who makes the decision. Next, pay more attention to communicating with him. If it is a woman, emphasize benefits such as convenient layout, spacious kitchen, supermarket around the corner. If you are a man, talk about the quality of the repairs, the condition of the plumbing, and convenient parking in the yard. Unable to find out who the authority is? You'll have to charm both.
  4. If there is an obvious flaw in the apartment, you should not try to “not notice” it. It’s better to draw the buyer’s attention to it yourself, but then balance it with an advantage. For example: “Yes, the apartment has old plumbing. But this is not difficult to fix. But what a spacious bedroom, and a playground for your kids - right under the windows!” This will only build trust in you.
  5. The window offers a gorgeous view - bring the buyer to the window. If there are trash cans there, try to inspect them in the evening. The right timing can sometimes make all the difference. So, if the apartment is dark, you should not bring buyers during the day. Schedule the showing for the evening and make sure the owners turn in bright light bulbs.
  6. Try to present the owners in a “pleasant light” as well. If an alcoholic or a sick person lives in the apartment, agree, if possible, of course, for them to leave the apartment when the buyers arrive. This also applies to pets.
  7. Have a tape measure with you. Sometimes a buyer wants to measure whether his furniture will fit in his new apartment.
  8. Don't leave the buyer and seller alone. After all, they can negotiate the deal without you.
  9. Remember that if for some reason the buyer does not trust you, then it will be extremely difficult to sell him anything. Therefore, if you are meeting a client for the first time, then first of all you need to establish good emotional contact with him. How to do it? Ask him questions: how he got there, how easy it was to find the house, how he likes the area. By doing this, you not only show attention and politeness, you establish a trusting relationship with him, which, during communication, will help you get more information about what criteria for choosing an apartment are decisive for the buyer.

What if the presented apartment did not suit him according to some key parameters for the buyer?

Now you already know all the client’s requirements and preferences, down to which side of the world the apartment’s windows should face. All the client’s wishes and his reaction to the display are recorded in CRM system and are used in further work.

Do you have a new offer for a client that best suits his wishes?

Before scheduling a personal meeting, you are literally just a few clicks away send to the client by e-mail presentation of the object with all characteristics and photos, so that he can calmly study and decide whether or not to go to the site. After all, if you don’t offer your client a suitable option in your agency in a timely manner, he will find it in another.

Application systemsReCRM allows the real estate agency to use its main resource - human - much more productively. The labor costs required for a realtor to go to show a property are reduced by 60%. He can use the freed up time to communicate with clients or to search for new objects.

The main stages in the sale of an apartment, not counting the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement, are searching for a buyer and showing an apartment. Without careful preparation for them, there can be no talk of concluding any agreement on the sale of property. Today the easiest way for a buyer to buy an apartment is on the Internet or you can use the “classical” methods of searching for it, for example, place an ad in the newspaper or others

In addition to independent methods of searching for a buyer, you can resort to To. Although they work for a fee, calculated as a certain percentage of the completed transaction, this will save their own effort and time.

Do not forget that selling an apartment, like any other real estate, anyway associated with.

How to look for buyers when selling an apartment?

The higher the price of the property being sold, the more difficult it is to find a buyer. The apartment definitely belongs to the category expensive property and that is why you need to look for a buyer exclusively among people who have the funds to buy a home, as well as a specific desire to acquire a home. Due to the large number of Internet resources, as well as professional firms providing advertising or real estate services, the choice of how to find a buyer and the possibility of selling an apartment are quite high.

Worth highlighting two main sales method:

  • without intermediaries (on your own);
  • with the participation of intermediaries (with the help of a realtor, etc.).

You can sell an apartment using both the first and second methods. It depends from many factors, such as:

  • economic situation in the country (crisis);
  • the situation on the real estate market in a particular region;
  • the object of sale itself (cost, location, etc.);
  • seasonal variations.

It is also worth considering that in many regions of the country there are different government programs aimed at helping certain categories of citizens purchase housing (young families, young specialists in rural areas etc.).

Such programs are carried out by providing subsidies from federal budget, of which the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide citizens with social payments for the purchase of housing.

Therefore, when receiving such subsidies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it may demand for housing will increase, since such cash are targeted, that is, they can only be spent on purchasing housing.

Without intermediaries

Selling an apartment yourself involves a minimum of financial costs and a maximum of your own efforts. In order to find a buyer for an apartment without intermediaries, you need actively advertise your real estate. This can be done in several ways:

  • posting an advertisement on the Internet;
  • posting advertisements in specially designated places;
  • submitting advertisements to special printed publications, advertising on local television, radio, etc.

Most Popular The current way is to post an ad on the Internet.

Several specialize in the purchase and sale of real estate popular sites, for example, “Avito”, “Domofond”, “From Hand to Hand” and some others.

In order to buyer noticed advertisement, when posted on the website, you must attach several photographs of the apartment for sale (including the yard, house). Information about housing characteristics should be brief, but fully reflecting all the main parameters. There is no need to add unnecessary information to your ad.

Search for a buyer by a realtor

Finding a buyer with the help of a realtor most expensive method sale of real estate, but at the same time expending the least amount of own effort. Real estate companies on modern market there is quite a lot of real estate. On the Internet you can read reviews for each similar company, choose the most popular and the one that inspires confidence. In this case, the seller needs to enter into an agreement with the realtor, after which he will begin searching for buyers.

Agreements with realtors are mainly divided into two types:

  • agreement for the provision of real estate services (in particular, agency contract to find a buyer);
  • contract of agency (Article 971 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

An agreement for the provision of real estate services is a “classic” agreement, which specifies specific responsibilities realtor to find a buyer for the property being sold. The agency agreement seems to have somewhat broader powers: the seller transfers to the realtor the right to make certain legal actions. Each contract is negotiated separately, modified in accordance with the rules of the company and the wishes of clients, since there are no uniform rules for such contracts in Russian legislation No.

If you select any of the above options, you must study the text carefully of the contract, not to allow violations of one’s own rights, to be attentive to all footnotes written in small print and to other exceptions and amendments to the contract.

How to show an apartment to buyers

Before showing the apartment, buyers must complete its pre-sale preparation. First of all, you need to put the apartment in order, it should be clean. The seller should also take measures to eliminate unpleasant or pungent odors in the apartment, if any. If possible there should be personal belongings removed, for example, family photos, various postcards, certificates, so as not to once again remind the potential buyer that he is on foreign territory. Easy redecorating It will also be beneficial; it is also worth fixing small parts in the apartment, for example, a door handle or a dripping faucet in the bathroom.

To objectively assess the readiness of the apartment to receive buyers, you can invite a friend or colleague to appreciated the appearance apartments with a “fresh look”.

It is worth noting that it is better to show the apartment to every potential buyer separately. We must try to find everyone individual approach, do not bother with a description of the characteristics of the apartment during the inspection, let the buyer independently look around and evaluate the housing. It is necessary to answer all questions and point out the advantages of the home being sold. It is better not to set a time for buyers to inspect the apartment “back to back”, so that this does not confuse buyers, force them to wait or leave the apartment earlier than planned.

Showing an apartment by a realtor

To successfully show an apartment to a realtor, you need to tell him everything you need information about the apartment. You should not hide the shortcomings and disadvantages of the apartment. Better inform immediately about them to the realtor, and he will decide exactly how to show the pros and cons of the apartment without spoiling the overall presentation.

In addition, it is advisable to inform the realtor about features of the area, in which the implementable object is located (if it is not already familiar with them).

The emphasis should be on transport interchanges, schools, shopping centers, etc., located near the apartment.

If an apartment inspection is carried out jointly by seller and realtor, it’s better not to interfere with a professional doing his job, however correct if necessary. It is also necessary to listen and, if possible, follow the recommendations of the realtor by inviting him to preliminary inspection apartments without potential clients. It’s easier for a professional in this field identify flaws and positive aspects of the object being implemented. Showing an apartment by a realtor does not cancel the preparation of the apartment by the seller for its showing.

Agreement for the provision of services for showing apartments

Many real estate sellers resort to the services of a realtor not only to find potential buyers, but also to don't waste time to show the apartment to everyone. For such purposes, it is compiled separate agreement for the provision of apartment showing services. In this case, the realtor is given a duplicate of the keys and the right to show the property being sold to clients. Usually, for this additional service you need to pay extra, but sometimes it is more profitable than getting to the apartment for sale.

Between Skoptsov L.A. and the Dom-N law firm entered into an agreement for the provision of services for showing the apartment sold by Skoptsov. This agreement was additional to the main agreement for the provision of real estate services. Having indicated the cost of the service in the contract, a specific person (realtor) from the law firm, the parties came to an agreement and Skoptsov handed over a duplicate of the keys to the apartment for the firm to show the home to buyers. After two weeks of showing the property by the realtor, a buyer was found, with whom Skoptsov entered into a purchase and sale agreement.

Agreements of this kind are normal practice, especially when the property being sold is located quite far from the seller’s place of residence.

Power of attorney to show an apartment

Usually a power of attorney for showing an apartment separately not issued, but is included in the general “package” of trusted actions. Thus, you can entrust the realtor with the conclusion sales agreement, collection of documents, representation of interests in government agencies and so on. It is worth noting that such a power of attorney must be certified only notary.

A power of attorney certified by a lawyer of a firm providing real estate services will not have legal force.

Therefore, in practice, contracts for showing an apartment separately from other realtor services are more common, while a power of attorney for the provision of the same service is included V general list services(conclusion of an agreement, representation of interests in government bodies).

How to bargain when selling an apartment

When submitting an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, it is best to proceed from the fact that the price of the property being sold must include some amount for bargaining. This amount should be small, and such a slight overstatement is much better than mentioning the word “bargaining” in the advertising text. Also, don't negotiate apartment price reduction by phone. It is best to organize a meeting, inspect the apartment, and discuss the size of the discount on the spot.

It is worth reducing the declared price of a home only if significant shortcomings apartments.

In addition, in order to sell an apartment faster, it is necessary compromise with the buyer, because he somehow wants to purchase the property at the lowest price, so sometimes you need to slightly reduce the previously set price. Initially, you need to be prepared to reduce the price, so for these purposes it is possible to initially increase the cost of the apartment when submitting an ad.


The first step towards selling an apartment is to find a buyer who is ready to purchase such a property. The simplest and most inexpensive way is to place an advertisement for the sale of real estate. in the Internet. If the waste of personal time and effort is unacceptable, then you can resort to the help of intermediaries who, for an agreed fee will search potential clients-buyers.

The second step on this path is demonstration homes sold to buyers. This stage cannot be avoided; you need to carefully prepare for it - you need to bring the apartment into "marketable condition. For this purpose it may be necessary to implement financial expenses, because even light cosmetic repairs have their price. However, it is worth noting that creating a pleasant appearance of such property significantly increases the possibility of its implementation.

Also, do not forget that it is not necessary to show the apartment yourself, since such a matter can be entrusted to a professional intermediary on the basis of a concluded agreement. In addition, you need to be prepared to a possible “bargain” in the process of selling an apartment.


Should I contact a realtor to sell an apartment?

I am planning to sell my apartment. Is it possible today to implement it on your own without contacting a realtor? What needs to be done for this and where are the best platforms for selling real estate?

Today, an apartment can be sold either independently or with the help of realtors. Modern means of communication allow you to place your ad on the Internet, where there are several popular sites (such as Avito, Domofond). Ads are posted on them for free, they also have the ability to edit them after publication, as well as a convenient questionnaire to fill out. If showing the apartment to potential buyers is not difficult, then at this stage of selling the apartment you can do without the help of a realtor.

However, in this case, it is necessary to adequately approach both the cost and the characteristics of your apartment, and avoid overestimating or underestimating the price and making other mistakes.


We confidently confirm over the phone that we are the owners and sellers of the apartment rolled into one, and politely invite you to look at our apartment.

Needless to say, we first, of course, “made a mess” in the apartment, that is, we spent it pre-sale preparation (For more information about it, see the video in the “Video” section). At a minimum, they did some general cleaning ( including window cleaning); at the most - easy, inexpensive cosmetic repairs.

Now we need to sketch out a small plan - how to show an apartment correctly To the buyer, so that he has a favorable impression. True, we need to be prepared for the fact that realtors may also come to us under the guise of a potential Buyer to take advantage of the opportunity and try to sell their services.

The process of showing an apartment when selling it cannot be underestimated. After all, everyone knows that a good deal depends not only on the product itself, but also on sales skills .

♦ Speaking of “selling skills” ♦

In other words, in addition to the quality of the apartment itself during the sales process ( showing) has the meaning our behavior .

How to show an apartment to Buyers?

Standing in the corner and gnawing on seeds, leaving the Buyer to inspect everything himself is not best strategy. Today we are working tour guide , and our task is to arrange a mini-show for the Buyer, as professional realtors do. Imagine that you are buying this apartment together with him, only you have already made a decision to buy, and he still has doubts. Dispel his doubts, explain to him why this particular apartment is good, and why it is better to take it. Step aside and, as they say in Odessa, let the Buyer calmly make his own opinion.

Small price concession - personal discount for the Buyer - at the end of the show, it can be very useful.

Give the Buyer a sincere compliment - this always helps in negotiations and puts the interlocutor in the right mood.

The main thing is without fanaticism! If we constantly buzz in the Buyer’s ear, praising our apartment and lavishing pleasantries, we risk having the opposite effect. Everything should be in moderation.

♦ Speaking of emotions when selling an apartment ♦

If you are not a born showman and do not have hypnosis skills, then it is better to prepare for your “performance” in advance. Let's choose several positive characteristics of our apartment, which are not immediately visible upon a quick inspection. For example, we have new copper wiring in our apartment, or we have heated floors in the kitchen. We will inform the Buyer about this during the “tour”. Good heating, excellent sound insulation will also add pluses to his piggy bank.

If we have nothing to boast about in terms of repairs, then we can find external factors, playing in our favor . For example, we have a clean and quiet courtyard in front of the house, an always well-kept entrance, wonderful, intelligent neighbors, etc.

If any famous people or “big and respected people” live in your house, use this as a plus. For example, in passing you may notice that “the presenter of the ORT TV channel lives two floors above us,” or “Gazprom’s people bought three apartments at once in the next entrance.” Such notes act like advertisements with recognizable faces.

In addition, when showing the apartment to the Buyer, it is better to take into account some nuances in advance that will help us in the sale. What is it about? Read below.

What nuances need to be taken into account when showing an apartment?

Show time (if there is such a possibility) can also be turned to your advantage. It was noticed that in the morning ( or at least in the morning) people are calmer and more receptive to positive things. They have not yet been stressed at work, they are not tired, daytime stress big city has not yet imprinted itself on their mood.

If we managed to agree on a showing for the morning, try to create a good mood for the Buyer for the whole day. This positive background will be linked to our apartment.

weather You can also use it to your advantage. Let's look at the forecast: a gloomy gray sky, rain and slush will clearly not add glamor to us. But it would not be a shame to show the sun and blue sky from the window of our apartment. All this will also be deposited in the “subcortex” of the Buyer.

View from the windows our apartment can play for us or against us, depending on what kind of species it is. If the view from the window pleases the eye, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. We open the curtains wider and lead the Buyer to the window ( outside the window, of course, it’s day and good weather). If the view from the windows depresses us, then we should not complain about this to the Buyer - we close the curtains ( It’s still evening outside the window and you can see little), and focus his attention on something else.

Furniture and things in an apartment it is better to minimize them so that they do not leave the impression of a cramped space. We throw away excess trash or donate it to neighbors. Spaciousness in the hallway and rooms always leaves a better impression than cluttered passages and rooms crammed with furniture.

Lighting indoors largely determines emotional effect From him. A dim light bulb under the ceiling, gray windows and dark corners will make even a comedian sad. Our task is to do just the opposite. If it’s sunny outside, we open the curtains completely; if it’s cloudy or evening, we turn on all the lights that we have in the apartment. Maybe we’ll even buy a couple of additional lamps or a new chandelier for these purposes.

Smell in the apartment could really hinder us ( if we don't take care of it), or help ( if we take care).

If we recently fried fish, smoked in the kitchen, cuddled the dog, didn’t clean up after the cat, and the stacks of sneakers and shoes in our hallway exude a delicate sweaty aroma - then the Buyer’s only desire when inspecting the apartment will be to look for a way out.

All these little things help to show the apartment at its best and leave a good emotional impression from the Buyer. And emotions play an important role in sales.

The essence is many small but positive factors make up one big positive picture of perception.

VIDEO: How to show an apartment to a Buyer

What questions do Buyers ask when viewing an apartment?

Buyers, as a rule, are also not silent during the inspection, but ask questions. Moreover, they are interested not only in the technical details of the apartment, but also in the terms of a possible transaction. Our answers to these questions will largely influence the final decision to purchase an apartment. We need to be prepared for such questions in advance, so that right moment do not begin to mumble, stutter and “get confused in the testimony”, giving the Buyer the impression that “ something is wrong here, something is getting dark, I better get out of here».

Typical questions from a Buyer when inspecting an apartment usually boil down to the following:

  • “How much is opium for the people?”
    - This question is rhetorical, it is not necessary to answer it.
  • Who is the owner of the apartment, how many owners are there, which of them are married, are there any among them?
    — Questions relate to obtaining permission from the Guardianship and Trusteeship Authorities;
  • Who ? Is it possible to check out before the transaction?
    — Obviously, a “legally free” apartment is more liquid, i.e. sells faster;
  • How long have you owned the apartment? More than three years?
    — The question may concern both and (the likelihood of challenging rights from previous owners is assessed);
  • Which ones do we have?
    — The question is whether we have it in our hands, and on the basis of what it was received - privatization, purchase and sale, donation, inheritance, court decision, etc.;
  • Is this a “net sale” or?
    — The question is whether a “chain” of apartments will be built, or whether we simply receive money without buying anything in return.
  • How quickly are we ready to collect the missing documents, and when will we be ready to enter into a deal?
    — Depends on the composition of the package of documents for this transaction and on the Buyer’s requirements for additional confirmation certificates (for example,).
  • How do we plan to receive money, and on what terms?
    It's about o (cash, non-cash, moment of receiving money, etc.).
  • What amount and under what conditions will suit us?
    — The amount, period, terms of return, and the document/agreement under which the prepayment will be transferred are discussed (more on this in the next step).
  • Is bargaining possible?
    — A categorical refusal to bargain can be justified for us only in the case of a clear increase in prices on the market, when the price of an apartment tomorrow is higher than today. In other cases, it is more prudent to make it clear to the Buyer that “everything in this life is possible, but within reasonable limits.”

Practice clearly proves that it is better to “sweat” when preparing a deal, and not have problems during the deal itself, than to prepare “carelessly” and end up with a lot of stress and scandal during signing, which often ends in the collapse of the deal itself and mutual accusations of the parties.

By preparing answers to these questions in advance, we will, firstly, remove many of the Buyer’s doubts, and secondly, we ourselves will better understand the composition and structure of the transaction.

So, having led people around our domains, and having practiced the methods effective sales, we have finally found our Buyer. They confidently patted him on the shoulder, shaking off any remaining doubts, and patted his cheek encouragingly. Now we need to secure this matter with an advance payment.

How it's done? Now we'll find out.